CM7001 Additive Manufacturing

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Part – A
1. What is additive manufacturing?
2. What is STL file?
3. What are the advantages of RP?
4. Write a note on product development by AM?
5. What is Rapid Tooling?
6. What are the applications of AM?
7. What is the need of Am in current Scenario?
8. What is AM process chain?
9.What is Rapid Prototyping?
10. What is a 3D printer?
11.What is Virtual prototyping?
12. What are the benefits of AM?
13. Classify the AM process?
14. Write the merits of virtual prototyping.
15. What are basic requirements of product development?
16. What are the merits of product development?
17. What are the inputs required for product development?
18. What are the benefits of rapid tooling?
19. What are the applications of rapid tooling?
20. What are the limitations of AM?

Part – B
1. Explain the transition of RP to Am.
2. Classify and explain the AM process.
3. Write a note on the need and development of AM systems.
4. Write a note on the impact of AM on product development.
5. Write a note on a) Virtual prototyping b) Rapid Tooling
6. Explain how AM has influenced the 3D printing technology.
7. Explain the Am process chain.
8. Write a note on the benefits and applications of AM.
9. Explain the transition of RP to Am
10.Write a note on the benefits and applications of AM.


Part – A
1. What is reverse engineering?
2. What is geometric modeling?
3. What is model reconstruction?
4. What is additive manufacturing?
5. What is data processing?
6. Classify the digitization techniques
7. What is wire frame modeling?
8. Mention few data formats
9. What is data interfacing?.
10.Brief about part orientation?
11.Why support generation, is needed?
12.Brief about Support structure design?
13.What is Model Slicing?
14.What are the softwares used for Tool path generation
15.What are the softwares currently used for AM?
16.What are the limitations of Tool path generation?
17.What are the advantages of Part orientation?
18. what is surface modeling?
19.what is solid modeling?
20. Mention the applications of modeling.

Part – B
1. Explain about data formats and data interfacing.
2. What is part orientation? Explain with illustrations.
3. Explain the need of support generation with flow charts.
4. What are the steps involved in model slicing?
5. Discuss various aspects of tool path generation
6. Write a note on a) Virtual prototyping b) Rapid Tooling
7. Explain the concept of reverse engineering?
8. Explain in detail data processing for RP.
9. Explain the geometric modeling techniques?
10.What are the techniques used in Tool path generation?



Part – A
1. What is SLA?
2. Why pre-build process is required in SLA?
3. What are part-building steps in SLA?
4. What are the steps in post-build processes?
5. What is photo polymerization in SLA?
6. What is the role of process planning in SLA?
7. What is SGC?
8. What are the strengths of SGC?
9. What are the weaknesses of SGC?
10.What are the applications of SGC?
11.What is FDM?
12.Brief the FDM process.
13.What are process variables in FDM?
14.Mention the products of FDM?
15.What are the limitations of FDM?
16.What is LOM?
17.Brief the LOM process.
18.What are the limitations of FDM?
19.What are the recoating issues in SLA?
20.What are the applications of FDM?

Part – B
1. Explain the working principle of SLA.
2. What are the part building and post building process involved in SLA?
3. Explain the recoating issues in SLA?
4. Explain the working principle of SGC.
5. Brief about strength, Weakness and applications of SGC?
6. Explain the working principle of FDM.
7. Explain the process variables of FDM.
8. Explain the working principle of LOM.
9. What are the steps in pre build and post-build process for LOM?
10.Compare the liquid based and solid based AM systems.


1. What is LENS?
2. What are the materials used in LENS?
3. What is SLS?
4. What are the advantages and limitations of LENS?
5. What are the advantages and limitations of SLS?
6. What are the materials used in SLS?
7. Brief the post processing types of SLS.
8. Why surface deviation occurs in SLS?
9. Why is accuracy important in SLS
10.What are the applications of SLS?
11.Brief the post processing types of LENS.
12.Why surface deviation occurs in LENS?
13.Why is accuracy important in LENS?
14.What are the applications of LENS?
15.Why case studies are analyzed for sintering?
16.What is direct SLS?
17.What is indirect SLS?
18.Mention the merits of direct SLS.
19.Mention the merits of indirect SLS.
20.What are the applications of direct SLS

Part B

1. What is LENS? Explain the same.

2. What are the processing techniques used in LENS?
3. What is SLS? Explain the same.
4. What are the advantages and limitations of LENS? Explain with examples
5. Explain the applications of SLS and its processing techniques.
6. Brief the post processing types of LENS. Explain each with suitable
7. Explain the effect of surface deviation in LENS?
8. What is indirect SLS and direct SLS. Explain the same.
9. Mention the post processing techniques of direct SLS.
10.Mention the post processing techniques of direct SLS.


1. Brief the material system of 3DP.
2. Brief solid, liquid and powder based system of 3DP.
3. What is SDM?
4. What is 3DP?
5. What is the principle of 3DP?
6. What are the strength and weakness of 3DP?
7. What are the applications of 3DP?
8. What is BPM?
9. What is EBM?
10.What is SLM?
11.Brief the physics of 3DP.
12.What are the types of 3DP?
13.Brief the process capabilities of 3DP.
14.What are the applications of EDM?
15.What are the applications of SDM?
16.What are the merits of EDM?
17.What are the merits of SLM?
18.What are the demerits of EDM?
19.What are the demerits of SDM?
20.What are the merits of 3DP

Part B
1. Explain the working principle of 3DP
2. Compare solid, liquid and powder based system of 3DP.
3. Explain the working principle of SDM
4. Explain Ballistic Particle Manufacturing (BPM )
5. Discuss few case studies of 3DP.
6. Explain Electron Beam Melting.
7. Differentiate between SDM and EBM.
8. Brief the post processing in SDM.
9. Brief the post processing in EBM.
10. (a) Explain the advantages of SLM and EBM.
(b)Brief the pre and post processing in BPM.

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