Game Informer Issue 070 February 1999

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iGames Reviewed & Previewed!
o Cover Story: Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter is the longest standing fighting series in

existence. After a couple of ho-hum Street Fighter offerings

on the PlayStation, Capcom finally delivers something
special and it’s called Street Fighter Alpha 3. Take a peek
inside to learn all you need to know about this fast-

moving and explosive fighting game.

© Feature: The Dreamcast Has Landed

With any new system, the buzz surrounding its release
can be deafening. Sega’s Dreamcast is no exception.
While the U.S. release of the system is still months away, the
Dreamcast is up and running in Japan as well as in the Game
Departments Informer office. Join us as we plug in (and dissect) our new
Dreamcast and play the launch titles, including Virtua Fighter 3tb

© Letter from the Editor

Sit Back And Relax
and Godzilla Generations.

Feature: The Game Informer Seventh Annual

o Dear
Gl readers
globe interact with
from across the
The industry
Game Awards
is filled with folks trying to make games that will
win the attention of our panel of experts, if a game makes a

o Envelope Art
You can’t win if you don’t
enter Gl’s Monthly Envelope
fortune along the way
any publisher or developer can win
it’s a nice bonus, but the highest honor

which games are worthy of your attention, check out Gl’s

is our praise. To find out

prestigious Seventh Annual Video Game Awards.

Art Contest.

Gl News Contest: Syphon Filter Sweepstakes

Metal Gear Solid Toys
Ever wonder what you’d do if you had a Mini Infrared Camera or
unveiled, Midway Announces
Spy Sunglasses with rear-view vision? Well, after you think about
Dreamcast line-up, new
that for a minute, you’d better hurry up and enter 989 Studios' and
Nintendo games, and tons-o-
fun with Name That Game!,
Game Informer’s Syphon Filter Sweepstakes.
Trivia, and Gl’s Top Ten.

© Game
Informer PC
games are every-
where. This month the Burrito
Reviews & Previews
Nintendo 64
examines Half-Life, Thief, Blades of Steel ‘99, California Speed, Castlevania
Shogo, and more. 64, Gauntlet Legends, Penny Racers, Rogue

© Arcade Brigade
Midway does it again, deliver-
ing two top-notch arcade titles
Squadron, Tonic Trouble, Vigilante 8

3Xtreme, Akuji the Heartless, Civilization II,
that will blow you out of the
water. This issue Game Contender, Guardian’s Crusade, MLB 2000, NCAA
Informer reviews War Final Final Four ‘99, Roll Cage, Silent Hill, Syphon Filter,

Assault and Hydro Thunder. T’ai Fu, WCW Thunder

© Secret Access
Tips from our readers and
the infamous Game Shark
Swap Shop.
Nintendo 64
0 Classic Gl
Gl looks at classic
the Super NES, PlayStation,
games on

Star Tennis, BattleTanx, College
the Zone ‘99, Monaco Grand Prix,
‘99, NBA
NHL Breakaway 99, V Rally
and replays some codes from
the vault. PlayStation
Boss Rally, Clock Tower 2: The Struggle Within, Dead
in the Water, Jeff Gordon Racing, Monkey Hero, Pro 18
World Tour Golf, Psybadek, Rampage Universal Tour,
R-Type, Street Fighter Collection 2, Uprising X

Game Boy
Oddworld Adventures, The Rugrats Movie Pg 56

Sit Back and Relax

Ahhh...February. Actually, early January upcoming Donkey Kong game.

, Gome Page#
if you’re a subscriber. But either way it’s Until then, gamers need not abandon

that time of year when everything starts to their unitsas there are a number of quality Akuji the Heartless 44

build toward yet another holiday season of products on the horizon. Street Fighter ’
All Star Tennis ‘PH 52
big releases and new systems. As the year Alpha 3 rocks. Syphon Filter is really Assault Rigs
BattleTanx 54
begins, Dreamcast is obviously on the shaping up from 989 Studios. Crystal '
Blades of StttolDS- 36
minds of many gamers since import junkies Dynamics will offer Legacy of Kain: Soul - floss Rally 52

are playing all the Japanese titles, and Sega Reaver to indulge us. Namco will tickle our
of America is gearing up for its U.S. release, racing bones with Ridge Racer Type 4.
Civilization II 48
which more than likely be September 9,
will Konami will bring back the horror with
, Clock Tower 2;
1999 (9.9.99 -get it?!). Castlevania 64. And Nintendo has Smash The Struggle Within 56
But before all this happens, you can bet Brothers (a Nintendo fighting game) College Hoops 99 57

coming 42
that we will hear from Sony on PlayStation to us in the near future.
Dear! in the Water 57
2, as well as be inundated with a slew of Unfortunately, it looks like there are
Gauntlet Legends 35
new and exciting releases for the current going to be a lot of bad titles as well. As I sit
Godzilla Generations 19

systems. Unfortunately, the development here writing, I’m looking at a release list full Grim Fandango - Jo
and publishing community is keeping of mediocrity. So I’ll close my letter this Guardian 's Crusade JO

quiet about their spring line-ups and fall month with a little request to the industry:
Hydro Thunder 51
blockbusters. However, in the next couple Somebody please get some good titles
Jett Gordon Racing 57
of months there will be a lot of excitement ready for summer, because if have I
July 19

again as Jet Moto 3 comes into the tospend my time playing Earthworm Jim MIS 2000 49

spotlight, Perfect Dark gets praised as the 3D, might do something insane - like
Alonaco Grand Prlx 55
Monaco Grand Prix 2 .50

greatest first-person game ever, and details play a computer game. that won’t
Monkey Hero 57
start to leak out about Nintendo’s make me happy. NBA In the Zone 99 ... .54

^WaA Wnal Four '99 48

NHL Breakaway 99 54
Odriwmlri Adventures 57
Outcast 50

Pen Pen Tri Ice Lon 19

" Penny Racers 37

- Pro 19 World Tour Bolt ..... .56

Railroad Tycoon II 50
Rampage 2: Universal Tour . 56
Rogue Squadron 32
Roll Cage 43
Shogo 50
Slipnt Hill ,
Skiing 99 50
Street Fighter Alpha j 0
Street Fighter Collection 2 rr: . . . -57

Soper Melroid ,
, Syphon Filter it


The Rugrats Movie 57

Thiel: The Dark Project — 50
Tonic Trouble 36
Trespasser 50
Uprising X 55
V-Rally 52
Vigilante 6 33

r mrnrmmrm 19

War Final Assault 51


r Andy, The Game Hombre Paul, The Game Professor Reiner, The Raging Gamer Vacant, The Missing Gamer Bergren, The Game Burrito Robert, The Game Casanova ????
‘That vacant gamer spot is mighty had it!! It's the middle
“Well, I've “Won't be long until I get to go
"You are holding in your hands “I had a chance to check out the
games For one, hope of December, the NBA is still at a back to Texas and have fun with
a very rare issue of Game Dreamcast. The first four intriguing, isn't it? I

informer. For one, it's one those didn't blow me away, but there we hire someone with an iron will and I have to hear how
standstill, my family. I can't wait to show
some Gandhi. Man, that guy just the players at the lower end of them what a year has gotten me.
wild and crazy months where we are titles in the pipeline that like
eyes on. Being wouldn't give up! He just kept thepay scale (making a paltry While I am there, I'll converse
don't have a full staff. Obviously I'm keeping
$274,000 a year) can't make with my brothers (also professed
we're all excited about the extra the electronics genius that I fighting for what he believed
But then again, I usually chuck ends meet. And did they seek video game nuts) and other
work we have to do around am, I also voided our warranty in.

my own feces at visionaries help from ultra-rich players like gamerheads within my family.
the office, but we would like to by taking the Dreamcast apart.
Everyone was amazed that it and certain individuals who call Michael Jordan or Patrick Ewing? The merits ofZelda, the quality of
fill the open position very soon.

guess No. Instead they tried to gouge the RPG today, and more will all
still worked after the thing was themselves 'the boss.'
found I
Hopefully, we'll have
am predicting that have to pursue the original it from their faithful fans in a be discussed as we break some
somebody by the time you get reassembled. I we'll
choices. Yep, the job either go so-called charity ”
° game. I’m bread. To play, I’ll bring some
this issue. We may never find a when you read this the Vikes will will

gaming Jedi to step-up and have wrapped up the playoffs and to Adam West, a sleazy intern ashamed to be an NBA fan, Rogue Trip, Devil Dice, Hot
with the body of a super model but how ‘bout my 6-0 Gophers Shots, and Gran Turismo, all
fill a coveted spot on the staff. are packing bags for Miami. If not,
and the brain of a chimp, or some with Lewis, Clark, and Pryzbilla. great party games.”
I predict we were robbed!"

new talent fresh out of college. Oh baby!!"

«J» J.
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May your button thumbs never
wear down.
I was just wondering... Trevan Whiting Why don’t you just show us the nude
1 . How does one qualify as a “veteran via code? Everybody wants to see it, but
gamer,” is there an age limit? Being a veteran gamer isn't judged by I guess your never going to listen to
systems alone. Nor my opinion even though you should.
2. Do you think that would qualify I
Is it just related
to a person’s age. However, your Think of it this way. If you put in the
as one? I currently own an
gaming resume is strengthened by the nude code forTomb Raider 3, you are
Atari 800 (Star Raider rules), a SEGA going to get a huge amount of sales!
Master System, a SEGA Genesis, a Super
factyou sent a multi-question letter
(numbered even) to a video game mag. You have already told us about what
Nintendo Entertainment System, a Virtual a great game it is. Already millions of
Boy, and finally a Nintendo “Ultra” 64
Veteran gamer? We think so.
people are just sitting in their homes
- all of which function. And was alive Thanks to online gaming, clubs for PC
dreaming about the nude code night
at the start of all these systems. players are bigger than ever. To some
and day. If you put it out in Tomb
3. Do you know of any elite “veteran extent the Internet has brought
Raider 3, this will be the biggest
gamer” clubs? together the classic console players
game to hit the market. I’m sure
and collectors. Search Infoseek (or some
4. Does anyone at Gl have any of the that am kind of late, but you
I guys made including any codes forTomb 3.We doubt
other search engines) under “Atari 800"
older systems? a big mistake by not putting in the code. that such a code would boost sales as
or other classic names. There’s a
5. Does stuff like that look good on Don’t you think that you’ve waited long most gamers buy Tomb Raider for the
fairly large community of collectors
resumes to work at places like Gl? enough? game, not the girl. Keep dreaming
ifyou dig deep enough. Andy McNamara
Name withheld because you’ll never see a nude code
6. Do you think that Zelda 64 deserves is the biggest collector in the office. via
for any Tomb Raider.
the title of “Best Video Game Ever”? He has pretty much everything since
Whoa! Take a cold shower. We
7. Has anyone asked this many the 2600.
don’t have anything to do with
questions before? Having a vast knowledge of games looks
Ihope you are impressed with my semi- great on a resume, but so does an English
humble resume, and thank you so much I
for any time spent looking at this letter In regards to questions 6 and 7, No
and give even more thanks if you guys and Yes.
publish it! Ummm. . . Hi there. I am a cheese-lovin’ I’m a 35 year old gamer and
foolfrom Alabama (no, we were not subscriber to your fine mag. I’m just
ALL fathered by farmers and born from writing to get something off my chest.
sheep). would like to know some
It seems of late that being 35 and a
stuff, but I put it in list form cause
will rabid game enthusiast brings along
I know you guys love these things. certain connotations, most notably,
increments per single instruction 1 .What do you smoke to come up the classic “Aren’t you a little too old
cycle. On the other hand, game with the captions for those pictures? forTHAT?!” as if to convey:“LOSER!!”
have a few questions about some
software is just measured megabits or
2. Did your monkey smell like a cross Let me take this time to set the record
things, so here goes. (Since most megabytes, reflecting the amount of
choose to number their letters I
between apple pie and gym-class B.O.? straight: I’m the COE (Chief
data that is stored inside the cart (kind
Operations Executive) of a very
decided to letter mine, hope it’s not of like a hard drive). For example, Zelda 3. You guys need a section to review
successful printing firm here in
confusing.) 64 comprised of 256 Megabits (32 some import games or maybe anime
Boston, a homeowner, and a college
movies in your kick-ass mag (a
A. A lot of games for the N64 are going Megabytes) of data. For more information grad. I find my gaming experience (I
to use battery back-ups, what exactly relating to computers, take a look at page or two will suffice).
thrive on action/adventure games)
is that? Where do the batteries go? Please Keep up the good work. to be the perfect relief to some
explain. scoring the concept of the
A fellow monkey-lover,
C. ln frequently heavy job-related stress.
Garrett Patton
B. If a system is said to be “64-Bit" how game we are attempting to judge the Hey, some people fire down a fifth
can countless games come out that are actual reasoning, ideas, and invention inTomb Raider.So to
of gin. ...I plug
more than And why would Crank up the Skynyrd and pass us
that? involved in the software. For example, the people that look down on the
someone make a 32-bit game (ie:
some of that gouda! Those whacked
there are a lot of ideas that would make gaming world as anti-social behavior
Superman 64)? out captions are the result of sleep
great games, but many of them look reserved for the slackers of the world,
deprivation, caffeine, and too much
C. What exactly is the concept of a game better on paper than they do as a game. Isay: “Bite Me!”
sugar. Come to think of it, some of
and how do you grade it? D. Pokemon is not specifically designed Thanks for letting me vent and keep
them may be inspired by the smell
for the Game Boy Color, but the new up the good work!
D. the Pokemon currently available
of a rotting monkey carcass under
Paul Pelletier
going to be in color on the GBC? handheld adds some nice color shades
Andy’s desk (or maybe it’s his feet). Boston, MA
to the game.
Until next time... We’ve included anime in the Gl News
Maurice Telesford from time to time, but it has to be
via Ninja Scroll caliber stuff (or related
A. The battery is inside the to video games). The Import gaming
cartridge. Nintendo (and scene is interesting, but most of the
other companies) have been time we have trouble fitting in all the Is Spyro the Dragon going to be
using battery back-up in regular U.S. releases. However, you made to an N64 game in the sequel
select cartridges for years. will see some imports from time like Gex: Enter the Gecko?
It dates back to Zelda on the to time. Joel DePriest
NES.The actual battery is Arnold, MD
much like one you would find Thereno way that Spyro will ever

in a calculator or watch. make it to N64.Think about it. Sony I

B. You are confusing Computer Entertainment America
processors with software in currently owns the publishing rights.
this situation. The
Nintendo quiero saber como actualizar el juego It's the same with Mario, you’ll

64 has a 64-bit processor - Need For Speed II SE jpueden never see him on a non-Nintendo
meaning that computer data enviarlo vi email? system. The same goes for
Monica Salgado Pokemon. Gex is a different animal
can be transferred from
the N64's CPU In 64-bit (In more ways than one) and has no
Si, mi cabeza es muy gordo! strong affiliation to any system.
The Eidos tech support page says

Tomb Raider 2 will NOT run in Win

NT 4.0 because NT 4.0 won’t support
ActiveX 5. know NT does support

AX5, because am currently running


t least 2 other games which also use

it. Is there a fix?

