3.5 Harem Magian PDF
3.5 Harem Magian PDF
3.5 Harem Magian PDF
Interior Illustrations by Amanda Webb, Otherworld Creations, Sade. All images copyright their respective
creators, and are used with permission.
Otherverse Games
“Even when I make a picture of a living being, I always create only an image,
a thing… not a living being.”
- Marlene Dumas
“If you suddenly become to have twelve sisters, what do you think?
More over, they are so pretty, sweet, charming…. And loving you so much?”
- Sister Princess (Engrish translation)
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About the Cover
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1st +0 +0 +0 +1 Girlish Familiar; Daydream Girls --
+1 level of existing class
2nd +1 +0 +0 +1 Unexplainable Charm
3rd +1 +1 +1 +2 Bonus Feat
7th +3 +2 +2 +4 Wonderful Daydream
9th +4 +3 +3 +5 Bonus Feat
Bonus Feat: At 3rd, 6th and 9th level, the Harem Arcane Dancer, Bonded Book, Child Form, Craft
Mage may choose a bonus feat, which must be Song, Craft Wondrous Tattoo, Crafty Familiar,
chosen from the following list. Dreamlike Familiar, Lawful Landholder, Letters of
Credit, Lovers in Every Port, Magic Tailoring,
Agile Maneuvers, Alertness, Arcane Strike, Brew Metamagical Vigor, Minor Magical Mastery, Place
Potion, Deceitful, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, of Power, Seasonal Metamagic, Sentient Familiar,
Greater Spell Focus (conjuration or illusion), Tantric Wisdom
Improved Iron Will, Maximize Spell, Persuasive,
Run, Spell Focus (conjuration or illusion) or any Daydream Girls (SU): A lusty thought and some
Item Creation Feat time spent fantasizing conjure a beautiful, willing
playmate into being. Even a novice Harem Mage
The Harem Mage may also select from these bonus can conjure up a bevy of magical girls of stunning
feats, described fully in the Pathfinder Roleplaying beauty, grace and sexy cuteness.
Game Advanced Player’s Guide.
A number of times per day equal to his INT
Childlike, Cosmopolitan, Dazing Spell, Eclectic, modifier (minimum once daily), the Harem Mage
Expanded Arcana, Lingering Spell, Minor Spell can imagine a beautiful woman. Doing so requires
Expertise, Merciful Spell at least one hour of intense concentration: most
Harem Mages spend the time sketching or
The Harem Mage may also select from these bonus sculpting a representation of their magical
feats, described fully in Megafeats Revisited paramour. The Harem Mage cannot engage in any
(Otherverse Games, 2009). stressful activity or even an intense conversation
during this time.
At the end of the trancelike flurry of Harem Mage designates someone else as the
creativity, a beautiful nude companion appears at Daydream Girl’s master, that master may also
6 the Harem Mage’s feet, spectacularly birthing into
the real world. Some Daydream Girls hatch from
choose to imbue the Daydream Girl with her daily
ration of memories and soul-stuff.
arcane eggs, or appear in a storm of light and
swirling flower petals, while others seem to leap After imbuing a Daydream Girl with XP for
off the sketchbook page and take on three a number of days equal to her CHA score, she
voluptuous dimensions. becomes a ‘real’ being, and will not fade from
reality. She will remain in existence until slain or
The Daydream Girl is a magically created until she dies of old age (if she is a mortal
human (or humanoid creature), her exact creature). A ‘real’ Daydream Girl may begin
appearance and race determined by her creator. gaining XP herself, learning from her experiences
Though fleeting, she is a living sentient creature. and may eventually select heroic class levels. When
Her alignment will either match her creator’s the Daydream Girl finally dies, her body fades from
exactly, or it can be chosen by the creator during reality within seconds, though she can be raised or
the assembly process. Regardless of her alignment, resurrected normally, even without a trace of her
the Daydream Girl’s primary loyalty will be to remains.
either her creator or another person designated
during creation as her owner and master. A There is no limit to the number of
Daydream Girl can never be magically compelled Daydream Girls the Harem Mage may have in
or deceived to harm her creator or assigned master. existence at any given time. Creating a Daydream
Girl is a conjuration (creation) effect.
