2019 Hotel Workers Transportation Survey

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KEY NEEDS: MORE RELIABLE & EFFECTIVE SERVICE Figure 1: Number of times hotel workers late, within
48 percent of the survey takers said they regularly commute to work via previous month
public transit – demonstrating how important effective transit service is
for the New Orleans hospitality and tourism industry.
The industry is an important driver of the local economy, and employs
over 72,000 people – 12% of the area’s total workforce. Unfortunately,
the report findings show that, similar to other industries, unreliable
transit service greatly impacts workforce reliability:
• 62% percent of transit riders were late to work at least once within
the previous month because of unreliable transit.
• More than 1/3 of transit riders were late three times or more.
• 12% of transit riders were late six times or more within the
previous month.
Like transit-reliant riders in general, the transit-reliant hotel industry
workforce is at a disadvantage when compared to employees with
access to a personal vehicle.
Figure 2: Hotel worker commute times, transit riders
• The average “door to door” commute time for transit riders is
and non-transit riders
46-minutes - twice the average New Orleans commute time
• Nearly one of every three transit riders has a one-way commute of
• 76% of employees who are reliant on public transit are “time-
burdened” – defined as having a one-way commute time of


During their daily trips, two out of three transit-reliant hospitality
workers travel through the main transfer site at Elk Place at Canal. This
is where the majority of buses from New Orleans East and the West
Bank unload passengers.
While there are transit options from the Elk Place transfer point to the
French Quarter and CBD (primarily the Canal Street streetcar lines), 68
percent of these riders say they walk from the transfer site. Table 1: Mode transit riders use to and from Elk Place
transfer hub
In recent years, various RTA and City stakeholders have discussed
building a more traditional transit center to better serve regional transit
riders. The high number of riders who walk to work from the current
transfer point illustrates the importance of location in the discussion.
Any decision to move the location of the transit center needs to take
that into account and not inadvertently make life harder for transit riders
and add time to their commute by making it more difficult or impossible
to walk to work.
Race/Ethnicity Table 2: Occupation totals by rider and
• 70% of transit riders in survey are African American non-rider
• 57% of non-riders are African American
• 23% of non-riders are White (60) versus 9% of transit riders (22)
• There are nearly three times the total number of White non-riders than riders
• Hispanics / Latinos made up 10.7% of all workers

Figure 3: Race / Ethnicity by rider and non-rider

Figure 4: Gender of surveyed workers Figure 5: Age range by rider and non-rider


Transit reliant hotel workers prioritized the following transit improvements, in descending order of importance
• More frequent transit service
• More reliable, on-time service, including better coordinated transfers
• Better early morning, late-night, and weekend service
• Better customer service and an improved overall rider experience
Figure 6: Home zip codes of transit-riding survey respondents


In 2019-2020 the New Links regional transit network redesign could comprehensively
change transit for the hospitality industry workforce. New Links will recommend changes
to RTA and Jefferson Transit bus line routes and schedules in order to get riders to work
more reliably and in less time.

A network redesign is designed to make transit work better by reprioritizing available

funding to boost service where it’s needed the most. That can mean tradeoffs like slightly
longer walks, more transfers, or destination changes in return for better on-time performance, more late night and weekend service,
higher frequency levels, or reduced overall travel time.

When asked about tradeoffs and priorities, hotel workers indicated a willingness to transfer more if it meant improved service. In the
abstract, they were more skeptical about walking further, as many are already walking significant distances. But a majority said they
would walk five minutes from their place of work to catch a hypothetical downtown circulator bus if it meant that the bus would arrive
every 15 minutes-or-less.

Figure 7: Transfer vs. travel time Figure 8: Walking to a downtown circulator Figure 9: Walking further vs. travel time

Prefer faster trip to work but one more transfer Prefer downtown circulator every 30 minutes but Would be willing to walk further if it meant a
comes directly to place of work faster trip to work

Prefer one-seat ride to work but longer trip time Prefer downtown circulator every 15 minutes but Would not be willing to walk further for a faster
have to walk five minutes from place of work trip to work
With support from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Ride New Orleans partnered with the
Greater New Orleans Hotel and Lodging Association (GNOHLA) to survey the transportation
needs and experiences of the hotel industry workforce. Over 500 hotel workers from 32
different hotels in the French Quarter and New Orleans CBD took the survey between
November 2018 and February 2019. 48 percent of the survey takers said they regularly
commute to work via public transit – demonstrating how important effective transit service is
for the industry.


