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Rule 0: The DM hasthe final say over what beddinghis or her love with few or nodetails.
feats, prestige classes, and aspects of roleplay- The Book of Erotic Fantasy allows for that type
ing are included in her game. She may of off-stage event. Until now, there really
customize the content of Chapter 1: Love, Sex, & haven't been rules or guidelines for incorpo-
Roleplaying to suit her vision of the campaign or rating one of the most important classical
herplayers’sensibilities. story drivers of adventure and intrigue—sex.
Society has progressed to the point where
it is more tolerant of these issues and their
” WpShs Saxin YcGane?» exploration. The last time RPGs hit a peak of
Fantasy roleplaying has existed forseveral popularity, the gay taboo on TV had not yet a
decades now, focusing on sword-and-sorcery been broken, and the idea of a major character" =
thrills and adventures. All manner of magic, ‘involved in a relationship with an undead
Seaction, and adventure have been covered creature (or two!) was not mainstream TV
timtime, but sex, beyond courtly fare. The whole BDSM underground wasjust
~~ love, vague references, or euphemisms, has that. Nowit's a fashion statement andmany
been curiously absent from most games. The major cities have fetish nights at clubs.
>. question begs to be asked-whyshould such a Piercing andtattooing and other body modifi- —
huge portion of existence be left out of our cations were once considered the province of —
oe » games?ve a . the truly fringe.
= Sex isa majordriving:icesinour world, in ~The world has changed and it is time for
ryth, andin literature. Classically, it has fantasy roleplaying to change and to mature.
_ occurred:“off stag m2
"with nehero of the story The topics and rules described in this book are
designed to add dimension to a character and Players need to communicate with the DM
to give DMs more options for story and as well. If a player feels uncomfortable with
adventure. They are meantto be a serious and the tone, action, or dialogue used during a
mature look at the subjects in an upfront game,it is his responsibility to let the DM
4 manner, leaving the tongue-in-cheek or snide know.It is the DM's responsibility to handle
comments at the door. the situation.
i Tt should be noted that many of the rules This book should be used to add flavor or
< provided in this book are not designed with spice to a campaign. Not every rule will be
F the "combat monster" in mind. A player who used in a given campaign. Indeed, even
O wants to portray a hardened fighter whoslays sexual acts may be boiled down to a mere
dozens in a few rotinds may actually find comment, or a die roll if it is used for a specific
himself hindered in combatby taking some of purpose (such as magic).
the skills and feats found here.("Why didn't I Ultimately, it is up to the DM to make sure
pick up Power Attack at 4th level instead of that her players are capable of handling the
Pleasing Physique?") subject with appropriate aplomb and humor
However, in sexual situations where role- while keeping the flow of the adventure in
playing dominates, these rules enhance the mind.
experiencenot only for the player, but for the
character as well. ("I only lasted 10 minutes?
Whydidn't I take Sexual Training instead of OSes and Roleplaying
Power Attack?") The lusty wench beckons you upstairs to her
room. What do you do?

Ganling Sieina Matus Pay At their essence, roleplaying games are

nothing more thantelling stories, using rules,
You decide to "let sex into your game." Once dice, and paperto help the story move along.
the topic of sex comes up in a game, it can Part of the appeal of these sorts of games is
quickly, if left unchecked, turn into a sopho- describing exactly what your character does,
moric joke, with bawdy humor, crude refer- and indeed, portraying someone other than
ences, and otherwise inappropriate behavior yourself. Spelling out what your character
resulting. says and does, both on the battlefield and in
There's nothing wrong withthis. the bedroom, helps give him three-dimen-
Human beings tend to push sexuality into sions .. . and makes the character one you
the sphere of humor, as a way of overcoming remember.
our own unease, our feelings of inadequacies. Because of this emphasis on roleplaying,
By letting the jokes come out naturally, the the Book of Erotic Fantasy strays slightly from
moodloosens, allowing everyone involved in the traditional violence and bloodshed of
the game to feel more relaxed about the traditional gaming-although there is still
subject and get on with the game. A mature plenty here to add to any good hack-and-
DMbeginsby letting his players know what slash campaign. A gaming group that takes
he plans and at whatlevel he is considering these rules and suggestions to heart agrees
doing it. Before allowing sexual situations that the telling of the story is the most impor-
and explicit descriptions into your game, you, tant part. Emotions,feelings, and the descrip-
as the DM, need to consider several things tion of acts of love (both emotional and phys-
aheadof time. ical) are par for the course.
Will sex be one elementin a single NPC, or Does this mean that every sexual partof a continuingstoryline in an over- encounter should be described in intimate,
arching adventure? Will you allow the charac- graphic detail? Of course not. Generally, there
ters to incorporate the rules described in this is no need to describe a sex act in detail
book, or will they be only the province of anymore then there is a need to describe the
NPCs? How are you going to deal with sex swing of the sword andthe angle at which it
scenes? Will they be off stage or will there be strikes the opponent and the exact mannerin
description? How far can these descriptions whichit cuts through the body. Sometimes a
go? very poor or goodroll cries out for editorial
("And the orc's head flies from his body and Charisma) may see seduction as simply
rolls downthestairs!"). The same might be another weapon that can be used to get ahead
true for a sexual encounter. (The next morn- in life. The converse is true, of course, with
ing she looks up at you with a look of pure NPCsusing the suggestion of sex to bend the Q
adventurers to their will.
worship.") eo
Sexin the gameis a means for advancing a Of course love does comewith a price. The a
plot, rounding out a character, creating character's loved ones may becometargets of 4

memorable NPCs, and now as a meansfor the adventurer's enemies—harassed, ul

increasing the powerof your character.If you kidnapped, or, tragically, even killed. ey
and your players have decided that spelling Characters thatfind their loved ones in sucha
out sexual acts in the gameis cool, then do so situation will be motivated to defend them or
with as much oraslittle description as you seek revenge. Also, characters thatfall in love
want. may have to make tough decisions and think
long about the consequences oftheir actions.
Romance, Seduction, andLove Being an adventurer can be toughon any rela-
While sex may be entirely absent in most tionship, as characters depart for unseen
games, love abounds. Love is one of the lands, unsureif they will even return.
primary motivators in life, as well as in If you chooseto incorporate aspects of the
fantasy roleplaying. Books, myths, and BookofErotic Fantasy in your game, allow your
legendsare replete with epic adventures that players to express their character's love a well.
were started because of the love between two Byfalling in love, they give you, the DM, a
people. tremendous wealth of plot devices, hooks,
Portraying romance and love can be a and motivations from which adventures can
fantastic roleplaying opportunity, giving derive.
those players whowishto display their love a
chance to shine. NPCs that may otherwise be Sex andHumor
two-dimensionalor havelittle impact on the Is that a rod ofwonderin yourpants or are you just
plotline may in fact blossom into a full- happy to see me?
fledged lover, and thus, an integral part of Let's face it, sex is funny. There's a reason
your campaign. why we laugh when wehear dirty joke. A
With sex comes seduction. In games where healthy portion of most gaming sessions
sex is a factor, seduction will be common, involves laughing atjokes, the foibles of char-
with characters trying to woo NPCs(or other acters, and the hilarious circumstances that
player characters) into bed. Characters with a players find their characters in.
flair for words(especially those with a high As stated earlier, letting players joke

