Calculation p1 07-09-19 1
Calculation p1 07-09-19 1
Calculation p1 07-09-19 1
Area of at Footpath = 1002159 mm2 (Auto cad file)
Load of Handrail = 0.6 t/m
Unit weight of concrete = 2.5 ton/m3
3.11 t/m
Calculation of reaction
RA= RB = [3.11x(32.015+2x0.4)]/2
= 51.03 T
Total Load= 102.05 T
Thickness of Bituminous Coat = 65 mm
Width of Carraigeway = 7500 mm
Unit weight of bituminous
concrete = 2.4 ton/m3
1.17 t/m
0.4 A 32.015 B 0.4
Calculation of reaction
RA= RB = [1.17x(32.015+2x0.4)]/2
= 19.2 T
Total Load= 38.39 T
17.24 T/m
0.38 C 15 D 0.45
Calculation of reaction
RD = {[17.24 x 15.45 x 15.45 /2] - [17.24 x 0.38 x 0.38 /2]}/15
= 137.09 T
RC = 135.82 T
Total Load= 272.91 T
Area of at Footpath = 1002159 mm2 (Auto cad file)
Load of Handrail = 0.6 t/m
Unit weight of concrete = 2.5 ton/m3
3.11 t/m
0.38 C 15 D 0.45
Calculation of reaction
RD = {[3.11 x 15.45 x 15.45 /2] - [3.11 x 0.38 x 0.38 /2]}/15
= 24.73 T
RC = 24.50 T
Total Load= 49.23 T
Thickness of Bituminous Coat = 65 mm (Auto cad file)
Width of Carraigeway = 7500 mm
Unit weight of bituminous
concrete = 2.4 ton/m3
1.17 t/m
0.38 C 15 D 0.45
Length Width Height Nos Unit. Wt. Wt.
0.7 0.7 0.15 4 2.5 0.735
2.Pier Cap
Area 1 Area 2 Width 1 Width 2 Unit. Wt. Wt.
6.79 15.01 0.95 0.85 2.5 48.014
Dia Area Height Unit. Wt. Wt.
1.7 2.27 6.89 2.5 39.088
4.Pile Cap
Area Height Unit. Wt. Wt.
84.795 1.8 2.5 381.578
Refer to Staad model - LL FOR MAX REACTION 1
Wheel and Track Loads considered
1. 70R Wheel Load (L/G - 1-930 ) Type - 1
2. 70R Track Load (L/G - 931 - 1480 ) Type - 2
3. 2-Class A Load (L/G - 1481 - 2480 ) Type - 3
4. S.V Load (L/G - 2481 - 3360 ) Type - 4
5. 70R Wheel Load
(Other Side) (L/G - 3361 - 4290 ) Type - 5
6. 2-Class A Load
(Other Side) (L/G - 4291 - 5289 ) Type - 6
7. S.V Load
(Other Side) (L/G - 5290 - 6169 ) Type - 7
1 0 0 0; 2 0.4 0 0; 3 32.415 0 0; 4 32.815 0 0; 5 32.855 0 0; 6 33.235 0 0;
7 48.235 0 0; 8 48.685 0 0;
1 1 2; 2 2 3; 3 3 4; 4 5 6; 5 6 7; 6 7 8;
*E 2.21467e+006
*DENSITY 2.40262
*ALPHA 1e-005
*DAMP 0.05
E 2.54929e+006
DENSITY 2.44732
1 TO 6 PRIS YD 0.1 ZD 0.1
TYPE 1 LOAD 8 12 12 17 17 17 17
DIST 3.96 1.52 2.13 1.37 3.05 1.37
TYPE 2 LOAD 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
DIST 0.507 0.507 0.507 0.507 0.507 0.507 0.507 0.507 0.507
TYPE 3 LOAD 5.4 5.4 22.8 22.8 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6
DIST 1.1 3.2 1.2 4.3 3 3 3
TYPE 4 LOAD 6 9.5 9.5 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 -
DIST 3.2 1.37 5.389 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 -
1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
TYPE 1 -13.4 0 0 XINC 0.1
TYPE 1 -56.8 0 0 XINC 0.1
TYPE 2 -4.57 0 0 XINC 0.1
TYPE 3 -18.8 0 0 XINC 0.1
TYPE 3 -57.6 0 0 XINC 0.1
TYPE 4 -38.459 0 0 XINC 0.1
TYPE 1 62.085 0 0 XINC -0.1
TYPE 1 105.485 0 0 XINC -0.1
TYPE 3 67.485 0 0 XINC -0.1
TYPE 3 106.285 0 0 XINC -0.1
TYPE 4 87.144 0 0 XINC -1
32.015 m Span
Impact Factor
32.015m span
Impact factor = 12% (page -30, IRC 6:2016)
15.0 m span
Impact factor = 22% (page -30, IRC 6:2016)
Congestion Factor = 30%
Pedestrian Load
32.015m span
Width of Footpath
(W) = 1.5 m
P =
500 Kg/m2
No. of Footpath = 2 nos
Effective Span (L) = 32.015 m
Calculation of reaction
RA= RB = [1.15x(32.015+2x0.4)]/2
= 18.87 T Total Load= 37.74 T
15.0 m span
Width of Footpath
(W) = 1.5 m
P1 = 500 Kg/m2
No. of Footpath = 2 nos
Effective Span (L) = 15 m
0.38 C 15 D 0.45
Calculation of reaction
RD= [1.3734 x 15.45 x 15.45/2 - 1.3734 x 0.38 x 0.38 /2] / 15
= 10.92 T
RC= 10.82 T Total Load= 21.74 T
Normal vehicle
Considering type of bearing -POT-PTFE.
32.015 m 15.0 m
Net Calculation
Considering max reation case of live load on 32.015 m span.
Total Load on 32.015m span due to 70R wheel load = 100 T
Total Longitudinal force on 32.015 m span = 20% of
total live load present on span = 20 T
Total Load on 15m span due to 70R wheel load = 0T
Total Longitudinal force on 15 m span = 20% of total
live load present on span = 0T
Total dead load reaction on free end of 32.015 m
span,Rg = 277.51 T
Total live load reation on free end of 32.015 m
span,Rq = 33.67 T
32.015 m 15.0 m
Free Fixed P1 Free Fixed
9.34 9.34 9.02
Direction of span movement.
Direction due to action of μ(Rg+Rq).
Direction of live load.
Direction of net longitudinal force.
Net Longitudinal
Force at P1 = 19.68 T
Case 2
Considering decrease in span length.
32.015 m 15.0 m
Free Fixed P1 Free Fixed
15.56 15.56 5.41
Direction of span movement.
Direction due to action of μ(Rg+Rq).
Direction of live load.
Direction of net longitudinal force.
Net Longitudinal
Force at P1 = 20.15 T
Net Calculation
Considering max reation case of live load on 15 m span.
Total Load on 15m span due to 70R wheel load = 100 T
Total Longitudinal force on 15 m span = 20% of total
live load present on span = 20 T
Total Load on 32.015m span due to 70R wheel load = 8T
Total Longitudinal force on 32.015 m span = 20% of
total live load present on span = 1.6 T
Total dead load reation on free end of 32.015 m
span,Rg = 277.51 T
Total live load reation on free end of 32.015 m
span,Rq = 26.25 T
32.015 m 15.0 m
Free Fixed P1 Free Fixed
15.19 15.19 7.46
Direction of span movement.
Direction due to action of μ(Rg+Rq).
Direction of live load.
Direction of net longitudinal force.
Net Longitudinal
Force at P1 = 8.53 T
Case 2
Considering decrease in span length.
32.015 m 15.0 m
Free Fixed P1 Free Fixed
9.11 9.11 7.46
Direction of span movement.
Direction due to action of μ(Rg+Rq).
Direction of live load.
Direction of net longitudinal force.
Net Longitudinal
Force at P1 = 0.06 T
Special vehicle
Considering type of bearing -POT-PTFE.
32.015 m 15.0 m
Net Calculation
Considering max reation case of live load on 32.015 m span.
Total Load on 32.015m span due to sp. vehicle load = 360 T
Total Longitudinal force on 32.015 m span = 0T
Total Load on 15m span due to sp. vehicle load = 0T
Total Longitudinal force on 15 m span = 0T
Total dead load reaction on free end of 32.015 m
span,Rg = 277.51 T
Total live load reation on free end of 32.015 m
span,Rq = 18.87 T
Free Fixed P1 Free Fixed
8.89 8.89 9.02
Direction of span movement.
Direction due to action of μ(Rg+Rq).
Direction of live load.
Direction of net longitudinal force.
Net Longitudinal
Force at P1 = 0.13 T
Case 2
Considering decrease in span length.
32.015 m 15.0 m
Free Fixed P1 Free Fixed
8.89 8.89 9.02
Direction of span movement.
Direction due to action of μ(Rg+Rq).
Direction of live load.
Direction of net longitudinal force.
Net Longitudinal
Force at P1 = 0.13 T
Net Calculation
Considering max reation case of live load on 15 m span.
Total Load on 15m span due to sp.vehicle load = 198 T
Total Longitudinal force on 15 m span = 0T
Total Load on 32.015m span due to sp. vehicle load = 25 T
Total Longitudinal force on 32.015 m span = 0T
Total dead load reation on free end of 32.015 m
span,Rg = 277.51 T
Total live load reation on free end of 32.015 m
span,Rq = 18.87 T
32.015 m 15.0 m
Free Fixed P1 Free Fixed
8.89 8.89 9.02
Direction of span movement.
Direction due to action of μ(Rg+Rq).
Direction of live load.
Direction of net longitudinal force.
Net Longitudinal
Force at P1 = 0.13 T
Case 2
Considering decrease in span length.
32.015 m 15.0 m
Free Fixed P1 Free Fixed
8.89 8.89 9.02
Direction of span movement.
Direction due to action of μ(Rg+Rq).
Direction of live load.
Direction of net longitudinal force.
Net Longitudinal
Force at P1 = 0.13 T
Time Period Calculation
1 0 0 0; 2 -1.8 0 -4.918; 3 1.8 0 -4.918; 4 -3.6 0 -1.8; 5 0 0 -1.8;
6 3.6 0 -1.8; 7 -3.6 0 1.8; 8 0 0 1.8; 9 3.6 0 1.8; 10 -1.8 0 4.918;
11 1.8 0 4.918; 12 0 6.89 0; 14 -1.8 -23.609 -4.918; 15 1.8 -23.609 -4.918;
16 -3.6 -23.609 -1.8; 17 0 -23.609 -1.8; 18 3.6 -23.609 -1.8;
19 -3.6 -23.609 1.8; 20 0 -23.609 1.8; 21 3.6 -23.609 1.8;
22 -1.8 -23.609 4.918; 23 1.8 -23.609 4.918; 24 0 9.363 0;
13 1 12; 15 14 2; 16 15 3; 17 16 4; 18 17 5; 19 18 6; 20 19 7; 21 20 8;
22 21 9; 23 22 10; 24 23 11; 25 12 24;
1 2 1 4; 2 2 5 1; 3 3 5 1; 4 3 6 1; 5 2 3 5; 6 1 7 4; 7 1 10 7; 8 1 8 10;
9 1 8 11; 10 1 11 9; 11 1 6 9; 12 8 10 11;
E 2.17185e+007
DENSITY 23.5616
ALPHA 1e-005
DAMP 0.05
15 TO 24 PRIS YD 1.2
13 PRIS YD 1.7
25 PRIS YD 1.8 ZD 6.45
14 TO 23 FIXED
24 FX 1
24 FZ 1 MX 1.65
27 Long 1 0.0089 0 0 0 0 0
Trans 2 0 0 0.0094 0 0 0
For 1 mm deflection in trans dir force req, F T = 10.64 KN
For 1 mm deflection in trans dir force req, F L = 11.24 KN
D.L of super strcture 343.10 T
S.I.D.L 75.53 T
Surfacing 28.42 T
Live Load 85.198 T
Crowd Load 29.69 T
Design live load for
seismic condition 22.98 T
Appropriate DL+LL 470.02 T = 4610.93 KN
Time period for Trans. Dir, TT = 2 x √(D/1000FT) = 1.317 Sa/gT 1.27
Time period for Trans. Dir, TL = 2 x √(D/1000FL) = 1.281 Sa/gL 1.30
Adopting Sa/g for both directions = 1.5
DEAD LOAD F.R.L 11.722 m P.CAP TOP 00.734 m
Super Structure G.L 01.229 m P.CAP BOT -01.066 m
N.Sc. LVL -12.930 m S.Sc. LVL -11.637 m
H.H.T.L 04.800 m L.W.L -01.950 m
32.015m span Load Reaction
1.PSC Box Girder 414.56 207.280 T
2.S.I.D.L 102.05 51.03 T
3.Surfacing 38.39 19.2 T
15.0 m span
1.Solid slab 272.91 135.82 T
2.S.I.D.L 49.23 24.501 T
3.Surfacing 18.52 9.22 T
Sub Structure
1.Pedestal(2 nos) 0.735 T
2.Pier cap 48.01 T
3.Pier Shaf 39.09 T
4.Pile Cap 381.58 T
32.015m span
Impact factor = 12% (page -30, IRC 6:2016)
15.0 m span
Impact factor = 22% (page -30, IRC 6:2016)
Pedestrian Load
32.015m span
Vertical Load 18.87 T
15.0 m span
Vertical Load 10.82 T
Considering type of bearing -POT-PTFE. End at pier P1 side is fixed & on Abutment A1 side is free.
Case 1
Ht. of bridge 10.493 m <15m
Hourly meanplain
speed,Vzt 29.2 m/s
Hor. Wind pressure,Pzt 512.5 N/m2
Basic Wind speed,W 50 m/s
15.0 m
Solid area A3 20.94 m2
Trans.wind force,FT = Pz
x (A3+A4) x G x CD = 11.22 T
Trans.wind force acting
at P1,FTP1 5.61 T
Long.wind force on P1
side,FLP1 1.40 T
Upward & Downward Wind
Solid area A5 368.51 m2
Gust Factor,G 2
Lif coefficient,C
Vert.wind force,FL V = Pz x 0.75
A5 x G x C = on P1 65.03 T
Vert.wind Lforce
side,FVP1 32.52 T
Solid area A6 177.78 m2
Gust Factor,G 2
Lif coefficient,C
Vert.wind force,FL V = Pz x 0.75
A6 x G x CLforce
= on P1 31.37 T
side,FVP1 15.69 T
As wind speed at deck level Vz>36 m/s so bridge carries no live load.
Sub Structure
Length Width Height Nos Elevational area(A)
0.7 0.7 0.15 4 0.42
Gust Factor,G 2 b= 0.7 t/b= 1.000
Drag coefficient,C
Trans.wind force,FDT = Pz 1.2 t= 0.7 d/b= 0.214
(A) x G x Cforce
= on P1 0.12 T d= 0.15 Cl -209.4,IRC 6-2016
side,FL 0.03 T
2.Pier Cap
Width Length1 Length2 Depth 1 Depth 2 Elevational area(A)
Non Seismic scour level
= -12.930 m
Mean Velocity = 1.75 m/s
H= 17.73 m R2
11.864 m
Calculation of R1
H1 = 4.066 m Width (T) 1.7
R1 = 4.17 T/m Width (L) 1.7
Point of application from
base of pile cap 2.21 m
Calculation of R2 Width (T) 8.8
H2 = 1.8 m Width (L) 11.435
R2 = 1.21 T/m
Point of application from
base of pile cap 0.94 m
Calculation of R3 Width (T) 6
H3 = 11.9 m Width (L) 4.8
R3 = 3.42 T/m
Point of application from
non seismic scour lvl 7.91 m
The water current acts at 20 deg from the normal direction.