Our mission is to win world-class and equitable public transportation that works for all
residents across the New Orleans region.

Ride New Orleans envisions a region in which taking transit enables full access to jobs,
education, health care, and other needs that ensure the equitable, thriving community that all
residents deserve.


Alder Hotel Hotel Management of New Orleans, LLC NOLA Hotel Group
Aloft Hotel Monteleone Prince Conti Hotel
Andrew Jackson Hotel Hotel Provincial Ritz Carlton
Bienville House Hotel Hotel St. Marie Royal Sonesta Hotel
Bourbon Orleans Hotel Hotel St. Pierre Sheraton
Brent House Hotel HRI Properties & Lodging St. James Hotel
Downtown Development District (DDD) Hyatt Centric FQ The Jung Hotel & Residences
The Eliza Jane Hotel InterContinental Hotel The Roosevelt
French Market Inn International House Hotel Valentino New Orleans Hotels
Harrah’s Casino JW Marriott Westin
Hilton Riverside Lafayette Hotel Windsor Court
Homewood Suites FQ Marriott Convention Center
1. What is your home zip code?

2. With which race/ethnicity do you best identify?

3. What neighborhood and/or city do you live in?

4. What is your gender?

5. What is your age?

6. Where do you work?

7. Do you work another job besides this one?

8. How long is your average commute from “door to door”— from the time you leave the
house to when you arrive at work (In minutes and/or hours)?

9. What is your occupation or job title?

10. Do you normally take transit to work?

10a. If you do not normally take transit to work, why don’t you take transit more often?
(Choose one only)


11. Do you have to transfer? 11a. If so, how many transfers?

12. How long do you walk in your average commute (Example: 5 minutes from home to bus
stop, 7 minutes from bus stop to work. Answer is 12 minutes)?
13. How many times have you been late to work in the last month because of unreliable transit?

14. When your shift ends, is it convenient to catch your bus/streetcar in time?

• Yes: 146; 63%

• No: 85; 37%
• Total 231

14a. If “No”, what would make it more convenient – You leave work at the normal time but
change the time when the bus / streetcar leaves (pick one):

• Earlier by less than 15 minutes: 19; 25%

• Departs 15 to 30 minutes earlier: 20; 26%
• Departs 30 to 60 minutes earlier: 6; 8%
• Departs more than 60 minutes earlier: 4; 5%
• Later by less than 15 minutes: 11; 14%
• Departs 15 to 30 minutes later: 11; 14%
• Departs 30 to 60 minutes later: 4; 5%
• Departs more than 60 minutes later: 2; 3%

(77 Responses)
15. As part of your regular commute, do you use the main transit transfer area around Elk

15a. If “Yes”, how do you get from the main transit transfer area to/from work (pick one):

16. Which of the following options sounds better to you?

• A circulator vehicle that comes directly to your workplace to take you to the central transfer point at Elk
Place. But the circulator only comes every 30 minutes or longer.
• A circulator vehicle that comes to a central location and takes you to Elk Place every 15 minutes or less.
But you have to walk five minutes to get there.
17. If your overall travel time to work was faster, would you be willing to make one additional

18. If your overall travel time to work was faster, would you be willing to walk further than you do now?

18a. If “Yes”, how much longer would you be willing to walk? (In minutes):

• Average Extra Time Willing to Walk was 10.8 minutes.

19. What is more important to you:

• Getting to and from downtown from your home more quickly

• Having more transit access to destinations within your neighborhood and to nearby neighborhoods?
20. What is more important to you:

• Getting between downtown from your home more quickly or

• Easier transit access to a variety of destinations within the downtown area?

21. What sounds better to you:

• Having to make an additional transfer but getting to work faster

• Having a one seat ride without needing to transfer but your ride takes longer

22. If you could do anything to improve public transit, what would be the one most important
thing you would change?

• The transit vehicle being consistent with its time schedule.

• (Have a police officer or RTA with a gun (re: Q19).) All streetcars/buses need consistency - never arrive at
scheduled time or are bunched together. On 12/12 it took 75 minutes to go to Canal on the St. Charles
streetcar. Started from spruce. I waited 20 minutes for one to pass then, 5 came in a bunch. This hap-
pens too often. Half of the streetcars should’ve turned around at Lee circle. Please study and consult the
Chicago Transit Authority!! They’ve got it down! I would pay more money for more consistent rides.
• Buses that come on time. Enough buses to replace ones that break down instead of just skipping that
run. Real time location of buses in the app. Make #106 all day and add AM.
• Quicker, more reliable, on time
• Seeing the bus operator on - depart on time and when late show care for the riders running after bus.
• More seats at the bus stop.
• #10 bus needs to arrive and depart as scheduled or at least show up. Especially in the evening.
• Expand to other parishes. Run the buses and streetcars more frequently and have more lines run 24
• More bus on the 106 that would be nice
• Galvez takes too long after 7:00 PM. I think you should run the Louisa lines better other than 1:30. Also
the galvez lines as well especially at night I have to wait too long.
• Time; day; no bus by my house - 15 minutes away
• Follow the schedule and be on time. More than two buses on the #80 line every hour - it’s not a good
thing when you miss the bus and it takes you two hours to get home.
• The drivers being more understanding and not having an attitude or not caring for the people catching
the bus.
• Lower the fare
• Accessibility
• The bus being on time.
• Nothing
• Times for late night.
• “GPS”; I think being able to track and see where the next bus is and how long it’ll be until it shows up.
• Sticking to a consistent schedule.
• The time the public transit arrives, mostly on weekends.
• For buses to actually be on time... especially in the morning.
• Instead of streetcars, you should have invested in elevated trains so the people in the hospitality busi-
ness can get to work quicker.
• Only catch bus/streetcar in evening; about 1 hour to get from work to home
• To improve public transit I would add more transit on the line.
• Having more buses.
• Increase the amount of bus especially on Weekends
• The fact that they miss pickups for the simplest reasons.
• I would change the time in between buses / time it takes for each bus to show up at the bus stop. It
should be a 15 minute time for each bus to get to the us stop, especially in the Downtown area.
• Improve #39 towards Xavier University: the bus is never on time, even with the delay times scheduled on
the GO app. The #88 is always packed, maybe another bus that way. Student/University discount.
• I would love to have more transit in more local areas.
• Wait time for each route
• Traffic times
• More responsibility with schedules, do it at the indicated time.
• Consistent run times
• Ensure streetcar/bus will operate every schedule/stop. St. Charles streetcar frequently does not run the
4:38 AM or 5:58 AM stop at St. Charles & 1st.
• More cars on the Canal Street line. I constantly see 5 cars in a row going the opposite way I need them to
• Trains quicker than streetcar.
• To be able to purchase bus pass through employer
• Have the bus run on weekends in St. Bernard Parish
• Make the ticket cheaper.
• More buses at night
• More areas at the road for bicycle safety.
• The operational hours of the ferry (Algiers) and it should be car accessible...
• Cleaner and safer stops.
• Install light rail. Bus service past the airport running more frequently.
• Buses that don’t break down often. More buses to New Orleans East.
• Improve roads / parking options.
• Better pick up for kids that go to school, meaning easier for going and to take the transit their self espe-
cially after school.
• “If I could do that (easier for kids taking bus) it would be cheaper than putting gas in my truck”
• Nothing
• When I do take the bus, I take it in bad weather. It would be nice if they came more often in bad weather.
• Have them be cleaner; some more security
• Have more buses so people do not have to wait as long.
• A bus lane. It take up time / traffic when they stop in the middle of the street at a bus stop.
• Better lighting at transit stops. Seating and covered areas. Security / police to patrol the areas.
• Move traffic
• Accuracy on bus times
• If they can be more reliable.
• More stops and routes. Updated / upgrade metro system. I came from NY, streetcare here is useless
sometimes and Lyft/Uber don’t have pool options.
• When and where they are exactly at any moment. I need to know.
• I would have more streetcars / buses on the streets.
• More buses on the line.
• Buses every 5 minutes.
• Put more buses on holidays.
• More transit bus on Broad Ave.
• Bus break down / maintenance. Cleanliness of the buses. When people are trying to catch up to the bus
when it leave, drivers don’t stop.
• Be on time to get riders to their work or home. P.S. Don’t leave riders when they are flagging down the
buses or streetcars.
• For the transit to be running on a timely basis.
• More respectful drivers who are willing to answer questions.
• More buses
• Buses run longer; e.g. until 2:00 AM
• If I could do anything to improve public transit it would be to change the bus pick ups to every 15 min-
utes so that people can get where they need to go.
• Have more transit in my area.
• Put more public transit on the roads.
• Buses to be on time.
• More
• Make it faster
• Be on time or make a time table easier to read.
• Make schedules more convenient to hospitality workers in New Orleans East.
• How many stops you have when going from point A to B.
• That it runs more frequently in some areas and a bit later.
• Put more busing on the 101 line - it needs it badly.
• We need more areas that have to be exclusive for bicycle transportation.
• Start early enough for me to use transit.
• Buses being reliable.
• Coming faster to your stop.
• Come fast to your stop.
• To avoid the bridge and train.
• Cheaper price to ride
• More bus on line - every 15 to 20 minutes.
• Public transit should pass more frequently.
• I do not want to wait on the bus. I want it to be ready when I want it to be ready.
• RTA could have more buses and streetcars for quicker stop intervals.
• Run later and more often; +/- 2AM streetcars are few and far between
• Put more buses on the line.
• Accurate timing on bus schedule
• Being on time. Late pouring down rain, bus never showed for 2 hours. 30-40 people waiting but never
came on time.
• Free fairs on holidays.
• Longer ferry hours; more routes and stops; on time & be reliable; less bus changes; better weekend flow;
security; better hours after 3pm - 3-11pm shift has issues with ease of access
• Elk place: walk because the streetcar takes too long to come. The one important thing I would change is
to make sure 7 streetcars are not going in the same direction and none in the opposite direction. Make
sure the schedule time that is set for the streetcar to always be the scheduled times, no half hour to 45
minutes apart.
• More accurate streetcar schedule
• To have hubs in different areas around town that would express you downtown.
• There should be an express car for locals to get to and from downtown.
• Put more buses on the line
• My bus on the line. Early times. More seats at the bus stops. Bus drivers need to speak more than they
• More consistent pick up and drop off times.
• Have a SAFE transfer point from the #55 Elysian Fields bus to the #1 riverfront streetcar, AND have rea-
sonable frequency & timed transfers from one to the other. Traffic on Decatur and N. Poters is the biggest
single factor in the #55 being late during rush hour.
• Earlier pickup times and on time pickup.
• Accept credit card and weekend buses drive later.
• On Sundays and holidays, more bus on the route so they can pass every 30 minutes instead of every
• That it would be more closer to my house. I have to catch a cab every day to get to the bus stop.
• More buses.
• Go by the schedule time they are supposed to be at a stop.
• Better time tracker for public transit riders. More stops for workers and consistent workers during public
• I would change how often they come around - it should be at least every 10 minutes.
• More frequent and reliable buses on St. Claude, especially on the weekend.
• I will change the route especially when it’s busy or special events. It’s really hard to willing with transit
• More routes and stops on weekends and holidays.
• Make it more time efficient
• Time accuracy at the bus stops. Auto updates on late arrivals when using the app. Auto generated text
messages to people who send stop cods to know bus arrival time.
• I would have the buses run more frequently
• More routes & times
• Have more buses running on Sundays and holidays.
• My parking at work.
• More bus
• Making sure the bus arrived at the stop on time.