All Daydream Girls begin with a score of 8
in all ability scores. The Harem Mage has a pool of Girlish Familiar (SU): Why would you want an
attribute points equal to 3 + his ranks in Craft, animal as a constant magical companion, when you
which he can distribute among the girl’s six could have a willing little pixie sized nymphette
attributes as he sees fit. The Daydream girl may be instead hovering over your drafting table as you
assigned a single level in either Adept, Aristocrat, work? The Harem Mage’s first creation is a doll
Commoner, Expert, or Warrior. sized homunculus crafted to resemble some
colorful and fanciful fantasy woman.
The Daydream Girl can be any humanoid
race, and if she is human, she gains the additional Like a standard familiar, the Girlish
Human bonus feats and skills. A Harem Mage who Familiar is a magical creation, which resembles a 5-
conjures a non-human Daydream Girl doesn’t 7" high pixie. Unless otherwise noted, the Girlish
receive these benefits, instead gaining the Familiar uses all the rules for a standard Familiar as
appropriate racial traits. described in the wizard class description in the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. As an extension of
Daydream Girls are fleeting creatures, his soul, the Harem Mage can cast personal spells
fading into non-reality after 24 hours have elapsed. on the familiar, and both benefit from the effects of
If the Harem Mage becomes infatuated with a a single spell or magical effect. When within 5 ft of
particular daydream girl, each day, he may touch her master, the Girlish Familiar grants her master
her intimately and imbue her with some of his soul. the Alertness feat. The familiar is a semi-sentient
When doing so, the Harem Mage must make a creature, and can speak with anyone who shares
WILL save (DC 18 + the Daydream Girl’s CHA her language.
modifier). Failure indicates that to keep her in
existence, the mage must sacrifice 100 XP that day; If your familiar is slain, you must make a
success indicates he must only sacrifice 25 XP. The DC 15 FORT save. Failure indicates you lose 1
Harem Mage can choose to spend the XP or not, rank in Craft: visual arts per character level, as a
after the result of the save is announced. If the result of the trauma of your soul bonded familiar’s
demise and the loss of your pixie- Unexplainable Charm (SU): Even the
sized muse. Your ranks in Craft shyest, most tongue-tied Harem Mage
can never drop below 5 as
the result of the loss of your
can show unexpected moments of
charm around women, both real and
familiar. magically conjured…. Mostly
thanks to the advice of the mage’s
Success means you long suffering Girlish Familiar. As
only lose half the amount of long as his pixie companion is
skill ranks. A slain or within 5 ft, whispering good lines
dismissed familiar cannot be into his ear, the Harem Mage
until the Harem Mage gains receives a bonus on Bluff and
new ranks in Craft, usually Diplomacy checks made against
upon obtaining a new level. sentient females equal to half his
A slain familiar can be raised class level (rounded down).
from the dead, just as a
character can be, and does Harem Master’s Luck (SU): The
not lose a level or Harem Mage is already blessed
Constitution point when this with a clutch of beautiful willing
happy occasion occurs. If a women, but fortune seems to smile
character restores life to a on him the more beauties he
slain familiar before 24 surrounds himself with.
hours elapses, he can
recover half the skill ranks The Harem Mage receives a
lost as a result of the +1 luck bonus on Armor Class and
creature’s death. If the REF saves for every Daydream
master already has a familiar Girl within 60 ft of him (maximum
from Wizard or Sorcerer +10 bonus).
levels, they stack with
Harem Mage levels for Through Her Eyes (SU): His
determining the familiar’s creations are extensions of his soul,
special abilities. Typically his will and his desires. By
the prior familiar changes concentrating, the Harem Mage
form, becoming a cute plaything that somewhat can see and hear anything any of his Daydream
resembles its former animal form. Girls (or his Girlish Familiar) experiences, so long
as the Daydream Girl is within 1 mile of her
Girlish Familiar: CR 1/4; Tiny Fey; HD 1d6 (3 creator. If the Harem Mage has the ability to
HP); Mas 10; Init +7; Spd 10 ft, fly 40 ft (perfect); summon or create other magical creatures through
AC: 15, touch 15 , flatfooted 12(+2 size, +3 spells, class abilities or feats, he may also see
DEX); BAB +0; CMB –12; Atk +0 melee (1 point through that creature’s eyes.
slam); Full Atk +0 melee (1 point slam); FS: 5 ft x
5ft ; Reach 0 ft; AL matches its master’s; SV FORT While concentrating on seeing through his
+0 WILL +1 REF +3; STR 3 DEX 17 CON 10 creation’s eyes, the Harem Mage is effectively
INT 8 WIS 12 CHA 10 helpless, but can end the entranced state at any
Skills: Escape Artist +6 Perception +8 time, as a free action.
