Prof. Dr. Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar: Education
Prof. Dr. Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar: Education
Prof. Dr. Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar: Education
Wetenschapspark 5 bus 6,
B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium.
11/2012 to date Hasselt University (Transportation Research Institute)
Professor (Docent) for the courses Intelligent Transportation Systems
(ITS), Transport Modeling and Study Visit & International Topics.
10/2011 to date Hasselt University (Transportation Research Institute)
Postdoctoral Researcher Working on Agent-based modeling and
scalability issue for the European FP7 DATASIM project.
10/2010 to 1/2011 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Dept. of Computer Science)
Teaching Assistant for the Computer Architecture and System
Software course, responsible for preparing and grading lab work.
9/2009 to 1/2010 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Dept. of Computer Science)
Teaching Assistant for the Computer Architecture and System
Software course, responsible for preparing and grading lab work.
8/2010 to 10/2010 Linkoping University Sweden
Visiting Researcher at the Security and Networks research group
for 3 months. Worked on communication optimization in large scale
vehicular networks.
1/2007 to 4/2007 Linköping University Sweden
Lab Assistant for the Web Programming and Interactivity course,
responsible for checking and grading lab work. This course was
based on seven extensive lab tasks.
9/2005 to 6/2006 Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Tech Islamabad
Visiting Faculty Taught Intro to Telecom, Telecom Systems and
Object Oriented Programming.
9/2005 to 6/2006 Air University Islamabad
Visiting Faculty Taught Introduction to Computer Programming
and Object Oriented Programming.
7/2004 to 10/2004 Softtek Systems Pvt. Ltd Islamabad
Software Engineering Internee Worked on many live projects,
maintained their website and network.
2/2003 to 5/2003 Petrocon Pvt Ltd. Islamabad
Database Developer Automated Chart of Accounts for Petrocon
Pvt. Ltd using Oracle 8 and Developer 2000.
PROGRAMMING OMNET++ (network simulator), C/C++, Java, D/HTML, GW-Basic,
Software VC++, UML,VB, VB.Net, C Sharp, Visual Prolog
Tools DATABASES Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL, Oracle Developer 2000, MS SQL Server,
Ms-Access, Crystal Report
GRAPHICS OpenGL, 3D Studio Max, Adobe Photoshop, Flash MX, Adobe Premier
TOOLS UML, Ms-Project, Ascent, ER-Win, Dream Weaver, Adobe GoLive CS
Member IEEE and ACM
Associate Member Computer Society of Pakistan
Registered with Pakistan Engineering Council
Member FEANI (EUR ING Title) Belgium
Member of International Human Rights Observer Pakistan
[P1] Knapen, Luk; Yasar, Ansar; Cho, Sungjin; Keren, Daniel; Dbai, Abed Abu; Bellemans, Tom;
Research Janssens, Davy; Wets, Geert; Schuster, Assaf; Sharfman, Izchak, ”Exploiting graph-theoretic tools
Papers / for matching in carpooling applications”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized
Articles Computing,5,3,393-407,2014, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
[P2] Galland, Stéphane; Knapen, Luk; Yasar, Ansar-Ul-Haque; Gaud, Nicolas; Janssens, Davy;
Lamotte, Olivier; Koukam, Abderrafiaa; Wets, Geert, ”Multi-agent simulation of individual
mobility behavior in carpooling”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2014,
[P3] KNAPEN, Luk; YASAR, Ansar; CHO, Sungjin; BELLEMANS, Tom, “Agent-based modeling for
carpooling”, 2014, Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global).
[P4] Syed, Wasim Hashmi; Yasar, Ansar; Janssens, Davy; Wets, Geert, “Analyzing the Real Time
Factors: Which Causing the Traffic Congestions and Proposing the Solution for Pakistani City”,
Procedia Computer Science, 32, 413-420, 2014, Elsevier.
[P5] Hartman, Irith Ben-Arroyo; Keren, Daniel; Dbai, Abed Abu; Cohen, Elad; Knapen, Luk; Yasar,
Ansar-Ul-Haque; Janssens, Davy, ”Theory and Practice in Large Carpooling Problems”, Procedia
Computer Science,32,339-347,2014, Elsevier.
[P6] Knapen, Luk; Usman, Muhammad; Yasar, Ansar; Bellemans, Tom; Janssens, Davy; Wets, Geert,
”Framework to evaluate rescheduling due to unexpected events in an activity-based
model”,2013,Transportation Research Board.
