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7.0 Chapter Overview

This chapter presents a descriptive analysis of the data obtained through data
collection instruments. The data were analyzed descriptively in terms of measures of
central tendency and measures of variability. A measure of central tendency includes
the mean, median and mode. A measure of variability includes standard deviation,
skewness and kurtosis. Descriptive analysis of data is necessary as it helps to
determine the normality of the distribution. The nature of the statistical technique to
be applied for inferential analysis of the data depends on the characteristics of the

7.1 Introduction
Research consists of systematic observation and description of the characteristics or
properties of objects or events for the purpose of discovering relationships between
variables. The ultimate purpose is to develop generalizations that may be used to
explain phenomena and to predict future occurrences. To conduct research, principles
must be established so that the observation and description have a commonly
understood meaning. Measurement is the most precise and universally accepted
process of description, assigning quantitative values to the properties of objects and
events.(Best, 1981).
Planning and care in research design and data collection provides a substantial
guarantee of quality in research but the ultimate test lies in the analysis (Best J. W.,
1981). Data in the real world often comes with a large quantum and in a variety of
formats that any meaningful interpretation of data cannot be achieved straightway. In
order to achieve the objectives of the study, analysis of the data collected forms an
important and integral part. Analysis means categorizing, classifying and summarizing
data to obtain answers to the research questions. Classification also helps to reduce the
vast data into intelligible and interpretable forms (Youngman, 1979).

In order to do statistical analysis, two types of data are recognized these are
1. Parametric data: Data of this type are measured data, and parametric statistical
tests assume that the data are normally or nearly normally distributed.
Parametric tests are applied to both interval and ratio scaled data.
2. Non Parametric data: data of this type are either counted or ranked non
parametric tests, sometimes known as distribution free tests, do not rest upon
the more stringent assumption of normally distributed populations

Two types of statistical application are used for generalization. These are descriptive
statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The present chapter discusses the
descriptive data analysis used by the researcher for her study.

7.2 Descriptive Data Analysis

Descriptive analysis of data limits generalization to a particular group of individuals
observed. No conclusions extend beyond this group and any similarity to those outside
the group cannot be assumed. The data describe one group and that group only. Much
simple action research involves descriptive analysis and provides valuable information
about the nature of the particular group of individuals (Best & Kahn, 2003).
The descriptive analysis of data provides the following:
 The first estimates and summaries, arranged in tables and graphs, to
meet the objectives.
 Information about the variability or uncertainty in the data
 Indications of unexpected patterns and observations that need to be
considered when doing formal analysis

Descriptive analysis is used to describe the basic features of the data in the study.
They provide simple summaries about the sample and the measures. Together with
simple graphical analysis, they form the basic virtual of any quantitative analysis of
data. With descriptive analysis, one simply describes what is or what the data shows.
Description of data is needed to determine the normality of the distribution,
description of the data is necessary as the nature of the techniques to be applied for
inferential analysis of the data depends on the characteristics of the data

7.3 Procedure of Descriptive Analysis
Once the data are grouped, different statistical measures are used to analyze data and
draw conclusions. For the present study, the following statistical measures of
descriptive analysis were used to compute further statistical testing.
1. Measures of Central tendency.
2. Measures of Variability.
3. Measures of Divergence from Normality.
4. Measures of Probability.
Graphical methods have been adopted for translating numerical facts into more
concrete and understandable form.

7.3.1 Measures of central tendency

The central tendency of a distribution is an estimate of the “center” of a distribution
value. There are three major types of measures of central tendency

The Mean or average is probably the most commonly used methods of describing a
central tendency. The mean represents the center of gravity of distribution. Each score
in a distribution contributes to the determination of mean. It is also known as
arithmetic average. Mean is the average of all values in a distribution (Krishnaswamy
& Ranganathan, 2006).
To compute the mean, all the values are added and divided by the total number of
values. It is the ratio of summation of all scores to the total numbers of scores. Using
mean one can compare different groups. It also helps in computing further statistics.
Since this method involves handling of large numbers and entails tedious calculations,
the researcher used data analysis tools available in a simple Microsoft® office suite,
Excel 2007 to calculate the mean. The mode of function is Formulas/More
functions/Statistical/ Average.
The mean is calculated as:
AVERAGE (number1, number2…)
Average= mean (number1, number2…) = range of scores

Mean can also be calculated using the formula:-


Where, x = sample mean

∑ fx = sum of scores in a distribution
N = number of items

The median is the positional average that divides a distribution into two equal parts so
that one half of items falls above it and the other half below it.
In other words, the midpoint of a distribution of values is called the median. It is the
point, below and above which 50% of the population lies. The Median is the score
found in the exact middle of the set of values. One way to compute the median is to
list all scores in numerical order, and then locate the scores in the center of the sample.
If there is an even number of numbers in the set, then the median calculates the
average of the two numbers in the middle.