Variation in deg 20 deg = 0.349 rad
cos 20 = 0.940
sin 20 = 0.342
T.Force L.Force
Pier 6.670 2.430
Pilecap 9.980 4.720
Pile 19.280 5.610
Density of water = 1 T/m3
1.Considering H.H.T.L
H.H.T.L 04.800 m
Height of pier submered
= 4.066 m
Area of pier = 2.27 m2
Weight of pier to be
substracted = 9.23 T
Area of pilecap = 84.80 m2
Weight of pile cap to be
substracted = 152.63 T
S.L No. Item Load V
Pier -9.229
S.L No. Item Load V
Pier -9.229
Pile Cap -152.63
Importance factor, I 1.2
Zone-4, Z 0.24
Sa/g 1.5
Response reduction factor
1.Super-Structure 1
2.Substructure 3
Horizontal Seismic
Vertical Seismic 0.216
coefficient,Av 0.144
Dead Load
32.015m span
Total wt. 414.56 T
Load on P1 side 207.280 T
HT = H L 44.77 T
HV 29.85 T
32.015m span S.I.D.L
Total wt. 102.05 T
Load on P1 side 51.030 T
HT = H L 11.02 T
HV 7.35 T
32.015m span Surfacing
Total wt. 38.39 T
Load on P1 side 19.200 T
HT = H L 4.15 T
HV 2.76 T
15.0 m span
Total wt. 272.91 T
Load on P1 side 135.818 T
HT = H L 29.34 T
HV 19.56 T
15.0 m span S.I.D.L
Total wt. 49.23 T
Load on P1 side 24.501 T
HT = H L 5.29 T
HV 3.53 T
15.0 m span Surfacing
Total wt. 18.52 T
Load on P1 side 9.217 T
HT = H L 1.99 T
HV 1.33 T
Live Load
32.015m span
Wheel load
Live Load on deck 100 T (L/C-329)
20% of this load is present.
Reaction at P1 85.198 T
20% of this reaction 17.04 T
HT 3.68 T
HV 2.45 T
Total wt. 37.74 T
Load on P1 side 18.87 T
20% of this reaction 3.774 T
HT 0.82 T
HV 0.54 T
15.0 m span (Corresponding L/C -329)
Wheel load
Live Load on deck 0T (L/C-329)
20% of this load is present.
Reaction at P1 0.00 T
20% of this reaction 0.00 T
HT 0.00 T
HV 0.00 T
Total wt. 21.74 T
Load on P1 side 10.82 T
20% of this reaction 2.164 T
HT 0.47 T
HV 0.31 T
15.0 m span
Wheel load
Live Load on deck 100 T (L/C-3953)
20% of this load is present.
Reaction at P1 68.175 T
20% of this reaction 13.64 T
HT 2.95 T
HV 1.96 T
Total wt. 21.74 T
Load on P1 side 10.82 T
20% of this reaction 2.164 T
HT 0.47 T
HV 0.31 T
32.015 m span (Corresponding L/C -3953)
Wheel load
Live Load on deck 8T (L/C-3953)
20% of this load is present.
Reaction at P1 0.62 T
20% of this reaction 0.12 T
HT 0.03 T
HV 0.02 T
Total wt. 37.74 T
Load on P1 side 18.87 T
20% of this reaction 3.774 T
HT 0.82 T
HV 0.54 T
Normal vehicle
Considering type of bearing -POT-PTFE.
32.015 m 15.0 m
Net Calculation
Considering max reation case of live load on 32.015 m span.
Total Load on 32.015m span due to 70R wheel load = 100 T
32.015 m 15.0 m
Free Fixed P1 Free Fixed
9.34 9.34 9.02
Direction of span movement.
Direction due to action of μ(Rg+Rq).
Direction of live load.
Net Longitudinal Forceof net longitudinal force.
at P1 = 63.62 T
Case 2
Considering decrease in span length.
32.015 m 15.0 m
Free Fixed P1 Free Fixed
15.56 15.56 5.41
Direction of span movement.
Direction due to action of μ(Rg+Rq).
Direction of live load.
Net Longitudinal Forceof net longitudinal force.
at P1 = 42.12 T
Net Calculation
Considering max reation case of live load on 15 m span.
Total Load on 15m span due to 70R wheel load = 100 T
32.015 m 15.0 m
Free Fixed P1 Free Fixed
15.19 15.19 7.46
Direction of span movement.
Direction due to action of μ(Rg+Rq).
Direction of live load.
Net Longitudinal Forceof net longitudinal force.
at P1 = 37.86 T
Case 2
Considering decrease in span length.
32.015 m 15.0 m
Free Fixed P1 Free Fixed
9.11 9.11 12.43
Direction of span movement.
Direction due to action of μ(Rg+Rq).
Direction of live load.
Net Longitudinal Forceof net longitudinal force.
at P1 = 63.58 T
Horizontal Seismic
Vertical Seismic 0.072
coefficient,Av 0.048
Dead Load
Total wt. 0.74 T
HT = H L 0.05 T
HV 0.04 T
2.Pier cap
Total wt. 48.01 T
HT = H L 3.46 T
HV 2.30 T
3.Pier Shaf
Total wt. 39.09 T
HT = H L 2.81 T
HV 1.88 T
4.Pile Cap
Total wt. 381.58 T
HT = H L 27.47 T
HV 18.32 T
Total wt. 298.89 T
HT = H L 21.52 T
HV 14.35 T
Seismic scour level = -11.637 m
Mean Velocity = 1.75 m/s
Pressure intensity at
bottom surface of
pilecap, P3 = 52 k U22 = 0.53 T/m2
H= 16.44 m R2
10.571 m
Calculation of R1
H1 = 4.066 m Width (T) 1.7
R1 = 4.10 T/m Width (L) 1.7
Point of application from
base of pile cap 2.22 m
Calculation of R2 Width (T) 8.8
H2 = 1.8 m Width (L) 11.435
R2 = 1.14 T/m
Point of application from
base of pile cap 0.95 m
Calculation of R3 Width (T) 6
H3 = 10.6 m Width (L) 4.8
R3 = 2.81 T/m
Point of application from
seismic scour lvl 7.05 m
The water current acts at 20 deg from the normal direction.
Variation in deg 20 deg = 0.349 rad
cos 20 = 0.940
sin 20 = 0.342
T.Force L.Force
Pier 6.550 2.384
Pilecap 9.391 4.442
Pile 15.870 4.621
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 DL 812.512 28.58 0.00 1
2 SIDL 75.53 10.61 0.00 1
3 SUR. 28.42 3.99 0.00 1
4 LL 124.05 20.148 331.464 143.28 1
5 CW.LL 29.69 3.220 0.00 1
6 WC 0.00 7.150 16.650 14.180 36.120 1
7B -161.86 0.000 0.000 0.00 1
Total Vertical Force 908.338 T
Total Long. Force 27.298 T Max Hor. Force 31.98 T
Total Trans. Force 16.650 T
Total Long. Moment 392.05 T
Minimum Longitudinal
Reinforcement = Max of [ 0.20% of
C/S area or 0.10 NED/fyd ] = 4539.6014 mm2 (Clause-16.2.2, IRC 112:2011)
Area of steel provided = 67732.738 mm2
Clear Cover = 50 mm ES = 200000 Mpa d//D = 0.08
Diameter of transverse reinforcement = 16 mm
Using Chart 60, Page - 145 of SP 16-1978 For d //D value = 0.1
Load Case Pu/fckD2 Mu/fckD3 p/fck p As req As pro
1.DL+LL 0.09517365 0.0271896 0.005 0.175 3972.15 67732.738 Hence Ok
2.DL+WL 0.06522661 0.0239101 0.005 0.175 3972.15 67732.738 Hence Ok
3.DL+SP.LL 0.09695512 0.0093095 0.005 0.175 3972.15 67732.738 Hence Ok
LONG 0.06413036 0.0783657 0.07 2.45 55610.12 67732.738 Hence Ok
TRANS 0.06413036 0.0946818 0.085 2.98 67526.57 67732.738 Hence Ok
L/C σmax σmin
1.DL+LL 9.664 -3.558
2.DL+WL 7.985 -3.658
3.DL+SP.LL 6.392 0.419
Permissible Compressive stress in concrete = 0.48 x f ck = 16.8 N/mm2
L/C σmax σmin
1.DL+LL 8.108 -2.341
2.DL+WL 6.021 -1.525
3.DL+SP.LL 5.596 0.700
Permissible Compressive stress in concrete = 0.36 x f ck = 12.6 N/mm2
L/C σmax σmin
1.DL+LL 3.287 1.463
2.DL+WL 3.287 1.463
3.DL+SP.LL 3.287 1.463
Permissible Compressive stress in concrete = 0.36 x f ck = 12.6 N/mm2
% Longitudinal reinforcement = 2.984083
Longitudinal reinforcement ratio,ρL = 0.0298408
Design axial load, NED = 980.701 T = 9807010.1 N
Dia of hoop,d = 16 mm Area ,Asp= 201.06 mm2
Spacing of hoop,SL = 75 mm
Gross area of concrete section Ac= 2.270 m2
Confined concrete area Acc= 2.011 m2
Normalized axial force,ƞk = NED
/ACXfCK = 0.1234 Confinement is required
Diameter of hoop ,Dsp = 1.592 m
Volumetric ratio,ρw = 4x Asp/ (Dsp x
SL)= 0.0067
Quantity of confining
reinforcement ,ωwd = ρw x fyd / fcd = 0.187
0 0.0035
20.00 0.0033 15.633 840 0.002291
40.00 0.0030 15.633 820 0.003944
60.00 0.0028 15.633 800 0.005062
80.00 0.0026 15.633 780 0.005953
100.00 0.0023 15.633 760 0.006708
120.00 0.0021 15.633 740 0.00737
140.00 0.0019 13.618 720 0.006935
160.00 0.0016 10.427 700 0.005667
180.00 0.0014 7.660 680 0.004404
200.00 0.0012 5.320 660 0.003212
220.00 0.0009 3.405 640 0.002147
240.00 0.0007 1.915 620 0.001255
260.00 0.0005 0.851 600 0.000578
280.00 0.0002 0.213 580 0.000149
300.00 0.0000 0.000 560 0
320.00 0.0002 0.000 540 0
340.00 0.0005 0.000 520 0
360.00 0.0007 0.000 500 0
380.00 0.0009 0.000 480 0
400.00 0.0012 0.000 460 0
420.00 0.0014 0.000 440 0
440.00 0.0016 0.000 420 0
460.00 0.0019 0.000 400 0
480.00 0.0021 0.000 380 0
500.00 0.0023 0.000 360 0
520.00 0.0026 0.000 340 0
540.00 0.0028 0.000 320 0
560.00 0.0030 0.000 300 0
580.00 0.0033 0.000 280 0
600.00 0.0035 0.000 260 0
620.00 0.0037 0.000 240 0
640.00 0.0040 0.000 220 0
660.00 0.0042 0.000 200 0
680.00 0.0044 0.000 180 0
700.00 0.0047 0.000 160 0
720.00 0.0049 0.000 140 0
740.00 0.0051 0.000 120 0
760.00 0.0054 0.000 100 0
780.00 0.0056 0.000 80 0
800.00 0.0058 0.000 60 0
820.00 0.0061 0.000 40 0
840.00 0.0063 0.000 20 0
860.00 0.0065 0.000 1.14E-13 0
880.00 0.0068 0.000 -20 0
900.00 0.0070 0.000 -40 0
920.00 0.0072 0.000 -60 0
940.00 0.0075 0.000 -80 0
960.00 0.0077 0.000 -100 0
980.00 0.0079 0.000 -120 0
1000.00 0.0082 0.000 -140 0
1020.00 0.0084 0.000 -160 0
1040.00 0.0086 0.000 -180 0
1060.00 0.0089 0.000 -200 0
1080.00 0.0091 0.000 -220 0
1100.00 0.0093 0.000 -240 0
1120.00 0.0096 0.000 -260 0
1140.00 0.0098 0.000 -280 0
1160.00 0.0100 0.000 -300 0
1180.00 0.0103 0.000 -320 0
1200.00 0.0105 0.000 -340 0
1220.00 0.0107 0.000 -360 0
1240.00 0.0110 0.000 -380 0
1260.00 0.0112 0.000 -400 0
1280.00 0.0114 0.000 -420 0
1300.00 0.0117 0.000 -440 0
1320.00 0.0119 0.000 -460 0
1340.00 0.0121 0.000 -480 0
1360.00 0.0124 0.000 -500 0
1380.00 0.0126 0.000 -520 0
1400.00 0.0128 0.000 -540 0
1420.00 0.0131 0.000 -560 0
1440.00 0.0133 0.000 -580 0
1460.00 0.0135 0.000 -600 0
1480.00 0.0138 0.000 -620 0
1500.00 0.0140 0.000 -640 0
1520.00 0.0142 0.000 -660 0
1540.00 0.0145 0.000 -680 0
1560.00 0.0147 0.000 -700 0
1580.00 0.0149 0.000 -720 0
1600.00 0.0152 0.000 -740 0
1620.00 0.0154 0.000 -760 0
1640.00 0.0156 0.000 -780 0
1660.00 0.0159 0.000 -800 0
1680.00 0.0161 0.000 -820 0
1700.00 0.0163 0.000 -840 0
(Pg- 171, IRC 112:2011)
2456.725 144.5133
Vertical stress in
incremen reinforcin
t g steel, σs
1 1 0.017453 836.3522 -0.00626 -434.783
2 3 0.05236 809.0733 -0.00594 -434.783 434.7826
3 5 0.087266 781.8442 -0.00562 -434.783 434.7826
4 7 0.122173 754.6982 -0.0053 -434.783 434.7826
5 9 0.15708 727.6682 -0.00499 -434.783 434.7826
6 11 0.191986 700.7874 -0.00468 -434.783 420
7 13 0.226893 674.0883 -0.00436 -434.783 373.3333
8 15 0.261799 647.6035 -0.00406 -434.783 326.6667
9 17 0.296706 621.3653 -0.00375 -434.783 280
10 19 0.331613 595.4057 -0.00345 -434.783 233.3333
11 21 0.366519 569.7563 -0.00315 -434.783 186.6667
12 23 0.401426 544.4483 -0.00285 -434.783 140
13 25 0.436332 519.5125 -0.00256 -434.783 93.33333
14 27 0.471239 494.9794 -0.00227 -434.783 46.66667
15 29 0.506145 470.8789 -0.00199 -398.717 0
16 31 0.541052 447.2402 -0.00172 -343.561 -46.6667
17 33 0.575959 424.0923 -0.00145 -289.549 -93.3333
18 35 0.610865 401.4632 -0.00118 -236.748 -140
19 37 0.645772 379.3807 -0.00093 -185.222 -186.667
20 39 0.680678 357.8715 -0.00068 -135.033 -233.333
21 41 0.715585 336.9618 -0.00043 -86.2443 -280
22 43 0.750492 316.6773 -0.00019 -38.9137 -326.667
23 45 0.785398 297.0425 3.45E-05 6.90084 -373.333
24 47 0.820305 278.0814 0.000256 51.14339 -420
25 49 0.855211 259.8171 0.000469 93.76008 -434.783
26 51 0.890118 242.2719 0.000673 134.699 -434.783
27 53 0.925025 225.467 0.00087 173.9103 -434.783
28 55 0.959931 209.4231 0.001057 211.3461 -434.783
29 57 0.994838 194.1596 0.001235 246.9609 -434.783
30 59 1.029744 179.6952 0.001404 280.7113 -434.783
31 61 1.064651 166.0474 0.001563 312.5561 -434.783
32 63 1.099557 153.2329 0.001712 342.4566 -434.783
33 65 1.134464 141.2673 0.001852 370.3763 -434.783
34 67 1.169371 130.1652 0.001981 396.2812 -434.783
35 69 1.204277 119.9401 0.002101 420.1398 -434.783
36 71 1.239184 110.6045 0.00221 434.7826 -434.783
37 73 1.27409 102.1697 0.002308 434.7826 -434.783
38 75 1.308997 94.646 0.002396 434.7826 -434.783
39 77 1.343904 88.04261 0.002473 434.7826 -434.783
40 79 1.37881 82.36754 0.002539 434.7826 -434.783
41 81 1.413717 77.62772 0.002594 434.7826 -434.783
42 83 1.448623 73.82891 0.002639 434.7826 -434.783
43 85 1.48353 70.97575 0.002672 434.7826 -434.783
