Non Linear System

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Non linear system

1. They do not follow the principle of superposition
(linearity and homogeneity)
2. They may have multiple isolated equilibrium points
(linear systems can have only one)
3. They may exhibit properties such as limit-cycle,
bifurcation, chaos
4. Subharmonic, harmonic oscillations for constant
frequency sinusoidal input
5. Jump phenomenon
6. Finite escape time: The state of an unstable nonlinear
system can go to infinity in finite time
1-Not follow super position theorem
2- multiple equilibrium points
Equilibrium point (singular point): Point on
statespace at which the derivatives of all state
variable are zero.
3- limit-cycle
• Output of nonlinear system may exhibit
oscillation with fixed amplitude and frequency
with out any input: limit cycle
• Eg: Consider Vander pol equation
Mx  B1  x 2 x  Kx  0
For small x, damping –ve, energy stores in damper
For large x, damping +ve, energy absorbs from
Which exhibit a sustained oscillation
4- sub harmonic oscillations
• When nonlinear system excited by sinusoidal input,
output will be steady oscillations whose frequency will
be integral submultiples of input frequency. This
oscillation called sub harmonic oscillations.
• This oscillation depends on system parameters, initial
conditions, amplitude and frequency of input signal
• For a sinusoidal input, the output signal may contain
many harmonics and sub-harmonics with various
amplitudes and phase differences (a linear system's
output will only contain the sinusoid at the output)
5-Jump response

• In frequency response, amplitude of output may

jump from one point to another for increasing
and deceasing values of ω.
• Consider spring mass damper system with
nonlinear spring having sinusoidal input
Mx  Bx  Kx  K x 3  F cos wt
 When K’>0---hard spring
 When K’<0---soft spring
 When K’=0—linear spring
Commonly used physical nonlinearities

It is classified according to:

6) Spring
• Kind of nonlinearity in which the system
doesn’t respond to the given input until the
input reaches a particular level or Output
becomes zero when input crosses certain
limiting value
• Effect of dead zone:
• system performance degradation
• reduced positioning accuracy
• may destabilize system
• E.g.:
• Dead zone in actuators, such as hydraulic
servo valves, give rise to limit cycle and instability.
• Electronic devices like diode
• Output of the system is proportional to input
in a limited range of input signal.
• On exceeding range , output tends to become
nearly constant.
• Eg: 1) amplifiers, 2) torque and speed
saturation in motors
• It comes in to existence when mechanical
surface comes in sliding contact.
• Viscous friction
• Coulomb friction
• Stinction friction
4- backlash
• The difference between the tooth space and tooth width in
mechanical system , which is essential for rapid working gear
transmission is known as backlash.
• It is present in most of the mechanical and hydraulic systems.
Effect of backlash :
• gear backlash may cause sustained oscillation or chattering phenomenon
• system may turn unstable for large backlash
• It is intentional nonlinearity.
• Ideal relay is the extreme case of saturation.
• occurs when the linearity range is shrunken to
zero and slope in linearity
• range become vertical .
• It can lead to chattering due to discontinuity.
• Ideal characteristic can be nearly achieved by
SCR switching
• Practical relay has a definite amount of dead zone
1) Linear spring
f ( x)  Kx
2) Hard spring
f ( x)  Kx  K x 3 ; K   0

3) Soft spring
f ( x)  Kx  K x 3 ; K   0

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