Assessment of Patient'S Satisfaction With Health Service at Puskesmas Sungai Besar Banjarbaru
Assessment of Patient'S Satisfaction With Health Service at Puskesmas Sungai Besar Banjarbaru
Assessment of Patient'S Satisfaction With Health Service at Puskesmas Sungai Besar Banjarbaru
Ayi Sunarsih, Berson, Dwi Daravita Pertiwi, Lea, Merrylinda Permata, Minati Widiya
Astuti, Normahayati, Rahmanuddin
College Student of Public Health, Medical Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat University
Email :
There are several determinants of Puskesmas’s service to aim patient’s satisfaction, such as
tangibility or physical aspects such as equipment and personnel, reliability or ability to have
reliable and accurate performance, responsiveness or willingness to respond desire or need for
assistance from customers, as well as prompt service, assurance or willingness of personnel to
generate trust and safety to customers, empathy or willingness of personnel to care and pay
attention. The type of research used in this study is descriptive research. The sampling technique
is non probability sampling method with accidental sampling technique. Accidentally sampling
with reference to inclusion and exclusion criteria. In the accidental sampling method is done by
taking respondents who happen to exist or available somewhere in accordance with the research
context. Variable to be studied in this research is level of patient satisfaction to health service at
Puskesmas Sungai Besar with total 40 respondents. Based on the results of research as many as
40 respondents expressed satisfaction on services provided, such as administrative services,
doctors, nurses, medicine. The conclusion in this research show many patients are satisfied with
the service of health workers at the Puskesmas Sungai Besar.
Keywords : Puskesmas, Service, Quality, Satisfaction.
qualified in accordance with potential public personnel to care and pay attention to every
health issues in their respective working customer (Tjiptono and Diana, 2003 in
areas. With its wide reach to the corners of Wanarto, 2013).
the village, quality healthcare services will Determinants of the level of customer
be one of the determinants of efforts to satisfaction or consumer is also influenced
improve the health status of society. As the by the characteristics of these consumers
middle class grows, the demand for better who are the characteristics of a person who
quality health services also increases. So to distinguishes one with another.The
deal with it strived a program to maintain characteristics are name, age, gender,
the quality of health services with the aim of educational background, ethnicity, religion,
providing satisfaction to the community occupation, and others (Sangadji, 2013). The
(Muninjaya, 2004). existence of the form of health services
A service capable of making the patient provided by the Puskesmas is expected that
to visit again utilize his services, then it can patients will be able to provide its own
be said that the patient is satisfied with the assessment of the Puskesmas. If the service
services provided. Satisfaction begins with is given as desired, then the patient will be
the acceptance of the patient from the first satisfied, if the opposite happens it will
come, until the patient leaves the treatment cause loss of interest of patients to seek
site. Patient's satisfaction on service quality treatment and this will cause the patient has
is influenced by several determinants. From a negative image of the Puskesmas, which
previous studies on the quality of services, will lead to a decrease in the number of
many have explained that there are several patients and ultimately will lead to reduction
determinants, such as tangibility or physical of profits (Fitriani, 2013).
aspects such as equipment and personnel, Moreover, the number of Puskesmas that
reliability or ability to have reliable and exist in Banjarbaru causing Puskesmas
accurate performance, responsiveness or Sungai Besar must have the right marketing
willingness to respond desire or need for strategy. In an increasingly fierce global
assistance from customers, as well as environment with the inclusion of
prompt service, assurance or willingness of innovative services on the one hand and
personnel to generate trust and safety to saturated market conditions for monotonous
customers, empathy or willingness of services on the other hand managing patient
loyalty becomes a managerial challenge for is level of patient satisfaction to health
Puskesmas. Based on the above background service at Puskesmas Sungai Besar.
description, we are interested to examine the In this research about how the level of
level of patient satisfaction with health Patient Satisfaction toward Health Service at
services at Puskesmas Sungai Besar. Puskesmas Sungai Besar. Data collection
was conducted for 4 days, on May 7 - May
The type of research used in this study The level of patient satisfaction on
is descriptive research, which is a research health services is the opinion and
form aimed to describe the phenomena that expectations of patients on an activity
exist, both natural phenomena and man- received from nursing service resulting in
made phenomena (Notoadmojo, 2005). The patient satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The
purpose of this study is to obtain the level of research instrument used is a closed
patient satisfaction on health services at questionnaire that means the questionnaire
Puskesmas Sungai Besar. that has been provided answers so that the
The population in this study were respondent just choose, with a member
patients who came to treatment at the check list on the available answer options.
