Concept Formation Is A Creative, Not A Mechanical Passive, Process - . - A
Concept Formation Is A Creative, Not A Mechanical Passive, Process - . - A
Concept Formation Is A Creative, Not A Mechanical Passive, Process - . - A
ABSTRACT. This paper describes an attempt to explore aspects of the language used in
children’s written work in a secondary mathematics classroom as a means of assessing
their mathematical understanding. It focuses on children’s conceptualisations of polygons
and their attempts to differentiate between them. It also examines the use of database and
concordancing software in deepening our understanding of a potentially major source of
students’ (mis) conceptions: the published materials they engage with. It describes their
usefulness in providing a systematic and efficient method of analysis of materials to explore
patterns within them. The method is also used to identify possible sources of students’ mis-
conceptions about the properties of polygons based on their likely exposure to potentially
misleading examples in published materials.
. . . concept formation is a creative, not a mechanical passive, process; . . . a
concept emerges and takes shape in the course of a complex operation aimed
at the solution of some problem . . . memorizing words and connecting them with
objects does not in itself lead to concept formation; for the process to begin, a
problem must arise that cannot be solved otherwise than through the formation of
new concepts.
(Vygotsky, 1986: 99–100)
. . . talking within and talking about mathematics within the classroom and its
mathematical practices, while deeply related, do not place the same communic-
ative demands on the speaker . . . The move between talking within and talking
about is not spontaneously or tacitly learnt. It requires mediation.
The teachers agreed that pupils’ saying what they were thinking would, at least,
help the teacher to know what learners were constructing and to respond appropri-
ately. One summed up this view in the workshop discussion: “Hearing what it is
pupils think and articulate can help you [the teacher] see what they understand”.
That view is endorsed by this paper, which seeks to locate such under-
standings within the van Hiele model of geometric development.
Level 1: Analysis
At level 1, an analysis of geometric concepts begins. For example, through obser-
vation and experimentation students begin to discern the characteristics of figures.
These emerging properties are then used to conceptualize classes of shapes. Thus
figures are recognized as having parts and are recognized by their parts. . . . Rela-
tionships between properties, however, cannot yet be explained by students at this
level, interrelationships between figures are still not seen, and definitions are not
yet understood.
Level 3: Deduction
At this level, the significance of deduction as a way of establishing geometric
theory within an axiomatic system is understood. The interrelationship and role
of undefined terms, axioms, postulates, definitions, theorems, and proof is seen.
A person at this level can construct, not just memorize, proofs; the possibility of
developing a proof in more than one way is seen; the interaction of necessary
and sufficient conditions is understood; distinctions between a statement and its
converse can be made.
Level 4: Rigor
At this stage the learner can work in a variety of axiomatic systems, that is, non-
Children are likely to be able to identify these shapes and should also
have little difficulty in identifying particular shapes from among a group
of shapes, as in the following exercise:
their way through exercises such as those above. There are significant dif-
ferences, however, between being able to identify shapes, describe shapes
and classify them, with implications for the degree of mathematical un-
derstanding that is assumed. England’s National Curriculum Orders, for
example (DFE, 1995, p. 27) locate the classification process at both level
3 (of 8): “Pupils classify 3-D and 2-D shapes in various ways using math-
ematical properties”, and at level 6, “They know and use the properties of
quadrilaterals in classifying different types of quadrilateral”.
At the lower levels, classifying may, perhaps, be taken to be closer in
meaning to describing (akin to van Hiele levels 0 and 1) and, at higher
levels, to defining (akin to van Hiele level 2). There is, of course, a clear
difference to be made between describing shapes and defining them, but
the term classifying is used at diverse levels with no operational distinction
made between them. Such statements of attainment, of course, are gener-
ally written with summative assessment by examination in mind rather
than as a description of a systematic and coherent progression through
a defined hierarchy of mathematical concepts. This, perhaps, accounts for
abrupt and unprogrammed shifts within such descriptors but it does little to
help teachers faced with the difficulty of planning a curriculum that devel-
ops their students’ ability to demonstrate their knowledge of mathematical
concepts through the medium of language. Nor does it assist teachers in the
formative assessment of such abilities, let alone help the students develop
the skills of self-assessment, which are increasingly recognised as being of
great value, as argued by Gipps (1994, p. 26–27):
If pupils are to become competent assesors of their own work, as developments
in metacognition tell us they should, then they need sustained experience in ways
of questioning and improving their work, and supported experience in assessing
their work, in addition to understanding what counts as the standard expected and
the criteria on which they will be assessed.
