Additive Manufacturing Lab Manual
Additive Manufacturing Lab Manual
Additive Manufacturing Lab Manual
Rathinamangalam, Melakkottaiyur(P.O), Chennai-127
Introduction: -
1. Axes
Fixed Rods The three axes that the 3D printer utilizes are on the Cartesian
coordinate system. The linear fixed rods are maintained at right angles to each other
and each represents a coordinate axis.
Movement The timing belts and pulleys allow the movement of the hot end (or the
print bed, depending on the type of 3D printer) along each axes according to the g-
code (generated by slicing software). The stepper motors power this movement.
2. Extruder
Extrusion is the feeding of filament into the hot end of the 3D printer. This
movement is also powered by a stepper motor.
Retraction This mechanism is the pulling of the melted filament from the hot end.
This movement is primarily programmed through the g-code to prevent the
formation of unwanted filament creating a bridge between two areas. The bridging
of unwanted filament is referred to as stringing or the formation of cobwebs.
Dual Extrusion Some models of 3D printers are equipped with dual extrusion
capabilities. This allows for mixed material objects to be printed. Dual extrusion
can be
used to print out complex objects with a different colour material as the support,
making it easy to differentiate between the object and the support.
3. Hot End
The hot end is heated to temperatures ranging from 160 C to 250 C, depending on
the type of filament to be used. The hot end melts the filament and pushes the
melted filament through the nozzle. The hot end needs to be thermally insulated
from the other components of the 3D printer to prevent any damage.
4. Print Bed
Heated Print beds that are heated improve print quality of 3D printed objects. The
heated bed is heated to the glass transition temperature of the filament being used.
This allows the model layers to slightly melt and stick to the heated bed.
Non-Heated Print beds that are not heated require adhesion in the form of glue,
tape, hairspray, etc. In the innovation lab, painters tape is frequently used for
5. Filament
CAD software is used to create 3D models and designs. This software is available
on our computers and the level of difficulty varies. With the exception of Sketch
up Pro and the industry standard software mentioned, all of these programs are
available on the innovation lab computers.
Solid works main idea is user to create drawing directly in 3D or solid form. From
this solid user can assemble it directly on their workstation checking clashes and
functionality of it. Creating drawing is pretty easy just drag and drop the solid to
drawing block.
3. Set the nozzle parameter and build tack temperature according to the printer
guide. Step:-1 Prepare the design Model using Designing Software(Solids
Work,Autocad etc.) Step:-2 Convert the designed Model file in Stl ,obj format.
Step:-3 Prepare the design model for printing Using Software Idea Maker and
Ultimaker. Then set all parameter (nozzle temp., buildtak temp and support) and
also repair your design using software option. Then after generate the file in gcode
Step:-4 ON the 3D Printer and load the filament in nozzle and give the command
print by using 3D Printing Machine.
These are some following precaution when you print the design in 3D Printer
1. Mechanical: Do not place limbs inside the build area while the nozzle is in
motion. The printer nozzle moves in order to create the object.
3. Always buy replacement parts from the manufacturer for safety related
4. Choose an area that has adequate ventilation and exhaust capability Safety
Equipment: -
• Safety Glasses
• Automotive
• Marine
• Aerospace Advantages: -
• Medical
• Engineering
• Architecture
• Complex shapes
• Customize parts
• Less waste
• Time
• Cost
• Skill
In an assembly, the analog to sketch relations are mates. Just as sketch relations
define conditions such as tangency, parallelism, and concentricity with respect to
sketch geometry, assembly mates define equivalent relations with respect to the
individual parts or components, allowing the easy construction of assemblies.
SolidWorks also includes additional advanced mating features such as gear and
cam follower mates, which allow modeled gear assemblies to accurately reproduce
the rotational movement of an actual gear train.
Finally, drawings can be created either from parts or assemblies. Views are
automatically generated from the solid model, and notes, dimensions and
tolerances can then be easily added to the drawing as needed.
Ultimaker Cura works by slicing the user’s model file into layers and
generating a printer-specific g-code. Once finished, the g-code can be sent to the
printer for the manufacture of the physical object.
