S4 PEO 1809 L2 - July19
S4 PEO 1809 L2 - July19
S4 PEO 1809 L2 - July19
and Operations
July, 2019
SAP S/4HANA Manufacturing for Production Engineering and Operations
Apps and Capabilities
Manufacturing Change Management – Assign New BOM Versions informs about new EBOMs or MBOMs versions and triggers
the production engineering process.
– The Manufacturing Change Record is used to orchestrate the whole production
Manufacturing Change BOM / Routing engineering process and keeps track of all changes made to manufacturing objects
Assign new when incorporating a new EBOM version.
Change Impact Version
BOM versions – The Change Impact Analysis identifies all objects that are impacted by a product
Record Analysis Management engineering change.
– BOM and Routing Version Management controls the life cycle and usage of different
revision levels.
BOM Production Process Planning § The Visual Enterprise Manufacturing Planner is used to do the handover from the
EBOM to the MBOM by converting the design-driven EBOM structure into a
Management manufacturing, built-sequence driven MBOM structure.
Manage Manage Standard
§ Production process planning is used to create shop floor routings that include all
Manage BOMs Shop Floor Routings Texts information needed for production planning, production costing, and shop floor
• Operation/Activities execution:
• 3D Visuals – Operations are used for planning and costing purposes as in classic PP-SFC.
• Work Instructions Manage Qualification
Requirements – Operation activities are used for shop floor execution and describe in detail how an
• Data Collection
Visual Enterprise • Qualification required
operation has to be performed: work instructions, data collection required, qualifications
Manufacturing needed, PRTs, buyoff procedures, …
• PRTs
Planner • Buyoffs Manage Buyoff § Production process planning includes a set of “supporting” features:
• … Templates – In the Manage Standard Texts app, you can maintain a library of reusable text elements
for efficient work instruction authoring.
– Qualification requirements can be predefined for work centers and materials and are
inherited by related operations and activities.
– Buyoff templates can be defined and used during routing maintenance.
Change Records
§ The picture above describes the typical manufacturing engineering process in PEO.
§ PEO receives new or changed BOMs from a PLM system and incorporates them into manufacturing master data and production orders (if required). The
source BOM can be an EBOM, preliminary MBOM, or shop floor MBOM.
§ The change record is used to analyze, plan, and execute the changes required in a change cycle. It is an integrated environment that provides visibility and
access to all artifacts involved in the change cycle. Manufacturing engineers can plan and execute the changes to MBOMs, shop floor routings, production
orders and so on directly from the Change Record app.
§ The change impact analysis supports the manufacturing engineer to identify all manufacturing objects that are impacted by a change.
Manage Order
Change states In case of routings with history, the change No change states of routing. Each version is a
states are identified using ECNs. distinct instance of the routing. Any change in one
BOM V2 / routing version shall not affect another version.
Routing V3 Edit control Routing is always open for editing. ECNs are Once released, a routing version is frozen and
used to ensure date effectivity of change states. cannot be changed. If changes are required, a new
BOM V1 / version of the routing is created by copying the
Routing V2 previous version.
BOM V1 / Routing Applicability of routing for production is Which routing version and BOM version are to be
Routing V1 determination for determined by production version but applicable used for production is determined by the production
production operations are determined based on production version. There is no further determination of BOM
date. components and routing operations according to the
01/01/17 01/03/17 01/05/17 01/07/17 production date.
<- Production Version (for Version BOM) -> Parameter Supported Unitized parameter effectivity supported from 1809
effectivity OP.
(Determines a BOM Alternative and
Routing Group-Counter) App access Accessible using legacy SAPGUI transaction. Can be accessed using the new Manage Shop Floor
Routings app and using the SAP GUI transaction
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Manufacturing Change Management
Manage Production Version
§ The production version is the single
source of supply for in-house production
which provides the exact BOM and
routing alternative and versions to be
used for production for a given date and
order quantity.
§ The Manage Production Versions app
has been created and enhanced to
support the version-controlled BOM and
shop floor routing.
– You can only assign a released BOM and
shop floor routing version to a production
§ Routing Check:
You can execute this pre-check to make sure
that the routing is ready to be released.
§ Extensibility:
You can create customer-specific data for
routing header, operation and operation
Shop Floor Order § Production monitoring provides a comprehensive overview about the expected and
actual status and progress of production orders and operations by automatically
• Operation/Activities Production Monitoring detecting exceptions, providing decision support, and immediate actions.
• 3D Visuals § Engineering change incorporation allows you to update production orders with the
• Work Instructions latest engineering changes.
• Data Collection
• Qualifications required Complex assembly execution is primarily designed for complex, low volume production
• PRTs Engineering Change processes with high change frequency and focus on manual work – typical for complex
• Buyoffs assembly and engineer-to-order businesses:
• … § Work assignment and work queues orchestrate the actual execution of production
order operations and activities. Operators can access their tasks in work center work
queues or supervisors can explicitly distribute work to their team members by moving
tasks to personal work queues.
Complex Assembly Execution § The perform operations and activities apps support production operators in executing
Work Assignment Defects Handling & their tasks by guiding them through the production process with the help of interactive
work instructions, 3D visual support, data collection with real-time valuations, and so
& Work Queues Production Holds on.
Perform Operations § Defects handling manages non-conformances by placing holds on orders or parts,
Genealogy & Action Log creating defects to be followed up by quality engineers and executing final usage
and Activities
§ Serialized parts are tracked and traced during the entire production process. The
genealogy and action log collect all data and create a complete and detailed record of
how a serialized part has been produced and how an order has been executed.
Production Order Confirmation Manage
Production Production
Holds Hold
Manage Work Perform
Operations Center Queue Operation
Defects Manage
Perform Defects
Activities Activity
Personal My work
Assign Work Work Queue queue Buy Off Manage
Serial Numbers
Action Log
§ The picture above describes a typical process flow of how production orders are executed.
§ Work is either triggered by work center queues or explicitly assigned to operators and accessed via personal work queues.
§ Holds, defects and buyoffs can be initiated from the worker UI (Perform Operation Activity). Holds can also be created from the monitoring apps.
§ All information gathered when performing activities plus all holds, defects, and buyoffs are documented in the genealogy and action log – on serial number granularity.
§ Production confirmations are automatically created and posted.
My Work Queue:
§ View the work (operation activities) that has been
assigned to an individual operator.
§ Sort, filter, and group the displayed operation
activities according to your needs.
§ Start working on operation activities by directly
navigating to the Perform Operation Activity app.
- Use as-is
- Scrap
A Major Assembly represents a large section of the product such as a wing or system module.
An Installation Kit is an organizational breakdown of the major assembly: Cutting the large BOM and the immense work that needs to be
done to produce the major assembly into portions that are easier to be handled.
Installation Kits have MBOMs and routings. Shop floor production orders are created for installation kits.
Major Assemblies do not have MBOMs and routings. They are produced by the sum of all their installation kits.
Major assemblies do not show up in
PS End Item PS Project production planning, but are represented by
networks in the project system module (PS).