Final Exam Edel 433 Spring 2022

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Final Reflections

Michelle Isabella Suarez

College of Education, University of Nevada Las Vegas

CIE 533- Teaching Elementary School Mathematics

May 9, 2022
Chapter 3: Assessments

One method of formative assessment mentioned in the textbook is student

self-assessment and reflection. This type of assessment emphasizes students’ ownership of

their learning. The Envisions curriculum my school uses provides a premade student self

assessment that can be assigned for students to complete after lessons. You can gain a lot of

understanding from seeing what students perceive to be their own strengths and weaknesses. It

also helps to create a classroom culture that invites student input. Another method of formative

assessment mentioned is Problem-Based Tasks. This type of assessment allows students to

connect their learning to real world situations. It assists in the meaning-making process for

students. Problem-Based Tasks also invite mathematical discourse and peer-collaboration

which are important things to expose students to.

Chapter 10: Place Value

The first level of place-value understanding is the single numeral stage that means a

student does not make meaning of individual digits in multi digit numbers. The next level of

place-value understanding is the position names stage that means students can identify place

value positions like tens and ones but not understand their meaning as individual digits. The third

level of place-value understanding is the face value stage that means students can model for

example 46 as 4 cubes and 6 cubes but not understand it's actually 40 cubes and 6 cubes. The

fourth level is the transition to the place-value stage that means the students have the

understanding that 46 is 6 cubes and 40 cubes but not that the 40 cubes can be models in blocks

of tens. The fifth and final level is the full understanding stage where students understand the
digits in the tens place represent x number of tens groups and the ones place is modeled by single


Chapter 12: Fractions

The first type of model is the area model which represents the fractions relative to the

whole or as a part of a whole. This model can be represented in the real world through circular

foods like pizza or pie or types of land plots. This model can be represented with manipulatives

and visuals like fraction circles and tangrams to model the parts of a whole. The other type of

model is the length model which represents the fractions as a subdivision of a paper strip similar

to a number line. This model can be represented in real life through distance traveled or string

lengths. This model can be represented with manipulatives and visuals like number lines and

paper strips. The third type of model is the set model which represents the fractions as items that

are part of a whole set. This model can be represented in real life with items in a container or

different people in a place. This model can be represented with manipulatives and visuals like

colored counters.

Chapter 16: Measurement

One estimation strategy is to use chunking or subdivision where students chunk pieces to

be measured. For example, if you are measuring a room, you might chunk your mental measures

in pieces like the space the window cover and the space the bulletin board that may be similar

lengths. If the student knows the measurement of one section, they can multiply it by the x

number of sections they have counted. In my classroom we can use this when estimating volume

measurements which is a prominent fifth grade topic.

A second estimation strategy is to use iterate units. Iterate units can be used to mentally

or physically mark single units when measuring something. For example, you can use your own

foot to estimate how many feet cover something you are trying to measure. In my classroom, we

can use this when doing measurement conversions which is a prominent fifth grade topic. If you

can run your own foot over something three times, you can estimate the distance is about one


Chapter 17: Geometry

Instructional activities that may facilitate a learner’s transition from Van Hiele’s Level 0

Stage of Visualization to Level 1 Stage of Analysis include challenging students to test ideas

about shapes and invite discourse about what makes shapes be able to be categorized into

specific classes. I may also be helpful to provide students with ample opportunities to draw,

build, compose, and decompose both 2D and 3D shapes. For example, you may provide them

with printable deconstructable 3D shapes and as they construct and deconstruct them, they gain a

better understanding of the 2D shapes that make up the 3D shape. Additionally, applying ideas to

entire classes of figures rather than individual shapes in a set will assist students in moving to a

level 1. These activities support the transitioning from level 0 to level 1 by helping students

begin to build connections and see shapes as classes with specific attributes rather than

individual shapes.

One of the most significant contributions to the eight SMPs to instruction is that it

provides clear strategies for math teachers to utilize to maximize learning. It is extremely helpful,

especially as a first year teacher, since it has a plan laid out for best practices on how to help my

students and their learning grow. It gives clear guidelines of what should be expected of
mathematically proficient students so that you can pace their progress and goals. If schools focus

on content standards alone, and do not implement the 8 SMPs in their instruction, students may

become dependent on memorization of facts and procedures but they will not achieve true

understanding of the mathematical content. This will likely result in the need for reteaching. The

SMPs allows students and instructors to prioritize making connections and real-life applications

of these skills.

1) Describe how this instructional sequence would look in your classroom when enhancing the

performance of your students' understanding of a mathematical concept.

