Paul Wong - Yuen Method - Home Study Course

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Home Study Course Revision 1.

0 6/2010


Chinese Energetics is a holistic practice by Paul Wong and Andrew Axelrod focused on teaching the best energetic practices of Chinese Energetics practices such as the Yuen Method, qigong, tai chi, acupressure and the principles of neturality. The heart of Chinese Energetics is the Yuen Method created by Dr. Kam Yuen. In this century, Dr. Kam Yuen, 35th generation grandmaster discovered that his teacher a Shaolin master has a natural way of accelerated energetic healing on the unconscious level. Dr. Yuen was able to break down this unconscious healing process and made it a learnable conscious process. Our practice also blends Chinese energy practices with along Western holistic practices such as NLP , hypnotherapy, EFT, meditation, and the principles from quantum physics. By blending the best practices, we can apply the most cutting-edge energetic methods for self-healing, regeneration, and accelerated performance improvement.

Chinese Energetics Benefits

Rapid Pain Alleviation (Chronic & Acute) Rapid Emotional Stress Reduction Natural Beauty, Anti-Aging, and Regeneration Improve Serious Illnesses Rapid Fear Removal Performance Improvement Behavior Modifications


This is NOT a Theory Home Study Course. Instead, this is an
Experiential Course where you get hands on experience. feel energy and body awareness.

This course will give you a series of experiential exercises to This course will teach you the basics on how to do an
energetic correction for yourself and others.

There are two parts to the Chinese Energetics Home Study

Course. Tele-Class Part 1: Fundamentals and Case Study 1: Private Coaching. We recommend going through Tele-Class Part 1: Fundamentals before going through the Case Study 1: Private Coaching.


Home Study Course Setup

1. You can Listen to ALL Audio Tracks Online by Clicking Here. You also have the
option to download compressed files of all the Audio Tracks. See Step 2.

2. Download the Audio Files. The Audio Tracks for the Home Study Course are in
MP3 Format and can be played in your favorite Internet Audio Player/iPod.

Download the ZIP (Compressed File) of all Audio Tracks for Tele-Class Part

1: Fundamentals by Clicking Here. Save this file to your Desktop or Documents Folder of your PC. Once this file is downloaded and saved to your PC, double click the file and it will expand the audio tracks into your Desktop or Documents Folder (depending where you save it). There should be a Folder called CE.Tele.Class-Part1-2010.05.29 that contains all the audio tracks. Clicking Here. Follow same steps as above. There should be Folder called CE.PrivateCoaching-2010.05.21 that contains all the audio tracks. as Chrome or Firefox. THEY ARE IN FACT DOWNLOADING. Check the bottom of the browser to see the files. If you still experience problems, you can listen to each track by Clicking Here. You dont need to download any files.

Download the Audio Files for Case Study 1: Private Coaching by

If you dont see any files downloading, you are probably using a browser such

Tele-Class Part 1 Instructions

START HERE! The first step of the Chinese Energetics Home Study
Course is to go through the entire Tele-Class Part 1 Audios.

How should I go through the Audio Tracks? There are a total of 30

Audio Tracks. Audio Tracks 1-13 of Tele-Class Part 1 will cover stepby-step on how to do the basics. We ask that you go through these Audio Tracks FIRST. The rest of the tracks will go through EXAMPLES on how to apply the steps. We ask that you listen along to the EXAMPLE Tracks to gain an understanding on how to apply the Chinese Energetics step-by-step process. understanding on how Chinese Energetics works and how to apply it to yourself and others. Private Coaching.

After you complete Tele-Class Part 1, you should have a good

Once you complete Tele-Class Part 1, GO through Case Study 1:

Case Study 1: Private Coaching Instructions

It is recommended after you complete Tele-Class Part 1, go through
Case Study 1: Private Coaching.

The purpose of Case Study 1: Private Coaching is to give you a

different perspective on how learn the Chinese Energetics Step-ByStep Process, gain more Insight on how to apply Chinese Energetics with Examples, and build upon the basics by learning how to do Physical and Molecular corrections. through each Audio Track in the proper Audio Sequence. Start with Track 1 and go all the way through Track 24. Starting at Track we will start building upon the basics with Physical and Molecular Corrections.

Case Study 1: Private Coaching contains 24 Audio Tracks. Go

I Finished the Home Study Course, Now What?

Attend a LIVE Tele-Class to receive ONE-ON-ONE Coaching and REAL
TIME EXPERIENCE under the supervision of Paul Wong. See Website for Upcoming Tele-Classes.

Receive Private Tele-Coaching from Paul Wong if you want the

FASTEST ROUTE to reach Inner-Zen or become Very Skilled at applying Chinese Energetics to yourself and others. See Website for Tele-Coaching Packages. make sure you document your results. Dont worry about how good your results are, just start building your experience. Chicago time. See next Page.

Start Practicing on Yourself and Others. Do the best you can and

Attend the USA Weekly Practice Online Group, Monday 7 pm, CST

How do I Document my Hours of Working On Others?