Feats: Improved Initiative Wandering Mind (SU): Fantasies are fleeting,
and dream girls are interchangeable. As long as
they are within ½ mile of each other, the Harem
Mage can ‘swap’ the positions of any two of his
Daydream Girls. As a full round action which
provokes attacks of opportunity, the Harem
8 Mage can concentrate, and cause any two of his
Daydream Girls to trade places. This is a
conjuration (teleportation) effect. The Harem
Mage may use this ability a number of times per
day equal to 3 + his INT modifier.
suffer a -1 size penalty to their Combat However, healing spells and supernatural
Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver abilities that cure hit point damage or ability score
Defense. damage provide only half their normal effect to a
• A Medium Living Toy receives no special Toy.
bonus or penalties due to her size.
A Toy does not need to eat, or sleep (in the
Living Toys built to emulate natural conventional manner) or breathe. It can still benefit
humans conform closely to human height and from the effects of consumable magic items and
weight norms. Though as bulky as a human child, spells. Living Toy magic users
many Living Toys are substantially lighter, since must still rest or meditate for 8
they are stuffed with cloth and cotton batting, not hours before preparing
bone or viscera. spells.
• Arcane Battery (SU): The Living Toy was • Patchwork (SU): The Toy is a wonderfully
designed as an assistant and companion to a chaotic rag doll made of fabric scraps that
young magic user. All arcane spellcasters have been magically turned into flesh. The
within 30 ft of the Living Toy cast zero and Toy can change her coloration at will, and
first level spells at +1 caster level, making even manipulate the pigments in her body
these minor spells more effective and with fine enough control to display moving
impressive. If the Living Toy is a spellcaster mosaics on her tummy. Creating intricate
herself, this ability applies to her own 0 and images requires a Craft check. The color
1st level arcane spells. shifting Toy receives a +2 racial bonus on
Stealth checks.
• Boy (or Tomboy) Toy (EX): The Toy is
designed to accompany a rambunctious • Tin Soldier (EX): The Toy is a tin or lead
young adventurer. The Toy receives a +1 soldier, whose body resembles a knight or
racial bonus on Acrobatics, Climb, Handle infantry man in colorful military rainment.
Animal, and Survival checks, and likes The Living Toy is familiar with all simple
nothing better than exploring the wilds with and martial weapons, as well as Light and
its charge. Medium armor and shields.
• Conjurer (SP): The Toy has been gifted • Tutor (EX): The Toy is designed to open
with a natural talent for magic and young minds and show them the world’s
prestidigitation. The Toy can cast wonders. The Toy does not suffer any
Prestidigitation at will, as a first level penalty to its INT score, and may choose
sorcerer. any two Knowledge skills. The Toy
receives a +2 racial bonus on checks with
• Childhood Protector (SU): The Toy is these skills, which are always considered
designed to protect and inspire a single class skills for the Toy.
child, but most dedicate themselves to
protecting all children. The Toy can cast
Bondage (SU): Toys are warded and sewn Stuffing Belly replaces the Child’s Babel
for obedience and loyalty- to master, to child, to racial trait.
12 family, to the bored noble who commissioned them
as a sexual plaything. As a free action, the Toy’s Living Toy Alternate
creator, current owner or the child the Toy
accompanies can speak a command (as the acolyte Favored Class Options
spell) to the Toy that it must obey without
hesitation. The Toy receives no saving throw The following are some new favored class
against such basic, soul-stirring commands. options, in the vein of those presented in the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s
Toys can attempt to resist more involved Guide. They provide a bit of insight about the most
commands by making a DC 26 WILL Save. commonly chosen Core Classes among the Living
Instructions that are obviously self destructive or Toy race. If a core class isn’t represented here, you
would dramatically violate the Toy’s moral code can assume it’s uncommon among the species.
grant the Living Toy a +4 bonus to resist the
command. Once a command is resisted, the Toy Alchemist
does not have to obey that specific order for 24 Living Toy alchemists have a knack for
hours. Toy can attempt a single WILL Save to arcane craftsmanship, and it’s not uncommon to
resist a command per round. see a Living Toy pulling out a bit of her stuffing to
stuff into a potion or elixir as an emergency
Living Toy Alternate Racial replacement for some missing reagent. Reduce the
base cost of any potion created by 1 GP.