The open source software, compatible with most desktop 3D printers, can
work with files in the most common 3D formats such as STL, OBJ, X3D, 3MF as
well as image file formats such as BMP, GIF, JPG, and PNG.
Compatible systems
-Windows XP or newer
Recommended hardware
-2 GigaByte of RAM
This file format is supported by almost any 3D software package and is the industry
standard used for 3D printing
The preferred software for your Ultimaker is Cura from Ultimaker. This
software package prepares your 3D model into instructions that your Ultimaker 2
requires to produce an object.
1.The Cura software package can be downloaded from the “Our software” section
on our website (direct link:
3. Open the installer and follow the directions to install the software.
4. After installing Cura, Start up Cura and go to the next page to configure the
software to your 3D printer.
1. Cura welcomes you first with the note: ”This wizard will help you in setting up
Cura for your machine” click [Next >] button to continue.
2. Then you get the following screen were you should select what kind of Ultimaker
or other 3D printer you have. Cura 13.02 or newer can collect user statistics. These
statistics are gathered to improve next version of Cura and possibly provide more
features for Ultimaker and RepRap users. The collected information includes
profile settings and machine types.
It does NOT collect usernames, models or any privacy sensitive information. Cur-
rently these stats are only collected and there is nothing done with it yet. We want
to make these stats quite open for everyone to use as well as the option to share this
information or not.
3. So please check or uncheck the box if you like to share the information or not.
4. If you selected the Ultimaker 2 no additional setup is need and you should seen
the following screen (image below). If you selected the Ultimaker Original you
should follow the instructions on the next page (B4). If you selected anything else
in this configuration wizard continue to page 12 (B5).
Cura software interface
This is the main ’quick print’ screen of Cura. Here you can load and adjust 3D models,
choose print profiles and upload files to the You Magine library. Below youcan see a
quick overview about all the items in the interface. Later on in this chapter they will
be explained in more depth
1. Menu bar In this bar you can change settings, machines and profiles.
8. The option to change the rotation of the object you like to print.
9. The option to change the Scale of the object you like to print.
11. The model you have loaded through the load file button.
13. (ultimaker 2) The grey squares in the build area are the no go zones. In your
Ultimaker 2 these are the metal clips were you can’t print.
Before going into this step, make sure you have a working printer, if not please
calibrate your printer. Need help? check the user manual of the Ultimaker 2 or
Ultimaker Original on our support page.
1. Let’s start by clicking on the Load button in Cura and search for a compatible
2. You might notice the progress bar, when you have loaded a file into Cura, cura
is automatically making the 3D model print ready for you.
3. In the meantime you can adjust settings and select a print type.
4. When the 3D model is prepared, the Save toolpath button shows up and gives
you the option to save the prepared model in a directory.
Underneath the button Cura gives you an indication about your print on
5. After you inserted the included SD-card into your computer, Cura changes the
Save toolpath Button into the Toolpath to SD Button.
6. Just after you choose for the Toolpath to SD button you will see the same
progress bar but now it saves the file on the SD card.
7. When finished saving It will give you the notification that your file has been
8. Before taking out the SD-card make sure you always choose the safely eject
button in Cura.
Basic orientation
The following mouse actions are used to work, navigate and view the 3D model.
You can use those orientation movements in the blue 3D interface.
Loading a 3D model
The left icon on the top of the 3D interface is the Load file button. Through
this button you can search in your files to the following 3D file extensions: .stl .obj
.dae .amf
When you have loaded your model you can change the size or orientation, the
following steps explain you the basic on how you can adjust you model on how
you want it to be.
The left icon on the bottom of the 3D interface is the rotation button. When
you select and click it, you can rotate the model over it’s XYZ axis. You see also
more functions when you have selected the rotation button. the top icon’s action,
lays your model flat on the surface, to make sure your model is well attached to the
build plate while printing. The second icon resets the 3D models rotation. By click-
select one of the 3 orientation circles you adjust the rotation of the model. The
rotation degree appears in the number around the model. When rotating and
clicking shift you rotate per degree otherwise it’s per 15 degrees.
