Guesstimate Pizza
Guesstimate Pizza
Guesstimate Pizza
Guesstimate 1:
Estimate the number of pizzas that the Domino's Pizza branch in Kozhikode City delivers, both
on site and home delivery per day.
Population of Kozhikode = 20,00,000
Target population:: Age 10 to 45 (60% of the population)= 12,00,000
A Branch has typical 35-40 seating capacity.
Optimum: 34 pizza
Sales = 10200
Maximum: 34 pizza
Sales = 10200
Optimum: 15 pizza
Sales= 4500
Guesstimate 1:
Estimate the number of pizzas that the Domino's Pizza branch in Kozhikode City delivers, both on
site and home delivery per day.
Kozhikode is comparatively a smaller Indian city with population density of about 3400 people per
square kilometre.
Assuming Dominoes has only one store in Kozhikode and is very much in demand.
And it usually reaches to an area of about 5 square kilometre radius from its outlet, give the proximity
and feasibility of delivery for home-orders. Hence the no. of people it can reach out to is about 17,000 on
a daily basis.
Now out of this chunk of reachable population, lets find out how many actually consume pizzas.
Again assuming that around 65 % of the population in Kozhikode is young (less than 35 years of age and
greater than infancy say 6 years) who would prefer having pizzas as a substitute food.
Again majority in the age-group of 15-25 years will have a strong inclination towards pizzas as
compared to the rest of the target group.
Therefore estimated target group is around 65 % of 17k ie around 11,000.
Now of this 11,000 people, not all would consume pizza on a daily basis. Assuming on an optimistic
note that 1/10th of 11k target population have pizzas regularly(or say on a daily basis), then the daily sales
target reduces to around 1,100 people. This figure is a mobile one, considering there is NOT any fixed
population of this size who consumes pizzas daily; rather a floating daily population of approximately this
size who either comes in and goes out or orders from their respective homes.
Now optimistically about 1/5th of 1,100 people might order for more than one pizza. Assuming 1/5 th
order 2 pizzas on an average and the remaining 4/5 th order only one. Then approximate sales of pizzas
on a daily basis = 220*2 + 880 = 1320 daily no of pizzas. This figure is representative of all orders
placed on a single day on an average including on floor orders plus the shipped ones to homes.