Is Smart Pharma Innovative VF
Is Smart Pharma Innovative VF
Is Smart Pharma Innovative VF
Is Smart Pharma
“Creativity is thinking up new things.
15 Years Innovation is doing new things”
(Theodore Levitt)
in Search of
Innovative Position Paper
June 2016
Smart Pharma
1, rue Houdart de Lamotte – 75015 Paris – France
Tel.: +33 6 11 96 33 78 – Fax: +33 1 45 57 46 59
E-mail: – Website:
This presentation reviews several innovative concepts, methods, tools and opinions
developed by Smart Pharma Consulting over the last 15 years
Is Smart Pharma Consulting Innovative?
Smart Pharma Consulting has been founded 15 years ago, with one fundamental goal:
Propose effective and practical solutions to help its clients improve their performance
The purpose of this position paper is to enable you answer the following question:
Is Smart Pharma innovative?
Hereafter, we have selected some of the “innovations” we have developed since 2001
“I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of the old ones.” – John Cage
We have selected four concepts / methods, 12 tools and three opinions to enable you
to evaluate the interest, usefulness and practicality of our “innovative power”
Selection of innovations developed by Smart Pharma Consulting
1 Brazil, Russia, India, China – 2 Key execution indicators – 3 Key performance indicators
Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting analysis
Identify key facts and Understand the Analyze the Based on the three
figures related to the reasons that have implications for the key previous steps
competitive triggered these key stakeholders (WHAT? – WHY? – SO
environment: facts and figures: (authorities, clients and WHAT?) define the
competitors) relevant decisions to
– Opinions and – What are the root be made:
decisions of causes of the Define if these key
stakeholders opinions and facts and figures – Strategic decisions
(authorities, clients decisions made by represent opportunities
and competitors) these stakeholders or threats for the key – Tactical decisions
(authorities, clients stakeholders…
– Performance of key – Organizational
and competitors)?
players … and what is the decisions (e.g.
magnitude of their activities, processes,
impact structure, culture)
BRIC1 countries are likely to keep on driving the growth of the global pharma market
but they are expected to be much less profitable than North America, EU 5 and Japan
The mirage of the BRIC countries
102 415 North +3% CAGR of the
+3-6% (9%) (35%) America5 total pharma market
1 Brazil, Russia, India, China – 2 Compounded annual growth rate – 3 Earnings before interests,
Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting analysis taxes, depreciation and amortizations – 4 France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK – 5 USA and Canada
Focused strategies have shown to generate the highest profitability ratios, whereas
portfolio and geographical expansion strategies provide the highest profit growth
Development Strategy Matrix – Principles
Strategic segments
segment supplements, medical devices,
Amgen Daiichi Sankyo
vaccines, services, etc.
Geographical coverage
*+ + + Highly positive ++ Moderately positive + Slightly positive - - - Highly negative - - Moderately negative - Slightly negative
1 The primary care market which accounts for 60% of the total pharma market offers opportunities for
Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting analysis
me-too products priced at a small premium to branded generics or unbranded generics
Corporate ID cards have shown to be very useful to review the activity, the strategic
decisions and priorities, as well as the performance of companies in one page
Corporate ID Card – Illustration
Each pharma company must differentiate from competitors by offering its customers,
products and services that are superior than competitors ones
Preference-driven Strategy – Principles
B – Strategy formulation
C – Performance optimization
Business levers Organizational levers
Corporate Portfolio Service
reputation Activity Structure Processes Culture
attributes quality
The “Advanced SWOT” helps marketers carry out a more specific and relevant
assessment of the market situation and of the brand competitive position
Advanced SWOT
Relative Relative
Opportunities importance¹ Threats importance¹
What might positively impact market dynamics? What might negatively impact market dynamics?
