Importance of Women in Islamic Society: That's Why

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1) Introduction
2) Role of women in Islamic society
Women as a mother
Women as a daughter
Women as a sister
Women as a wife
3) Islamic teachings about the importance of women
4) Conclusion

At the times of ignorance (YOUM-E_ JAHELIA) the Arabs were the most ignorant
people who did all the cruelties and deprived women from their status and rights. Islam at
that time (1400 years ago) abolished all the dark practices of the ignorant Arabs and
bestowed women with due rights that no any other religion has given so far and thus
women in Islam sought recognition, protection, respect, modesty and are honored with
integrity, prosperity and due rights. Islam is a complete code of life not only for men but
also for women. Islam; a religion of peace has uplifted women to its esteem and has
given woman their due rights because of which the role of women is important in Islamic
Following paragraphs will make a detail analysis of women role in Islamic society
and women rights in Islam.

Islam has always appreciated the femininity of the woman and regarded her as playing a
role integral to that of the man, and similarly regarded the man as playing a role integral to that
of the woman. A woman is a leader in Islamic society, this is not an obvious expectation,
however, ability to influence people is the most important characteristics of leadership. This trait
"influence" is entrenched in the nature of a woman. Women are the building blocks of a society,
a nation, a culture, a family and a community. They raise the children as leaders, support the
leader as husband, work hard to leave a legacy that transcends them. That’s why women is a
valuable asset in Islamic society.
The woman is a mother and it is said that "Paradise lies under her feet" (reported by Al
Tabarani). In an authentic hadith the Prophet (peace be upon him)(SAAS) was asked by a man:
'Who is the one most worthy of my care?'. The Prophet replied: 'Your mother'. The man asked:
'Then whom?'. He replied: 'Your mother'. The man further asked: 'Then whom?'. He replied:
'Your mother'. The man asked: 'Then whom?'. And in this fourth time the Prophet replied: 'Then
your father.' This shows that Allah has placed the care of the mother as a primary responsibility
of her sons.
A woman is also a daughter and sister and like their male brothers, are born of the same
lineage and from the same womb: {He bestows female (offspring) upon whom He wills, and
bestows male (offspring) upon whom Him wills.} (Surat Al-Shura (42), ayah 49). The Prophet
(SAAS) says: 'Women are the (equal) sisters of men'.
A woman is also a wife who is a source of comfort for her husband as he is to her: {And
among His signs is this, that He created wives from among yourselves, that you may dwell in
tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts)} (Surat Al-Rum
(30), ayah 21). Allah also said: {They are like a garment to you and you are like a garment to
them} (Surat AlBaqara (2), ayah 187) Women make up half of society and they are responsible
for the nurturing, guidance and reformation of the subsequent generations of men and women. It
is the female who imbues principles and faith into the souls of the nation. Allah, exalted be He,
created Adam from clay and Eve from Adam, and mankind came from both of them: {O
mankind! Fear your Guardian Lord, who created you from a single person, created out of it, his
mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;} (Surat Al-Nisa (4),
ayah 1). {It is He Who created you from a single person, and made his mate of like nature, in
order that he might dwell with her (in love).}(Surat Al-A'raf (7), ayah 189). There is no direct or
indirect text in the Islamic Law (Shari'a) that even remotely suggests that women are inherently
evil or impure as found in some distorted creeds that attribute lies to God. In fact, the Prophet
(SAAS) said in an authentic hadith that 'A believer is never impure'.
It is thus apparent that women are highly regarded and esteemed in an Islamic society
encouraged to participate actively for its betterment.

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