Scaling your object
The second left icon on the bottom of the 3D interface is the scaling button. When
you select and click it, you can scale the model in the XYZ direction. The top icon
that appears has the function to scale your object to max size for your printer. The
icon above resets the 3D models rotation. By unlocking the lock you have the
possiblity to scale the object in each particular dimension. By select and slide one
of the 3 scaling squares you adjust the uniform scale of the model. The amount of
scaling and size dimensions appears in the number next to the model.
The second left icon on the bottom of the 3D interface is the scaling button.
When you select and click it, you can scale the model in the XYZ direction. The
top icon that appears has the function to scale your object to max size for your
printer. The icon above resets the 3D models rotation. By unlocking the lock you
have the possiblity to scale the object in each particular dimension. By select and
slide one of the 3 scaling squares you adjust the uniform scale of the model.
The amount of scaling and size dimensions ap- pears in the number next to the
1. After saving the file and safely ejecting your SD-card from your computer, it is
time to insert it in the SD-card Slot of your Ultimaker. Ultimaker 2 Ultimaker
What is Gcode
GCode is the generic name for a control language for CNC (or Reprap) machines.
It is a way for you to tell the machine to move to various points at a desired speed,
control the spindle speed, turn on and off various coolants, and all sorts of other
things. It is fairly standard, and is a useful tool.
Start/End-G code
The start and end g code are the start-up and end procedure of the print. These
pieces of code influence the start-up procedure and can be customized. By default
the printer is heated up, homed to the corner, and the head is primed. Editing this
requires knowledge of G Code.
AnyCubic Photon
AnyCubic Photon s
Longer3D Orange10
Longer3D Orange30
Orbeat D100
Phrozen Shuffle
Phrozen Shuffle XL
Phrozen Shuffle 4K
QIDI Shadow5.5
QIDI Shadow5.5s
SparkMaker Original
SparkMaker FHD
WanHao D7
WanHao D8
Zortrax Inkspire
1.2 DLP resin 3D Printer:
2. Software installing
2.1 Software download
(1) Register the email to log in and download, open the downloaded installation package, and
follow the prompts to complete the installation (register the email login, select the version
compatible with your computer for Windows (32), Windows (64), Mac, Linux
(2) Start the software using the desktop icon or the shortcut in the start menu. When
opening the software for the first time, the machine selection box will pop up, and you
can choose the machine you want.
3. User login (optional, non-compulsory)
4. Software operation
4.1 Main Menu
4.1.1 Open Project: Open the project you need to operate
4.1.8 Help
Check for updates: Check the current version
(2) Screen recording: You can set time (/ s), frame rate (/ fps),
4.2.7 Hollow: inter or outer hollow, can set wall thickness and precision.
4.2.8 Dig Hole: Shape and size can be seted, keep the hole, add a hole.
4.3.1 Move
(1) Move X,Y and Z axes respectively: Scroll the mouse or enter data directly.
(2) The model can be placed directly on the platform, centered or reset.
4.3.2 Rotate: Turn and rotate model (shortcut: double click )
4.3.4 Mirror
(1) X Mirror: Mirror the current model with the X axis as the axis of symmetry
(2) Y Mirror: Mirror the current model with the Y axis as the axis of symmetry
(3) Z mirror: Mirror the current model with the Z axis as the axis of symmetry
4.4 Mouse operation (operate in the middle page)
4.4.1 Left click: Click to select the model, platform, or blank space
(1) Left click model can move the model on the platform.
(2) Left click on the platform or blank space can move the platform
4.5.1 Move
pause buttons.
4.6.1 File List: All the models on the platform are listed in the file list, and can
beedited or deleted by choosing all/single models.
add your own printer, and then set the relevant parameters.
<Name>: Printer name, you can enter the name directly for modification;
<Resolution>: The resolution of projector or LCD screen, which directly affects the
dimensional accuracy of printing;
<Lock Ratio>:
Normally, the size ratio of the XY platform is equal to the resolution ratio, that is, the
locking ratio.
In some cases, such as DLP projector due to accuracy or machine design reasons, the
size of XY platform is not necessarily the same as the resolution ratio, it can input the
actual projection size.