"Rating" Sex in yourSame

Oneofthe waysthat you can decide how sex is portrayed in your gameis to lookatit in termsofthe ratings
applied to movies. By figuring out ahead of time what "rating" your gamewill have, you can let your play-
ers know how prominentsex is going to bein it.
G-Thisis the level that mostfantasy roleplaying gamestake place at, with sexual activity entirely absent.
At most, there will only be vagueor oblique sexual references. Nudity is completely absent. Characters who
use their charmto get what they want comeacrossasflirtatious, but nothing more.
PG-This type of game deals with more mature subjects, and includessex,but still withoutexplicit scenes
or descriptions. Love, relationships, flirting, and seduction areallfair game, but any sex will occuroff stage.
R-This "baseline rating" incorporates the rules described in this book. Nudity and sexual situations are
common,althoughthe level of detail may stop at a certain point.
NC-17-In this type of game, nothingis taboo. Sex scenes are described in depth and characters commonly
encounter sexual content. Creatures and characters that use sex as their primary motivation or tactic are
XXX-Sexis the subject of this campaign. Adventurers spend as much time(or more) having sex with the
people and monsters they encounteras they dobattling them. Sexual scenes are describedin detail and char-
acters who are chaste find themselvesat a serious disadvantage(oratleast seriously frustrated) while their
companionsrut in hedonistic abandon around them.
around when dealing with sex should be The Book ofErotic Fantasy does not condone
allowed and encouraged. Keeping everyone non-consensualsex in any manner.
relaxed only enhances the gaming experience
td and no one feels good when theyare told that Sexual Orientation
ry laughing is not appropriate. Whatis it with you and barmaids? Say, check out
Onthe other hand,if the point of introduc- that bartender....
D. ing sex into your gameis to explore the realm Sexual orientation is one of the most
x of eroticism, then excessive humor can seem commonly overlooked aspects of many
ee out of place. If a player disrupts an erotic campaigns. This is to be expected, however, as
@) scene with inappropriate humor, remind him the vast majority of people, both in real life and
about the tone of the game.If he persists, then within a campaign, are heterosexual. Sexual
perhaps the campaign is not for him and he congress between a male and female is normal,
should wait it out until another, non-sexual routine, and expected, both socially and biolog-
gamebegins. ically. However,as in the real world, there are
So remember, the whole point of gaming is alternate expressions of sexual preference that
to have fun . . . so doit! exist in a fantasysetting.
Homosexuality is the physical, psychologi-
Consent and Sex cal, or sexual attraction between members of
Sorry, notright now. the same gender. A bisexual person has sexual
As most fantasy roleplaying games deal attraction to both genders. Regardless of
with moral and ethical dilemmas, the topic of speciesor society, a percentage of the populace
consent and sex may come up. The Book of is gay, lesbian, or bisexual, although howit is
Erotic Fantasy only deals with consensualsex, expressed depends on the social mores, legal
in which both partners (or all partners) agree issues, and openness of that society. So, what
to the sexualact. does it mean to have a character whois gay,bi,
Just as in reallife, no means no. During the or a lesbian?
course of a game, characters will try to For the mostpart, nothing.
seduce, woo,cajole, or even force themselves Sexual orientation has no impact whatso-
on NPCs. If the other character agrees to the ever on a character's ability scores, fighting
act, it is considered consensual, and thus prowess, spellcasting, class abilities (with the
acceptable (although there could still be exception of prestige classes that might require
plenty of fallout from it). If a character says a character to be one sexual preference or
no, and acts accordingly, then it is non- another), or other mechanicsof the game. A gay
consensual. This sort of behavior is almost character lives, eats, and breathes like anyone
always relegated to the actions of evil NPCs, else and can be kind,just, cruel, selfish, loving,
and you, the DM, should be extremely wary haughty, or amusing. . . just like anyoneelse. In
aboutallowing it into your game. general, the only impacts that a homosexual

Love and Sex Between Player Characters

Sometimesplayers allow love to blossom betweentheir characters. This is understandable, as the characters
are not only companions, but also spendall their time together, fight unspeakable danger, and otherwise
stick together throughthick and thin, However,this sort of behavior can have some serious consequencesin
your game. Characters may get married and have children, or they could fall prey to jealousy, envy, and
other dark emotions.
Ontheplusside, allowing love between player characters provides a wealth of adventure hooks and moti-
vations. In an ideal situation, the characters look out for each other anddo their best to keep each othersafe.
The lovers can become a true team, complementing each other's strengths and weaknesses more so than
mere comrades.
However, just as with any relationship, love has its problems. Players may spend moretime having their
characters bicker over issues of the relationship or spend more time worrying about their love than the
adventure.In extremecases, play can get bogged down or sidetracked by the character's problems.
If you chooseto allow characters to express their love for each other (or engage in sex), remember that
your group's dynamics will change drastically. Players may spend moretime worried about their relation-
ships or getting one anotherin bed, than focusing on the adventure,
character may experience arestrictly on a social Someone with a fetish requires the act,
level. In a society where such lifestyles are item, or situation to achieve sexual enjoyment.
accepted, a homosexual has the samelegal and For example, a character with a fetish for elves

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social rights as any other person, including the gets no particular enjoyment(or even arousal)
right to legally binding unions. In otherplaces, with any other race. See Chapter 2: Rules, Skills,
homosexuality is a crime or at least socially & Feats for rules on dealing with fetishes.
distasteful, with punishment ranging from In a fantasy world, fetishes and kinks can
social snubbing to imprisonment, and even be astoundingly broad-exotic creatures or sex
death. mixed with magic. Many fetishes revolve
Somesocieties may even embrace homosex- around materials, suchas the look and feel of
uality and bisexuality, weaving these expres- leather, rubber, or metal. In a fantasy world,
sions of sexuality into their culture to such a more unusual substances may turn someone
degree that no one notices. For example,a large on, such asthe pulsing magicalfeel of mithral,
patriarchal society may mandate that young or the cold hardness of scales. Other fetishes
men be sponsored and "tutored" by older, involve clothing, such as the macho imageof
established men. Alternatively, an Amazonian uniforms or armor, or the sensuous nature of
style matriarchy may exist where women play female clothing.

