Introduction To General Linguistics Resceanu
Introduction To General Linguistics Resceanu
Introduction To General Linguistics Resceanu
Editura Universitaria
Craiova, 2015
Referenţi ştiinţifici:
Prof. univ. dr. Victor Olaru, Universitatea din Craiova
Lect. univ. dr. Anamaria Trantescu, Universitatea din Craiova
1.1 What is human language? 13
1.1.1 Design features of language 14
1.2 What is linguistics? 16
1.2.2 The two axes of the synchronic view 18
1.2.3 The various linguistic disciplines: Survey 19
2.1 Semantic universals 23
2.2 Phonological universals 24
2.3 Syntactic universals 25
2.4 Absolute universals – universal tendencies; implicational –
nonimplicational universals 25
3.1 Languages in Britain before English 29
3.1.1 Celtic languages 29
3.1.2 Latin 30
3.2 Old English 31
3.2.1 Features of Old English 31
3.2.2 Scandinavian influence on Old English 33
4.1 The change from Old English to Middle English 35
4.2 Modern English 38
5.1 Child language acquisition 41
5.1.1 Milestones 41
5.1.2 Stages 42
5.2 Language development and maturation 43
5.3 Second language acquisition 45
5.4 Language disorders 47
5.4.1 Aphasia 47
5.4.2 Anomia 48
5.4.3 Dyslexia 49
5.4.4 Dysgraphia 49
5.5 Errors 49
6.1 Saussure's model of the speech circuit 52
6.2 Shannon's and Moles' communication models 53
6.2.1 Elements of the communication process 54
6.3 Bühler's organon model 55
6.4 Jakobson's model of communicative functions 57
7.1 Articulatory phonetics - consonants 62
7.1.1 Voicing 63
7.1.2 Manner of articulation 63 Plosives and continuants 63 Aspiration 64
7.1.3 Place of articulation 64
7.2 Articulatory phonetics — vowels 65
8.1 Phonemes and allophones 69
8.2 Distinctive features 70
8.3 Redundant features 71
8.4 Rules of phonology 71
8.4.1 Assimilation rules 72
8.4.2 Feature addition rules 72
8.4.3 Segment-deletion and addition rules 72
8.4.4 Movement (metathesis) rules 73
9.1 Types of morphemes 76
9.1.1 Grammatical classification 76
9.1.2 Morphological classification 77
9.1.3 Morph, morpheme, and allomorph 78
9.2 Morphology and word-formation 79
9.2.1 Inflection 80
9.2.2 Word formation 80 Derivation. 80
7 Compounding 81 Other processes of word-formation 81
9.3 Word classes and sentence functions 82
10.1 What is a sentence? 85
10.1.1 Aristotelian definition 85
10.1.2 Logical definition 86
10.1.3 Structuralist definition (Bloomfield) 86
10.2 Grammaticality and acceptability 86
10.3 Sentence types 87
10.4 Sentence structure 88
10.4.1 Segmentation 88 Reduction by omission 88 Reduction by substitution 89
10.4.2 Expansion and reduction 89
10.5 Immediate constituents 90
10.5.1 Noun phrase and verb phrase 90
10.5.2 Modes of representation 91 Labeled bracketing 91 Block diagram 91 Tree diagrams 92
10.5.3 Phrase structure grammar 92
10.5.4 Recursivity rules 94
10.5.5 Problems with IC-Analysis 94
10.6 Transformational generative grammar (TGG) 95
10.6.1 The components of TGG 95
10.6.2 Summary of TGG 96
10.6.3 Transformational rules 97
11.1 Saussure 100
11.1.1 The two-sided sign 100
11.1. 2 Concept and sound image 101
11.1.3 Meaning as opposition 102
11.2 Peirce 103
11.2.1 The triadic sign 104
8 The representamen 105 The object 105 The interpretant 106 Unlimited semiosis 106
11.2.2 Firstness, secondness, thirdness 107
12.1 The meaning of "meaning" 109
12.2 Word meaning and sentence meaning 110
12.3 Lexical semantics 111
12.3.1 Semantic features 111
12.3.2 Denotation versus connotation 112
12.3.3 Lexical fields 112 Markedness 113
12.4 The most relevant semantic relations between lexemes 113
12.4.1 Hyponymy 113
12.4.2 Synonymy 114
12.4.3 Antonymy 114
12.4.4 Asymmetry of the lexeme 114 Homonymy. 114 Polysemy 115
12.5 Metaphor 115
12.6 Deixis 116
13.1 Information structure 120
13.1.1 Categories of information structure 121
13.1.2 Pragmatic categories and syntax 122
13.2 Speech acts 124
13.2.1 Types of speech acts 125
13.2.2 Locution, illocution, perlocution 125
13.2.3 The cooperative principle 127
13.2.4 Indirect speech acts 129
14.1 What is text linguistics? 131
14.2 The principles of textuality 132
14.2.1 Cohesion 133
9 Recurrence 133 Junction 134
14.2.2 Coherence 134
14.2.3 Intentionality and acceptability 136
14.2.4 Informativity 137
14.2.5 Situationality 138
14.2.6 Intertextuality 138
15.1 Variation in language 141
15.1.1 Regional variation in language 143 Dialect vs. Accent 144 Varieties of English 144
15.1.2 Social variation in language 145 Elaborated vs. restricted code 145 Objections 147 Code switching 148
15.1.3 Ethnic variation in language 148
15.1.4 Lingua franca, pidgins and Creoles 149
15.1.5 Variation in language and sex 151
15.2 Register and Style 151
15.2.1 Style 151
15.2.2 Register 152
The overall aim of this course book is to investigate the
basic principles of language and to familiarize the students
with linguistic theory with emphasis on the English language.
The students will learn about the origins as well as the history
of the language and how we acquire and use it. Taking a look
on the history of English, the students will gain insight into the
principles of language change. They will be introduced to
communication models, theories of the linguistic sign and to
examples of how the linguistic sign is applied; phonetics,
phonology, morphology, syntax, semiotics, and semantics are
further stations on our linguistic journey. We will start at the
beginnings, pass contemporary linguistic theory, and finish
with the latest developments, namely computer linguistics.
At the end of this course, the students should be know the
basic principles concerning the structure and use of languages
in general and the linguistic sign in particular and they should
then be able to apply this knowledge to the analysis and
interpretation of language.
These are notes for the Introduction to Linguistics course
taught to English major students at the University of Craiova. It
should help them in learning and understanding the topics we
will deal with. However, it cannot convert the students into a
full–sized linguist. The study of linguistics is a vast field and
this is just an introductory course.
Therefore, the information provided in these notes does
not cover all and everything the students need to know to
specialize in the various fields of linguistics. Rather, it is a
starting point from which they may proceed. Suggestions for
further reading will always be given at each seminar. The
reading of these texts should suffice for the students to be able
to give detailed answers to the questions on the weekly work
sheets they are given in class.
In addition, the students can have a look at the
bibliography at the end of these notes. There they will find
suggestions for further reading that may help them in the
future, when they need more detailed information. Thus, the
course book should still be of use for the students’ studies after
this introductory course.
Chapter 1. Language and
A principle feature of human language is the duality of
patterning. It enables us to use our language in a very economic
way for a virtually infinite production of linguistic units. How
does this principle work?
All human languages have a small, limited set of
speech sounds. The limitation derives from the restricted
capacity of our vocal apparatus.
The speech sounds are referred to as consonants and
Linguistically speaking, the distinctive speech sounds
are called phonemes, which are explained in more detail in
the chapter on phonology. You cannot use isolated
phonemes for communication, because phonemes are by
themselves meaningless. But we can assemble and
reassemble phonemes into larger linguistic units. These are
commonly called "words". Although our capacity to
produce new phonemes is limited, we frequently coin new
words. Hence, our capacity to produce vocabulary is
In contrast to other animals, humans have a sense of
the past and the future. A gorilla, for example, cannot tell
his fellows about his parents, his adventures in the jungle, or
his experience of the past. The use of language to talk about
things other than "the here and now", is a characteristic of
humans. Displacement is thus our ability to convey a
meaning that transcends the immediately perceptible sphere
of space and time.
Although some animals seem to possess abilities
appropriating those of displacement, they lack the freedom
to apply this to new contexts. The dance of the honey-bee,
for instance, indicates the locations of rich deposits of food
to other bees. This ability of the bee corresponds to
displacement in human language, except for a lack of
variation. The bee frequently repeats the same patterns in its
dance, whereas humans are able to invent ever new
The ability to say things that have never been said
before, including the possibility to express invented things
or lies, is also a peculiar feature of human language.
Stimulus-freedom is another aspect that distinguishes
human language from animal communication. The honey-bee
must perform its dance, the woodchuck must cry out in order to
warn his fellows when it beholds an eagle.
Humans have the ability to say anything they like in
any context. This ability is only restricted in certain
ceremonial contexts such as church services, etc., where a
fixed form is expected to be followed. The possibility to
violate this fixed linguistic behavior is then the source of
jokes, such as a bride's "no".
Why is a table called "table"? Obviously, the thing
never told us its name. And tables do not make a noise
similar to the word. The same applies to most of the words
of our language.
Hence, words and their meaning have no a priori
connection. We cannot tell from the sound structure which
meaning is behind it. Language is not motivated, as we can
also put it.