[P7] Cho, Sungjin; Yasar, Ansar-Ul-Haque; Knapen, Luk; Patil, Bharat; Bellemans, Tom; Janssens,
Davy; Wets, Geert, “Social networks in agent-based models for carpooling”, 2013.
[P8] Galland, Stéphane; Gaud, Nicolas; Yasar, Ansar-Ul-Haque; Knapen, Luk; Janssens, Davy;
Lamotte, Olivier, ”Simulation model of carpooling with the janus multiagent platform”, Procedia
Computer Science,19,860-866,2013,Elsevier.
[P9] Cho, Sungjin; Kang, Jeon-Young; Yasar, Ansar-Ul-Haque; Knapen, Luk; Bellemans, Tom;
Janssens, Davy; Wets, Geert; Hwang, Chul-Sue, “An Activity-based Carpooling Microsimulation
using Ontology”, Procedia Computer Science,19,48-55,2013,Elsevier.
[P10] Knapen, Luk; Keren, Daniel; Yasar, Ansar-Ul-Haque; Cho, Sungjin; Bellemans, Tom; Janssens,
Davy; Wets, Geert, ”Estimating scalability issues while finding an optimal assignment for
carpooling”, Procedia Computer Science,19,372-379,2013, Elsevier.
[P11] Abed, Omar; Bellemans, Tom; Janssens, Gerrit; Patil, Bharat; Yasar, Ansar; Janssens, Davy;
Wets, Geert,”A Micro Simulated and Demand Driven Supply Chain Model To Calculate Regional
Production and Consumption Matrices”, Procedia Computer Science,19,,404-411,2013, Elsevier.
[P12] Janssens, Davy, Ansar Yasar, Luk Knapen, “Data Science and Simulation in Transportation
Research”, 2013, IGI Global.
[P13] Knapen, Luk; Keren, Daniel; Yasar, Ansar-Ul-Haque; Cho, Sungjin; Bellemans, Tom; Janssens,
Davy; Wets, Geert, ”Analysis of the co-routing problem in agent-based carpooling simulation”,
Procedia Computer Science,10,,821-826,2012, Elsevier.
[P14] Keren, Daniel; Yasar, Ansar-Ul-Haque; Knapen, Luk; Cho, Sungjin; Bellemans, Tom; Janssens,
Davy; Wets, Geert; Schuster, Assaf; Sharfman, Izchak, ”Exploiting Graph-theoretic Tools for
Matching and Partitioning of Agent Population in an Agent-based Model for Traffic and
Transportation Applications”, Procedia Computer Science,10,833-839,2012, Elsevier.
[P15] Cho, Sungjin; Yasar, Ansar-Ul-Haque; Knapen, Luk; Bellemans, Tom; Janssens, Davy; Wets,
Geert,”A conceptual design of an agent-based interaction model for the carpooling application”,
Procedia Computer Science,10,,801-807,2012,Elsevier.
[P16] Paridel, Koosha; Mantadelis, Theofrastos; Preuveneers, Davy; Janssens, Gerda; Vanrompay,
Yves; Berbers, Yolande, “Analyzing the efficiency of context-based grouping on collaboration in
VANETs with large-scale simulation”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized
[P17] Bellemans, Tom; Bothe, Sebastian; Cho, Sungjin; Giannotti, Fosca; Janssens, Davy; Knapen,
Luk; Körner, Christine; May, Michael; Nanni, Mirco; Pedreschi, Dino, “An agent-based model to
evaluate carpooling at large manufacturing plants”, Procedia Computer Science,10,,1221-1227,
2012, Elsevier.
[P18] Yasar, A., Paridel, K., Preuveneers, D., Berbers, Y., "When Efficiency Matters: Towards Quality
of Context-aware Peers for Adaptive Communication in VANETs", in Proceedings of IEEE IV
[P19] Paridel, K., Yasar, A., Vanrompay, Y., Preuveneers, D., Berbers, Y., " Teamwork on the Road:
Efficient Collaboration in VANETs with Context-based Grouping", Procedia Computer Science,
48-57, 2011, Elsevier.
[P20] Yasar, A., Muhammad, N., Preuveneers, D., Berbers, Y., "End-to-End Communication
Modelling for Large Scale Vehicular Networks using AADL", in Proceedings of 17th International
Conference on Software and Internet Technologies 2011.
[P21] Yasar, A., Preuveneers, D., Berbers, Y., "Evaluation framework for adaptive context-aware
routing in large scale mobile peer-to-peer systems", Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications,
Springer vol. 3, 2010.
