Modeling Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: From Theory To Experiment

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Modeling Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: From Theory to Experiment

Tangui Le Bahers,*,† Thierry Pauporté,‡ Philippe P. Lainé,§ Frédéric Labat,‡ Carlo Adamo,*,‡,∥
and Ilaria Ciofini*,‡

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Laboratoire de Chimie, 46 Allée d’Italie 69364 Lyon Cedex
07, France

LECIME, Laboratoire d’Electrochimie, Chimie des Interfaces et Modélisation pour l’Energie, UMR 7575 CNRS, Ecole Nationale
Supérieure de Chimie de Paris − Chimie ParisTech, 11 rue P. et M. Curie, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, ITODYS, UMR 7086 CNRS, 15 rue Jean-Antoine de Baïf, 75013 Paris, France

Institut Universitaire de France, 103 Boulevard Saint Michel, F-75005 Paris, France
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT are useful
computational approaches frequently used in the dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) community
in order to analyze experimental results and to clarify the elementary processes involved in the
working principles of these devices. Indeed, despite these significant contributions, these
methods can provide insights that go well beyond a purely descriptive aim, especially when
suitable computational approaches and methodologies for interpreting and validating the
computational outcomes are developed. In the present contribution, the possibility of using
recently developed computational approaches to design and interpret the macroscopic
behavior of DSSCs is exemplified by the study of the performances of three new TiO2-based
DSSCs making use of organic dyes, all belonging to the expanded pyridinium family.

n 1991, when the first dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) was

I completely characterized by Grätzel and O’Regan,1 DSSC
photovoltaic technology completely broke out of conventional
state by a reducing agent present in the electrolyte (the
mediator M), which is consequently converted to the
corresponding oxidized species (Mox, eq 3). The latter, after
principles of photovoltaic devices by multiplying the interfaces diffusion in the electrolyte, is reduced at the counter-electrode
and the chemical nature of each component. Grätzel and (e.g., Pt; eq 4). The overall charge carriers’ motion gives rise to
O’Regan showed that if the electron transfer mechanism at each the macroscopic photocurrent, while the photoinduced electron
interface is optimized, then the final photoconversion efficiency transfer from the dye to the semiconductor, increasing the
can be, at least in principle, as high as in standard photovoltaic electronic density in the oxide, gives rise to an electrochemical
devices. From that moment, the interest of the scientific potential difference (i.e., a voltage) between the semiconductor
community for this technology has never ceased to grow. and the electrolyte.
In DSSCs, light is harvested by dye molecules grafted on a The overall photoconversion efficiency, η, is thus defined as
large surface and wide bandgap semiconductor (such as TiO2 follows:
or ZnO) in contact with an electrolyte containing a redox pair
as a charge mediator (M/Mox), while the circuit is closed by a VocJsc FF
counter electrode, usually made of platinum, Pt. Pi (5)
Dye + hν → Dye* (1)
where Jsc is the photocurrent density at short-circuit, Voc is the
+ open-circuit photovoltage, Pi is the power of the incident light,
Dye* → Dye + e−n − SC (2) and FF is the fill factor. This latter defines the ratio of the actual
maximum obtainable power to the product of the open circuit
Dye+ + M → Dye + Mox (3) voltage and short circuit current.
Two decades have passed since the first DSSC characteristics
Mox + e−Pt → M (4) were published, but, although the efficiencies significantly
Upon absorption of light, dye molecules are promoted in an increased, especially as concerns organic dye based DSSCs,
electronically excited state (eq 1), which normally lies above
the bottom edge of the semiconductor conduction band so that Received: January 8, 2013
injection of electrons into this latter is thermodynamically Accepted: February 28, 2013
favorable (eq 2). Oxidized dyes are regenerated in their native Published: February 28, 2013

© 2013 American Chemical Society 1044 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 1044−1050
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Perspective