Puskesmas Sungai Besar with a total of 40 The data collected by questionnaire in
respondents. The samples taken in this study tabulation and scored on items from the
were patients at the Puskesmas Sungai Besar questionnaire, that is value 1 for answer
who were considered to represent the "Satisfied", value 2 for answer "Not
characteristics of the population. The Satisfied. In answer respondents can choose
sampling technique is non probability the answers that have been provided, then
sampling method with accidental sampling the results multiplied 100%.
technique. Accidentally sampling with
reference to inclusion and exclusion RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
criteria.In the accidental sampling method is Characteristics in this study include;
done by taking respondents who happen to age, sex, occupation, and patient education.
exist or available somewhere in accordance To illustrate in detail these characteristics,
with the research context (Notoatmodjo, further elaborated:
2010). Variable to be studied in this research
1. Based on age group most Table 3. Distribution of Respondents Based on
Work at Puskesmas Sungai Besar
respondents were 27-36 years old as No Work Frequency Percentage
(f) %
many as 15 people (37.5%) and the 1 Housewife 15 37,5
smallest was 47-56 years age group 2 Private 6 15
of 2 people (5.0%). 3 Student 4 10
4 government 8 20
2. By gender, male respondents are employees
fewer than female respondents. 5 Retired 7 17,5
Amount 40 100
Namely male respondents 15 people
(37.5%) while female respondents as
Table 4. Distribution of Respondents by
many as 25 people (62.5%). Education at Puskesmas Sungai Besar 2018
No Education Frequency(f) Percentage
3. Based on the highest number of %
1 primary 4 10
respondents education is SMA as school
2 Junior high 6 15
many as 15 people (37.5%) and the
smallest is the respondents who 3 High School 15 37,5
4 DIII 6 15
finished primary school as many as 4 5 S1 9 22,5
Amount 40 100
people (10%)
Table 5. Distribution of Respondents Based on
Satisfaction with administrative services at
Table 10. Distribution of Respondents Based
Puskesmas Sungai Besar
on Satisfaction of supporting facilities at
No Administrative Frequency Percentage Puskesmas Sungai Besar
Services (f) %
1 Satisfied 34 85 No Supporting Frequency Presentase
2 Not Satisfied 6 15 Facilities (f) %
Amount 40 100
1 Satisfied 40 100
2 Not 0
Table 6. Distribution of Respondents Based on Amount 40 100
Satisfaction with Doctor Services at Puskesmas
Sungai Besar
No Doctor Frequency Percentasee
Services (f) % DISCUSSION
1 Satisfied 40 100 Based on the results of research as
2 Not 0
Satisfied many as 40 respondents expressed
Amount 40 100
satisfaction on services provided, such as
administrative services, doctors, nurses,
Table 7. Distribution of Respondents Based
on Satisfaction with the service of health medicine. In this case, the healthcare
workers at Puskesmas Sungai Besar
No service Frequency Presentase services in question includes five
of (f) %
health dimensions of service quality are tangiable,
reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and
1 Satisfied 37 92,5
2 Not 3 7,5 emphaty.
Amount 40 100 Based on the research, in tangiable
dimension (reality) generally respondents
Table 8. Distribution of Respondents Based on
Satisfaction with Medicine Service at Puskesmas expressed satisfaction on information about
Sungai Besar
the administration that applies to patients
No Medicine Frequency Presentase
Service (f) % delivered by health workers, health workers
1 Satisfied 40 100
2 Not 0 maintain the cleanliness and readiness of the
Amount 40 100 health equipment used, and health workers
always maintain the neatness and
Table 9. Distribution of Respondents Based on appearance. This aspect needs to be
Satisfaction with the Completeness of Facilities
at Puskesmas Sungai Besar possessed by health personnel because of the
No completeness Frequency Presentase good physical appearance and delivery of
of facilities (f) %
1 satisfied 38 95 information / communications and will
2 not satisfied 2 5
Amount 40 100
clearly affect the patient's perception of the the health worker can answer questions
healthcare provider's services. about the actions of the health officer given
In the reliability dimension, to the patient, health workers always give
respondents generally are satisfied with the greetings and smiles when meeting patients,
ability of health workers to deal with the and health workers are meticulous and
problem of the patient health personnel skilled in carrying out health-care duties to
appropriately and professionally, the health patients. This aspect needs to be possessed
officer clearly informs about the things that by health personnel because this aspect
are prohibited in the health worker, and the includes the ability of health workers to
timelyness of the health worker arrives in perform services, such as knowledge of
the room when needed.The health worker medical treatment, skills, and sincerity in
should be able to communicate well with the serving patients and families of patients so
patient. as to generate trust and confidence as well as
In the dimension of responsiveness courtesy and respect for patients and their
(responsibility) in general respondents families.
