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What is Yuen Method?

The Yuen Method of Chinese Energetics is a leading-edge consciousness technology

to advance humanity in multi-faceted areas of life. Mastery of this energetic process
significantly enhances the quality of life in numerous areas: (1) natural health,
healing, and regeneration, (2) physical and non-physical pain elimination, (3) human
performance acceleration, (4) personal and professional mastery.

The Yuen Method is a powerful energetic process based on logic and intuition to
bring a person to a state of "neutrality" or zero-point, a space where the life forces are
optimal and strong. When our life forces are strong instead of weak, we heal
naturally, and we perform and achieve our desires in the most effortless manners.

Yuen Method is a simple and yet advanced practice of energy medicine and energy
psychology. It supports the popular families of holistic health practices such Reiki,
EFT, Matrix Energetics, prana healing, hypnotherapy, NLP, acupuncture, meditation,
yoga, and other methods. By applying Yuen principles simultaneous, practitioners of
other methods will see same results with themselves or clients in a much shorter

Yuen Method originates with the story of Dr. Kam Yuen, a 35th generation Shaolin
grandmaster. From his martial art training, he developed his intuition to "feel" for the
energetic weaknesses of his opponents' physical regions. Then, he would attack the
areas of weak energy and successfully defeat them. He discovered the healing
process from his master teacher who had an unconsciousness healing talent. Because
Kam had an engineering background, his reversed engineered this unconsciousness
healing process and discovered an energetic process known as the "mid-line"
principle. He noticed that by using intuition to detect an energetic weakness, a state
of energy imbalance, he would use the mid-line to correct the weak energy to be
strong. Upon correcting the energy, he discovered that we all have this innate natural
state of rapid self-healing and regeneration. So when our energetics (life forces) are
corrected to strong, physical pain and non-physical emotional, mental, and
psychological distress can be eliminated almost instantaneously.


How The Yuen Method Works

"...The energy work offered by Barbara and the Yuen Method is the most powerful energy
work I have seen to help heal and release things from the physical body. The results are
immediate ..."
Bill Austin, Denver, CO USA

Most help programs require you to identify by name the things that hold you back. But what
keeps us from moving toward our goals resides where we are consciously unaware, in our
bioenergetic field. This healing technique bypasses the conscious identification process and
locates and corrects the energetic causes so you can easily and effortlessly move forward.

The Yuen Method of Chinese Energetic Medicine is a powerful non-touch technique

blending anatomy, physiology, applied Kinesthetics, structural analysis, energetic technique,
and quantum physics, to quickly locate and shift your imbalances/blocks on all levels and
dimensions. When weak energy signals in the body are identified and optimized, you can
experience immediate relief from physical pain, emotional issues, unproductive behavior,
and more. Chronic and painful conditions that have resisted all other healing modalities
respond well to the Yuen Method.

A New Approach

Into This Moment Quantum Optimizations applies the essence of the Yuen Method to Sacred
Geometry, and Multi-dimensional tools. Its adjusted protocol approach makes healing even
faster and deeper than with the Yuen Method alone.

Energetic Connections

Our bodies send off signals that can be read by others because we are all made up of energy
and are all connected by energy. The Yuen Method/Into This Moment healing uses that
connection to look at your energy signals, check for weaknesses, and then correct (optimize)
them. This could be compared to a TV remote control changing the volume on your TV. The
remote sends signals to the TV telling the "weak'" sound to increase. Energetic corrections
(optimizations) are done non-invasively and non-touch so treatments can take place on the
phone or online as well as in person. (see "How Distance Healing Works" below)

The Spiral Effect

Consider a problem to be a spiral. (see above diagram) After a healing session you might get
a recurrence of your symptom and feel you're going around in circles but you're really further
along in the spiral. (The X points in the diagram.) If you continue to receive healing
treatments this forward circling continues until you're through the spiral. At that time you
should be free from your problem.

The corrections (optimizations) I do are permanent. So, if you do experience a recurrence of

your symptoms after a healing session it's because you're further along in the spiral. You've
moved to the place where the symptoms show themselves again.
An Example

There can be any number of reason why symptoms show themselves. So, there can be
multiple spirals for a symptom. I'll give you a real life example. A person had a chronic but
intermittent stuffy nose. At first every time her nose got stuffy it was related to some spinal
misalignment. This continued for 6 months, with healing sessions taking place when her nose
got stuffy, about every 2-4 weeks. Following this, on her next occurrence of a stuffy nose her
spine was fine, no corrections were needed there. This indicates that spiral is complete. What
presented itself now was an issue of giving and receiving. When that was corrected she
breathed fully. So yo see, each spiral of issues needs to be addressed for you to be completely
free from your symptom.

"Any number of things, ranging from trauma to environmental toxins to fear can turn off the
delicate circuitry of our body's self healing mechanism. Turning the switches back on
restores the balanced flow of energy and with it, health."

Dr Kam Yuen

How Distance Healing Works

The following is from the book "Living from the Heart: Exploring Subtle Energy in the New
Millennium." by Mark Greenia. You can find it at www.LivingFromTheHeart.com.

... Experiments in Quantum Physics have shown that certain particles can effect each other at
great distances, with no apparent connection between them. Physical proximity is not
required, since ... energy ... transcends space-time. One can also send positive energies into
future space-time events or past space-time events, since the intent and the energies exist
outside the human construct we call time.

A distance session works on three principles:

1. The principle of interconnectedness. As energy beings, we co-exist with other

energy beings in a vast interconnected web of energy. At the sub-atomic level,
the tiny vibratory energy quanta that make up all matter and energy ... respond
to our intent, ... to our focused intention. Our focused intention is a faculty
that exists outside of space-time but can have effects in space-time.

2. The second principle is that of non-locality of events. This means that the
energetic forces at work during a distance energy session can create effects at
a remote location simultaneously with the intention at the source point. The
energy does not have to "travel" a specific distance away. It is capable of
bringing about a resonant effect instantaneously at the point of reception.
3. The third principle is that of soul love. During a distance energy session, the
practitioner connects at a soul level with the person receiving the treatment.
This is a love connection at the heart level and at other levels. This is a
beautiful and powerful connection that responds to the loving intent of the
practitioner, regardless of the distance involved.

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