Salt Analysis Info Chem

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Chreen floame olth bloe centte- cu24
Cumson led

Apple q9teen Bat yello ppt

K o.S+ PiOrie:actd
utck sled DCa2+
Na o. St Potaslom Ani monate
Dwhite Ppt
Rose -1ed
iodide CHg I)
Pple Q datK g4een

Common Cadhions (Basic Radicals) Pas Sault

Note MultipleLons belongincq Jo thee SAme gstouphove
pelimlnau dippexent conirmalo.u


C o 2 +

Mnni Zn
5 Ba Cat

6 Ma (Na

CActdic Radicals) o salt analysis

Commona anions
CO NO,S03 5
CHCo0 No C,0L
POL 60
e liminasuy Teet Po
H, So H o t o
Expeiment Add a pew duops oP dlute
of Hee Salt a est ube I e
SmalL aLonhu
on OHelimioauu test fa axau
Dofhing happenS moye
and odouule qo hot tuuDS ltme
Ca benautes ( 0 ) -(olouess
uwadter milky
(s03-)-Colouwles punge
sm elling
Sullbhite SmellJike io Hen_
CelouleS ga
havinq a pungert sme
iaht btouun ga


Sphite Cs0g)-Add aa basuUm ohloude-Fosirnation oP

CGacl)- sko fhe_wocct esuohite pMeripitode uhich
extract disappeats uohen
dilukioc H isodded
SulLbhide (5)- () Add sodium nitto.puuSslde i The epluicn
uoccter extra.ct dusuns puple a
(iu Add aq lead acetote do violet
he udater extrat

bladk Aeripnte
INcte CNO)- Boi mixhuae_oP octer exBract he solution
dil. HS0 Nou add solid_develops deen
potabdum odide _andl Staxeh hue colast
sslution do t
Chloxide (O)-Add gilver _nitroteCAq No,) do Faumadion o
he uater extract shite siecipitate
uhichi soluble un_
NH, OHommonlum
ny deoxrde).

Btomide CB Add siluex nir ade uto he Eaumahon o a

Jnate extrac uella ptecipitafe
which is padhal
Soluble in NH, OH
odide )Add silvex nittra le to -FayLmation o
Juader ex trac ectotate uhich
inooluube in NH OH
Nrate (No)- Mix uater exhract u h
inanCI) sulphade soluution bsiaLOn9ina ad the
o the acid
CFeSo) and add one Junction
conc ihric actd ancL HRe
(HNO)along1he sicde_ the
dest dube

Acetate-Add conc H,S04 and

me ethanoldo tRe Salt.
Deyelap-mend a
foumaion on_e
Oxalate CC Add aceticactd Famauion o
Calcium chlasuide Ho he ah1kpsLecipitade
uuaterextract & boil
Ahe solutton hat disscluesApon he
addiha0 oplul. HNo,
Sulbhate (so Add aq BaCl o=Foumadion op a uhite
the ontex exBract
0eciptate uuhich 6 nsolub
In conc HCO
PhosphaBe (Po- Add dil. HNO and Faumaion ofauell ou
ammonium molubdate Sta Uline e Lptak
(CHH MoO,)do Hfe
ter extcact E boll
MeSultina solutio
Anion oish
Note The auiainal eeludion Cos) sf he Coun bepepae
Du mixina salt
Small amaunt_of_ InakgaDLC 6a
usader acd
Roelimina Test n GquOup
Experimend Add o cations
Lead (Pht) - feu_duepa op dilute HO to o.Sb
GaxOup codions- Fosunation of hite pHecipitate

Experiment Add ae
dunps dil.
Sulldnde (4S)
CopeeeCC)- AA black
dil. HCO_and
HC a uduag en

black pectpitoate ifosumecd


GpLoup3 cations
Fetou balks Jons) ase gHeen10 Colo
feakou nqFe cd

fexouc ealts (eatwuincFeJons)oo1e HOLOn In colo

Fox aluminium CAIS ion) gelatinou uhle pxeaipitade
obtained uhen h e Soid Ornnonium chlauide NH,CO
excess ammoniumhudtoxide addeddo O-S