44 87 1.518436 69.0717 0.002694 434.7826 -434.783
45 89 1.553343 68.1191 0.002705 434.7826 -434.783
46 91 1.58825 68.1191 0.002705 434.7826 -434.783
47 93 1.623156 69.0717 0.002694 434.7826 -434.783
48 95 1.658063 70.97575 0.002672 434.7826 -434.783
49 97 1.692969 73.82891 0.002639 434.7826 -434.783
50 99 1.727876 77.62772 0.002594 434.7826 -434.783
51 101 1.762783 82.36754 0.002539 434.7826 -434.783
52 103 1.797689 88.04261 0.002473 434.7826 -434.783
53 105 1.832596 94.646 0.002396 434.7826 -434.783
54 107 1.867502 102.1697 0.002308 434.7826 -434.783
55 109 1.902409 110.6045 0.00221 434.7826 -434.783
56 111 1.937315 119.9401 0.002101 420.1398 -434.783
57 113 1.972222 130.1652 0.001981 396.2812 -434.783
58 115 2.007129 141.2673 0.001852 370.3763 -434.783
59 117 2.042035 153.2329 0.001712 342.4566 -434.783
60 119 2.076942 166.0474 0.001563 312.5561 -434.783
61 121 2.111848 179.6952 0.001404 280.7113 -434.783
62 123 2.146755 194.1596 0.001235 246.9609 -434.783
63 125 2.181662 209.4231 0.001057 211.3461 -434.783
64 127 2.216568 225.467 0.00087 173.9103 -434.783
65 129 2.251475 242.2719 0.000673 134.699 -434.783
66 131 2.286381 259.8171 0.000469 93.76008 -434.783
67 133 2.321288 278.0814 0.000256 51.14339 -434.783
68 135 2.356194 297.0425 3.45E-05 6.90084 -434.783
69 137 2.391101 316.6773 -0.00019 -38.9137 -434.783
70 139 2.426008 336.9618 -0.00043 -86.2443 -434.783
71 141 2.460914 357.8715 -0.00068 -135.033 -434.783
72 143 2.495821 379.3807 -0.00093 -185.222 -434.783
73 145 2.530727 401.4632 -0.00118 -236.748 -434.783
74 147 2.565634 424.0923 -0.00145 -289.549 -434.783
75 149 2.600541 447.2402 -0.00172 -343.561 -434.783
76 151 2.635447 470.8789 -0.00199 -398.717 -434.783
77 153 2.670354 494.9794 -0.00227 -434.783 -434.783
78 155 2.70526 519.5125 -0.00256 -434.783 -434.783
79 157 2.740167 544.4483 -0.00285 -434.783 -434.783
80 159 2.775074 569.7563 -0.00315 -434.783 -434.783
81 161 2.80998 595.4057 -0.00345 -434.783 -434.783
82 163 2.844887 621.3653 -0.00375 -434.783 -434.783
83 165 2.879793 647.6035 -0.00406 -434.783 -434.783
84 167 2.9147 674.0883 -0.00436 -434.783 -434.783
85 169 2.949606 700.7874 -0.00468 -434.783 -434.783
86 171 2.984513 727.6682 -0.00499 -434.783
87 173 3.01942 754.6982 -0.0053 -434.783
88 175 3.054326 781.8442 -0.00562 -434.783
89 177 3.089233 809.0733 -0.00594 -434.783
90 179 3.124139 836.3522 -0.00626 -434.783
91 181 3.159046 863.6478 -0.00658 -434.783
92 183 3.193953 890.9267 -0.00689 -434.783
93 185 3.228859 918.1558 -0.00721 -434.783
94 187 3.263766 945.3018 -0.00753 -434.783
95 189 3.298672 972.3318 -0.00784 -434.783
96 191 3.333579 999.2126 -0.00816 -434.783
97 193 3.368485 1025.912 -0.00847 -434.783
98 195 3.403392 1052.396 -0.00878 -434.783
99 197 3.438299 1078.635 -0.00908 -434.783
100 199 3.473205 1104.594 -0.00939 -434.783
101 201 3.508112 1130.244 -0.00969 -434.783
102 203 3.543018 1155.552 -0.00998 -434.783
103 205 3.577925 1180.487 -0.01027 -434.783
104 207 3.612832 1205.021 -0.01056 -434.783
105 209 3.647738 1229.121 -0.01084 -434.783
106 211 3.682645 1252.76 -0.01112 -434.783
107 213 3.717551 1275.908 -0.01139 -434.783
108 215 3.752458 1298.537 -0.01165 -434.783
109 217 3.787364 1320.619 -0.01191 -434.783
110 219 3.822271 1342.129 -0.01216 -434.783
111 221 3.857178 1363.038 -0.0124 -434.783
112 223 3.892084 1383.323 -0.01264 -434.783
113 225 3.926991 1402.958 -0.01287 -434.783
114 227 3.961897 1421.919 -0.01309 -434.783
115 229 3.996804 1440.183 -0.0133 -434.783
116 231 4.031711 1457.728 -0.01351 -434.783
117 233 4.066617 1474.533 -0.0137 -434.783
118 235 4.101524 1490.577 -0.01389 -434.783
119 237 4.13643 1505.84 -0.01407 -434.783
120 239 4.171337 1520.305 -0.01424 -434.783
121 241 4.206243 1533.953 -0.0144 -434.783
122 243 4.24115 1546.767 -0.01455 -434.783
123 245 4.276057 1558.733 -0.01469 -434.783
124 247 4.310963 1569.835 -0.01481 -434.783
125 249 4.34587 1580.06 -0.01493 -434.783
126 251 4.380776 1589.396 -0.01504 -434.783
127 253 4.415683 1597.83 -0.01514 -434.783
128 255 4.45059 1605.354 -0.01523 -434.783
129 257 4.485496 1611.957 -0.01531 -434.783
130 259 4.520403 1617.632 -0.01537 -434.783
131 261 4.555309 1622.372 -0.01543 -434.783
132 263 4.590216 1626.171 -0.01547 -434.783
133 265 4.625123 1629.024 -0.01551 -434.783
134 267 4.660029 1630.928 -0.01553 -434.783
135 269 4.694936 1631.881 -0.01554 -434.783
136 271 4.729842 1631.881 -0.01554 -434.783
137 273 4.764749 1630.928 -0.01553 -434.783
138 275 4.799655 1629.024 -0.01551 -434.783
139 277 4.834562 1626.171 -0.01547 -434.783
140 279 4.869469 1622.372 -0.01543 -434.783
141 281 4.904375 1617.632 -0.01537 -434.783
142 283 4.939282 1611.957 -0.01531 -434.783
143 285 4.974188 1605.354 -0.01523 -434.783
144 287 5.009095 1597.83 -0.01514 -434.783
145 289 5.044002 1589.396 -0.01504 -434.783
146 291 5.078908 1580.06 -0.01493 -434.783
147 293 5.113815 1569.835 -0.01481 -434.783
148 295 5.148721 1558.733 -0.01469 -434.783
149 297 5.183628 1546.767 -0.01455 -434.783
150 299 5.218534 1533.953 -0.0144 -434.783
151 301 5.253441 1520.305 -0.01424 -434.783
152 303 5.288348 1505.84 -0.01407 -434.783
153 305 5.323254 1490.577 -0.01389 -434.783
154 307 5.358161 1474.533 -0.0137 -434.783
155 309 5.393067 1457.728 -0.01351 -434.783
156 311 5.427974 1440.183 -0.0133 -434.783
157 313 5.462881 1421.919 -0.01309 -434.783
158 315 5.497787 1402.958 -0.01287 -434.783
159 317 5.532694 1383.323 -0.01264 -434.783
160 319 5.5676 1363.038 -0.0124 -434.783
161 321 5.602507 1342.129 -0.01216 -434.783
162 323 5.637413 1320.619 -0.01191 -434.783
163 325 5.67232 1298.537 -0.01165 -434.783
164 327 5.707227 1275.908 -0.01139 -434.783
165 329 5.742133 1252.76 -0.01112 -434.783
166 331 5.77704 1229.121 -0.01084 -434.783
167 333 5.811946 1205.021 -0.01056 -434.783
168 335 5.846853 1180.487 -0.01027 -434.783
169 337 5.88176 1155.552 -0.00998 -434.783
170 339 5.916666 1130.244 -0.00969 -434.783
171 341 5.951573 1104.594 -0.00939 -434.783
172 343 5.986479 1078.635 -0.00908 -434.783
173 345 6.021386 1052.396 -0.00878 -434.783
174 347 6.056293 1025.912 -0.00847 -434.783
175 349 6.091199 999.2126 -0.00816 -434.783
176 351 6.126106 972.3318 -0.00784 -434.783
177 353 6.161012 945.3018 -0.00753 -434.783
178 355 6.195919 918.1558 -0.00721 -434.783
179 357 6.230825 890.9267 -0.00689 -434.783
180 359 6.265732 863.6478 -0.00658 -434.783
TOTAL LOAD P = 908.3384 T
MXT = 179.40 T-m
MZL = 392.05 T-m
Grade of concrete = M 35
Grade of steel = Fe 500
Unit weight of concrete = 2.5 T/m3
unit weight of soil = 1.8 T/m3
Moment & shear force per meter of effective width (about z-z) : [ Ref: clause of IS 456:2000 ]
Pile Dist. Between load & face Width of Effective Moment/m. SF/m.
No. of cantilever (a1) contact area of width of length of eff. length of
load (a) the load Width eff. Width
Moment & shear force per meter of effective width (about x-x) : [ Ref: clause of IS 456:2000 ]
Pile Dist. Between load & face Width of Effective Moment/m. SF/m.
No. of cantilever (a1) contact area of width of length of eff. length of
load (a) the load Width eff. Width
Width of cap at the face of pier = 1000 mm
Thickness of the cap = 1800 mm
Clear cover to the slab, C = 75 mm
Dia of bottom reinforcement (along z-z) = 32 mm
Dia of bottom reinforcement (along x-x) = 25 mm
Spacing of bottom reinforcement (along x-x) = 125 mm
Effective. Depth = 1680.5 mm
Design moment, MED = 2.44E+09 N-mm
Area of bottom reinf. Provided = 3927 mm2
fck = M 35 fy = Fe 500 gc = 1.5
a= 0.67 λ= 0.8 gm = 1.15
η = 1
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
b1 = 0.80952 b2 = 0.41597
For rectangular stress block
b1 = 0.8 b2 = 0.4 h = 1
ES = 200000 Mpa ecu = 0.0035 εyd = fyd/Es = 0.002175
fcd = a.fck/γc = 15.6333333333 Mpa
fyd = 0.87fy = 435 Mpa
Design against bending moment :
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
x = d/(2.b2) - sqrt((d/(2.b2)2 - MED/(b1.b2.b.fcd)) = 118.1 mm
For rectangular stress block
y = d - d.sqrt(1 - 2.MED/(b.d^2.h.fcd)) = 95.5 mm
So, x = Y/λ = 119.4 mm
Now, to check adequacy of the section,
xu,lim = d.ecu/(ecu + eyd) = 1036 mm > 119.41 mm, O.K
Area of steel calculation
Top reinf :
Min. reinf. requirement :
[ As per eq. 16.1, clause of IRC 112-2011.]
Mean axial tensile strength of conc., f ctm = 2.8 Mpa [ Table 6.5]
Charecteristics yield strength of reinf. f yk = 500 Mpa
Mean width of tension zone, bt = 1000 mm
Ast min = 0.26 (fctm / fyk) btd > 0.0013btd = 2446.81 mm2
As applied stress < 2.888 Mpa, Taking strut angle = 21.8 degree
ν1 = 0.6 [{asper clause]
acw = 1 [{asper clause]
VRd.max= [acwbwzν1fcd/(cotθ+tanθ) = 4891741 N
Spacing ,S = ASW /(vED b/ fywd cot θ) = 337.19 mm
Spacing provided = 250 mm
Provide 10mm dia stirrups @ 250 c/c.
S.L No Item Vertical Load Horizontal Force Horizontal Moment at Moment at Partial
Force C.G of C.G of FOS
Abutment Abutment
base base
1 DL 812.51 0 0 28.58 0.00 1
2 SIDL 75.53 0 0 10.61 0.00 1
3 SUR. 34.10 0.000 0 4.79 0.00 1.2
4 LL 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
5 CW.LL 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
6 WL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
7 WC 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
8B -24.28 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.15
Total Vertical Force 897.86 T
Total Long. Force 0.00 T Max Hor. Force 0.00 T
Total Trans. Force 0.00 T
Total Long. Moment 43.99 T
Total Trans. Moment 0.00 T
Moment & shear force per meter of effective width : [ Ref: clause of IS 456:2000 ]
Pile Dist. Between load & face Width of Effective Moment/m.
No. of cantilever (a1) contact area of width of length of eff.
load (a) the load Width
So, max. moment per meter length of cap = 55.29 + 56.36 = 111.65 T-m
Average length of cap (against BM) = 4.35 m
Thickness oF the pile cap = 1.80 m
Self weight of this cap portion per meter (against BM) = -11.75 T/m
CG of SW (for BM) = 2.18 m
Moment about face of pier shaf = -25.5 T-m
Hence total moment at the face of the abut, is = = 86.10 T-m
a) Check for stresses assuming short term creep and elastic modulus:
Area of reinforcement provided, AS = 3926.99 mm2
ES = 200 GPa
From table 6.5 of IRC 112 -2011 (page 38)
Ec,eff = Ecm = 32 GPa
The depth of concrete in compression is:
dc = -ASES + sqrt[(ASES)2 + 2bASESEC,eff d)] / b EC,eff = 263.716 mm
The uncracked second moment of area in steel unit is:
I = As(d- dc)^2 + 1/3 (Ec,eff /Es) bdc^3 +1/3 (Ec,eff /Es) b(d-dc)3 = 1.61E+11 mm4
The concrete stress at the top of the section is:
σC = MED / ZC (EC,eff /ES) = 0.23 Mpa
From12.2 1 of IRC: 112 - 2011,
The compression limit = 0.36 fck = 12.6 Mpa > 0.23 Mpa
The reinforcement stress is:
σS = MED / ZS = 7.60 Mpa
From12.2.2 of IRC: 112 - 2011,
The compression limit = 0.8 fyk = 400 Mpa > 7.6 Mpa OK
Grade of concrete = M 35
Grade of steel = Fe 500
Unit weight of concrete = 2.5 T/m3
unit weight of soil = 1.8 T/m3
Moment & shear force per meter of effective width (about z-z) : [ Ref: clause of IS 456:2000 ]
Pile Dist. Between load & face Width of Effective Moment/m. SF/m.
No. of cantilever (a1) contact area of width of length of eff. length of
load (a) the load Width eff. Width
Moment & shear force per meter of effective width (about x-x) : [ Ref: clause of IS 456:2000 ]
Pile Dist. Between load & face Width of Effective Moment/m. SF/m.