(2) resin
<Resin Type>: Different resin types have different parameters, and some resin
parameters recommended by enterprises have been integrated..
(3) Print
<Bottom Layer Count>: The number of solidified layers should be strengthened at the
bottom, in order to make the model stick to the platform better.
<Bottom exposure time>: The exposure time of the bottom layers is longer than that
of the normal layers, so that the resin can be cured thoroughly and the model can adhere
to the platform as far as possible.
<Light-off Delay>:
Final light-off time = maximum value (total time of Z-axis up and down
movement, light-off delay time). For example,total Z-axis up down movement cycle is
6 seconds,
<Bottom Lift Distance>: When printing the bottom layers, the lifting distance of the
forming platform.
<Lifting Distance>: When printing the normal layers, the lifting distance of the
forming platform.
<Bottom Lift Speed>: When printing the bottom layers, the lifting speed of the
forming platform.
<Lift Speed>: When printing the normal layers, the lifting speed of the forming
(4) Infill
<Infill Structure>: The type of infill in the model, such as the grid structure.
(5) Gcode
<Start>: Preprocessing commands executed at the beginning of printing. (Modifiable)
{raise_speed} Is the lifting speed, the lifting speed = the bottom lifting speed or the
lifting speed
{fall_speed} Is the falling speed, the falling speed = the bottom falling speed or the
falling speed
(6) Advanced
<Bottom Light PWM>: The intensity of the light source when printing the bottom
layers.(some priters support this command)
< Light PWM>: The intensity of the light source when printing the normal
layers.(Some priters support this command)
No X4
4.6.3 Slice
Click on the “Slice”to start the model slicing process. (you can choose the
corresponding parameters to slice)
(1) Select the size of the support, there are three choices: Light, Medium and Heavy.
(2) Top: Set the parameters of the top of the support, which can be customized by
the user.
(3) Millde: Set the parameters of the middle of the support, which can be customized
by the user.
(4) Bottom: Set the parameters of the bottom of the support, which can be
customized by the user.
(5) Raft: Set the parameters of the raft, which can be customized by the user.
+Platform +All
4.8.3 Preview and Export: After the slice is finished, it will automatically enter
the preview mode(drag the upper slider to preview the layer). you can save the slice
file or return to re-edit.
Ex. No: 1 Date:
Software Required:
Solid works
Using the Solid works software CAD file is created and converted in STL file
Ex. No: 2 Date:
Software Required:
Solid works
Ultimaker Cura
Using the Solid works and Ultimaker Cura software Manipulate and error fixing
of STL file.
Ex. No: 3 Date:
Software Required:
Solid works
Using the Solid works software and Ultimaker Cura software design and
fabrication of parts by varying part orientation and support structures created
Ex. No: 4 Date:
Software Required:
Solid works
Ultimaker Cura
Hardware Required:
FDM 3D Printer
Solid works
Ultimaker Cura
The G Code is copy from the Desktop using Micro SD Card and inserted in Ender
3.0 Machine
The 3D printing bed alignment is done manually in all corners
After the bed alignment, filament is loaded in the machine extruder nozzle
The nozzle is heated upto 2100C and bed is heated upto 600C
After the heating of Nozzle and printing bed the printing is started
After finishing the Printing clean the unwanted structures
Fabrication of parts with material extrusion am process using the Creality Ender 3.0
Ex. No: 5 Date:
Software Required:
Solid works
Hardware Required:
SLA 3D Printer
Solid works
Fabrication of parts with vat polymerization AM Process using Creality LD-00H SLA
Ex. No: 6 Date:
Software Required:
Solid works
Solid works
Topology Optimization
For the topology optimization process the cube box is made full of shell
Inside the shell thickness 5mm is created
Click to save the solid part files
Click to save as file select the file format as .stl and save the file
Ultimaker Cura
The G Code is copy from the Desktop using Micro SD Card and inserted in Ender
3.0 Machine
The 3D printing bed alignment is done manually in all corners
After the bed alignment, filament is loaded in the machine extruder nozzle
The nozzle is heated upto 2100C and bed is heated upto 600C
After the heating of Nozzle and printing bed the printing is started
After finishing the Printing clean the unwanted structures