4 1Co>: &? >. 4

the dominantrole in society and lesbianrela- In a world where fantasy is the norm,
tionships are the norm, with men used only for sexual desires may run into the fantastic as
procreation. well.
In many games, there are already prebuilt
prejudices, mostly along racial lines. Dwarves, Prostitution: Sacred and Profane
for example, are classically depicted as being Hey there. Lookingfor a good time?
the enemies, or at least antagonistic, toward The oldest profession is thoroughly TU
elves. How would a gay dwarffit into his own enmeshed in the visceral, physical world of 5
society? Would he be shunned, tolerated, or fantasy roleplaying. In all but the smallest of
revered as someonespecial? communities, those who give sexual favors in
It should be noted that having a sexual pref- exchange for money or other compensation ra
exist. For adventurers with an itch that they i)
erence outside the societal norm is not the same
as promiscuity. A homosexual character can be can't scratch, going to prostitutes for sex may
chaste, moralistic, prudish, intolerant, or be a routine part of a game.
rampant .with his or her sexuality, just as a Prostitution has the main advantage of
heterosexual person can be. Also, remember providing sexualrelief for those willing to pay
that your fantasy world is not the same as our for it. A character with no desire for emotional
own. By avoiding (or embracing) the stereo- ties may get his entire sexual appetite filled
types of gays and lesbians as they are seen in from prostitutes alone. In societies where
the real world, you and your players can create prostitution is legal, or even considered a
something unique andinteresting. sacred position (see the Sacred Prostitute,
Chapter 3: Base & Prestige Classes), characters
Kinks andFetishes may enjoy the benefit of sex without legal
One man's kink is another man's vanilla. consequences.
Every person has sexuallikes and dislikes, However, in many societies, particularly
but some push the envelope for what may be lawful communities, prostitutionis illegal and
considered normal. Fetishes and kinks might considered morally reprehensible. Someone
be nothing more than a sexual preference for caught with a prostitute (or even pandering
an item thatis outside the societal norm. one), may be fined, publicly humiliated, or
A kink is simply something outof the ordi- jailed. In these places, bordellos are secret (or
nary that a character likes during sex- semisecret) affairs that are commonly found in
bondage, tickling, leather, or domination, for the seediest portions of town.
example. Not every sexual act requires the Regardless of whether prostitution is legal,
kink, but he definitely enjoys it when it sexually transmitted diseases are common
happens. Kinks have noeffect on a character's with prostitutes, which is a prime motivator
sexual performance. for lawmakers to make prostitution illegal. A
randy adventurer should strive to protect Within the character's home society,
himself to avoid catching something from one pornography can be found anywhere, as long
night of passion. as they know where to look. In sexually open
places, there could be pornographers hawking
Ly Pornography their wares onthe streets, enticing passersby
= Have you ever seen the orgy frescoes on the with arousing books full of graphic sex.
in temple of Karan Zar? Breathtaking, if I might Within conservative societies, a character
4 say so myself... wishing to find pornography may have to go
nm Pornography, the depiction of men and to the same places where otherillegal items
O women engaged in sexual acts, may not seem are found-the seediest and most dangerous
a natural part of a game. After all, pornogra- places in thecity.
phyis a visual or written mediumthat may be Each race has their own attitudes about
difficult to portray during the courseofa typi- pornography. Although,it's easy to fall into
cal gaming session. Still, people have been stereotypes, it doesn't take much to believe
creating pornography as soon as they were that dwarves may reject most public displays
able to draw, although they probably didn't of pornography, while elves would blend the
considerit as such. lines between sex and art so that the two
Various societies have dramatically differ- would be indistinguishable. Gnomes are
ent attitudes towards what is considered noted for creating pornography that is both
pornography, just as they do art. For some, extremely humorousand arousing in the same
depicting men and womenin the throes of image. Among the monstrous humanoids,
passion is not only considered beautiful, but pornography is probably absent, at least as
also sacred and divine-the portrayal of basic humans perceive it. However, as most
urges and desires. In otherplaces, especially monstrous humanoidshavelittle in the way of
those with a nudity taboo, the idea of looking modesty,it's easy to conceive tribes adorning
at pictures, carvings, andthe like of sexual acts their walls with crude, bawdy images of
can be considered both immoral and abhor- sexual acts.
rent. In general, a society's attitude towards In fantasy roleplaying, where magic is both
pornographyis similar to how they view sexu- commonand powerful, pornography can go
ality. If a society is open with their sexuality, far beyond the two-dimensional. Illusionists
then images of such are considered both mayspecialize in creating vivid, erotic images
normal and aesthetically pleasing. Repressed for their clients, while scribes could fill tomes
cultures or those with a strict moral code full of sexual images that actually move and
about sex have tough laws with those that writhe on the page. There could be an entire
create, display, or possess pornographic cottage industry for spellcasters that fulfill the
images. Of course, what one person may fantasies of their clients through magic. Just as
consider perfectly acceptable, another may video captures the image of a person, porno-
find repulsive. graphic illusionists could exist who are on the
Introducing pornography in a game can be huntfor sexually alluring "subjects" on which
a precursor to a sexual campaign. For exam- to base their work. Spellbooks themselves may
ple, the adventurers stumble across an ancient be erotic in nature, complete with lifelike
building deep in a rain forest. The lichen images of sex intermingled with the arcane
encrusted walls are etched with erotic imagery writing. Those whofind such workdistasteful
from a culture long forgotten. Was the build- may even overlook the fact that powerlies
ing a temple to sexually positive gods? Wasit between the pictures that they refuse to gaze
a brothel? Perhaps the images themselves upon.
reveal secrets of sexual techniques hitherto In short, where there is sex, pornographyis
unknownin the adventurer's society. And sure to be right behind.
finally, are the characters intrigued or
repulsed by the images? Either way,it's a
good way to gauge how yourplayers (and Ce ConepunsofZoveand baz
their characters) may react to further sexual Love and sex can addincredible depth to your
situations within your campaign. roleplaying experience. However, in a game
that involves sex, many things could result that prohibit sexual selectiveness.
that the character may not have been Example 1: In one country, it may be that
preparedfor. you must only have onepartner.Infidelity in a
society with such norms can result in many Q
Marriage and Bonding negative consequences—emotional, social, and a
May love, like sweet nectar, bless this holy even magical. A character who makes a vow v
union. to be true to his partner (particularly a a
Often considered one of the most noble and worshiper of Kaladis), may find his powers i}
highly regarded elementsof a society, commit- waning and doors shutin his face after his i)
ting to a marriageor legal union is an important sexual liaison with another partner. In most
part of any person's life. Through marriage, the societies, having sex outside one's union may
bonds of society are strengthened. Through result in grounds for divorce or even legal
children, a commonresult of marriage, family punishment.
lineages are kept strong. Example 2: In a very different society, the
However,the life of an adventureris oftenill emphasis may be on procreation and the
suited to marriage, considering the dangerous expansion of population. Here, you must
tasks that such a person undertakes. By taking create a child for the good of the community.
to the road in search of wealth, excitement, or Celibacy or having only one partner goes
promotion of a cause or deed, adventurers against society. Until the person has
rarely spend that much time at home, fostering contributed an offspring to the community, he
a familylife. Still, forming a union with another or she may haveto take multiple partners and
person (or multiple people) and having chil- endeavor to becomea parent.
dren can be just as fulfilling, frustrating, and Thelife of an adventurer often takes them
interesting as any normal adventure. far from home, away from the familiar
A married character has a partner (or part- comforts and often sexual gratification from
ners) she can rely on, as someone whoprovides their chosen mate. Temptation lies around
emotional, social, and financial support. every corner, in the form of prostitutes, seduc-
Married people live longer lives in our world, tive creatures, or even grateful townsfolk will-
have better finances, and are less suspect in ing to show their appreciation . . . in whatever
social situations-this may also apply in a waythe adventurer wouldlike.
fantasy setting. Married men and women show In the game, alignmentis a good indication
lowers signs of stress and have better immune as to how a character deals with the issue of
systems. In addition, they have someone who infidelity. Lawful characters are the least likely
can take care of them in their old age, increas- to stray from a committed relationship, while
ing their sense of security. chaotic characters are inclined to engage in sex
If both members of a married couple are outside the commitment. A good character
adventurers, each has an ally who watches out feels guilt and regret about his behavior, while
for the other. Throughtheir love, great and epic an evil character may go out of his way to have
adventures await. sex with as many people as he can. However,
a character's alignment is not the only indica-
Commitment andTrfidelit
pay tion of how a character deals with issues of
Of courseI've never dishonored you! fidelity. A chaotic evil character may actually
In a gamethat involves sexual aspects, the be a devoted(if violent and scary) wife, who
topics of commitmentandinfidelity come up, wouldn't think to bed down with someone
causing both joy and woe for the person other than her mate. In contrast, a lawful good
involved. character may be righteous in all endeavors,
Commitments and fidelity are culturally but possess a wandering eye.
defined. A wide variety of normsare possible.
Some define them narrowly, some broadly. Pregnancy and Childbirth
Fidelity for some is partnership with one (or a Remember that night during theMidsummerfesti-
few) people with whom one has sacred vows val? I think we need to talk...
prohibiting sexual sharing outside the rela- Atits core, sex is about procreation. The act
tionship. Others have broader commitments of sex is done to ensure the survival of the
species, for withoutit, there would be nolife. breathesfire!
In a typical game, sex is absent, and thus, In all cases, you shouldtalk to your players
childrenare rarely heard or seen, unless they ahead of time about the chance of pregnancy