No. of cantilever (a1) contact area of width of length of eff. length of
load (a) the load Width eff. Width
Width of cap at the face of abutment = 1000 mm
Thickness of the cap = 1800 mm
Clear cover to the slab, C = 75 mm
Dia of bottom reinforcement (along z-z) = 32 mm
Dia of bottom reinforcement (along x-x) = 25 mm
Spacing of bottom reinforcement (along z-z) = 125 mm
Effective. Depth = 1709 mm
Design moment, MED = 4.06E+09 N-mm
Area of bottom reinf. Provided = 6434 mm2
fck = M 35 fy = Fe 500 gc = 1.5
a= 0.67 λ= 0.8 gm = 1.15
η = 1
For rectangular - parrabolic stress block
b1 = 0.80952 b2 = 0.41597
For rectangular stress block
b1 = 0.8 b2 = 0.4 h = 1
ES = 200000 Mpa ecu = 0.0035 εyd = fyd/Es = 0.002175
fcd = a.fck/γc = 15.6333333333 Mpa
fyd = 0.87fy = 435 Mpa
Design against bending moment :
For rectangular - parrabolic stress block
x = d/(2.b2) - sqrt((d/(2.b2)2 - MED/(b1.b2.b.fcd)) = 197.1 mm
For rectangular stress block
y = d - d.sqrt(1 - 2.MED/(b.d^2.h.fcd)) = 159.3 mm
So, x = Y/λ = 199.2 mm
Now, to check adequacy of the section,
xu,lim = d.ecu/(ecu + eyd) = 1054 mm > 199.16 mm, O.K
Area of steel calculation
Top reinf :
Min. reinf. requirement :
[ As per eq. 16.1, clause of IRC 112-2011.]
Mean axial tensile strength of conc., f ctm = 2.8 Mpa [ Table 6.5]
Charecteristics yield strength of reinf. f yk = 500 Mpa
Mean width of tension zone, bt = 1000 mm
Ast min = 0.26 (fctm / fyk) btd > 0.0013btd = 2488.30 mm2
As applied stress < 2.888 Mpa, Taking strut angle = 21.8 degree
ν1 = 0.6 [{asper clause]
acw = 1 [{asper clause]
VRd.max= [acwbwzν1fcd/(cotθ+tanθ) = 4974701 N
Spacing ,S = ASW /(vED b/ fywd cot θ) = 346.09 mm
Spacing provided = 250 mm
Provide 10mm dia stirrups @ 250 c/c.
Moment at Moment at
C.G of C.G of
Horizontal Abutment Abutment
S.L No Item Vertical Load Horizontal Force Force base base P. Saf. Factor
1 DL 812.51 0 0 28.58 0.00 1
2 SIDL 75.53 0 0 10.61 0.00 1
3 SUR. 34.10 0 0 4.79 0.00 1.2
4 LL 0.00 0.000 0 0.00 0.00 0
5 CW.LL 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
6 WL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
7 WC 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
8B -24.28 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.15
Total Vertical Force 897.86 T
Total Long. Force 0.00 T Max Hor. Force 0.00 T
Total Trans. Force 0.00 T
Total Long. Moment 43.99 T
Total Trans. Moment 0.00 T
Moment & shear force per meter of effective width : [ Ref: clause of IS 456:2000 ]
Pile Dist. Between load & face Width of Effective Moment/m.
No. of cantilever (a1) contact area of width of length of eff.
load (a) the load Width
Max. moment per meter length of cap = 64.44 + 66.22+22.93 153.59 T-m
Average length of cap (against BM) = 5.67 m
Thickness oF the pile cap = 1.80 m
Self weight of this cap portion per meter (against BM) = -15.30 T/m
CG of SW (for BM) = 2.83 m
Moment about face of pier shaf = -43.4 T-m
Hence total moment at the face of the abut, is = = 110.22 T-m
a) Check for stresses assuming short term creep and elastic modulus:
Area of reinforcement provided, AS = 6433.98 mm2
ES = 200 GPa
From table 6.5 of IRC 112 -2011 (page 38)
Ec,eff = Ecm = 32 GPa
657.04 514.08
BX = 2m
MZ = 2715.47 T-m
Grade of Steel = Fe 500
fy = 500 N/mm2 Charecteristic Strength of Stirrup=
Grade of Concrete = M 35
fck = 35 N/mm2
xu(max)/d = 700/(1100+0.87 x fy)= 0.46
Ru = 0.36 x fck x (xu(max)/d) x (1-0.416 x (xu(max)/d)) = 4.69
Effective Depth d = √M/Ru x B = 1710.00 mm
Clear Cover = 75 mm
Total Depth D = 1785.00 mm
However provide a overall depth of 2100 mm
Hence d = 2009 mm
Area of Steel (Asth) = 0.5 x fck/fy x [1- √(1-(4.6 x Mz/fck x
Bx x dpro2)] x Bx x dpro = 3143.9449 mm2 = 5850.21 mm2
Min Reinforcement =max of[ 0.26 x (f ctm/fyk) x BX x dpro,
0.0013 x BX x dpro] = 5850.208 mm2 (Pg - 175, IRC - 112:2011)
Bar dia used Φ = 32 mm (in two layers)
Area of bar (As)= 804.25 mm2
Spacing of bars required = 274.95 mm %ptreq = 0.15%
Spacing of bars provided = 85 nos %ptpro = 0.90%
Astpro = 37846.951 mm2
Total moment about face of pier shaf Mz = 2715.47 T-m
Total shear force at face of pier shaf Sz = 1171.12 T
Area of cover portion outside stirrup/links = 150000 mm2 (Compression Zone)
Surface Reinforcement =0.01 x Act.ext = 1500 mm2 (Pg-181, IRC 112:2011)
Bar dia used Φ = 16 mm
Area of bar (As)= 201.06 mm2
Spacing of bars required = 268.08 mm %ptreq = 0.04%
Spacing of bars provided = 170 nos %ptpro = 0.06%
Astpro = 2365.4345 mm2
BX = 2m
MZ = 1217.34 T-m
Grade of Steel = Fe 500
fy = 500 N/mm2 Charecteristic Strength of Stirrup=
Grade of Concrete = M 35
fck = 35 N/mm2
xu(max)/d = 700/(1100+0.87 x fy)= 0.46
Ru = 0.36 x fck x (xu(max)/d) x (1-0.416 x (xu(max)/d)) = 4.69
Effective Depth d = √M/Ru x B = 1140.00 mm
Clear Cover = 75 mm
Total Depth D = 1215.00 mm
However provide a overall depth of 1800 mm
Hence d = 1709 mm
Area of Steel (Asth) = 0.5 x fck/fy x [1- √(1-(4.6 x Mz/fck x
Bx x dpro2)] x Bx x dpro = 1649.6932 mm2 = 4976.61 mm2
Min Reinforcement =max of[ 0.26 x (f ctm/fyk) x BX x dpro,
0.0013 x BX x dpro] = 4976.608 mm2 (Pg - 175, IRC - 112:2011)
Bar dia used Φ = 32 mm (Single layer)
Area of bar (As)= 804.25 mm2
Spacing of bars required = 323.21 mm %ptreq = 0.15%
Spacing of bars provided = 85 nos %ptpro = 0.60%
Astpro = 18923.476 mm2
Total moment about face of pedestal Mz = 1217.34 T-m
Total shear force at face of pedestal Sz = 514.08 T
Width of cap considered = 2000 mm
Thickness of the cap = 2100 mm
Clear cover to the slab, C = 75 mm
Dia of bottom reinforcement (along z-z) = 32 mm
Dia of bottom reinforcement (along x-x) = 25 mm
Spacing of bottom reinforcement (along z-z) = 85 mm
Effective. Depth = 1980.5 mm
Design moment, MED = 2.72E+10 N-mm
Area of bottom reinf. Provided = 37847.0 mm2
fck = M 35 fy = Fe 500 gc = 1.5
a= 0.67 λ= 0.8 gm = 1.15
η = 1
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
b1 = 0.80952 b2 = 0.41597
For rectangular stress block
b1 = 0.8 b2 = 0.4 h = 1
ES = 200000 Mpa ecu = 0.0035 εyd = fyd/Es = 0.002175
fcd = a.fck/γc = 15.6333333333 Mpa
fyd = 0.87fy = 435 Mpa
Design against bending moment :
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
x = d/(2.b2) - sqrt((d/(2.b2)2 - MED/(b1.b2.b.fcd)) = 623.3 mm
For rectangular stress block
y = d - d.sqrt(1 - 2.MED/(b.d^2.h.fcd)) = 502.2 mm
So, x = Y/λ = 627.7 mm
Now, to check adequacy of the section,
xu,lim = d.ecu/(ecu + eyd) = 1221 mm > 627.74 mm, O.K
Area of steel calculation
Top reinf :
Min. reinf. requirement :
[ As per eq. 16.1, clause of IRC 112-2011.]
Mean axial tensile strength of conc., f ctm = 2.8 Mpa [ Table 6.5]
Charecteristics yield strength of reinf. f yk = 500 Mpa
Mean width of tension zone, bt = 2000 mm
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
Lever arm, Z =( d - 0.41597 *623.3) = 1721.2 mm
Area of steel required, As = MED / 0.87fyZ = 36267.53
For rectangular stress block
Lever arm, Z =( d - 0.5*502.19) = 1729.4 mm
Area of steel required, As = MED / 0.87fyZ = 36096.01
Area of steel provided = 37847 mm OK
Design against shear :
Strength reduction factor, ν = 0.6[1-fck/310] = 0.53 (Eq.10.6,Page 90-IRC 112)
Lever Arm, Z = 0.9*d = 1782.45 mm
i) Along longitudinal direction :
Applied shear Force, VED : = 11711248 N
Applied shear stress, vED = VED / bZ = 3.285 N/mm2
Percentage of tensile reinf. ,ρ = 0.0096
K = 1+ sqrt (200/d) = 1.32 (Page 86-IRC 112)
Axial Load NED = 0 KN
σCP = NED/AC, limited to 0.2 fcd = 0.000
νmin = 0.031K fck1.5 0.5
= 0.277
VRd.c,min = (νmin + 0.15 σcp)bd = 1098918 N
VRd.c= [0.12K(80ρfck) +0.15σcp]bd
= 1852960 N
Shear reinf. Required
Dia of shear reinf = = 10 mm
No of leg = 12 nos.
Area of single shear reinf., ASW = 942 mm
As applied stress < 2.888 Mpa, Taking strut angle = 21.8 degree
ν1 = 0.6 [{asper clause]
acw = 1 [{asper clause]
VRd.max= [acwbwzν1fcd/(cotθ+tanθ) = 9949402 N
Spacing ,S = ASW /(vED b/ fywd cot θ) = 230.01 mm
Spacing provided = 220 mm
Provide 9- legged 10mm dia stirrups @ 220 c/c.
Servicilbility Check : RARE COMBINATION
S.L No Item Vertical Load Horizontal Force Horizontal Moment at Moment at Partial
Force C.G of C.G of FOS
Abutment Abutment
base base
303.93 216.51
BX = 2m
MX = 1169.51 T-m
Grade of Steel = Fe 500
fy = 500 N/mm2 Charecteristic Strength of Stirrup=
Grade of Concrete = M 35
fck = 35 N/mm2
xu(max)/d = 700/(1100+0.87 x fy)= 0.46
Ru = 0.36 x fck x (xu(max)/d) x (1-0.416 x (xu(max)/d)) = 4.69
Effective Depth d = √M/Ru x B = 1120.00 mm
Clear Cover = 75 mm
Total Depth D = 1195.00 mm
However provide a overall depth of 1800 mm
Hence d = 1709 mm
Area of Steel (Asth) = 0.5 x fck/fy x [1- √(1-(4.6 x Mz/fck x
Bx x dpro2)] x Bx x dpro = 1584.4314 mm2 = 5850.21 mm2
Min Reinforcement =max of[ 0.26 x (f ctm/fyk) x BX x dpro,
0.0013 x BX x dpro] = 5850.208 mm2 (Pg - 175, IRC - 112:2011)
Bar dia used Φ = 32 mm
Area of bar (As)= 804.25 mm2
Spacing of bars required = 274.95 mm %ptreq = 0.17%
Spacing of bars provided = 85 nos %ptpro = 0.60%
Astpro = 18923.476 mm2
Total moment about face of pier shaf Mz = 1169.51 T-m
Total shear force at face of pier shaf Sz = 520.44 T
Area of cover portion outside stirrup/links = 150000 mm2 (Compression Zone)
Surface Reinforcement =0.01 x Act.ext = 1500 mm2 (Pg-181, IRC 112:2011)
Min Reinforcement = 5850.208 mm 2
a) Check for stresses assuming short term creep and elastic modulus:
Area of reinforcement provided, AS = 37846.95 mm2
ES = 200 GPa
From table 6.5 of IRC 112 -2011 (page 38)
Ec,eff = Ecm = 32 GPa
The depth of concrete in compression is:
dc = -ASES + sqrt[(ASES)2 + 2bASESEC,eff d)] / b EC,eff = 576.323 mm
The cracked second moment of area in steel unit is:
I = As(d- dc)2 + 1/3 (Ec,eff /Es) bdc^3 = 9.50E+10 mm4
The concrete stress at the top of the section is:
σC = MED / ZC (EC,eff /ES) = 11.35 Mpa
From12.2 1 of IRC: 112 - 2011,
The compression limit = 0.4 fck = 14 Mpa > 11.35 Mpa OK
The reinforcement stress is:
σS = MED / ZS = 172.79 Mpa
From12.2.2 of IRC: 112 - 2011,
The compression limit = 0.8 fyk = 400 Mpa > 172.79 Mpa OK
b) Stress check afer all creep effect has taken place :
From table 6.9 of IRC 112 -2011 (page 47)
Area of concrete Ac = 4200000 mm2
Perimeter of concrete section, u = 8200 mm
Now, 2Ac /u = 1024
Creep Co-efficient φ = 1.20
Moment contribution of Self weight & SIDL = 87.86%
Moment contribution due to live load = 12.14%
EC,eff = [(0.88+0.12)x32] / [0.12 + (1+1.2) x 0.88] = 15.56 Gpa
BX = 2m
MX = 512.70 T-m
Grade of Steel = Fe 500
fy = 500 N/mm2 Charecteristic Strength of Stirrup=
Grade of Concrete = M 35
fck = 35 N/mm2
xu(max)/d = 700/(1100+0.87 x fy)= 0.46
Ru = 0.36 x fck x (xu(max)/d) x (1-0.416 x (xu(max)/d)) = 4.69
Effective Depth d = √M/Ru x B = 740.00 mm
Clear Cover = 75 mm
Total Depth D = 815.00 mm
However provide a overall depth of 1800 mm
Hence d = 1709 mm
Area of Steel (Asth) = 0.5 x fck/fy x [1- √(1-(4.6 x Mz/fck x
Bx x dpro2)] x Bx x dpro = 692.0017 mm2 = 5850.21 mm2
Min Reinforcement =max of[ 0.26 x (f ctm/fyk) x BX x dpro,
0.0013 x BX x dpro] = 5850.208 mm2 (Pg - 175, IRC - 112:2011)
Bar dia used Φ = 32 mm
Area of bar (As)= 804.25 mm2
Spacing of bars required = 274.95 mm %ptreq = 0.17%
Spacing of bars provided = 85 nos %ptpro = 0.60%
Astpro = 18923.476 mm2
Total moment about face of pier shaf Mz = 512.70 T-m
Total shear force at face of pier shaf Sz = 216.51 T
Area of cover portion outside stirrup/links = 150000 mm2 (Compression Zone)
Surface Reinforcement =0.01 x Act.ext = 1500 mm 2
(Pg-181, IRC 112:2011)
Min Reinforcement = 5850.208 mm2
Bar dia used Φ = 16 mm
Area of bar (As)= 201.06 mm2
Spacing of bars required = 268.08 mm %ptreq = 0.04%
Spacing of bars provided = 170 nos %ptpro = 0.10%
Astpro = 2365.4345 mm2
Hence total moment at the face of pier, is = = 512.70 T-m
Check for cracking
Depth of neutral axis = h/2 = 1800 / 2 = 900 mm
Second moment of area, I = bh3 / 12 = 9.72E+11 mm4
If the section is uncracked, compressive and tensile stress at the top and
bottom of the section respectively, would be:
a) Check for stresses assuming short term creep and elastic modulus:
Area of reinforcement provided, AS = 18923.48 mm2
ES = 200 GPa
From table 6.5 of IRC 112 -2011 (page 38)
Ec,eff = Ecm = 32 GPa
The depth of concrete in compression is:
dc = -ASES + sqrt[(ASES)2 + 2bASESEC,eff d)] / b EC,eff = 394.321 mm
The cracked second moment of area in steel unit is:
I = As(d- dc)2 + 1/3 (Ec,eff /Es) bdc^3 = 3.92E+10 mm4
The concrete stress at the top of the section is:
σC = MED / ZC (EC,eff /ES) = 8.24 Mpa
From12.2 1 of IRC: 112 - 2011,
The compression limit = 0.4 fck = 14 Mpa > 8.24 Mpa OK
The reinforcement stress is:
σS = MED / ZS = 171.74 Mpa
From12.2.2 of IRC: 112 - 2011,
The compression limit = 0.8 fyk = 400 Mpa > 171.74 Mpa OK
- 112:2011)
- 112:2011)
Eq.10.6,Page 90-IRC 112)
Page 86-IRC 112)
Eq.10.6,Page 90-IRC 112)
- 112:2011)
Grade of concrete = M 35
Grade of steel = FE 500
Unit weight of concrete = 2.5 T/m3
Moment per meter of effective width (along x-x) : [ Ref: clause of IS 456:2000 ]
Pile Dist. Between load & face Width of Effective Moment/m. Moment/m Moment/m.