2. Is there really a “secret" shower scene

in this game? All my friends say

It is virtually impossible to have a

subscribers-only section on our

How come your website doesn’t have website. People have been known to
your latest reviews and game hints (your
swipe Game Informer magazine out
Play to Perfection)? understand I

of their neighbor's mailboxes, and security

you want people to buy your magazine, issues surrounding a special webpage
but isn’t it possible to have the latest would be a nightmare.We have to admit I
information on your website available
that wehave slacked off a little in the
only to subscribers? Don’t get me wrong,
online review department, but readers
this is a question not a criticism; I’d rather
of the magazine always get the bottom
READ the magazine regardless than
line first.The same holds true for Play
stare at my computer screen (I do To Perfection.
enough of that when I’m playing on the
Anyway, keep up the brilliant work!
Carl Gobelman

credits it said the name Reiner. Did our

very own Reiner help with the making
of Crash 3 and if so, how?
Charlie Capouet
Fair Lawn, NJ

Reiner has taken a special interest

in Crash Bandicoot ever since he played

the first game. He has often talked to

Naughty Dog late into the night,
ribbing their ideas and passing on many
an idea from Mount Reiner.
So in a way, Reiner gives free
game development
sultations to — J&JWsSi
Naughty Dog. Which
should continue Lonnie Watts
past his help on Chicago, IL Sept ’98
the Bandicoots, as
Naughty Dog is
now working on
several n
projects, one of|
which may very well
be a character- 1

based racing game. I

In exchange fori
Reiner's services, the dogs
let him wash their cars. I
The PlayStation is a fabulous were really no other options to
console machine that pursue. So now, the SF crowd is
continually delivers the hits faced with a difficult choice. They can
over and over again. However, either translate all of their funds into

Capcom fanatics (namely the Street quarters and live in an arcade, or give
Fighter following) may disagree with this bold the PlayStation one last chance.
statement. You see, the PlayStation has not We’d love to toy and taunt the Street
been very friendly with the 2D fighters. Take the Fighter fans out there as much as possible,

Street Fighter Alpha series for example. Both PlayStation ports but instead (since we don’t have the room to do
have failed to deliver authentic arcade translations. In Alpha 1 it sufficiently), well come straight out and say that
the character sizes were shrunk to reduce slowdown. In Alpha 3 will not disappoint. From the drastically
Alpha 2, the characters maintained their normal size, but changed front end that features new modes galore
frames of animation were noticeably missing, which - and tons of outstanding options, to the "I can’t

in turn, completely messed up the delivery of ^ believe that’s PlayStation’’ animation and
moves. Now, these problems may not seem too gameplay, Alpha 3 is a blessing in every way
terribly bad (considering what Acclaim did
X-Men: Children
^ possible. The gameplay is almost identical to
of the Atom), but they , \ that of its arcade counterpart. If this is just a
were enough to send Capcom nuts ,
’//l glimpse at what Capcom has in store for all of

packing in search of another fix. But:/ /m J its upcoming fighters, then there’s much
with the Saturn six feet under, there reason for rejoicing.

In the World Tour mode you’ll actually build up

Capcom teased us with a brief taste of what this mode might be like in character levels just like you would in any
Alpha 1 . Now, you’ll truly understand what makes it so special. The modern day RPG. To do this you’ll need to gain

Dramatic mode allows two human controlled characters to combat one experience points by beating opponents. The

CPU controlled enemy. In Alpha 1 ,

only Ken and Ryu versus M. Bison better you fight, the more experience you’ll gain.

was available. Now, every character can be mixed, matched, and Along the way you'll also unlock individual
assaulted. Combine the most likely characters (like R.Mika and abilities that affect -isms and attributes that Choose your destination.

Zangief) into one dynamic team, or create the most unlikely alliance allow you to balance power and defense.
(like Dan and Dhalsim). If you thought you were a studly fighter by Before each match, your character can be
yourself, then just wait until customized to your liking to meet the needs of

you see what kind of damage

can be dealt out with a friend
--^ ^ 1
certain battles. Sometimes opponents cannot
be topped unless a V-ism is used. Other times

or CPU ally. This mode runs you'll face battles consisting of two CPU
smoothly and doesn’t struggle rag? “ ^ opponents. You’ll want to gather up as much
with delivering smooth play experience as possible because your created

and constant framerates. It’s character can be saved and used within the Kick serious butt.

truly amazingl Versus mode against normal CPU opponents

and other player-created characters.

2-players can take on the CPU.

.to gain valuable experience and\

-ism abilities.

The Training mode is much more

Sometimes you’ll need to take on complete now.
legions of warriors ( two at a time
of course).
Accomplish certain feats and new
modes will appear.

Then, customize your character.


Size: 1 CD-ROM
Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting
Special Features: New World Tour Mode
With Experience Gaining; 3 PlayStation-
Exclusive Characters (Plus More Hidden);
PocketStation & Dual Shock Compatible
Created by: Capcom
Available: March 16 for PlayStation (Now
in Japan)

85% Complete

The sheer amount of modes and features is

enough to leave any SF nut baffled for hours.

Imagine our surprise when we saw that T. Hawk,

Dee Jay, and Fei-Long were implemented as
FEI-LONG PlayStation exclusive characters. Awesome! That’s

l right, the boys from Super Street Fighter II are

V back rumble the home machines once again.

% three the characters are equipped with

All of i

1 Super moves and new animations. Their I

I appearances leave Guile as the
I only remaining SF II character not

featured in Alpha 3
J. Hmmm. SM

The PocketStation allows you to build up a character in almost the

same manner as the World Tour mode. However, the PocketStation

doesn't feature any sort of amazing combat or innovative techniques.

No sir. To power up a character you’ll need to play simple hit or miss

training games. When you’re through working out, your character will
remain saved and can then be loaded to use against the CPU or

player-created character.

31 combatants ready for war.

Informer • February

Interview with-

Informer recently had the honor

Capcom Research & Development (R&D). Though he is slightly secretive,

to talk about Street Fighter Alpha 3 and the

future of
t If

Capcom development
answers give us a glimpse into
with Mr. Noritaka Funamizu, general

Capcom’s development techniques.

Fl*fMAI¥8iZU «
Oproducer for

Game Informer (Gl): What other games have you Gl: How difficult was it to differentiate this Street And can we expect to see more new characters in

produced or worked on? Fighter from the rest? upcoming SF games?

Noritaka Funamizu (NF): Darkstalkers series, etc. NF: It was not difficult at all. There is no need for us to NF: We created R. Mika to enhance the gameplay. We
Gl: What is your favorite fighting game?
worry about the rest since Street Fighter is THE needed a tricky and technical character. She was not
fighting game and we always create the trend. a female wrestler in the beginning. Since we
NF: Power Stone.
Gl: How much input did you have on the overall
designed R. Mika as a technical character, we
Gl: What are the meetings like for starting a new design of Alpha 3?
needed someone in contrast to her. Thus Karin was
Street Fighter game? Are the discussions heated created. We are not sure if more new characters will
NF: Not much. Opinions from the team members always
battles over which character should return, what be introduced in upcoming SF games.
type of -isms to use, and about gameplay
count most. My job is to spice up their ideas.
Gl: Alpha 3 is by far the best PlayStation 2D fighter
balance? Gl: Were the three additional characters (T. Hawk, out there. It moves incredibly fast. The animation

NF: As for the characters, there are several different

Dee Jay, and Fei-Long) originally planned for the is superb and arcade-like. And the loading is
arcade version before being implemented into
ways to the creation process. Sometimes the idea minuscule. How did you pull all of this off? Did
comes from from a sheer design
the PlayStation game? you tap new source
the artists into a of power on the
perspective and other times it comes from the game NF: No they were not. The game already used the PlayStation?
designers for sheer gameplay needs. It is also memory to the maximum capacity of CPS2 system NF: We think it’s only because the team members have
possible to choose a character based on the and there was no room for the three additional
become accustomed to PlayStation hardware. Alpha
popularity among fans. We decided to include Vega characters.
3 was created by the same team who did Alpha 2.
in Alpha 3 since so many fans wanted him back.
Gl: Were there any other characters that didn’t make think the programmers did a fantastic job this time.
As for the game system, I try to listen to as many the final cut?
Gl: Alpha 3 is Capcom’s first game with
opinions as possible. Even from people outside of the
NF: No, there were none. PocketStation support. Looking ahead, how else
team. As a result, we could not pick one universal
do you think the PocketStation will enhance
game system this time and that’s why we came up Gl: Mika is the only character in Alpha 3 that doesn’t
future fighting games?
with the -ism select system.
have a history within any Capcom games. What
was the inspiration to create this new character?


When Game Informer does a story on Capcom or Street Fighter, we head to the top and grill Capcom Entertainment's president, Bill Gardner, with as many questions as
possible. This time though, Bill didn’t slam the door in our face. He actually sat down and answered our questions. Cool!

Game Informer: You haven’t been with Capcom too BG: Recently, Capcom sponsored an International Gl: Here’s an odd question: Why did Capcom’s U.S.
terribly long, explain to our readers what you did Street Fighter Alpha 3 tournament. This was a division change the names of certain Street
in your pre-Capcom days? worldwide tournament that boasted over 10,000 Fighter and DarkStalker characters from the
entrants throughout Japan and North America. original Japanese versions?
Bill Gardner: Prior to Capcom, was with Panasonic for

Events like this, coupled with innovative product

14 years. My most recent position at Panasonic was BG: While we strive to keep our games close to the
that of vice president responsible for the founding of
placement, will allow Capcom to flourish in the
Japanese version, it is important that our characters
arcade arena.
the Panasonic Software Company and its entry into are easily identifiable to American consumers. When
the interactive software business. was also inI the Gl: We’ve heard rumors that Capcom Japan isn’t too we change a name, it is to make the character more
first classes to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in fond of Capcom U.S. Is this just a viscious lie? Or recognizable to the American player. We might also
computer science from the University of New is there actually some animosity between the two change the characters name to better personify a
Hampshire. bodies? character.

Gl: Will Capcom continue to stand strong in the BG: This couldn’t be further from the truth. Our Gl: How successful has the Fighter’s Edge
diminishing arcade scene? relationship with Japan couldn't be better. We talk to promotion and label been?
BG: Capcom Japan daily. Myself and others at Capcom also visit
will always be a leader in the coin-op BG: Fighter’s Edge has had resounding success! Within
Japan on a monthly basis. Communication is the key
industry. As long as people keep playing them, we'll the first 90 days of the launch of the program, we
to success in any business. With the support
keep making them. Capcom continues to take a already had 35,000 participants. Part of the program
between the two divisions, Capcom has achieved a
leadership role in the industry. We own several is to award a Fighters Edge member with an arcade
high level of success worldwide.
arcades internationally that are breathing new life to unit. One lucky 11 -year-old boy from Palmdale,
the market. These arcades receive constant support Gl: After Fox Hunt, Capcom U.S.’s internal California recently received Super Gem Fighter. Next
from our internal coin-op division. Capcom will also development has been rather quiet. Is Capcom quarter we will pick another name. The Fighters Edge
be supporting Sega’s Naomi arcade board in 1999. still developing internally? Or does Japan hold all program will only grow stronger in 1 999.
With its amazing graphics, Naomi offers the arcade the sticks?
Gl: Mr. Okomoto was quoted by the Japanese press
player an intense gaming experience unlike
BG: Capcom Japan has one of the finest research and as saying that the PlayStation would get Resident
any other.
development staffs in the industry. They continue to Evil 3 and the Dreamcast would land Resident
Gl: What are you doing to bolster Capcom’s createCapcom’s arcade and console products. Evil 4. What about the Nintendo 64? Is there some
presence in the arcades? Capcom Digital Studios in the U.S. is working on a Evil in its future? And what about the next
few projects that we look forward to releasing in 1 999. machine from Sony?

I Game Informer • February '9

<v, J', _4_ ' g«1#tL

NF: There is so much fun stuff you can do with

PocketStation. It all depends on the designer's idea.

I was very sorry to hear that Sony had to delay the

release by a month (in Japan).

