Quantum Physics I (8.04) Spring 2016 Assignment 9: Problem Set 9

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Quantum Physics I (8.

04) Spring 2016

Assignment 9
MIT Physics Department Due Friday April 29, 2016
April 21, 2016 12:00 noon

Griffiths: section 4.1.

Problem Set 9
1. A numerical test of stationary phase. [10 points]
We have used stationary phase to figure out the time dependence of the position of
peaks in wavepackets constructed from integral representations. More generally, the
stationary phase approximation can help get the value of the integral itself.
Consider the integral of a Gaussian peaked at x = 2 against a phase factor:
Z ∞
dx e−100(x−2) eiφ(λ,x) , φ(λ, x) = 50 x − 32
λx4 , λ ∈ R .

f (λ) =

We want to confirm that |f (λ)| peaks at a value λ∗ selected by stationary phase and
get the value of f (λ∗ ).

(a) What is the width ∆ at half-maximum for the gaussian? In other words, what
is the largest ∆ for which for all x in |x − 2| ≤ 12 ∆ the gaussian is larger than
half-maximum? If you had to do the integral numerically, would it be safe to
integrate from 1 to 3? Explain.
(b) Use stationary phase to find the critical value λ∗ of λ for which f (λ) would have
the largest magnitude. For λ∗ write φ(λ∗ , x) as a Taylor expansion around x = 2
up to and including terms quadratic in (x − 2).
(c) What is the excursion of the phase φ(λ∗ , x) for |x − 2| < 12 ∆? Your result,
expressed in units of π, should imply that it is a decent approximation to ignore
the phase variation at the critical λ. Do so and then perform the resulting
integral analytically. The answer is a complex number. Write your answer in
terms of a phase times the magnitude.
(d) Perform the integral analytically using the quadratic approximation for the
phase. Write your answer in terms of a phase times the magnitude.
(e) Perform the integral numerically as a function of λ for the interval λ ∈ [0, 1].
Plot the absolute value |f (λ)|. What is the value of f (λ) for the critical λ?
Compare with your previous estimates. What is the value of λ that leads to the
largest |f (λ)|?

Physics 8.04, Quantum Physics 1, Spring 2016 2

2. Testing Levinson’s theorem in an example [10 points].

For the potential V (x) = −V0 for 0 < x < a, V (x) = 0 for x > a and V (x) = ∞ for
x < 0 we calculated in class the phase shift δ(E) finding

1 − kk cot k ′ a tan ka
tan δ = ,
tan ka + kk cot k ′ a

2mE 2m(E + V0 ) 2mV0 a2
k2 = , k ′2 = , z02 =
~2 ~2 ~2
(a) As the energy E goes to zero, ka → 0. What happens to k ′ a? Show that tan δ
goes to zero, and thus we can take δ → 0 as ka → 0.
(b) What is the limit for tan δ as E → ∞? Explain in detail.
(c) Call u ≡ ka and write tan δ as a function of u and z0

tan δ = f (u; z0 ) → δ = ArcTan [f (u; z0)] .

Write the function f (u; z0 ).

In order to construct plots with Mathematica, I found it difficult to use ArcTan[...]

because it uses the range (−π/2, π/2) and the graphs give discontinuities. One option
(suggested by W. Taylor) is to differentiate the ArcTan function and then to integrate
it again! Since δ = 0 for u = 0 we can write:
Z u
δ(u; z0) = du′ ′ ArcTan [f (u′ ; z0 )] .
0 du
Let the computer take the derivative and integrate. If you find a simpler way to do
this let us know!

(d) Graph the phases δ(u, z0) as a function of u for z0 = 2, 5, 9. For z = 2 use
u ∈ [0, 15], for z0 = 5 use u ∈ [0, 20] and for z0 = 9 use u ∈ [0, 30]. In each
case explain how the result is consistent with Levinson’s theorem and state how
close is δ at the upper value of u to the expected value of δ(E = ∞).
Physics 8.04, Quantum Physics 1, Spring 2016 3

3. Scattering off a step and a wall [10 points]

Consider the potential

 V0 ,
 for 0 < x < a , V0 > 0 ,
V (x) = 0 , for x > a ,

∞, for x ≤ 0 .

Calculate the phase shift δ(k) as a function of k. You will have to consider two cases:

(a) E(k) > V0 . Call k ′ the wavenumber for x < a. You may want to do this
starting from the beginning (for practice). Otherwise you could try to use the
example worked in class (and Problem 2 here), where instead of a step we had
a well of depth V0 , and modify the answer suitably. Leave your answer in the
form cot δ = . . ..
(b) E(k) < V0 . You may want to do this starting from the beginning (for practice).
Otherwise you could try some analytic continuation of the result of part (a).
Leave your answer in the form cot δ = . . ..
(c) Plot δ(k) as a function of u = ka ∈ [0, ∞] for a potential with z0 = 5 (recall
that z02 = 2mV0a

4. Scattering off a delta function and a wall. [15 points]

Consider our usual one-dimensional potential with V (x) = ∞ for x ≤ 0, and with
V (x) = g δ(x − a) , g > 0 x > 0.

We scatter particles with mass m and energy E > 0 off this potential. We have

22mEa2 mag
(ka) = , λ ≡ , unit free.
~2 ~2
(a) Calculate the phase shift δ(k). Write the answer in the form
sin2 (ka)
tan δ = − ,
h(ka; λ)
where h(ka; λ) is a function you must determine. Explain how, with δ known,
one readily finds the amplitude A(k) multiplying the ‘sin’ function in the wave-
function for 0 < x < a.
(b) To understand features of tan δ calculate the leading approximation to it for
ka ≪ 1. Discuss the λ dependence of the result. For arbitrary ka what does
tan δ become for λ → ∞?
(c) Plot δ, the time delay a1 dk

, and |A| as functions of ka ∈ [0, 10] for λ = 5. Do
you see resonances? If so, identify the values of ka, the time delay a1 dk

and the
magnitude of |A|. Is the plot of δ consistent with Levinson’s theorem?
Physics 8.04, Quantum Physics 1, Spring 2016 4

5. A few commutators and a few expectation values. [10 points]

(a) Calculate the commutators

[Lz , x] , [Lz , y] , and [Lz , z] .

(b) Calculate the commutators

[Lz , px ] , [Lz , py ], and [Lz , pz ] .

(c) Assume ψ0 is an Lz eigenfunction. Show that py and px have zero expectation

value in the state ψ0 .
(d) Assume ψ0 is an Lz eigenfunction. Show that y and x have zero expectation
value in the state ψ0 .

6. Angular momentum in spherical coordinates. [10 points]

(a) Calculate the nine partial derivatives of the spherical coordinates (r, θ, φ) with
respect to the Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) expressing your answers in terms
of the spherical coordinates.
(b) Use the above results to write Lx , Ly , and Lz as differential operators in spherical
(c) Compute L2x , L2y , and L2z as differential operators in spherical coordinates and
use your results to derive the expected form of L2 as a differential operator in
spherical coordinates.
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8.04 Quantum Physics I

Spring 2016

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