Gstoup caionS
Experimend Add sulid NH,C Ond exce NH,OH o O.5
Nou pal HS hcoughi
Cobalt C*) and Nickel CNi2+)_Conduet both Eaumation o a
ConPrmatou testa. blact pxecipltate,
MangaNeSe Mn A skin-colousied pHecLptate h_Poumed
Zinc (ZnT) A gveyishohite pHeciptate fumed
Gxoup 5 cotons
Exoeriment Add ammonlvm cobonate (CNH CO amnanium
chlaide CNH CO) and ammonium hudwoxide
ohto Ln LwhteLoxectpitate he _cohon might
HOup5 caion Add 'dil. acetic acid CHConH
OHecLprtate. Nouo do ollouainq tests
do dissnlve
abuula _column_pOVided
n Same onden Polloue d

belous is faumed uahen

a u n (Ba) A eloou pecLpitate
Okelded Jo boluutton
Pstashum hromo-KCO
A_whltepHecapitate Jb faumed
atronthurm (Sx)
_addedl do
agyueous CNH,50
whitepiecipitate i faumeduhen
aliumCCo2) A
Gammanium. oxalate) ancl
acueous (NHL) E, 0
do the Selution
NHOHH asue added

Testsfa Cahions
Conpirmaday Positt ye obsoVaion
Cadion Confirmaiauu

Ammenum Addd NaOH vo0 . s FosLnalon oo yella

CNH) dteat it witk

Nessles sxengent (K,Hg)-

Lead CPb2t)-UAdd perto.kstwm Iodtde osumakiono a
CNI) do 0.s
t Add potatdtom chromate Hhe testo)
Ck,Cho) to o.6
Capper Cu)-Tn the_puehmioay test a A blue colowed
black pxecp1taute obtained Soluton 5aumed
rom he addithion af l .H
and HS ga do 0S. Tslate
Ihe black ppecip1tate and adA
exceksommoniom hduoxide.
IHon (F3t)-Add conc ni-tric acid to O.Sand A bue pecipltate
he t Bxouwn pecipItaie faumed
ill oumAdd HQ and potassiom
Petra.cuanide (KLFe CCN)) Jo iA
AlumioiumA qela tnou ushrte aeipitate A Plaahobl
CAN obtauned when_NH,Q and exce lauey u faumed a
NHLoH OHe adder to o.6 Jeolate e Sulace
e pMetipitade and dissolye it in H. cleas sdluhon
Nous add blue trnu) and NH OH
i dstop-
Cobalt (C&) - Add solid by- and dtop
NHC excel NH,oH to-A uelau
0S and pos H,s qa
thraugh k pecy
Diesolve the tesulHiDq blue uesidue o b t a i n e d

Jater and add dil. CHcooH
o NO do Nou uUasum Ke
Date: /LL

Nickel CNE2)-Add Solid NH,,Cand exces NH,DH do Ablack

09 and H,S go tirough dprecipitade is
Dissclve fhe esultingyellbu iesidue fosucoed
Jn Auotey (you will DOw obtoun a
geencoloued sduction) Add NoOH
_God _oHomine atex tko fhib olxuxe
nd bal it
Manganese the e skin-colousued pxecipitae-Faumaion oP a
cbtauuned in the pseliminasuy test whte pxecipikate
add dilete and beil appfñat
Ae HS Now add NoaOH blackuhe
loHomineune ik

Zinc (Zn)-Add NaOH Cin exce) do theTheuhte_pecinitaie

ish- whtte pecipitate_ disedwec
obtauned un he pxehminatu
Ba Leen-coloutted
Baxium CB)- Flame Test Make a pakte
Stronium (S) e the Salt by mlxingt lame
feu dtops of S9 Gumson e d
and Caliom(cot) i h a
Conc HC Nouw skim oPp someome
:Bauck sed
ofhe palte uwith a qlass
o d and expocet co a
Bunsen Bunels flamne
A ahitepectpitafe
Magnekium CM)- Add NH,C NH) eo obdtained
(ammonium_phosphale) and
NH,OH o the

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