Gl: All right. We gotta know. Who would really win

in a fight, Ken or Ryu?

NF: Their fight will never end. We leave the result to

each player's imagination. Note: All directions are given assuming the
character is facing right
Gl: Now that Alpha 3 is behind you, what is your
next project?
t-Up K- Kick (close) - Standing near opponent
NF: Resident Evil 41! No just kidding.. ..I can’t tell you
KK - Any 2 Kicks Simultaneously - From
* - Up/Back (far) a distance
right now. Sorry!!
* - Up/Forward KKK - All 3 Kicks Simultaneously (outside sweep) - Outside sweep|
Gl: Lastly, we were just wondering why Akuma has P- Punch distance
4- - Down
showed up as a hidden character in almost PP - Any 2 Punches (block) -When blocking
-> - Forward
every 2D Capcom fighter? Is it some kind of Simultaneously (down) - When knocked down
running joke? Or is there a great significance? * - Down/Forward
PPP - All 3 Kicks Simultaneously (wall) - Bounce off of left or right

i* -» - Quarter Circle Forward LK- Light Kick wall (stage boundary)

NF: There's no specific reason. I personally do not
- Half Circle Forward MK- Medium Kick (land) - As you land from a jump
support the idea very much... Maybe it's because
Akuma is a character that can fit within any game *- - Back HK - High Kick (overhead) - Move that hits when |
opponent is in a defensive
design nicely. * - Down/Back LP- Light Punch
4v «- - Quarter Circle Back MP- Medium Punch
- When you are being
- Half Circle Back
HP - Hard Punch attacked by an opponent -
(air) - Move or technique works in basically countering
- Rotate 360
the air
any direction - hit any direction

Blocking (air) - Hold «- or * to guard against attacks. bigger and better combos. The way a two in one is

executed is by first hitting any punch or kick button and

Counter Attack - Attack at the same time as the
then immediately launching into a special move. For
SR » BILL GARDNER * BILL GARDNER Alpha Counter - To land
example, if you are using Ken and you strike with a
this counter you will need to
fierce, immediately execute a Sho-Ryu-Ken or Hadou-
BG: Resident Evil has been an enormous success for press F and the same strength P + K that the
Ken the second the animation begins. If done correctly,
Capcom. It is true that Japan has announced there opponent just used.
the two moves should link together for more hits.
will be a Resident
Dreamcast system. You can be assured that
Evil product for the
Reduce Damage - When attacked by multi-hit GAUGE SPECIFICS
assaults rapidly tap any button and the directional Supers - When one of these moves lands, devastation
award-winning, and million unit selling series is a pad to reduce the impact. follows. The Supers can only be used when the
strong contender for the Nintendo 64 as well.
Throw (air) - Press «- or and PP or KK to Super Gauge is filled to the proper requirement.
Gl: The latest news from Japan is that Capcom is toss/grapple an opponent. Some moves require Level 3 status, others simply

currently preparing a Street Fighter Vs. Spawn work when the bar flashes. No Supers can be used
Roll Recovery - Press KK when knocked down by
game. When can we expect to get our hands on within the V-ism.
High attack.
this hellacious fighter?
Custom Combos - Simultaneously press the same
Air Recovery - Press «- or + PP when attacked
SG.-That sounds pretty exciting, doesn't it? I wish I strength P and K to activate a Custom Combo. You’ll
in air.
could tell you more about this, but at this time, we needat least 50% of the Gauge filled to initiate a
Tech Recovery - Press -> + PP or KK when thrown. Combo. The Custom Combo will speed up your
can neither confirm nor deny this rumor.

Taunt (air) - Simply press Select to make your characters movements and will also apply a trail of
Gl: After years of absence, Capcom finally brought
character taunt the opponent. Some characters shadows behind the character. One of the shadows
back the Disney license with Magical Tetris
feature a second taunt that can be accessed by mimics your moves. To access the first shadow press
Challenge. Was this just a one-time shot in the
dark? Or will we see more Disney product?
pressing -> + Select. Dan and Dhalsim have extra LP + LK. For the second press MP + MK. And for the

taunts (see individual character listings). Taunts third press HP + HK. The shadow you choose will be
BG: Capcom has always had a solid relationship with performed by Akuma, Honda, Birdie, Sakura, Chun- accompanied by a darker tint.
Disney that goes back many years. While there is Dan (only X-ism), Rolento, and Sodom will land
Guard Gauge - Each time you block an attack the
no announcement regarding future Disney titles, we damage on the opponent.
Guard Gauge will deplete. However, the Gauge will
would naturally welcome the opportunity to work
replenish when blocking is not applied. If you block
with them again.
A pop-up is a move that launches the opponent into the too many attacks within a certain amount of time your
Gl: All right. We gotta know. Who would win in a air allowing for juggles and combos to be performed. character will be Guard Crushed. When this happens
fight, Ken or Ryu? The majority of the time, countering will initiate a pop- the character is rendered defenseless, plus the size
up, but sometimes pop-ups are created by specials and of the Gauge will shrink (allowing for quicker
BG: Kryu would win.J'm kidding. That decision is left

basic moves. Crushes). Note: The Gauge will not replenish when
up to every fan who pits the two against each other.

G/;Damn! Would somebody at Capcom answer that

TWO IN ONES you take on damage.
The two in one is the easiest combo in the Street
stinkin’ question!
Fighter universe. But they are also the key to unlocking
In the Arcade mode you’ll face at least three different bosses. Some characters

face four. The bosses land in the fifth, ninth, and tenth rounds. Not every boss is

the same for each character. The bosses you face pertain to the story of each
individual character. Here’s who fights who.

Character Round 5 Round 9 Round IO(sub) Round 10

Adon Ken Rose N/A M. Bison
Akuma Adon Guy N/A M. Bison
Balrog Akuma Sagat N/A Ryu
Birdie E.Honda Blanka Balrog M.Bison Technique X-ism A-ism V-ism )jjh|

Air Blocking Yes

Blanka Dan Zangief Balrog M.Bison
Supers Yes Yes No
Cammy Dhalsim Vega Juni & Juli M.Bison
Custom Combo No No Yes Y
Charlie Cammy Rolento N/A M.Bison
Gauge Refill Gradual Average Quick
Chun-Li Birdie Cammy Juni & Juli M.Bison
Gauge Levels 1 3 2
Cody Birdie Guy N/A M.Bison Guard Levels Strong Varied/Character Varied/Character Wj
Dan Chun-Li Sagat Balrog M.Bison Alpha Counters No 1 Gauge Level* 50% Gauge Level** i
Dee Jay Adon Sagat N/A M.Bison Roll Recovery No Yes Yes
E. Honda

& Juli M.Bison
Air Recovery
Only Dan
'Requires at least one level of the Gauge filled.
Fei-Long Balrog Vega N/A M.Bison
"Requires at least 50% of the Gauge filled.
Gen Ryu Akuma N/A M.Bison
Guy Karin Gen N/A M.Bison X-ISM (SIMPLE MODE)
Aside from the chart above, general moves within land more damage
Juli Akuma Sagat N/A Ryu
per hit. However; only one Super is available per character.
Juni Akuma Sagat N/A Ryu
Karin Blanka Sakura Juni & Juli M.Bison A—ISM (STANDARD MODE)
The A-ism affects the usage of Supers. The level of power used in LP
Ken Karin Sakura N/A M.Bison
and LK for Level 1 MP and MK for Level 2, and HP and HK for Level

M. Bison Akuma Sagat N/A Ryu

3. Some characters can only use certain Supers with the Gauge
R. Mika Karin Zangief Balrog M.Bison
maxed at Level 3. The A-ism (Alpha) is known as the Z-ism (Zero) in
Rolento Sodom Cody Balrog M.Bison Japan.
Rose Guy Vega Juni & M.Bison
Ryu Rose Ken N/A

The Gauge bar refills incredibly fast allowing for serious Custom
Sagat Dan Ryu N/A M.Bison damage
Combo usage, however, all of the characters deal out less
Sakura E. Honda Ryu N/A M.Bison per hit in this mode. This mode also features exclusive basic moves
Sodom Rolento Chun-Li N/A M.Bison for certain characters.

T.Hawk Charlie Juli N/A M.Bison

Vega Zangief Cammy N/A M.Bison
Zangief Rolento Chun-Li N/A M.Bison

Height: 198cm
Height: 192cm Weight: 102kg
Weight: 98kg A
Blood Type:
Height: 182cm Blood Type: B
Weight: 73kg
Blood Type: B

XAV Dashing Smash - <- charge -* + P

XAV Electricity - P (tap repeatedly) XAV Dashing Punch - <- charge -> + K
XAV Rolling Attack - «- charge -* + P AV Dashing Blow - charge * + P
XAV Backflip Roll - <- charge -* + K AV Dashing Uppercut - - charge * + K
XAV Rising Jaguar - -*4-* + K XAV Vertical Roll - charge T + K
XAV Jaguar Tooth - ->*4-* «- + K AV Master Headbutt - (down) i charge
XAV Quick Hop - KKK t + P
XAV Shoulder Smash - -> + MP XAV Quick Hop Back - «- + KKK
(overhead) XAVTurn Punch -hold PPPorKKKthen
AV Jaguar Swoop - 4., * + K
XAV Slide - * + HP release

X Jaguar Swoop- 1 + K
XA Headbutt- (close) «- or -* + MP
V Headbutt - (close) <- + MP Missile Jab - «- charge + P
or K
X Jaguar Assault - 4-*-», 4, * + P
Missile Jab - «- charge + P
Bowling for Bananas - «- Charge +,
X Jaguar Assault (Punch) - •I'*-*, 4-,
«-,-> + P (hold P to pause) Corkscrew Blow - <- charge
* + P, tap P repeatedly
-» + K [Level 3]
Mix Master Melon - * charge
X Jaguar Assault (Kick) - 4-*-», 4-, * +
a + K, then P or K (hit melons after)
P, tap K repeatedly

Jaguar Revolution - 4-*-*, 4-*-> + K

Alpha 3 is home to some great special entrances. Team Battle Mode - Complete five territories
If the characters have history between one in the World Tour mode.
another, then expect to see a different scene
Survival Mode - Complete eight territories in
when they meet up for a fight. Ken gives Ryu a
the World Tour mode.
noogie, Akuma and Gen duke it out, and Zangief
Dramatic Battle & Final Battle Modes - Beat
and Mika take to the spotlight. Check out the list
the Arcade mode on the highest difficulty
below to see which match-ups create new Height: 216cm
to unlock these two modes.
scenes. Most of them are quite funny. Weight: 111kg
Evil Ryu & Guile - They’re back, and from what

Adon vs. Sagat we've heard, they’re hidden quite well.

Blood Type: O
Akuma vs. Gen Some say that these characters are timer

Bison vs. Cammy released, others say that they can be

unlocked within the World Tour mode.
Charlie vs. M. Bison (final stage only)

Cody vs. Guy

Dan vs. Sagat
Dan vs. Blanka
E. Honda vs. Sodom
XAV Bull Head - - charge •* + P
Karin vs. Sakura (Sakura must be CPU)
XAV Bull Smash - charge PP or KK then
Guy vs. Karin (Karin must be CPU as mid release
boss) 1-2 seconds - Punch 1

Ken vs. Ryu

3-4 seconds - Punch 2
R. Mika vs. Zangief
5-8 seconds - Punch 3
Ryu vs. Sagat
9-15 seconds - Punch 4
Ryu vs. Sagat II (Sagat must be CPU)
Ryu vs. Sagat III (Sagat must be CPU w/X- Height: 178cm 16-99 seconds- Punch 5

ism) Weight: 80kg XAV Death By Chain - +P

Sakura vs. Dan Blood Type: ? XAV Fury 0’ Chains - +K
XAV Breast Stroke - T, + HP 4.

XAV Heel Kick - -» + HK

XA Smash Hammer - (close) HP, t + P
or K
XA Home Run Head Smash- 4- charge
<-,-> + P
XAV Gou Hadou-Ken - + P
A Bull Revenger- 4- *-, 4-, * + P or K
Height: 164cm XAVZankuu Hadou-Ken - (air) t, + P

Weight: 46kg XAV Flame Hadou-Ken - ->*4-* «- + P

Blood Type: ?
AV Roll -•!•*«- + P
XAV Gou Shouryuu-Ken - ->4* + P
XAVTatsumaki - (air) 4-*<- + K or 4»*<-,
* +K
XAV Shadow Walk - + PPP or KKK

XAV Shadow Walk (Back) - 4. * + Height: 230cm

Weight: 162kg
AV Hyaki Flip- 4- + P, then. ..(idle
Blood Type: 0
X V Spiral Arrow - i*-* + K for Slide)

XAV Cannon Spike - -*4-* + K AV Palm Punch -Hyaki P Flip,

V Cannon Strike - *, 4-* «- + K AV Neck Slam -Hyaki (close) P Flip,

V Cannon Revenge - -»'*!*«- + P AV Suicide Kick- Hyaki K Flip,

XA Spinning Knuckle —'^•4-1^4- + P AV Flip Slam - Hyaki (close) K Flip,

XAV Hooligan Combo - 4-*-*, * + P, XAV Heel Slash *, + MK

- 4*

then... XAV Overhead Chop - -» + MP

Fatal Leg Twister - (close) Hooligan XAV Mini-Tetsu -> + MK
- I XAV Body Splash - * + P (air)

Combo, «- or -* + K (high) SUPERS I XAV Diving Condor - PPP (air)

Scissors Choke - (close) Hooligan A Messatsu Gou Hadou-Ken - I XAV Rising Hawk-->4>* + P
Combo, Fatal Leg Twister (low) ->*4>* <- + P
I XAV Spinning Slam- +P
SUPERS A Messatsu Gou Shouryuu-Ken -
AV Chop- 4-4v + P
XA Spin Smasher- iv 4-, * +K 4>*->, 4-, * + P
A Cannon Barrage - 4- *<-, 4-, * + K Tenma Gou Zankuu - T. 4-*-». 4-. *
XA Super Spinning Slam- ,360 + P
[tap repeatedly] + P
A Maximum Cannon - * charge Raging Demon - LP, LP, LK, HP
I A Super Rising Hawk- 4*-*, 4-, * + P

* + K [Level 3]
Height: 186cm
Weight: 84kg Height: 169cm Height: 185cm
Blood Type: AB Weight: Weight: 137kg
Blood Type: Blood Type: A

XAV Sonic Boom - <- charge -* + P

XAV Somersault Shell - charge t + K 4-,
AV Kikou-Ken - <-tf4*-> + P XAV Hyakuretsu Harite - P [tap
AV Dash AV Sen’en Shuu - + K repeatedly]

AV Knee Assault- Press K during Dash X Open Palm - *- charge -» + P XAV Super Zutsuki - <- charge -+ + P
X Knee Assault- «- or -» + LK X Spinning Bird Kick- <- charge -> + K XAVOitchou-Nage- +P
XAV Jump Sobat - or -* + MK X Extended Spinning Bird Kick- 1, «- XAV Mega Trounce - 4 charge t + K
XAV Step Kick - «- or -» + HK
Charge -> + K XAV Sweep - •* + HK
AV Vertical Bird Kick - 4 charge t + K XAV Sumo Knee - (close) -> + MK
XA Uppercut -HP X Vertical Bird Kick - (down), 4 charge
V Uppercut- «- + HP t + K Sumo Sandwich - +P
AV Spinning Knuckle — + HP
[Level 3]
XAV Lightning Kick (Thunder Thighs) - K Musou Oni - «- charge + P
[tap repeatedly]
Fuji Orroshi - <- charge + K
Sonic Boom Chain - <- charge
-* + P [tap repeatedly]

XAV Kaku Kyaku Raku - * + HK

Somersault Shell Chain
XAV Sankaku Tobi - 1 press -*

+ K
XAV Pogo - 4 + MK
Somersault Justice-*
Hanzen Kyaku - * charge -,«-,* +
* + K

Kikou-String - 4*->, 4*-> + P

Master Lightning Chain - Charge
+ K
Height: 179cm
Weight: 72kg
Blood Type:
Height: 177cm
Weight: 74kg
Blood Type: O
Height: 185cm
Weight: 80kg
Blood Type: O
XAV Izuna-Otoshi - 4*-> + (close) P P,

XAV Izuna no Chuu Otoshi - 4*-> + P,

(far) P

XAVGadou-Ken- 4 ii-» ,
+ P
XAV Houzantou - 4e<- + P
XAV Kouryu-Ken - ->4* + P XAV Senpuu-Kyaku - 4* <- + K
XAV Dankuu-Kyaku - 4* <- + K XAV Hya-Gake- 4*-» + K
AV Floating Dankuu-Kyaku - (air) t, XAV Bad Stone - 4*-» + P [hold P to XAV Dash-Shin Kick- 4* -* + LK, K
4«’«- + K delay 2 seconds] XAV Dash-Sweep - 4*-» + MK, K
XAV Power Taunt -4*-* + Selector AV Fake Bad Stone- 4* -* + Select XAV Dash-Roundhouse - 4*-* + HK, K
4*<- + Select XAV Criminal Upper - 4* «- + P XAV Shoulder- 1, 4 + MP
V Force Propel - (block) -> + PPP [tap XAVRaffian Kick - 4*-» + K XAV Overhead Bash - •» + MP
repeatedly] XAV Vault Spray - (down) «- e 4 + P , ,
XAV Kick -v + HK

SUPERS XAV Pick Up - (near knife) 4 + PP XAV Wall Bounce - 1 ->(wall),

XA Hisshou Burai Ken -4*«-,4*<-
XAV Stab -[knife] P XAV Chain - (close) LP, MP, HP, HK

Shin Kuu Gadou-Ken - 4*-*, 4'*-*

XAV Chuck -[knife] 4*-> + P Flip Chain - (close) LP, MP, HP, 4 +

XAV Gut Punch - -> + MP HK

+ P
Kouryu-Rekka- 4*-», 4, * + K XAV Face Kick - -* + HK Final Justice - 4*-*, 4, * +
Super Taunt- 4 *-», 4*-> + Select V Evasion - (attacked) Hold «- Swift Brutality - 4*-*, 4, *
[Level 1]
Blackout Death -->*4*<-,
Victory Taunt - 4 *•<-, 4e«- + Select XA Jail Break- 4*-», 4’*-* + P
->*4* «- + P
[Level 3] A Explosive Knee- 4* 4 + K
Height: 184cm Height: 172cm
Weight: 92kg Weight: 60kg
Blood Type: AB Blood Type: O

Height: 166cm
Weight: 61kg
Blood Type: 0
XAV Air Slasher - charge -> + P
XAV Rekka-Ken - 4-*-> + P
XAV Rolling Sobat - «- charge -* + K XAV Rekka-Ken Chain - 4-*-»
XAV Machine Gun Upper - charge t + P 4. + P, 4-*-> + P
[tap repeatedly] XAV Shin-Kyaku - * +K
XV Scissors Kick - 4- charge t + LK XAV Hop Kick --> + HK
XV Double Scissors- 4- charge T + MK XA Vertical Kick - 4- + MK
XV Rising Scissors - 4- charge t + HK XA Drifting Vertical Kick — + >
SUPERS XA Knee - (close) LK AV Ansatsu Ken Sou-Ryu - PPP [change
A Machine Gun Juggle charge y V Knee-<- + LK

t + P AV Ansatsu Ken: Ki-Ryu - KKK [change

A Rising Storm charge T + K
V Straight Leg - <- + HK style]

XA Super Rolling Sobat- +- charge

V Toe Kick- 4- + MK XAV Hyakuren-Kou - P [tap repeatedly]*
<-,-> + K V Vertical Kick - -* + MK XAVGeki-Rou- -*4-* + K [tap
Super Rekka-Ken -4-*-»,4<*-* + P XAV Jya-Sen - 4- charge + P**
Jab- 4-^4-, 4-^4- + P
AV Wall Fling - charge 4- "v, ^ + K**
Super Shin-Kyaku -4-e 4-, 4>, «- + K AV Quick Slap- T, MK**
A Retribution - w, * + K** 4- 4.,

A Maximum Gen- 1, 4**4-, 4-^4- +

Height: 176cm
Weight: 48kg KA Sliding Execution -4- •*-*, 4-* -» + P*

Blood Type: O \ Super Hyakuren-Kou - 4-^4-, 4>k 4- >

+ P**
Height: 162cm
'Sou-Ryu Style
Weight: 46kg r

*Ki-Ryu Style
Blood Type: AB

XAV Yoga Fire - 4-*-> + P

AV Yoga Flame- 4v4- + P
X Yoga Flame- 4-^4. \-» + P
AV Yoga Blast- ->*4> *4- + K XAV Cannon Spike - charge t + K

X Yoga Blast- 4-*-> + K Height: 164cm

XAV Spiral Arrow - charge
(air) + K 4- -+
Weight: 49kg
X Yoga Teleport- -44* or 4-, 4., * +
XAV Earth Direct - + P
PPP or KKK Blood Type: B
AV Yoga Teleport (air) - ->4.^ or 4-, 4-,
XAV Cannon Strike - 4-*-> + K ,

XAVTeleport Slide - 4-*-* + K

* + PPP or KKK
V Yoga Escape - (down before hitting XAV Hyaki - 4-*->, * + P, then. ..(idle for

ground) 4-, i + K Slide)

A Yoga Shock- - + LP, charge LP

4 Leg Twist - Hyaki, (close) 4- or -> +

K (high)
XAV Yoga Palm - + LP -*
Scissors Puncture - Hyaki, Leg Twis
AV Yoga Taunt - t, Select
XAV - 1, + HP
Drill Kill 4-
(low) XAV Cannon Spike - -»4-* + K
XAV Overhead Heel - -> + MK XAV Sniping Arrow -4-^ -> + K
XAV Heel -t,
Drill + K 4-
XAV Advanced Block - (block) -» + PPP XAV Spin Knuckle - 4- + P
[tap repeatedly]
Yoga Tempest - 4- *• 4- * -» XAV Overhead Heel - -> + MK
4-tf 4-*-4 + P
Burning Streak - 4- charge 4-, -»
Yoga Inferno - 4-*-*, 4-*-* + P + P
XA Rising Drill - 4-^4-, 4-, * + K [tap
Yoga Stream - 4-e 4-, 4-* 4- + P Spinning Smash - * charge •*. 4-, *
Yoga Strike - 4>*->, 4-, •* + K + K
A Spinning Drill -4-*-*, 4», * +
Height: 182cm
Height: 162cm
I Weight: 96kg
Weight: 48kg

Blood Type:
Blood Type: B Height: 175cm
I Weight: 72kg
Blood Type: B

XAV Guren-Ken - 4-*-> + P P, P,

XAV Double Knee Press - <- charge ->
+ K
XAV Hou-Shou - After or 2nd -» + P 1 st hit,
XAV Head Press - charge t + K
XAV Ressen-Chou - After or 2nd 1 st hit,
XAVHadou-Ken - 4-*-* + P XAV Diagonal Skull Diver - <- or •*, Head
* + P, P
XAV Shouryu-Ken - ->4-* + P Press, P
XAV Gaeshi Uwadan - After 1 st or 2nd hit,
XAV Senpuu-Kyaku - - + K
(air)4-»^ 4 AV Skull Diver -4- charge t + P, P
«- + P
XAV Mujin-Kyaku - After or 2nd K 1 st hit,
XAV Evasive Roll - 4-* 4- + P X Psycho Crusher - 4- charge -* + P

XAV Barai Kick - After or 2nd + K 1 st hit, 4-

XAV Fake - 4-*-* + Select
Flip AV Psycho Shot - 4- charge -4 + P

XAV Ressen-Ha - After or 2nd t + K 1 st hit,

XAV Overhead Kick - -* + MK X Devil Reverse - 4. charge t + P

XAV Gaeshi Gedan - After or 2nd 1 st hit,

XAV Spin Kick - -4 + HK AV Teleport- ->4-* or 4-, * + PPP or


XAV Gaeshi Uwadan - 4v 4 + P -

XA Shouryu-Reppa- 4.*-*, 4-, * + P SUPERS
A Super Shouryu-Ken - 4- *->, 4-, * + XA Press Nightmare - 4- charge
XAV Gaeshi Gedan- 4.* <- + K K [tap repeatedly] [Level 2 or 3]
4 + K
XAV Hou Shou - -*4-* + P A Super Senpuu-Kyaku - 4v«-, 4-tf 4- A Psycho Crusher- 4- charge 4-,

XAV Mujin-Kyaku - 44-* + K -

+ K [Level 3] + P
XAV Ressen-Chou - * + 4-, P, P

XAV Ressen-Ha -4* *->, * + K

XAVKumaAra- +K
XAV Roundhouse Kick - -4 + MK
XA Kenzuki-Kou Punch String - 4- *-*,
4-*- + P Height: 168cm Height: 180cm
Kanzuki-Ryu Kou-4-*-»,4-*-» + K Weight: 62kg Weight: 81kg
Blood Type: O Blood Type: O

XAV Flying Peach - 4-* 4- + P XAV Patriot Circle- *- + P 4-

XAV Shooting Peach -4-^4- + K XAV Patriot Combo- *- + 4- P, 4-*-4 +

4.*-> + P
XAV Daydream Headlock - + K [tap P,

repeatedly] XAV Stinger - -*4-* + K, then press P

XAV Paradise Pancake - + P or K

XAV Out of Control -t, 4*4-*’ - + K 4 XAV Delta Air Raid - 4-e 4- + P, then press
XAV Knee Press - * or + LK 4-

XAV Stomach Press -*or*,4- + HP XAV Backflip & Roll - Press PPP, then
press P

XAV Soul Spark - * -* + P 4-

XAV Slide- + HK 4-
XAV Wall Bounce - 4-e 4- + K, move 4-

XAV Soul Thru - ->4-* + P XAV Sliding Spin kick - -4 + MK or -4

XAV Soul Reflect - 4-* - + P 4

XAV Headbutt - (close) * or * + PP XAV Pogo Landing - 1, (land) press KKK
XAV Soul Spiral- * -» + K SUPERS AV Jump -4-, tor
Flip *
A Rainbow Hip Rush - 4-*->, 4-*->
XAV Spike Rod - -4 + MK
XAV Sliding - * + MK + P
XAV Soul Split - -> + HK A Heavenly Dynamite- +P[tap
SUPERS rapidly]

XA The Hook-4-*-*, 4-, * + P

XA Super Soul Thru - 4-*-», 4-, * + P XA Thirteen's Peach Special -4-* 4-,
A Steel Rain-4-*-*, 4-, * + K

A Super Soul Spark- 4-* 4-*4- + P * + K, then...(P or K from different A Grenade Roll -4-*- 4-, 4-* 4- + P

A Soul Illusion - 4-*-», 4-, * + distances & sides)