It is recommended to log all your hours when working on people (not yourself) using Chinese Energetics. This serves 2 purposes. First, it will give you confidence and insight on your results when working on others. Next, it will go toward your hours for being a professional Chinese Energetics Life Coach (TBD) and Yuen Method Certification Programs. We suggest using the Template above to document your Hours.

Chinese Energetics Chatroom

Attend the USA Weekly Practice Online Group, Monday 7 pm, CST Chicago time. Chicago moderator, Nadia Turkiel Email: Europe Weekly Practice Online Group, (TBD) Email: Ligia Frankfort & Jorg Gang


Tele-Class Part 1 Objectives

Understanding 5 Categories of Energetic Weakness Feeling Strong/Weak. Making a Correction. Applying Correction Shortcuts. Clearing Physical / Non-Physical Corrections. Developing Intuition. Understanding Neutrality.


What is the Mid-line?

The Mid-line is an area of your body, a vertical plane, that starts
from the point in between your shoulders and extends down your waist. Think about it as a vertical plane that divides your body into right and left halves. No more than a fraction of a second of thought is needed to apply the Mid-line principle.


5 Categories of Energetic Corrections

Mental Emotional Psychological Psychic/Empathic Spiritual ** Unknowns

Purpose of Mid-line?
What is the function of Mid-line? The purpose of the mid-line is to give intentional thoughts energy.
Think of the Mid-line as connecting to a Infinite Power Source, to energize intentional thoughts. Energizing certain intentional thoughts (aka energetic corrections) can lead to rapid removal of emotional/mental distress and physical pains. Listen to Audio to understand more.


CAUSES (See 6 categories) OF ENERGETIC WEAKNESSES. By placing your awareness to the Mid-line for less than of a second, it energizes this intentional thought to delete the energetic effects. Upon doing so, practitioners will likely notice the emotional/mental stress dissipated and physical pain reduced very rapidly.


What Is Chinese Energetics?

The heart of Chinese Energetic is primarily based on the Yuen Method. This energetic technique applies the midline principle which was discovered by Dr. Kam Yuen D.C. based on his martial arts training and a his Shaolin master teacher who has natural healing abilities. The Yuen Method is a blending of anatomy, physiology, structural analysis, energetic technique, quantum physics and Qi and Shen Gong training.. The premise is that your body functions like a computer you are either on or off, strong or weak to any given issue. Pain is a sign that something is wrong with the flow of energy in the body. Humans are multi-faceted beings with multiple levels of consciousness. The Yuen Method works to make sure that all levels of consciousness are congruent so that pain may be eliminated immediately and goals attained. On any given issue, you are either energetically strong or weak. The Yuen Method shows you how to find the weaknesses, make the corrections and make yourself energetically strong. Finding the weakness is much like turning a switch on a computer. You are either on or off. Your body or biological computer is a miraculous piece of high tech equipment. Its time we started treated it as such. When you buy a computer or any piece of equipment, it always comes with a manual. This method gives you a manual to your body. Simple as that! In the western world, pain is usually treated with medication, gadgets, or devices. Individuals that are in chronic pain have a hard time. More often than not they are told to manage and live with it. Who wants to manage their pain? In the east, pain is seen as a symptom of a deeper issue. Something is wrong with the flow of energy in the body causing the manifestation of a physical condition. The Yuen Method shows you how to identify the deeper core issues. Finding the root of the problem and eliminating it makes it possible to release the physical symptom as well as emotional issues, fears, phobias, and limitations. As human beings we are unique, multidimensional individuals. We are all the same in many respects yet we are so very different. We all have our own thoughts, fears, phobias, loves, and hates. We also have many levels of consciousness and what we say and consciously think is not always what we subconsciously support. This is where we run into the stumbling blocks. We think and many times truly believe we know what we want but our subconscious may or may not support those wants. We go through our daily lives thinking or saying, This is what I want or would like, but until all levels of consciousness support the thought, we will not achieve our health or goals.


Can I Use Chinese Energetics On Myself?

Of course, People study Chinese Energetics techniques for many reasons: to teach them to others, to help suffering family and friends, or to start or improve a healing practice. But the main reason people find their way to Paul P Wong and are drawn to these techniques is because they are in some kind of pain, and they long for a way to heal. The techniques are universally applicable and uniformly applied whether you are correcting yourself or someone else.

How long can I expect results to last?

Every energetic correction made has a permanent effect and many problems are completely relieved in one session, sometimes in five minutes or less. On the other hand, a number of problems involve several key factors with multiple layers of causation. How many energetic sessions required for complete healing depends on the type, amount and complexity (i.e. fears, memories, traumas, etc.) of the problems to be corrected. As a patient's field reveals each successive causative factor, that aspect is permanently corrected. Pain and dysfunction diminish gradually as each energetic weakness is accessed and reversed. When the final correction is made, the last remnants of pain/imbalance vanish. Check our testimonials section for more information.

Will this technique work as well if the practitioner is skeptical?

