11/2017 HSSC Adv 11/2017
11/2017 HSSC Adv 11/2017
11/2017 HSSC Adv 11/2017
HSSC Adv 11/2017
HSSC Adv 1/2018
These processes are detailed as below.
c) Reservation Details
d) Qualification Details
e) Photo and Signature
f) Work Experience Details
g) Documents Upload
h) Declaration – Print, Sign and Upload
7. Apply for Posts
Complete step-by-step process of payment by Manual Challan and Online Mode is explained in detail in
the next section.
Above is the last step of application process after payment, and application is deemed to be complete
after a section of feedback and suggestions is filled by candidate.
Complete Procedure of Payment of Fees
Payment Mode Selection is a feature provided to candidate so that he can choose either of the two
(i) Online, or
(ii) Manual Challan.
It is specifically mentioned in the copy of advertisement that no applications and payments will be
received after the respective closing dates.
To essentially assist the candidates who opt for manual challan, the last date of payment is scheduled
after a span of 2-3 working days from the last date of application, so that candidates can approach the
respective banks and pay fees in cash along with the generated challan in triplicate.
Candidate selects
mode of payment
Candidate selects one among the available payment gateways in order to proceed with payment of fees,
either through net-banking or debit card / credit card.
Mode II: Manual Challan
Generated challan is to be downloaded and printed for submission at bank. A sample of challan
generated in triplicate is as follows: