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Automatic Self-Cleaning
Viscous Air Filter

B E T T E R A I R I S O U R B U S I N E S S®
MultiDuty Automatic Self-Cleaning Viscous Air Filter
The MultiDuty is an automatic self-cleaning VISCOSINE
viscous air filter using a rotating curtain of AAF’s Viscosine has the following
metal panels as the filtering media, requiring advantages:
little maintenance. • Capillary action of the highly viscous
adhesives enables it to cling to the panels
APPLICATION and thoroughly saturate each dust particle
• Air filtration for areas with high dust • Accumulated dust will not break away and
concentrations such as Steel-, Chemical- blow downstream
and Cement plants. • Maintains its dust trapping characteristics
• Pre filtration of air for multistage air over an extended time scale
filtration in ventilation systems with high • Non toxic and odourless
• Intake filters for gasturbines, compressors Some Viscosine will be lost each time the
and Diesel engines. sludge is removed. It is recommended to
keep the proper level. Average annual usage
is approximately 10%.
The filtering curtain is composed of • Viscosine BA for temperatures up to 35ºC
overlapping panels, type DD, which cover • Viscosine MA for higher temperatures up
each other in such a way that the air has to to 55ºC
change four times direction in the inlet- and
as well in the outlet curtain.
The panels are die-stamped from sheet metal
with knurled louvres turned at an angle in
the direction of the airflow. The filtering is
obtained by a film of Viscosine on the panels
that retains all dust particles that will touch
them. The panels are mounted on both sides
to an endless chain that will be moved a few
centimeters, controlled by a timer at 15
minutes intervals, in order to make one
complete turn in 24 hours. • A rigid metallic frame consisting of a top
The curtains at the inlet and outlet form two assembly a base reservoir and two side
masses in equilibrium on the upper shaft, panels
due to this fact, the required power of the • A filter curtain consisting of metal panels
electric motor is very low. The power which are supported and moved on each
consumption of the MultiDuty is therefore side by a chain
low. • The base reservoir containing the
The filtering surface will be renewed after Viscosine for impregnation of the panels
the panels in the rear curtain have passed the • An electric motor of 0,18 kW with
outlet opening. When the panels enter the reducer which rotates the top shaft
reservoir at the base of the filter, they through a ratchet wheel
separate and hang widely spaced for ease of • A controlbox IP55 containing the timer
cleaning as they pass through the Viscosine and the terminals
bath. The dust will be washed off and will Overlapping panels, type DD
deposit on the bottom of the reservoir. The MultiDuty is available in standard
sections with widths of 914, 1219, 1524 and
The MultiDuty is constructed in steel plate The height of all sections ranges from 1526
for industrial application and consists of the up to 5488 mm, with increments of 100
following elements: mm.

Standard Arrangements
• Intake Protection
Weather Louvres with trash screen
Horizontal Louvres in galvanized steel
Vertical Louvres in PP

• Plenum Chamber
Plenum Chamber bolted to the outlet of
the MultiDuty equipped with a perforated
baffle plate for even air distribution over
the entire filter face and a connection
• Cold Weather Protection
Electric heater to be installed in the
Viscosine reservoir, to be used when the
air temperature in the filter is below 5ºC

Single end drive for a MultiDuty with 1 or 2 sections


Dust Arrestance
ASHRAE test : 77%
Using Arizona Road Dust fine : 82%
EN 779 Class : G2/G3

Average Operating Resistance

At 2.5 m/s : 200 Pa
At 2.0 m/s : 130 Pa

Single front drive for a MultiDuty with 1 or 2 sections

Intermediate drive for a MultiDuty with 3 or 4 sections

Standard & Approximate Transport Weights
Approximate Weights
Weights are given for each section No. (in kg). To calculate the total weight, add 75 kg for each drive unit.
Height Section No. Height Section No. Height Section No.
Designation Designation Designation
No. 3 4 5 6 No. 3 4 5 6 No. 3 4 5 6
54 310 385 460 705 98 450 550 645 985 140 585 705 825 1260
58 320 395 475 730 100 460 560 660 1000 144 590 715 840 1280
60 330 410 490 755 104 470 575 675 1025 148 610 730 855 1300
64 340 425 505 775 108 480 590 690 1050 150 615 740 865 1320
68 350 440 520 795 110 490 600 700 1070 154 625 750 880 1340
70 365 450 530 815 114 500 610 715 1090 158 640 765 895 1360
74 375 460 545 835 118 510 620 730 1110 160 650 775 910 1380
78 385 470 560 860 120 520 630 740 1130 164 660 790 925 1400
80 395 485 575 880 124 530 645 755 1150 168 670 805 940 1420
84 405 495 590 900 128 540 660 770 1175 170 680 815 950 1440
88 415 505 605 925 130 550 670 785 1195 174 690 825 965 1460
90 425 520 615 945 134 560 680 800 1215 178 705 840 980 1480
94 435 535 630 965 138 575 695 815 1240 180 715 850 995 1500