There are, however, exceptions to this rule: language
can be iconic, which means that there is a direct correlation
between form and meaning. The length of a phrase, for
example, could represent a length of time the phrase refers
to, like in "a long, long time ago". Here, the extension
serves to visually represent the semantic emphasis. Iconicity
in language can be found frequently. We will see this in
more detail in the chapter on semiotics. Another example for
nonarbitrariness is onomatopoeia. These are words that
seem to resemble sounds. There are many examples for
onomatopoetic words, like splash or bang. Some names for
animals are also onomatopoetic, for example, "cuckoo".
Still, since animals such as the bird are named differently in
different languages, there can be no ultimate motivation for
the name.
The human vocal tract
An elaborated language requires a highly
sophisticated speech organ that will enable the speaker to
produce the many differentiated sounds. Only humans are
endowed with a speech organ of this complexity.
Until the beginning of the 20th century, scholars were
occupied with research on the history of languages and the
roots of words in ancient tongues. The famous linguist
Ferdinand de Saussure coined this approach the diachronic
analysis and moved to the analysis of the system of language,
which he assumed to be of greater importance. Saussure stated
this in the first decades of this century and thus formed the
fundament of modern linguistics.
Diachronic linguistics views the historical
development of a language. Thus, on the diachronic axis we
can go back and forth in time, watching the language with
all its features change.
Synchronic linguistics views a particular state of a
language at some given point in time. This could mean
Modern English of the present day, or the systematic
analysis of the system of Shakespeare's English. However,
no comparisons are made to other states of language or
other times.
Modern linguistics, following Ferdinand de Saussure,
is primarily interested in the synchronic point of view.
Saussure postulated the priority of synchrony: no
knowledge of the historical development of a language is
necessary to examine its present system. He arrived at this
radical viewpoint due to his conviction that linguistic
research must concentrate on the structure of language.
Later, the whole paradigm was hence called structuralism.
Obviously, a noun must appear in the blank space, for
example: a woman crosses the street.
Of course, nouns and verbs are not all the same. They do
not fit into contexts freely. Hence we apply paradigmatic
analysis. In our example, the idea of a sandwich crossing the
street is impossible.
As you can see, the elements of language obviously
evince paradigmatic relationships. Elements can be
substituted by others of the same paradigmatic class, such as
street, lane, road, etc. Articles can also be exchanged.
Words that belong to the same paradigmatic class thus
belong to the same grammatical class. They also belong to
the same lexical field.
The following diagram shows the two axes of
synchronic analysis:
Chapter 2. Language universals
to find any exceptions. Most languages have not even been the
subject of extensive research as of yet. However, some rules
appear without exception in the languages which have been
studied so far. We call these absolute universals. If there are
minor exceptions to the rule, we speak of universal tendencies
or relative universals. In saying this, we take for granted that
exceptions may be found in future surveys among languages
which have remained unexplored up to the present day.
Sometimes a universal holds only if a particular
condition of the language structure is fulfilled. These
universals are called implicational. Universals which can be
stated without a condition are called nonimplicational. In other
words, whenever a rule "If ... then ..." is valid, the universal
appears in the structure of the respective language.
There are thus four types of universals: implicational
absolute universals, implicational relative universals,
nonimplicational absolute universals, and nonimplicational
relative universals.
The final determination of which type a universal
belongs to is dependent on intensive field research.
Chapter 3. The history of English:
Old English
promoted in order to preserve the language community.
Cornish, however, became extinct 200 years ago when the last
recorded speaker died. Due to the above mentioned promotion,
the rest of the Celtic languages have a better chance of
surviving. Other Celtic tongues are also still spoken in Brittany
(France) and, also on the verge of becoming extinct, are
sponsored as well.
3.1.2 LATIN
Another language in England was Latin. It was spoken
extensively for a period of about four centuries before the
coming of English. In 55 BC, Julius Caesar decided to invade
Britain. Because of the unexpectedly powerful resistance of the
Celts, however, a final conquest could not be accomplished
until about 100 years later. Almost all of what is now England
was then subjected to Roman rule.
Naturally, the military conquest of Britain was followed
by the romanization of the province, as was the case in other
countries and provinces conquered by the Romans, such as
Gaul of present day France. The Roman culture and the Latin
language were introduced. Note, however, that the Celts, who
then inhabited the whole of the British isles, withstood the
Romans in the other parts of the country. Hence, Latin did not
spread further north or west of what are roughly the present
day English borders.
Latin did not replace the Celtic language in Britain. Its
use was confined to members of the upper classes such as
landowners and the bureaucracy. Nevertheless, vocabulary
for items not known to the Celts prior to romanization
infiltrated the language of the, mainly lower class, Celts, to
some extent.
established their most powerful kingdom in the former Roman
Invasions and conquests were quite common during the
first millennium AD in Britain. From 787 on, the Danes raided
the English coasts and the hinterland quite frequently. In 850,
they started large-scale invasions. In this period, Ælfred the
Great, king of Wessex, gained recognition due to his long but
successful struggle against the Danes. In 878 he defeated them
and saved his kingdom, although the invaders still remained in
the eastern territories. The Danish rule in these countries was
also called Danelaw. To cut a long story short - after a lot of
battles, defeats and victories, the Danish king Svein became
king of England in 1014. The Danish rule lasted until 1042.
Their language naturally had some influence on the English
This influence can be seen mainly with the English
vocabulary, for example word-borrowings. In Old English, the
sound sk, which it had inherited from its Germanic ancestors,
had soon been changed to sh. The under the Danish rule
introduced Scandinavian words, however, retained their sk
sound until today, helping us to identify the Scandinavian
word-borrowings in English. This development also produced
a range of word pairs - newly introduced Scandinavian words
then stood side by side with the already existing altered
sh-version, such as skiff—ship; skirt—shirt. The words of these
word pairs are thus closely related on a semantic level, but
serve to designate different aspects or understanding of the
Word replacements also occurred. Several of the new
foreign words replaced OE ones, as with take—niman;
cast—weorpan; cut—ceorfan.
In 1066, the Normans invaded England. Through the
influence of Norman French, the OE period gradually ended.
Chapter 4. The history of English:
Middle English
England again. A hundred years later, English was again
spoken by representatives of all social classes, this new version
of the English language being strikingly different, of course,
from the Old English used prior to the Norman invasion.
The English spoken at this turn of events is called Middle
English. About ten thousand French words had been taken over
by English during the Middle English period, and most of them
have remained in the language until the present day. Aside
from the already mentioned new vocabulary pertaining to the
affairs of government, court, the church, the army, and
education, many words relating to food and fashion were
introduced as well. In some fields an original English
terminology did not exist.
Therefore, many French terms were borrowed. One
example is the names of animals and their meat. Whereas the
names of the animals remained the same, their meat was
renamed according to the Norman custom. This correlated to
the sociological structures: the farmers that raised the animals
were predominantly English natives and could afford to keep
using their own vocabulary while farming - those serving the
meat at the dining room table to the mainly French upper
classes had to conform to the French language.
animal meat
sheep mutton
cow beef
swine pork
The English language also has doublets—these are pairs
of words that have the same etymology, i.e. the same source,
but that differ in meaning because they had been introduced
into the English language by two separate languages. The Latin
and French influence, for instance, made for many of such
word pairs. Latin vocabulary adopted by the Celts directly
became a part of English. The same vocabulary was sometimes
adopted by the Gauls and introduced to English via Norman
French .
doublets meaning
urban (area) having qualities of large settlement
urbaine (person) having a certain sense for culture
curtsy female gesture of respect (bending the knees)
courtesy politeness
The exclusive use of the pattern SVO (subject - verb -
object; see the chapter on universals) emerged in the twelfth
century and has remained part of English ever since.
Some examples can be drawn from the pronunciation of
words at the time of Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the most famous
authors of ME, and William Shakespeare, whose use of
English was already modern.
Chaucer Shakespeare
This phonological change did not, however, express itself
in any alterations of writing conventions. This fact is confusing
for many learners of English. The spelling conventions of
English vowels had essentially been established by the time of
William Caxton, who founded his printing press in 1476. This
was some time before the phonological change had progressed
very far. Caxton's spelling reflects the pronunciation of the
Middle English period and thus does not do justice to Modern
English pronunciation.
Chapter 5. Language acquisition
and disorders
I: 0–8 weeks. Children of this age are only capable of
reflexive crying. We also call this the production of vegetative
II: 8–20 weeks. Cooing and laughter appears in the
child's vocal expression.
III: 20–30 weeks. The child begins with vocal play. This
includes playing with vowels (V) and consonants (C), for
IV: 25–50 weeks. The child begins to babble. There are
two kinds of babbling, a) reduplicative babbling CVCV, e.g.,
"baba", and b) variegated babbling, e.g., VCV "adu".
V:9–18 months. The child starts to produce melodic
utterances. This means that stress and intonation are added to
the sound chains uttered.
After having passed these milestones, children are, in
essence, capable of pronouncing words of the natural language.
5.1.2 STAGES
From this time on, children start to produce entire words.
There are three stages, each designating an increasing
capability to use words for communicative purposes:
I: Single words and holophrases. Children may use a
word to indicate things or persons, e.g., "boo" (=book), or
"mama". Also, a single word is employed to refer to entire
contexts. At this stage, "shoe" could mean "Mama has a nice
shoe", "Give me my shoe" or even "I want to wear my new red
shoes when we go for a walk"!
II: The next stage is the usage of two word phrases. This
stage is also called telegraphic speech. It begins around the
second birthday, maybe sooner or later, depending on the child.
Examples are "Dada gone", "cut it", "in car", "here pear". At
this stage, children design so-called pivot grammars. This
means that the child has a preference for certain words as the
pivotal (axis) words, implementing a variety of other words at
different points in time to create phrases:
III: The child begins to form longer utterances. These
lack grammatical correctness at first and are perceived as,
though meaningful, rather rough assemblies of utterances.
Examples are "dirty hand wash it", "glasses on nose", "Daddy
car coming", or even "car sleeping bed", which a boy uttered,
meaning that the car was now parked in the garage.
There are many phonological and grammatical features
of speech development, all of which cannot be listed here. A
characteristic of children's early language is the omission of
consonants a t the beginning, ending, or in consonant clusters in
words. Examples: "boo" instead of "book", "at" instead of
"cat", or "ticker" instead of "sticker". Children learn
grammatical morphemes, commonly referred to as "endings",
in a certain order. They often start with the present progressive
"-ing", as in "Mama talking" . More complex forms, such as the
contractible auxiliary be (as in "Pat's going") are learned at a
later point in time.
teach their children language at all. When taking a closer look,
no particular advantages or disadvantages can be found.
Children's language is creative, but rule-governed. These
rules comprise the seven operating principles of children's
language. These principles correspond to the essential
communicative needs of a child. One main aspect in all
principles is the predominant use of the active voice, the
passive voice requiring a more complex understanding of
The instrumental principle serves to indicate the personal
needs of the child. These are the "I want" phrases.
The regulatory principle helps to demand action of
somebody else: "Do that."
"Hello" is the utterance - among others - which
represents the interactional principle. It is very important for
establishing contact.
The personal principle carries the expressive function.
"Here I come" is a proper substitution for many phrases.
The heuristic "Tell me why"-principle is very important
because once the child is able to form questions, language
helps in the general learning process.
The imaginative principle comes in when the child wants
to impart his or her dreams or fantasies. It is also what applies
when the child pretends.
Information is also important for children's
communication. To tell others about the own experience soon
becomes important.
Another major step in language development is taken
when the child learns how to write. Again, there are several
I: Preparatory. Age approx. 4–6 years.
The child acquires the necessary motorical skills.
Also, the principles of spelling are learned.
II: Consolidation. Age approx. 7 years
When the child begins to write, its writing reflects its
spoken language. This does not only refer to the
transcription of phonetic characteristics, but also to word
order and sentence structure.
III: Differentiation. Age approx. 9 years
Writing now begins to diverge from spoken language;
it becomes experimental. This means that the writing of the
child does not have to reflect speech. The child learns to use
writing freely and sets out to experiment with it.
IV: Integration. Age approx. mid-teens
Around this age, children/teens develop their own
style. A personal voice appears in the written language and
the ability to apply writing to various purposes is acquired.
competence may even decrease. People who have lived in
foreign countries for a long time are often so close to the target
language that they hardly differ from native speakers. There
are some features of interlanguage which are worthwhile to
look at. They play an important role in the learning process.
Everybody experiences their effects in language learning.
Fossilization. At a certain stage the learner ceases to
learn new aspects of the TL. Although perhaps capable to
express themselves in a grammatically correct way, the
learners do not proceed to explore the great reservoir of
language any further in order to express herself in a more
refined and sophisticated manner.
Regression. The learner fails to express herself in areas
(phraseology, style or vocabulary) that he or she had mastered
at an earlier point in time.
Overgeneralization. The learner searches for a logical
grammar of the TL that would cover every aspect of the
language, or seeks to find every aspect of existing grammars
confirmed in the living language. In doing so, the learner draws
on aspects of the target language already earned and overuses
Overelaboration. The learner wants to apply complex
theoretical structures to contexts that may call for simpler
Interference from L1 (or L3), with phonological
interference being the most common example. Syntactic
interference and semantic interference are also possible, e.g.,
so-called false friends. These are words that exist in the source
language as well as in the target language. However, their
meaning or use might differ substantially, as in the German
"Figur" vs. the French "figure" (="face"), or the English
"eventually" vs. the German "eventuell" (="possibly").
Variable input. This refers to the quality of education in
the TL, the variety and extent of exposure to the TL and the
communicative value of it to the learner. This is why the
design of learning material and contact with many TL native
speakers plays a vital role in learning a new language.
Organic and/or cumulative growth. There can be
unstructured, widely dispersed input which is not always
predictable. This is structured by the learner in progressive
building blocks.
This is a disorder in the ability to process or produce
spoken language. Two scientists, Broca and Wernicke, were
able to locate two areas of the brain responsible for these
Broca's area. In 1864 the French surgeon Broca was able
to locate a small part of the brain, somewhat behind our left
temple. This area is responsible for the organization of
language production. If it is damaged, the patient usually
knows what (s)he wants to say but can't organize the syntax.
More nouns than verbs are used. There is hesitant speech and
poor articulation. Comprehension and processing are usually
not impaired.
Wernicke's area. Carl Wernicke identified another type
of aphasia in 1874. He located a part of the brain behind the
left ear where he found comprehension of language to take
place. Speech production and syntax are generally possible
with Wernicke's patients. However, comprehension and, also to
some extent, production is impaired, and patients show the
tendency to retrieve only general nouns and nonsense words
from their mental lexicon and to lose specific lexis, or
vocabulary. They do not seem to be aware of their problem and
thus do not react to treatment easily.
Both Broca's and Wernicke's areas are located in the left
half of the brain. The executive centers, however, are located in
the right hemisphere. A separation of the two halves of the
brain effects the capability of converting linguistic information
into action, or vice versa. Apart from the types of aphasia
identified by Broca and Wernicke, there are also other kinds of
Jargon. In "neologistic jargon aphasia", patients can only
produce new approximations of content words (nouns), they
will never hit the exact word. In general, messages are hard to
understand and often completely incomprehensible or not
decodable by listeners, although the speakers have good
Conduction. Patients understand what is being said to
them, however, they are unable to repeat single words and
make other errors when speaking. However, they are aware of
their errors. In this kind of aphasia, it is neither Broca's nor
Wernicke's area that is damaged, but the connection between
In transcortical aphasia, there is a weakness in
comprehension. The best preserved feature is the ability to
repeat heard phrases. Therefore, the processing of language is
impaired, but the patient is able to hear and pronounce the
acoustic chain.
Global aphasia has the worst effects on the patient. All
language abilities are seriously impaired in this case. Both
Wernicke's and Broca's areas are damaged.
5.4.2 ANOMIA
Anomia is the loss of access to certain parts of the lexis.
Anomia patients are unable to remember the names of things,
people, or places. There is often confusion between
semantically related words. Undoubtedly, you will have
experienced this phenomenon yourself! We are all prone to it
at times. It usually increases with age, although pure anomia is
a much more acute state and is not related to aging.
This is a disorder of reading where the patient is not
capable to recognize the correct word order. Patients also tend
to misplace syllables. There is also an overgeneralization of
the relation between printed words and their sound value. For
example, a patient may transport the pronunciation of "cave" =
// to "have" = *// instead of //.
Dysgraphia is a disorder of writing, mainly spelling.
Patients are not able to find the correct graphemes when
putting their speech into writing. Also, they are not able to
select the correct order of graphemes from a choice of possible
5.5 Errors
Errors in linguistic production are not a malfunction
caused by disease. They occur frequently and are part of the
communication process. Here are examples of the usual types
of errors made:
Anticipation. Sounds appear in words before their
intended pronunciation: take my bike → bake my bike. This
error reveals that further utterances were already planned while
In preservation errors, the opposite is the case. Sounds
are "kept in mind" and reappear in the wrong place: pulled a
tantrum → pu lled a pantrum
Reversals (Spoonerisms) are errors where sounds are
mixed up within words or phrases: harpsichord → ca rpsihord
Blends occur when two words are combined and parts of
both appear in the new, wrong word: grizzly + ghastly →
Word substitution gives us insight into the mental lexicon
of the speaker. These words are usually linked semantically.
Give me the orange. → Give me the apple.
Errors on a higher level o ccur when the structural rules
of language above the level of pronunciation influence
production. In the below example, the past tense of "dated" is
overused. The speaker "conjugates" the following noun
according to the grammatical rules of "shrink-shrank-shrunk":
Rosa always dated shrinks → Rosa always dated shran ks.
Phonological errors are the mixing up of voiced and
unvoiced sounds: Terry and Julia → De rry and Chulia
Force of habit accounts for the wrong application of an
element that had been used before in similar contexts. For
example, in a television broadcast by BBC, the reporter first
spoke about studios at Oxford University. When he then
changed the topic to a student who had disappeared from the
same town he said: "The discovery of the missing Oxford
studio" instead of "The discovery of a missing Oxford student."
Chapter 6. Communication
to circumstances that may alter its intended quality of
transmission. For instance, the channel of a telephone
communication line is usually impaired with noise, which in
turn affects the outcome, i.e. output, of the message.
Here are the various components of the communication
process in detail.
Input. The sender has an intention to communicate with
another person. This intention makes up the content of the
Sender. The sender encodes the message, e.g. the idea of
"piece of furniture to sit on" = //. Thus he gives
expression to the content.