• It would be for transits to make it on time. Take less stops and be already there when the person is trying
to get to and from a destination.
• Add more buses. When I did ride the RTA, it took too long and was overcrowded.
• In St. Bernard Parish start working on weekends. Some people do need public service on weekends not
just weekdays.
• Have the 106 (Aurora) run longer.
• Nothing, the routes are fine to me.
• I have missed the bus a number of times because it has passed my stop before the scheduled time, but
I’m not sure how easily fixable that is!
• Get more buses on the line on weekends, holidays.
• Add more seats for elderly and handicapped passengers.
• Increase coverage for New Orleans East and the West Bank.
• The time you wait on buses.
• Streetcar with an accurate schedule. Additional bus / streetcar in the morning time. Better phone app.
• Transportation should run all night if possible.
• Report to have more buses running on every weekend. Most employees can’t make it here on time be-
cause of the bus.
• Having them go faster.
• Make the drivers more understanding and aware of the time people have to report to work and know their
job is to stop for people when they see them running to the bus stop instead of ignoring them and not
stopping because they are not directly at the stop, bu you see them running!!! Stop taking breaks on the
• Put more buses on bus line.
• Change the time.
• Having the 65 Crowder bus run at least until 12:30 AM as well make sure connecting lines give a few
minutes for people to get off one bus to catch another
• More buses, streetcars, efficient times, and more accurate times on apps. Better notifications on apps
(example) letting us know when the bus or street car will be early or late from scheduled time.
• Take some trips from the Morrison - it has way too many stops. Always 5 minutes late!
• Provide more shelter for the bus stops.
• Change the times and add more drivers on the lines that have less drivers and breaks during school
• Our hotel guests love the Jazzy Pass as they do frequent the streetcar system - a kiosk at Lasalle would
be great. More covered seating would be nice. Also if the Rampart line could somehow loop to the River-
front line our guests would have greater options.
• Shortening overall travel time
• Not too much
• Better timing; paying option other than cash.
• Provide a bus for the locals to get better service to get from point A to point B.
• More reliable schedules and faster actual transportation.
• Put more buses out.
• For buses to be on time.
• Add later times of travel. 9pm just isn’t [late] enough to stop running routes!
• The speed of transition between buses.
• I am not familiar with the transit system.
• I would create a lane or route to prevent tardiness to destination as well as accidents.
• I will change the routes for parades and special events that delay the traffic. People lose the bus or did
not event take it. I had to call cabs when I used to take public transit.
• If I could do anything to improve public transit, it would be to have a transit system from New Orleans
to Slidell. People sometimes have hardship with their cars and in Slidell jobs don’t pay enough. Which is
hard to just quit your job in New Orleans. Finding someone to bring you to New Orleans is a pain.
• Getting better app setup to better locate buses while on route.
• One bus from Jefferson Hwy to Downtown
• Bringing back the riverfront streetcar line to get to work.
• Have the streetcars run every 15 minutes and not to wait until their breaks.
• Nothing
• The most important thing to me is availability of public vehicles (bus transit). So I would have all buses
pass every 15-20 minutes around the clock.
• More service during rush
• Getting home and to work faster. It takes 2 hours to get home after work, so I would want to improve that
so it could be faster.
• More accurate time schedule for all transit.
• Accept credit cards. Work weekends. Weekends need late buses. Buses with more destinations.
• Security on public transit
• Find a way to make routes better during Mardi Gras!
• I don’t normally take public transit. I might consider it if I had a trolley stop closer to my home.
• Have more buses, run more frequently, especially in J.P.
• Implement 15-20 minute intervals going both ways.
• More buses.
• Holidays and weekends maybe more buses on the line?
• More buses on the line. Run longer hours. More buses on the weekend. Instead of buses running on the
hour, we need fast time. Buses on Sundays across the river. Poor customer service of RTA employees.
• More buses and streetcars on the line especially for weekends and holidays.