Living Toys are highly customizable. In Living Toys are ostentatious and
addition to the Toy’s Purpose each and every one gregarious, confident to a fault and are natural
receives, some Living Toys are stitched together by performers. In the city of Schendenwatt, a troupe
unconventional masters and have different racial of Living Toy actors performs wildly imaginative
abilities. Some of the more common are described ‘puppet-shows’ against giant sets erected in the
below. market square. The prostitutes of the Sisterhood of
Silk are able to imitate any emotion necessary to
Porcelain Smile (EX): The Living Toy’s please their customers, and the famous Living Toy
face is sculpted from fine, milky porcelain or fine rogue Jenny Guitar got her name from the golden
ceramics. The Living Toy’s coolly perfect, if strings implanted down each arm, which she plucks
unnervingly stoic face provides her with a +2 racial to weave magic during her heists.
bonus on Bluff checks and Diplomacy checks
against Dwarves or creatures with the Earth Add one to the Living Toy’s total number
subtype. of bardic performance rounds per day.
Living Toys with a larcenous streak often
modify their silk and stuffing bodies with hiding
places and well concealed internal pockets to hold
lockpicks and stolen rings. As constructed
creatures, Living Toys have an uncanny instinct for
mitigating the damage done by mechanical traps.
Reduce the damage inflicted by any non-magical,
mechanical trap by 1 (to a minimum of 1 point of
damage inflicted per trap).
Living Toy sorcerers are masters of magical
creation with a love for art and beauty. Add one
spell known from the Sorcerer spell list. This spell
must be at least one level below the highest spell
level the Living Toy sorcerer can cast, and must be
chosen from either the Conjuration, Illusion or
Transmutation schools.
Living Toy Summoners may add +1 Hit
Point or +1 skill rank to the Summoner’s eidolon.
Since they were conjured into being themselves,
Living Toys have an instinct for conjuring arcane
servants of their own.
Living Toy wizards often specialize in
Conjuration, and favor Summon Monster and
planar contact spells for the same reasons that
members of the race make such excellent
Summoners. Add +1 to the Hit Point total of any
creature summoned with any Summon Monster
Living Toys find the simplicity of the
fighter’s life appealing, and adapt surprisingly well
to the discipline of military life. They often
specialize in battling dangerous constructs, seeing
it as their responsibility as pleasure and joy-
Lyylie Amano, Benefit: You may select two additional
Toy’s Purposes. Alternatively, with game master
14 Woman of Many Colors
Intermediate Goddess, Chaotic Neutral
approval, you may select one of the race’s alternate
racial traits without giving up a standard racial
Primary Worshipers: Living Toys, some Harem trait.
Mages, artists and bards of many races
Portfolio: creativity, artwork, galleries, sexuality, Ragdoll Acrobat (Living Toy)
seduction Your false flesh is amazingly flexible, and
Domains: Artifice, Chaos, Charm, Knowledge, you don’t move like anything with bones or a
Trickery spine. You twist and contort in impossible,
Favored Weapon: rapier (“The Painter’s Sable”) backbreaking ways, and move with inhuman speed
and agility.
Lyylie Amano walks the mortal world Prerequisite: Acrobatic, Living Toy race,
often, attending gallery openings and great operas, Marionette Toy’s Purpose
and is the patron of especially skilled bards and Benefit: Any time you make a skill check
wizards across the realm. Her clerics must be involving a DEX-keyed skill, roll 2d20 and take
especially clever and imaginative for her to hear the better of the two rolls.
their prayers, for Lyylie’s attentions are always on
the arcanists who worship her rather than her Ragged but Alive (Living Toy)
responsibilities as a goddess. She is fascinated with You aren’t flesh, a fact that’s saved your
the ability of mortal arcane magic to create life, life on more than one occasion. You can be shot
and encourages her worshippers to craft Living with arrows, stabbed, burned, crushed, slashed,
Toys and imagine Daydream Girls. Her great tattered, but still you survive and eventually
commandment is to ‘dream beauty into the world’. recover.
Prerequisite: Toughness, Living Toy race
Lyylie Amano appears as a tall, perfectly Benefit: You are immune to the effects of
proportioned woman whose silky skin is an ever massive damage. You are helpless and paralyzed
shifting tapestry of bold splotches of primary color. and helpless, but not unconscious when reduced to
She dresses in noble finery, and is often negative HP equal to your CON score, but are not
accompanied by a retinue of mortal and immortal truly destroyed until you reach -50 HP. You are
hangers-on. Flights of azata dog her steps, urging aware of your surroundings even when disabled,
the irresponsible young goddess to take action to and may take purely mental actions. Spellcasting is
free her created race and end the gentle slavery of not possible in this state.
the Harem Mage caste, while mortal and celestial Normal: You are destroyed when you
artists beg her for favors, funding, inspiration, reach negative HP equal to your CON score.
patronage and success in love.