Channel. The message is sent via a channel, which can
be made of a variety of materials. In acoustic communication it
consists of air, in written communication of paper or other
writing materials.
Noise. The channel is subjected to various sources of
noise. One example is telephone communication, where
numerous secondary sounds are audible. Even a solid channel
such as paper can be crushed or stained. Such phenomena are
also noise in the communicative sense.
Receiver. The receiver decodes the incoming message, or
expression. He "translates" it and thus receives the
Output. This is the content decoded by the receiver.
Code. In the process, the relevance of a code becomes
obvious: The codes of the sender and receiver must have at
least a certain set in common in order to make communication
Plato was the first to discuss an instrumentalist definition
of language. According to this definition, language primarily
serves the purpose of communication. It is a linguistic tool.
From this instrumental approach, Karl Bühler devised a model
which described the communicative functions. In his words,
language is an "organum for one person's communicating with
another about things"1 "Organum is Greek for tool. The three
main functions of language Bühler distinguishes in his model
are representation, expression, and appeal. Which function
applies to which communicative action depends on which
relations of the linguistic sign are predominant in a
communicative situation.
Bühler, Karl. (1933) 1982. The axiomatization of the language
sciences. I n: Innis, Robert E., Karl Bühler. New York: Plenum, 75–164.
How does this model work?
Bühler's model describes the communication between a
sender and a receiver by including a third party, the objects or
states of affairs. A communicative function is then attributed to
each act of communication, depending on which of the three
parties involved was focused on most heavily.
When the focus is on the sender, we speak of the
expressive function of communication. When the focus is on
the objects, the function is representative. The third function
refers to communication where the focus is on the receiver.
This function is called appeal.
The circle symbolizes the phenomenon of the sound, that
is the actual word spoken. The triangle symbolizes the
linguistic sign and shares common space with the circle in
some areas, while extending beyond it in other areas. This
overlapping portrays the two key features of the relationship
between the sign and its physical realization.
Abstractive relevance. Where the circle overlaps the
triangle, the phenomenon sound contains more acoustic
information than the sign does. We are, however, capable of
filtering out the relevant information without being hindered by
all the additional stuff, e.g. the "ahs" and "ehms" of casual
Apperceptive enlargement. The triangle also covers space
beyond the circle. This means that part of the message may be
lost, due to either misspellings or omissions on the part of the
sender, or because the channel is subjected to noise. In this
case, we are still able to fill in the gaps to create a meaningful
message. Somehow we gather what got lost. This is what we
call apperceptive enlargement.
Jakobson extended Bühler's system of communicative
functions. His model reminds us of those lined out at the
beginning of this chapter containing all the components of
Moles', except for one, namely context. Jakobson stated that a
common code is not sufficient for the communicative process.
A context is necessary from which the object of
communication is drawn. This context resembles Bühler's
object correlate. Jakobson allocates a communicative function
to each of the components.
The emotive function focuses on the addresser and
resembles Bühler's expressive function. The addresser's own
attitude towards the content of the message is emphasized.
Examples are emphatic speech or interjections.
The conative function is allocated to the addressee.
Bühler called it the appelative function, so it is possible to find
both terms in the literature. It is directed towards the addressee.
One example is the vocative.
The referential function refers to the context. Here we,
again, have the function emphasizing that communication is
always dealing with something contextual, what Bühler called
The phatic function helps to establish contact and
refers to the channel of communication. Some of these
utterances only serve to maintain contact between two
The metalinguistic function deals with the code itself.
This is the function of language about language. This whole
course book is an example of metalanguage. We use it to
examine the code. The metalinguistic function is also
predominant in questions like "Sorry, what did you say?"
where the code is misunderstood and needs correction or
The poetic function is allocated to the message.
Messages convey more than just the content. They always
contain a creative ‘touch’ of our own. These additions have no
purpose other than to make the message "nicer". Rhetorical
figures, pitch or loudness are some aspects of the poetic
Naturally, several functions may be active
simultaneously in utterances. To find out which function
predominates requires analysis.
Chapter 7. Phonetics
Articulatory phonetics researches where and how sounds
are originated and thus carries out physiological studies of the
respiratory tract, trying to locate precisely at which location
and in which manner a sound is produced.
Acoustic phonetics examines the length, frequency and
pitch of sounds. Special instruments are required to measure
and analyze the sounds while they travel via the channel.
Auditory phonetics studies what happens inside the ear
and brain when sounds are finally received. It also interested in
our ability to identify and differentiate sounds.
Try to utter two long consonants, first [z], then [s],
continually: "zzzzzzzzsssssssssszzzzzzz". Hold your fingertip
to your larynx (Adam's apple) and try to notice what happens.
You will feel a vibration. This is caused by a stream of air that
is being pressed through a narrow aperture, called glottis,
between the vocal cords. It is the pressure of the air on the
walls of the glottis that causes the vibration of the cords. We
are able to produce two different sets of sounds, which are
otherwise identical: voiced and voiceless sounds, by this small
change of the glottis. There are many consonants which are
differentiated in this way, like [f]—[v], [t]—[d], or [g]—[k].
Velars. If you raise the back of your tongue to the soft
velum, velars are produced. An example is [g].
Interdentals are the sounds at the beginning of "thin" and
"then", in IPA: [θ] and [δ]. In order to articulate these, you
have to press the tongue between the teeth. Again you can se
that the difference is voicing.
Palatals (or Alveopalatals) as in the middle of the word
"measure" are produced by the contact of the front part of the
tongue with the hard palate just behind the alveolar ridge.
With the help of this detailed information we can now
refer to every consonant by its location and manner of
articulation; [f], for example, is a voiceless, labiodental
manifold the resulting vowel-like sounds are. A general chart
of the vowels of English looks as follows:
Here is a summary of the characteristics:
Oral stops, fricatives, and affricates are consonants
referred to as obstruents:
The stream of air cannot escape through the nose and
where it passes through the mouth, it is obstructed.
All other consonants are sonorants.
Glottals are sounds produced by the air stream moving
along the glottis. The glottal stop [] is produced by a complete
closure of the glottis. You may test this by saying "ah-ah-ah."
Another feature of vowels is whether they are rounded or
unrounded. This refers to the position of the lips.
English front vowels are always unrounded. German [y]
is an example of rounded front vowels.
English central vowels are always unrounded.
English back vowels are always rounded.
Chapter 8. Phonology
description of phonemes. In the pair "vault " and " fault ", for
example, the difference lies in the voicing of the first
phonemes: /v/ versus /f/, the first representing a voiced
consonant [+voiced], the second representing an unvoiced
consonant [-voiced]. Voicing is of great importance in the
English sound system. Therefore we call it a distinctive feature.
Other distinctive features are [±nasal] (for consonants only) or
[±consonantal], etc.
Every feature has two values, the positive value ‘+’
contrasting the negative value ‘-’.
8.4 Rules of phonology
The sequences of phonemes are determined by certain
laws that are peculiar to that particular language. The English
language, for example, does not allow consonants such as /b/
or /g/ to be followed by a consonant similar to it. The phoneme
sequence */bgliz/, to give another example, is not permitted in
English due to the consonant cluster /bg/ at the beginning. The
following rules have been found to apply to the assembly of
phoneme sequences in the English language.
Phonological rules of a language may result in the
addition or deletion of segments from a phoneme sequence. A
good example for this rule is French, where word-final
consonants are deleted when a consonant follows. But they are
maintained when the following word starts with a vowel or a
Before a consonant: petit tableau
Before a vowel: petit ami
Chapter 9. Morphology
Words may consist of several syllables, but not all of
them are necessarily meaning units.
Example: Mas-sa-chu-setts, po-lice, mo-ther
Thus, while a syllable may be a smallest meaning unit,
such as the syllable ‘end’ in the word ‘endless’, it does not
necessarily have to be one.
As we can see, a morpheme cannot necessarily be
confined to a particular form of a word or a syllable. The study
of morphology seeks to, in the first place, determine the precise
form (Greek- morph) that an elemental meaning takes.
However, it does, as we will see later, remain within the
abstract domain, in cases where form either varies or where
form is simply nonexistent.
Morphemes are also referred to as the minimal linguistic
signs; you may also come across the term moneme, which is
the French term for morpheme.
The above may have given you an understanding of why
linguists have been engaged in endless debates over the
definition of the word "word". The term remains ambiguous,
and we should try as best to avoid it. After all, linguistic
terminology is available to describe linguistic units in higher
Grammatically speaking, there are two classes of
Free morphemes: these may occur on their own, they can
be used freely according to the rules of sentence structure, for
example "boy, tree, church, go, leave, love."
Bound morphemes: These are an exception to the rule
that a morpheme must be able to stand alone; they have no
meaning of their own, but add substantial meaning to other
morphemes to which they are attached. They are used for
various purposes, such as inflection. Example: "-ing, -er" in
"working, worker. ", where "work" is a free morpheme
accompanied by various bound morphemes, namely suffixes.
There are two kinds of inflection: The declension of
nouns, adjectives, and pronouns, and the conjugation of verbs.
