Isolated Frog Heart

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Effect of drugs on isolated frog heart

Aim : To study effect of drugs on isolated frog heart.

Requirements :
Animal : Frog

Physiological salt solution : Ringer

Drugs : Adrenaline (stock solution 10 ug/ml)

Nor adrenaline (stock solution 10 ug/ml)

Acetylcholineion 10 ug/ml)

Calciumde (stock solution 10 mg/ml)

Potassium (stock solution l10 mg/ml)

Principle :
Drugs may infiuence the rate (chronotropic) and force (inotropic) of contraction of the heart. An
increase in the heart rate is called a positive chronotropic response, while a negative
chronotropic response is a decrease in the heart rate. Similarly, an increase in the force of
contraction is called positive inotropic response and a decrease in the force of contraction is
called negative inotropic response. Sympathomimetic amines such as adrenaline and nor
adrenaline produce positive inotropic and positive chronotropic response. Where as
parasympathomimetic such as acetylcholine produce negative inotropic and negative
chronotropic response. Calcium ions are essential tor vigorous contraction. If calcium ion
concentration is increased during isolated preparation stuay, neat contracts vigorously and fails
to relax completely during successive beats and finaly stops in systole (contraction). Potassium
ions make heart to relax completely. Excess potassium 10n concentraton causes relaxation of
heart more and more and finally heart stops in diastole (relaxation).

Procedure :
1. Pith the frog and pin it to the frog board.
2. Give a mid line incision on the abdomen. Remove the pectoral girdle and expose the
3. Carefully remove the pericardium and put a few drops of frog ringer over the heart.
4. Trace the inferior venacava, put a thread around it and give a small cut in order to insert
the venous cannula, which is in turn connected to a perfusion bottle containing frog
ringer. Insert the cannula in the vein and tie the thread to assure the cannula in place.
5. Give a small cut in one of the aorta for the perfusate to come out.
6. Adjust a proper venous presser of 2-4 cm by altering the height of perfusion bottle. The
effective venous pressure is the height in cm from level of the venous cannula and the
ringer level in the perfusion bottle. Use of Marriott's bottle helps in attaining the
constant pressure. Start the perfusion by opening screw clamp attached to the tube.
7. Pass a thin pin hook through the tip of the apex of heart, and with the help of a fine
thread attached to the hook, tie it to free limb of the universal lever, which is fixed to a
stand Adjust proper tension and magnification by altering the height of the lever. Record
the normal contraction of the heart on the smoked drum.
8. Inject 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1 ml of the stock solution of cach drug in a sequential order and
note the change in the rate and amplitude of contraction. Keep at least 5 min between
the administrations of cach dose of the drug. The drug is administered by injecting the
drug into the perfusion tube very close to the venous cannula. Take precaution to avoid
any leakage of the drug from the tube and the injection of air bubbles.
9. Label and fix the tracing with the fixing solution

Precautions :
Avoid air bubble or blood clot in venous canula or in aortal opening. Pin should be passed
through apex of myocardium without puncturing ventricles.

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