Height: 226cm
Weight: 109kg
Blood Type: B

Height: 158cm
Weight: 42kg
Blood Type: A

XAV Tiger Shot P

Height: 175cm
f AV Tiger Blow- + P Weight: 68kg
* AV Tiger Crush --* 4* + K Blood Type: O
XAVGround Tiger Shot- 4- * -» + K
XAV Hadou-ken - 4- * -> + P [tap to T X Tiger Uppercut- ->4-* + P
increase damage/reduce range]
- ->4-* + P £
X Tiger Knee Crush- 4- *->, * + K
AV Flying Otoshi - -*4. + K, P [tap Tiger Cannon - i*-*, 4--ii-> + P
repeatedly] or Kto fake Tiger Fury - 4* 4-, 4* 4- + K
X Floating Shunpu-Kyaku - 1, l * «-
Tiger Assault - *
4- *->, 4-, + K XAV Hadou-Ken - 4*-* + P
*-* + Select
AV Shunpuu-Kyaku - 4*4- + K
Glowing Taunt- 4-
XAV Fake Hadou-Ken - 4*-> + Select
XAV Overhead Kick - -» + MK
XAV Flame Hadou-Ken - 4*-* + P
SUPERS XAV Shouryu-Ken - ->4* + P
A Super Hadou-Ken - 4*-*, 4*-* XAV Senpuu-Kyaku - (air)4e 4- + K
XA Uppercut Fury- 4-* 4, * + K XAV Overhead Smash - -* + MP
A Helicopter Spin - 4-* 4-4*4- + XV Uppercut- -> + HP
AV Mini Senpuu-Kyaku -•* + MK
Height: 186cm SUPERS
Weight: 72kg XA Super Hadou-Ken- 4*-*, 4*-> + P
Blood Type: O A Super Senpuu-Kyaku - 4*4-, 4*4-
+ K
A Staggered Shouryu-Ken - 4*-*, 4,
* + K [Level 3]

Height: 214cm
Weight: 124kg
Blood Type: A
XAV Barcelona Attack - 4- charge t + K,
4- or P
XAV R. Crystal Flash - 4- charge -* + P
XAV Sky-High-Claw - charge t + P 4-
Height: 208cm
V Scarlet Flip - * charge -* + K
Weight: 108kg
XAV Izuna Drop - 4- charge t + K, 4- or
Blood Type: A
XAV Double Lariat - PPP or KKK any direction + P

XAV Screw Piledriver - + P XAV Heki Hari Tsuki - 4 charge t + KKK

[Vega stage only]
XAV Flying Powerbomb - +K
XAV Atomic Suplex- (close) +K XAV Backslash (High) - PPP
X Banishing Flat- + P 4.
XAV Backflip -KKK
AV Banishing Flat- -*4. * + P XAV Split Kick--* + HK
XAV Flying Body Attack - + HP (air) 4-
XAV Wall Bounce - T (wall), -*

XAVJigoku-Scrape-4-ii-> + P
XAV Double Knee Drop - + LK (air) 4-
Super Izuna Drop - * charge
or MK XAVShiraha-Catch- ->4-* + K
* + K, <- or P
XAV Headbutt - t + MP or HP
Super Barcelona Attack - * charge
XAV Slam- +P
XV Headbutt- -* + HP 4-, * + K, f- or any direction
XAV Plow- + K
XAV Stomach Claw - (close) * or * + PP + P XAV Bladestand - ,4 ,
* + K

XAV Piledriver - (close) * or * + KK Heki Tsuki - * charge 4-, * + XAVTengu Walking - (land) *, 4- + K

SUPERS KKK [Vega’s stage only] XAVTengu Walking - (down) 4*-> + K

XA Final Atomic Buster- ,
+P Red Impact - 4- charge 4-, -* + P SUPERS
A Russian Superman - 4- *-*, 4-, * + K [Level 3] XA Blade Advance- 4*-*, 4-* -* + P
Scarlet Mirage - 4- charge 4-, -* A Mega Slam- ,
Dreamcast Rocks Japan?
On November 27, 1998, Sega of Japan disappointing premieres we have ever wit-

launched the Dreamcast to eager gamers nessed. It was poorly planned, misman-
around the world. Not only were game stores aged, and has given grief to everyone
inundated throughout Japan, the demand involved.”
spread to the U.S. and Europe as importers The Japanese Dreamcast launch
scrambled to get the machine in the hands of was reminiscent of Sega of
gaming fanatics. America’s ill-fated surprise launch
In the first three days of the Dreamcast's of the Sega Saturn. Retailers were
launch, Sega of Japan announced that it had confused and alienated, there were
sold nearly 141,000 Dreamcast units and dis- only a handful of games at launch,

tributed another 9,000 for promotional and consumers had trouble finding

purposes. To no one’s surprise, Sega also the Saturn in the first few
announced that it had sold close to 132,000 weeks of the release.

copies of Virtua Fighter 3: Team Battle What causes a company

(VF3tb). Sega introduced a total of four games that has made its share of

with the system which we’ll review later. mistakes in the past, make
The introduction of the Dreamcast to some of the same again?
consumers around Japan was fairly success- That answer is obviously
ful, but it was by no means perfect. Reports hard to decipher, but sources
from Game Informer’s Japanese correspon- close to Sega report that some
dent, Chet Barber, indicated retailers were of the initial distribution problems that Sega is

especially confused about pre-reservation experiencing are due to NEC’s inability to

programs and many stores turned potential manufacture a key component of the system
buyers away. Reports out of Japan also indi- - the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU).
cated that Sega’s CEO, Shoichiro Irimajiri, Although unconfirmed, Sega has reported-
was disappointed with the company’s failure ly threatened NEC with a lawsuit and is

to reach its goal of distributing 200,000 more than unhappy with NEC’s perfor-

Dreamcasts at launch. mance.

Some U.S. importers were also disturbed The general consensus amongst gamers
with the introduction of the Dreamcast. New and industry pundits is that Sega rushed the
York video game importer, National Console Dreamcast to market.

Support, stated, “The [Dreamcast] debut has

been one of the most chaotic, frustrating, and

The War Is Over

128-bit vs. 64-bit vs. 32-bit

This is becoming an archaic measurement In the strictest definition, the Dreamcast

of the machine power. The war of “bits" is does not have an 128-bit processor - but it
over. As the rest of the gaming populace (aka does have a 200 MHz processor, double the
PC players) measure CPU performance in speed of any other console. Again, “bits” don’t

MHz and RAM, console gamers have been in matter.

the bits for far too long.

o Game Informer • February ’99


The First Four Dreamcast Games Feature

r Virtua Fighter 3tb
• Size: 1 GD-ROM
• Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting
• Special Features: Based on the Arcade
Game of the Same Name; Arcade, Original, Tournament,
Survival, & Practice Modes; Realistic Movement; Uneven
Arena Surfaces
• Created by: Genki for Sega
•Available: Now In Japan
• Replay Value: Moderately High

The Bottom Line: 7.75

Virtua Fighter fans know when they are playing a knockoff of one of their games. Although this game
looks and smells like Virtua Fighter, something fishy is going on. Namely in the control. Plus, the bar of
extras that Sega helped to create is not existent. No Vs. mode? And the Practice mode is very plain.

There are also programming issues, with the disappearance of some game endings. The graphics are
great, but the Saturn version had more options. A very rushed product.

r •

en Pen
Tri Ice Lon
• Style: 1 to 4-Player Racing
• Special Features: 8 Characters (Plus More Hidden); Each Race Has
3 Portions: Running, Sliding, Swimming; Customizable Characters
• Created by: Xing/General Entertainment for Sega
• Available: Now In Japan
W'-Kj :w
• Replay Value: Moderate

The Bottom Line: 6

Mario Kart fans will see this game and laugh. Although Pen Pen has some sories to characters, and there are many modes of play, but Sega doesn’t
very nice graphics, there is no speed, the racing is boring, and the control quite save it. A nice idea, but duller than a spoon,

V is poor. There are some extras, as players can add and remove acces-

r Godzilla Generations
• Size: 1 GD-ROM
• Style: 1 -Player Action (2-Player Via VMU)
• Special Features: Used Created VMS Monsters to Battle; 3
Different Monsters to Destroy With; Godzilla, Mecha Godzilla, &
Hollywood Godzilla; “Authentic” Cityscapes; Analog Compatible
• Created by: Toho forSega
• Available: Now In Japan
• Replay Value: Moderately Low

The Bottom Line: 3

This game is so bad. The graphics are completely atrocious and could have hour and destroy everything. The VMS critter battle almost impressed us,

easily been done on a Nintendo 64 or PlayStation. The sound is pathetic until its limited options came to light. Even it is bad. If this game comes to
and the gameplay is MIA. Sloth around various islands at about 3 feet an the States, keep a long arm between it. Or better yet, a nice 10-foot pole.

• Style: 1 -Player Adventure

• Special Features: 2 Playable Characters; Lots of
Hand Drawn Art; Scooby Doo-Style Story Line
• Created by: forty-five/Xing for Sega
• Available: Now in Japan
• Replay Value: Indeterminate

The Bottom Line: 6

July is one of those games that might be cool. However, since none of us thing bad from happening in July, 1999. The story takes you through the

are fluent in Japanese, July is little more than a text-based adventure in sewers, the police station, even a hospital. Those who know Japanese
the vein of Snatcher. Play as two different characters, trying to stop some- should take a look. Others should simply take a sleeping pill.
DREAMCAST: The Dissection


f Main Boat I

Behold the inner workings of the Dreamcast! The power system and CD drive are not unlike the designs for the

Saturn. However, the main board has a unique design that is earmarked by a small cooling system which sends
small streams of air to the CPU and GPU via a fan.


The Japanese Dreamcast has

a modular modem unit that allows

connection to the Internet via the

Dream Passport software created
for the Dreamcast by Access The Dreamcast unit is very compact,

Software, Ltd. but taller than the PlayStation or Nintendo

The port that connects the modem module to 64. The unit measures about 7.5 inches
the Dreamcast is eerily similar to the Sega The Dream Passport offers

Dreamcast users the opportunity square and weighs just over 3 pounds.
Genesis/CD design.
to browse, chat, order items
online, and interact with other players. The Dream Passport is HTML
3.2 compliant and supports all the main features of HTML 4.0. In addi-

tion, the Dream Passport supports

Secure Socket Layering (SSL) for easy
access to secured sites used for online

purchases. The Dream Passport sup-

ports all the latest WWW standard
specifications, and can also be used by
game makers in an attempt to produce Illllllllll
between the game and
the Internet.
AV Out ^
To keep costs down, Sega of America may not include the modem
Ports on the back include standard AC In and AV
module with the Dreamcast. Sega of America knows that U.S. gamers
Multi-Out plugs. Sega has several AV cable configura-
are far more savvy with the Internet than their Japanese counterparts.
tions planned specifically for the Dreamcast. Other
Sega is equally aware that potential buyers of the Dreamcast will
than the RCA cables packed with the system, Sega
already have Internet access via a PC.
has plans for S-VHS, RGB, VGA, HDTV, and RF con-
nections. A Serial port has the potential to serve a
number of functions including, but not limited to, game
Please note: Sega of America has not finalized the details of the North
American release of the Dreamcast. All information is subject to change. enhancers.

Game Informer • February '9

Software Delays In Japan
Who Cares?!!
Although software delays make some
cringe and others whine, long time gamers are
familiar with the delays. The news that Sega

had delayed the Japanese release of Sonic

The controller is sleek and solid, but extremely difficult to hold with Adventure, Blue Stinger, and Sega Rally 2 is of

only the left hand, Sega may opt to enlarge the controller for the U.S. little consequence to the average U.S. player.

launch as it did initially with the Saturn. Sure it disappoints a few import buyers in the
States (including us), but it will unlikely affect
the U.S. release.
Not everything about the Dreamcast soft-

ware is sad. There are a ton of games that we

are dying to play more. Here are some of the
titles that you should keep an eye on.

Action Titles
While many should beexcited by great new
games such as Blue Stinger from Climax and
Carrier from Jaleco, the game that everyone is

The cord awkwardly comes sitting on their hands to play is the new
Resident Evil, from Capcom. Not Resident
The optional Virtual Memory Unit (VMU) plugs into from the bottom of the con-
Evil 3, RE: Code Veronica is a side story to
the controller and it is capable of holding two VMU troller, but there's a spot to the great Resident Evil world. This is the one.
units. Video games are just tapping the surface of this clip it into the back.

PDA craze, but the VMU display showed us what Fighting Titles
While Virtua Fighter can be considered a
character we chose in Pen Pen, and the Godzilla
fighter, the most anticipated fighter is another
VMU let us battle monsters in Godzilla Generations. Capcom game, Power Stone. Not to mention a
SF III, Marvel Vs. Capcom,
possible port of
and Mortal Kombat 4.

Racing Titles
Sega Rally 2 looked pretty poor, so our
hope and prayer for a good racer lies in the
hands of Sega's Daytona USA 2, and Midway’s
Hydro Thunder. These are the racers that

could help Sega out of a jam.

Sports Titles
Obviously, there are the staples, such as
EA Sports’ lineup, but Visual Concepts could
be the one with the killer titles. Last year, Sega
invested in Visual Concepts’ experience with
football and basketball development. In

addition, Sega of Japan will launch the

long-awaited return of World Series Baseball!