There is a set of morphological rules which we apply in
order to form the correct tenses or cases. We combine free
morphemes with bound morphemes, the latter marking tense,
gender, number, case, and so forth. Bound morphemes like
{to}, which appears as a marker of the infinitive, are also used
in order to form correct sentences. T hese markers help to
create sentences that are correct according to the syntactic rules
of a language. We see here that morphology and syntax cannot
be regarded as entirely different disciplines. Derivation.
There are morphemes in English that allow us to change
words. These are derivational morphemes: new words are
derived in the process.
Derivational morphemes are affixes. If affixes are added
to the front of a word, we speak of prefixes l ike in-, a-. If they
are attached to the end of the word, they are called suffixes,
such as -able, -ish. Derivational morphemes may or may not
cause a change of the grammatical class of the word. In any
event, the following morphological rules apply to most cases
cover the main changes brought about by affixes. We speak of
word formation as the productive feature of a language. By
changing one element, new classes of words can be produced. Compounding
We may also create new words by combining two free
morphemes. The product of such a process is called a
compound. While German is notorious for compounding a
multitude of units (e.g.,
ufer), compounds in English usually don’t exceed two units.
In a compound, the two morphemes always serve two
different purposes. The initial morpheme is also called the
head of the compound, the following is the body. The head of
the compound always determines the body semantically, e.g.,
{black}+{bird}→ a black bird, whereas the body usually
determines the grammatical class of the whole compound.
There are various possible combinations of English
ADJECTIVE {bitter}+{sweet} {poor}+{house} {high}+{born}
NOUN {head}+{strong} {rain}+{bow} {spoon}+{feed}
VERB {carry}+{all} {pick}+{pocket} {sleep}+{walk}
Chapter 10. Syntax
A logical definition claims that a sentence is the
expression of one single, complete thought. However, complex
sentences may consist of several thoughts which are
interwoven. Thus, this definition does not apply to all
sentences. One example of a complex thought structure are
subordinate sentences.
Ungrammatical sentences appear in everyday language.
When you observe your own language, you should find plenty
of them.
Also, sentences may be grammatically correct, but still
make no sense at all. In this case, they lack acceptability.
Examples from English and German are:
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
Nachts ist es kälter als draußen.
Acceptability hence means that the meaning content of
the sentence must be clear, understandable or acceptable to the
"Peter said Jane became ill yesterday."
Most times embedded clauses are introduced by special
words such as "whether", "that", "if", etc. These are called
"Peter said that Jane became ill yesterday."
Complex sentences may also differ in form from simple
sentences because the word order or grammatical form of
words is altered:
"The captain said the starship took up speed
immediately.", but
"The captain wanted the starship to take up speed
doing so, we can find out what information is essential and
what information is not essential for forming the sentence.
Naturally, the phrase at the peak of the expansion contains
many elements which can be deleted without changing the
grammaticality of the sentence. Let us examine a phrase from
the sentence:
Two experienced aggressive Romulans seized control of
the starship.
Expansion Romulans
aggressive Romulans
experienced aggressive Romulans
two experienced aggressive Romulans Reduction
Immediate constituents of a simple sentence are thus the
Noun-phrase ("poor John") and the
Verb-phrase ("ran away")
These immediate constituents can then, as mentioned
above, be analyzed for their own respective constituents. As we
will see below, the structures of these noun- and verb-phrases
can be very complex. The determination of the immediate
constituents of all levels of a sentence is called IC-analysis.
This method of representation is agreeable in that it
adheres to the actual sentence format.
It has the drawback, however, that it is rather laborious to
present and to grasp visually. Even in our short example, the
elements are hard to distinguish. Block diagram
In this way of representing the constituents, the broadest
structure appears at the bottom of the diagram, with each row
further up showing a more segmented level. Each row thus
shows the immediate constituents of its lower row.
Another type of analysis of sentences, phrase-structure
analysis, aims to sort out the rewrite rules or phrase-structure
rules (PS-rules) of a sentence. A sentence is here analyzed for
its constituents, or phrase-structure. From there on, alternatives
are sought that are capable of substituting these
phrase-structures, hence 'rewrite rules'.
Example "John runs":
Sentenc consists noun-p plus verb-phr
e of hrase ase
S → NP + VP “John runs“
VP → V + NP “change trains“
NP → Adj + N “fast run“
NP → Det + N “the dog“
VP → V + S “I believe John ran
VP → V + PP “I looked at John“
PP → Prep + N “at John“
PP = Prepositional phrase, Prep = Preposition
As you can see, the system allows for alternatives, w ith
one element having the possibility of being rephrased in
various ways. These alternatives are due, in part, to the
structure of the transitive and intransitive verbs. Transitive
verbs take a direct object. Thus, transitive verbs always appear
with two noun-phrases. These are called the arguments of the
"The dog frightened the man."
Intransitive verbs do not take objects:
"The dog barked."
Some verbs can be used transitively and intransitively:
"George won."
"George won the race."
The variability of rewriting is thus important for the
creativity of a language.
S → NP + VP; etc.
Other recursivity rules are:
NP → NP + NP
VP → VP + VP
set of rules generating the grammatical sentences. The
grammar must be explicit and projective. It describes the
competence of an ideal native speaker and ignores
performance, the actual utterances.
This last point, in particular, caused criticism:
"Chomskyans" tend to acknowledge only those examples of a
language that fit into their TGG, disregarding everyday
language. This "idealism" thus neglects many non-grammatical
phenomena of the language.
I can help. → Question: Can I help?
I go to town. → Question: Do I go to town?
Another transformational rule applies to forming the
imperative: Leave away the subject.
Example: You go to town. → Imperative: Go to town!
The result of the transformation is called the surface
structure of the sentence. Nevertheless, this is still not the
actual utterance. Remember that TGG does not deal with the
performance of speakers. Thus, the surface structure is what is
in our minds just before we say it. The examples above show
two samples of surface structure.
The surface structure is then expressed, i.e. pronounced,
according to the phonological rules of that language.
In this model, sentences are generated by
transformations. Hence the name TGG.
Chapter 11. Semiotics
few. They differ mainly in one characteristic: Most models of
the sign are either dyadic or triadic models. This means that
they show either two or three sides, or apices. The most
prominent example for the dyadic, or two-sided sign, is the one
developed by Ferdinand de Saussure. The three-sided, or
triadic model of the sign, was created by Charles Sanders
Peirce and influenced semiotic theorists of the 20th century
more so than any other model.
11.1 Saussure
Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913), the founder of
modern semiotics, designed a dyadic or bilateral sign model.
According to him, the sign is two-sided. Unfortunately
Saussure did not live to see his theory spread. His insights
received their due recognition posthumously, when his students
published his theories that they had written down in their
scripts. Luckily, several versions of these scripts exist. This
enabled the publishers to give a very detailed survey of
Saussure's theories.
This explanation, however, does not entirely meet
Saussure's terminology. From his point of view, language is an
entirely psychological entity. Therefore, "things" in the real
world do not play any role in the model. Saussure so to speak
focuses on what goes on in our heads. So, neither the physical
aspects of things nor those of sounds are considered. The two
aspects of the linguistic sign Saussure identified are therefore
mental aspects: the ideas or concepts of things and the mental
images o f sounds, both of which are stored in our memory.
are interchangeable. The concept, or signified then, as
mentioned above, is the correlate of the sound-image, or
signifier. Saussure claims here that these mental concepts
always abide to the ideal and prototypical features that the
signifier ideally was to refer to. For instance, when we hear
"arbor", or "tree", we do not think of a particular tree, such as a
birch tree, or the old oak tree in our backyard, but of an
abstract concept that entails the ideal, prototypical features of
"tree", for example the trunk, branches, leaves, tallness, etc.
The sound chain, i.e. the actual utterance, may have brought
about this concept; however, it is the "impression" of this
sound chain in our minds that is of interest to Saussure. It is
this impression that he refers to with his term 'sound image'
and he regards it, as mentioned above, to be completely cut off
from the physical world.
The relation between the concept and the sound image,
furthermore, is an arbitrary one. There is no natural, inherent
connection between the two. Instead, we associate concepts
with sound images and vice versa following conventions. (The
concept of arbitrariness is discussed in the first chapter of this
course book.)
A sign, with its signifier and signified, has to be, finally,
acknowledged by a social group, or language community in
order to be regarded as a sign. That is to say, a random
utterance of one individual, although he or she may want it to
signify something, may not have gained sufficient
acknowledgment to be regarded as a sign. This is because
Saussure regarded semiotics to be a social science. According
to him, signs are collective entities.
According to Saussure, language is a structure. This is
why his work and that of his followers has been called
structuralism. Within this structure, meaning comes into being
through opposition. We have already seen that, for Saussure,
meaning is not connected with physical objects, since he
claimed that nothing existed outside the semiological system of
signifiers and signifieds. In other words: without some
structure superimposed to it, nothing gains meaning. This
applies not only to the physical world, but also the realm of
thought. Thought would be thus, without the structure of
language, "amorphous", "uncharted", "vague". This important
notion manifests Saussure's theory of linguistics, and semiotics,
as a science concerned not with substance, but form. Do not be
confused by this terminology! People use the term "substance"
in everyday language in order to designate, say, a chemical
substance. But Saussure's term "substance" by no means refers
to physical shape. It is rather "that which needs to be
structured". For example, the substance of thought depends on
the structure of language, or form, to gain meaning.