A fundamental 5th grade concept we go over is Fractions under the Numbers and

Operations strand. You can see the Concrete learning stage in 5.NF.A.2 that asks students to

solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole,

by using visual fraction models to represent the problem. For this stage, you could use fraction

circles, colored counters, etc. You can see the Representation learning stage in 5.NF.B.6 that asks

students to solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers,

e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem. For this stage, you

could use drawn area models, tape diagrams, etc. You can see the Abstract learning stage in

5.NF.B.7.c that asks students to solve real world problems involving division of unit fractions by

non-zero whole numbers and division of whole numbers by unit fractions, by using models or

equations to represent the problem. For this stage, you could use equations or expressions that

represent the problem.

2) Explain what invented strategies are, how we as instructors develop them for students and, in

detail, the benefits of invented strategies.

According to the text, invented strategies are described as strategies based on place value,

properties of operations, and or the relationship between addition and subtraction or

multiplication and division. As mathematical instructors, we have the task of enforcing these

strategies by creating the classroom environment that makes students feel comfortable and safe

sharing their thoughts publicly, without fear of being ridiculed. This can be facilitated by

prioritizing student-to-student discussions. We must also set up systems in which answers can be

presented and checked in a non-threatening way so as to not discourage students from sharing

their mathematical thinking even if it's not fully correct. The benefits of invented strategies

include students making fewer errors, and eventually less reteaching is required due to the

development of greater number sense. Additionally, invented strategies become the basis for

mental computation and estimation. Students grow more comfortable with flexible methods

which are often faster than the standard algorithms and also invite greater understanding and

sense-making. Invented strategies have also shown to serve students well on standardized tests.

3) What are some research-based instructional practices that provide effective instruction for


One research-based instructional practice that provides effective instruction for fractions

includes giving greater emphasis on number sense and the meaning of fractions; rather than rote

memorization of procedures for manipulating them. One way to practice this in the classroom

would be through working with overlapped area models that represent the adding, subtraction,

multiplying, and dividing of fractions visually. Another research-based instructional practice that

provides effective instruction for fractions includes emphasizing that fractions are numbers. This
can be practiced in the classroom using number lines to plot fractions relative to the whole

number counterparts.

4) What are the five levels of geometric thought presented by the Van Hieles? Describe briefly

what a student does at each level.

The first level of geometric thought presented by Van Hieles is Level 0: Visualization

which means students recognize shapes based on what they “look like.” The first level of

geometric thought presented by Van Hieles is Level 1: Analysis which means students are able to

see shapes as classes of shapes. The second level of geometric thought presented by Van Hieles

is Level 2: Informal Deduction which means students begin to think of the properties of shapes

and develop relationships between these properties. The third level of geometric thought

presented by Van Hieles is Level 3: Deductions, which means students are able to make abstract

statements and conclusions about geometric properties based on logic. The last level of

geometric thought presented by Van Hieles is Level 4: Rigor, which means students are focused

on axiomatic systems themselves, not just deductions within the system.

5) What are those three steps that we must make part of our instruction?

The first step of measurement is deciding on the attribute to be measured. The second step is

selecting a unit that has that attribute. The third step is to compare the units by using a method

with the attribute of the object being measured. The third step can be done by filling, covering,
matching or other methods that meet that criteria; often by using a measuring tool such as rulers,

scales, or protractors.

Textbook Reflection.

Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Part 1 of this book chapters 1-7 “Establishing a

Student-Centered Environment” sets a vision for high quality mathematics learning. What ah-has

did you take from this section of the book that will support our growth as a new teacher? How

was this book resourceful for you this semester?

In part 1, I had a lot of ah ha moments especially after reading Chapter 3, titled Creating

Assessments for Learning. I was unfamiliar with how many types of formative

assessments there really were. I was also surprised with how I was already unconsciously

administering some without knowing they could be categorized as “formatives”. In my

mind, formatives were always quizzes since I was told that was what I was grading under

the formative assessment category in the gradebook. I found new useful ways to

administer formative assessments such as student interviews and problem-based tasks. I

also gained more knowledge on how to integrate writing and reflections to analyze

student learning and as a tool for students to express their mathematical thinking.

a) In part 2 of this resource, grade-level specific content is provided and several activities

throughout the content chapters are shared. Review your critical areas of focus for your

particular grade level, locate and choose two activities that can be used to attain your

mathematical goals. Name and describe each activity, what NVACS does it cover, and

expand on how you would use it to help support instruction with your learners.
One grade-level specific activity was on page 350, titled “Conversion Please” that

covered fifth grade standard 5.MD.A.1 that deals with measurement conversion.In this

activity, students are given a two-column conversion chart and are tasked with measuring

items around the room in feet and inches. They are prompted to make connections

between the measures like when a unit is longer, then fewer units are needed. I could use

this to help support instruction with my learners because it will help build meaning

making since they are applying measurement skills to real life situations and objects they

use everyday.

Another grade-level specific activity was on page 361, titled “Box Comparison” that

covered fifth grade standard 5.MD.C.5 that deals with volume. Students are tasked with

measuring a box with just one unit cube and determining the volume. I could use this to

help support instruction with my learners because it will help their understanding of what

unit measurements are and gain more visual understanding of what volume is and


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