Since Chinese Energetics works at the quantum energy level, beyond the conscious or even the subconscious levels of the mind, the technique's efficiency is completely unaffected by either the practitioner's or the patient's belief or skepticism. The practitioner simply reads the information provided by the client's own field and then intentionally directs thought energy to make the appropriate energetic correction. Whether or not they believe it can work is irrelevant; thought intention automatically directs the energy and the correction is made regardless of the mindset of either the practitioner or the client.


Are the results obtained from Chinese Energetics ever the results of the placebo effect?
No, The placebo effect plays no part in the healings. For confirmation of this we look to the astounding results obtained on animals. When a dog limps in and races out or a congested cat stops wheezing in a matter of seconds, there is no question that the changes are physical and energetic in nature. A second way to test the placebo effect is to perform a distance healing on someone, without letting them know you're doing so. Pick someone with obvious physical pain. Call them later in the day and casually ask how they're feeling? Once you know the technique, you'll find yourself batting 100%.

This sounds a bit like faith healing. Is a specific religious belief or faith in the process necessary for it to work?
Every energetic correction made has a permanent effect and many problems are completely relieved in one session, sometimes in five minutes or less. On the other hand, a number of problems involve several key factors with multiple layers of causation. How many treatments required for complete healing depends on the type, amount and complexity (i.e. fears, memories, traumas, etc.) of the problems to be corrected. As a patient's field reveals each successive causative factor, that aspect is permanently corrected. Pain and dysfunction diminish gradually as each energetic weakness is accessed and reversed. When the final correction is made, the last remnants of pain/imbalance vanish. Check our testimonials section for more information.


How is Chinese Energetics different from other energy techniques?

ACUPUNCTURE / ACUPRESSURE - Acupuncture practitioners concentrate on the twelve energy meridians and a network of smaller channels. Each of the twelve meridians connects with a major organ. Acupuncturists view disease as the result of excess or deficiency of chi or energy. They insert needles in points along these meridians to move and rebalance the energy. Acupressure practitioners use pressure points or their hands to do the same thing. While these techniques are useful, they beg the question of what caused these energy imbalances in the first place. If the underlying cause is not addressed, what will prevent another imbalance from resurfacing in one form or another? Applying Chinese Energetics practices using the Yuen Method, deficient chi (weak chi) can restored to strong without using needles. A practitioners can tuned into the meridians and flip the energy switches from weak chi to strong chi. Also, the causes of energy imbalances can be neutralized. So, acupuncture is a way to restore imbalances but if the root causes are not neutralized, the issues are likely to become. When Chinese Energetic practices, root causes are neutralized and energy imbalances can restored on a more permanent basis. REIKI - Reiki practitioners attempt to transfer energy to weakened points in the body. Balancing the body's energy field may promote healing, but is a much longer process and far less specific. If the specific causes are not addressed, clients will need to receive continuous treatments of Reiki to relief the symptoms. Many times, Reiki practitioners often feel drained because they are giving away their life force. With Chinese Energetics practices, there is not a need to transfer energy from one person to another. By using giving a command to the other person biocommunication using the midline principle, the weak chi can be instantly corrected to strong chi. Also, with Yuen Method, specific causes of the energy weaknesses are pinpointed and neutralized so there is a grater chance of lasting permanent healing and regeneration.


How is Chinese Energetics different than other from Chi-Kung (Qigong) practices?
The literal Chinese translation of Chi is energy and Kung is Work. Hence, Chi-Kung is energy work. Traditional chi-Kung or qiong is viewed by many practitioners as the act of developing the ability to tap into the sensation and then connect to the power of the chi: the breath of life, or vital energy. Specific exercises are used to achieve that objective. These exercises are physical movements combined with mental direction of the energy to cause desired changes within your energetic, physiological and psychological makeup. The movements are circular, twisting, or vibrating. Some are short and simple, while others are more complex and time consuming. Chi-Kung or Qigong has been practiced since ancient times as part of the Chinese martial arts and is the oldest healing technique known to mankind. It is the precursor of acupuncture, predating it by several thousand years. There are Chi-Kung hospitals in China today claiming to have documented cases of treatment and cures for tens of thousands of patients with incurable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, deafness, coronary diseases, and systemic lupus. Their philosophy is based on four principles: 1.Chi can heal all ailments 2.There is power in group chi for healing 3.The instructors do chi healing to the students, who are then taught how to heal others. 4.Chi-Kung exercises must be practiced repeatedly and diligently. Patients at these hospitals are expected to practice Chi-Kung exercises up to eight hours a day for a period of six months. They live in groups of four to eight or more to gain group support and develop caring for each other. In our opinion Chi-Kung not only takes many years of practice and dedication to become proficient, but most people in the West would not tolerate the regimen practiced in China's drugless hospitals. The core practice of the Chinese Energetics is Yuen Method (YM). YM is a specialized chi qong that applies the mid-line principle discovered by Dr. Yuen to change weak chi to strong chi. Chi is without energy is weak. Chi full of energy is strong. By placing awareness to the mid-line, chi can be re-energized faster. Also, Chinese Energetics applies other holistic practices such as the fire meditation and NLP phobia cure to neutralized the root causes of weak chi.


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