Status of Women in Islam

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Submitted to;
Mr. Zahid Yasin

Submitted by;
Rabia Imtiaz (23323)
Warda Saqib (23329)
Farah Mehmood (23334)
Amna Siraj Asim (23343)
IIDC, BDS 1st Year


1. Introduction
2. Women in ancient civilization
3. Foundations of spiritual and human equity in Islam
4. The economic aspect of women in Islam:
 Right of ownership
 Financial security and inheritance laws
 Employment
5. The social aspect of women in Islam
 As a daughter
 As a wife
 As a mother
6. The legal and political aspect of women in Islam:
 Equality before the law
 Participation in social and political life
7. Conclusion
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, praise be
to Allah, blessings and greetings be on His Messenger and his
family, his Companions and whoever follows his guidance.
1. Introduction:
 It is a common talk that women constitute half the society and that the society should not
neglect them, leave them idle, maltreat them nor dissolve their rights. This is all true. It may as
well be argued that although women constitute half of the population, their influence exceeds
their number, since women, for good or ill, influence their husbands and children.

We Muslims have a divine document that truly honors women and treats her with justice; it is a
document that rescued her from the gloomy injustice of Pre-Islamic darkness. This document of
The Noble Qur'an-honors the woman as a human being, as a feminine being, as a daughter,
wife, mother and, no less, as a full member of her society. True, some Muslims have wronged
women in different ages by depriving her of her right to solid religious knowledge and her right
to work. They have even forbidden her from going to the mosque for worship or learning,
compelled her to marry someone she did not like and confined her to her home. But this has
happened in the absence of any sound religious awareness. Nor did it prevail everywhere; there
have always been Muslims willing to reject this, something we have seen happening in rural

2. Women in the ancient civilization:

Every society has its own way of looking at the world and any attempt to examine one age
through the eyes of another is bound to result in misunderstanding.  The ancient and modern
worlds are different in many ways, but four have an impact on our study of the place and role
of women in the past.

 Jobs

Parents in a modern industrialized country expect their children to grow up, get a job, and
move out to live on their own.  Most people in the ancient world made their living through
agriculture.  Since farming requires ownership of, or at least, access to land, agriculture was of
necessity a family business.

Jobs for women were largely limited to work as household servants.  Gender bias is a part, but
only a part, of the reason unattached women had such a difficult time in the ancient world. 
Marriage was an important component of the economic as well as the social system of the
ancient world, and men also had a difficult time outside of the army if they were beyond the
support of a family.
 Marriage

In ancient times, women’s consent in marriage was not generally thought to be necessary and
she was force to submit to the wishes of her parents. All real property which a wife held at the
time of a marriage became a possession of her husband. He was entitled to the rent from the
land and to any profit which might be made from operating the estate during the joint life of
the spouses. As time passed, the English courts devised means to forbid a husband's
transferring real property without the consent of his wife, but he still retained the right to
manage it and to receive the money which it produced. As to a wife's personal property, the
husband's power was complete. He had the right to spend it as he saw fit. In ancient times, the
woman being man's property, the right to divorce was held only by man.

3. “Foundations of spiritual and human equity in Islam”

 Basis of superiority in Islam:
According to Quran, the criteria of superiority is not based upon gender. The teachings of
Quran and the AHHADITH clearly tells us that the qualities of righteousness and piety forms the
basis of superiority in Islam.

 Same root of all human beings:

As an appropriate introduction to the subject, surah AN NISA opens by exhorting the
believers to fear God and to avoid courting His displeasure, and by urging them to recognize
that all human beings have sprung from the same root and that all of them are, therefore, of
one another's flesh and blood. The expression 'who created you from a single being (nafs)'
indicates that the creation of the human species began with the creation of one individual.
Quran is the word of ALLAH and in Quran ALLAH tells us that all mankind, including both
men and women have same spiritual nature
“O mankind! Reverence your Guardian-Lord, Who created you from a single person
(nafsin-waahidah), created, of like nature, his mate, and from them two scattered (like seeds)
countless men and women; reverence Allah through whom you demand your mutual (rights)
and (reverence) the wombs (that bore you): for Allah ever watches over you…” (QURAN 4:1)

 Equal favors of ALLAH:

Allah’s favors are not only for men but women enjoy them equally, this shows that men and
women are equal in the sight of ALLAH.
“For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women, for devout men and women,
for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and
women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in charity, for men and
women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and
for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise for them has Allah prepared
forgiveness and great reward.”(Quran 33:35)

4. “The economic aspect of women in Islam”

Islam has a very clear notion towards the status of women in the society. The attitude of
Qur’an and Hadith bear witness to the fact that women is, at least, as vital to the life and
society as man himself, and is not inferior to him.

 Right of ownership:
The right of ownership is the right which a women was deprived of before Islam and even to this
century. Women can have their own property before and after marriage according to Islam. They may
buy, sell, or lease any or all of their properties at will.