Median = ⌈ ⌉

l = lower limit of median class.
N = number of scores in a series.
fm = frequency of median class
c = length of class interval
F= no, of cases below the median.
The researcher used data analysis tools available in the simple Microsoft® office
suite, Excel 2007 to calculate the median. The mode of function is Formulas/More
functions/Statistical/ Median.

The mode is the most frequently occurring value in the set of scores. The mode is
indirectly calculated mean and median. It is a quick and appropriate measure of
central tendency.

The mode can be calculated as the largest frequency in the distribution, using the
following formula:
Mode = 3 (median) – 2 (mean)
The researcher used data analysis tools available in the simple Microsoft® office
suite, Excel 2007 to calculate the mode. The mode of function is Formulas/More
functions/Statistical/ Mode.

7.3.2. Measures of variability

The measures of central tendency indicate the central value of the distribution.
However, the central value alone is not sufficient to fully describe the distribution.
(Kaul, 2007).
In addition to the measures of centrality, we require a measure of the spread of the
actual scores. The extent of such spread may vary from one distribution to another.
The extent of such variability is measured by the measures of variability.
Variability describes the way the classes are distributed and how they are changing in
relation to a variety. For example, Range and Standard Deviation. The technique
employed in the present study is Standard Deviation. The range is simply the highest
value minus the lowest value. The standard deviation is more accurate and detail
measure of dispersion.

Standard Deviation
The standard deviation shows the relation that set of scores has with the mean of the
sample. Standard deviation is expressed as the positive square root of the sum of the
squared deviations from the mean divided by the number of scores minus one. It is the
average difference between observed values and the mean. The standard deviation is
used when expressing dispersion in the same unit as the original measurement. It is
designated as (σ)
The standard deviation can be calculated using the following formula:
σ = i√Σfx2-c2
Where, σ = Standard Deviation (S.D.)
i = length of class interval
Σ = sum of
x2= squares of the deviations of scores from the assumed mean

f = frequency of class interval
c2 = square of correction
N = total number of scores

The researcher used data analysis tools available in the simple Microsoft® office
suite, Excel 2007 to calculate the S.D. The mode of function is Formulas/More
functions/Statistical/ STDEV.

7.3.3. Measure of Divergence from Normality

An important aspect of the “description” of a variable is the shape of its distribution,
which tells the frequency of values from different range of variables. A researcher is
interested in how well the distribution can be approximated from the normal
distribution. Simple description statistic can provide some information relevant to this
issue. The two measures used to determine the shape of distributions are skewness and
Skewness: Many times it is seen that the mean, median and mode of the distribution
don’t fall at the same place, i.e. the scores may extend much farther in one direction
than the other. Such a distribution is called a skewed distribution.
Positively skewed distribution: The distribution is positively skewed when most of the
scores pile up at the low end (or left) of the distribution and spreads out more
gradually towards the high end of it. In a positively skewed distribution, the mean falls
on the right side of the median.
Negatively skewed distribution: The distribution is negatively skewed if the scores are
concentrated towards the upper value and it is positively skewed if they cluster
towards lower value. The mean of the distribution is higher than the median in
positive skewness whereas the median value is greater than the mean in negative
Skewness = Mean - Mode
For the present study skewness was calculated using Microsoft Excel 2007.The mode
of function is Formulas/More functions/Statistical/ SKEW.

The term “Kurtosis “refers to “peakedness ” or the flatness of a frequency distribution
as compared with the normal. A frequency distribution more peaked than the normal
is said to be Leptokurtic and a frequency distribution flatter than the normal is called
Platykurtic. A normal curve is also termed as Mesokurtic.
Positive kurtosis indicates a relatively peaked distribution leptokurtic and negative
kurtosis indicates a relatively flat distribution, which is platykurtic.
The researcher used data analysis tools available in the simple Microsoft® office
suite, Excel 2007 to calculate the Kurtosis. The mode of function is Formulas/More
functions/Statistical/ KURT.