AAF-International B.V. AAF-S.A. AAF Agents

P.O. Box 7928 Siège Social
1008 AC Amsterdam Rue William Dian Denmark
The Netherlands BP 3 I.F. Luftfilter AS
Tel.: + 31 20 549 44 11 27620 Gasny, France Avedøreholmen 88
Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 Tel.: + 33 2 32 53 60 60 DK - 2650 Hvidovre
Fax: + 33 3 32 53 60 69 Tel.: + 45 36 49 66 00, Fax: + 45 36 77 10 07
International AAF Offices
Austria AAF-Luftreinigungssysteme Gesellschaft m.b.H., Weyrgasse 8/7, A-1030 Vienna
Tel.: + 43 1 712 59 11, Fax: + 43 1 712 59 111 Finland
Belgium AAF-S.A., Avenue Louise 149, B 1050 Brussels Oy Dimitron Ab
Tel.: + 32 2 426 54 51, Fax: + 32 2 426 74 15 Kutomotie 6 B
Canada AAF-Canada, 225 Guthrie Street, Dorval, Quebec, H9P 2P5
Tel.: + 358 9 270 700 10, Fax: + 358 9 224 310 20
Tel.: + 1 514 631 10 36, Fax: + 1 514 633 64 50
France AAF-S.A., Division Filtration, 42, Rue Fortuny, 75017 Paris
Tel.: + 33 1 44 29 93 30, Fax: + 33 1 42 67 26 66
Germany AAF-Lufttechnik GmbH, P.O. Box 130618, 44316 Dortmund Norway
Tel.: + 49 231 921033-0, Fax: + 49 231 921033-23
Great Britain AAF-Ltd., Bassington Lane, Cramlington, Northumberland NE23 8AF
Tel.: + 44 1670 71 34 77, Fax: + 44 1670 59 02 62 Hogdaveien 4, 1540 Vestby
Greece AAF-Environmental Control Epe, 2 Papada street, 11525 Athens Tel.: + 47 64 95 55 44, Fax: + 47 64 95 55 43
Tel.: + 30 1 692 35 78, Fax: + 30 1 691 16 50
Italy AAF-S.r.l., Via Valassina 24, 20159 Milan
Tel.: + 39 2 607 02 51 r.a., Fax: + 39 2 607 02 55, Telex: 332433 amfilt
Middle East AAF-International B.V., P.O. Box 7928, 1008 AC Amsterdam Republic of South Africa
Tel.: + 31 20 549 44 11, Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98, Telex 12372 amfi nl Gosair Filter Systems (PTY) Ltd.
Netherlands AAF-International B.V., P.O. Box 7928, 1008 AC Amsterdam 6 Neutron Street, Chloorkop; Kempton Park
Tel.: + 31 20 549 44 11, Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 Tel.: + 27 11 393 19 24, Fax: + 27 11 393 10 17
Saudi Arabia AAF Saudi Arabia Ltd., P.O. Box 59336, Riyadh 11525
Tel.: + 966 1 265 1116, Fax: + 966 1 265 0005
Singapore AAF Asia Pte Ltd., 8 Gul Circle, Singapore 2262
Tel.: + 65 861 36 96, Fax: + 65 861 10 91, Telex: RS 26953 amfil Sweden
Spain AAF-S.A., C/Urartea, 11, P. Industrial Ali-Gobeo, 01010 Vitoria Mondial Filter
Tel.: + 34 45 24 18 00, Fax: + 34 45 24 80 86, Telex 65235436
Tvinnargatan 29
Turkey AAF Hava Filtreleri ve Ticaret A.S., Esentepe Cad., Bildircin Sok, No. 8,
80300 Mecidiyekoy-Istanbul, Tel.: + 90 212 211 32 33, Fax: + 90 212 273 19 30 50730 Brämhult
USA American Air Filter, 10300 Ormsby Pak Place, Suite 600, P.O. Box 35690, Louisville, KY Tel.: + 46 33 22 52 80, Fax: + 46 33 22 52 89
40223-40232, Tel.: + 1 502 637 00 11, Fax: + 1 502 637 05 20

AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and
specifications without notice.

AF-2-241-IN-4-0301 © 2001 AAF International

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