Online Payment Process For Convocation

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Online Payment Process for Convocation

1) Open Accept Term and click on Apply for Certificate

2) Enter Your Enrollment Number as shown bellow

3) You will get the following screen for enter your Details and Accept the term Conditions

4) After Entering Required Data, Photograph and accepting Term Conditions you click on “Generate
Form and Make Payment” button.
5) You will go to the following screen to make payment

Tick “The above shown details are correct” check box and click on “Pay Now” Button to go to the SBI
Payment Screen as bellow
6) Now you can pay using Debit card, Credit Card and online net banking options available in payment
gateway, after filling the required details click on pay now button

Note : Please do not press back or refresh when payment process going on

7) After successful payment you will get payment receipt as shown below, please print and keep it with
you for further reference.
You will get the same details in your email (provided in convocation form) and SMS alert for you
payment confirmation.

8) Print your Application by clicking on Print Application Button you will get following screen, please

print and keep it with you for further reference.

9) In case of Fail Online Payment, you can go back to login page and try again to Make Payment.

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