No. of cantilever (a1) contact area of width of length of eff. . length of length of eff.
load (a) the load Width (N.S) eff. Width Width (S.V)
Width of cap considered = 1000 mm
Thickness of the cap = 1800 mm
Clear cover to the slab, C = 75 mm
Dia of bottom reinforcement (along z-z) = 32 mm
Dia of bottom reinforcement (along x-x) = 25 mm
Spacing of bottom reinforcement (along x-x) = 110 mm
Effective. Depth = 1680.5 mm
Design moment, MED = 2.91E+09 N-mm
Area of bottom reinf. Provided = 4462 mm2
fck = M 35 fy = FE 500 gc = 1.5
a= 0.67 λ= 0.8 gm = 1.15
η = 1
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
b1 = 0.80952 b2 = 0.41597
For rectangular stress block
b1 = 0.8 b2 = 0.4 h = 1
ES = 200000 Mpa ecu = 0.0035 εyd = fyd/Es = 0.002175
fcd = a.fck/γc = 15.6333333333 Mpa
fyd = 0.87fy = 435 Mpa
Design against bending moment :
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
x = d/(2.b2) - sqrt((d/(2.b2)2 - MED/(b1.b2.b.fcd)) = 142.0 mm
For rectangular stress block
y = d - d.sqrt(1 - 2.MED/(b.d^2.h.fcd)) = 114.9 mm
So, x = Y/λ = 143.6 mm
Now, to check adequacy of the section,
xu,lim = d.ecu/(ecu + eyd) = 1036 mm > 143.58 mm, O.K
Area of steel calculation
Top reinf :
Min. reinf. requirement :
[ As per eq. 16.1, clause of IRC 112-2011.]
Mean axial tensile strength of conc., f ctm = 2.8 Mpa [ Table 6.5]
Charecteristics yield strength of reinf. f yk = 500 Mpa
Mean width of tension zone, bt = 1000 mm
Ast min = 0.26 (fctm / fyk) btd > 0.0013btd = 2446.81 mm2
As applied stress < 2.888 Mpa, Taking strut angle = 21.8 degree
ν1 = 0.6 [{asper clause]
acw = 1 [{asper clause]
VRd.max= [acwbwzν1fcd/(cotθ+tanθ) = 4891741 N
Spacing ,S = ASW /(vED b/ fywd cot θ) = 367.69 mm
Spacing provided = 340 mm
Angle between shear reinforcement & longitudinal
axis, α = 90 deg
Shear reinforcement ratio, ρw = Asw/(s x bw x sin α) = 0.001 (Page - 179,IRC 112:2011)
Minimum Shear reinforcement ratio, ρwmin = 0.072 x
√fck /fyk = 0.001 Hence Ok
Minimum spacing of vertical stirrup = max of { dg+10, dg = largest nominal max
40 mm, 2 ф} = 50 Hence Ok aggregate size
Maximum spacing of vertical stirrup = sl.max = 0.75 x
d x (1+cot α ) = 1260.375 Hence Ok
Provide 6- legged 10mm dia stirrups @ 340 c/c.
Transverse Reinforcement
20% of main reinforcement provided = 892.49791 mm2 (Pg-181, IRC 112:2011)
Bar dia used Φ = 16 mm
Area of bar (As)= 201.06 mm2
Spacing of bars required = 225.28 mm %ptreq = 0.05%
Spacing of bars provided = 170 nos %ptpro = 0.10%
Astpro = 1182.7172 mm2
Area of cover portion outside stirrup or links/m = 75000 mm2/m (Compression Zone)
Surface Reinforcement =0.01 x Act.ext = 750 mm2/m (Pg-181, IRC 112:2011)
Bar dia used Φ = 16 mm
Area of bar (As)= 201.06 mm2
Spacing of bars required = 268.08 mm %ptreq = 0.04%
Spacing of bars provided = 220 nos %ptpro = 0.10%
Astpro = 913.92 mm2/m
Check for Punching Shear
Dia of Pile, D = 1.2 m
Max load on pile P1/2 = 260.96 T
Max load on pile P3/5 = 294.68 T
Max load on pile P6/8 = 260.70 T
Max load on pile P9/10 = 199.89 T
1 DL 812.51 0 0 28.58 0.00 1
2 SIDL 75.53 0 0 10.61 0.00 1
3 SUR. 34.10 0.000 0 4.79 0.00 1.2
4 LL 124.05 20.148 0 331.46 143.28 1
5 CW.LL 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
6 WL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
7 WC 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
8B -24.28 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.15
Total Vertical Force 1021.91 T
Total Long. Force 20.15 T Max Hor. Force 20.15 T
Total Trans. Force 0.00 T
Total Long. Moment 375.45 T
Total Trans. Moment 143.28 T
Moment & shear force per meter of effective width : [ Ref: clause of IS 456:2000 ]
Pile Dist. Between load & face Width of Effective Moment/m.
No. of cantilever (a1) contact area of width of length of eff.
load (a) the load Width
38.14 110.65
15.90 106.69
14.70 56.69
35.74 11.44
89.78 114.08
108.40 177.36
156.91 66.12
87.39 14.87
S.F/m. S.F/m.
length of eff. length of
Width (S.L) eff. Width
47.67 138.32
6.12 41.03
5.65 21.81
44.67 14.30
112.23 142.60
41.69 68.21
60.35 25.43
109.23 18.58
Shear Span / Effective Depth = 1.10 As 1.1 > 1, Normal cantilever Design
Calculation of self weight
Width = 1700 mm
C/S area of Pier Cap = 2.375 m2 (From Autocad)
Unit Weight of Concrete = 2.5 T/m3
Weight of Concrete = 10.09 T
C.G distance from face of Pier = 1.1083 m (From Autocad)
Dead Load - 32.015 m
PSC Box = 207.28 T
SIDL = 51.03 T
Surfacing = 19.2 T
Dead Load - 15.0 m
Solid Slab = 135.82 T
SIDL = 24.73 T
Surfacing = 9.30 T
Live Load - 32.015 m
nding V.
V. Load - Load -
32.015 m 15.0 m
Type span Long. For span
Type - 1 85.198 20.15 0 Type - 1 -70R wheel Load
Type - 4 204.092 0.13 0 Type - 4 -Special Vehicle
One Span 9.435
Both Spans 18.87
Position of 70R Wheel Live Load from Centre of Carraigeway = 1.155 m
Position of S.V Live Load from Centre of Carraigeway = 0.3 m
Centre to Centre distance between Bearings = 4m
V.Load due Type - 1 on one bearing = 67.20 T
Impact factor = 12% Congesion factor = 30%
Total V.Load due Type - 1 on one bearing = 97.84 T
V.Load due Type - 4 on one bearing = 117.35 T
Longitudinal force due to Type - 1 on one bearing = 10.07 T
Longitudinal force due to Type - 4 on one bearing = 0.06 T
Pedestrian Load
Transverse Moment transferred to bearing = 25.54 T-m
Reaction on a bearing due to moment = 6.39 T
Total reaction on bearing = 15.82 T
Wind Load - 32.015 m
Transverse force acting on PSC box = 17.77 T L.A 2.894
Moment due to Transverse force on PSC Box = 51.43 T-m
Reaction on Bearing due to moment = 12.86 T
Corressponding Long force = 4.44 T
Vertical upward wind force = -32.52 T
Vertical downward wind force = 32.52 T
Seismic Case
Dead Load - 32.015 m V.Seismic T.Seismic L.A Moment
PSC Box = 29.85 T 44.77 T 2.894 129.5716 T-m
Reaction on Bearing due to Transverse moment = 32.39 T
SIDL = 7.35 T 11.02 T 4.938 54.42901 T-m
Reaction on Bearing due to Transverse moment = 13.61 T
Surfacing = 2.76 T 4.15 T 4.253 17.63804 T-m
Reaction on Bearing due to Transverse moment = 4.41 T
Self weight of Pier Cap
portion = 0.48 T
Live Load - 32.015 m
V. Seismic
Load -
32.015 m
Type span Long. For
Type - 1 2.45 63.62
17.04 Live load reaction - Type - 1 at seismic case (20% of reaction)
One Span 0.27
1.89 Pedestrian Live load reaction at seismic case (one span)
Both Spans 0.54
3.77 Pedestrian Live load reaction at seismic case (both span)
Seismic V.Load due Type - 1 on one bearing = 1.94 T
V.Load due Type - 1 on one bearing = 13.44 T
Longitudinal force due to Type - 1 on one bearing = 31.81 T
Pedestrian Load
Seismic Vertical Component (One footpath loaded)
Transverse Moment transferred to bearing = 0.74 T-m
Reaction on a bearing due to moment = 0.18 T
Total reaction on bearing = 0.46 T
Pedestrian Live Load at Seismic Case (One footpath loaded)
Transverse Moment transferred to bearing = 5.11 T-m
Reaction on a bearing due to moment = 1.28 T
Total reaction on bearing = 3.16 T
Seismic Vertical Component (Both footpath loaded)
Total reaction on bearing = 0.27 T
Pedestrian Live Load at Seismic Case (Both footpath loaded)
Total reaction on bearing = 1.89 T
Summary of Force & Moments (Considering transfer of Load through one bearing)
Force Type V.Force L.A L. Force L.A T.Force L.A L.Mom T.Mom
PSC Box 103.64 1.15 0.00 119.19
SIDL 25.52 1.15 0.00 29.34
Surfacing 9.60 1.15 0.00 11.04
Pier Cap 10.09 1.1083 0.00 11.19
Type - 1 97.84 1.15 10.07 5.388 54.28 112.52
Type - 4 117.35 1.15 0.06 5.388 0.34 134.96
One Span 15.82 1.15 18.19
Both Span 9.44 1.15 10.85
32.015 m -16.26 15.58 4.44 4.188 271.88 -33.48
-12.86 1.15
16.26 15.58 4.44 4.188 -234.66 33.48
12.86 1.15
PSC Box 29.85 1.15 71.58
SIDL 7.35 1.15 24.10
Surfacing 2.76 1.15 8.25
Pier Cap 0.48 1.1083 0.537
Type - 1 1.94 1.15 31.81 5.388 171.40 2.23
13.44 15.46
One Span 0.46 1.15 0.52
3.16 3.64
Both Span 0.27 1.15 0.31
1.89 2.17
Load Combination
Structural Strength
1.DL+LL (Pedestrian Load on one footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 139.914 0 0 0.00 160.90 1.35
2 SIDL 34.45 0 0 0.00 39.61 1.35
3 Surfacing 16.80 0 0 0.00 19.32 1.75
4 Pier Cap 13.63 0 0 0.00 15.10 1.35
5 Type - 1 146.76 15.11 0.00 81.42 168.78 1.5
6 One Span 23.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.290 1.5
Total Vertical Force 375.281 T
Total Long. Force 15.111 T Max Hor. Force 15.11 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 81.42 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 431.00 T-m
2.DL+LL (Pedestrian Load on both footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 139.914 0 0 0.00 160.90 1.35
2 SIDL 34.45 0 0 0.00 39.61 1.35
3 Surfacing 16.80 0 0 0.00 19.32 1.75
4 Pier Cap 13.63 0 0 0.00 15.10 1.35
5 Type - 1 146.76 15.11 0.00 81.42 168.78 1.5
6 Both Span 14.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.275 1.5
Total Vertical Force 365.703 T
Total Long. Force 15.111 T Max Hor. Force 15.11 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 81.42 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 419.99 T-m
3.DL+SV (Pedestrian Load on one footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 139.914 0 0 0.00 160.90 1.35
2 SIDL 34.45 0 0 0.00 39.61 1.35
3 Surfacing 16.80 0 0 0.00 19.32 1.75
4 Pier Cap 13.63 0 0 0.00 15.10 1.35
5 Type - 4 117.35 0.06 0.00 0.34 134.96 1
6 One Span 23.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.290 1.5
Total Vertical Force 345.869 T
Total Long. Force 0.063 T Max Hor. Force 0.06 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 0.34 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 397.18 T-m
4.DL+SV (Pedestrian Load on both footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 139.914 0 0 0.00 160.90 1.35
2 SIDL 34.45 0 0 0.00 39.61 1.35
3 Surfacing 16.80 0 0 0.00 19.32 1.75
4 Pier Cap 13.63 0 0 0.00 15.10 1.35
5 Type - 4 117.35 0.06 0.00 0.34 134.96 1
6 Both Span 14.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.275 1.5
Total Vertical Force 336.291 T
Total Long. Force 0.063 T Max Hor. Force 0.06 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 0.34 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 386.17 T-m
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 139.914 0 0 0.00 160.90 1.35
2 SIDL 34.45 0 0 0.00 39.61 1.35
3 Surfacing 16.80 0 0 0.00 19.32 1.75
4 Pier Cap 13.63 0 0 0.00 15.10 1.35
5 WL -43.68 6.66 0.00 407.82 -50.23 1.5
Total Vertical Force 161.110 T
Total Long. Force 6.665 T Max Hor. Force 6.66 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 407.82 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 184.71 T-m
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 139.914 0 0 0.00 160.90 1.35
2 SIDL 34.45 0 0 0.00 39.61 1.35
3 Surfacing 16.80 0 0 0.00 19.32 1.75
4 Pier Cap 13.63 0 0 0.00 15.10 1.35
5 WL 43.68 6.66 0.00 -351.99 50.23 1.5
Total Vertical Force 248.461 T
Total Long. Force 6.665 T Max Hor. Force 6.66 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment -351.99 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 285.16 T-m
7.DL+LL (Pedestrian Load on one footpath)+SL
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 139.914 0 0 0.00 160.90 1.35
2 SIDL 34.45 0 0 0.00 39.61 1.35
3 Surfacing 16.80 0 0 0.00 19.32 1.75
4 Pier Cap 13.63 0 0 0.00 15.10 1.35
5 Type - 1 2.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.09 0.2
6 One Span 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.728 0.2
7 SL 139.87 47.72 0.00 257.11 0.000 1.5
Total Vertical Force 347.976 T
Total Long. Force 47.718 T Max Hor. Force 47.72 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 257.11 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 238.75 T-m
8.DL+LL (Pedestrian Load on both footpath)+SL
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 139.914 0 0 0.00 160.90 1.35
2 SIDL 34.45 0 0 0.00 39.61 1.35
3 Surfacing 16.80 0 0 0.00 19.32 1.75
4 Pier Cap 13.63 0 0 0.00 15.10 1.35
5 Type - 1 2.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.09 0.2
6 Both Span 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.434 0.2
7 SL 18.61 47.72 0.00 257.11 0.000 1.5
Total Vertical Force 226.464 T
Total Long. Force 47.718 T Max Hor. Force 47.72 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 257.11 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 238.46 T-m
9.DL+LL (Pedestrian Load on one footpath)+ST
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 139.914 0 0 0.00 160.90 1.35
2 SIDL 34.45 0 0 0.00 39.61 1.35
3 Surfacing 16.80 0 0 0.00 19.32 1.75
4 Pier Cap 13.63 0 0 0.00 15.10 1.35
5 Type - 1 2.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.09 0.2
6 One Span 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.728 0.2
7 ST 139.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 160.820 1.5
Total Vertical Force 347.976 T