DREAMCAST: Coming This Fall To A TV Near You Role Playing Titles

Even though the introduction of new video game hardware is exciting, the consensus Interestingly enough, this is one of Sega's

biggest strengths. Landers and Evolution

amongst observers is that the Japanese launch of the Dreamcast was rushed. New gaming
from Climax, and Grandia II from Game Arts
technologies are developed at the blink of an eye and releasing the next level of technology
make this system RPG-heavy from the get-go.
gives your competition a clear shot at you. Software is the obvious key in Sega’s attempt to Not to mention the possible return of

ruin the party for Sony in Japan, but Sega’s current trickle of software has to turn to a raging Phantasy Star!

river. Rumblings of new hardware from both Sony and Nintendo will not help Sega’s cause
Adventure Titles
Only a handful of titles on this so far, but
Luckily, the U.S. launch promises to be strong. A definitive U.S. launch has not been con-
they should be pretty good. You’ve got Sonic
firmed, but many industry observers are predicting that the Dreamcast will hit the U.S. in Adventure, which has a lot of elements in it,

September. By that time, a solid selection of software from around the world will be primed for and the game that has people talking, Sheng

Mue, or Project Berkeley, Yu Suzuki, maker

of Berkeley, refuses to categorize this game,
We’re building leads on some promising titles that we will unveil in the coming months. Stay
saying it is too encompassing for one genre.
tuned for more developments on the cutting edge of gaming.

by Capcom

In a year when there were many outstanding products for the

PlayStation, it is tough to pick just one. But when it comes down to it,

Resident Evil 2’s multiple quests, killer weapons, and gruesome

graphics put it ahead of the pack. The zombie-killin’, feel-good game

of the year.

Honorable Mentions:
• Metal Gear Solid

Crash Bandicoot: Warped

by Naughty Dog/Universal Studios/SCEA

Gran Turismo
by SCEI/Polys Entertainment/SCEA

by Nintendo

Without a doubt, Zelda 64 is one amazing game - distinguishing itself

not only as the best game of the year, but as one of the best in the
history of gaming. If Link isn’t zipping through time, he’s zipping
across the land atop his trusty steed, Epona. An epic adventure to say
the least. And who can resist falling in love with Zelda when she
pleads with you for help? Like you can say "no.”

Honorable Mentions:
• Banjo-Kazooie spyyf /
by Rare/Nintendo

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil

by Iguana/Acclaim

by Team Andromeda/Sega '

While the pickings are slim for our dearly departed friend, Mr. Saturn,
there was some impressive product released last year. Namely, Panzer
Dragoon Saga, an engrossing RPG that sadly will spend its life in
obscuritybecause nobody owns a Saturn. But if there ever was a
reason to pick one up, it’s Panzer Dragoon Saga.

Honorable Mention:
• Shining Force III «b|||||i
c.. Sc- k: lean'/ Sega t 'M&. .
by Capcom

Marvel Vs. Capcom is the quintessential Capcom fighter. With tag abilities, vivid

animations, a horde of your favorite characters from across the Capcom and Marvel
universes, and fill-the-screen supers, Marvel Vs. Capcom rules the roost in the arcade
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
this year.
by Iguana/Acclaim for Nintendo 64
Honorable Mention: Turok 2's graphics are awesome, even without
• Gauntlet Legends ~ i ,
the Expansion Pak. But with it, the high-resolu-
tion mode takes console gaming to new heights.
by Atari Games
From the scary lighting to the great textures,

Turok 2 is full of graphical flair. Now if Iguana

could just incorporate all the amazing details
that are in Zelda, console gaming would be
pretty darn good. What are we talking

about? It is pretty darn good already.

Honorable Mentions:
The Legend of Zelda:
Ocarina of Time Bf&j
by Nintendo for Nintendo 64

Resident Evil 2
by Capcom for PlayStation

Crash Bandicoot: Warped

by Naughty Dog/Universal
Studios/SCEA for PlayStation


Crash Bandicoot: Warped
by Naughty Dog/Universal Studios/SCEA
for PlayStation

In a year where there were some pretty amazing

by Valve/Sierra games to play, it’s hard to believe that we can
only think of one that we thought was flawless.
Once again it’s a first-person shooter, but Crash Bandicoot: Warped is that game. When

Half-Life has outdone the competition and you die, it’s your fault. When you make a fan-
moved this genre forward by increasing tastic jump, you are da man. Crash Warped is

focus on Al, gameplay, and a certain level solid.

of realism.
Honorable Mention:
Honorable Mentions: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
• StarCraft by Nintendo for Nintendo 64 jrS
by Blizzard
Spyro The Dragon
Thief: The Dark Project
by Insomniac/Universal Studios/SCEA
by Looking Glass/Eidos
for PlayStation
There was quite a lot of arguing in the office

Game Boy Game of the Year
over this one, because Spyro's voice-overs are
so amazingly annoying. But there are a number
of Stewart Copeland fans in this office, so we
said “screw everything else” and
Spyro anyway. The music rocks!
let’s give it to

Honorable Mention:
Pokemon Tenchu
by Sony Music Entertainment/Activision for


Shhh! Be very quiet. If we say the name Pokemon too loud around
Choosing a developer for this award was difficult
here, someone will start screaming “Squirtle" while the rest of the
this year,as nobody really ran the table. Sure,
clan hops up and down yelling, “Pika! Pika! Pika!” It’s like we turn there are lots of good developers that put out
into a bad version of the Supremes. That's why Pokemon some great games, but it seems like just about
was a shoo-in for Game Boy Game of the Year. You can /SSiji everybody put out a real stinker too. So we

by Nintendo
collect’em, trade'em, and fight’em, but you can’t stop
thinking about those crazy pocket monsters.

Honorable Mention:
James Bond 007

decided to give the award to some people that
we felt were deserving. The
award goes to H20, who we are giving the
award to because they didn't release anything.
Bravo! The second half of this award goes to
to fix

for quite
who had the unenviable task of trying
Apocalypse after wallowed in the mire

some time. And they even made the

half-way decent by the time they were
done. Kudos!
first half of the

[continued on pg. 25]

Kalb; if

lli III ||
Best Action/Platform Game

Style Awards of the Year

by Naughty Dog/Universal Studios/SCEA for PlayStation

You’d think with three games in three years, Crash

Bandicoot would be the most annoying game on the plan-
Best Action Game of the Year
et. Fortunately for us, it’s not. As a matter of fact the
TENCHU Bandicoot keeps getting better and better each year.
by Sony Music Entertainment/Activision for PlayStation Easily, it’s the best platform game around. Now if we
Ninjas have always been a part of video games. Karateka, could just get him to stop hocking pizza, things would be
Kung-Fu, Ninja Gaiden - all innovators in their own time. just peachy.

But not 'til Tenchu has the true spirit of the Ninja been Honorable Mentions:
unleashed. Silent death, the midnight assassin, you are • Spyro The Dragon
the ultimate warrior in Tenchu. Featuring great missions by Insomniac Games/Universal Studios/SCEA I11UH

and truly invigorating gameplay (there really is nothing ^for PlayStation

quite like the perfect kill), Tenchu could have easily been
the game of the year if it Banjo-Kazooie
weren't for its somewhat by Rare/Nintendo for Nintendo 64

Honorable Mentions:
Turok 2: Seeds of ciSS
• Evil
by 'gU0'ia/A::<:
Best Action/Adventure Game of the Year
for Nintendo 64
by SingleTrac/GT Interactive by Nintendo for Nintendo 64
for PlayStation This is perhaps the best category of the bunch.
Action/Adventure games place a single player against unbe-
lievable odds. While the basic story never deviates from the

standard "world in danger, save world” theme, this year fea-

tured some outstanding games. Zelda is obviously the winner
Best Sports Game of the Year
with its classic adventure, but Metal Gear Solid and Resident
HOT SHOTS GOLF Evil 2 were worthy entrants.

by SCEI/SCEA for PlayStation Honorable Mentions:

Who’d a thunk? A golf game as the sports game of the • Resident Evil 2 JBv
year. But Hot Shots Golf embodies just about everything by Capcom for PlayStation
that makes a great sports game: great challenge, lots of

players and courses, plus fantastic multiplayer action. For

Metal Gear Solid
the rest of the sports we listed the best of the best. But by Konami for PlayStation
we had to lock-out basketball just to show that

of course,
NBA players aren’t the only adults who can act like chil-


Best Racing Game of the Year

Best Football Game of the Year GRAN TURISMO

• NFL Blitz
by Polys Entertainment/SCEA for PlayStation
by Midway for Nintendo 64 and PlayStation
Racing game of the year was a lock the second Gran
Turismo hit the shelves. Featuring 166 real automobiles
Best Baseball Game of the Year from around the globe, a solid and unique RPG experi-
• MLB 99 ence, gorgeous graphics, and tons of speed, there is no
by SISA/SCEA for PlayStation denying this monster title.

Honorable Mention:
Best Hockey Game of the Year
• 1080 Degree Snowboarding
• NHL 99
by Nintendo for Nintendo 64
by Electronic Arts for PlayStation

Best Soccer Game of the Year

• International Superstar Soccer ‘98
by Konami Computer Entertainment Osaka
for Nintendo 64
Best Strategy Game of the Year


by Square Soft for PlayStation

If you love strategy, and we know you do, then you already
know that Final Fantasy Tactics is the most amazing game of

the year. Not only does it use the highly-acclaimed Final

Fantasy universe, it also features an impressive game

engine that gives snooty computer players a reason to buy a

Honorable Mention:
• Shining Force III

by Sonic Team/Sega for Saturn

Best Shooter Game of the Year
by Factor 5/LucasArts for Nintendo 64
There’s no doubt about this one. Even though Rogue Squadron has a
number of problems, this game (armed with the Star Wars license)
offers some fantastic shooting action. From the high-speed, dog-fight-

in' A-Wing to the "I think I'm on a flying pig,” bomb-droppin’ Y-Wing, [continued from pg. 23]

Rogue Squadron will challenge both your flying and blasting skills.


• Colony Wars: Vengeance OF THE YEAR
Expansion Pak
by Psygnosis for PlayStation
by Nintendo for Nintendo 64

This one was tough, as the Game Boy Camera is

blast to play with. But when we sat down and
by Square Soft/SCEA for PlayStation thought about it, it became clear that we were

going to get a lot more use out of the Expansion

Pak over the next couple years than we will from

the Game Boy Camera. Buy an Expansion Pak if
you have an N64 - you’ll need it.

Best Fighting Game of the Year Honorable Mention:

TEKKEN Game Boy Camera

Namco for PlayStation

Over the years the fighting genre has somewhat fizzled out here in the
States, but that hasn’t stopped some quality product, including THQ’s
Revenge and Capcom’s X-Men Vs. Street Fighter for the Japanese
Saturn. Since we know not everybody can play the Saturn fighting
imports, you have to get your hands on Tekken 3, which was far and
Solid Snake
away the best fighter of the year (heck, that’s why we gave it this^
Snake is one bad-ass mother. Not only is he
award). You’ll thank us for it later. A smooth with the ladies, but he can infiltrate an
Honorable Mentions: 'fn enemy installation and pick it apart piece by
• X-Men Vs. Street Fighter piece. Now that's what we call a real man.
by Capcom for Japanese Saturn Jg|
WCW/nWo Revenge The Evil Pigs!
If you haven't experienced the wacky adventure
Asmik/Aki Corporation/THQ for Nintend;
that is known as Tomba! then you have
been missing out. In this action/RPG for the
PlayStation, you are a nature boy who is out to
stop the menace known as the Evil Pigs. Now if
they’re not the best bad guys you've heard of,

Best Role-Playing Game of the Year make sure you write and let us know, because
we can’t think of anything that could be more
XENOGEARS diabolical and wicked than a set of Evil Pigs!

by Square Soft for PlayStation

When you think RPG, you think Square. And this year is no exception,
as Square released yet another epic adventure with Xenogears. If the
Now this ninja we can respect. He likes to keep
hand-drawn animations aren’t enough to keep you entertained, the
to himself, but when push comes to shove, this
awesome gears and battle interface will,
guy will cut your head clean off (with honor of
to come and kick your Xenorear! course). There are so many times in video game
history when we get yet another canned, lame
Honorable Mentions:
ninja; Tenchu's Rikimaru is anything but.
• Pokemon Final Fantasy VIII Demo
by Game Freak/Nintendo by Square Soft MOST INSPIRING PERFORMANCE BY A
for Game Boy for PlayStation VIDEO GAME CHARACTER
Panzer Dragoon Saga Truly a master of his art, Squirtle has set a
by Team Andromeda/ standard for all other video game characters to
follow. He’s charming, he's handsome, he's half
Sega for Saturn
turtle and half squirrel. While his name may
sound a symptom from a Pepto Bismol com-

mercial, he captured the hearts and minds of

video gamers across the nation with his awe-
inspiring performance in Pokemon.


There were many great memories from 1998.
by SCEI/THQ for PlayStation From the ending of Zelda to the gruesome
While it’s hard to say anything is better than two-player Tetris on killings in Tenchu, we have much to be thankful

Game Boy Color, Devil Dice takes this award for its innovative and fun
for. But one of the most amazing moments of the
year was our first meeting with Psycho Mantis of
gameplay. Being easy to pick up but difficult to master is the sign of
Metal Gear Solid fame. When he looked us in the
truly great puzzlers, and Devil Dice supplies that in spades. Plus, it
eye (and memory card) and said, “You like to
has four-player simultaneous play to make any party better (or more play Castlevania,” we almost pooped our pants.
subdued depending on how you party!). Then when he asked us to put the controller on
the floor, we were rolling. Truly one of the most
Honorable Mention:
innovative moments in video gaming. Heck, you
• Tetris DX
even have to use the other controller port as well.
by Nintendo for Game Boy Color Awesome!!!
Nintendo Pads Release list
Nintendo will throw a few games our way while we wait for Perfect Dark
and Jet Force Gemini. One title, Mario Party developed by Hudson Soft,
willrelease this March and is a board-style game. But the boards in
© Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus - PS-X

© Crash Bandicoot: Warped - PS-X

Mario Party are much bigger than anything by Parker Brothers. Players

© Tenchu-PS-X participate as one of their favorite Nintendo characters, including

© Pokemon-GB Mario, Princess, Donkey Kong, Luigi, Yoshi, and Wario, and can
© Tomb Raider 3: play one of 50 different four-player games on one of eight different
The Adventures of Lara Croft - PS-X boards. Players roll dice to travel around the board and complete
® Rogue Squadron - N64 mini-games to earn stars. The player with the most stars wins. Some
© Gauntlet Legends - Arcade of the mini-games include white-water rafting, skateboarding, fishing,
© Turok 2: Seeds of Evil - N64 underwater diving, and tightrope walking. Some of the games also pit

© The Legend of Zeida: players against each other.