Sisterhood of Silk (Living Toy)
Living Toy Racial Feats You are a member of the Sisterhood of
Silk, a prostitute’s union of free Living Toys that
owns property in every great city in the realms.
These new racial feats can only be chosen
You will always have a bedchamber at any
by Living Toy characters.
Sisterhood brothel or guild-house, and more
importantly… you share in the myriad secrets
Complex Purpose (Living Toy)
collected by your sisters in the guild.
You were stitched together by an incredibly
Prerequisite: Any lawful alignment, CHA
skilled craftsman, who imbued you with a variety
15+ Living Toy race, female gender
of useful talents.
Benefit: If there is a Sisterhood guild-hall
Prerequisite: Living Toy race, character
or brothel at your current location, you may claim
level first
free room and board (equal to what would be
offered by a high quality inn Craft
catering to nobility) for as long as Check
you remain in the region, so long
as you spend at least a few hours
Change gender or basic physical appearance (skin, hair or DC 15
each day entertaining guild clients.
eye color, facial structure, ect)
DC 18
You receive a +2 bonus on Choose a new Toy's Purpose
Knowledge (local) and Knowledge
(nobility) checks. If you have 10 DC 20
Change from Small to Medium sized or vice versa
or more ranks in either skill, the
bonus provides becomes +3 for Reassign starting ability scores
DC 20
that skill.
Swap out one feat, which cannot act as a prerequisite for DC 25
Silk Surgery (Living Toy) any other feat known
You’ve been tutored by
Exchange your most recently gained class level for another DC 40
Sisterhood of Silk geishas and class (or prestige class for which you qualify).
magical and surgical techniques to
change your appearance. A few
hours with a needle and thread and you literally their magical birth-right also select these new item
become a new creature. These talents are of great creation feats.
advantage to the Sisterhood’s skilled whores, but
also to their spies and blackmailers….the true Lesser Toymaker (Item Creation)
power behind their wealthy guild. You have mastered the lesser secrets of
Prerequisites: Any lawful alignment, Craft magical craftsmanship. You are such a skilled
5 ranks, Living Toy race sculptor or seamstress you can bring toy animals to
Benefit: By succeeding at a Craft check, a kind of strange life and animation.
requiring 1d4 hours of work, the Living Toy can Prerequisites: Creative, Craft 3 ranks,
alter his or her form in several ways. Doing so Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank, Spellcaster level 3rd
requires surgical, sewing or sculptor’s tools of Benefit: You can create living toy versions
some kind, depending on the Living Toy’s medium of animals and fantastical beasts. Doing so requires
of construction. The expenditure of at least 500 GP a Craft check (Base DC 20 + twice the created
worth of raw materials is also required. Toy’s Challenge Rating. Fractional CR creatures
are DC 20), and at least 8 hours of work. You can
Once the alterations are made, the Living craft your toys from virtually any kind of material,
Toy remains in the new state, which is now and often work from scrap, rags and recycled
considered the toy’s true form, until he or she material. The raw material for these minor toys has
specifically changes it again. A failed check cannot usually cost between 5-20 gp.
be retried by the Living Toy until he or she has
gained at least one rank in Craft. The Living Toy If your check is successful, you may create
cannot normally take 10 or take 20 on this check. a living toy version of an appropriate creature with
a CR equal to 1/3 your own total character level or
New Item Creation Feats hit dice, rounded down. Thus, at 3rd level, you
could construct Living Toys which are CR 1 or
Toymaker item creation feats allow skilled less. To bring a Living Toy to life, you must touch
mages and magical artisans to craft living toys. the construct’s inert body and sacrifice magical
Harem Mages may select these new feats as class reagents worth at least 25 gp per Hit Dice.
bonus feats, and many do so, enjoying the tangible
act of creation almost as much as they do magical You may craft a Living Toy version of any
conjuration. Many Living Toys, wishing to explore creature with the Animal, Vermin or Magical Beast
or Dragon type. Your creature gains the Pseudo- artificial hearts and spell-stitched bodies, but true
Construct racial trait, as described in the Living souls.
