Digital Relative Humidity & Temperature Sensor DHT11
Digital Relative Humidity & Temperature Sensor DHT11
Digital Relative Humidity & Temperature Sensor DHT11
4.Dimensions: (unit----mm)
-1- Aosong Electronics Co., Ltd.
Thomas Liu (Sales Manager)
Email: ,
Your specialist in innovating humidity & temperature sensors
5. Electrical connection diagram:
6. Operating specifications:
(1) Power and Pins
Power's voltage should be 3.3-5.5V DC. When power is supplied to sensor, don't send any instruction to the sensor
within one second to pass unstable status. One capacitor valued 100nF can be added between VDD and GND for
wave filtering.
(2) Communication and signal
Aosong 1-wire bus is used for communication between MCU and DHT11. ( Aosong 1-wire bus is specially
designed by Aosong Electronics Co., Ltd. , it's different from Maxim/Dallas 1-wire bus, so it's incompatible with
Dallas 1-wire bus.)
Illustration of Aosong 1-wire bus:
DATA=16 bits RH data+16 bits Temperature data+8 bits check-sum
Example: MCU has received 40 bits data from DHT11 as
0010 0001 0000 0000 0001 1010 0000 0000 0011 1011
Integral part of RH Decimal part of RH Integral part of T Decimal part of T check sum
Remarks: The decimal part of RH and T is always 0000 0000.
When MCU send start signal, DHT11 change from standby-status to running-status. When MCU finishs sending
the start signal, DHT11 will send response signal of 40-bit data that reflect the relative humidity and temperature
to MCU. Without start signal from MCU, DHT11 will not give response signal to MCU. One start signal for one
response data from DHT11 that reflect the relative humidity and temperature. DHT11 will change to standby status
-2- Aosong Electronics Co., Ltd.
Thomas Liu (Sales Manager)
Email: ,
Your specialist in innovating humidity & temperature sensors
when data collecting finished if it don't receive start signal from MCU again.
See below figure for overall communication process, the interval of whole process must beyond 2 seconds.
1) Step 1: MCU send out start signal to DHT11 and DHT11 send response signal to MCU
Data-bus's free status is high voltage level. When communication between MCU and DHT11 begins, MCU will
pull low data-bus and this process must beyond at least 1~10ms to ensure DHT11 could detect MCU's signal, then
MCU will pulls up and wait 20-40us for DHT11's response.
When DHT11 detect the start signal, DHT11 will pull low the bus 80us as response signal, then DHT11 pulls up
80us for preparation to send data. See below figure:
2). Step 2: DHT11 send data to MCU
When DHT11 is sending data to MCU, every bit's transmission begin with low-voltage-level that last 50us, the
following high-voltage-level signal's length decide the bit is "1" or "0". See below figures:
If signal from DHT11 is always high-voltage-level, it means DHT11 is not working properly, please check the
electrical connection status.
7. Electrical Characteristics:
Items Condition Min Typical Max Unit
Power supply DC 3.3 5 6 V
Current supply Measuring 1 1.5 mA
Stand-by 40 Null 50 uA
Collecting Second 2 Second
8. Error and sources of error:
Measure values maybe influenced by follow factors:
Humidity errors
Equilibration time too short, steam, water sprays, dripping water or condensation at the sensor, etc.
Temperature errors
Equilibration time too short, cold or hot outside wall, sunlights, heating elements, etc.
9. Attentions of application:
(1) Operating and storage conditions
We don't recommend the applying RH-range beyond the range stated in this specification. The DHT11 sensor
can recover after working in abnormal operating condition to calibrated status, but will accelerate sensors' aging.
(2) Attentions to chemical materials
Vapor from chemical materials may interfere DHT11's sensitive-elements and debase DHT11's sensitivity.
(3) Disposal when (1) & (2) happens
Step one: Keep the DHT11 sensor at condition of Temperature 50~60Celsius, humidity <10%RH for 2 hours;
Step two: After step one, keep the DHT11 sensor at condition of Temperature 20~30Celsius, humidity >70%RH
for 5 hours.
(4) Attention to temperature's affection
Relative humidity strongly depend on temperature, that is why we use temperature compensation technology to
ensure accurate measurement of RH. But it's still be much better to keep the sensor at same temperature when
DHT11 should be mounted at the place as far as possible from parts that may cause change to temperature.
(5) Attentions to light
Long time exposure to strong light and ultraviolet may debase DHT11's performance.
(6) Attentions to connection wires
The connection wires' quality will effect communication's quality and distance, high quality shielding-wire is
(7) Other attentions
* Welding temperature should be bellow 260Celsius.
* Avoid using the sensor under dew condition.
* Don't use this product in safety or emergency stop devices or any other occasion that failure of DHT11 may
cause personal injury.
10. Warnings:
Don’t use this item on safety or emergency stop devices and any other application which may cause injury due to
the failure of this item.