Ocarina of Time - N64 A second title is Mario Golf 64, scheduled to release the beginning smash Brothers
€> Street Fighter Alpha 3 - PS-X of this year in Japan. This golf title features ten playable characters
including Mario, Luigi, and Princess. Plus, there are six 18-hole cours-
es to compete on.
Nintendo will also release Smash Brothers, developed by HAL Labs, in
© Chrono Trigger - SNES
January 1999 in Japan. Like Mario Golf 64, Smash Brothers uses popular
© GoldenEye - N64
Nintendo characters such as Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, Fox McCloud,
© Knockout Kings - PS-X
Pikachu, Yoshi, Kirby, and Samus. But instead of a golf course, Nintendo
puts these characters in different environments to duke out in a new-
© WCW/NWO Revenge -N64 it

fangled fighting game. Characters can also perform special moves and
© Rogue Trip - PS-X
acquire various power-ups.
© Tekken3-PS-X
Lastly, expect Nintendo to release the first strategy game for the
© Banjo-Kazooie - N64
N64 when it brings Atlus’ Tactics Ogre 3 to the N64 later this year.
© Metal Gear Solid - PS-X

© The Legend of Zeida:

Ocarina of Time - N64

© He might actually have to keep track

of how much money he spends.

© Endorsement fees can only pay for so

much - a Ferrari, Porsche, and Hummer.
© He might have to sublet his Caribbean

condo to a stranger. Mario Party Mario Party

& He has several dead beats in his family
that refuse to work.

© Royalties from NBA video games can

only pay for so much - a Rolls Royce,
Mercedes, and Land Rover.
Up Close 6 Personal:
© He could seek help from some of the
richer NBA players,
been screwing fans over
but the league’s
for so long, it’s
Metal Gear Solid Toys
hard to quit.
Check out these images from Todd
© Instead of a month-long African safari McFarlane Productions. These toys are
this summer, he might only get a two-
definitely going to rock! Notice the gadgets
week Mediterranean cruise.
Solid Snake and Psycho Mantis come
© He might have to cut back to only

one girlfriend. packaged with, and look at the detail in

© Personal appearance and autograph Vulcan Raven’s gun. Each figure stands
fees can only pay for so much - a BMW, between 6 and 7 inches tall and comes with an
Lexus, and Audi. MSRP of $5.99. Look for them on toy shelves
© He might have to fire his staff of
in February.
servants, and you don’t want to put
those people out of work do you?

Game Informer is looking for your

Top Ten games. Please send
your Top Tens to:
Game Informer Magazine
Attn: Top Ten
10120 West 76th Street
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Everyone that enters every month will be
entered in a drawing to win a Gl Secret
Access T-Shirt! So get writing!

Game Informer • February '99

by Paul Bergren

Square Working on New Titles If it’s in

then show me.

the game,

Square Soft is working on three new titles, one of which we believe to be an RPG
What drives me crazy are all the
character-based racing game called Racing Lagoon expected to come out this spring in video game advertisements out there that
Japan. Perhaps you’ll be able to race against opponents on the cold hard streets for the don't tell me a thing about the game itself. For
ownership of the loser’s car. instance, let’s take the football games that were adver-
Then there is the 3D third-person action game called Cyberorg sporting three playable tised so heavily every Sunday during the NFL season.
characters. Plus, you’ll be required switch off between the three during the game to access Yeah, it's funny (though slightly demented) to see that
certain areas. There is a human character named TJ. who uses weapons. Gigante is a big fat guy bounce around and tear off his jersey while
big, powerful, and slow galactic investigator who uses his fists to persuade the enemy. The auditioning his celebration dance to the Sony guys, but
last character is galactic soldier named Forsis who is much quicker than the others most of the other ads are horrible and tell you zero
and relies on bombs as weapons. In the game, players are on a mission to rescue the about the product in question. Madden’s “Cyber
ambassador of an allied planet who has been kidnapped by some aliens. Cyberorg should Barry”? First of all, "cyber" is one of the lamest terms
release this spring in Japan. the 90’s ever produced; and second, you don’t see any

Another game
in Square’s bag of tricks is Internal Section, a 3D shooter game that
of the game until the last five seconds of the ad. And

appears similar to Tempest and N20. Not much is known about this game, but the how about those QBC 99 ads? Brett Favre couldn’t act
in Something About Mary, so why did Acclaim think he
graphics are colorful and, dare we say, trippy. Internal Section is supposed to appear in
Japan this February.
could pull it off in their commercial?
But I must give credit to Madden because although
Lastly, there is the remake of Final Fantasy VI for the PlayStation scheduled for
the commercial only shows a few seconds of the game,
release this March in Japan. It will be similar to the Super Famicom version with the
at least some of those moments are from actual
addition of CG movies at the beginning
gameplay. But don't show me the celebration after the
and ending of the game.
touchdown, show me the friggin’ touchdown! The
No official U.S. release dates have biggest crime publishers commit in an ad (whether it be
been announced for any of the above in print, on TV, or the Internet) is when they show you
titles. part of a game and none of it’s from gameplay. Instead
you see a cutscene or a development screen that’s
been tampered with or enhanced.
A couple months ago, while visiting a video game
publisher out west, I got to talking to a fellow journalist
who said he preferred hi-res images of games for his
publication because they look so good. Sure, they look
good, but a false representation of the game that

misleads consumers. Why the heck would you want

Left to right: Forsis, T. J., and Gigante.
I’m not asking for much; in fact, I think it’s just a
matter of common courtesy. have fifty bucks to spend

on a game, so why can’t the company at least show

me what’s behind the shrink wrap? But I guess I

shouldn’t complain too much. If video game companies

actually relayed relevant information to consumers on a
regular basis, there might not be a market for quality
publications such as this one - and I’d be wearing a tie

to work.

Racing Lagoon

The latest From Midway

Late in 1999, Midway plans to release Gauntlet Legends for the N64 (see p. 35). Up to four players can
participate in the arcade conversion that will also feature additional levels. The arcade version has four worlds, but
an extra has been planned for the N64. Plus, instead of only three levels and a boss per world, it will
be increased to six levels and a boss. Gotta love it.
Midway also announced that it will have two, possibly three titles ready for the U.S. launch of
Sega’s Dreamcast next fall. One title will be a Mortal Kombat hybrid. While no official name has been
determined, it’s believed that it will essentially be MK 4 with the addition of some popular characters
from MK 2. The second launch title is Hydro Thunder. Already set to hit arcades in February, this game
is a boat racer very similar in concept to Sony’s Turbo Prop Racing. There are four boat styles to

choose from and the courses are filled with power-ups and secret paths. Midway also hopes to have Blitz 2000 ready
for the Dreamcast launch, but it has not been confirmed.
In addition to Hydro Thunder, Midway plans on releasing NBA Showtime in the arcades this March. The

obvious descendent of Jam and Hangtime, Showtime features incredible player likenesses, an awesome create
player, and 4-player competition. Dreamcast
For more on these arcade titles see Arcade Brigade (p. 51)

Game Informer • February '99

Populous Returns To Consoles
PocketStation Delayed...ln Japan
Electronic Arts and Bullfrog mesmer-
ized many strategy enthusiasts with The release of Sony’s PocketStation, the PDA for the
Populous, but it hasn't been seen on the PlayStation, has been delayed in Japan for one month from
console since the early days of the Sega December 23 to January 23, 1999. The reason for the delay
Genesis. Now, Bullfrog wants to keep its is still unknown. The PDA has a 32-bit processor, infrared

console money rolling by releasing communication, and an LCD with clock. Games such as
Populous: The Beginning for PlayStation. Ridge Racer Type 4 and Street Fighter Alpha 3 plan to
With 25 worlds, 26 different spells, and full take advantage of the PocketStation.
3D globes, Populous: The Beginning is sure An official date for the U.S. release of the

to strengthen the PS-X strategy library. Look PocketStation is yet to be determined.

for it this summer.

Interplay Announces Bret

Dreameast Titles

Interplay has reached an agreement with

Gremlin Interactive to publish five new
Gremlin North America the
titles in for
Cid Returns To FFVIIL Japanese Release Date Revealed
Dreameast and other mediums. Interplay is

one of the Dreameast developers

five "core" Another round of new characters for Square Soft’s upcoming Final Fantasy VIII have
appeared. Cid is a well known name in the circles of Square heads, but this time, Cid does-
in the U.S., but Interplay’s recent market

troubles had left Sega supporters scratching n’t take the immediate appearance and job of “engineer.” This is a significant change
their heads in regards to the number of because in all of the past U.S. Final Fantasy games, Cid has been some sort of

titles Interplay would be able to produce.


With the Gremlin agreement, that number In Final Fantasy II, Cid was the creator of the airship that Cecil and

been The the gang drove around, as well as a demolitions expert. In Final Fantasy
has obviously increased.
agreement gives Interplay the exclusive III, Cid, although unplayable, was an engineer that new ways
figured out

Actua Tennis, R.I.O.T., to use the magicite extraction from the Espers. In Final Fantasy VII, Cid
publishing rights to
Tanktics for PlayStation and PC; was a spaceship pilot and tinkerer, both of which require exceptional
Soulbringer for PC; and Whiplash 2 for engineering skills. But Cid is ready to move on and has demanded a new
PlayStation, Dreameast, and PC. job. Now, he is the president of a place called Baram City, a high-tech
area that has cars for rent and many other modern conveniences.
The second new character is Kisutisu (or in some circles, Quistis
JVC Digital To Cease Came
Trepe), a teacher at the academy where Squall Leonheart underwent
Development A mere one year older than Squall, she is either a very gifted
his training.

JVC Digital Arts Studio, Inc. has person or just an early starter. She uses whips as her main weapon, which
announced that it closed its Los Angeles- should be an interesting change of pace from the outrageous weapons that
based offices. The announcement came as have characterized Final Fantasy... until now. Thanks to the Magic Box, Gaming
something of a surprise, as JVC Digital Arts Age, and Madman’s Cafe for the info.

is well-known for its 16-bit Star Wars games Fuujin is another character game. in the She is 18-years-old, a comrade of Seifer, and
on the SNES, (probably the best Star Wars has a large throwing star for a weapon. Then there is Raijin, a friend of Fuujin. He
games ever made) and other games of the is also 18 and uses a long thick staff as a weapon.

16-bit era. The Japanese release date of Final Fantasy VIII has been
It is truly sad to see this company halt its
officially set for February 11, 1999. The release date for the

development work. JVC Digital Arts will not United States? Well, Gl is gonna go out on a limb and guess
cease to exist, however, and will focus on September 9, 1999, the same as the possible release of the

publishing licensed titles in the United Sega Dreameast.

States. What this entails is unknown, as JVC
could not be reached for comment.

Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere

Namco has announced Ace Combat 3:

Electrosphere to the world, and the excel-
lent site re:tokyo has some pictures and
information. The gameplay in Electrosphere
is basically the same as other Ace Combat

games, but dogfights are more exciting and

the graphics are enhanced.
The game is set sometime in the future
and there will be a large number of planes to
choose from, including planes created by

o • February '99 Cid returns!

Titus’ Superman Stuck In Phone Booth
Titus’ Superman for the N64 was supposed to be released in
1998, but was delayed until the first half of 1999. Titus has delayed
the release of the game make improvements. Apparently
in order to
the brass at Nintendo thought that Titus made the Man of Steel look
more like the Man of Tinfoil, and has sine come to Titus’ aid with tech-
nical support to ensure that this important license is a success.
"Superman is such a popular character world wide and is deserv-

ing of a certain level of quality. We know Titus has the same goal in

mind, and that’s why we’ve made the investment in technical assis-
tance to make sure players get a great game in 1999," explains
Howard Lincoln, Chairman of Nintendo of America.
Translation: “Titus dropped a big ol’ chunk of kryptonite down Ron't know a fait from a byte, RAM from ROM, 01
Superman’s jockey and now we’ve got to go in and fish it out.” Look CPU from CPU? Take a look at this informativi
more on this continuing story.
to Gl for
site when you have problems with confusint

computer jargon.

VR Sports Becomes Interplay Sports

Interplay announced the renaming of

all of Interplay’s sports-related
support the new division.
makes sense

VR Sports
In addition, the

to leverage the great equity of the Interplay name," said Paul

division to Interplay Sports. The division
company has opened a new web


site to

director of
0 What game for the recently released
marketing for Interplay Sports. "We feel that we are an asset to Interplay, and they are an asset to us. Sega Dreamcast sold the most as a
Therefore, it was a natural decision to use the name Interplay Sports. It reinforces our synergistic launch title in Japan?
ku One of the first titles under the new label will be an update of the game formerly known as VR Football
© What company is making the Metal Gear
Solid action figures?
r for the Dreamcast, but it will obviously not be named VR Football.
© What ms the name of Mega Man’s
adversary in Legends?