Authorities: new indications, guidelines… Authorities: tightened guidelines, usage restriction,
Clients: prescriptions behaviors (e.g. off-label), price cut, delisting, market withdrawals…
emergence of new prescribers, improvement of patients’ Clients: prescriptions behaviors (e.g. preference for
adherence… generics)…
Competition: withdrawal of some competitors, Competition: generic threat, new entrants,
reduction of promotional investments, patent expiry… increase in promotional investments…
Relative Relative
Strengths importance¹ Weaknesses importance¹
What are / will be the brand advantages? What are / will be the brand disadvantages?
Corporate reputation: size, reactivity, efficiency, Corporate reputation: size, reactivity, efficiency,
skills, expertise, innovation, access to medicine… skills, expertise, innovation, access to medicine…
Service quality: value of services, usefulness, Service quality: value of services, usefulness,
quantity, quality of execution… quantity, quality of execution…
Brand perception: Brand perception:
– Attributes: indications, formulations, patent… – Attributes: indications, formulations, patent…
– Price: price level, reimbursement status… – Price: price level, reimbursement status…
– Distribution: direct / indirect, rebating strategy… – Distribution: direct / indirect, rebating strategy…
– Promotion: marketing / medical investment… – Promotion: marketing / medical investment
Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting analysis ¹ Rating from 5: very high importance to 1: very limited importance
The Customer Preference Card is a useful tool to align the brand ambition, the
strategic preference drivers by customer segment and the corresponding tactics¹
Customer Preference Card
Brand Ambition
Qualitative Quantitative
Customer preference is a much more relevant and powerful strategic driver to gain
market share, at the expense of competitors
Brand Preference supersedes Brand Satisfaction
Results from the fulfillment of one or Definition Results from a superior solution to
several expectations existing alternatives
Identification of expectations
Identification of expectations
Assessment of superiority level to
Offering solutions to fulfill these induce customer preference
expectations Implementation Offering of unique & preferential
Assessment of customer solutions
satisfaction (e.g. customer
satisfaction survey) Measurement of the preference
level with tools (e.g. BPM Index1)
The Brand Preference Mix Index (BPMI) enables to evaluate the brand performance
on each of its preference components, over time and compared to its competitors
Brand Preference Mix Index
Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting analysis 1 Physicians, patients, pharmacists, nurses, payers, health authorities, etc.
Such a tool will help evaluate if a service is likely to reinforce the preference of
customers (physicians, pharmacists, patients, etc.) for the associated brand
Brand Preference Mix – Pre-assessment of services
Convenience 1 2 3 4 5 Partial
Execution 1 2 3 4 5
Total 1 2 3 4 5
Barrières Rationale (Key performance (Activity-based Decision
indicators) indicators)
Technical • Implementation
Regulatory • Compliance
Economic • Estimated cost and return
Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting analysis High Medium Low * 1 & 2 below competitors – 3 as competitors – 4 & 5 above competitors
General environment
Personality of physicians
Conditions of practices
Low Moderate High
Low Moderate High
Low Moderate High Meetings Studies Mailings
Evol. of Market/ Sensitivity to Leading Rx # of # of # of # of Communication
Products Rx calls/marketing drivers Calls Meetings Studies Mailings styles
Dialogue /
Clarke High / Moderate High / Mailings Emotional 12 2 0 4 Services
Moderate / Scientific /
Martin High / Meetings Economic 6 2 1 1 Services
Dialogue /
Taylor Low / Low High / Meetings Emotional 4 1 0 0 Services
Before making the decision to invest in promotion, targeted customers and expected
impact should be clearly defined, as well as performance and execution indicators
Key Execution & Key Performance Indicators – Monitoring tools
Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting analysis 1 Key execution indicators – 2 Key performance indicators
Most companies currently limit strategic thinking on mature products to brands with
limited local potential, with a special focus on corporate non-core brands
Portfolio Strategic Matrix
National situation
Newly launched global brands Newly launched global brands
Established global brands Established global brands