7.3.4 Measures of Probability (fiduciary limits)

In order to estimate the population mean or the probable variability, it is necessary to
set up limits for a given degree of confidence which will embrace the mean or the
standard deviation since limits define the confidence interval.

Estimation of Population parameters :-( Fiduciary Limits)

The limits of the confidence intervals of parameters are called fiduciary limits. They
are calculated for both mean and standard deviation at 0.95 and 0.99 levels of
The formula used for calculating standard error of mean and fiduciary limits is:-
S.EM. = σ
At 0.95 level; mean +S. EM × 1.96
At 0.99 level; mean +S. EM × 2.58
The formula used for calculating standard error of S.D.:-
S.ED = 0 .71σ
At 0.95 level; S.D.+ S. ED × 1.96
At 0.99 level; S.D.+ S. ED × 2.58
S. EM = standard error of mean
S. ED = standard error of standard deviation
σ= standard deviation

N= total number of scores
M= Mean

7.4 Graphical Representation

Aid in analyzing numerical data may often be obtained from a graphic or pictorial
treatment of the frequency distribution. The advertisements have long used graphic
methods because these devices catch the eye and hold the attention when the most
careful array of statistical evidence fails to attract notice for this and other reasons the
research worker also utilizes the attention- getting power of visual presentation; and at
the same time, seeks to translate numerical facts often abstract and difficult to
interpret, into more concrete and understandable form. In the present study, the
researcher used graphical representation in the form of line diagrams and pie-charts.

7.5 Descriptive Statistical Analysis of data

The data were obtained for the variables involved in the study from Bachelor of
Education students of different B Ed colleges. The study was conducted in two
phases; hence this chapter deals with the description of the variables in the two phases
of the study.
Phase I: This section deals with the description of the following variables:
1. Information Literacy Skills of students from Arts Faculty
2. Information Literacy Skills of students from Science Faculty
3. Information Literacy Skills of students from Commerce Faculty
4. Information Literacy Skills of students with Graduate degree
5. Information Literacy Skills of students with Post Graduate degree
Phase II: This section deals with the description of the following variables:
1. Information Literacy Skills pre-test scores of control group
2. Information Literacy Skills post-test scores of control group
3. Information Literacy skills pre-test scores of experimental group
4. Information Literacy skills post-test scores of experimental group

7.5.1: Descriptive Statistics of Information Literacy Skills of students from Arts

Table 7.1 Descriptive Statistics of Information Literacy Skills among Student

Teachers from Arts Faculty
Faculty Total Mean Median Mode Standard Skewness Kurtosis

Arts 182 13.79 14 14.42 4 -0.1575 0.033

As evident from the Table 7.1 the value of mean, median, mode are 13.79, 14, and
14.42 respectively. The mode is higher than the mean and median. This indicates that
the distribution is negatively skewed indicating high scores. Further the difference
between mean, median mode is marginal indicating that the distribution is near
normal. Hence it can be calculated that the selected sample is a representative of the
population. The kurtosis of the sample is indicating that the distribution is leptokurtic
in nature indicating peaked distribution. Estimation of population parameters

Table 7.2 SE and FL of Mean and Standard Deviation of the distribution of

information literacy skills among the students of arts faculty
Faculty Sample S.E of mean S.E of SD
size(N) S.EM = 0.296 S.ED = 0.210

Fiduciary limit at Fiduciary limit at

0.95 0.99 0.95 0.99
Arts 182 14.37 14.63 to 4.4116 to 4.5418 to 3.45
to 13.21 12.94 3.584

The standard error mean is 0.296.

The fiduciary limit is at 0.95 is 14.37 to 13.21which indicates that out of 100, 95
times the population mean will lie between the ranges 14.37 to 13.21

The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 14.63 to 12.94which indicates that out of 100, 99 times
the population mean will lie between the ranges 14.63 to 12.94
The standard error deviation is 0.210
The fiduciary limit of 4.4116 to 3.584 which indicates that out of 100, 95 times the
population standard deviation will lie between the ranges 4.4116 to 3.584
The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 4.5418 to 3.45which indicates that out of 100, 99 times
the population standard deviation will lay between 4.5418 to 3.45.

