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Petrel Software: University of Zakho Petroleum Engineering

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University of Zakho

Petroleum engineering

Petrel software

Name: shakir Mahmoud

Stage: four
Course: reservoir simulation lab
PETREL is a Windows based software for 3D visualization, 3D mapping and 3D reservoir
modeling used in the exploration and production sector of the petroleum industry. This software
can do interpretation of seismic, Building faulted 3D grids for reservoir modeling and flow
simulation. , produce maps and design development strategies to maximize reservoir exploitation.
Risk and uncertainty as well .Petrel is developed and built by Schlumberger.

Starting with PETREL

A data set from the Gullfaks field is provided with the PETREL. The following wells, along with
their well headers (well location map), well deviations (well paths), well logs, and well tops
(formation tops), are supplied: A10, A15, A16, B1, B2, B4, B8, B9, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, and
C7. The stratigraphic succession of the reservoir under study is given in the following table:

Gullfaks is one of the major oil fields in the North Sea and one of the largest oil producing fields
on the Norwegian continental shelf.
1. Well header is the location of well in field contains name and coordinates and must contains the
a. Well Name
b. X coordinate
c. Y coordinate
a. D. Kelly Bushing (Elevation datum)
d. Bottom Depth
f. TD (True vertical Depth)
2- Well top is the top location of a layer in certain well simply it’s the height of the layer. And
this file has:
X, Y, Depth, Time, Type, Horizon Name, Well Name, Symbol, Measured Depth, Pick Name,
Interpreter, Dip Angle, and Dip Azimuth of each well .
3-Well path/deviation is the shape of the wellbore vertical or horizontal or directional this contains
a. Measured depth, inclination, and azimuth.
b. True vertical depth, X-offset, Y-offset (MD optional).
c. True vertical depth, X, Y (MD optional).
d. X, Y, Z (MD optional).
4- Well logs are Petrophysical properties measured by well logs survey like porosity.
5-3D Seismic Lines
6-Fault Data
7-Isochore Data
Data Import
The data we input in this section are in the table below

Starting with New Project

To start a new project, follow the steps below:
1. Select New Project from the File menu.
2. A new Display Window appears with black background color.
3. Select Save Project from the File menu.
4. Save Project as give it the name and location of the project. Now you are ready to start the first
step of building a 3D geological model, which is Data Import.
Importing Well header
1. Go to insert and select new well folder.

2. Right-click on Wells then select Import

3. Select Well Header file as type Well Head (*.*).

4. Match the data in file with the software if need

a. Number of headers lines is line one so put 1
b. Delete UWI because it does not present
The wells now has loaded to petrel as shown below:
Importing Well Path/Deviation
The steps are:
1. Right-click on the Wells folder again, and choose Import

2. Select Well path/deviation (ASCII) (*.*)

3. Make sure that the file name and wells are matched

4. Choose X, Y, Z system
5. Put 1,2,3,4 which represent MD, X, Y, Z and press ok
The well path now loaded to petrel

Importing Well Tops

1. From Menu bar press insert and choose new well tops
2. Right-click on the Well Then select Import

3. Select Petrel Well Tops (ASCII) (*.*)

4- Press ok if no need to change anything

The well tops have loaded to petrel

Importing Well Logs
1-Right-click on the Wells folder, then select Import

Select Well Log (LAS 3.0)(*.las) from the Files of type

Select all files, then press Open and Press Ok.

As shown below the logs loaded to wells

Below is example of well correlation

Importing seismic data

First the seismic data1-go to insert and select new seismic main folder
2-Right-click on the seismic, then select insert seismic survey

3- Right-click on the survey and select import

4- Choose file with SEG Y seismic data

5- Choose domain elevation time because our data is in time unit

The result is below of seismic data

The above shape is not current in displaying due to some damage in crack of the software or
problems in computer.
And if we display the seismic data in 2D we can see the correct shape as follow
The next step is to insert the seismic interpretation data
1-right click on seismic from input window and select insert interpretation folder

2-selet files with seiswork 3D interpretation ascll

The result as shown

Now we will input fault data and isochore as last steps in this work
So from insert make three new folder and name them as follow:
Fault polygon: which is the fault out reservoir.
Stick fault: which is the fault inside the reservoir.
Isochore: maps depend on the tine of deposition.
Now we will input the data of each on starting with Fault polygon
1- Right click on the Fault polygon folder and select import
2-Select file with zmap + lines as ascll

2- Select domain as elevation time

The result is

Stick fault now

1-Right click on the Stick fault floder and choose import
2-select file with zmap+lines as ascll

3- Select domain as elevation time

The result is shown as below

Now the last step is inputting isochore as follow:

4- Right click on isochore folder and select import
2-select file as zmap+grid ascll

3-select domain thickness elevation

The result is

The horizon on the seismic section

Below is example of the loaded all data in this report

The end of this report

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