[P22] Yasar, A., Preuveneers, D., Berbers, Y., "Modelling and simulating large scale vehicular
networks for smart context-aware telematic applications" in Modelling, Simulation and
Optimization, Austria: IN-TECH Publishers, 2010, ISBN 978-953-7619-36-7, pp. 509-530.
[P23] Yasar, A., Vanrompay, Y., Preuveneers, D., Berbers, Y., "Optimizing information dissemination
in large scale mobile peer-to-peer networks using context-based grouping", in 13th International
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (19-22 Sep 2010, Madeira Island,
Portugal), 2010.
[P24] Yasar, A., Preuveneers, D., Berbers, Y., Mahmud, N., Luyten, K., Coninx, K., "Where people
and cars meet: Social interactions to improve information sharing in large scale vehicular
networks", in Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (22-26 March
2010, Sierre), 2010.
[P25] Mahmud, N., Aksenov, P., Yasar, A., Preuveneers, D., Luyten, K., Coninx, K., Berbers, Y.,
"Geo-social interaction: Context-aware help in large scale public spaces", in LNCS (10-12 Nov
2010, Malaga, Spain), de Ruyter, B. Eds., 2010, pp. 107-116.
[P26] Vanrompay, Y., Yasar, A., Preuveneers, D., Berbers, Y., "Context-aware optimized information
dissemination in large scale vehicular networks", in (23-25 June 2010, Samos, Greece), 2010.
[P27] Yasar, A., Preuveneers, D., Berbers, Y., Bhatti, G., "Best practices for software security: An
overview", in 12th IEEE International Multitopic Conference (IEEE INMIC 2008) (23-24 Dec
2008, Karachi), 2008.
[P28] Yasar, A., Berbers, Y., Preuveneers, D., "A computational analysis of driving variations on
distributed multiuser driving simulators", in IASTED International Conference on Modelling and
Simulation (26-28 May 2008, Quebec, Canada), 2008.
[P29] Yasar, A., Preuveneers, D., Berbers, Y., "Adaptive context mediation in dynamic and large scale
vehicular networks using relevance backpropagation", in Sensor, Ad Hoc and Mesh Network
workshop - Mobility Conference 2008 (10-12 September 2008, Taiwan), 2008.
[P30] Preuveneers, D., Yasar, A., Berbers, Y., "Architectural styles for opportunistic mobile
communication: Requirements and design patterns", in Mobility conference 2008 (10-12 September
2008, Taiwan), 2008.
[P31] Yasar, A., "Enhancing experience prototyping by the help of mixed-fidelity prototypes", in 4th
international conference on mobile technology, applications, and systems (10-12 September 2007,
Singapore), 2007.
[P32] Yasar, A., Ansari, M., Farooqui, S., "Low cost solution for location determination of mobile
nodes in a wireless local area network", in (14-16 June, 2006, Hollywood, California), 2006.
[P33] Yasar, A., Preuveneers, D., Berbers, Y., "A scalable context-aware solution for inter-vehicle
communication", 3rd ERCIM Workshop on eMobility (27-28 May 2009, Enschede), 2009.
Reviewer for the International HCI conference 2008.
Member programme committee at International MobileHCI conference 2009.
Reviewer for the International ICMI-MLMI conference 2009.
Chair/Member programme committee at ABMTRANS – 2012, 2013, 2014.
Program vice-chair / track chair ANT'13 conference (Transportation track).
Outstanding service award for being the workshop chair for ABMTRANS'12 at the 3rd
International conference on ambient systems, networks and technologies (ANT'12), Niagara
Falls, Canada (27-29 Aug, 2012).
Ph.D. Research
Context-based Communication in Large Scale Vehicular Networks.
Details: Efficient delivery of information in vehicular networks is crucial for the creation of useful and usable
applications that need to cope with nomadic large-scale environments. Context-awareness is often a key to
improve efficiency of a vehicle network since it allows making informed decisions on the data routing, data
locality and data necessity for different moving objects. We propose context-aware routing and filtering
strategies to optimize the information flow between the nodes in the networks.
This work was a part of the CoLaSUe project under the supervision of Prof. Yolande Berbers at K.U. Leuven.
Masters Research
A Computational Analysis of Driving Variations in a Distributed Simulated Driving
Details: The research was conducted at the Linkoping University (LiU) in the Cognitive Engineering group.
The work describes and discusses the possible driving variations at T-intersections. In this study we analyzed
various factors which may influence the driving behavior.
Completed under the Supervision of Prof. Dr. Arne Jonsson and Dr. Rego Granlund, LiU. This was a funded
project by Autoliv Research, Saab and Volvo Sweden.