Lecture 15: Complementary Slackness
Lecture 15: Complementary Slackness
Lecture 15: Complementary Slackness
1 Complementary Slackness
Primal Dual
max cT x min y T b
Ax b AT y = c
Theorem 1 If the primal is feasible and the cost is bounded, then the dual is feasible and its cost is
Theorem 2 Consider an x0 and y0 , feasible in the primal and dual respectively. Then both are optimum
i cT x0 = y0T b.
The proof is an exercise. One way is to use the hint given below. Note that cT xf = yfT Ax yfT b for
any feasible xf and yf .
Theorem 3 (Complementary Slackness) Consider an x0 and y0 , feasible in the primal and dual
respectively. That is, Ax0 b and AT y0 = c; y0 0 . Then cT x0 = y0T b if and only if (y0 )i >0)
Ai x0 = bi .
Note that this gives a new criterion for optimality. The second criterion is called Complementary
Slackness. It says that if a dual variable is greater than zero (slack) then the corresponding primal
constraint must be an equality (tight.) It also says that if the primal constraint is slack then the
corresponding dual variable is tight (or zero.)
Notice that if y0 were an extreme point in the dual, the complementary slackness condition relates a dual
solution y0 to a point x0 in the set F in the primal. When we add to this, the fact that x0 is feasible,
we may infer that both points should be optimal.
We prove this formally below.
Proof: First assume that the complementary slackness condition holds. We need to prove that the
A Point on Degeneracy: In general, LPs need not be degenerate. Our description of Simplex, its proof
of correctness and the subsequent proof of the Duality theorem uses this assumption. However all of this
holds even when the LPs are not degenerate. The description of Simplex needs to be modied though.
An additional problem that arises then is cycling. We will not bother about these points in this course
however we will assume the theorems in general. The fact that at an optimum vertex the cost vector
can be written as a non-negative linear combination of the normals is also true when the optimal point
is degenerate. These are good exercises to try. Some hint will be given in the next lecture.