their values are leveling off (around 12%2). As pointed out by compared to the available experimental data. These three
Hagfeldt et al.3 and Snaith et al.,4 an optimization of these devices are characterized by the presence of three donor−
systems should indeed be possible by rationally exploiting their acceptor (D−A) push−pull dyes all containing an electron
modular structure, associating the different elementary withdrawing moiety belonging to the “expanded pyridinium”
mechanisms to different components. Thus, adequately adjust- family22,23 (as depicted in Figure 1) differing only for the
ing the different energetic levels characterizing each chemical branched (B1 and B2) or fused (F1) architecture of the
component of the cell and also improving the electron transfer pyridinium core. In all cases, the electron donor moiety is an
between each of them should constitute a viable route of amino group: −NH2, in the case of B1 or F1, and −NMe2 for
optimization. In this Perspective, it clearly appears how B2. The anchoring of the dyes to the semiconductor is achieved
theoretical tools able to provide a deeper understanding of by the presence of a carboxylate group.
these basic electronic mechanisms, could pave the way to a In order to access some relevant macroscopic characteristics
rational optimization route for these complex devices. of these three DSSC devices, the following already established7
Recently, ab initio approaches based on density functional stepwise theoretical procedure, based on the use of the same
theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT) have global hybrid functional (PBE0) for DFT and TD-DFT
proven their ability to model the elementary mechanisms and (molecular or periodic) calculations, was adopted:
components of DSSCs.5−13 The same approaches have thus • Determination of features of the dye by computing its
been used to design and conceive new devices of enhanced structural and electronic properties;
properties. The reason for the success of DFT and TD- • Theoretical analysis of the reliability of the computed
DFT14,15 approaches is related to their favorable scaling and electronic spectra using density based diagnostic tools;
cost-to-accuracy ratio, allowing the use of such methods to • Assessment of the impact of adsorption on the dyes’
study both ground and excited state properties of large features by determining the electronic structure of a 2D
molecular or periodic systems at the quantum mechanical ab periodic system comprised of a dye molecule and the
initio level. Nonetheless, some systematic failures of DFT and
semiconductor slab;
TD-DFT methods, which may be of relevance for the modeling
• Evaluation of the electron injection efficiency, IPCE, and
of DSSCs, are also now well documented in the literature.
Among these, the systematic underestimation of the transition
energies associated with through-space charge transfer ex- Figure 2 reports the experimental absorption spectra along
citations (CT), which are indeed those normally exploited in with the related stick spectra obtained at the TD-DFT level
push−pull dyes used for DSSCs application, when using (see Supporting Information for experimental and theoretical
standard DFT approaches (such as global hybrid functionals), setup). Overall, at this level of theory,7,24 an excellent
should be taken into account when aiming to design new agreement between computed transitions and experimental
devices using DFT and TD-DFT based approaches. Analo- spectra can be noticed.
gously, the dramatic underestimation of the gap in semi- All dyes present a single band, associated with a single
conductors obtained when using the GGA functional16−19 computed electronic transition, in the visible region, which can
should be kept in mind when drawing energetic consideration be involved in the injection process. In order to assess the
on dye-semiconductor electronic interactions. nature of this band and confirm the reliability of the computed
The aim of the present work is to exemplify how the main electronic transition on a fully theoretical basis, especially
macroscopic characteristics of a DSSC (such as, for instance, relevant when the experimental data is not available, an analysis
the incident photon-to-charge carrier efficiency (IPCE) curves of the transition character exclusively based on the electron
or JSC) can be properly computed using DFT-based approaches density has been performed. The results obtained are reported
and interpreted in terms of elementary steps when adapted in Figure 3.
diagnostic theoretical tools7,20,21 are used in order to define the Contrary to the Tozer’s index (Λ), analysis of the character
degree of reliability of the computational approach applied. of a transition on the basis of the overlap of the module of the
orbitals involved,25 and to its simplified version recently
proposed by De Angelis et al. in the framework of DSSCs
The aim of the present work is to applications,10 the index hereafter used (DCT) is based on the
exemplify how the main macro- variation of the electronic density between a given excited state
scopic characteristic of a DSSC and the ground state (Δρ = ρEX − ρGS).20,21,26 In particular,
(such as, for instance, the IPCE DCT defines the spatial distance between the two barycenters of
the density depletion (ρ−(r) = Δρ(r) if Δρ(r) < 0) and density
curves or JSC) can be properly enhancement (ρ+(r) = Δρ(r) if Δρ(r) > 0) distributions upon
computed using DFT-based ap- excitation.
proaches and interpreted in This approach has some advantages:
terms of elementary steps when • The visualization of Δρ allows the qualitative assignment
adapted diagnostic theoretical of the character of the transition. This can avoid a tedious
assignment procedure when several monoelectronic
tools are used in order to define excitations contribute to the same electronic transition.
the degree of reliability of the • The distance of charge transfer, DCT, gives a quantitative
computational approach applied. estimation of the charge transfer length that can help to
compare different families of dyes.
• Δρ can be used, also, to compute other fundamental
To this end, the performances of three new TiO2-based properties of the transition such as the fraction of
DSSCs will be studied, and the results obtained will be electron transferred upon transition (qCT), the centroids
1045 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 1044−1050
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Perspective

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the B1 (left), B2 (middle), and F1 (right) dyes.

Figure 2. Experimental absorption spectra (black line) along with computed vertical electronic transitions (red bars) of B1 (top-left), B2 (top-right),
and F1 (bottom), respectively.

