Ingles I, Tarea V, Paula
Ingles I, Tarea V, Paula
Ingles I, Tarea V, Paula
Paula Miky Báez Sánchez
English I
Ada Francisco
Santiago, Rep. Dom.
October, 2019
ask 5 {tarea 5}
Realiza los ejercicios que están debajo y asegúrate en incluir una hoja de
presentación, envía el archivo en Word en el espacio correspondiente en la
Exercise 1
Do / Does
Write the correct auxiliary for the Questions, Affirmative and Negative sentences
Do Don´t Does Doesn´t
1. Do your sister want my telephone number?
2. I know her very well, but my friends don’t
3. Why does he always wear the same jacket?
4. I don't like ice-cream, and he doesn’t like pizza.
5. The students don’t have time to study.
6. When do you like to eat dinner?
7. Do you go to the mountains every weekend?
8. Do they live here?
9. Where do you like to study?
10. Does that car look new?
Exercise 2
Look at the pictures and write the names of the Food.
1. Strawberry
2. chicken
3. sándwich
4. ice cream
5. cake
6. carrots
7. bread
8. fish
9. eggs
10. oranges
Exercise 3
Write Days of the week and Months of the Year.
A. Days of the Week – Fill in the gaps
1. Most people go to work on a M o n d a y.
2. The day after Monday is Tu e s d a y.
3. Late night shopping is on a Th u r s d a y.
4. Most people work from M o n d a y to Fr i d a y.
5. The middle day of the week is Wed n e s day.
6. The weekend is S a t ur d a y and S u n d a y.
B. Write the Months of the Year
1. The first month of the year is J a n u a r y.
2. Valentine’s Day is on 14th F e b r u a r y .
3. M a r ch 17th is St. Patrick’s Day.
4. Easter sometimes occurs in A p r i l.
5. The month after April is m a y.
6. Lots of people have exams in J u n e.
7. Children are on holidays in J u l y and Au g u s t.
8. Se p t em b e r is when children start school.
9. Halloween is in Oc t o b e r.
10. The month before Christmas is N o v ember.
11. Christmas is in d e c em b e r