To Analyse The Political Motivations
To Analyse The Political Motivations
To Analyse The Political Motivations
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION (2000)........................................................................................1
1.1 Overview..........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Rationale of the research..................................................................................................1
1.3 Aim of the study...............................................................................................................2
1.4 Objectives of the study.....................................................................................................2
1.5 Research questions...........................................................................................................2
1.6 Significance of the study..................................................................................................3
1.7 Scope of study..................................................................................................................4
1.8 Limitations of the study....................................................................................................4
1.9 Conceptual framework analysis.......................................................................................4
1.10 Dissertation structure......................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW (3000)..............................................................................6
2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................6
2.2 Importance of political stability in the country................................................................6
2.3 Formation and objectives of NATO.................................................................................7
2.4 Appropriateness of NATO being used as a political tool..................................................7
2.5 Consequences of Libyan expedition which led to affecting NATO’s reputation.............9
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (2000)................................................................10
CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS (1500)..............................................................10
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION (1500)...........................................................................................10
1.1 Overview
Political stability is an important aspect to promote peace in the countries. It helps in
smooth functioning of the activities of nation. The activities conducted by the organization
working in the country must be able to integrate all the activities so that smooth business
operations can be initiated. The present research conducted by the researcher is based on NATO,
that is, North Atlantic Treaty Organization which aims at providing security through means of
politics and military to its member states. It guarantees freedom to the countries involved with
the help of the following:
Political: It helps in promoting democratic values in the country. Further, helps in dealing with
security related issues. It helps in solving problems and building trust for the long run in order to
prevent conflicts.
Military: Another objective of NATO is to ensure solving the disputes in peaceful manner. If the
process turn out to be a failure, in that case, military power is undertaken to resolve the issue.
The method is included in collective defence clause of NATO's founding treaty (Ferro, 2012).
Both military and non military measures are taken into consideration in order to deal with
the crisis between the countries. It helps in dealing with the emerging crisis in the member state
and ensuring complex security environment to them. The main permanent member states of
NATO are, France, United Kingdom and United States. Hence, it is liable to promote security in
Europe. In case of conflicts or any kind of major dispute arising in the country, NATO can be
called for help. The present study is conducted to assess that whether it is appropriate for NATO
to be used as a political tool by which to further the regime change desires of its leading
members, that is, US and UK. Further, it will also analyse potential damage done to NATO's
reputation (in the Eastern world) as a consequence of the Libyan expedition. In the end
recommendation on the same will also be provided to NATO in order to strengthen its political
role (Eyal, 2012).
1.2 Rationale of the research
It is important that the research that is conducted holds some value so that its purpose can
be served. Hence, the scholar must understand the rationale of the research so that its relevance
can be ascertained. Inadequate and inappropriate knowledge of the researcher regarding this
topic have attracted him to conduct research over this particular topic. Further, the growing
involvement of NATO in political stability have also attracted the researcher towards this topic.
Further, the study has been conducted to assess different aspect of NATO which is not
known to the researcher. It will help in reaching to the better conclusion of the aim and
objectives framed (Smith, 2015).
1.3 Aim of the study
Aim statement: To analyse the political motivations that enabled an organisation usually
associated with peacekeeping to seemingly change its operational mandate to one in which the
rebel cause was directly assisted.
To evaluate the potential damage done to NATO's reputation (in the Eastern world) as a
consequence of the Libyan expedition.
What are the potential damage done to NATO's reputation (in the Eastern world) as a
consequence of the Libyan expedition?
What are the different strategies and ways that can be recommended in order to
strengthen the political role of NATO?
1.6 Significance of the study
NATO is the well known organization indulged in the activities of peace in security in the
nation. It is important to assess whether it is appropriate for NATO to be used as a political tool
by which to further the regime change desires of its leading members. The study is important to
ascertain the role of the stated organization which helps in ensuring peace and prosperity in the
nation. The present study will help in assessing the political aspects of the organization. The
study will help in shedding the light on damages in the reputation caused in NATO due to Libyan
expeditions. The research holds importance in proving adequate information to the reader
regarding NATO and its functions (Kanet and Larivé, 2012). The topic has not been studied
much and hence generate the requirement to generate adequate knowledge about the same. The
present study will help in creating adequate learning with respect to the topic further studying the
strength and weakness of NATO that is functioning for the benefits of its members.
Further the present research on NATO will be helpful and hold great importance in the
following aspects:
Academically: The topic is important from the perspective of academics. The topic will
help in understanding different factors that are related to the functioning of NATO.
