340 Weakduality
340 Weakduality
340 Weakduality
Richard Anstee
Theorem (Weak Duality) Let x∗ be a feasible solution to the primal and let y∗ be a feasible
solution to the dual where
max c·x min b·y
primal Ax ≤ b dual A y ≥ c.
x≥0 y≥0
Then c · x∗ ≤ b · y∗ .
Proof: We note that AT y ≥ c and x ≥ 0 yields xT AT y ≥ xT c which we write as c · x = xT c ≤
xT AT y. Similarly Ax ≤ b and y ≥ 0 yields yT Ax ≤ yT b which we write as yT Ax ≤ yT b = b · y.
Now xT AT y is a 1×1 matrix and so xT AT y = xT AT y = yT AT ( xT = yT Ax. We obtain
c · x = xT c ≤ xT AT y = yT Ax ≤ yT b = b · y.
We read off c · x ≤ b · y.
The case of equality is of course of great interest and Strong Duality and Complementary
Slackness deal with equality. Nonetheless, Weak Duality is of independent interest and is a model
for other optimization problems for which we have no Strong Duality.