Table 7.3 Distribution of Original and Smoothed Frequencies of Information

Literacy skills of students from Arts faculty is presented graphically in figure 7.1
Class interval Original frequencies Smoothened frequencies

2 14.333

6- 10 37 66.333

11-15 82 135.666

16-20 50 135.666

20-25 11 61

Figure 7.1 Frequency Polygons of the Original and the Smoothened Frequencies
of Information literacy skills of students from Arts Faculty

Frequency polygons of the original and the smoothened

frequencies of information literacy skills of students from
arts faculty









0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25
Class Intervals
Original Frequencies Smoothened Frequencies

7.5.2: Descriptive Statistics of Information Literacy Skills of students from
Commerce Faculty

Table 7.4 Descriptive Statistics of Information literacy skills among student

teachers from Commerce Faculty
Faculty Total Mean Median Mode Standard Skewness Kurtosis

Commerce 107 14.29 14 13.42 3.92 -0.02 -0.677

As evident from the table 7.4 the value of mean, median, mode are 14.29, 14, and
13.42 respectively. This indicates that the distribution is negatively skewed. Further
the difference between mean, median mode is marginal indicating that the distribution
is near normal. Hence it can be calculated that the selected sample is a representative
of the population. The kurtosis of the sample is indicating that the distribution is
platykurtic in nature. Estimation of population parameters

TABLE 7.5 SE and FL of mean and Standard Deviation of the distribution of

information literacy skills among the students of Commerce Faculty
Faculty Sample S.E of mean S.E of SD
size (N) S.EM = 0.3868 S.ED = 0.2746

Fiduciary limit at Fiduciary limit at

0.95 0.99 0.95 0.99
Commerce 107 14.758 to 14.9979 to 4.5382 to 4.7084 to
13.2418 13.0021 3.4618 3.2916

The standard error mean is 0.3868.

The fiduciary limit is at 0.95 is 14.758 to 13.2418 which indicates that out of 100, 95
times the population mean will lie between the ranges 14.758 to 13.2418
The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 14.9979 to 13.0021which indicates that out of 100, 99
times the population mean will lie between the ranges 14.9979 to 13.0021

The standard error deviation is 0.2746
The fiduciary limit of 4.5382 to 3.4618which indicates that out of 100, 95 times the
population standard deviation will lie between the ranges 4.5382 to 3.4618
The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 4.7084 to 3.2916which indicates that out of 100, 99 times
the population standard deviation will lay between 4.7084 to 3.2916.

Table 7.6 Distribution of Original and Smoothened frequencies of Information

literacy skills of students from Commerce Faculty is presented graphically in
Figure 7.2

Class interval Original frequencies Smoothened frequencies

0-5 0 7

6-10 21 36

11-15 45 78

16-20 36 82.66667

21-25 5 41

Figure 7.2 Frequency Polygons of the Original and the Smoothened Frequencies
of Information literacy skills of students from Commerce Faculty

Frequency polygons of the original and the smoothened

frequencies of information literacy skills of students from
commerce faculty









0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25
Class Intervals
Original Frequencies Smoothened Frequencies

7.5.3 Descriptive Statistics of Information Literacy Skills of students from
Science Faculty

Table 7.7 Descriptive statistics of Information literacy skills among Student

teachers from Science Faculty
Faculty Total Mean Median Mode Standard Skewness Kurtosis
sample deviation

Science 97 15.44 16 16 4.033 0.06861 -0.23877

As evident from the table 7.7 the value of mean, median, mode are 15.44, 16, 16
respectively. As the scores are gradually increasing this indicates that the distribution
is positively skewed. Further the difference between mean, median mode is marginal
indicating that the distribution is near normal. Hence it can be calculated that the
selected sample is a representative of the population. The kurtosis of the sample is
indicating that the distribution is platykurtic in nature Estimation of population parameters

Table 7.8 SE and FL limit of mean and Standard Deviation of the distribution of
Information literacy skills among the students of Science Faculty
Faculty Sample S.E of mean S.E of SD
size(N) S.EM = 0.4095 S.ED = 0.29076*,

Fiduciary limit at Fiduciary limit at

0.95 0.99 0.95 0.99
Science 97 16.24 to 16.49651 to 6.283 to 4.7812 to
14.637 14.38349 1.783 3.2848

The standard error mean is 0.4095

The fiduciary limit is at 0.95 is 16.24 to 14.637 which indicates that out of 100, 95
times the population mean will lie between the ranges 16.24 to 14.637
The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 16.49651 to 14.38349which indicates that out of 100, 99
times the population mean will lie between the ranges 16.49651 to 14.38349