Meaning takes form, comes into being, within this
structured system only. And this meaning, according to
Saussure, holds exclusively; in other words, a sign designates a
concept that no other sign designates. For example, the sign
"table" designates something exclusively. There is no other
sign which means "table". Hence, when we hear the word
"table", we can easily make out what it means. Saussure says
that the sign stands in opposition to all others. In other words:
A sign designates a concept as opposed to all others which do
not designate the same concept. All signs form a semiotic
network in which the oppositions between all signs give
meaning to the individual ones. Naturally, this is valid for
individual systems of signs only. The counterargument that
correlate signs from other languages do exist, such as "Tisch"
meaning the same as "table", does not hold.
11.2 Peirce
Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) was a contemporary
of Saussure, unfortunately however, neither of them had
contact with or knowledge of the work of the other. While
Saussure's model has been recognized as important for
linguistics in general and semantics in particular, Peirce is
considered one of the most important figures in the history of
semiotics. Some scholars regard him to be the founder of the
modern theory of signs.
There are some profound differences between Saussure's
and Peirce's views of the sign. Saussure two-sided model of the
sign claimed to regard language only (Remember 'the world
outside' was not a part of language for Saussure.). Peirce, in
contrast, saw that 'world outside' to be a part of the system of
language and incorporated it into his triadic model of the sign.
Saussure's two-sided model is, furthermore, static in that it
offers an explanation of how a sign is structured and an
analysis of its state. Peirce's model is dynamic in that it does
not regard the sign as a set entity and in that it takes the overall
production process of signs, semiosis, m ore so into
consideration. This semiosis is, furthermore, a pragmatic
procedure: In this procedure everybody is seen to have his or
her own view of the world and by using signs to express this
individual view, is seen to contribute to an endless generation
of new signs. It is easy to see why this makes for a much more
dynamic understanding of language as people's individual
views of the world cannot be ascertained in a consistent, static
manner. This is the main, foremost difference between
Saussure's and Pierce's approaches to language. It is important
to keep in mind that Peirce's model cannot be regarded merely
as an extention of Saussure's model. It is based on different
notions of the sign altogether and thus needs to be approached
in its own terms.
We have seen that the representamen is the sign vehicle.
Thus it refers to something which it itself is not. In other
"Table" is only a chain of sounds. The thing it refers to is
nothing acoustic, but a body. Any real or ideal unit we can
refer to can be described as an object in the Peircean sense.
Peirce names two classes of objects:
immediate object: We speak of an immediate object
when a sign can spontaneously be associated with some
specific object. "Hunger", for example, assumingly evokes the
idea of the desire to eat.
mediate or dynamic object: How we experience objects is
a highly individual process that takes place independently in
each of us. The main, or direct, correlation of the sign as to
some object can, moreover, change over time. Somebody who
starved, will, for example, entertain a different notion of
'hunger' from then on. This is referred to as semantic language
change. The mediate or dynamic objects are, in this sense,
possible variations of the association of the immediate object.
111 Unlimited semiosis
The process of creating signs is called semiosis. The
representamen stands for something: the object. Also, there is a
person to whom the representamen is a representation. In the
mind of this person, the interpreter, the interpretant is thus
Peirce speaks of a process that could go on indefinitely,
of an endless succession of signs. In it one thought leads to
another and every interpretant can in the course be the
representamen of another sign. As such, the search for a first or
last sign in this process, a coherent whole with a beginning and
ending, ceases to be the predominant aim. Peircian semiotics,
instead, focuses on the process itself.
Symbol. Peirce regards symbols as arbitrary and
conventional signs. Symbols refer to their objects "by virtue of
law". All linguistic signs, i.e. words, are therefore symbols.
(Note that many linguists have different understandings of the
term "symbol"; thus, when reading linguistic texts, make sure
that you are familiar with that linguist's notion of "symbol".)
Thus, in order to use symbols (in the Peircian sense of the
term) effectively, you simply have to know, i.e. learn, their
meaning. This type of relation is what Peirce called a relation
of thirdness.
Chapter 12. Semantics
We've seen that language always refers to objects of one
kind or another, either physical (e.g., things) or mental (e.g.,
ideas or feelings). When talking about meaning, however,
language itself becomes the object of investigation. Thus, it is
language about language, describing, for example, the units,
characteristics, or sounds of a language. We call this language
about language the metalanguage. When we discussed the
functions of language as defined in the communication model
by Roman Jakobson, we mentioned this term for the first time.
We use metalanguage whenever we discuss linguistic theory in
any of its aspects. In the following, you will see again how
important it is to be able to move to the metalinguistic level.
In both sentences, the same words occur. However, the
meaning of each sentence is quite different from the other.
Sentence meaning, hence, depends not only on the words, but
also on word order, pronunciation, etc. Trying to determine
what a sentence means and why it means what it means, is
what is referred to in semantics as looking for the semantic
role. This is, in essence, nothing other than a basic process of
asking 'who did what to whom, with whom, or for whom'.
Features such as word order, pronunciation and stress help us
to define the semantic role.
The + and - signs indicate whether a lexeme is specified
by a certain feature or not. Sometimes, features do not apply to
lexemes, as in our example: while the bachelor on the left hand
represents an unmarried young man, who naturally is male, that
feature does not apply to the meaning in the middle: Here we
have the person holding the university degree (both male and
female).On the right, we finally have the animal bachelor: a
young male seal.
Consider the following words:
hammer, tongs, screwdriver, cutter, saw
All of these have something in common: they are tools.
These words with "something" in common belong to the same
lexical field. Other lexical fields contain emotions, vehicles,
furniture, and so on. Markedness
We do not use all lexemes equally often: we use them
with different frequency. Consider the example of the
following color terms:
blue, red, yellow, green
indigo, saffron, royal blue, aquamarine
The first set of color terms seems more familiar. Both
sets have a different status; we say that the "more familiar" set
is less marked. Less marked forms are easier to learn and are
used more frequently.
Another example is the use of male and female forms.
Female forms are more marked than male ones in languages
such as German and French.
Consider again the example of hammer, tongs,
screwdriver, cutter, saw.
All of these belong to the lexical field "tools". In this
case, "tool" is a semantically higher term, in that it stands for a
group of items. All of the terms (hammer,...) are hyponyms of
the broader term. "Hypo" is Greek for "below". Thus all tools
are hyponyms of "tool". The term "tool" is, consequently, the
hypernym for all tools ("hyper" = Greek "above").
Two words are synonymous if they "mean the same
thing." We all know words which serve the same purpose. An
example from German is "Geldbörse – Portemonnaie –
Geldbeutel." An English example is "film – movie – motion
True synonyms are hard to find in a language. Most
synonyms originate from local differences. For example, in
Austria people refer to a street as "Gasse", whereas for the rest
of the German-speaking community the same object is referred
to as "Straße."
Apart from equality in meaning, as with synonyms, there
is also the opposite. Opposition in meaning is known as
antonymy. Large-small, wide-narrow, white-black, fat-slim are
some examples for antonyms. All classes of words can have
Verbs: go-stand
Nouns: male-female
adjectives: good-bad
As an ideal, the linguistic sign shows one meaning
connected with one expression. However, there are some
exceptions to this ideal. Homonymy.
Two lexemes that look or sound the same may mean
something different. Hence, there are two types of homonymy,
according to visual or acoustic equality.
Homophony. These lexemes sound the same, such as
"whether-weather" and "meet-meat".
Homography. These lexemes look the same, as "read",
meaning as well /ri:d/ as /red/ in the past tense.
There are even homophones which are at the same time
homographs, as "ear-ear." This pair designates as well the
auditive organ ("Ohr") as the fruit of corn ("Ähre"). Polysemy
We say that a word is polysemic when it looks the same
and has more than one meaning. This term, although it is
closely related to, and has overlappings with, homography, is
used to exclusively refer to words of a common etymology. The
different meanings here usually constitute a specific stage in
the etymology of the word, and/or the altering meaning is
brought about by a metaphor (see next section).
Example: ride (to ride by car or to ride a horse), or the
German word "Stufe" (a step of a staircase or a level in
12.5 Metaphor
The issue of metaphors is central to the debate over
'meaning'. Traditionally metaphors have been regarded as a
type of extension of, or analogy to, the literal sense of
linguistic signs. Most commonly they are extensions of visual,
physical objects or experiences onto the abstract or emotional
domains of thinking. For example, the metaphorical use of the
word 'branch', as in the sense of 'branches of sciences', is
derived from a meaning originally denoting a physical object.
The debate carried out over 'metaphors' is thus largely a
philosophical one that questions our traditional dialectic
between the body and the soul. In trying to overcome this
dialectic, or in trying to understand it, some argue that
everything is a metaphor, while others question exactly how it
is that the meaning of a sign can be extended with a metaphor.
We can also say that people use and also create new
metaphors much more often than one might think. Most of the
metaphors we use are so conventionalized that we are not
aware of using them as metaphors. For example, if you see the
point, you should understand that this is a metaphor, since one
cannot "see" an utterance.
As we see, there is some "literal" meaning in the
linguistic signs. However, signs may be used to create new
meaning. Metaphors work on the principle that something in
the original meaning is similar to the new one.
12.6 Deixis
Deixis comes from Greek, meaning "to point." Indeed we
frequently point at things, people, and events in our language.
We need function words, e.g., prepositions and pronouns, to
construct deictic utterances. We use deixis to articulate the
orientation of ourselves or things to some points of reference.