Further it will also be important to understand the political stability extended by NATO in
its functionality (Saunders and Lewis, 2012).
To shape better policies for the country: Better understanding of the functions of NATO
will help the policy makers to understand its role in peacekeeping in the country. Further,
helps can be demanded from the organization at the time of crisis. Hence, better
understanding to the topic will help the policy makers to frame better policies for the
country and initiate peaceful and secure environment.
To understand the political aspects: The topic and discussion that has made on it will
help in developing clear understanding regarding political state of the countries and role
of NATO is bringing out stability in it. Further, the political issues faced by different
countries and how NATO helps in solving out these problems can be clearly understood
after studying the present research on NATO (Dunne 2013).
1.7 Scope of study
The scope of the study is wide as the reader can get a comprehensive idea regarding
NATO's functioning and its impact on the political stability of the country. Further, it will help in
making the knowledge of the reader concrete regarding potential damage that has been done to
the image of NATO due to the results of Libyan expedition. Further, the main strengths and
weakness of the functioning of the organization can also be assessed through this present
research on NATO (Orford, 2012). The topic has not been adequately studied by the researcher
which has further increased the requirement of it. The topics that have not been touched by the
other researchers will also be covered in the present research which will initiate extensive
learnings to the readers.
1.8 Limitations of the study
There are various limitations that are attached to the present study of NATO. The current
study may not be conducted with the perfection as there are certain constraints to the research.
There is limited time and budget that is available to the researcher to conduct the research.
Adequate investment to it plays an important role in coming up with the valuable and effective
outcomes. The current study is based on NATO where assessment of its impact on political
factors of the country will be made. Further, there is lack of availability of secondary information
to the researcher in order to understand the concept in effective way. It has restricted the learning
towards the subject matter (Flick, 2015). Further, particular time frame has been allotted to the
researcher in order to conduct the research where consideration of all the important factors is not
possible. It has led to affect the study at a wide level. These constraints can deviate the results
and hence the conclusion to a great extent.
1.9 Conceptual framework analysis
Conceptual framework analysis is on one of the most important part of the study.
Detailed analysis of the investigation is included in the research. The present study is associated
to analyse the political motivations that enabled an organisation usually associated with
peacekeeping to seemingly change its operational mandate to one in which the rebel cause was
directly assisted. Following tools and techniques will be used to conduct the research:
Research design: The present study is conducted with the help of descriptive research
design. It will help in collecting large amount of data and information on NATO. The
functions of the tools are aligned to the main objective of the study.
Research philosophy: Interpretivism philosophy of the research has been used to
conduct the study as theoretical aspect will be considered to study the topic.
Research type: Qualitative type of research s conducted and the study will have focus
upon the analysis of data through this technique only, as it will be helpful in drawing out
effective conclusion (Turner, 2016).
Research approach: The present study is related to testing the existing theories of
knowledge. Therefore, deductive approach of the research has been carried out in the
Data collection: In the current study, secondary type of data collection technique will be
used and data will be collected through journals, books and other published sources.
Data analysis: Critical analysis of the opinions of different researcher has been made to
analyse the data. Further, secondary data has been collected for the research. Therefore,
thematic approach will be used to analyse the data.
1.10 Dissertation structure
In order to receive an effective result of the research, it is important for the researcher to
conduct it in an appropriate format. There is a specific structure that is to be followed by the
scholar in the dissertation. It helps in making clear view of the process and indulge in the
practice that is more clear and specific. Hence, the dissertation will flow in the following
Chapter 1: Introduction: This is first and foremost chapter and hold greater importance
too. It helps in giving an idea that what will be followed in the whole dissertation with the
overview of the topic being chosen by the scholar as well. It helps in understanding the
aim and objective of the study further concentrating on the limitations of the research as
Chapter 2: Literature review: It is another chapter of the dissertation which holds
importance in discussing the outcomes that have been found by the other researchers
through their research (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015). Critical analysis of their
opinion will be presented in a well defined manner so that adequate knowledge regarding
the topic can be generated. Thus, it is one of the important part of research study.
Chapter 3: Research Methodology: After literature review, another chapter that holds
great important in the dissertation is research methodology. It helps in assessing the
outline based on which research will be conducted by the researcher. It will ascertain,
research approach, research design, sampling and data collection techniques.