are involved in the plot in some way. ("A and everythingit entails. No player should be
barbarian horde has captured all the children forced to deal with these consequencesif they
of the village and plans to sell them into slav- object and you should besensitive to the will
ery.") With games that include sex, the of yourplayers.
chance of pregnancy is a possible outcome,
regardless of the wishes of the couple The Cons
involved. Well, it seemed like a good ideaat the time.
In the pseudomedieval world of fantasy Balancing out the benefits of sex are many

roleplaying, siring children is an important pitfalls, Disease, unwanted pregnancy,

aspect of any person's existence. For emotional heartbreak, and jealousy go hand-
commoners and other peasant folk, having in-hand with the act of physical love.
children (often many) ensures that there are One of the unfortunate side effects of

enough handsto help raise the crops, work sexual contact is the spread of sexually trans-
i the fields, mill the wheat, cobble the shoes, or mitted diseases. In the real world, STDs
a thousand other tasks that require the account for some of the most devastating
hands-on approach. For nobles, children losses among communities. In the gritty, dirty
meanscontinuation of the bloodline, along world of most fantasy settings, diseases (some
with the rights,titles,money, and powerthat more horrible than can be imagined) run
go along withit. In most societies, producing rampant. By adding a sexual component to
an heir is of the utmost importance, so that your game, you may also bring along the
the family, along with titles, status, and posi- specter of sexually transmitted diseases. For
tions of power, may be maintained. more information on sexually transmitted
So how do adventurers handle preg- diseases, see Chapter 2: Rules, Skills, & Feats.
nancy? If it is planned, it should be a joyous All manner of emotions go along with sex,
event, with the proud parents putting time, from passion and lust to jealousy and hatred.
money, and energy toward the welfare of the A casualfling may result in obsession by the
child. If it's unplanned and occurs outside other person, or a jealous husband mayfind
marriage, the couple must deal with the out that his wife has been sneaking behind the
same issues that occur in real life—should tavern with one of the adventurers. Lawful
they get married? Whowill be responsible societies also have strict codes about sexual
for the child's welfare? Will the child be behavior, and a randy character may find
accepted into the family or be considered a himself behind bars if he lets his loins do his
bastard? thinking for him.
As she comes to term, however, a female
adventurer mightfind herself less inclined to Chastity
head into dangeroussituations, as her body "I said no."
and naturalinstincts curtail such ambitions. In a game without sex, all characters can
Conversely, the adventurers may have a be considered chaste. Such characters in
greater passion and will to adventure, so to adventures that include sex, however, may
provide for their offspring's future. miss out on everything from enticing social
In a world filled with magic, unusual encounters to powerful magic that stems
births may occur. The child might be born in from sex. They might find themselves on the
nine weeksrather then nine months and grow fringe of the otherwise sexually active
to adolescence in the blink of an eye. One of group, which considers him prudish or
the parents may be a dragon,a celestial, a uptight.
devil, or some other exotic beast, with the A chaste character in a sexual game may
resulting child being a half-breed with also find himself in awkward cultural dilem-
unusual powers. In such cases, the parents mas. For example, Batiri, a proud and virtu-
must not only contend with a squalling ous paladin has chosen to lead a life of
newborn, but one that spontaneously chastity. As a sign of hospitality and appreci-
ation for herassistance in repelling a horde of CommonCultural Taboos
goblins, the Grand Vizier offers her one of his Anal sex
concubines for the night. Although she Birth control

| YaldVvHD
politely refuses, the lord is furious at such a
Breeding outside social caste
breach of social etiquette. Or, Batiri accepts
Breeding with other species
the request, butlets it be known in the morn- Circumcision
ing that the sexual encounter was not to her Domination-submission
liking. To save face, the Grand Vizier proudly Fetishes
states that he will have the concubine put to Genderequality
death for her lack of skill. Now Batiri must Homosexuality
deal with the knowledge that the life of an Incest (with extended family)

innocent has been put in jeopardy because of Interspecies breeding
her! Interspecies sex
However, being chaste in a game with Masturbation
rampant sexuality has its own advantages Multiple partners
and makes for a wonderful and intriguing Nudity

so fe:
Oral sex
roleplaying experience. By not having sex,
the character avoids the problems inherent Pornography
with sex-disease, pregnancy, and unwanted

liaisons. They also stand a better chance of Prostitution ve
avoiding the predations of particularly Recreational sex (nonprocreation) e
seductive NPCs and creatures such as Sadomasochism
succubi. Sex outside social caste iu)
Sex outside specific culture QU
Sex toys
QSaeual Caboos Sex while shapechanged, polymorphed, “1
Somethings are just not done. reverse gendered or otherwise altered in form
Despite the diversity of sexuality that Transvestitism
Uninitiated Adults (see Rites of Passage, below) 7)
exists, some activities are nearly universally
Unmarried sex
banned. Commontaboosexist across cultures Various sexual positions
and species.
Universal Taboos
Culturally Dependent Taboos All but the most chaotic and evil of societies
Each society formsits own set of expectations, view the followingactivities as reprehensible.
including those regarding sex. Depending
upon various cultural influences including Universal Taboos
religion, alignment, species, education, geog- Bestiality
raphy, and politics, a people often adopt Child molestation
specific norms. They decide whatis and what Incest (with immediate family)
is not acceptable sexual behavior. The more Necrophilia (sex with the dead or nonsen-
tient undead)
rigid, suppressive, and narrow-minded a
society, the more taboos it has. Often, these
serve merely to set the members of one soci-
ety apart and different from a rival society. Rites of Rassage
The repression sometimes takes the form
Societies have benchmarks by which they
of law, making these aspects of sexuality ille-
determine whether an individual is an adult
gal. Other times, it manifests though social or a child. Some use the onset of a girl's
prejudice. In addition to the activity being
menses or another biological change as the
societally prohibited, open discussion, toler-
indicator. A few choose anarbitrary date by
ance, or even the mere mention of the taboo
which they indicate adulthood. Often a
topic can be socially stigmatizing. Common ritual or ceremony marksthe transition from
taboos includethe following. childhood to maturity. Depending upon the
culture andits attitudes toward the individ-
ual, some passages are determined by the
Whatit means to be married in one society
actions of the soon-to-be adult and others
may mean something completely differentin