There are three forms of deixis:
Personal deixis. This form of deixis refers to the
utterances which refer to us or the persons involved in the
discussion or the general context. Personal pronouns are used
to denote persons.
I think this is right.
Did you hand in the worksheet as you are required to?
Personal deixis may also point at persons mentioned
earlier in the text:
Beverly was quite upset yesterday. I hope she is in a
better mood today (she = Beverly)
Spatial deixis. We use this to mark the position of the
I've been living in Kassel for several years.
But also relative positions can be referred to:
Here there be dragons!
Temporal deixis. Finally, we use temporal deixis to mark
our place in time.
You will be attending classes for several years from
As you can see, function words suddenly become
relevant in the formulation of deictic utterances. They
constitute meaning in the context.
Chapter 13. Pragmatics
This chapter deals with pragmatics. We will take a look
at information structure a nd speech acts, investigating why we
say what in which context.
"Contextually correct" does not only mean that
information can be correct or not, but also that the surface
structure of a sentence is generated from the deep structure due
to some regulative force in the language. In a birthday card, for
example, you do not expect the sentence:
"On this day, which is the 24th anniversary of the day of
your birth, these words shall mean to you that the undersigned
wishes to transmit her best wishes, namely congratulations."
You will rather find something like:
"Happy birthday and best wishes. Yours, Elvira."
Obviously, there are alternatives of saying the same
thing. We are "told" how to structure information in a sentence
by several categories.
"O damn it!"
The topic is definitely outside the spoken language,
e.g., a mischief or bad luck. The word "it" is obviously too
vague to represent the topic in a sufficient manner.
Contrast. Where nouns or noun phrases occur in
opposition to each other, we find contrast. Examples are:
"It was not Tom but Jerry who made me laugh more."
"Only Kathleen was able to pass the test."
In the second example, contrast occurs between
"Kathleen" and all other members of a given group.
Definiteness. Noun phrases are marked as definite when
it can be assumed that the listener is able to identify them
without difficulty.
"Where's the pub?" (definite) is appropriate in a small
village where one single pub exists, whereas "Where is a
pub?" or "Are there pubs around here?" (indefinite) would
fit the situation of a larger neighborhood or city.
Referentiality. Noun phrases are referential if they refer
to a particular entity. In the sentence "This is the book I bought
at Dillon's", for example, the noun phrase "book" is referential
as it is defined more precisely by the subordinate clause. The
noun phrase "it" in the sentence "It's fun to study linguistics",
on the other hand, is nonreferential as it remains vague.
Nonreferential phrases are thus used whenever some noun is
required that cannot be derived from the general content of the
phrase. In European languages, for example, nouns are
required for the construction of any sentence. Due to this,
phrases like "It's raining" exist. Try to think about whatever is
actually raining: is it the weather? The cloud? Is it the rain
itself? God? The answer is no. The word "it" serves a purpose
in itself because we require a noun phrase, something that
"does rain" similar to "I run", "Joe swims", "Eva sleeps".
"The Klingons were driven back by the Enterprise"
Agentless passives are used when the agent is either
known or irrelevant and thus unimportant in the sentence:
"The Klingons were driven back."
Expressives: these indicate the speaker's attitude, such as
greetings, apologies, congratulations, condolences, and
Verdictives make assessments or judgements: ranking,
assessing, appraising, condoning.
As you can well imagine, sorting out the different
conventions that govern speech acts can be very complex.
There are, however, four maxims that can be regarded as
general principles in all speech acts.
Maxim of quantity. If you are asked something, you are
expected to give neither too little nor too much information. If
you don't abide by this maxim, you will usually be regarded as
uncooperative. If your answer doesn't convey all of the
information asked for, the listener has incomplete data,
whereas too much information distracts the listener.
Maxim of relevance. Imagine asking somebody: "What
time is it?" and getting the answer: "I've been to Switzerland
three times." This answer clearly lacks all relevance in the
given context.
Maxim of manner. This refers to the importance o f
details within the chronological order they are presented. "First
comes first" is a principle that is violated in the following
examples; the phrases that violate the maxim of manner are
"For the station, you turn left at the next crossing.
Then you walk for half a mile. Down the street is a subway.
Use it to cross the street. Turn left again. The subway's walls
are painted yellow. From that point, you'll be able to see the
really matter if other maxims are violated, as long as the
quality of the speech act is assured. Note that the maxim of
quality refers to the conscientiousness of the speaker, in other
words, it is secondary if she/he is mistaken or not. A statement
such as "I think Marx was right" is qualified if the person really
does think Marx was right; the question then of whether Marx
really was right or not is another subject matter.
There are cases, as you may know from your own
experience, where even these cooperative principles can be
legitimately violated. Some lies are necessary due to cultural
conventions. You would not reject a birthday present given to
you by your best friend, saying it was Kitsch, even if you did
think it was Kitsch.
This leads us a step further, to the indirect speech act.
acknowledge this, and view their communication as
cooperative and proceed their conversation.
The indirect speech act has thus been identified and the
intended meaning of the locution has been constructed by
the interlocutors with the help of their knowledge of the
In the following, you will find some examples:
Jeff: "Am I late?"
John: "The boss went crazy."
Jeff: "All right, I'll go straight to his office and
Here John seems to ignore Jeff's question and thereby
violates the maxim of relevance. John's remark on the angry
boss and, following that, John's reply to that, confirms that
both John and Jeff have identified the illocutionary act, i.e.
they both know that what is of interest is the consequences
of Jeff being late, not the denotative meaning of his being
late. As such John's speech act is an indirect speech act; i.e.
as a whole it is cooperative.
Mary: "Are you finished with your work sheet?"
Charley: "Is Rome in Romania?"
The answer seems to have nothing to do with the
question; again the maxim of relevance is violated. Both
participants, however, rely on shared knowledge. T he basis
of the indirect speech act here is that two questions are
being compared. The natural answer as to the question
whether Rome was in Spain is "no". This answer then is
being transferred to the first question. Recognition of this
procedure in both parties then allows the indirect speech act
to be cooperative
Sometimes maxims are violated due to politeness. If you
ask somebody "Can you shut the window?" you are actually
saying: "This is a polite request. Please shut the window." You
are not really interested in the person's capability of performing
the act.
Metaphors are also indirect speech events. Consider the
"Jane is a block of ice."
This violates the maxim of quality, since Jane most
definitely does not consist of frozen water. However, literal
meaning is not intended here. Listeners quite naturally
attribute their associations of coldness to Jane and so arrive
at the intended meaning.
Texts can be evaluated in terms of their effects on the
Texts are vehicles of purposeful interaction."
You may remember some of these notions from our
chapter on pragmatics, however, while the emphasis then was
on the use of language, it is now the whole text which is of
Texts are regarded as stable systems the stability of
which is upheld by a continuity of occurrences. This means
that elements re-occur throughout the text system and can thus
be interrelated. Our short term memory does not lend itself for
storing information on a larger scale. The continuity of
occurrences thus serves to refresh this short term memory,
creating a basis for a long term memory to function. Whereas
cohesion within a sentence is constituted by syntax, it is this
factor of the continuity of occurrences that makes for cohesion
within a text. As you can already guess, cohesion is established
by means of syntax. The way sentences are constructed help in
establishing cohesion. The following features belong to the
re-occurrences that make for the cohesion of texts: Recurrence
The direct repetition of elements is called recurrence. It
can fulfill many functions. However, whenever applied, the
phenomenon of recurrence must be derived from a
comprehensible motivation. The phrase "I met Sally and I met
Sally.", for instance, seems awkward as there is just no reason
for repeating the same element.
One function recurrence fulfills is, as mentioned above,
the enhancement of memory.
In the recurrence of the following example, emphasis is
the primary function.
"The other day, I met Sally. I mean, you know Sally.
This Sally Atkins from the linguistics department. She's a
nice person, good old Sally. "
Recurrence can also be used as a means to repudiate the
assumptions of the other, as in the following example:
"I guess you love snow, ice, and the whole of
wintertime!" — "Good grief! I certainly don't like snow, nor
ice, and definitely not wintertime!"
In poetic texts, recurrence is often used to emphasize the
emotional peak of poems, as in the famous recurring last line
of almost every stanza in Edgar Allan Poe's "Raven":
"Quoth the raven: nevermore."
In this example, the recurrence also helps to establish
a strong connection among the various stanzas. The reader
may expect the same line to occur again. Junction
Events and situations are combined in texts. This action
is called junction. Junctive expressions are commonly known
as conjunctions.
Conjunctions link things of the same status: "and".
Disjunctions link elements of an alternative status: "or".
Contrajunctions link elements of the same status which
are incompatible: "but".
Subordinators link things where the status of one
depends on the other: "because", "since"
Whereas cohesion is the syntactical means of keeping a
text together, there is also the meaning which interweaves the
whole of a text. This meaning principle is called the coherence
of a text. Coherence can happen only under the condition of a
set of prerequisites. For one, speakers must have a common
knowledge base that they draw from. Secondly, there must be a
context which is important in respect to the meaning (as we
have seen in the chapter on pragmatics, the meaning of phrases
depends on the intention and situation. Concepts in texts may
hence change their meaning regardless of their sememe).