The standard error deviation is 0.29076
The fiduciary limit of 6.283 to 1.783which indicates that out of 100, 95 times the
population standard deviation will lie between the ranges 6.283 to 1.783
The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 4.7812 to 3.2848which indicates that out of 100, 99 times
the population standard deviation will lay between 4.7812 to 3.2848

Table 7.9 Distribution of Original and Smoothened Frequencies of Information

literacy skills of students from Science Faculty is presented graphically in
Figure 7.3

Class interval Original frequencies Smoothened frequencies

0 3.666

6- 10 11 22.333

11-15 34 58.666

16-20 41 78.666

20-25 11 52

26-30 0 11

Figure 7.3 Frequency Polygons of the Original and the Smoothened Frequencies
of Information literacy skills of students from Science Faculty

Frequency polygons of the original and the smoothened

frequencies of information literacy skills of students from
science faculty










0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30
Class intervals

Original Frequencies Smoothened Frequencies

7.5.4: Standard Error and Fiduciary Limit of Information Literacy skills among
the students of different faculty

Table 7.10 SE and FL of Mean and Standard Deviation of the distribution of

Information literacy skills among the Students of Different Faculty

Faculty Sample S.E of mean S.E of SD

size(N) S.EM = 0.296*,0.4095**, S.ED =
0.3868*** 0.210*,0.29076**,
Fiduciary limit at Fiduciary limit at
0.95 0.99 0.95 0.99
Arts* 182 14.37 to 14.63 to 4.4116 to 4.541 to 3.45
13.21 12.94 3.584
Science** 97 16.24 to 16.49651 to 6.283 to 4.781 to
14.637 14.383 1.783 3.284

Commerce*** 107 14.758 to 14.9979 to 4.538to 4.708 to

13.2418 13.002 3.461 3.291

7.5.5 : Descriptive Statistics of Information Literacy Skills of students with
graduate degree

Table 7.11 Descriptive statistics of Information literacy skills among Student

teachers with Graduate Degree
Faculty Total Mean Median Mode Standard Skewness Kurtosis

Graduate 237 14.131 14 13 4.0677 0.0985 -0.0698

As evident from the table 7.11 the value of mean, median, mode are 14.131, 14, 13
respectively. This indicates that the distribution is positively skewed. Further the
difference between mean, median mode is marginal indicating that the distribution is
near normal. Hence it can be calculated that the selected sample is a representative of
the population. The kurtosis of the sample is indicating that the distribution is
platykurtic in nature. Estimation of population parameters

Table 7.12 SE and FL of Mean and Standard Deviation of the distribution of

Information literacy skills among the students teachers with Graduate Degree
Faculty Sample S.E of mean S.E of SD
size(N) S.EM = 0.2642 S.ED = 0.1876

Fiduciary limit at Fiduciary limit at

0.95 0.99 0.95 0.99
Graduate 237 14.64 to 14.80 to 13.46 4.43 to 3.70 4.55 to 3.58

The standard error mean is 0.2642

The fiduciary limit is at 0.95 is 14.64 to 13.62 which indicates that out of 100, 95 times
the population mean will lie between the ranges 14.64 to 13.62

The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 14.80 to 13.46 which indicates that out of 100, 99 times
the population mean will lie between the ranges 14.80 to 13.46
The standard error deviation is 0.1876
The fiduciary limit of 4.43 to 3.70 which indicates that out of 100, 95 times the
population standard deviation will lie between the ranges 4.43 to 3.70
The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 44.55 to 3.58 which indicates that out of 100, 99 times the
population standard deviation will lay between 4.55 to 3.58.

Table 7.13 Distribution of Original and Smoothened Frequencies of Information

literacy skills of student teachers with Graduate degree is presented graphically
in figure 7.4



2 16.333

6- 10 43 78.333

11-15 100 169

16-20 78 182.666

20-25 14 30.666

Figure 7.4 Frequency Polygons of the Original and the Smoothened Frequencies
of Information literacy skills of students with Graduate degree

Frequency polygons of the original and the smoothened

frequencies of information literacy skills of students with
200 graduate degree










0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 20-25
Class Intervals


7.5.6 : Descriptive Statistics of Information Literacy Skills of students with
graduate degree

Table 7.14 Descriptive statistics of Information literacy skills among student

teachers with Post Graduate degree
Faculty Total Mean Median Mode Standard Skewness Kurtosis
sample Deviation

