Muhammad Rashid Usman, PHD
Muhammad Rashid Usman, PHD
Muhammad Rashid Usman, PHD
Assistant Professor
Department of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering
Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat 123, Sultanate of Oman
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1. Usman, M.R. 2017. Short Handbook of Mathematical Formulas for Chemical Engineers. Creatspace.
2. Usman, M.R. 2015. Comprehensive Dictionary of Chemical Engineering. Lulu Publishing (576
3. Usman, M.R.; Aslam, R.; Saleem, M. 2015. Chemical Engineering Terminology. Revised Ed. Lulu
Publishing (543 pages).
4. Usman, M.R.; Aslam, R.; Saleem, M. 2013. Chemical Engineering Terminology. Lulu Publishing
(536 pages).
Journal Publications
1. Irfan, M.F.; Usman, M.R.; Rashid, A. 2018. A Detailed Study of Heterogeneous, Homogeneous and
Nuucleation Models for Dissolution of Waste Concrete Sample for Mineral Carbonation. Energy.
158, 580‒591.
2. Chawla, M.; Rafiq, S.; Jamil, F.; Usman, M.R.; Khurram, S.; Ghauri, M.; Muhammad, N.; Muhtaseb,
A.H.; Aslam, M. 2018. Hydrocarbons Fuel Upgradation in the Presence of Modified Bi-functional
Catalyst. J. Clean. Prod. 198, 683‒692.
3. Munir, D.; Irfan, M.F.; Usman, M.R. 2018. Hydrocracking of Virgin and Waste Plastics: A Detailed
Review. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 90, 490‒515.
4. Munir, D.; Abdullah; Piepenbreier, F.; Usman, M.R. 2017. Hydrocracking of a Plastic Mixture over
Various Micro-Mesoporous Composite Zeolites. Powder Tech. 316, 542‒550.
5. Khawaja, S.Y.; Usman, M.R.; Nasif, M.; Akram, M.S.; Afzal, W.; Akhtar, N.A. 2017. Mass Transfer
Efficiency of a Tall and Low Plate Free Area Liquid Pulsed Sieve-Plate Extraction Column. Int. J.
Ind. Chem. (Published Online).
6. Shahid, M.Z.; Usman, M.R.; Akram, M.S.; Khawaja, S.Y.; Afzal, W. 2017. Interfacial Tension for
Various Organic-Water Systems and Study of the Effect of Solute Concentration and Temperature. J.
Chem. Eng. Data. 62, 1198‒1203.
7. Ghouri, A.S.; Usman, M.R. 2017. Synthesis of Zeolite-Zeolite (MFI-FAU) Composite Catalysts for
the Isomerization of n-Hexane. J. Chem. Soc. Pakistan 39, 919‒933.
8. Munir, D.; Usman, M.R. 2016. Synthesis and Characterization of Mesoporous Hydrocracking
Catalysts. IOP Conf. Series: Mat. Sci. Eng. 146, 1‒7.
9. Usman, M.R.; Alotaibi, F.M. 2016. Unified Kinetics of n-Heptane Hydroisomerization over Various
Pt/Zeolite Catalysts. Prog. React. Kinet. Mec. 41, 177‒192.
10. Aslam, R.; Usman, M.R.; Irfan, M.F. 2016. A Comparative Study of LHHW and ER kinetic models
for NO Oxidation over Co3O4 Catalyst. J. Environ. Chem. Eng. 4, 2871‒2877.
11. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D. 2015. Prototype Reactor Simulation for On-board Use of Hydrogen in a
Hybrid MTH (Methylcyclohexane-Toluene-Hydrogen)-Gasoline System and a Simplified Dynamic
Modeling for the Startup. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 104, 125‒138.
12. Ahmad, M.; Amin, A.; Abdullah; Akram, M.S.; Usman, M.R. 2015. Characterization and
Rheological Behavior of Various Pakistani Crude Oils. Braz. J. Pet. Gas. 9, 85‒94.