16 Toy racial entry. Prerequisites: Lesser Toymaker, Craft 5
ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranks
Your creature gains the attribute Benefit: You can construct Living Toys,
modifications common to all Living Toys. These creating highly intelligent, competent and loyal
creatures have a minimum INT score of 1. Living artificial servants. Doing so requires a DC 30 Craft
Toy animals may speak and understand at least one check, which requires at least 12 hours of work,
language known by their creator, even if their ‘live’ and the sacrifice of at least 1,000 GP worth of
animal counterparts are incapable of speech. magical reagents and spell components.
These creatures remain in existence until You may construct any humanoid Living
destroyed, and serve you (or a new owner you Toy you desire of size Small or Medium. This
personally designate) loyally. Your Living Toy humanoid character has the following ability score
menagerie will obey even suicidal orders on your array (15,14,13,12,10, and 8), assigned as you see
behalf to defend you. These creatures have a fit, prior to adding the Living Toy’s standard racial
primary allegiance to you or their owner, and if traits and attribute modifiers.
they are intelligent enough to do so, will act
independently on your behalf. Your Living Toy servant / companion has a
single NPC Class Level. Its alignment is initially
Master Toymaker (Item Creation) identical to your own, but as a thinking creature,
More than just human-like toys, you can might seek out another path as he or she gains
handcraft an array of magical living toys. You can experience. You have no special bond with or
make stuffed giants, origami dragons, puppet control over your created Living Toy, any more
angels and plush cuddly devils, and bring them all than an ordinary humanoid parent has over its
to life. child.
Prerequisite: Toymaker’s Secret
Benefit: In addition to creating Living Enhancement: Each additional 5,000 GP
Toys modeled on humans, you may create more sacrificed during the creation process spent during
exotic Living Toys. Doing so is mechanically the creation process increases the number of heroic
identical to crafting a standard Living Toy, levels the Living Toy possesses by +1. You are not
requiring at least 12 hours of work, and a required to have specific knowledge or training in a
successful DC 30 Craft check. class to imbue a Living Toy with levels in that
class, but you must have personally encountered at
You can create a Living Toy version of least one example of the class in your lifetime.
almost any roughly humanoid creature, from size
Tiny to size Large. New Magic Items
You construct an artificial version of any
Any campaign that features Harem Mages
Humanoid, Fey, Giant, Monstrous Humanoid, or
and Living Toys might also feature some of these
Outsider whose Challenge Rating is equal to ½
new magical artifacts.
your total character level or Hit Dice. The created
creature gains the Living Construct trait and
Healing Pigments
receives the attribute modifications common to all
Aura: faint conjuration (healing) CL: 3rd
Living Toys.
Slot: None Price: 600 gp Weight 3 lbs
Toymaker’s Secret (Item Creation)
This set of tiny ceramic jars include every
You have mastered the arcane secrets of
common pigment and a few exotic shades, and is
bringing to life fabulous, human-like beings with
carried in a small wooden box whose intricate
carvings are stained with a rainbow of paint
splatters. The small wooden box also includes Sculptor’s Picks
storage space for several brushes, palette knives
and rags.
Aura: faint transmutation
Slot: None
CL: 1st
Price: 2,000 gp
Weight Negligible
Each set of healing pigments comes with
enough paint for 4 applications. As a full round These finely balanced steel picks are both
action, the painter can attempt a DC 14 Craft useful as lockpicks and as a sculptor’s tool, used to
(paint) check. If the check is successful, the painter etch fine details like hair or fur onto a sculpture.
restores 1d4 Hit Points to an adjacent creature. The Sculptor’s Picks provide the user with a +5
The painter restores an additional +1 HP per every competence bonus on either Disable Device or
three points he or she beats the check DC by. Craft (sculpture) checks. The picks can only
provide the bonus to one of these skill checks per
Add +4 to the check DC if the painter is 24 hour period. This choice is made during the
attempting to use the paints to heal him or herself. item’s first use of the day.
Construction Construction
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Cure Light Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Crafter’s
Wounds Fortune
Cost: 300 gp Cost: 2,000 gp
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Polymorph
Any Object, Creator must be a Harem Mage
Cost: 10,900 gp
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6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT Black Tokyo. Copyright 2007, Otherverse Games; Author: Chris A. Field
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the Black Tokyo II: Chastity & Depravity. Copyright 2010, Otherverse Games;
Author: Chris A. Field
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying,
The Harem Mage Prestige Class. Copyright 2011, Otherverse Games;
modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and Author: Chris A. Field
the copyright hold-er’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original
Open Game Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity,
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in
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