Effective Dashboards
Effective Dashboards
Effective Dashboards
Effective Dashboards
and 7 mistakes you don’t want to make
August 2011
You’ve been there: no matter how many reports, formal reaction to current trends and statistics and to make the
5 best practices for creating effective dashboards and 7 mistakes you don’t want to make
meetings, casual conversations or emailed memos, information and results accessible to colleagues and
someone important inevitably claims they didn’t know clients.
about some important fact or insight and says “we
Core to this definition are these characteristics:
should have a dashboard to monitor the performance of
objectives-focused, visual, relevant, current, and
accessible to its audience. Start planning your effective
Or maybe you’ve been here: you’ve said “yes, let’s have dashboard by following these 5 best practices. And,
a dashboard. It will help us improve return on equally important, keep an eye on the 7 critical
investment (ROI) if everyone can see how X is mistakes you don’t want to make.
performing and be able to quickly respond. I’ll update it
What is a dashboard?
In his 2006 book, Information Dashboard Design,
Stephen Few wrote:
• How does each metric contribute to those A well-designed, highly visual dashboard will be more
5 best practices for creating effective dashboards and 7 mistakes you don’t want to make
2 Keep it visual
In order to understand which issues need immediate
attention to improve manufacturing goals, this
dashboard combines defect analysis with plant
location. Teams can select specific plants, zero in on
a date range or select the type of error by interacting
Dashboards are meant to be fast and easy to read.
directly with this dashboard.
Report and text-based tables are not fast or easy to
read. This is a case where a picture really is worth a
thousand words. dashboard include the use of colors, shapes, lines,
thicknesses, degrees of shading and any other tools
Because the human brain processes a number, a
that leverage visual perception. Things to avoid include
visualization or a picture as individual “chunks”
overly cute widgets, 3D graphic treatments and graph
of information, a report or data table filled with numbers
types not commonly seen.
requires the brain to store and remember multiple
chunks while visualizations or pictures require single Why are visualizations such as bar graphs, line graphs,
chunks. So the process of comprehension and insight heatmaps and scatterplots so popular? They are clear
is dramatically faster with visualization. and everyone knows how to read them. So while it’s
tempting to show off your PowerPoint charting skills,
Instead of users pondering how to read and interpret your
adding as many shapes and colors as possible until
views if shown with data, he or she can actually focus on
absolutely nothing is easy to understand—resist.
what the views in your dashboard are telling him or her.
The easier and more intuitive
you make the process of
customization, the more likely
they will be to use your dashboard.
3 Make it interactive up-to-date and that your selected metrics reflect current
5 best practices for creating effective dashboards and 7 mistakes you don’t want to make
business challenges.
Your dashboard will put everyone who sees it on the Data can be from this quarter, this week, this hour—
same page. But once on the same page, viewers each whatever the right timeline is for your business. Out-
will have their own questions and areas where they want of-date data can lend a false sense of confidence to
to know more. Your dashboard needs to allow viewers to decisions. You think you’re making fact-based
customize it so that they get the information they need. decisions, but the data is no longer representative of or
relevant to your current situation.
successful project, the key is to test, test, test. As you
Keep it current or don’t have more experience and learn what people are using,
bother you can enhance the actual dashboard and your means
of distribution.
Make sure that the data underlying your dashboard is
7 mistakes to avoid
5 best practices for creating effective dashboards and 7 mistakes you don’t want to make
The flip side of these five best practice recommendations for dashboards is a list of seven mistakes to avoid. Your
dashboard objectives are to understand key metrics and collaborate for better decisions. Falling into one of these
traps will move you away from – not towards – these goals.
Dashboards are valuable because they help use relevant, current information to understand how you are performing
with respect to your organizations’s overall goals. Essential aspects of your successful dashboard include:
• Choose metrics that matter
• Keep it visual
• Make it interactive
• Keep it current or don’t bother
• Make it simple to access and use
If you’re already engaged in a dashboarding effort, take note of these five best practices and evaluate how your
efforts measure up. Also, check to be sure you’re not getting caught in any of the seven mistakes to avoid.
If you haven’t yet started a dashboard to help achieve your corporate objectives, get started today. Seeing your data
as key metrics on a dashboard will help you march towards meeting your goals.
About Tableau
Tableau Software helps people see and understand data. Ranked by Gartner in 2011 as the world’s fastest growing
business intelligence company, Tableau helps individuals quickly and easily analyze, visualize and share
information. With more than 6,500 customers worldwide of all sizes and across industries, Tableau is used by
individuals throughout an organization, in an office and on-the-go. See the impact Tableau can have on your data by
downloading the free trial at www.tableausoftware.com/trial.
Recommended resources
5 best practices for creating effective dashboards and 7 mistakes you don’t want to make
Information Dashboard Design and Show Me the Numbers by Stephen Few
“Marketing Dashboards: Visualizing Smarter Marketing Decisions” research report by Jeff Zabin of the
Aberdeen Group
“Telling Great Stories with Data” whitepaper by Susan Moore, with Tableau Software
Tableau Software Learning Center’s Whitepapers, on-demand web seminars, articles and solution pages available
at www.tableausoftware.com/learn
© Copyright Tableau Software, Inc. 2011. All rights reserved. 837 North 34th Street, Suite 400, Seattle, WA 98103 U.S.A.