National Psychology in Proverbs
National Psychology in Proverbs
National Psychology in Proverbs
Abstract. The article discusses the manifestation of national psychology in proverbs. The
views of social psychologists on national psychology have been scientifically analyzed. The unique
aspects of national values and spiritual heritage in the life of society are noted.
Key words: proverb, ethnopsychology, tradition, stereotype, national value, spiritual heritage.
A proverb is a set of wise thoughts expressing the conclusion of people's life experiences.
Although proverbs are considered a sub-genre of folklore, later, as a result of the repetition of a life
situation, the first thought gradually turns into a proverb. Experience shows that there must be a vital
basis for a proverb to live among the people. It is known from history that there are many proverbs
reflecting the life of hardworking farmers and artisans in our nation as a clear proof of the
development of agriculture, crafts and trade in Central Asia since time immemorial. For example, in
Uzbekistan there is a famous saying "If you drive in the fall, drive in the fall, if you don't drive in the
fall, drive a hundred." The widespread use of this proverb indicates that special attention is paid to
agrarian-economic issues in our Republic. Because cotton, recognized as "Uzbek white gold" in our
Motherland, has an incomparable place in the lives of our compatriots. As part of the above proverb,
i.e. proverbs related to farming, it is permissible to cite the following proverbs: One ear of grain is
one basket of bread. A dead Uzbek has bread in his lap.
In modern world linguistics, the semantic maturity of our Uzbek proverbs, which have passed
down from century to century, recognized as a unique gem of our folklore. They contain dozens of
semantic aspects of a word, all the examples of artistic means, poetic movements. Over the years, it
has used regularly in live speech and interpersonal communication, as well as in artistic, historical,
and scientific works. [1]
Folk proverbs have been the object of research in the linguistics of different languages,
studied in several aspects: linguistic, linguistic, comparative-typological features, among them. While
C. Tatian conducts research on the lexical-semantic features of Persian proverbs (based on Arabic
language materials), V. F. Zangliger studies the issue of Russian proverbs and their active
assimilation by Russian students of Bulgarian universities. V. F. Zangliger's article on variability and
synonymy in proverbs is also noteworthy. E.L.Shubina, A.V.Shitikova present some conclusions
about the variants and changes of German proverbs in the press. There are articles by E.E. Jigarina
about the functional nature and variability of proverbs in modern life, I.I.Illustrov's articles on the
issues of folk life in Russian proverbs and matals, and G.M. Nikolaeva's articles on generalization,
specificity and ambiguity in paremies.
The grammar of proverbs, structure of paremiological fund, semantic-structural classification
of proverbs, transformation of clichés are also discussed in detail.
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Pindus Journal of Culture, Literature, and ELT
ISSN: 2792 – 1883 | Volume 3 No. 10
In world linguistics, there are also several monographs and textbooks devoted to the
monographic study of proverbs in different languages. It can be seen that a number of problems of
paremiology have been solved to a certain extent in world linguistics. Among them are studies in
paremiology of English, Russian, related Turkic languages (Tatar, Kazakh, Turkman).
In Uzbek linguistics, remarkable and important researches have been carried out. In particular,
the researches of M. Ruzikulova, A. Jorakhanov, M. Toychiev, Kh. Abdurahmonov, M.
Sadriddinova, B. Joraeva, P. U. Bakirov are significant because they are dedicated to the study of
various issues of Uzbek paremiology. The above-mentioned article, monographic research and study
guides are treated in different parts of our dissertation.
Folk proverbs, which arose as a unique phenomenon of language, philosophy and artistic
creation, are a genre of folklore with a compact form, but deep content. Each one of them shows the
beauty of our language, the elegance of our speech, the intelligence and the logic of our thinking with
amazing power, and these drops of artistry are a mirror of our people's centuries-old life experiences
and everyday life.
National psychology is a branch of science that emerged at the intersection of
ethnopsychology, social psychology, sociology of large groups, and studies the features of national
and ethnic self-awareness, problems of national character, and the flow and laws of inter-ethnic
relations. National psychology considers such elements of mass consciousness and social psychology
as national stereotypes; perceptions of a typical national character; different stimuli that serve as
regulators of social distance between ethnic groups and nations; tradition, ceremony, ethnic
community, nation, national minority are interpreted as elements of culture that help to maintain the
integration and continuity of existence. In the context of the development of inter-ethnic and inter-
state relations, it is important to create a sense of national identity, a sense of ethnic community,
integration and a world view free from racial and national prejudices.
M.D. Djusupov states that, along with linguistic approaches to folkloristic material, including
paremia, a completely new approach - linguocultural approach - has emerged in world linguistics,
which allows evaluating the analyzed units from the aspect of the interaction of language, culture and
thought. This issue states that it is not always possible to describe them by focusing on national
characteristics within the framework of the system-structural paradigm.[2] In this regard, one can
fully agree with the opinion of the scientist.