Total Long. Force 0.000 T Max Hor. Force 0.00 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 0.00 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 399.57 T-m
10.DL+LL (Pedestrian Load on both footpath)+ST
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 139.914 0 0 0.00 160.90 1.35
2 SIDL 34.45 0 0 0.00 39.61 1.35
3 Surfacing 16.80 0 0 0.00 19.32 1.75
4 Pier Cap 13.63 0 0 0.00 15.10 1.35
5 Type - 1 2.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.09 0.2
6 Both Span 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.434 0.2
7 ST 139.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 160.503 1.5
Total Vertical Force 347.445 T
Total Long. Force 0.000 T Max Hor. Force 0.00 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 0.00 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 398.96 T-m
Rare Combination
1.DL+LL (Pedestrian Load on one footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 Type - 1 97.84 10.07 0.00 54.28 112.52 1
6 One Span 15.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.193 1
Total Vertical Force 264.432 T
Total Long. Force 10.074 T Max Hor. Force 10.07 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 54.28 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 303.68 T-m
2.DL+LL (Pedestrian Load on both footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 Type - 1 97.84 10.07 0.00 54.28 112.52 1
6 Both Span 9.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.850 1
Total Vertical Force 258.047 T
Total Long. Force 10.074 T Max Hor. Force 10.07 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 54.28 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 296.33 T-m
3.DL+SV (Pedestrian Load on one footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 Type - 4 117.35 0.06 0.00 0.34 134.96 1
6 One Span 15.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.193 1
Total Vertical Force 283.942 T
Total Long. Force 0.063 T Max Hor. Force 0.06 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 0.34 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 326.11 T-m
4.DL+SV (Pedestrian Load on both footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 Type - 4 117.35 0.06 0.00 0.34 134.96 1
6 Both Span 9.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.850 1
Total Vertical Force 277.557 T
Total Long. Force 0.063 T Max Hor. Force 0.06 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 0.34 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 318.77 T-m
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 WL -29.12 4.44 0.00 271.88 -33.48 1
Total Vertical Force 121.652 T
Total Long. Force 4.443 T Max Hor. Force 4.44 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 271.88 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 139.48 T-m
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 WL 29.12 4.44 0.00 -234.66 33.48 1
Total Vertical Force 179.886 T
Total Long. Force 4.443 T Max Hor. Force 4.44 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment -234.66 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 206.45 T-m
Frequent Combination
1.DL+LL (Pedestrian Load on one footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 Type - 1 73.38 7.56 0.00 40.71 84.39 0.75
6 One Span 11.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.645 0.75
Total Vertical Force 236.016 T
Total Long. Force 7.556 T Max Hor. Force 7.56 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 40.71 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 271.00 T-m
2.DL+LL (Pedestrian Load on both footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 Type - 1 73.38 7.56 0.00 40.71 84.39 0.75
6 Both Span 7.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.138 0.75
Total Vertical Force 231.227 T
Total Long. Force 7.556 T Max Hor. Force 7.56 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 40.71 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 265.49 T-m
3.DL+SV (Pedestrian Load on one footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 Type - 4 88.01 0.05 0.00 0.26 101.22 0.75
6 One Span 11.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.645 0.75
Total Vertical Force 250.649 T
Total Long. Force 0.047 T Max Hor. Force 0.05 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 0.26 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 287.82 T-m
4.DL+SV (Pedestrian Load on both footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 Type - 4 88.01 0.05 0.00 0.26 101.22 0.75
6 Both Span 7.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.138 0.75
Total Vertical Force 245.860 T
Total Long. Force 0.047 T Max Hor. Force 0.05 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 0.26 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 282.32 T-m
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 WL -17.47 2.67 0.00 163.13 -20.09 0.6
Total Vertical Force 133.299 T
Total Long. Force 2.666 T Max Hor. Force 2.67 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 163.13 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 152.87 T-m
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 WL 17.47 2.67 0.00 -140.80 20.09 0.6
Total Vertical Force 168.239 T
Total Long. Force 2.666 T Max Hor. Force 2.67 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment -140.80 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 193.05 T-m
Quasi-Permanent Combination
1.DL+LL (Pedestrian Load on one footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 Type - 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
6 One Span 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0
Total Vertical Force 150.769 T
Total Long. Force 0.000 T Max Hor. Force 0.00 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 0.00 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 172.96 T-m
2.DL+LL (Pedestrian Load on both footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 Type - 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
6 Both Span 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0
Total Vertical Force 150.769 T
Total Long. Force 0.000 T Max Hor. Force 0.00 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 0.00 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 172.96 T-m
3.DL+SV (Pedestrian Load on one footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 Type - 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
6 One Span 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0
Total Vertical Force 150.769 T
Total Long. Force 0.000 T Max Hor. Force 0.00 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 0.00 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 172.96 T-m
4.DL+SV (Pedestrian Load on both footpath)
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 Type - 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
6 Both Span 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0
Total Vertical Force 150.769 T
Total Long. Force 0.000 T Max Hor. Force 0.00 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 0.00 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 172.96 T-m
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 WL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
Total Vertical Force 150.769 T
Total Long. Force 0.000 T Max Hor. Force 0.00 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 0.00 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 172.96 T-m
Vertical Moment at C.G of P. Saf.
S.L No Item Load Horizontal Force Pilecap base Factor
1 PSC Box 103.640 0 0 0.00 119.19 1
2 SIDL 25.52 0 0 0.00 29.34 1
3 Surfacing 11.52 0 0 0.00 13.25 1.2
4 Pier Cap 10.09 0 0 0.00 11.19 1
5 WL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
Total Vertical Force 150.769 T
Total Long. Force 0.000 T Max Hor. Force 0.00 T
Total Trans. Force 0.000 T
Total Long. Moment 0.00 T-m
Total Trans. Moment 172.96 T-m
Structural Design Parameters
Charecteristic Compressive Strength of concrete, f ck = M 35 N/mm2
Charectristic yield strength of reinforcement, f yk = FE 500 N/mm2
Ultimate Compressive strain of concrete, Єcu = 0.0035
Coefficient of concrete strength, α = 0.67
Partial factor for concrete property, γm = 1.5
Partial factor for reinforcing steel, γs = 1.15
Coefficient αcc for calculating fcd = 0.67
Mean value of concrete cube strength, f cm = 45
Mean value of axial tensile strength of concrete, f ctm = 2.8
Design value of concrete compressive strength, f cd = 15.633 N/mm2
Design yeild stress in longitudinal and shear
reinforcement, fyd = fwd = 435 N/mm2
Minimum shear reinforcemnt ratio, ρw,min = 0.00085192
Clear cover to outermost reinforcement bar, c = 75 mm
Permissible crack width = 0.2 mm
Modulus of Elasticity of reinforcing steel, E s = 200000 N/mm2
Secant Modulus of Elasticity of concrete, E cm = 32000 N/mm2
Modular ratio, m = 6.25
Allowable bending compressive stress in concrete for
SLS verification = 12.6 N/mm2
Allowable direct compressive stress in concrete for SLS
verification = 8.75 N/mm2
Density of concrete = 25 KN/m3
Allowable tensile stress in concrete for SLS verification
= 4.14
Allowable tensile stress in reinforcement for SLS
verification = 400 N/mm2
Effective Depth of Pier Cap = 1045 mm
Tabular Summary
1.Structural Strength
L/C V.Load B.M T.M
Load on one
footpath) 375.281 431.00 81.42
Load on
footpath) 365.703 419.99 81.42
Load on one
footpath) 345.869 397.18 0.34
Load on
footpath) 336.291 386.17 0.34
5.DL-WL 161.110 184.71 407.82
6.DL+WL 248.461 285.16 351.99
Load on one
footpath)+SL 347.976 238.75 257.11
Load on
footpath)+SL 226.464 238.46 257.11
Load on one
footpath)+ST 347.976 399.57 0.00
Load on
footpath)+ST 347.445 398.96 0.00
1.DL+LL (Pedestrian Load on one footpath)
For Rectengular Parabolic Stress Block
b1 = 0.80952 b2 = 0.41597 εyd = fyd/Es = 0.002175
Design against bending moment :
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
x = d/(2.b2) - sqrt((d/(2.b2)2 - MED/(b1.b2.b.fcd)) = 209.1 mm
Now, to check adequacy of the section,
xu,lim = d.Єcu/(Єcu + Єyd) = 644 mm As 644.49 > 209.11 mm O.K
Area of steel calculation
Min. reinf. requirement :
[ As per eq. 16.1, clause of IRC 112-2011.]
Mean axial tensile strength of conc., f ctm = 2.8 Mpa [ Table 6.5]
Charecteristics yield strength of reinf. f yk = FE 500 Mpa
Mean width of tension zone, bt = 1700 mm
Ast min = 0.26 (fctm / fyk) btd > 0.0013btd = 2586.58 mm2
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
Lever arm, Z =( d - 0.41597 *209.11) = 958.0 mm
Area of steel required, Asreq = MED / 0.87fyZ = 10342.36 mm2
Reinforcement to be used (1st layer) = 32 mm Area = 804.2477
Spacing of reinforcement provided = 110 mm
Reinforcement to be used (2nd layer) = 32 mm Area = 804.2477
Spacing of reinforcement provided = 110 mm
Area of steel provided, Aspro = 24858.5659 mm2
Design for Shear Force and Torsion
VED = 375.280 T k = 1 + √(200/d) = 1.44 (Page 86,IRC 112-2011)
ρ1 = Asl / b.d = 0.014
Vmin = 0.031 x k 3/2
xf ck
= 0.316 σcp = 0 N/mm2
VRdc.min = (vmin + 0.15σcp) b x d = 561517.2 N αcw = 1
VRdc = (0.12 x k x (80 x ρ1 x fck) + 0.15σcp ) b x d =
1028159.73 N = 102.82 T
As 375.28 T > 102.82 T Shear reinf. Is required
Strength Reduction factor v = 0.6 x (1 - f ck/310) = 0.53
v1 = 0.53 z = 0.9 x D = 1080 mm
Considering ,θ = 45 deg
VRd.max = αcw x b x z x v1 x fcd / (cotθ+tanθ) = 7638648 N = 763.86 T Hence Ok
Considering ,θ = 21.8 deg
VRd.max = αcw x b x z x v1 x fcd / (cotθ+tanθ) = 5267761 N = 526.78 T
Calculation of Strut angle θ is not required, consider θ = 21.8
Shear Stress due to applied load, v ED = VED/(b x z) = 2.04
θ =0.5 x sin (vED/0.5 x αcw x v1 x fcd) =
14.71 deg
Design Value of Torsion, TED = 81.42 T-m
b= 1700 mm bk = 1550 Ak = 1627500 mm2
h= 1200 mm hk = 1050
Perimeter of the c/s, u= 5800 mm tef.i = A/u = 280.60345 mm
Considering ,θ = 14.71 deg
TRd.max = 2 x v x αcw x fcd x Ak x tef.i x sin θ cos θ = 1866924434 N-mm = 186.6924 T-m
TED/TRd.max + VED/VRd.max = 0.927408
0.491291 0.43611731
Pier Cap P1
V. Load onding V.
on Load on
32.015 m 15.0 m
span span
Type - 1 85.198 0
Type - 4 204.092 0
Type - 1 load is placed 1.155 m from centre of carraigeway.
Max V.Load on bearing = 67.20 T
Impact = 12%
Total V.Load on bearing = 75.26 T
Type - 4 load is placed 0.3 m from centre of carraigeway.
Max V.Load on bearing = 117.35 T
Impact = 0%
Total V.Load on bearing = 117.35 T
(B) Considering the case for max vertical reaction.
V. Load onding V.
on Load on
32.015 m 15.0 m
span span
Type - 6 83.31 8.424
Type - 7 200.67 28.599
Type - 6 load is placed 0.6 m from centre of carraigeway.
32.015m Span
Max V.Load on bearing = 54.15 T
Impact = 12%
Total V.Load on bearing = 60.65 T
15.0m Span
Max V.Load on bearing = 5.48 T
Impact = 12%
Total V.Load on bearing = 6.13 T
Type - 7 load is placed 0.3 m from centre of carraigeway.