• More buses at peak times and late night.
• More buses on route.
• Early time.
• I will change the public transit schedule because some areas you can’t find public transportation on Sat-
urday and Sunday.
• The changing from one bus to another. Terry parkway, straight to downtown would be helpful and down-
town to T. Parkway. This is why I stopped riding (changing buses).
• Put more streetcars on the line.
• A later running time
• Reliability
• More E-2 and E-3 buses.
• Took public transit before I bought a car this week. I would take transit more often if I wasn’t having to
walk / transfer before dawn.
• Kids ride free; more transit stops.
• Bus service every 15 minutes. Don’t want elderly wait.
• No Idea
• Buses more often on weekends & improve RTA phone app!!
• It should arrive at the exact time and follow the schedule so that customers won’t wait too long.
• Lower streetcar price; they should circulate more often.
• The most important thing that needs change is the route in St. Bernard Parish needs better hours and
stops that are convenient for everyone.
• Change that the buses always show up on time on a daily basis.
• More buses.
• Going home: Magazine bus is only running once an hour typically at that time - usually have to wait.
Buses adhere to schedule. Better communication during special events such as Mardi Gras and races.
Rethink Magazine bus route during Mardi Gras and races - I typically end up walking home during Mardi
Gras (3 miles).
• Have the buses run later.
• To extend all buses longer, to improve the paper use for the card because if one little thing happens to it
it won’t go through.
• Just need to be more efficient. More available streetcar.
• Extend bus hours past 11 PM. 3 to 11 workers are stuck out if they live in Jefferson Parish. More bike
• The #32 comes a bit earlier also the bus smells really bad. I would try to do something about that.
• Make your drivers stop pulling off on us at joining bus stops knowing that they see us!! Two lines meet at
same stop within 10 minutes. Make the bus wait for the other to coordinate transfer.
• I live on the Westbank, I would change the hours at night on the Westbank side. The bus needs to start
at least at 5:30 AM (first pick up) and ends at 10:30 at least.
• Increase frequency of buses. Have at least one relief bus running in circuit so drivers can take breaks or
in case of broken down / stuck bus.
• Add more buses on Sundays.
• Earlier routes.
• Less streetcar stops / quicker travel time on streetcars. Streetcars are fun / interesting but not very effi-
cient. I live and St. Charles and choose to drive to work because streetcar downtown is 45 minutes - 1
• I rode RTA #11 Magazine for 1.5 years and generally loved it. I answered some questions as if I still rode
in an attempt to provide as much info as possible.
• Having more buses on the line, especially the Claiborne (#16); Only 2 buses until 6:20 on Claiborne; I
catch a cab in the morning 2AM start time (cab voucher)
• I would change the transfer system.
• My hat.
• Make it more reliable. Make it run 24/7.
• More buses and streetcars on the routes and drop the fare.
• Ensure buses run as close to schedule times as possible.
• Running buses every 30 minutes instead of every hour.
• Lowering the monthly passes. And shorter wait times on buses.
• More buses
• Make it more safe.
• More buses.
• Less time waiting for streetcar.
• I would change the way the bus is kept. Example: The cleanliness of the bus and bad odor.
• More routes.
• Have not used in many years, so I can’t give a clear answer.
• Be consistent with the drop off voice over especially for all the first timers so that they are aware where
their drop off is.
• Put more buses on the line; it only has two buses on the line.
• Extend hours for the ferry; reinstate express lines to downtown at peak hours or reopen bus lot for park n
• When I get off Lake Forrest on Elk Place there is no connection or transfer from streetcar. Very poor
connection on Canal. I have to walk 10 blocks every morning. Need to have a timely connection. Need
monorail train from New Orleans East to Canal St. Other cities have it.
• Insert TV monitors in the buses.
• How they run on holidays and weekends
• The intervals the next bus arrives in the bus stop. Sometimes they don’t arrive in the scheduled time.
• Add more buses on the line.
• 24 hours on the West Bank routes.
• Make the information online a bit clearer and easier for guests to access.
• Be on time and not leave anyone behind.
• Safety and covered seating.
• On time buses; bus never on time (#55)
• Transit to be on time for riders.
• Safety / weather protection at stops.
• More transit