are determined or done by society. In almost

another. Even two communities that both
all cultures, the child welcomes the transi-
worship Kaladis, the deity of marriage and
tion to adulthood. Commonrites of passage
commitment, may interpret the deity's holy
for both males and females include the
tenants very differently.
One place may hold that Kaladis created
commitment and marriage as a means of
CommonRites of Passage
Attaining a certain-age
joining of two individuals of opposite gender
Circumcision for a life-long commitment that does not
ra Distended or reshaped body part (such as permit sex outside marriage. Another place
lips, ears, necks, genitals) may have as its norm that Kaladis created
Elders/Council decree commitment and if one person gives his or
First child conceived her word, that word must be followed. In
First sexual encounter this society, marriage maylast only until the
First use of spell-like ability next new moon and only forbids extramari-
Flesh inserts tal sex if the participants specify a vow to
Hunting or slaying a particular creature that effect.
Menstruation (females only)
Personal journey
Sex is permitted only within the bonds of
the committed relationship
Religious ritual/ recognition by deity
Males may seek sexual gratification outside
the relationship
Tattooing Females may seek sexual gratification out
WG A SR ited Lbnion side the relationship
The highest social caste member may seek
Society, culture, and religion are the primary sexual gratification outside the relationship
Sex outside the relationship is permitted if
forces that determine relationship bonds and
the partner(s) approve of the lover
commitment norms. At the core of the Formalized lesser relationships, such as con
custom are some basic purposes for the cubines, are expected
union. Formalized lesser relationships are permitted
Many societies use marriage (and Open, casual sexualrelationships are expected
marriagelike ties) to clarify property rights, Open, casual sexual relationships are
simplify inheritances, delineate parentage, permitted
transfer titles and lineage rights from parent Discrete, long-term sexual relationships are
to child, and establish clear succession among expected
royals or rulers. Discreet, long-term sexual relationships are
Common marriage or committed union permitted
customsinclude the following. An outside sexual relationship is permitted
onlyif it does not create a child
Category # and Genderof Participants
Conventional One male and one Duration
female Some marriages include the vow "Until death
Monogamous Two partners of any do us part." A simple handfasting might only
gender commit the participants for a_ year.
Polygamous One male and more Regardless, each culture, even within the
than one female samerace, may have wildly different rules as
Polyandrous One female and more
to whatis considered a union.
than one male
Common lengths of bond include the
Group Marriage One or more males and
one or more females following.
Theogamous Mortal/deity relationship
Duration Possible Meansof Dissolution/Divorce
Lifelong None
One year Church edict

cheb dae)
Until the first snowfall Civil court dissolution
Until the thirteenth new moon Mutual agreement
Until a special wedding vase breaks (may Public announcement
be broken easily by either partner, another Public denunciation
person, or by a chance event such as an Returning dowry
earthquake) One member makes a symbolic gesture
Until the village elders dissolveit such as breaking a vase or returning a ring
A year and a day The village wise one declaresit so
Until a child is conceived

Until the next new moon
QSas and the Alignments

Until the next full moon

— AA
Until a new monarch is crowned Belowis described the typical approachto sex
of a character of one of the nine alignments

Societies vary greatly in their rules of who can
from Core Rulebook I. Each alignment
includes heterosexual, homosexual, and
terminate a marriage and how it can be “4
bisexual folk. Alignment influences other
ended. The dissolution of a marriage can be aspects of sexuality such as the approach
either simple or complex. In a society where taken toward monogamy or promiscuity. The
the rules for marriage clearly defined, dissolu- entries below are general philosophical
tion has little extraneous fallout, although guidelines only.
there can still be bruised emotions, concerns
about children, and the like. In the pseudo- LawfulSood
medieval setting of fantasy roleplaying, the Be Virtuous in All Endeavors
consequences of separation have far more A lawful good character acts with thought,
reaching possibilities than in reallife. looking ahead to the implications of his
Commoners that are tied to a particular lord actions. He earnestly endeavors to be honest
or plot of land may find themselves and respectful with any potential partner.
completely cut off from their livelihood, their Somechoose to be celibate or chaste. Others
extended family, and any rights that they wait for sex until a permanent relationship,
might have. such as a marriage, is formalized.
In more cosmopolitan or liberal societies, A lawful good alignment does not prohibit
marriage itself may be a casual affair, resulting sex outside marriage. It just means that the
in equally casual dissolutions. A character character must clearly communicate what he
from a place with strict guidelines for marriage is offering and what he expects from his part-
and divorce may be amazed (or appalled) at ner. Are they intending to spend just one
the nonchalant attitude about such things night of passion together with noobligations?
whenvisiting a foreign society. Are they beginning an ongoing relationship
With dissolution, property is commonly with commitments excluding other partners?
divided and custodyofchildren is determined. Whathappens if a partner conceives? Even
However, many cultures may have rules that paladinscan have robust, varied sex lives, but
dictate that only one or the other divorcee they need to come to clear terms with their
receives any form of compensation. For exam- lovers in advance.
ple, in a highly patriarchal society, males may
have the right not only to divorce their wife, Thebard's dulcet tones slowlyfaded and were
but also retain all possessions and children. replaced by the inn patrons' applause andcheers.
There's nothing stopping you from coming Cries of "Chevel!" and "Encore!" accompanied her
up with unique, even bizarre, outcomes for from the improvised stage. Coins clinked into her
dissolution of a marriage or union. For exam- cap as her audience showed their appreciation.
ple, it could be law thatif dissolution occurs, The paladin Valeria slapped her leather-clad
all their property, assets, and even children thigh in approval. The bard winked at her and
are spread out amongtherest ofthe village.
cameover to her table. Chevel's hand, makingsure to leave hergrip loose
The tall, blonde warrior rose at the petite enough so that the bard could pull away.
brunette's approach.
The bard sat down, gesturingfor the paladin to Valeria: Human paladin 15; CR 15; Medium
ate do the same. "My name's Chevel." humanoid; HD 15d10+30; hp 85; Init +3; Spd
ae "Pleased to make your acquaintance," Valeria 30 ft.; AC 21, touch 14,flat-footed 18; Base Atk
oe said. +15; Grp +20; Atk +22 melee (2d6+6/17-20, +1
<a "Buy me a drink?" greatsword) or +19 ranged (1d8+5, +1 composite
nO "An honor." The paladin called for the [+4 Str bonus] longbow); Full Atk +22/+17/+12
innkeeper to bring two glasses and a bottle of melee (2d6+6/17-20, +1 greatsword) or
wine. +19/+14/+9 ranged (1d8+5, +1 composite [+4
oe Anhourorso later, the two women were still Str bonus] longbow); SA smite evil 4/day,
E sitting together, talking, heads bentclose together spells, turn undead 6/day; SQ aura of
“a to hear each other over the noise. Their knees courage, detect evil, divine grace, divine
= touched underthe table. health, empathic link with mount, heavy
ta Valeria sighed, and leaned back, not wanting warhorse mount, lay on hands, removedisease
the momentto end, but needing to knowif it was 4/week, share spells with mount; AL LG; SV
= rightfor it to continue. "You're lovely, sweet, and Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +9; Str 20, Dex 16, Con
men incredibly talented. You've been flirting with me 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 17, App 13.
om all evening, and I've quite enjoyedit. I need to let Skills and Feats: Diplomacy +12, Perform
co) you know thatI'monly in this townfor tonight." (sexual techniques) +12, Ride +12, Sense
se | "I leave with my crew at dawn." Valeria indi- Motive +11; Blind-Fight, Dodge, Improved
phn cated a motley group assembledat one end of the Critical (greatsword), Mobility, Sexual
BY) bar. "It's notlikely I will pass this way again. We Training*, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus
can only have each other tonight." As Valeria (greatsword).
ny finished speaking, she reached out and took Smite Evil (Su): Four times per day, this
paladin may attempt to smite evil with one Paladin Spells Prepared (3/2/1/1; save DC
normal melee attack. She adds +3 to her attack 12 + spell level): 1st-bless, bless weapon, pleasant
roll and deals 15 extra points of damage. dreams; 2nd-mantle of love*, resist temptation”;