Any such planning for future learning must be founded upon an under-
standing and appreciation of students’ current conceptualisations. The fol-
The setting
The study was carried out in a large (ca. 2,000 students) comprehens-
ive school in an inner London borough marked by high levels of social
deprivation. Approximately two thirds of the students regularly use a lan-
guage other than English, and about one third of this group are in the early
stages of acquiring the language. All students are taught mathematics in
mixed-attainment classes from the ages of 11–16, with every class con-
taining a wide spread of ability, but with more students falling into the
lower end of the range than the higher.
The study
The conceptual distance that students must cover to move from the stage of
recognising such gross visual features of shapes as straightness or length
to more abstract concepts such as parallelness or perpendicularity is far
greater than the mere difference in vocabulary might suggest. As has been
pointed out, students very early on are able to recognise and distinguish
shapes. What is less clear is the basis on which they make such distinctions.
In order to investigate this, an activity was devised in which a group
of 24 Year 7 students were asked not to identify shapes in isolation but
to differentiate between them. The aim was to analyse the language stu-
dents used to describe differences between shapes in order to explore what
it reveals about their conceptualisation of the shapes. The impetus for
this derives from Vygotsky’s notion of cognitive conflict discussed earlier,
whereby the formation of concepts is regarded as a creative process in
which concepts emerge as a result of solving a problem, rather than through
the mere memorization of words and connection of them to some object.
The exercise took place during the students’ first half term in the school
at a time when they had not done any work on classifying shapes. (They
will, of course, have worked on shape at their primary schools but this
type of definitional exercise was new to them.) By requiring the students to
identify the salient attributes which distinguish between shapes, it was as-
sumed that evidence would emerge about the basis on which they identified
shapes. The students were asked to answer the following five questions:
A square has 4 equal sides, A rectangle has 2 oppisite sides are equal.
A rectangle has two opposite sides equal and a square has four equal sides.
A square has all four sides the same length and a rectangle alway has two opposite
sides the same length and the other two are the same length but a different than
the top and bottom (Del)
Rectangle has the opposite sides which are equal. The top and botum are the
same, and the square have got same sides and angles. (Ghalib)
of such ‘prototypes’ and the obstacles they can represent has been widely
discussed (Hasegawa, 1997; De Villiers, 1994; Laborde, 1994; Fischbein,
1993; Parzysz, 1991; Sfard, 1991; Hershkovitz, 1990) and informs this pa-
per. Students tend to overgeneralise the properties of one type of rectangle
to the whole class. As Hasegawa (1997, p. 157–158) comments:
It does seem that squares were increasingly more difficult to recognise as they
became more ‘tilted’.
Parzysz (1988) also showed how students unconsciously tended to transfer
the geometrical properties of the graphical representation to the object
represented, and vice versa. Pimm (1987) contains similar examples of
such student behaviour.
That the dominance of such an orientation-driven perception continues
to be underpinned by curriculum materials must be of pedagogical con-
cern. Nor is it limited to squares and rectangles, as will become clear from
the discussion of the other question, which follows.
Parallelogram are leaning sides way but a rectangle is a right angle (Sudaratt)
A parallelogram slightly leans. But a rectangle is straight with two equal sides.
Ellen’s description of the parallelogram as ‘slightly’ leaning illustrates
the degree to which previous representations of parallelograms appear to
condition a one-to-one matching of word and concept.
The question also illuminates the students’ understanding of ‘straight’,
which they appear to regard as synonymous with horizontal or vertical:
A parrallelogram is sort of leaning to one side but a rectangle is strait. (Andrew)
The difference is that a rectangle is straight and a parallelogram leans to one side.
The Parallelogram side are not all stirght and equl but the rectangle side are all
stight and equl. (Celina)
A parallelogram has it’s four side but not straight but a rectangle has it’s four
side straight but not all of them are the same size and not all of them are equal.