Post 149 14.69 15 15.62 4.25 -0.00813 -0.44271


As evident from the table 7.14 the value of mean, median, mode are 14.69, 15, 15.62
respectively. This indicates that the distribution is slightly negatively skewed. Further
the difference between mean, median mode is marginal indicating that the distribution
is near normal. Hence it can be calculated that the selected sample is a representative
of the population. The kurtosis of the sample is indicating that the distribution is
platykurtic in nature. Estimation of population parameters

Table 7.15 SE and FL Mean and Standard Deviation of the distribution of

Information literacy skills among the students’ teachers with Post Graduate
Faculty Sample S.E of mean S.E of SD
size(N) S.EM = 0.34822 S.ED = 0.2472

Fiduciary limit at Fiduciary limit at

0.95 0.99 0.95 0.99
Post Graduate 149 15.37 to 14 15.58 to 4.73 to 3.76 4.88 to
13.792 3.612

The standard error mean is 0.34822

The fiduciary limit is at 0.95 is 15.37 to 14which indicates that out of 100, 95 times the
population mean will lie between the ranges 15.37 to 14

The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 15.58 to 13.792which indicates that out of 100, 99 times
the population mean will lie between the ranges 15.58 to 13.792
The standard error deviation is 0.2472
The fiduciary limit of 4.73 to 3.76which indicates that out of 100, 95 times the
population standard deviation will lie between the ranges 4.73 to 3.76
The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 4.88 to 3.612which indicates that out of 100, 99 times the
population standard deviation will lay between 4.88 to 3.612

Table 7.16 Distribution of Original and Smoothened Frequencies of Information

literacy skills of students with Post Graduate Degree is presented graphically in
Figure 7.4

Class interval Original frequencies Smoothened frequencies

0-5 0 8.666

6-10 26 46.333

11-15 61 103.333

16-20 49 114.333

21-25 13 62

0 13

Figure 7.5 Frequency Polygons of the Original and the Smoothened Frequencies
of Information literacy skills of students with Post Graduate Degree

Frequency polygons of the original and the smoothened

frequencies of information literacy skills of students with post
graduate degree








0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30

Class Intervals


7.5.7.: Standard Error and Fiduciary Limit of Information Literacy skills among
the students of different faculty

Table 7.17 SE and FL of Mean and Standard Deviation of the distribution of

Information literacy skills among the Students of different Faculty
Faculty Sample S.E of mean S.E of SD
size(N) S.EM = S.ED =
0.2642*,0.34822**, 0.1876*,0.2472**,
Fiduciary limit at Fiduciary limit at
0.95 0.99 0.95 0.99
Graduate* 237 14.64 to 14.80 to 4.43 to 4.55 to 3.58
13.62 13.46 3.70
Post graduate** 149 15.37 to 15.58 to 4.73 to 4.88 to 3.612
14 13.792 3.76

Phase II: This section deals with the descriptive analysis of the following dependent
1. Information Literacy Skills pre-test scores of control group
2. Information Literacy Skills post-test scores of control group
3. Information Literacy skills pre-test scores of experimental group
4. Information Literacy skills post-test scores of experimental group

7.5.8.: Descriptive Statistics of Information Literacy Skills pre-test scores of

control group

Table 7.18 Descriptive statistics of Information literacy skills Pre-test scores of

Control Group
Group Total Mean Median Mode Standard Skewness Kurtosis
sample deviation

Pre test 46 13.239 12.5 12 2.368 0.5096 -0.88


As evident from the table 7.18 value of mean, median, mode are 13.239, 12.5, 12
respectively. The mean is higher than mode and median. This indicates that the
distribution is positively skewed. Further the difference between mean, median mode
is marginal indicating that the distribution is near normal. Hence it can be calculated
that the selected sample is a representative of the population. The kurtosis of the
sample is indicating that the distribution is platykurtic in nature.

218 Estimation of population parameters

Table 7.19 SE and FL of Mean and Standard Deviation of the distribution of

Information literacy skills Pre-test scores among the students teachers in Control
Group Sample size S.E of mean S.E of SD
(N) S.EM = 0.34822 S.ED = 0.2472

Fiduciary limit at Fiduciary limit at

0.95 0.99 0.95 0.99
Pre-test 46 13.923 14.1396 2.8538 3.0075
scores of
Control TO TO TO TO

12.554 12.338 1.882 1.728

The standard error mean is 0.3491

The fiduciary limit is at 0.95 is 13.923 to 12.55 which indicates that out of 100, 95
times the population mean will lie between the ranges 13.923 to 12.55.
The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 14.1396 to 12.338 which indicate that out of 100, 99
times the population mean will lie between the ranges 14.1396 to 12.338.
The standard error deviation is 0.2479
The fiduciary limit of 0.95 is 2.8538 to 1.8822 which indicates that out of 100, 95
times the population standard deviation will lie between the ranges 2.8538 to 1.8822.
The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 3.0075 to 1.7285 which indicates that out of 100, 99
times the population standard deviation will lay between 3.0075 to 1.7285.

