Balcanoslavica Call For Papers
Balcanoslavica Call For Papers
Balcanoslavica Call For Papers
BALCANOSLAVICA is refereed Journal, established for the first time in 1972, by the Center
for Research of Old Slavic Culture - Prilep and the Association of archeological institutions
from Yugoslavia - Belgrade. Editor in chief of the first edition is Boško Babić, editor - Danica
Dimitrijević, and members of the redaction are Mihajlo Apostolski, Đurđе Boshković, Jovan
Kovačević and Jovan Todorović. Since 1979 the journal is published by PSI "Institute of Old
Slavic Culture". From 2015 the Journal have an international redaction committee.
During its history, it is determined as an interdisciplinary edition where are published articles
from several disciplines of the humanities: archeology, history of art, linguistics, philology,
ethnology, folklore, anthropology, history, history of religion. The journal is open for
publication of articles, reviews, discussions, and bibliographies were the focus are pointed to
a critical analysis of the cultural processes in the wider Central-Balkan area, and in
Macedonia as its integral part.
With the aim to develop and increase the level of the scientific dialogue inside the scholar
community on a broader international level, and also for enhancement of scientific
considerations and discussions, we refer the open call to Macedonian and foreign scholars in
the field of humanities and social sciences to share its theoretical views, scientific
approaches, analysis, field practices and materials, and also expect scientific statements,
reviews of published editions, information of scientific symposia, conferences and events.
The authors interested in publishing in BALCANOSLAVICA should not have lower
educational level than Master of Science or Master of Arts. With the application and text
submission for publishing, the author confirms that the paper is his/her original work and it
has not been previously published.
The papers that will not meet the requirements will be returned. The papers should be sent by
e-mail and formatted in Microsoft Word 2003, together with properly numbered photographs
and illustrations. All papers should contain the following word documents:
- Document containing abstract, keywords, and text;
- Summary (max. 300 words);
- Document containing list of illustrations (max. 8 photos, drawings or plans);
- References;
- Illustrations (all illustrations in JPEG or TIFF format should be sent as separate documents
and named and numbered as shown in text);
Instructions for text editing:
- Papers should not exceed 1АТ (16 pages, 1 page contains 1800 characters).
- The papers should contain:
- Information about the author (in the top left corner):
• Name and surname of author(s) (12 pt.),
• Name and address of the Institution(s) of Affiliation(s) (11 pt.),
• E-mail of author(s).
- Title of the paper in both the language of the paper and in the language of the summary (all
caps, 14 pt., bold, center).
- Abstract in the language of the paper, up to 200 words.
- Keywords, up to 5.
- Summary in English or Macedonian but different than the language of the paper text (Time
New Roman, 12 pt.).
- Papers should be written in Times New Roman, 12 pt., line spacing 1.5.
- Photographs and illustrations should have a minimum resolutions of 300 dpi.
- English is the preferred language of the papers but also papers written in any of the Slavic
languages will be accepted,
- We kindly recommend the use of the Guidelines for Footnotes and Bibliography by Chicago
Manual of Style (full note citation). For further information, follow this
The Editorial Board of Balcanoslavica