Chapter 4: Findings and Discussions: It is another chapter that is included in the
dissertation which helps in assessing the findings that have been derived from the
research conducted by the researcher. A critical analysis is performed to reach to the
correct findings.
Chapter 5: Conclusion: Based upon the research conducted by the researcher,
conclusion of the designed aim and objectives is ascertained. It helps in finding out the
overall crux and results of the research that has been conducted by the researcher. Hence,
this chapter also holds greater importance in the overall dissertation.
2.1 Introduction
After introduction, the another chapter that holds great importance in the dissertation. The
chapter will focus on opinions of different scholars that have already conducted the research on
similar topic. The information that has been gathered through different other sources such as
books, journals and other online sources is included in it. The chapter will help in identifying the
gaps that has been noticed in the previous studies. In addition to this, it has helped to develop
strong theoretical base with respect to the subject matter. The highlights in the study will help is
getting greater insight to the topic.
2.2 Importance of political stability in the country
According to NATO: Formation, Principles, Objectives and Analysis of NATO (2016),
There is a great deal of importance of political stability in the country. Politically unstable
environment means the resources of the country are misused and mismanaged which further
creates great depression in the growth of the economy. Hence, political stability helps in
maximum utilization of the available resources leading to growth and development of the
country. However, in contrast to this, as pert he views of Kanet and Larivé, (2012), political
instability means high risk of collapse of the government due to conflicts or competition between
the political parties. The economy of the whole country is affected due to it. No important
legislation or act is passed in the country which is quite important for its functioning creating
tension in the public. It leads to demoralised behaviour of the public promoting issues in freedom
, basic human rights of the people and stagnation of personal income of the people as well. It
gives boost to corruption, bribe and undue influence to the people working in the economy.
2.3 Formation and objectives of NATO
According to Formation of NATO (2015), NATO is a North Atlantic Treaty Organization
which is also known as North Atlantic Alliance, is inter governmental treaty alliance between
varied North American and European member states. It is based on North Atlantic Treaty which
was signed on 4 th April 1949. It is a collaboration of collective defence where the states
attached to it have mutual understanding regarding defence of the member countries if any of the
external party attack on them. The main permanent members of NATO includes, United States,
France and United Kingdom which are responsible for united Nations Security Council. They
also carry veto power with officially declared as nuclear weapons states. However, in contrast to
this, as per the views of Kanet and Larivé (2012), there are 29 independent members of NATO
covering the member countries of North America and Europe. Further, there are another 21
countries who have active participation in NATO's program of peace. The organization have been
found in association with various wars and have been involved in bringing peace to the countries
after it. Some of the main objectives of NATO are discussed as follows:
The member states involved in NATO solve their disputes themselves which may arise
among them and reach to a common conclusion in order to create peaceful environment
in their country.
The members states try to make their association with the other countries strong so as to
co operate with them in friendly manner.
Any attack or war that takes place in Europe or North America is treated as a matter of
concern for whole of the two regions.
Another objective is to unite different countries of Europe and America and bring them
under one umbrella. It helps in bringing political stability in the environment further
coping up with military issues as well.
It helps in saving the country from any attack that can take place due to rivalry.
2.4 Appropriateness of NATO being used as a political tool
According to Hallams and Schreer (2012), the main aim of NATO is to protect the rights
of the civilians. Further, it helps in conducting and planning operations that can help in
understanding and improvising the diverse areas of politics in different countries. It assists in
crisis management and helps in enhancing the security measures which is the core strategic
concept of NATO. One of the objective of formation of NATO states that the countries must
promote democracy amongst the decisions so that they enjoy right to select their own
government which functions in the interest of all the citizens of the country. NATO helps in
formation of security policies as well with the help of the prevailing government. It helps in
assessing that what all matters is there that require major emphasis of the government and
objectives are framed based on it. In addition to this, political stability in the country helps in
building adequate amount of trust in the government further assisting in creating long term
relationships between the citizens and the government. As its main aims states, it helps in
safeguarding the freedom, common heritage, and civilization of the country in its members so
that stability and well being can be promoted. It is considered as the world's most powerful
regional defence alliance. However, in contrast to this, as per the views of Daalder and Stavridis
(2012), the worst crisis in the history of NATO was when a dispute between Germany, France
and US took place in 2003 for the invasion of Iraq. There was no role of NATO is seizing,
however, most of the other member countries of NATO have played one or the other role in it by
accompanying the countries whom they think will be more profitable to them. NATO in the end
helped in training the security forces of Iraq. Since then, a new role of NATO came into force
where it took the command of international peacekeeping force in Afghanistan in 2003. The
event took place due to growth in the awareness level of global terrorist threats in the world. It
set up its own 9000 rapid reaction force which can take actions as and when crisis in the
environment of the member countries arise. The forces helped in taking quick actions by NATO
as any difficulty or requirement of force is spotted in the world. Further, it also caught with the
issue when NATO government became reluctant to the supply of reinforcement for the mission
of Afghan. It raised the questions on the stability of the alliance and performance of its duties
upto its competency.