Table 7.20 Distribution of Original and Smoothened Frequencies of Information
literacy skills among the Student Teachers in Control Group is presented
graphically in Figure 7.6
Class interval Original frequencies Smoothened frequencies

0-5 0 1.666

6-10 5 15

11-15 30 38.666

16-20 11 41

21-25 0 11

Figure 7.6 Frequency Polygons of the Original and the Smoothened Frequencies
of Information literacy Pre-test Scores among the student teachers in Control

Frequency polygons of the original and the smoothened

frequencies of information literacy pre-test scores among the
student teachers in control group








0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25
Class intervals


7.5.9 Descriptive Statistics of Information Literacy Skills post-test scores of
control group

Table 7.21 Descriptive statistics of Information literacy skills Post-test scores of

Control Group
Group Total Mean Median Mode Standard Skewness Kurtosis
sample deviation

Post test 46 12.978 12 12 2.185 0.603 -0.44


As evident from the table 7.12 value of mean, median, mode are 12.97, 12, 12
respectively. The mean is higher than mode and median. This indicates that the
distribution is positively skewed. Further the difference between mean, median mode
is marginal indicating that the distribution is near normal. Hence it can be calculated
that the selected sample is a representative of the population. The kurtosis of the
sample is indicating that the distribution is platykurtic in nature.

222 Estimation of population parameters

Table 7.22 SE and FL Mean and Standard Deviation of the distribution of

Information literacy skills Post-test scores among the student teachers in Control
Group Sample S.E of mean S.E of SD
size (N) S.EM = 0.3222 S.ED = 0.2288
Fiduciary limit at Fiduciary limit at
0.95 0.99 0.95 0.99
POST TEST 46 13.601 13.801 2.634 2.776

12.339 12.338 1.737 1.595

The standard error mean is 0.3222

The fiduciary limit is at 0.95 is 13.601 to 12.339 which indicates that out of 100, 95
times the population mean will lie between the ranges 13.601 to 12.339.
The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 13.8012 to 12.338 which indicate that out of 100, 99
times the population mean will lie between the ranges 13.8012 to 12.338.
The standard error deviation is 0.2288
The fiduciary limit of 0.95 is 2.6341 to 1.7373 which indicates that out of 100, 95
times the population standard deviation will lie between the ranges 2.6341 to 1.7373.
The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 2.776 to 1.5954 which indicates that out of 100, 99 times
the population standard deviation will lay between 2.776 to 1.5954.

Table 7.23 Distribution of Original and Smoothened Frequencies of Information
Literacy skills among the student teachers in Control Group is presented
graphically in Figure 7.7
Class interval Original frequencies Smoothened frequencies

0-5 0 2

6-10 6 17

11-15 33 41.33333

16-20 7 40

21-25 0 7

Figure 7.7 Frequency Polygons of the Original and the Smoothened Frequencies
of Information literacy skills Post-test scores among the students teachers in
Control Group

Frequency polygons of the original and the smoothened

frequencies of information literacy skills post test scores
among the students teachers in control group








0 5 6 10 11 15 16-20 21- 25
Class intervals

Original Frequencies Smoothened Frequencies

7.5.10 Descriptive Statistics of Information Literacy Skills pre-test scores of
Experimental group

Table 7.24 Descriptive statistics of Information literacy skills Pre-test scores of

Experimental Group
Group Total Mean Median Mode Standard Skewness Kurtosis

Pre test 65 13.661 14 19.67 3.894 -0.044 -0.7590


As evident from the table 7.24 value of mean, median, mode are 13.661, 14, and 19.67
respectively. This indicates that the distribution is negatively skewed. Hence it can be
calculated that the selected sample is a representative of the population. The kurtosis
of the sample is indicating that the distribution is platykurtic in nature. Estimation of population parameters

Table 7.25 SE and FL Mean and Standard Deviation of the distribution of

Information literacy skills Pre-test scores among the students teachers in
Experimental Group
Group Sample S.E of mean S.E of SD
size (N) S.EM = 0.4830 S.ED = 0.34284
Fiduciary limit at Fiduciary limit at
0.95 0.99 0.95 0.99
Pre test scores of 65 14.6077 14.907 4.5659 4.778
Experimental TO TO TO TO
12.714 12.414 3.222 3.01

The standard error mean is 0.4830

The fiduciary limit is at 0.95 is 14.6077 to 12.714 which indicates that out of 100, 95
times the population mean will lie between the ranges 13.601 to 12.339.