with high potential for with high global and local
development at global level potential for development
Established local/global brands
When brand attributes are not significantly differentiated from competitors’ ones,
physicians’ preference may be influenced by their interactions with Med Reps
Med Reps are Key to drive Physicians Preference
“Looking for useful and/or
interesting interactions”
The H2I Program follows a straightforward approach but each of the three steps
should be well understood by the Med Reps and perfectly carried out
High Impact Interactions (H2I) Program
Hierarchy of Expectations
Seeker Seeker Invitees
Information Logistics
Physicians (medical / non-medical)
Expectations Medical
Information Logistics
Management Med Rep
(medical / non-medical)
Emotion Medical
Seeker Calls
Pyramid of Expectations
While interacting with Med Reps, Creating High Impact Interactions Med Reps should not just try to
physicians expectations will requires from Med Reps to identify fulfill physicians expectations while
depend primarily on their each physician expectations interacting with them
personality… regarding the four determinants of They should go the extra mile to
… but also on their past each type of interactions (i.e. medical surpass their competitors and
interactions with each Med Rep calls, medical meetings, congresses / induce physicians preference for
symposiums their brand
The KOL ID card is a practical tool which contains in one single page the most
important information required to qualify and then recruit pre-selected KOLs
Final decision
The “KOL Partnership Plan” should include key information extracted from the KOL
ID card, specify the objectives of the partnership, its scope and duration
KOL Partnership Plan (K2P) – Model
KOL Customer (First name – surname – position (Describe briefly his role vis-à-vis Coordination (Indicates the other collaborators
Manager in the company) the KOL) with… whom to coordinate)
Objectives of the
Specific scope
• • • •
of the partnership1
Integrated Integrated
National Strategic Plan Regional Strategic Plan
“ differ less in their abilities… Men
“ differ less in their abilities…
… the degree to which they use them” than
… the degree to which they use them”
Medical Section Marketing & Sales Section Access & Adherence Section
Collaborators: MSLs Collaborators: brand managers, area managers, medical Collaborators: Key Account Managers
Key clients: national and regional KOLs representatives (KAMs) and Key Institutional Managers (KIMs)
Key objectives: build strong and sustainable Key clients: physicians, retail and hospital pharmacists Key clients: regional health authorities,
relationships with KOLs to develop advocacy regional payers, hospital directors, hospital
Key objectives: strengthen brand preference
purchase managers, PAGs2, etc.
Key activities: regular interactions with Key activities:
KOLs, scientific lectures at congresses, Key objectives: facilitate the hospital listing,
– Marketers: crafting of a brand preference strategy and improve patient adherence
symposia, staff meetings, support of research
leveraging: brand attributes, perceived quality of
clinical trials, training of speakers and Key activities: development of medico-
associated services and corporate reputation
collaborators from marketing and sales teams, economic studies to facilitate the market
support of Key Institutional Managers (KIM) – Sales forces: medical calls, invitations to medical access of brands and support of projects to
while meeting their clients, competitive meetings, congresses and proposal for services likely to improve patients adherence, to promote the
intelligence initiatives strengthen brand preference proper use of drugs
Sources: Smart Pharma Consulting analysis 1 In compliance with the national regulation and the companies’ policies – 2 Patient Advocacy groups
For 15 years, developing innovative concepts, methods, tools, and opinions has been our
utmost priority
Actually, our search for innovation is driven by three specific traits of our corporate personality:
1. Our willingness to do different things and things differently
During the next 15 years, or so, we commit to keep on searching for new ways to develop more
and more effective and efficient solutions for our customers
Consulting company dedicated to the pharmaceutical sector operating in the complementary domains of strategy, management and organization
Core capabilities
1 Strategy 2 Management
3 Organization
1, rue Houdart de Lamotte – 75015 Paris – France • Tel.: +33 6 11 96 33 78 • Fax: +33 1 45 57 46 59 • E-mail: • Website:
Smart Pharma Consulting