Smiting a creature thatis not evil has noeffect 3rd-magic circle against evil; 4th-dispel evil.
but that use of the ability counts against the Possessions: +2 celestial argentum breast-
paladin's total for that day. plate*, +1 greatsword, +1 composite (+4 Strength
Turn Undead (Su): As a 12th-levelcleric. bonus) longbow, belt of giant's strength +4, 20
Aura of Courage arrows, bracers of health +4, gloves of Dexterity
Thunderhooves (Su): This paladin is +2, periapt of Wisdom +2, cloak of Charisma +2,
Heavy Warhorse; Large immune to fear, magical ring of protection +1, potion of cure moderate
magical beast; HD 12d8+12; or otherwise. Allies wounds, potion ofpeacock's beauty*, potionoffly, —_
hp 66; Init +1; Spd 60 ft, AC within 10 feet of her gain 300 gp. I
18, touch 10, flat-footed 17; a +4 morale bonus on * New in this book.
Base Atk +3; Grp +13; Atk
saving throws against
+8 melee (1d6+6, hoof); Full
fear effects. NeutralGood
Atk +8/+8 melee (1d6+6, 2
Detect Evil (Sp): Give Pleasure
hooves) and +2 melee
This paladin can detect This philosophy guides a character to seek
(1d4+3, bite); Space/Reach
evil at will as the spell. to please her partner or partners. A neutral
10 ft./5 ft.; SQ command,
Divine Grace good character wishes to do good in the
low-light vision, scent, spell
resistance 20; SV Fort +7, Ref
(Su): This paladin world. She focuses on enjoying life and
+5, Will +2; Str 22, Dex 13,
applies her Charisma makinglife enjoyable for those near or dear to
Con 17, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 6. bonus on all saving her.
Skills and Feats: Listen throws. (This modifier is Neutral good characters are easygoing
+5, Spot +4; Endurance, already figured into the lovers, sometimes pursuing casual relation-
Run. statistics given above.) ships, sometimes forming lasting commit-
Command (Sp): Usable Divine Health ments. In either case, they have the strong
7/day against other equines (Ex): This paladin is desire to leave their partner happier for
(Will DC 21 negates). immuneto all diseases, having been with them.
Improved Evasion (Ex): including magical
Whensubjected to an attack diseases such as Chevel paused for a moment, studying the
that normally allows a mummyrot and lycan- paladin acrossfrom her. The warrior was beauti-
Reflex saving throw half, thropy. ful and shining with devotion to her cause. Her
this mount takes no damage Empathic Link earnest need to codify this potential one-night
if it makes a successful (Su): This paladin can stand amused the bard. Chevel wanted her,
saving throw and half communicate telepathi- wanted to give her a night of pleasure to remem-
damageif the saving throw cally with her mount at a ber. She laid her hand on Valeria's thigh, feeling
fails. distance of up to 1 mile. the warmth and the wantingof the other woman.
Low-Light Vision (Ex): The paladin has the Echoing Valeria's words from earlier, the bard
Can see twice as far as a same connection to an replied. "An honor."
humanin dimlight. item or a place that the The bard calledfor the innkeeper. She wanted
Scent (Ex): Can detect mount does. to rent a room with a large, comfortable bed.
approaching enemies, sniff Heavy Warhorse The two women went up to the room. The
out hidden foes, and track
Mount: Whenever she paladin reachedoutto extinguishthe oil lamp, but
by sense of smell.
desires, this paladin can the bard stayed her hand. Chevel began to undress
call upon the services of a special heavy the paladin, slowly removingeach article ofcloth-
warhorse mount. The creature's abilities and ing andfolding it neatly on a chair, prolonging the
characteristics are summarized in the procedure.
Thunderhooves sidebar. Valeria's muscled body showed several scars-
Lay on Hands (Su): This paladin can cure mementosfrom manybattles. Thefine white lines
45 hit points of woundsper day. did not detract from her beauty. They instead
Remove Disease (Sp): This paladin can seemed to enhanceit,forming a cryptic guidebook
remove disease, as the spell, four times per to her past. The bard lightly traced the scars as she
week. removed the paladin's clothing. The gesture was
longbow); SQ bardic knowledge 6, bardic
music 6/day (countersong, fascinate, inspire
competence, inspire courage +1, suggestion);
AL NG;SV Fort +3; Ref +6, Will +6; Str 8, Dex
a 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16, App 14
Skills and Feats: Diplomacy +16, Gather
Information +12, Perform (burlesque) +12,
7 Perform (sexual techniques) +12, Perform
(sing) +12, Perform (string instruments) +12,
O Sense Motive +13; Dodge, Improved Initiative,
O Bard Spells Known (3/4/3; save DC 13 +
zme spell level): 0-dancing lights, depilatory*, detect
magic, grope*, lullaby, read magic; 1st-block the
| seed*, charmperson, cure light wounds, vision of
im exquisite pleasure*; 2nd-invisibility, limited telepa-
7| thy*, touch me not".
*New spell in this book.
0 Bardic Music: Six times per day, Chevel
a can use her song or poetics to produce magical
se] effects on those aroundher (includingherself,
_ if desired). Starting a bardic music effect is a
fi standard action. For more information on
| A bardic music see page 29 in the Core Rulebook
r L
5a intimate and accepting. As Chevel continued to
Countersong (Su): Chevel can counter
magical effects that depend on sound by
remove the garments, Valeria's nipples hardened. making a Perform check for each round of coun-
—l tersong. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard
When the paladin was completely naked, Chevel
gently pushed her onto the bed. whois affected by a sonic or language-depend-
"Stay right there," the bard said. She began to ent magical attack may use the bard's Perform
hum a lively musical number and started to checkresult in place of his or her saving throwif
undress herselfin a burlesque striptease, snapping desired. Countersonglasts for 10 rounds.
herfingers and slapping her thigh to provide the Fascinate (Sp): Chevel can cause up to two
percussive emphasis she wanted. All the while, creatures within 90 feet that can see and hear her
she kept her gaze on the lovely Valeria, flirting, to becomefascinated with her (sit quietly, -4
teasing, and building the anticipation. penalty on skill checks madeas reactions, such
Thepaladin enjoyedthe show,feeling heat and as Listen and Spot checks). The bard's Perform
longing in hergroin. Her nipples ached sweetly. At check result is the DC for the opponent's Will
last, the bard threw downthe dainty thong that save. Any obvious threat breaks the effect.
was her last bit of clothing. Chevel pounced on Fascination lasts 5 rounds.
Valeria. Inspire Competence (Su): An ally within 30
"You were magnificent," the paladin said. feet who can see and hear Chevel gets a +2
"You've not begun to know magnificent," the competence bonusonskill checks with a partic-
bard replied. ular skill for as long as he can hear the music.
Inspire confidencelasts for up to 20 rounds.
Chevel: Human bard 6; CR 6; Medium Inspire Courage (Su): Allies (including the
humanoid; HD 6d6+6; hp 27; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; bard) who can hear this bard receive a +1 morale
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +4; Grp bonus on saves against charm and fear effects
+3; Atk +4 melee (1d6-1/19-20, masterwork and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon
rapier) or +6 ranged (1d8-1, masterwork long- damagerolls. The effect lasts for 5 roundsafter
bow); Full Atk +4 melee (1d6-1/19-20, master- the ally can no longer hearthe bard.
work rapier) or +6 ranged (1d8-1, masterwork Suggestion (Sp): Chevel can make a sugges-
tion (as the spell) to a creature that she has foldsfrom a peg in the vestibule.
already fascinated (see above). Usingthis ability "Blindfold?"she asked. "They're optional, but
does not break her concentration on the fascinate many of our visitors say they enhance the pleas-
effect, nor doesit allow a second saving through ure." Q
against the fascinate effect. Making a suggestion "Just what have you gotten me into?" Desere 7
doesn't count against Chevel's daily limit on asked with a laugh. "I don't want a blindfold."
bardic music performances. A will saving throw "I do," Silett said, eager to gain the most fun aa

