People vs. Campuhan
People vs. Campuhan
People vs. Campuhan
G.R. No. 129433 March 30, 2000
Bellosillo, J.
Corazon Pamintuan, heard her daughter cry, “Ayoko, ayoko!”, prompting her to rush upstairs. She saw
the accused, Primo Campuhan, helper of her brother, inside her children’s room keeling before Crysthel,
her daughter, whose pajamas or jogging pants and panty were already removed, while his short pants
were down to his knees.
In the physical examination of the victim, there was no evident sign of physical injury and the medico-
legal officer noted that the hymen was intact.
The trial court heavily relied on Corazon’s testimony and held that there was consummated rape.
The Decision of the court a quo finding accused PRIMO "SONNY" CAMPUHAN Y BELLO guilty of
statutory rape and sentencing him to death and to pay damages is MODIFIED. He is instead found guilty
Absent any showing of the slightest penetration of the female organ, i.e., touching of either labia of the
pudendum by the penis, there can be no consummated rape; at most, it can only be attempted rape, if not
acts of lasciviousness.
Touching when applied to rape cases does not simply mean mere epidermal contact, stroking or grazing
of organs, a slight brush or a scrape of the penis on the external layer of the victim's vagina, or the mons
pubis, as in this case. There must be sufficient and convincing proof that the penis indeed touched the
labias or slid into the female organ, and not merely stroked the external surface thereof, for an accused to
be convicted of consummated rape. 14 As the labias, which are required to be "touched" by the penis, are
by their natural situs or location beneath the mons pubis or the vaginal surface, to touch them with the
penis is to attain some degree of penetration beneath the surface, hence, the conclusion that touching the
labia majora or the labia minora of the pudendum constitutes consummated rape.