32.015m Span
Max V.Load on bearing = 115.39 T
Impact = 0%
Total V.Load on bearing = 115.39 T
15.0m Span
Max V.Load on bearing = 18.59 T
Impact = 0%
Total V.Load on bearing = 18.59 T
4.Pedestrian Live Load
32.015m span
Both footpath loaded
Load on one bearing = 9.44 T
15.0m span
Both footpath loaded
Load on one bearing = 5.46 T
5.Longitudinal Force
For Live Load Type -1
Net.Longitudinal Force FH = 20.15 T
FH/2 = 10.07 T
Lever Arm L.A = 3.825 m
Moment = 38.53 T-m
Max V.Load on bearing = 1.20 T
For Live Load Type -4/7
Net.Longitudinal Force FH = 0.13 T
FH/2 = 0.06 T
Lever Arm L.A = 3.825 m
Moment = 0.24 T-m
Max V.Load on bearing = 0.01 T
32.015m Span
Trans. force on P1 = 17.77 T
Lever Arm L.A = 1.375 m
Moment = 24.44 T-m
Reaction on one bearing = 6.11 T
V.Force on P1 = 32.52 T
Reaction on one bearing = 16.26 T
15.0m Span
Trans. force on P1 = 5.61 T
Lever Arm L.A = 1.38 m
Moment = 7.71 T-m
Reaction on one bearing = 1.93 T
V.Force on P1 = 15.69 T
Reaction on one bearing = 7.84 T
7.Seismic Force
Horizontal Seismic Coeff. Ah = 0.216
Vertical Seismic Coeff. Av = 0.144
(A) Vertical Seismic
Reaction on one
32.015m Span
Dead Load (PSC Box) = 14.92 T
SIDL = 3.67 T
Surfacing = 1.38 T
15.0m Span
Dead Load (Solid Span) = 9.87 T
SIDL = 1.78 T
Surfacing = 0.67 T
W1 = 1.45 T
W2 = 2.37 T
W3 = 0.87 T
Live Load
Type 1 = 1.41 T
W1 = 2.18 T
W2 = 3.55 T
Lever Arm = 0.64 m L.Moment = 2.26 T-m
Reaction on one bearing = 2.83 T
W1 = 2.18 T
W2 = 3.55 T
Lever Arm = 0.64 m T.Moment = 2.26 T-m
Reaction on one bearing = 0.57 T
Live Load
Type 1 = 3.68 T
Lever Arm = 4.13 m T.Moment = 15.18 T-m
Reaction on one bearing = 3.80 T
Pedestrian Live Load
32.015m span 0.41 T
15.0m span 0.24 T
Load Combination
Structural Strength
1.DL+LL(Type 1)+L.Force
Type V.Load Tor.M B.M P.S.F
1.Dead Load
32.015 m
PSC Box 139.91 55.97 160.90 1.35
SIDL 34.45 13.78 39.61 1.35
Surfacing 16.80 6.72 19.32 1.75
15.0 m P.S.F (Reliev)
Solid Sp. 92.54 -27.42 106.42 1.35 1
SIDL 16.69 -4.95 19.20 1.35 1
Surfacing 8.14 -1.86 9.36 1.75 1
2.S/W of cantilever Portion & Excess portion of Pier cap
W1 13.64 0.00 15.13 1.35
W2 22.19 -7.40 0.00 1.35 1
W3 0.00 0.00 9.70 1.35
3.Live Load
Type - 1 112.90 45.16 129.83 1.5
4.Pedestrian Live Load
32.015 m 14.15 5.66 16.28 1.5
15.0 m 8.19 -3.28 9.42 1.5
5.Longitudinal Force
1.81 0.72 2.08 1.5
Total V.Load = 481.40 T
Total Tor.M = 83.11 T-m
Total B.M = 537.24 T-m
2.DL+LL(Type 4)+L.Force
Type V.Load Tor.M B.M P.S.F
1.Dead Load
32.015 m
PSC Box 139.91 55.97 160.90 1.35
SIDL 34.45 13.78 39.61 1.35
Surfacing 16.80 6.72 19.32 1.75
15.0 m P.S.F (Reliev)
Solid Sp. 92.54 -27.42 106.42 1.35 1
SIDL 16.69 -4.95 19.20 1.35 1
Surfacing 8.14 -1.86 9.36 1.75 1
2.S/W of cantilever Portion & Excess portion of Pier cap
W1 13.64 0.00 15.13 1.35
W2 22.19 -7.40 0.00 1.35 1
W3 0.00 0.00 9.70 1.35
3.Live Load
Type - 4 117.35 46.94 134.96 1
5.Longitudinal Force
0.01 0.00 0.01 1
Total V.Load = 461.72 T
Total Tor.M = 81.79 T-m
Total B.M = 514.60 T-m
3.DL+LL(Type 7)+L.Force
Type V.Load Tor.M B.M P.S.F
1.Dead Load
32.015 m
PSC Box 139.91 55.97 160.90 1.35
SIDL 34.45 13.78 39.61 1.35
Surfacing 16.80 6.72 19.32 1.75
15.0 m P.S.F (Reliev)
Solid Sp. 92.54 -27.42 106.42 1.35 1
SIDL 16.69 -4.95 19.20 1.35 1
Surfacing 8.14 -1.86 9.36 1.75 1
2.S/W of cantilever Portion & Excess portion of Pier cap
W1 13.64 0.00 15.13 1.35
W2 22.19 -7.40 0.00 1.35 1
W3 0.00 0.00 9.70 1.35
3.Live Load
Type - 7 133.97 38.72 154.07 1
5.Longitudinal Force
0.01 0.00 0.01 1
Total V.Load = 478.34 T
Total Tor.M = 73.56 T-m
Total B.M = 533.72 T-m
Type V.Load Tor.M B.M P.S.F
1.Dead Load
32.015 m
PSC Box 139.91 55.97 160.90 1.35
SIDL 34.45 13.78 39.61 1.35
Surfacing 16.80 6.72 19.32 1.75
15.0 m P.S.F (Reliev)
Solid Sp. 92.54 -27.42 106.42 1.35 1
SIDL 16.69 -4.95 19.20 1.35 1
Surfacing 8.14 -1.86 9.36 1.75 1
2.S/W of cantilever Portion & Excess portion of Pier cap
W1 13.64 0.00 15.13 1.35
W2 22.19 -7.40 0.00 1.35 1
W3 0.00 0.00 9.70 1.35
32.015 m 33.55 13.42 38.58 1.5
15.0 m 14.66 -5.86 16.86 1.5
Total V.Load = 359.01 T
Total Tor.M = 42.40 T-m
Total B.M = 435.08 T-m
Type V.Load Tor.M B.M P.S.F
1.Dead Load
32.015 m
PSC Box 139.91 55.97 160.90 1.35
SIDL 34.45 13.78 39.61 1.35
Surfacing 16.80 6.72 19.32 1.75
15.0 m P.S.F (Reliev)
Solid Sp. 92.54 -27.42 106.42 1.35 1
SIDL 16.69 -4.95 19.20 1.35 1
Surfacing 8.14 -1.86 9.36 1.75 1
2.S/W of cantilever Portion & Excess portion of Pier cap
W1 13.64 0.00 15.13 1.35
W2 22.19 -7.40 0.00 1.35 1
W3 0.00 0.00 9.70 1.35
3.Live Load
Type - 4 15.05 6.02 17.31 0.2
4.Pedestrian Live Load
32.015 m 1.89 0.75 2.17 0.2
15.0 m 1.09 -0.44 1.26 0.2
5.Longitudinal Force
0.02 0.2
7.Seismic Force
142.66 15.56 160.46 1.5
Total V.Load = 505.05 T
Total Tor.M = 56.76 T-m
Total B.M = 560.84 T-m
Allowable bending compressive stress in concrete for SLS verification = 12.6 N/mm2
Allowable direct compressive stress in concrete for SLS verification = 8.75 N/mm2
Density of concrete = 25 KN/m3
Allowable tensile stress in concrete for SLS verification = 4.14
Allowable tensile stress in reinforcement for SLS verification = 400 N/mm2
Effective Depth of Pier Cap = 1048.5 mm
Effective Width of Pier Cap = 1700 mm
1.DL+LL(Type 1)+L.Force
Total V.Load = 481.3993 T
Total Tor.M = 83.10816 T-m
Total B.M = 537.2402 T-m
For Rectengular Parabolic Stress Block
b1 = 0.80952 b2 = 0.41597 εyd = fyd/Es = 0.002175
Design against bending moment :
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
x = d/(2.b2) - sqrt((d/(2.b2)2 - MED/(b1.b2.b.fcd)) = 266.29 mm
Now, to check adequacy of the section,
xu,lim = d.Єcu/(Єcu + Єyd) = 647 mm
Area of steel calculation As 646.65 > 266.29 mm O.K
Min. reinf. requirement :
[ As per eq. 16.1, clause of IRC 112-2011.]
Mean axial tensile strength of conc., f ctm = 2.8 Mpa
Charecteristics yield strength of reinf. f yk = FE 500 Mpa
Mean width of tension zone, bt = 1700 mm
Ast min = 0.26 (fctm / fyk) btd > 0.0013btd = 2595.25 mm2
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
Lever arm, Z =( d - 0.41597 *266.29) = 937.7 mm
Area of steel required, Asreq = MED / 0.87fyZ = 13170.46 mm2
Reinforcement to be used (1st layer) = 32 mm Area = 804.2477
Spacing of reinforcement provided = 150 mm
Reinforcement to be used (2nd layer) = 25 mm Area = 490.8739
Spacing of reinforcement provided = 150 mm
Area of steel provided, Aspro = 14678.04448 mm2
Hence Ok
Design for Shear Force and Torsion
VED = 481.400 T k = 1 + √(200/d) = 1.44
ρ1 = Asl / b.d = 0.008 (Page 86,IRC 112-2011)
Vmin = 0.031 x k 3/2
xf ck
= 0.316 σcp = 0 N/mm2
VRdc.min = (vmin + 0.15σcp) b x d = 562968.257489814 N αcw = 1
VRdc = (0.12 x k x (80 x ρ1 x fck) 0.33
+ 0.15σcp ) b x d = 865577.8 N = 86.56 T
As 481.4 T > 86.56 T Shear reinf. Is required
Strength Reduction factor v = 0.6 x (1 - f ck/310) = 0.53
v1 = 0.53 z = 0.9 x D = 1080 mm
Considering ,θ = 45 deg
VRd.max = αcw x b x z x v1 x fcd / (cotθ+tanθ) = 7638648 N = 763.86 T
Considering ,θ = 21.8 deg Hence Ok
VRd.max = αcw x b x z x v1 x fcd / (cotθ+tanθ) = 5267761 N = 526.78 T
Calculation of Strut angle θ is not required, consider θ = 21.8
Shear Stress due to applied load, v ED = VED/(b x z) = 2.62
θ =0.5 x sin-1(vED/0.5 x αcw x v1 x fcd) = 19.53 deg
Design Value of Torsion, TED = 83.11 T-m
b= 1700 mm bk = 1700 Ak = 1785000 mm2
h= 1200 mm hk = 1050
Perimeter of the c/s, u= 5800 mm tef.i = A/u = 307.758621 mm
Considering ,θ = 21.80 deg
TRd.max = 2 x v x αcw x fcd x Ak x tef.i x sin θ cos θ = 3.15E+09 N-mm = 315.233124 T-m
TED/TRd.max + VED/VRd.max = 0.890 As 0.89< 1 Hence O.k
Shear flow due to torsion q = TED/2 x Ak = 232.80 N/mm
Torsional Shear Stress, Ꞇ= q/tef.i = 0.756 N/mm2
Additional vertical shear force due to torsion = q x h = 279355.2 N = 27.94 T
Total Shear force for calculation of transverse reinforcement = 509.336 T
Applied Shear Stress = 2.50 N/mm2
Required Transverse reinforcement area A sw/S req = Shear Stress x b / fyd cot θ = 3.90 mm2/mm
Minimum Transverse reinforcement area A sw/S min= ρw x b = 1.448 mm2/mm
Transverse Reinforcement
Dia of transverse reinforcement = 10.00 mm Area = 78.54 mm2
No.of legs = 8.00 Spacing provided for trans. reinforcement = 150.00 mm
(Ast/St)pro = 4.18879 Hence Ok
Longitudinal Torsional Reinforcement
Area of longitudinal reinforcement = Asl Spacing of Longitudinal reinforcement = S l
(Asl/Sl)req = TED x cot θ/2 x Ak x fyd = 1.338 mm2/mm
Asl req = 2274.606 mm2
Margin available for longitudinal torsion = 1507.59 mm2 Hence Ok
Area of cover portion outside stirrup/links at side face= 90000 mm 2
2.DL+LL(Type 4)+L.Force
Total V.Load = 461.715 T
Total Tor.M = 81.78717 T-m
Total B.M = 514.6034 T-m
For Rectengular Parabolic Stress Block
b1 = 0.80952 b2 = 0.41597 εyd = fyd/Es = 0.002175
Design against bending moment :
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
x = d/(2.b2) - sqrt((d/(2.b2)2 - MED/(b1.b2.b.fcd)) = 253.65 mm
Now, to check adequacy of the section,
xu,lim = d.Єcu/(Єcu + Єyd) = 647 mm
Area of steel calculation As 646.65 > 266.29 mm O.K
Min. reinf. requirement :
[ As per eq. 16.1, clause of IRC 112-2011.]
Mean axial tensile strength of conc., f ctm = 2.8 Mpa
Charecteristics yield strength of reinf. f yk = FE 500 Mpa
Mean width of tension zone, bt = 1700 mm
Ast min = 0.26 (fctm / fyk) btd > 0.0013btd = 2595.25 mm2
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
Lever arm, Z =( d - 0.41597 *253.65) = 937.7 mm
Area of steel required, Asreq = MED / 0.87fyZ = 12615.51 mm2
Additional vertical shear force due to torsion = q x h = 32 mm Area = 804.2477
Spacing of reinforcement provided = 150 mm
Total Shear force for calculation of transverse reinforcement = 25 mm Area = 490.8739
Spacing of reinforcement provided = 150 mm
Area of steel provided, Aspro = 14678.04448 mm2
Hence Ok
Design for Shear Force and Torsion
VED = 461.720 T k = 1 + √(200/d) = 1.44
ρ1 = Asl / b.d = 0.008 (Page 86,IRC 112-2011)
Vmin = 0.031 x k 3/2
xf ck
= 0.316 σcp = 0 N/mm2
VRdc.min = (vmin + 0.15σcp) b x d = 562968.257489814 N αcw = 1
VRdc = (0.12 x k x (80 x ρ1 x fck)0.33 + 0.15σcp ) b x d = 865577.8 N = 86.56 T
As 461.72 T > 86.56 T Shear reinf. Is required
Strength Reduction factor v = 0.6 x (1 - f ck/310) = 0.53
v1 = 0.53 z = 0.9 x D = 1080 mm
Considering ,θ = 45 deg
VRd.max = αcw x b x z x v1 x fcd / (cotθ+tanθ) = 7638648 N = 763.86 T
Considering ,θ = 21.8 deg Hence Ok
VRd.max = αcw x b x z x v1 x fcd / (cotθ+tanθ) = 5267761 N = 526.78 T
Calculation of Strut angle θ is not required, consider θ = 21.8
Shear Stress due to applied load, v ED = VED/(b x z) = 2.51
θ =0.5 x sin (vED/0.5 x αcw x v1 x fcd) =
18.59 deg
Design Value of Torsion, TED = 81.79 T-m
b= 1700 mm bk = 1700 Ak = 1785000 mm2
h= 1200 mm hk = 1050
Perimeter of the c/s, u= 5800 mm tef.i = A/u = 307.758621 mm
Considering ,θ = 21.80 deg
TRd.max = 2 x v x αcw x fcd x Ak x tef.i x sin θ cos θ = 3.15E+09 N-mm = 315.233124 T-m
TED/TRd.max + VED/VRd.max = 0.860 As 0.86< 1 Hence O.k
Shear flow due to torsion q = TED/2 x Ak = 229.10 N/mm
Torsional Shear Stress, Ꞇ= q/tef.i = 0.744 N/mm2
Additional vertical shear force due to torsion = q x h = 274914.9 N = 27.49 T
Total Shear force for calculation of transverse reinforcement = 489.211 T
Applied Shear Stress = 2.40 N/mm2
Required Transverse reinforcement area A sw/S req = Shear Stress x b / fyd cot θ = 3.75 mm2/mm
Minimum Transverse reinforcement area A sw/S min= ρw x b = 1.448 mm2/mm
Transverse Reinforcement
Dia of transverse reinforcement = 10.00 mm Area = 78.54 mm2
No.of legs = 8.00 Spacing provided for trans. reinforcement = 150.00 mm
(Ast/St)pro = 4.18879 Hence Ok
Longitudinal Torsional Reinforcement
Area of longitudinal reinforcement = Asl Spacing of Longitudinal reinforcement = S l
(Asl/Sl)req = TED x cot θ/2 x Ak x fyd = 1.317 mm2/mm
Asl req = 2238.451 mm2
Margin available for longitudinal torsion = 2062.53 mm2 Hence Ok
Area of cover portion outside stirrup/links at side face= 90000 mm2
Surface Reinforcement =0.01 x Act.ext = 900 mm2 (Pg-181,IRC 112:2011)
Area of cover portion outside stirrup/links at bottom= 127500 mm2
Surface Reinforcement =0.01 x Act.ext = 1275 mm2 (Pg-181,IRC 112:2011)
Reinforcement required at bottom face = 1275 mm2
Dia of bottom face reinforcement = 12 mm Area = 113.10 mm2
Spacing of reinforcement provided = 150 mm
Area of reinforcement provided = 1281.77 mm2 Hence Ok
Reinforcement required at side face = 900 mm2
Dia of side face reinforcement = 12 mm Area = 113.10 mm2
Spacing of reinforcement provided = 150 mm
Area of reinforcement provided = 904.78 mm2 Hence Ok
Reinforcement at top - Provide 32 @ 150 c/c as 1st layer & 25 @ 150 c/c as 2nd layer.
Reinforcement at bottom - Provide 12 @ 150 c/c.
Reinforcement at side face - Provide 12 @ 150 c/c.
Transverse Reinforcement - Provide 8 nos 10 mm dia @ 150 c/c.
3.DL+LL(Type 7)+L.Force
Total V.Load = 478.3367 T
Total Tor.M = 73.56437 T-m
Total B.M = 533.7183 T-m
For Rectengular Parabolic Stress Block
b1 = 0.80952 b2 = 0.41597 εyd = fyd/Es = 0.002175
Design against bending moment :
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
x = d/(2.b2) - sqrt((d/(2.b2)2 - MED/(b1.b2.b.fcd)) = 264.32 mm
Now, to check adequacy of the section,
xu,lim = d.Єcu/(Єcu + Єyd) = 647 mm
Area of steel calculation As 646.65 > 266.29 mm O.K
Min. reinf. requirement :
[ As per eq. 16.1, clause of IRC 112-2011.]