Coherence, that is meaning, in texts, is in subsequence to
these prerequisites determined by the so-called control centers,
also called primary concepts, which are the pivots of the
meaning structure of a text.
Control centers are:
Objects: these have a stable identity; their core meaning
does not change substantially. Persons, abstract concepts or
things of any kind that are mentioned in a text play the role of
Situations: are configurations of objects in the present
state of affairs.
Events: these are occurrences which change a situation.
Actions: events intentionally brought about by an agent.
An agent is not necessarily a person or living being. Any item
can gain the status of an agent. In the sentence "The wave
rolled up the beach", 'wave' is the agent, performing the action
of rolling.
There is a far more elaborate set of secondary concepts,
which range from the agent to the value of an entity, but we
will not go into this in detail.
Consider the example:
"The big red bus approached the stop. Its roaring exhaust
frightened the small children and old ladies. A conductor was
at hand to provide the group with tickets. The sun shone at the
The dominating control center of the first part is clearly
an object: "the big red bus". There is also an action, namely its
approaching the bus stop. The next sentence just adds more
information to the first, being attached directly to the primary
concept by the cohesive means of pro-forms ("its"). As you can
see, the object control center happens to be the subject of the
sentence as well. It is grammatically the most important part of
the sentence.
But the second part of the text is not so obviously
coherent with the first part. What needs to be done to combine
the two parts is called interference. By interfering, we fill gaps
in the textual world with our knowledge from the real world.
What makes us understand that the 'conductor' and 'tickets' can
somehow be related to a bus exhaust, small children and old
ladies is our common world knowledge. The 'conductor' is
associated with the bus because this is where he works, the
other persons are probably commuters. The 'scene' must be the
setting of the bus standing at the stop with a group of people
waiting to get in, etc.
Interferences are carried out intuitively by means of
imaginative associations. However, empirical tests have shown
that a slight degree of intuitive association takes place in all
types of language processing. As thus it takes place not only
when having to fill the gaps of explicitly textual worlds with
real, experienced worlds.
acceptable framework, even if their surface structure neglects
cohesion and coherence.
Informativity refers to whether the content of a text is
new or whether it was expected by the receiver. We
differentiate here with the following features:
Probability. Is the utterance probable? A sentence like: "I
like Chinese food" is quite probable as far as statistical
probability of correct sentences is concerned. But a sentence
such as "All you foul dishes of the degenerate West, you
cannot compete to my favorites from the East!" is much too
unique to be statistically probable. Another aspect is contextual
probability. When talking about food, for instance, a sentence
like "And the new BMW is really nice to look at." is grossly
out of context and as thus improbable.
Orders of informativity. If the predictability of intention,
cohesion, and coherence is high, we speak of first-order
informativity. An example is the "stop" traffic sign, the content
and structure of which is very unambiguous and
conventionalized. First-order occurrences are also called
defaults: they are used very often, such as certain phrases. But
in order to make texts more interesting, informativity of second
or third order must appear. Usually, texts consist more or less
of second-order occurrences. These are upgraded or
downgraded in order to produce either more predictable or
more interesting bits of text. In a short story or novel, the
author will rather use downgraded, unpredictable text. This
will keep the reader focused on the book.
Text types. The rate of informativity differs in the many
various text types, such as literary, poetic, and scientific texts.
Naturally, in poetry, the number of third-order occurrences is
much higher than in scientific texts.
Texts must be relevant to the current situation in which
they appear. We distinguish between the following:
Situation monitoring is being performed if the primary
function of a text is to describe a given situation as best as
Situation management means that a text is designed to fit
into a situation as best as possible.
Although texts have to be relevant to the situation in
which they appear, the situation does not have to be a real
situation, i.e. it can be fictional. For example, in drama the
audience is drawn into a situation generated on the stage. Thus,
when Hamlet says "All's not well...", his monologue naturally
does not mean that the audience is in Denmark, the setting of
the play. In short, literary texts have the prerogative to present
alternative situations in which they fit quite well.
No text is really independent, i.e. all texts relate to others
in one way or another. The expressions textual field or the text
universe have been created by scholars to refer to this textual
network. The principle of intertextuality is that the structure
(i.e. those principles listed above) of texts is determined largely
by texts that have been received by authors or readers prior to
that. Citations or a re-use of texts is one of the more obvious
ways in which this principle applies. But intertextuality can
also be detected in more subtle forms and occurs between
various text types as well.
In the narrower sense of texts within the framework of
text linguistics, we speak of intertextuality as the phenomenon
of interference between various texts in a conversation.
Situation management and monitoring depend heavily on other
texts which have been uttered in the conversation. A receiver
does not remain uninfluenced by these uttered texts and
interrelates them with his own textual production.
Chapter 15. Sociolinguistics
many centuries. This aspect of language variation, language
change in the course of history, we have discussed when we
talked about the history of the English language. At this point it
is important to keep in mind that language change should not
be equated with the decay of a language, a notion which seems
to be shared even more so by common, everyday people than
by scholars. Language variations from all times and from all
areas prove to have highly elaborated structures. Furthermore,
if language was decaying over the times, we would have
arrived at a devastated state already.
immediate sympathy or understanding of the group. In the
following, you find differences in more detail.
152 Objections
Consider the following example:
1) "The blokes what was crossing the road got knocked
down by a car."
2) "The gentlemen were crossing the road and a car
knocked them down instantly."
Although the first sentence is not standard, it is,
according to the above features, more elaborated than the
second one in certain respects. There is a subordinate clause in
the sentence while the second sentence consists of two main
clauses. The use of subordinate clauses is held to be more
elaborate. Still, the lexis, that is, word choice of the second
sentence is located on a higher level. Elaborated code and
restricted code seem to blur in our example. This phenomenon
leads to the conclusions that
everyone uses a restricted code,
there is not an exact correlation between
restricted-non-standard and elaborated-standard codes.
However, the restricted code does not lend itself for
logical, theoretical purposes, or for expressing a temporal
succession of events.
We find that it is due not only to the existence of
different social classes, but also to diverging circumstances of
people as individuals, that these different codes have come to
develop. Middle class people, for instance, are confronted
more often with theoretical topics, which is why they use the
elaborated code more frequently than working class people do.
On the strictly individual level, a person never forced to deal
with more complex ideas may not use metalanguage, while
others may seek complexity on their own accord.
This phenomenon occurs on a wide scale wherever
two cultures mix, as has happened during colonization. In
the second and third generations, Creole languages tend to
merge more and more with the dominating parent language.
In former colonies, this is the respective European tongue.
The Creole then merges into the so-called Post-Creole
Continuum. At the end of the process, only traces of the
original Pidgin or Creole languages remain. The language
spoken then resembles the standard, usually a European
language. In some countries, native languages are also
official languages, but Creoles are mostly doomed to
become extinct.
in German words, like "StudentInnen". Other novelties are
"chairperson" instead of "chairman". Policemen became police
officers, etc.
15.2.1 STYLE
Stylistics is a science which explores all the formal
characteristics of language. Style then is a selection of a set of
linguistic features from all the possibilities in the language. It
includes, for example, word choice and grammar. We have a
'feel' of what has 'no style', or what it 'out of style', yet when
trying to pinpoint just what it is that makes a text, speech, or
anything for that matter, stylish, we may be at a loss for words.
Stylistics tries to explore this matter.
Style is something which is of importance to the speakers
of a language. There is "good style" and "bad style", "high" as
well as "low" style, etc. These qualifications are commonly
made by examining to what extent the possibilities of, say,
grammar have been exploited by a speaker. A speaker
performing incomplete sentences will not be regarded to have
"good" style. An individual may use one particular style all his
life, but there is also something called style shifting. This is in
some aspects similar to code switching. People can adapt their
style to any context. Some aspects of style can be the use of
tenses (more past or more present), frequency of foreign words,
amount of vocabulary.
Linguists try to also observe and register the different
occupational varieties or role relatives of language. They are
differentiated according to a various criteria and are then
comprise a compendium of 'registers'. Some of the aspects that
are observed in a register are:
Job relativity. Is written language used frequently? Is it
broadcast spoken language?
Length of sentences. Are there many subordinate clauses
involved? What is the average amount of words per sentence?
Specific vocabulary. Does the speaker use a certain
amount of foreign words? Does he/she use a basic vocabulary
or are there specialist words in the texts?
Archaic language. Can we find old-fashioned
pronunciation, word choice, etc. in the language variety?
Appearance in writing, such as capital letters, etc. This is
interesting for registers of the print media, such as newspapers,
books, reports, written laws.
Rules to save time. Are there acronyms? Military
English, for example, is full of those. Abbreviations and
elliptic sentences are further examples.
Thematic ordering (first things first, etc.). Is there a
thematic structure in the register? Again, newspaper articles are
a good example. The yellow press will first name the amount
of a disaster's victims, their age, family relations, etc. while a
conservative magazine will most probably inform the readers
about the cause, time, place, etc.
By examining speech varieties, we can easily discern
registers. Some registers in English are:
Children's programs. No subordinate clauses, simple
sentences, slow voice, simple lexis.
Scientific texts. Many adjectives, technical terms, long
sentences, argumentation lines, present tense, special graphic
Language at court (legal language). Formal language,
ancient words, repetition of certain structures, formal, slow
Letter writing. Colloquial expressions, emotional,
handwriting, syntax approximates thought structure.
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