13. Usman, M.R.; Alotaibi, F.M.; Aslam, R. 2015. Dehydrogenation-Hydrogenation of
Methylcyclohexane-Toluene System on 1.0wt% Pt/Zeolite Beta Catalyst. Prog. React. Kinet. Mec.
40, 353‒366.
14. Akram, M.S.; Munir, D.; Usman, M.R. 2014. Associative Adsorption Kinetics: A Novel Kinetic
Model for the Dehydrogenation of Methylcyclohexane. Prog. React. Kinet. Mec. 39, 404‒417.
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15. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D.L.; Garforth, A.A. 2014. Mathematical Modeling of a Laboratory
Methylcyclohexane Dehydrogenation Reactor and Estimation of Radial Thermal Conductivities and
Wall Heat Transfer Coefficients. Chem. Eng. Comm. 201, 1240‒1258.
16. Usman, M.R.; Aslam, R. 2014. The Dehydrogenation of Methylcyclohexane for On-board Hydrogen
Use: Initial Rate Kinetics over 1.0 Wt% Pt/-Al2O3 Catalyst. Arab. J. Sci. Eng. 39, 615‒620.
17. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D.L.; Garforth, A.A. 2013. Dehydrogenation of Methylcyclohexane:
Parametric Sensitivity of the Power Law Kinetics. ISRN Chem. Eng. 2013. Article ID 818953, 17.
18. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D.L.; Garforth, A.A. 2013. Dehydrogenation of Methylcyclohexane for On-
board Hydrogen Use: Catalyst Development and Performance. J. PIChE 41, 13‒20.
19. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D.L. 2013. Options for On-board Use of Hydrogen Based on the
Methylcyclohexane-Toluene-Hydrogen-System. Int. J. Green Energy 10, 177–189.
20. Khawaja, S.Y; Usman, M.R.; Khan, S.; Afzal, W.; Akhtar, N.A. 2013. Dispersed Phase Holdup in a
Tall and Low Plate Free Area Liquid Pulsed Sieve-Plate Extraction Column. Sep. Sci. Tech. 48, 175–
21. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D.L.; Garforth, A.A. 2012. Selectivity of the Formation of Ring Closed
Products and Methylcyclohexenes in the Dehydrogenation of Methylcyclohexane to Toluene. ISRN
Chem. Eng. 2012. Article ID 818953, 17.
22. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D.L.; Garforth, A.A. 2012. Detailed Reaction Kinetics for the
Dehydrogenation of Methylcyclohexane over Pt Catalyst. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 51, 158170.
23. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D.L.; Garforth, A.A. 2011. By-Products Formation in the Dehydrogenation
of Methylcyclohexane. Pet. Sci. Tech. 29, 22472357.
24. Usman, M.R.; Aslam, R.; Alotaibi, F. 2011. Hydrogen Storage in a Recyclable Organic Hydride:
Kinetic Modeling of Methylcyclohexane Dehydrogenation over 1.0 wt% Pt/θ-Al2O3. Energy Sources
A 33, 22642271.
25. Usman, M.R. 2011. Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Methylcyclohexane over Monometallic Catalysts
for On-board Hydrogen Storage, Production, and Utilization. Energy Sources A 33, 22312238.
26. Usman, M.R. 2011. Methylcyclohexane Dehydrogenation over Commercial 0.3 wt% Pt/Al 2O3
Catalyst. Proc. Pak. Acad. Sci. 48, 1317.
27. Usman, M.R.; Hussain, S.N.; Asghar, H.M.A.; Sattar, H.; Ijaz, A. 2011. Liquid-Liquid Extraction of
Acetic Acid from an Aqueous Solution Using a Laboratory Scale Sonicator, J. Quality and Tech.
Managem. 7, 115121.
28. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D.L.; Garforth, A.A. 2011. Validity of Sinfelt’s Kinetic Model for the
Dehydrogenation of Methylcyclohexane, J. PIChE 39, 112
29. Awan, J.A.; Usman, M.R.; Khan, R.U.; Richon, D. 2011. Electrical Conductivity of n-
Propylmercaptan (n-PM) in Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) Aqueous Solutions at 303 K. J. PIChE
39, 1320.