• More covered bus stops to protect from weather.
• Have a lift to come pick me up from my house and drop me at work.
• 1. Hire more employees for frequent availability. 2. Make off peak hours transit more accessible. 3. Ex-
tend availability on weekends & holiday hours. 4. Set up services in remote areas. 5. Start a 24-hour
customer service line.
• I would like the buses to be faster. Also they need more buses on the route.
• Put cameras on the buses.
• The green streetcars on Carrollton are camo with all the grass and trees.
• Buses to be on time not late for work and not too early. One day this week the bus passed earlier and I
was late because it passed earlier than it was supposed to.
• I would change the stop times on weekends because it’s harder to get to and from because buses run
every hour.
• Buses come on time.
• Have a larger bus on route 114/115 during peak times, 7AM to 10 AM and 3PM to 7PM on weekdays.
• I ride the St. Charles Streetcar so it would be convenient if there was an easy way to know whenever
there’s an accident down the road. The times I’ve been late to work it’s been because of that.
• Get more buses.
• More frequent buses
• More buses on weekends.
• Time and route.
• 24 hour service
• More streetcars.
• I work a lot of nights; it’s sometimes dangerous to walk to the stop. More lights and security cameras on
• Weekend schedule.
• More times at night for safety.
• I take the bus or streetcar on bad weather days and after festivals. I wish they would run more often in
the immediate hours before and after my shift. Please add more in 6AM and 3PM hours.
• Faster transit. Doesn’t come late.
• There should be more streetcar early in the morning (5 AM) and it should be on the exact time the mobile
app says.
• More buses.
• Buses being on time during the day. Buses to the West Bank or ferry need to run longer at night.
• Clearer directions of how to catch the bus. The few times I’ve caught the bus, it’s very confusing at times.
• Hold the drivers accountable when they are not at the stops at the time they’re supposed to be.
• Need more buses on the line.
• Maybe have an app? That might already exist.
• Bring back the streetcars - the buses are gross. We had 1600 miles of track - lets bring it back!
• More buses.
• Cut down wait time, put more public transit on line. Bus / streetcar is too crowded.
• More stops, more frequent
• It is not convenient to catch the bus/streetcar after work because it is unsafe (crime). Canal Streetcar
(red) - put buses back. Buses are faster, cables don’t break, holds more people, easier to board for the
elderly and senior. Less congestion.
• Make the buses come on time
• More buses to and from work.
• Bus schedules are not always on time - miss connecting bus.
• The bus should come faster.
• Have more bus available & scheduled times as opposed to 1-2 hour runs
• More improved RTA app; maybe a tracker or an ETA.
• Handicap accessible.
• Streetcars on canal. Streets are always bunched up especially after 7:30 AM. They always have 3 or more
going towards city park and more going downtown. I have to walk most mornings because of the unreli-
ability of the streetcar.
• Expand the buses; they need more seats and seatbelts.
• Adhere to posted schedules or better notification on RTA app!!!
• Getting to work on time , espically when events are going on in the French quarter or Mardi Gras time no
bus comes close to canal st you have walk almost a mile to get the Elysian Fields during Mardi Gras time
late at nite which I very dangerous
• Make routes and times clearer and easier to understand and navigate
• RTA is a great transit service. I don’t know what I would do without it.
• Make sure the bus makes it to the stop at the time it projects to the environment.
• Make downtown stop at elk & canal safer for ALL.
• Make it free
• More buses.
• Bus comes every 15-20 minutes.
• Put more buses on the line.
• Quicker transport between parishes.
• The Veterans E1 transit cut off time absolutely needs to extend for people getting off work 11 PM or later.
• more stops in the neighborhood
• Being on time.
• Interactive schedules; interactive bus stops.
• More reliable!
• More courteous drivers; many streetcar operators are very rude and inconsiderate.
• Putting a bus line on Almonaster - they had one years ago; 20 minute walk.
• More buses on the line. The buses need to run more frequently. Please make a 9th ward area to the Gen-
tilly / NO East area! Please.
• Add more buses to routes and early times about 30 minutes faster.
• Turnover rate of bus drivers. Needing the same bus driver to drive same route.

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