Figure 3. Representations of Δρ (isovalue 0.004 a.u.) associated with the first electronic transition along with the related DCT, qCT, and t indexes
computed for B1, B2, and F1, respectively. Green and red zones correspond to positive (ρ+) and negative (ρ−) values of Δρ, respectively.
Barycenters’ positions are denoted by blue crosses.

of charge associated to the electronic transition, and a of a transition (t = DCT − H, H being half of the sum of
diagnostic index defining the through space CT character the centroids axis along electron transfer direction).
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The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Perspective

Figure 4. Spin densities of reduced B1/TiO2 (left), B2/TiO2 (middle), and F1/TiO2 (right) systems.

The Δρ associated with the first electronic transition The localization of the extra-electron in the reduced species
computed for the three dyes is represented in Figure 3. It is deduced by inspection of the spin density maps, depicted in
appears clearly that all these transitions (mainly corresponding Figure 4. For the devices containing branched dyes, the extra-
to a highest occupied molecular orbital to lowest unoccupied electron is localized both on the dye and on the surface,
molecular orbital (HOMO−LUMO) excitation) possess a meaning that the injection of the electron is not completely
marked charge transfer character, the aminophenyl group acting favorable. On the other hand, for the F1-based system, a
as electron donor, and the pyridinium moiety behaving as complete electron injection in the TiO2 slab is predicted, thus
electron acceptor. underlying that the fusion of the pyridinium core seems to be
The analysis of the DCT index helps in providing quantitative essential for electron injection, although other isolated dyes
elements of comparison between the different dyes: going from characteristics are very similar to branched dyes. The fraction of
an amino donor (B1) to a −NMe2 donor (B2) increases the electron injected is quantified by integrating the spin density on
charge transfer length (DCT) by 0.3 Å, while passing from a the atoms of the surface: for branched dyes, a fraction of
branched (B1) to a fused (F1) pyridinium acceptor increases electrons between 0.40 and 0.65 is computed for B2 and B1,
respectively, while in the case of F1, the electron is computed
DCT by 0.5 Å.
to be fully injected in the semiconductor.
The computed transferred charge is indeed roughly the same
Once the injection efficiency is computed, the IPCE
for B1 and F1 while slightly larger for B2, allowing us to
spectrum of each species is simulated weighting the computed
conclude that the strength of the charge transfer (measured by normalized ultraviolet−visible (UV−vis) absorption spectrum,
qCT) is more sensitive to the functionalization of the donor obtained by the computed (TD-DFT) electronic transitions
group than to the architecture of extended pyridinium core. convoluted using the Gaussian function of fixed width (see
Nevertheless, the charge transfer length (DCT), of relevance for Supporting Information) for the fraction of injected electron
the use of these systems in DSSC devices, is significantly computed by the method presented above. In such a way,
increased upon polycyclic condensation of the pyridinium core, theoretical IPCE curves (reported in Figure 5, computational
due to the higher delocalization of the transferred charge
possible in the fused architecture (F1) than in the branched
one (B1). Indeed, if the CT character is enhanced by
pericondensation of the expanded pyridinium core, the
computed t values, all well below the diagnostic threshold of
1.6 Å previously defined in the literature,20 clearly show that for
none of the compounds the transition has a through space
character. Thus, the computed t values further confirm the
reliability of the computed spectra, beside their agreement with
the experimental data.
In order to estimate the main macroscopic characteristic of
the device, following a protocol previously applied in the
literature, periodic DFT calculations were performed for a
system composed by the dye adsorbed on the {101} TiO2
anatase surface. The free sites of the surface were fully
Figure 5. Simulated IPCE curves obtained for B1 (green), B2 (blue),
passivated by a water molecule, as previously reported in the
and F1 (red) dyes.
literature for a ZnO surface, in order to simulate coadsorption
of electrolyte, as a first simple model.7
To investigate the electron injection from the dye to the details reported in the Supporting Information) can be
TiO2 surface (an excited state phenomenon), a computational obtained. Finally, the theoretical JSC value can be obtained by
protocol previously applied to DSSCs,7,8 relying on the analysis integration of the computed IPCE spectra as
of the corresponding reduced system, was applied. In such a
protocol, in analogy to spectroelectrochemistry experiments, JSC =
∫ λ·IPCE(λ)·φAM1.5(λ) dλ (6)
the nature of the electronically equilibrated excited state, that is,
after the eventual charge injection from the dye to the surface, This protocol, although clearly qualitative, has been
is modeled by the reduced system. previously described in refs 7 and 8 and successfully applied
1047 | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 1044−1050
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Perspective