Based on the research of O.A. Dmitrieva, M.D. Dzhusupov stated that the description of
proverbs in the linguistic and cultural aspect can be carried out from the point of view of monolingual
as well as interlinguistic comparison. The scientist reminds that such an analysis was also conducted
in O.A. Dmitrieva's study "Cultural-linguistic features of proverbs and aphorisms".
At this point, we found it necessary to quote the definition given by P. U. Bakirov to proverbs:
"Proverbs are pearls, cultural life wisdom, spiritual wealth and cultural heritage, confirmed by the
centuries-old experience of the people" [3]. Based on these thoughts, it is possible to say that
proverbs are national heritage, masterpieces of folk art. Adding the following words of V. I. Dal to
this opinion, which does not require proof: "A proverb is not written, but born by itself." [4].
Interest in the proverb from a literary point of view, the use of it to increase the artistry of the
work and to ensure the fluency of the artistic language have always been the focus of attention of the
word artists. Yusuf Khos Hajib, Ahmad Yassavi, Rabguzi, Lutfi, Alisher Navoi, Babur, Abulghozi
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ISSN: 2792 – 1883 | Volume 3 No. 10
Bahadirkhan, Munis, Ogahi, Nadira, Muqimi, Furqat, Avaz, Hamza, Sadriddin Ainiy, Fitrat,
Cholpon, Abdullah Qadiri, Aibek, Gafur Ghulam and dozens of others. if we carefully study the
works of creators, we will be sure that they contain many proverbs, sometimes exactly, sometimes
changed and transformed. In our history, we even come across cases where proverbs are treated from
a special, so to speak, folkloristic point of view, albeit episodic in nature. The outstanding linguist,
folklorist and ethnographer of the 11th century Mahmud Koshgari's collection activity and his work
"Devoni Lug'ati-t Turk" can be a vivid example of this. In "Devon" there are about 400 proverbs and
proverbs that are common among Turkic peoples with different attitudes, most of them are
successfully used in our language even today with some changes. For example, in this work,
M.Koshgari cites the proverb: "A person is in a house, a year is in a house" [5] (that is, "A person is
in a house, a property is in a house").
A.A. Potebnya divides them into two types in relation to the situation reflected in proverbs:
a) specific status indicators;
b) general status indicators[6].
If the proverbs expressing concrete situations are So many men, so many opinions, or the
words of a clear-minded person, then proverbs such as Think first and speak after words or Tell the
truth, turn away from a lie belong to those expressing general situations. The above-mentioned
proverbs are not close in meaning or translations of the first one, but they are proverbs in Uzbek and
English that indicate situations such as accuracy and generality.
As a product of word art, proverbs are also an artistic phenomenon. In them, you can find
dozens of meanings of one word, artistic image tools, and all examples of poetic movements. For
example, depending on the word "bad" in the context of the proverb, in addition to evil, the word
"bad" can mean selfishness, libertinism, crookedness, dishonesty, enmity, cowardice, ignorance,
ignorance, indecency, miserliness, arrogance, dishonesty, lying, impatience, disloyalty, greed,
dishonor, extravagance, etc. . This shows how wide the meaning possibilities of words in proverbs
Before commenting on the manifestation of national psychology in proverbs, we found it
necessary to comment on the concept of national psychology. Experts of social psychology write
about national psychology: "What is national psychology and how can it be studied?" This is a
question that is currently ... of interest to many researchers. Because the era expects such empirical
data from ethnopsychology that it should predict not only the current and past state of the national
consciousness, but also the future of the nation, the direction in which its consciousness will change,
and the processes occurring between nations" [7].
Sources say that national psychology is the specific (real or perceived) psychological
characteristics of individual nations, ethnic groups, or nations, and the comparative study of these
characteristics in social psychology, sociology, political science, and anthropology. National
psychology is characterized by a unique "combination" of human attitudes, values, feelings,
motivations and abilities, reinforced by language, family, education, environment and culture, of
different ethnic groups or people living in the national territory [8].
Traditions and unique psychological characteristics of the people are also reflected in folklore;
as a result, the national psychology of each nation is reflected in its proverbs.
It can be seen that the proverbs are permeated with the spirit of nationalism: the above proverb
ISSN 2792-1883 (online), Published in Vol: 3 No: 10 for the month of Oct-2023
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ISSN: 2792 – 1883 | Volume 3 No. 10
shows how much the Uzbek people respect bread. So, only proverbs from situations confirmed by life
experience will live forever among the people.
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3. Бакиров П.У. Семантика и структура номинацентрических пословиц (на материале
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4. Даль В. И. Пословицы русского народа. М.: Изд. Астрель, АСТ, 2000. – 752 с. – С.752.
6. Потебня А. А. Эстетика и поэтика. М.: Искусство, 1976. – 614 с. – С.516.
ISSN 2792-1883 (online), Published in Vol: 3 No: 10 for the month of Oct-2023
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