expressed satisfaction with the attitude of In the emphaty (empathy) dimension,
health workers in offering assistance when respondents generally are satisfied with the
experiencing difficulties even without being attitudes of health workers who frequently
asked,health workers immediately handled visit and check patient complaints such as
patients when they arrived in the room. The measuring the tension, temperature, service
attitude of responsibility must be owned by provided by health workers not regarded
the health officer because this aspect rank / status but based on patient condition,
includes the attitude of the health officer morale of the patient's condition.This aspect
who is honest, diligent in the task, able to needs to be owned because health workers
devote his time and attention, sportsmanship in providing health services need to be
in the task, consistent and appropriate in the patient, generous in the sense of being
act. willing to provide assistance and help to
In the dimension of assurance patients willingly without expecting
(collateral) in general respondents expressed rewards, have sensitivity and are sensitive to
satisfaction to the attention of health any patient changes, understand the anxiety
workers will complaints that patients feels, and fear of the patient.
In general, the patient states that what clearly stated, Rapid responses of officers to
is still considered to be lacking is nurse patient complaints is one factor that affects
service that is as much as 7.5% and the old customer satisfaction (Muninjaya, 2004).
administrative waiter, this is due to the many In this study respondents were satisfied
patients causing long queues and making the with the existing facilities, In this case, the
patient wait long. According to KEP / 25 / facility in question is anything that
MEN.PAN / 2004 on general guidelines for facilitates the patient in obtaining services
the preparation of community satisfaction provided by the puskesmas and based on
index (CIS), the service procedure is the research in general respondents express
convenience of the stages or the flow of satisfaction with the availability of medicine
services provided to the community seen in pharmacies, the use of a tool, cleanliness
from the ease in providing services. and tidiness of the building, road guidance,
Elements of service procedures that include cleanliness and others.
easy and simple service flow and flow easily Completeness of facilities and
understood and clear. The easy service infrastructure also determine patient
procedure means that it has fulfilled the satisfaction, such as health facilities,
principle of public service delivery in terms facilities and infrastructure, parking lots,
of the simplicity of the guidelines that are comfortable waiting room and inpatient
not convoluted (Ratmino, 2005). room, so hospitals also need to pay attention
Elements of clarity of officers include to hospital facilities (Junaidi, 2009).
doctors provide information that is clearly According Raharjani (2005) states that
easy to understand and not confusing, if a service company that the hospital has
doctors respond quickly in response to the adequate facilities so that it can facilitate
patient's condition, health workers can patients in using his services and make
provide patient assistance, explanation of patients comfortable will be able to
administrative officers who provide clear influence in making purchases services.
service, the patient gets an explanation of Health facilities that provide a pleasant
the medicine information to be administered atmosphere with attractive facilities design
including how the dosage is consumed, each facilities will affect the interest of patients in
officer implements the id card correctly making purchases. This means that one of
which includes the name and position the factors of patient satisfaction is
influenced by the facilities provided by the environmental conditions such as a busy
hospital that is used by consumers to environment, cold, hot, humid that can
facilitate consumers in the process of increase patient discomfort and the
purchasing services, If patients feel emergence of dissatisfaction in patients
comfortable and easy to get services offered (Nursalam, 2011).
by health facilities, then patients will feel
satisfied. CONCLUSION
But the results found in this study of The conclusion that can be taken
complaints about the waiting room, this is from this research is as the following:
complained by the mother who brought 1. The level of patient satisfaction to
toddlers for treatment due to the narrow the administrative services at the
space with the number of patients who make Puskesmas Sungai Besar shows that
the room a lot of uncomfortable. Actually, many respondents who are satisfied
Puskesmas has provided facilities for with the administrative services
breastfeeding room and children's play provided.
room,but is not used possibly because it is 2. The services provided by doctors at
not close to the waiting room to anticipate if the large river health clinic have
called by the administration officer. been good, this is shown with all the
This happens because the facilities respondents who are satisfied with
provided are not able to be felt and operated the services of doctors in the large
by the patient so that the patient is not river health clinic.
satisfied, This is in line with the theory put 3. The level of patient satisfaction with
forward by Kotler in Pohan (2007) that good the service of health workers at the
means will affect the attitude and behavior Puskesmas Sungai Besar shows that
of patients, the establishment of the right many respondents are satisfied with
facility will create a healthy, safe, and the services provided by the health
comfortable feeling. Each service facility of officer given.
nursing and social services has a view that 4. The level of patient satisfaction on
may increase or decrease patient satisfaction medicine services at the Puskesmas
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