to analyze the influence of the electrolyte composition on the Using such tools, it is indeed nowadays possible not only to
electron injection efficiency. A more quantitative estimate could access microscopic quantities but also to global measurable
indeed be obtained applying Marcus theory for a transfer observables such as the IPCE and JSC.
between the excited state of the dye to the conduction band of Nonetheless, if current computational approaches have
the semiconductor. already proven their accuracy for interpretation and design of
The computed JSC values are reported in Figure 4. The F1 new cells, it is indeed important to stress that enhancements are
dye has the highest JSC value, while the B1 and B2 dyes show still needed, especially to provide a more realistic picture of the
almost the same, and lower, JSC. Indeed, the B1 higher injection kinetic related aspects of the electron injection processes. This
efficiency with respect to B2 is compensated by a worse overlap latter point is the subject of numerous developments.11,12,28−36
of the UV−vis absorption spectrum computed for B1 with the In particular, a more elaborate description of the elementary
solar spectrum than in the case of B2. For this reason, an electron injection process beside its electronically equilibrated
almost identical JSC is predicted for B1 and B2. state (currently represented by the reduced system) should be
These theoretical results can be compared to experimental provided in order to fully characterize systems that may be
data obtained for TiO2-based DSSCs sensitized by B1, B2, and under kinetic control (such as highly flexible ones).
F1. The final cell characteristics are presented in Table 1 and in Analogously, the complex structure of the semiconductor−
dye interface, here simply modeled by a crystallographic surface
Table 1. Experimental Characteristic Measured for the saturated by water molecules simulating an electrolyte of
Different DSSCs complex composition, should be considered as a serious limit
when aiming to quantitatively predict the overall characteristic
Jsc/mA·cm−2 Voc/V FF/% η/%
of the device. The influence of electrolyte additive and solvent
B1 1.1 0.38 64 0.3 molecules on the local geometrical and electronic properties of
B2 1.2 0.40 67 0.3 the dye−semiconductor aggregate7,37−39 as well as of dye−dye
F1 5.4 0.39 60 1.3 interactions40−42 should explicitly be modeled to obtain a
realistic picture of the cell efficiency. Analogously, the
the Supporting Information (together with the experimental dependence of photocurrent density at short-circuit and the
setup). The modest efficiencies are principally a consequence of open-circuit photovoltage on electron and hole mobility and
the low Voc (around 0.4 V) measured, which is frequently electron−hole recombination rate should also be included in
observed for cationic dyes.27 the model.
As theoretically predicted, cells containing the F1 dyes Finally, attempts to simulate the electron transfer process
markedly differ from the ones obtained using branched dyes in involving the redox mediator43−46 are still at their infancy,
term of Jsc values. The better performances of F1 are related to although they may play a relevant role in DSSCs’ optimization.

the fact that this dye injects more efficiently than branched B1
and B2 species. Experimentally, these latter two dyes show ASSOCIATED CONTENT
almost the same JSC as also predicted by our computational
protocol. *
S Supporting Information

Indeed, although the B2 and F1 have the same absorption Computational and experimental setup. This material is
available free of charge via the Internet

behavior in the visible domain, these dyes provide a completely
different efficiency due to their different injection efficiencies.
It seems therefore crucial to setup a computational protocol AUTHOR INFORMATION
able to study and optimize not only the properties (i.e., Corresponding Author
absorption) of the isolated dye but also the properties of the *E-mail: (T.L.B.), carlo-adamo@
dye-semiconductor interface. (C.A.),
It seems therefore crucial to setup Notes
a computational protocol able to The authors declare no competing financial interest.
study and optimize not only the Biographies
properties (i.e., absorption) of the Tangui Le Bahers obtained his Ph.D. at Chimie-ParisTech (2011),
and now he is an assistant professor between the University of Lyon 1
isolated dye but also the proper- and the ENS de Lyon (France). He is working on hybrid interfaces
ties of the dye-semiconductor involved in artificial photosynthesis (DSSC, water splitting) and in
interface. spintronic devices.
Frédéric Labat (Pau, France 1980) graduated and obtained his Ph.D.
DFT- and TD-DFT-based approaches, provided that a from Chimie-Paristech (2007). After two years of postdoctoral
functional including a fraction of Hartree−Fock exchange is fellowship (Universite de Pau and Chimie-Paristech, France), he
used, allow nowadays for a good and equilibrated description obtained an assistant professor position at Chimie-Paristech (2010).
and prediction of the properties of isolated components and His research interests concern the application of DFT to solid-state
assemblies that constitute the basic elements of DSSCs. In systems, with particular emphasis on DSSCs.
order to avoid spurious effects related to the model used to Thierry Pauporté received his MS from the ENS de Lyon (France)
simulate the semiconductor surface, the so-called confinement and his Ph.D from the University Montpellier II (France). He is
effects, a periodic approach seems to be the most reliable to currently Directeur de recherche at CNRS. His research interests range
simulate the adsorption of the dye on the surface and the from the growth of oxides to integration of oxide structures in devices
thermodynamically controlled properties of the assemblies. such as solar cell.

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Perspective

Philippe P. Lainé completed his Ph.D. in Toulouse, France in 1993 (13) McNamara, W. R.; Snoeberger, R. C.; Li, G.; Schleicher, J. M.;
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