30. Khwaja, S.Y.; Usman, M.R.; Khan, S.; Afzal, W.; Akram, M.S.; Khan, R.U.; Akhtar, N.A. 2011. On
the Factors Influencing the Hydrodynamic Performance of a Pulsed Sieve-Plate Extraction Column:
Dispersed Phase Holdup. J. Fac. Eng. Tech., 111.
31. Irfan, M.F.; Usman, M.R.; Kusakabe, K. 2011. Coal Gasification in CO2 Atmosphere and Its Kinetics
Since 1948: A Brief Review. Energy 36, 1240.
32. Usman, M.R.; Hussain, S.N.; Asghar, H.M.A.; Sattar, H.; Afzal, W. 2009. Drop Size in a Liquid
Pulsed Sieve-Plate Extraction Column. Braz. J. Chem. Eng. 26, 677683.
33. Usman, M.R.; Rehman, L.; Bashir, M. 2008. Drop Size and Drop Size Distribution in a Pulsed Sieve-
plate Extraction Column. Proc. Pak. Acad. Sci. 45, 4146.
34. Usman, M.R.; Rehman, L.; Bashir, M.; Butt, M.A. 2006. Mass Transfer Performance in a Pulsed
Sieve-Plate Extraction Column. Proc. Pak. Acad. Sci. 43, 173179.
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Accepted for Publication
35. Mateen, A.; AlOtaibi, F. M.; Usman, M.R. 2018. Environmentally Friendly Fuel by n-Heptane
Isomerization: Kinetics of Catalyst Deactivation. Int. J. Chem. Eng. Appl.
Conference Proceedings
1. Usman, M.R.; Mateen, A. 2018. Environmentally Friendly Fuel by n-Heptane Isomerization: Kinetics
of Catalyst Deactivation. 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology,
June 20‒22, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic. (Oral Presentation, Best Presentation Award, Accepted
for the Publication in Int. J. Chem. Eng. Appl.).
2. Munir, D., Usman, M.R. 2017. Investigating Hydrocracking of Waste Plastic Mixture Using
Mesoporous Beta Catalysts, 67th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, October 22‒25, 2017,
Edmonton, Canada. (Poster Presentation by My PhD Student).
3. Usman, M.R.; Akram, M.S. 2017. Simulation of a Hydrogen Fueled Mobile Power Plant Based on a
Sustainable Organic Hydride, 10th International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and
Applications, February 26‒28, 2017, Muscat, Oman (Oral Presentation).
4. Munir, D.; Aslam, R. Usman, M.R. 2016. Investigating Hydrocracking of Actual Waste Plastics
Mixture Using Composite Mesoporous Zeolite Catalysts, 6th Symposium on Engineering Sciences,
December 21‒22, 2016, Lahore, Pakistan (Oral Presentation by My PhD Student).
5. Akram, M.S.; Usman, M.R. 2016. A Comparative Study of Kinetic Rate Models for the
Dehydrogenation Reaction of Methylcyclohexane, 6th Symposium on Engineering Sciences,
December 21‒22, 2016, Lahore, Pakistan (Oral Presentation by My PhD Student).
6. Fareed B.; Aslam, R.; Usman. M.R. 2016. Investigation of zeolite catalyst for cracking of diesel, 6th
Symposium on Engineering Sciences, December 21‒22, 2016, Lahore, Pakistan (Oral Presentation by
My MS Student).
7. Munir, D.; Usman, M.R. 2016. Hydrocracking of a Plastic Mixture over Various Micro-mesoporous
Composite Zeolites, Fluidization XV, May 22‒26, 2016, Quebec, Canada (Oral Presentation by My
PhD student).
8. Usman, M.R. 2015. Hydrogen Storage in Recyclable Organic Hydride: The Dehydrogenation of
Methylcyclohexene, 3rd International Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technologies Conference
(CHEMTECH ’15), November 30‒December 1, 2015, Istanbul, Turkey (Oral Presentation).