 Financial security and inheritance laws:

Apart from recognition of women as an independent human being, acknowledgement is
equally essential for the survival of humanity, Islam has given her a share of inheritance. A
women is entitled to individual ownership of property as a mother, as a wife, as a daughter, and
as a sister- right that were granted to women in England hundreds of years later. Allah, the
Exalted, stated in the Glorious Qur'an:
“Allah commands you as regards to your children's (inheritance); to the male, a portion equal
to that of two females. (QURAN 4:11)”
Since Islamic law imposes greater financial obligations on men in respect of family life and
relieves women of a number of such obligations, justice demands that a woman's share in
inheritance should be less than that of a man.
Financial security is assured for women. They are entitled to receive marital gifts without
limit and to keep present and future properties and income for their own security, even after
marriage. No married woman is required to spend any amount at all from her property and
income on the household. The woman is entitled also to full financial support during marriage
and during the “waiting period” (iddah) in case of divorce or widowhood.

 Employment:
There are numerous legal texts which establish the legality of working of women. In
the case of a married woman, it is permissible to work although her husband has the right to
prevent her. However, the husband’s preventative ability is revoked if he is unable to provide
for her himself.

5. The Social Rights of Women in Islam:

The social rights of Islam are further divided into four sub categories: rights of daughter, wife, mother
and sister.
 The rights of daughters in Islam:
Despite the social acceptance of female infanticide among some Arabian tribes, the Quran
forbade this custom, and considered it a crime like any other murder as Quran states in Chapter
81, verse 8-9:
"And when the female (infant) buried alive - is questioned, for what crime she was killed."
Whenever the Prophet’s daughter Fatima came to him, in front of everyone, he stood up,
kissed her and let her sit in his favorite place where he’d been sitting.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said on another occasion about daughters:
“Whosoever supports two daughters till they mature, he and I will come in the day of
judgment as this (and he pointed with his two fingers held together).”

 The rights of a wife in Islam:

The Qur'an clearly indicates that marriage is sharing between the two halves of the society, and
that its objectives, besides perpetuating human life, are emotional well-being and spiritual
harmony. Its bases are love and mercy, Quran states in chapter 30, verse 21:
“And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you
may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts);
verily in that are signs for those who reflect.”
In Islam marriage (NIKAH), the woman has full right to make any kind of demand before signing
the agreement. In Islam the female has the right to accept or reject marriage proposals, Her
consent is a prerequisite to the validity of the marital contract, according to the Prophet's
teachings, she has the right to be given a separate home, she is given full right to her Mahr–
marital gift, and the husband is responsible for the maintenance and protection, as the Qur'an
states in Chapter 4, verse 19:
"...But consort with your wives in kindness, for even if you hate them, you might be hating
someone in whom God has placed so much good.”
Islam directs men to treat wives with the best conduct as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has said:
“The most perfect believers are the best in conduct and best of you are those who are best to
their wives.”

 The Right of a mother in Islam:

Islam after worshiping of Allah (SWT) considers kindness to parents as Quran says in chapter 31,
verse 14:
"And we have enjoined upon man (to be good) to his parents: His mother bears him in
weakness upon weakness..."
The Sahih Hadith of the Holy Prophet:
“Paradise lies beneath the feet of your mother.”
There are multiple other evidences that discuss the value of the mother that place motherhood
as one of the most blessed and rewarded roles that a woman will have.
6. Legal and political aspect of women in Islam:
Any study of the teachings of Islam will surely find a clear evidence of woman's equality with
man in what we call today as the "political rights".

 Participation in Social and Political Life:

There is sufficient historical evidence of participation of Muslim women in the choice of rulers,
public issues, law making, administrative positions, and even in the battlefield. This includes the
right to elect as well as the nomination to political offices. It also includes woman's right to
participate in public affairs. Both in the Quran and in Islamic history we find examples of
women who participated in serious discussions and arguments.
During the Caliphate of 'Umar Ibn al-Khattab, a woman argued with him in the mosque, proved
her point, and caused him to declare in the presence of people: "A woman is right and 'Umar is
Although not mentioned in the Qur'an, one Hadeeth of the Prophet is interpreted to make
woman ineligible for the position of head of state. The Hadeeth referred to is roughly
translated: "A people will not prosper if they let a woman be their leader." This limitation,
however, has nothing to do with the dignity of woman or with her rights. It is rather, related to
the natural differences in the biological and psychological make-up of men and women. .

 Equality before the Law: 

Both genders are entitled to equality before the Law and courts of Law.  Justice is genderless. 
Women do possess an independent legal entity in financial and other matters.
The Holy Quran says:
“[As for] the thief, the male and the female, amputate their hands in recompense for what
they committed as a deterrent [punishment] from Allah. And Allah is exalted in Might and
Wise.” (5:38)

Islam attaches great importance to equality, liberty and human dignity and respects human
rights. Every human being is a member of the same family. The rights and responsibilities of a
woman are equal to those of a man but they are not necessarily identical with them. Equality
and similarity are two quite different things. This difference is understandable because man and
woman are not identical but they are created equals. Islam recognizes a woman as a full and
equal partner of a man in the procreation of humankind. He is the father; she is the mother,
and both are essential for life. Her role is no less vital than his.


Adeel, Ghulam Hossein. "Status of Women in Islam: A Critical Analysis on a Matter of Equality." n.d.

Al-Qaradawi, Sh.Yusuf. The status of women in Islam. Egypt: Islamic propagation Organization, 1997.

Badwai, Dr. Jamal. n.d.

C.Thompson, James. "WOMEN IN THE ANCIENT WORLD." July 2010.


Kounsar, Asma. "International Journal of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary studies." n.d.

The Holy Qura'an

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