Students will sometimes use the mathematical terms ‘horizontal’ and ‘ver-
tical’ to make essentially the same point:
A rectangles edges are either horizontal or vertical and a parallelogram only has
two horizontal sides. (Jon)
A rectangle has two horizontal sides and 2 parellel side’s but a parallelogram
ha’s 2 horizontal and two side’s tillting towards the right. (Alomgir)
A rectangle is straight, a parallelogram is also straight but the sides on the right
and left are diagnal. (Del)
A rectangles sides are horizontal and vertical but a parallelograms side lines are
diagnal. (Amir)
The parallegram’s sides go vartkil and the rectangles sides go strage. (Ghalib)
Ghalib is probably using vertical incorrectly to mean diagonal and the
distinction he makes between verticality and straightness is likely to cause
him difficulties later on. Again, these descriptions illustrate the dominant
representation of diagonal lines in polygons that are themselves presented
along a horizontal axis. This is reflected in the apparent ease with which
students are able to draw in diagonal lines on a shape presented in ‘stand-
ard’ orientation, ie. with the base horizontal to the edge of the page, but
have greater difficulty when the same shape is presented in a different
The concept of diagonality has been rendered essentially inoperative
due to the dominance of one system of representation. It has become fixed
as a single visual representation rather than as an abstract property that can
occur in a variety of modes. A separate analysis of the pattern of use of the
Following Kress’ (1994, p. 132) view that “the child’s language may be
regarded as a window to the child’s conceptual world”, this exercise was
devised as a relatively straightforward method of capturing an insight into
students’ conceptual understanding and their ability to express it through
What emerges is that students (over-)rely on standard representations
of shapes as a means of identifying and discriminating between them. It
was shown that curriculum materials tend to underpin such perceptions.
Similar effects were found by Geddes et al. (1982) in an examination of
geometry textbooks used in a high school in the United States.
This is potentially detrimental to the development of the students’ use
of the mathematics register (the mathematical use of natural language –
vocabulary and structures – to create mathematical meanings). Unless they
are forced into a Vygotskyan conflict with their current conceptual under-
standing – as evidenced by their single representation of shapes that have
many possible representations – they are unlikely to develop the higher
order conceptualisations that will enable them to recognise that trapezium
is inclusive of ‘square’, ‘parallelogram’, ‘rectangle’, and ‘rhombus’. They
confuse a mental image with a concept and will need the mediation of
the teacher to unscramble the two as differentiated by Fischbein (1993,
p. 140):
What . . . characterizes a concept is the fact that it expresses an idea, a general,
ideal representation of a class of objects, based on their common features.
In contrast, an image (we refer here to mental images) is a sensorial representation
of an object or phenomenon.
From the teacher’s perspective, this sort of exercise gives valuable insights
into the multiplicity of ways their students conceive of shape and help them
move beyond the van Hiele level 0 and 1 conceptions demonstarted above.
It can enable them to identify which concepts are not known at this stage
(enabling them to plan at a whole-class level), or which concepts particular
students do not have, (enabling them to plan at the individual level). It can
throw light on mistaken conceptions that students may have but that do not
appear so evidently in a conflict-free exercise of simple identification. In
the context of the van Hiele model, Shaughnessy and Burger (1985, p. 425)
have pointed out that:
. . . it is very likely that the teacher and students are reasoning about the same
concepts but at different levels. While the teacher is writing a careful definition
on the chalkboard (level 2), the students may be thinking about all the properties
that the teacher has left out (level 1).
The evidence of the students’ comments discussed above clearly illustrates
the potential gap between the assumed level inherent in the materials and
that of the students. In the Geddes study cited above (Geddes, 1992) school
textbooks were analaysed in terms of the van Hiele levels they reflected.
It was found that most of the texts presented material at van Hiele level
3, but had problem sets that frequently jumped from level 0 to level 3. By
focusing on the language the teacher is able discover which aspects of the
register are in need of development.
The use of database and concordancing software enables the teacher or
researcher to make such analyses much more easily than would otherwise
be possible. For example, the information underpinning the analysis of the
ratio of sides in rectangles was generated in a matter of seconds by identi-
fying activities from containing the words ‘rectangle’ and/or ‘square’. A
manual search through all of the materials would clearly take very much
The database can also be used to identify activities which specifically
address particular shapes. A simple coding system can be devised, e.g
a new field containing details of diagrammatic features of the materials,
identifying which shapes are represented and whether in standard or non-
standard orientation. This would allow teachers, researchers, and materials
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