9. Munir, D.; Usman, M.R. 2015. Synthesis and Characterization of Mesoporous Hydrocracking
Catalysts, 14th International Symposium on Advanced Materials 2015, October 12‒16, 2015,
Islamabad, Pakistan (Oral Presentation by My PhD Student).
10. Usman, M.R.; Alotaibi, F.M. 2014. Kinetics of n-Heptane Hydroisomerization over Pt/Zeolite
Catalysts, The 23rd International Symposium on Chemical Engineering (ISCRE 23) and 7th Asia-
Pacific Chemical Reaction Engineering Symposium (APCRE 7), September 07‒10, 2014, Bangkok,
Thailand (Oral Presentation).
11. Usman, M.R. 2013. Dehydrogenation-Hydrogenation of the Methylcyclohexane-Toluene System on a
Pt/Zeolite Beta Catalyst, 2nd International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, June
89, 2013, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia (Oral Presentation).
12. Aslam, R.; Usman, M.R.; Muhammad F. Irfan. 2012. Kinetic Modeling of NO Oxidation to NO2 over
Cobalt Oxide Catalyst International Conference on Engineering Sciences, March 2930, 2012,
Lahore, Pakistan (Oral Presentation by my Co-worker).
13. Haider, B.; Usman, M.R. 2012. Densities and Volumetric Properties of Various Pure and Mixed
Solvents, International Conference on Engineering Sciences, March 2930, 2012, Lahore, Pakistan
(Oral Presentation by my MS student).
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14. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D.L.; Garforth, A.A. 2012. Dehydrogenation of Methylcyclohexane:
Kinetics and Reactor Modeling. 14th Asia-Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress,
February 2124, 2012, Singapore (Oral Presentation).
15. Khawaja, S.Y; Usman, M.R.; Afzal, W.; Akhtar, N. 2011. On the Factors Influencing the
Performance of a Pulsed Sieve-Plate Extraction Columns: Holdup and Drop Size Distribution, 4th
Symposium on Engineering Sciences, March 1, 2011, Lahore, Pakistan (Oral Presentation by My
PhD Student, Published in J. Fac. Eng. Tech.).
16. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D.L.; Garforth, A.A. 2010. Kinetics of Methylcyclohexane
Dehydrogenation for On-board Hydrogen Storage and Utilization, 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on
Ionic Liquids and Green Processes, September 710, 2010, Dalian, China (Oral Presentation).
17. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D.L.; Garforth, A.A. 2010. Catalytic Dehydrogenation of
Methylcyclohexane for the On-board Hydrogen Storage and Supply, AIChE Spring National
Meeting, March 2125, 2010, San Antonio, USA (Not attended)
18. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D.L.; Garforth, A.A. 2009. Methylcyclohexane Dehydrogenation―A
Convenient Way for Hydrogen Storage, AIChE Annual Meeting, November 0813, 2009, Nashville,
USA (Not attended).
19. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D.L.; Garforth, A.A. 2009. On-board Hydrogen Storage: Kinetics of
Methylcyclohexane Dehydrogenation, CEAS Postgraduate Student Conference, June 06, 2009,
University of Manchester, United Kingdom (Poster presentation).
20. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D.L.; Garforth, A.A. Dehydrogenation of Methylcyclohexane for On-board
Hydrogen Storage, Applied Catalysis: Towards Sustainable Chemical Industry, November 12, 2008,
Bath, United Kingdom (Poster presentation).
21. Usman, M.R.; Cresswell, D.L.; Garforth, A.A. 2008. Catalytic Dehydrogenation of
Methylcyclohexane in Pursuit of Successful MTH-System, Graduate Research Conference,
September 17, 2008, University of Manchester, United Kingdom (Poster presentation).
Research Grants
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7. Research Grant (10% Overseas Scholarships Program, GRE based) by Higher Education Commission
of Pakistan for PhD studies at University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Kinetics of Methylcyclohexane Dehydrogenation and Reactor Simulation for “On-board” Hydrogen
Storage (as PhD Scholar)
1. Dureem Munir: Catalytic Hydrocracking of Waste Plastics to Liquid Fuels (Principal Supervisor,
2. Muhammad Sarfraz Akram: Dehydrogenation Kinetic Study and Reactor Simulation of
Methylcyclohexane Dehydrogenation Reaction for a Mobile Power Plant (Principal Supervisor,
3. Khawaja Shahzad Younus: Factors Influencing the Extraction Efficiency in a Pulsed Sieve-Plate
Extraction Column (Co-Supervisor, 2014).