(DC 16) negates the effect. This ability affects from the experience. ul
only a single creature. Suggestion is an enchant- Once blindfolded, Silett groped about for a
ment (compulsion), mind-affecting, language- Desere, intentionally brushing his hands against
dependentability. her breasts. He found her nipples quite perky.
Possessions; +1 chain shirt, cloak of Charisma +2, Good. She was havingfun, too.
masterworkrapier, masterwork longbow, 55 gp. "Ready?" Madeline asked. Desere said "Yes"
and he nodded. He heard Madeline openthe inner
ChaoticGood doors.
IfIt Feels Good, Do It The blindfold took away his sight and forced
A chaotic good character does what he him to concentrate on his other senses. A low
thinks is best. He's rebellious and careslittle symphony of moans, gasps, and sighs greeted his
for customs and norms, but respects others! ears. Hefelt his manhood swell againstthefilmy
views. Simply put, he does what he thinks is silk robe he wore.
good andright. Heheard Desere gasp.
Often, a chaotic good character makes an "It's... Oh,it's... beautiful. So many bodies.
effort to exhibit his individuality, especially in Undulatinglike the sea," she said.
a repressive society. He knows what he
believes and followshis heart, seeking happi- LawfulNeutral
ness while trying not to hurt others. He wants I Kiss by the Book
those with whom he formsa relationship to Lawful neutral characters value law, order,
feel better off for having been with him. and tradition. Good and evil are concepts of
little importance. Arranged marriages are
Madeline, the hostess of the House of a common in a lawful neutral society. Many
Thousand Pleasures, madea gesture and uttered a such societies have very particular customs or
few words as she presented her holy symbol of laws governing sex. As with the lawful good
Alilial. Her gaze sharpened, and became more worldview,sexuality is controlled and acts of
penetrating. She stared at them for a moment. sex are deliberate, considered matters, not
"Okay, you're fine. The Game Room has two lightly undertaken.
rules. First, you must be free of disease. You are.
Second, the emphasis in this experienceis sensual- "But you're my husband!" the young bride
ity and pleasure. You must be here with knowl- whined. "Why can't we make love yet? We're
edge and without any compulsion. You must be married!"
willing to share yourself sexually, to experience "I've explained to you before. I will explain
pleasure, and to give pleasure. Are you?" again," the monk stroked his wife's hair, trying to
"Yes," Desere and Silett spoke at once. calm her as he would his horse when it became
"Now, thefun can begin." agitated. He wanted to share appreciation of
The hostess led them up a flight of stairs and convention andpropriety with this young woman
down a long corridor. As they passed several he hardly knew. "Here, in this fiefdom, we have
doors in the hallway, they could hear sounds of the First Night tradition. When one gets married,
pleasure and play. She led them to the double the local noble has the option, nay, the duty, to
doors at the end ofthe hall. Gilt letters proclaimed initiate the newly wed into sexuality. It's a bond
the area beyondto be the "Game Room." betweenthe aristocracy and those who owe them
Madeline opened the doors. Desere was disap- fealty. It strengthens the bloodlines and makes the
pointed to see only a smallfoyer with another set nobles care more about their people."
of double doors at thefar end. The hostess closed "T understandall that, but I hate it! I want us
the doors to the hall and took down two blind- to be each other's first lover," she kissed him
throughher tears. midnight. She also could sleep late tomorrow.
"T will love you as much, nay more, tomorrow Nothing to do until noon, when she attended the
than 1 do today," he said. "But this must be done," life stretches at the kundala temple, The kundala
Hekissed herfor the last time that night, and exercise regime kept her bodyfit and supple.
4 slowly began his walkto the castle. He hoped that Cliara debated the merits ofgoing downstairs
i to the common room andseeing if anyone new
ke LadyEleanor would be gentle with him and leave
a him enough energy to consummate the marriage had shown up. The pretty bard performing at the
< withhisfretful bride in the morning. inn wastalented. She attracted more patrons and
* put them in a good mood, making themfeel
6) Neutral happier and more generous.
Act Naturally No more tonight, she decided. Her lastclient, a
0 A neutral character is the most difficult to giantborn dwarf tantrist, hadleft her tired and a
z| quantify. He doesn't seek to be evil or good, touch sore. He had given her a goldpiece, though,
a| chaotic or lawful, but is by turns each, depend-
ing upon circumstance. In relationships, he
more thantwice what she normally charged. Nice
on may be virtuous or unfaithful, committed or Cliara looked at the money on her dressing
7] casual, He often does what's convenient and table anddecided to take a bath.
J expedient. A neutral person mightbe faithful
0 because he wants his partner or partners to be Chaotic Neutral
me faithful or because he fears being caught. It's All About Me
e) Likewise, he might betray his lover because he A chaotic neutral character does whatever
bad wants to experiment or because he doesn't she pleases, when she likes, with whomever
| think his partner will find out. she wants. She prides herself on her spontane-
W) A few neutral characters want perfect ity, enjoying a blatant disregard for societal
balance. They diligently pursue the path of norms. She rarely pauses to consider the
ny neutrality. Often, because of their philosophi- impact her actions have on other people.
a cal pursuit of equilibrium, they are chaste or Whenforming relationships, she only cares
partner only with another seeker of equilib- about herself and what's good for her. She
| often leaves a trail of emotional wreckage and
rium because relationships with people of
other temperaments generally lead to conflict. heartbreak in her wake.