According to Campbell (2013), when different countries signed the allies of NATO in
order to become its members, there was no structure of military was created which can
coordinate into their actions. Further, the structure was then defined with time as with the aim to
reduce, prevent, address, and resolve the emerging conflicts in the member states of NATO. The
significant role of political stability is used by UK and US as a tool. As per the article 5 of the
treaty, it is stated that if any attack is suffered by any of the ally of NATO, it will be considered
as an attack being done on all. Sticking to the fact, it is important to have adequate amount of
integration in the politics so that collective actions can be taken but the member states to prevent
that one country from war and bring peace and political stability to it. However, in contrast to
this, as per the views of Kuperman (2013), it becomes really difficult for NATO when two of its
member states are involved in the war as one has to be chosen to which services of NATO will be
supplied. Further, here are few countries who have a fear to be attacked by Russia and hence
require serious security services from NATO. It can be stated that NATO is used as a political
tool in order to protect some countries from war. To serve this purpose it is important for the
organization to develop its security services in such a way that the countries can be protected in a
well defined manner. Although, it is the situation which is related to resource requirements but
political support from different countries can only make this possible.
According to Engelbrekt, Mohlin and Wagnsson (2013), another political role of NATO is
to deal with the challenges that are emerging in the environment. It has been analysed that the
member states of NATO are in fear that they can get attacked through Russia which makes the
situation complicated and difficult to be handled. Based upon this situation, a policy have been
framed by NATO, that, if any country attack on military of its member states then in that case
immediate actions will be taken by NATO in order to save the nation from disaster. It has helped
in recovering to the situation prevailing in the environment and ensures stability in all its
functions. Hence, it can be articulated that, politics plays an important role in establishing peace
in the environment. However, as per the views of Odoemena (2016), several kinds of strategies
have been prepared to cope up with the situation further providing safety to the member states.
Moreover, a clear communication process is maintained with the government and other NATO
members. But it also has been assessed that the only fact does not prove that NATO’s functioning
is in political format but is only prepared to take appropriate actions in unfavourable times or at
the time of crisis.
2.5 Consequences of Libyan expedition which led to affecting NATO’s reputation
According to Thakur (2016), there are several situations which proved that Libyan
expedition happened to affect the reputation of NATO. It proved that the policies and rules
framed in NATO were used by various countries for their own sake and to save themselves from
war. It was 19 March 2011 when NATO began a military intervention in Libya. The decision that
was made the NATO based upon military operation in Libya left the organization into questions
that what is the main purpose of the organization. It proved the point that NATO has been used as
a political tool by various strong countries, especially UK and US. They tends to use is for their
own safety questioning over its existence as well as its purpose. There was an aim where Libya
was to be converted in the no fly zone where the decision was made consulting the government
of UK, US and France. However, considering is as an unethical practice by NATO as the
pressure was received from various other member countries since Germany and France were not
in the favour of this mission and hence was turned down. The air strike in Libya was against
Libyan rebels in the Libyan civil war. The current situation that is faced by Libya is due to the
decision which was taken by NATO after coming under the influence of some powerful
countries. However, in contrast to this, as per the views of Olick (2013), the disaster that took
place in 2011 due to its decision left the country into chaos and instability. The main objective of
NATO is to provide stability and security to the countries that are in need of it. The main mission
was to protect the civilians from Qaddafi battle so that appropriate environment could have been
provided to them in order to resolve the conflict related situation. However, NATO’s decision
was criticised because it led to civil war in the nation, driving the country towards various losses.
However, it is also the fact that the decision made by the organization helped in protecting some
of the civilians but it was a huge loss to many as well. Such kind criticism towards NATO’s
decision led the organization to spoil its reputation which was created since long years. It was
also a question mark to the reputation of NATO which violated its core mission of extending
peace and political stability in the environment of different countries. It also had an adequate
impact on operations related activities of NATO as well.
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