Mean axial tensile strength of conc., f ctm = 2.8 Mpa
Charecteristics yield strength of reinf. f yk = FE 500 Mpa
Mean width of tension zone, bt = 1700 mm
Ast min = 0.26 (fctm / fyk) btd > 0.0013btd = 2595.25 mm2
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
Lever arm, Z =( d - 0.41597 *264.32) = 937.7 mm
Area of steel required, Asreq = MED / 0.87fyZ = 13084.12 mm2
Additional vertical shear force due to torsion = q x h = 32 mm Area = 804.2477
Spacing of reinforcement provided = 150 mm
Total Shear force for calculation of transverse reinforcement = 25 mm Area = 490.8739
Spacing of reinforcement provided = 150 mm
Area of steel provided, Aspro = 14678.04448 mm2
Hence Ok
Design for Shear Force and Torsion
VED = 478.340 T k = 1 + √(200/d) = 1.44
ρ1 = Asl / b.d = 0.008 (Page 86,IRC 112-2011)
Vmin = 0.031 x k 3/2
xf ck
= 0.316 σcp = 0 N/mm2
VRdc.min = (vmin + 0.15σcp) b x d = 562968.257489814 N αcw = 1
VRdc = (0.12 x k x (80 x ρ1 x fck) 0.33
+ 0.15σcp ) b x d = 865577.8 N = 86.56 T
As 478.34 T > 86.56 T Shear reinf. Is required
Strength Reduction factor v = 0.6 x (1 - f ck/310) = 0.53
v1 = 0.53 z = 0.9 x D = 1080 mm
Considering ,θ = 45 deg
VRd.max = αcw x b x z x v1 x fcd / (cotθ+tanθ) = 7638648 N = 763.86 T
Considering ,θ = 21.8 deg Hence Ok
VRd.max = αcw x b x z x v1 x fcd / (cotθ+tanθ) = 5267761 N = 526.78 T
Calculation of Strut angle θ is not required, consider θ = 21.8
Shear Stress due to applied load, v ED = VED/(b x z) = 2.61
θ =0.5 x sin (vED/0.5 x αcw x v1 x fcd) =
19.39 deg
Design Value of Torsion, TED = 73.56 T-m
b= 1700 mm bk = 1700 Ak = 1785000 mm2
h= 1200 mm hk = 1050
Perimeter of the c/s, u= 5800 mm tef.i = A/u = 307.758621 mm
Considering ,θ = 21.80 deg
TRd.max = 2 x v x αcw x fcd x Ak x tef.i x sin θ cos θ = 3.15E+09 N-mm = 315.233124 T-m
TED/TRd.max + VED/VRd.max = 0.860 As 0.86< 1 Hence O.k
Shear flow due to torsion q = TED/2 x Ak = 206.06 N/mm
Torsional Shear Stress, Ꞇ= q/tef.i = 0.670 N/mm2
Additional vertical shear force due to torsion = q x h = 247275.2 N = 24.73 T
Total Shear force for calculation of transverse reinforcement = 503.068 T
Applied Shear Stress = 2.47 N/mm2
Required Transverse reinforcement area A sw/S req = Shear Stress x b / fyd cot θ = 3.85 mm2/mm
Minimum Transverse reinforcement area A sw/S min= ρw x b = 1.448 mm2/mm
Transverse Reinforcement
Dia of transverse reinforcement = 10.00 mm Area = 78.54 mm2
No.of legs = 8.00 Spacing provided for trans. reinforcement = 150.00 mm
(Ast/St)pro = 4.18879 Hence Ok
Longitudinal Torsional Reinforcement
Area of longitudinal reinforcement = Asl Spacing of Longitudinal reinforcement = S l
(Asl/Sl)req = TED x cot θ/2 x Ak x fyd = 1.184 mm2/mm
Asl req = 2013.4 mm2
Margin available for longitudinal torsion = 1593.93 mm2 Hence Ok
Area of cover portion outside stirrup/links at side face= 90000 mm 2
Total V.Load = 359.0121 T
Total Tor.M = 42.40074 T-m
Total B.M = 435.0796 T-m
For Rectengular Parabolic Stress Block
b1 = 0.80952 b2 = 0.41597 εyd = fyd/Es = 0.002175
Design against bending moment :
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
x = d/(2.b2) - sqrt((d/(2.b2)2 - MED/(b1.b2.b.fcd)) = 210.44 mm
Now, to check adequacy of the section,
xu,lim = d.Єcu/(Єcu + Єyd) = 647 mm
Area of steel calculation As 646.65 > 266.29 mm O.K
Min. reinf. requirement :
[ As per eq. 16.1, clause of IRC 112-2011.]
Mean axial tensile strength of conc., f ctm = 2.8 Mpa
Charecteristics yield strength of reinf. f yk = FE 500 Mpa
Mean width of tension zone, bt = 1700 mm
Ast min = 0.26 (fctm / fyk) btd > 0.0013btd = 2595.25 mm2
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
Lever arm, Z =( d - 0.41597 *210.44) = 937.7 mm
Area of steel required, Asreq = MED / 0.87fyZ = 10665.99 mm2
Additional vertical shear force due to torsion = q x h = 32 mm Area = 804.2477
Spacing of reinforcement provided = 150 mm
Total Shear force for calculation of transverse reinforcement = 25 mm Area = 490.8739
Spacing of reinforcement provided = 150 mm
Area of steel provided, Aspro = 14678.04448 mm2
Hence Ok
Design for Shear Force and Torsion
VED = 359.010 T k = 1 + √(200/d) = 1.44
ρ1 = Asl / b.d = 0.008 (Page 86,IRC 112-2011)
Vmin = 0.031 x k 3/2
xf ck
= 0.316 σcp = 0 N/mm2
VRdc.min = (vmin + 0.15σcp) b x d = 562968.257489814 N αcw = 1
VRdc = (0.12 x k x (80 x ρ1 x fck) 0.33
+ 0.15σcp ) b x d = 865577.8 N = 86.56 T
As 359.01 T > 86.56 T Shear reinf. Is required
Strength Reduction factor v = 0.6 x (1 - f ck/310) = 0.53
v1 = 0.53 z = 0.9 x D = 1080 mm
Considering ,θ = 45 deg
VRd.max = αcw x b x z x v1 x fcd / (cotθ+tanθ) = 7638648 N = 763.86 T
Considering ,θ = 21.8 deg Hence Ok
VRd.max = αcw x b x z x v1 x fcd / (cotθ+tanθ) = 5267761 N = 526.78 T
Calculation of Strut angle θ is not required, consider θ = 21.8
Shear Stress due to applied load, v ED = VED/(b x z) = 1.96
θ =0.5 x sin-1(vED/0.5 x αcw x v1 x fcd) = 14.02 deg
Design Value of Torsion, TED = 42.40 T-m
b= 1700 mm bk = 1700 Ak = 1785000 mm2
h= 1200 mm hk = 1050
Perimeter of the c/s, u= 5800 mm tef.i = A/u = 307.758621 mm
Considering ,θ = 21.80 deg
TRd.max = 2 x v x αcw x fcd x Ak x tef.i x sin θ cos θ = 3.15E+09 N-mm = 315.233124 T-m
TED/TRd.max + VED/VRd.max = 0.600 As 0.6< 1 Hence O.k
Shear flow due to torsion q = TED/2 x Ak = 118.77 N/mm
Torsional Shear Stress, Ꞇ= q/tef.i = 0.386 N/mm2
Additional vertical shear force due to torsion = q x h = 142523.5 N = 14.25 T
Total Shear force for calculation of transverse reinforcement = 373.262 T
Applied Shear Stress = 1.83 N/mm2
Required Transverse reinforcement area A sw/S req = Shear Stress x b / fyd cot θ = 2.86 mm2/mm
Minimum Transverse reinforcement area A sw/S min= ρw x b = 1.448 mm2/mm
Transverse Reinforcement
Dia of transverse reinforcement = 10.00 mm Area = 78.54 mm2
No.of legs = 8.00 Spacing provided for trans. reinforcement = 150.00 mm
(Ast/St)pro = 4.18879 Hence Ok
Longitudinal Torsional Reinforcement
Area of longitudinal reinforcement = Asl Spacing of Longitudinal reinforcement = S l
(Asl/Sl)req = TED x cot θ/2 x Ak x fyd = 0.683 mm2/mm
Asl req = 1160.475 mm2
Margin available for longitudinal torsion = 4012.06 mm2 Hence Ok
Area of cover portion outside stirrup/links at side face= 90000 mm2
Surface Reinforcement =0.01 x Act.ext = 900 mm2 (Pg-181,IRC 112:2011)
Area of cover portion outside stirrup/links at bottom= 127500 mm 2
Total V.Load = 505.0455 T
Total Tor.M = 56.76137 T-m
Total B.M = 560.8392 T-m
For Rectengular Parabolic Stress Block
b1 = 0.80952 b2 = 0.41597 εyd = fyd/Es = 0.002175
Design against bending moment :
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
x = d/(2.b2) - sqrt((d/(2.b2)2 - MED/(b1.b2.b.fcd)) = 279.65 mm
Now, to check adequacy of the section,
xu,lim = d.Єcu/(Єcu + Єyd) = 647 mm
Area of steel calculation As 646.65 > 266.29 mm O.K
Min. reinf. requirement :
[ As per eq. 16.1, clause of IRC 112-2011.]
Mean axial tensile strength of conc., f ctm = 2.8 Mpa
Charecteristics yield strength of reinf. f yk = FE 500 Mpa
Mean width of tension zone, bt = 1700 mm
Ast min = 0.26 (fctm / fyk) btd > 0.0013btd = 2595.25 mm2
For rectangular - parabolic stress block
Lever arm, Z =( d - 0.41597 *279.65) = 937.7 mm
Area of steel required, Asreq = MED / 0.87fyZ = 13748.99 mm2
Additional vertical shear force due to torsion = q x h = 32 mm Area = 804.2477
Spacing of reinforcement provided = 150 mm
Total Shear force for calculation of transverse reinforcement = 25 mm Area = 490.8739
Spacing of reinforcement provided = 150 mm
Area of steel provided, Aspro = 14678.04448 mm2
Hence Ok
Design for Shear Force and Torsion
VED = 505.050 T k = 1 + √(200/d) = 1.44
ρ1 = Asl / b.d = 0.008 (Page 86,IRC 112-2011)
Vmin = 0.031 x k 3/2
xf ck
= 0.316 σcp = 0 N/mm2
VRdc.min = (vmin + 0.15σcp) b x d = 562968.257489814 N αcw = 1
VRdc = (0.12 x k x (80 x ρ1 x fck)0.33 + 0.15σcp ) b x d = 865577.8 N = 86.56 T
As 505.05 T > 86.56 T Shear reinf. Is required
Strength Reduction factor v = 0.6 x (1 - f ck/310) = 0.53
v1 = 0.53 z = 0.9 x D = 1080 mm
Considering ,θ = 45 deg
VRd.max = αcw x b x z x v1 x fcd / (cotθ+tanθ) = 7638648 N = 763.86 T
Considering ,θ = 21.8 deg Hence Ok
VRd.max = αcw x b x z x v1 x fcd / (cotθ+tanθ) = 5267761 N = 526.78 T
Calculation of Strut angle θ is not required, consider θ = 21.8
Shear Stress due to applied load, v ED = VED/(b x z) = 2.75
θ =0.5 x sin (vED/0.5 x αcw x v1 x fcd) =
20.69 deg
Design Value of Torsion, TED = 56.76 T-m
b= 1700 mm bk = 1700 Ak = 1785000 mm2
h= 1200 mm hk = 1050
Perimeter of the c/s, u= 5800 mm tef.i = A/u = 307.758621 mm
Considering ,θ = 21.80 deg
TRd.max = 2 x v x αcw x fcd x Ak x tef.i x sin θ cos θ = 3.15E+09 N-mm = 315.233124 T-m
TED/TRd.max + VED/VRd.max = 0.840 As 0.84< 1 Hence O.k
Shear flow due to torsion q = TED/2 x Ak = 159.00 N/mm
Torsional Shear Stress, Ꞇ= q/tef.i = 0.517 N/mm2
Additional vertical shear force due to torsion = q x h = 190794.5 N = 19.08 T
Total Shear force for calculation of transverse reinforcement = 524.129 T
Applied Shear Stress = 2.57 N/mm2
Required Transverse reinforcement area A sw/S req = Shear Stress x b / fyd cot θ = 4.02 mm2/mm
Minimum Transverse reinforcement area A sw/S min= ρw x b = 1.448 mm2/mm
Transverse Reinforcement
Dia of transverse reinforcement = 10.00 mm Area = 78.54 mm2
No.of legs = 8.00 Spacing provided for trans. reinforcement = 150.00 mm
(Ast/St)pro = 4.18879 Hence Ok
Longitudinal Torsional Reinforcement
Area of longitudinal reinforcement = Asl Spacing of Longitudinal reinforcement = S l
(Asl/Sl)req = TED x cot θ/2 x Ak x fyd = 0.914 mm2/mm
Asl req = 1553.515 mm2
Margin available for longitudinal torsion = 929.06 mm2 Hence Ok
Area of cover portion outside stirrup/links at side face= 90000 mm 2
70R 120.98 1 -0.4 -48.39
1 1.155 139.73
L.FORCE 70R -20.148 1 13.99 -281.84
32.015 M SPAN
S.STRUCTURE -32.52 -4.44 17.77 1 11.5384 -51.27 205.06
15.0 M SPAN
S.STRUCTURE -15.69 -1.40 5.61 1 11.5384 -16.18 64.72
PEDESTAL -0.03 0.12 1 11.2134 -0.33 1.33
PIER CAP -0.153 0.610 1 11.33 -1.73 6.92
PIER.SHAFT -0.575 2.302 1 8.688 -5.00 20.00
PIER.SHAFT -2.430 6.670 1 2.21 -5.36 14.71
PILE CAP -4.720 9.980 1 0.942 -4.45 9.40
REDUCED WT. -152.63
32.015 M SPAN
DL+SIDL 37.20 55.79 1 11.5384 643.78
SURFACING 2.76 4.15 1 12.7884 53.04
15.0 M SPAN
DL+SIDL 23.09 34.63 1 12.1634 421.20
SURFACING 1.33 1.33 1 12.7884 16.97
LL(70R) 2.45 3.68 1 12.7884 47.07
CROWD 0.86 1.28 1 12.7884 16.40
L. SEISMIC F. -63.62 1 13.99 -890.00
PEDESTAL 0.035 -0.05 0.05 1 11.2134 -0.59 0.59
PIER CAP 2.305 -3.46 3.46 1 11.3284 -39.16 39.16
PIER.SHAFT 1.876 -2.81 2.81 1 8.688 -24.45 24.45
PIER.SHAFT -2.384 6.55012 1 2.221 -5.29 14.54
PILE CAP -4.4416 9.39124 1 0.947 -4.21 8.89
VERT.LOAD= 1056.31 T VERT.LOAD= 964.67 T
L.HOR.FORCE= -27.298 T L.HOR.FORCE= -13.75 T
T.HOR.FORCE = 16.650 T T.HOR.FORCE = 43.06 T
L.MOMENT= -394.17 T-M L.MOMENT= -130.89 T-M
T.MOMENT= 163.85 T-M T.MOMENT= 322.14 T-M
VERT.LOAD= 1139.42 T VERT.LOAD= 1128.21 T
L.HOR.FORCE= -7.28 T L.HOR.FORCE= -76.774 T
T.HOR.FORCE = 16.650 T T.HOR.FORCE = 15.941 T
L.MOMENT= -147.34 T-M L.MOMENT= -963.71 T-M
T.MOMENT= 61.23 T-M T.MOMENT= 23.44 T-M
ecc.L of pilecap= 0
VERT.LOAD= 1128.21 T
L.HOR.FORCE= -26.974 T
T.HOR.FORCE = 123.127 T
RESULTANT= 126.047 T
L.MOMENT= -291.34 T-M
T.MOMENT= 1286.11 T-M
TOTAL LOAD P = 1056.31 T
MX = 163.85 T-m = 163.847 T-m
MZ = -394.17 T-m = -394.172 T-m