Cliara untied her purse

from her belt and let the~
coins chime out onto her
dresser. Two gold pieces, ten
silver pieces, and a handful
of copper. A good night's
wage, especially for only six
"Good tippers," she
thought aloud and chuckled
softly to herself at the pun.
Both the good night and
the money helped make up
for yesterday.
Lastnight's takings had
been meager. Her last
customers of the evening
were a pair ofhuman women
who had her service them,
then paid her in silver-plated
copper pieces. Harpies.
Still early, not yet

"I'm bored," Falean complained to Ardella. She

Lawful Evil
threw the last of the woodonto thefire in their
Order and Power
makeshift camp at the side of the road. "We A lawful evil character uses sex as one of

| = Rd
haven't done anything interesting since we were her tools. She takes what she wants from
thrown out of Percilla's House of Pleasure for those within her power, negotiates with
coating the whips with sovereign glue." peers, and submits to those above her in rank,
"Yeah, but it was worth it to see the look on
A lawful evil character is most definitely evil,
that pseudodominatrix's face when the whip
but she plays bytherules.
wouldn't come away from that poor half-orc's
butt." The two women laughed together, but the Darvin shuffled into the courtyard of the
silence returned. Baroness Arsera, guided by two imposing -
After a moment, Ardella said, "I'm bored, too."
"Why, then, I challenge you to a gameof'First
soldiers. They had sternly warned him notto look
directly at her. She sat beside a small pool, read-
Fuck.' Thefirst one of us to get laid gets 100 gold ing. He waitedinsilence, with his eyesfixed upon
and a massagefromthe loser," Falean said. A
"Deal,"Ardella agreed.
herfeet, which, to his amazement, were bare. His
fascination caused him to raise his head with a a)
Falean stoodup. "I hear hoof beats. This one's Bul
start when shefinally spoke.
"You are Darvin," said the Baroness, not look-
The rhythmic pounding ofhooves grew louder. ing upfrom the slender book in her hands "Tt has a
It soundedlike a single horse approaching at a come to my attention that you are almost four | A
trot. Falean positioned herself, standing openly in
the middle of the road. She unlacedthe top of her
months-a whole season-late in the payment of e
yourtaxes. You have beengiven one chance to pay 8
shirt, exposing the uppermost curves of her ample your rightful debt to me, and all you provided a
bosom. She reached inside the shirt and hitched were a fewpitiful baskets of withered wheat and a]
them up to emphasize her cleavage and smoothed
her skirt to show off herfull hips.
twopieces of silver." The disgust in her voice s
made him wince. "Pathetic." <
The rider approached and reined in his
horse. He was a young, good-looking elf
with hair the color ofsunshine.
"Oh, sir," Falean began, advancing
toward him and placing her hand on his
stirrup. "I need help so badly... ."
"What is it? What's wrong?" the elf
drew his sword and looked around, prepar-
ing to face danger in the stereotypical
defenseof the damsel.
"Ooh, I have need of your nice, strong
sword," she cooed. She used her left hand to
draw up her skirts, exposing a bare expanse
of thigh. "Come here and explore my deep,
dark cave."
The elf sneered in annoyance. He shook
her hand off his stirrup and kicked his
mountinto a gallop.
Falean sighed, "So muchfor the direct
approach. I should have knownto be more
subtle withan elf." She laced her shirt back
Ardella giggled.
"Probably doesn't even like women,"
Falean endeavoredto console herself. my
The two women laughed. At each other. Ty
Atthemselves, At the world. /
She rosefromher seat and walked toward him. married," he said. "I'm so happy! The barony will
His nose caught a whiff of exotic perfume, which have anheir!"
mingled withthe scent of hisfear. "Darling, ofcourse I want to continue to make
4 "I will make this brief. You havefailed in your you happy," she said. "You want to get married,
im obligations to your rightful ruler. For that alone, we will get married." She smiled as she mentally
Fk you give meleaveto see you killed." He looked up added up the number of times she was married,
o. at her with a gasp. The baroness's stunningface, eitherfalsely by a paid-off, often drunk, official, or
me framed by childlike golden curls, bore no emotion. quasilegally (legal only where polygamy was
x "As well as yourfamily," she continued. accepted). She was no morepregnant than she had
O "Mm... mimm-milady!"he stammered. "There been a virgin whenshe first came to the Baron's
waslittle rain this year! No one had a goodcrop!" bed. She alinost felt bored with how easy it had
Her hand snapped up andgrabbedhisface, cutting been tofool the aging aristocrat.
short his plea. "I'm lookingforward to having a nice, big ring
The baroness's grip was hard, but slowly soft- and a lovely trousseau! You willget mea nice ring
enedas she caressedhisface, leering at his muscu- andlots of nice clothes and jewelry, won't you,
lar frame. Darvin felt as if he were a cow being darling?" she prompted as she started to unlace
inspectedbefore slaughter. the Baron's breeches. He was hard with the
"You can decide to leave with your family thought of his ownfertility.
surrendering all land, your house, all your posses- "Fool!" she thought as she pulled his small
sions, or you can serve me, As an assistant of stiffness out. He was alreadyclose to orgasm. She
sorts." used her magic-enhanced skill to keep him
Hopeswelled in Darvin's heart. "Yes, ofcourse, aroused but not let him climax. She pressed at a
milady! I am your servant and will do anything pointjust behind his testes and usedherfingers to
that you ask!"he sputtered. maintain pressure on his shaft. He never noticed
"Oh,"she whispered. "Yes you will... ." the stilled, silent spell she cast to prolong his
The Baroness stood naked in her bedchamber, pleasure.
selecting a gown for the evening. The room was Her mouth began to caress his shaft, her tongue
dimly lit with candles, held in the handsofa man, tracing patterns ofgreed andlust. Witheachlick,
also naked, who stood beside her. Short silver she enumerated another thingfor him to buy her.
chainsledfrom his pierced, bloody nipples to tight "A lovely horse!" Lick. "With horseshoes that can
wristbands-the chains prevented himfrom lower- makeitfly!" Nuzzle. "A magic cloak to make me
ing his arms pasthis chest. Despite his effort, the even prettier!" Lick. "Oh, I would love to have a
man's arms droopedever so slightly. true seeing gem, too." She stroked him, working
"More light!" she screamed, swatting the her hands up and down, up and down, as she
heavy weight that hung fromhis exposed testi- began to suck on him with vigor. His balls tight-
cles. The man, formerly known as Darvin, and ened as he pumped his baronialblessing into her
now only called "candle holder," did notflinch. To eager mouth. She smiled up at him, satisfied with
show pain, he knew, would only incite his howeasy it was to suck him dry.
mistress's wrath.
Chaotic Evil
Neutral Evil Fuck You! Fuck You! No, Fuck YouAll!
It's All About What I Can GetAway With The chaotic evil character likes to hurt,
Theself-centered, self-serving neutral evil torture, and destroy. He commits appalling
character pursues personal ambitions or acts on the merest whim. Sex for him is
agendas by all expedient means. Lacking entirely selfish and often violent. Chaotic evil
honororprinciples, the neutral evil character creatures sometimes seek sexual satisfaction
values personal gain aboveall. He controls, through rape, mutilation, bestiality, or the
abuses, or prostitutes others. Relationships abuse of helpless creatures. These aspects of
involving a neutral evil individual tend to be sex are prohibited amongall but demonicsoci-
emotionally painful, often filled with betrayal ety and despised byall the other alignments.
and deceit. The Book of Erotic Fantasy intentionally omits
all but the mention of such heinousacts.
"Pregnant? You're pregnant? We should get

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