The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 14.907 to 12.414 which indicate that out of 100, 99 times
the population mean will lie between the ranges 14.907 to 12.414.
The standard error deviation is 0.34284
The fiduciary limit of 0.95 is 4.5659 to 3.2221 which indicates that out of 100, 95
times the population standard deviation will lie between the ranges 4.5659 to 3.2221
The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 4.778 to 3.01 which indicates that out of 100, 99 times
the population standard deviation will lay between 4.778 to 3.01.

Table 7.26 Distribution of Original and Smoothened Frequencies of Information

literacy skills among the student teachers in Experimental group is presented
graphically in Figure 7.8

Class interval Original frequencies Smoothened frequencies

0-5 0 5.666

6-10 17 25.333

11-15 25 48.666

16-20 20 46

21-25 3 23

Figure 7.8 Frequency Polygons of the Original and the Smoothened Frequencies
of Information literacy skills Pre-test scores among the students teachers in
Experimental Group

Frequency polygons of the original and the smoothened frequencies

of Information literacy skills pre test scores among the students
teachers in experimental group






0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25
Class Intervals

7.5.10. Descriptive Statistics of Information Literacy Skills post-test scores of
Experimental group

Table 7.27 Descriptive Statistics of Information literacy skills Post-test scores of

Experimental Group
Group Total Mean Median Mode SD Skewness Kurtosis

Post test 65 17.538 18 18.924 4.534 -0.002 1.082


As evident from the table 7.27 value of mean, median, mode are 17.5384, 18, 18.924
respectively. This indicates that the distribution is negatively skewed. Further the
difference between mean, median mode is marginal indicating that the distribution is
near normal. Hence it can be calculated that the selected sample is a representative of
the population. The kurtosis of the sample is indicating that the distribution is
leptokurtic in nature. Estimation of population parameters

Table 7.28 SE and FL of Mean and Standard Deviation of the distribution of

Information literacy skills Post-test scores among the student teachers in
Experimental Group
Group Sample S.E of mean S.E of SD
size(N) S.EM = 0.562 S.ED = 0.3992
Fiduciary limit at Fiduciary limit at

0.95 0.99 0.95 0.99

Post test scores of 65 18.6356 18.9828 5.3166 5.5639
Experimental To To TO TO
16.4404 16.0932 3.7514 3.505

The standard error mean is 0.562
The fiduciary limit is at 0.95 is 18.6356 to 16.4404 which indicates that out of 100, 95
times the population mean will lie between the ranges 18.6356 to 16.4404.
The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 18.9828 to 16.0932 which indicate that out of 100, 99
times the population mean will lie between the ranges 18.9828 to 16.0932.
The standard error deviation is 0.3992
The fiduciary limit of 0.95 is 5.3166 to 3.7514 which indicates that out of 100, 95
times the population standard deviation will lie between the ranges 5.3166 to 3.7514
The fiduciary limit of 0.99 is 5.5639 to 3.505 which indicates that out of 100; 99 times
the population standard deviation will lay between 5.5639 to 3.505.

Table 7.29 Distribution of Original and Smoothened Frequencies of Information

literacy skills among the student teachers in Experimental Group is presented
graphically in figure 7.9

Class interval Original frequencies Smoothened frequencies

1-10 6 20.333

11-20 43 54

21-30 15 58.333

31-40 1 16

Figure 7.9 Frequency Polygons of the Original and the Smoothened Frequencies
of Information literacy skills Post-test scores among the students teachers in
Experimental Group

Frequency polygons of the original and the smoothened

frequencies of information literacy skills post test scores among
the students teachers in experimental group







1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40
Class Intervals


7.6 Summary
The results of the descriptive analysis have been tabulated and graphically presented.
The chapter has discussed the descriptive statistics to support the distribution of every
variable in response to the objectives of the study. This is also essential to further test
the hypothesis through inferential statistical techniques. The following chapter deals
with the testing of hypothesis.

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