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18. Abdullah: High Pressure Pyrolysis of Waste High Density Polyethylene (Principal Supervisor, 2014).
19. Ahmed Hassan Khan: Simulation of the Vapor Phase Hydrogenation of Toluene (Principal
Supervisor, 2014).
20. Muhammad Ali bin Muzaffar: Parametric Study of Methylcyclohexane Dehydrogenation Reaction in
a Simulated Plug Flow Reactor (Principal Supervisor, 2014).
21. Abdulhannan Zahid: Simulation of the MTH (Methylcyclohexane-Toluene-Hydrogen) System to
Produce Hydrogen as Fuel for the Stationary Application (Principal Supervisor, 2013).
22. Muhammad Ahmed: Characterization and Rheological Behavior of Selected Pakistani Crude Oils
(Principal Supervisor, 2012).
23. Talat Mahmood: Removal of Methylene Blue from Textile Waste Using Used Tea as Potential Low
Cost Adsorbent (Principal Supervisor, 2012).
24. Bilal Haider: Experimental Study and Modeling of Volumetric Properties of Liquid Mixtures at
Atmospheric pressure (Principal Supervisor, 2012).
Facilities for synthesis of catalysts, for carrying out reactions in high pressure batch reactors and
continuous fixed bed catalytic reactors, and for analyzing the reaction products are developed and
Scholarly Services
Courses Developed
o BSc Chemical Engineering with Oil and Gas Refining for Department of Chemistry and Chemical
Technologies, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan (2016)
o MSc (Eng) Chemical Engineering Course for Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology,
University of the Punjab, Lahore (2012)
Other Services
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Awards and Achievements
Class Lecturing
o Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics (PhD level)
o Heterogeneous Catalysis (PhD level)
o Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (Master level)
o Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering (Master level)
o Advanced Process Dynamics and Control (Master level)
o Petroleum Refinery Engineering (Master level)
o Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (Bachelor level)
o Chemical Plant Design (Bachelor level)
o Chemistry for Petroleum Engineering (Bachelor level)
o Fundamentals of Heat Transfer (Bachelor level)
o Heat Transfer (Bachelor level)
o Heat and Mass Transfer Operations (Bachelor level)
o Mass Transfer (Bachelor level)
o Natural Gas Engineering (Bachelor level)
o Natural Gas Processing (Bachelor level)
o Particulate Solids Technology (Bachelor level)
o Petroleum Refinery Engineering (Bachelor level)
o Process Heat Transfer (Bachelor level)
o Transport Phenomena (Bachelor level)
o Biochemical Engineering (Master level, Process Engineering Basics to Biotechnology Students)
Laboratory Teaching
o Fluid and Particle Mechanics
o Fuel Engineering
o Instrumentation and Process Control
o Particulate Solids Technology
o Transport Phenomena
Selected Trainings
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o Safety Leadership Training (July 18‒20, 2011)
FMC Ungaran Plant, Ungaran, Semarang, Indonesia
o Catalysis: Fundamentals and Practice (July 13‒17, 2009)
University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
o Finite Element Modeling and Simulation with Comsol Multiphysics 3.4 (May 21‒23, 2008)
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
o Workshop on Biochemical Engineering and Fermenters
Conducted jointly by Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (August 19, 2006)
University of the Punjab, Lahore and Bioengineering, Switzerland
o Orientation Program (August 12‒23, 2002)
Human Resource Development Center
University of the Punjab, Lahore
o Faculty Development Program Summer 2000 (July 17‒22, 2000)
Human Resource Development Center
University of the Punjab, Lahore
o Internee Engineer (June 23‒July 22, 1997)
Dawood Hercules Chemicals, Limited, Sheikhupura Road, Lahore
Professional Affiliations
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