IVhat’s That Weird Tingling Sensation? © In late 1995, Sega released a hand-held
unit originally called the Venus that
No, it's not that funny rash you've got on your back; it's your Spider-Sense
allowed players to use Genesis cartridges.
going berserk. Why? Because Spider-Man is coming to the PlayStation
What was it?
and N64. Activision announced that it will release the first ever 3D Spider-
Man game. © What was the name of the system that

These are salad days for Spidey. He’s currently livin’ large with his could play Sega Genesis, Turbo Grafx,
own animated series on the UPN Network (Somebody say Mo-EE-Shal), a and karaoke?
syndicated comics strip in 500 newspapers worldwide, and yearly comic
book sales of over 15 million.
[Answers on the bottom of page 31]
In addition to Spider-man, Activision is also knee
deep in the process of getting the 3D fighter, X-Men,
ready for consumption. Activision announced that it

will release X-Men for both the PlayStation and N64

simultaneously sometime during the fall of 1999.
Stay tuned, loyal readers. Excelsior!

Goldberg Memory Cards ...Coming Soon?

Yes, you read the headline correctly. THQ is

contemplating an agreement with InterAct

Accessories to create memory cards with
small busts of different wrestlers. The first

on the Goldberg, of course! Very

list? This action/adventure game was published by

similar to the Lara Croft memory card, Electronic Arts and appeared on the Sega Genesis in

the piece that sticks out of the 1992. There were 12 levels filled with 20 types of

PlayStation will look like a little enemies and all sorts of power-ups. Some power-ups

Goldberg. Here's a picture of the were a mystery in that sometimes one would give you

prototype, before it’s painted. There is 10,000 points, other times the same power-up could

no news on the release date of the send you back to an earlier part of the level. What
memorycard as of yet. game is it?

[Answer on the bottom of page 31]

Data File: r\
FA Announces Sports Car GT and Street SkSer
>^_Pl§iaefr-Of The Apes.. .The fpame?
Electronic Arts has announced that itis publishing two new PlayStation games coming from
No, not that lame old board game
Westwood Pacific and Hudson. The first game from Westwood is titled Sports Car GT. Featuring over
that you could find in Walgreens until
45 authentic, fully licensed cars such as the Porsche 911 and the BMW M3, this game will allow players
1975. This Planet of the Apes game
to race on many different authentic tracks (like Laguna Seca and Hockenheim). Upgrading and tuning the
is centered around the upcoming Fox
cars will be necessary to win races. The game will use “active time" where time passes during the race
movie, which is rumored to include
and the sun rises and sets. But possibly the best feature about
Arnold Schwarzenegger in a starring thisgame is the “Pink Slip Mode" where players race each other
role (but not as Taylor, the character with their modified cars for ownership of the loser’s vehicle. It’s
played by Charles Heston). Also, serious business, as the loser’s car will be erased from his
James Cameron, director of the or her memory card and added to the winner’s card. So, prepare
Terminator series is rumored to be a for Sports Car GT, coming around February 9 from EA
possible director of the next Apes and Westwood.
feature. The original POTA came out Street Sk8er, the second game, is the name EA chose for
in 1968. Is this a remake of the clas- the Hudson port of Street Boarders.
sic, or a new chapter in the saga? It’s high time that a sk8ing game came to the PlaySt8ion.

We'll all find out soon enough when Street Sk8er features authentic tricks, gr8 action and
Fox begins bombarding us with POTA more. Sk8 on three different courses: LA, NY, and Tokyo.
stuff, including a PlayStation game Race against the clock per4ming tricks and getting points.
coming in late 1999. Challenge your m8 in 2-player mode and choose from over
20 custom sk8board decks to pull off over 200 different
moves and combinations. Players can accumulS attributes
> 989 Studios has taken advantage
and new tricks, investig8 hidden
of the lack of an NBA season to push
routes, and unlock new characters to
back the release of NBA ShootOut
use when determining their f8.
‘99 in order to tweak and refine the
The release d8 for Street Sk8er
game. ShootOut ‘99 was originally
is also near February 9, 1999.
scheduled to release before the end
More soon on this hopefully gr8
of 1998, but is now aiming for the
game that will surely titill8 sk8 fans
last week of January. all across America.

> Hot on the heels of the hot selling

Crash Bandicoot toy line, come two
other video game-based toy lines

courtesy of ReSaurus Company.

First, a line based on Gex: Enter the
Gecko and the anticipated sequel
Gex; Deep Cover Gecko will hit
Mega Man Legends Creates
shelves in February. All of the six fig- Spin-Off
ures are, in fact, Gex himself. You’ll
There is going to be a sequel to Mega Man
see him in a tuxedo, Grandmaster
Legends called Dash 2 in Japan. The catch is, Mega
gear, army fatigues, and pirate gear.
Man won’t be in the game. Instead, Dash 2 tells the
But get this, all of the figures come
extended tales of Miss Tron, Mega Man’s adversary
packed with an enemy, one of which in Legends and is set to come out this spring in Japan.
is Rez. Each Gex figure will retail for For the American release, the game is using the
about $8. The toys are scheduled to working title of Tron and the Servobots.
debut at the upcoming New York Toy
ReSaurus also has another line in

the works for June. Based on

Castlevania, no details are available
yet, but don’t be surprised if Alucard
and a few Belmont's are transformed
from game hero to fantastic plastic
warriors. These figures will also
debut at the New York Toy Show.

a Game Informer • February '99

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2/23/99 Warzone 2100 Eidos . . .PS-X
2/28/99 Monaco Grand Prix Ubi Soft . . .N64
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Game Informer Magazine
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3/16/99 Big Air . . .PS-X
3/16/99 GEX 3:Enter the Gecko Eidos . . .PS-X 101 20 West 76th Street
3/16/99 MLB 2000 989 Studios . . .PS-X Eden Prairie, MN 55344
3/16/99 Quake II Activision . . .PS-X
3/23/99 MLBPA Bottom ofthe9lh'99 Konami . . .N64
3/23/99 Attack Of The Saucerman Psygnosis . . .PS-X
Video Game Trivia Answers:
3/23/99 Need For Speed 4 Electronic Arts . . .PS-X
1. Virtua Fighter 3tb.
3/26/99 Triple Play 2000 Electronic Arts . . .PS-X
2. McFarlane Toys.
3/27/99 Legacy of Kam: Soul Reaver Eidos . . .PS-X
3/30/99 Rayman 2 Ubi Soft . . .N64 3. Miss Tron.

3/30/99 Tonic Trouble Ubi Soft . . .N64 4. Sega Nomad.

3/30/99 Guardian's Crusades Activision . . .PS-X 5. The Panasonic Laser Active.
3/30/99 Kawasaki Motocross Activision . . .PS-X
[All dates subject to change. Call your local retailer for more details.] Risky Woods
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Available: Now for Nintendo 64
I I T~ H is a time of great turmoil. The wait for The
And You Believe This Game Is
I —In—H I I I
Phantom Menace
almost unbearable.
is excruciatingly painful,
In a few months (each the Balance of the Force?
Bottom Line: second a balance of the
8.75 Force

which feels

tested. Will Episode

freakin’ hour) the

I fall gently upon the Star

Wars scales creating a new peace within the galaxy? Or will
ANDY "For Star
Wars fans
You get to
game is a no-
in different
lisode I plummet downward and smash the scales to pieces, disrupting fly

Star Wars craft and blast the Empire to hell

erything we know and love and creating a crisis far worse than the fall of Concept
and back. Rogue Squadron has its little
all Street and the rise of the Spice Girls...combined?l! Oh what a horrible 8 hangups (as do most LucasArts games),
Dught! Trekkies would finally be able to gloat and jab at us with their pointy Graphics but overall it’s entertaining. The mission-

gers and ears. Even Babylon 5 fans would have the chance to come out 9.5 based gameplay will have you sitting and
playing the levels over and over again
the closet and join in the Jedi bashing. Oh the horror! But this will never Sound
trying to attain the elusive Gold Medal.
ippen... Episode I will be the greatest movie of all time... And all Star Trek 7
Graphically, Rogue Squadron is one of
is will be thrown into a sarlacc pit to rot for "generations" to come... Playability N64's best (especially with the Expansion

Seriously Jedi, do we really need to worry? No, there's no need (just 8.5 Pak). Sure the sound is a tad tinny, but
overall it sets the Star Wars mood
ep telling yourself that). Episode I will be great (reassurance is good). Entertainment
perfectly. If you like Star Wars go buy this
>ne of the fans who eagerly anticipate its arrival will be disappointed (that’s 8.5 game now. If not, there isn’t much reason
|ht, stay positive). Anyway, enough worrying about the future of our to play it.''

istence. We're here today to celebrate another satellite within the vast Star

ars universe. We’re here to review LucasArts' second Nintendo 64 game -

ar Wars: Rogue Squadron.
As the name implies, the game is based on the “Expanded Universe”
“I'm a sucker for Star Wars and for flight
ar Wars: Rogue Squadron books and comics. In the game you don the role PAUL combat. So when you mix them together
Luke Skywalker and move through 16 mission-based
control his every it’s very hard to resist. This game has a
/els. To perform his noble feats (that is, to whack butt), Luke can take good balance of hardcore flight sim and
8 arcade combat. On one hand you have to
ntrol of five different vehicles. When attacking walkers, you'll want to man
Graphics learn the flight characteristics (and
speeder and utilize its tow cable to
9.25 controls) of different craft and on the other
•ap up the competition. When you get to dust AT-STs with your blasters.
vaulting ground troops and This balance of the Force also has its
9.25 downside. The flight ceiling is always low
ises, the Y-Wing with its bombing
Playability as almost all the missions are ground-
^abilities are a must. The A-Wing based. really wish there was at least one
9 I

great for quick in and outs as it mission in space. Even without the Star
lasts the highest speed and Wars stuff, Rogue Squadron ranks as one
9.25 of the best flight sims on any console."
maneuvering capabilities. The
experimental (but vastly powerful) V-Wing with its rapid fire can take care of

any foe. And of course, you have any classic blood running

veins, you’ll know that the X-Wing is capable of stopping any threat.
Most of the missions deal with one of two things. One - destroying the
“The blood of the Sith runs thick through
Empire. And two - protecting the Rebellion. The play control in Rogue REINER veins, blackening my heart, and
Squadron is comparable to the Hoth level in its predecessor, Shadows of the THE RAGING GAMER increasing my hate for that puny Skywalker

Empire. This time though, the controls are enhanced, allowing you to flip and Concept chap. So naturally, I approached this
review with the worst of intentions. Yes,
even look out the side windows. The Empire is as sneaky and resourceful as 8.5
Luke has put the moisture farm behind
ever, so you won’t enter the fray solo. Luke is joined by Wedge, Dack, Zev, Graphics him and all, but he’s still a whiny little
Wes, and Derek. Sorry, no Biggs... he’s dead. 9.25 Rebel punk. 'R2! spilled my Coke! Awwwl’

Sound To me, Wedge should have been the main

The graphics are dynamic and can be enhanced when the Expansion Pak
character. But hey! Luke is fine... as long
is plugged in. The sound and score are taken straight from the trilogy. If you 8.25
as he keeps quiet. As for the game? It's

like intricate details, you'll enjoy finding creatures and sites from the movies. Playability quite satisfactory. The crafts handle
when takes on damage. 9 exceptionally well and the graphics are to
And get this, R2 will even fix the X-Wing it

die for. It also succeeds in delivering

Awesome!!! Entertainment
longevity of play by challenging you to
This Rogue Squadron review is not two months late. . .These are not the 8.75 capture hard-to-reach medals. However, it

droids.. .uh... You will subscribe to Game Informer magazine for the next ten does suffer from delivering weak enemy Al,
tinny music, mission monotony, and very
years... Now, move along...
little cinematics. Nonetheless, SW fans
rM\m Size: 96 Megabit
Style: 1 to 4-Player Action
Special Features: 13 Vehicles: 11 Arenas:
Several Game Modes Including Quest &
Survival: 2 Views: Tons of Weapons: Car
Damage: Rumble, Controller & Expansion
Pak Compatible
Created by: Luxoflux for Activision
Available: March for Nintendo 64

80% Complete
f lar
And then
combat will
came tumbling down. That’s right groovy people, the PlayStation’s exclusive reign over vehicu-
the walls
end this March when Activision releases Vigilante 8 for the Nintendo 64. It’s hard to fathom, but
come to an
the Nintendo 64 hasn’t landed a vehicular combat game until now...three years into the machine’s life. The PlayStation has
basked in the great success of action-packed games such as an entire trilogy of Twisted Metal titles, Rogue Trip, and Vigilante
8. Now, after being nearly drowned in racing games, a new option arrives for the N64. Vigilante 8 is a visually impressive, every-

car-for-itself combat game that delivers great variety in weapons and vehicles, realistic car physics, completely destructible
levels, and tons of multiplayer options. If you haven’t had your V8, then wait for the new and improved N64 version to hit. 7
1 1 — III III -

f The Nintendo 64 version is loaded with all of the same

features, vehicles, areas, and weapons as >
the original PlayStation offering. However, a few things have been added. Three and four players can now
- compete head-to-head, the hidden Alien character can now be used within the Quest scenario, and sever-
al new modes like 2-player co-op, 1 -player survival, and multiplayer smear and brawl have been imple-
mented. Also, after unlocking everything (by beating the game with each character) a brand spanking new
L level with the working title of Super Dreamland 64 will be accessible. >

Take the film Mad Max (minus Mel Gibson) and mix its wicked “run over your baby" themes with the fashions of Saturday Night Fever (minus John Travolta)
and the basic premise of Vigilante 8 is born. In total there are 13 vehicles that can be used (some of which are hidden). Each vehicle is equipped with an ultra coo’
driver, unique attributes, and an exclusive special weapon. (Not pictured: “Y” the Alien and his groovy ‘64 Luxo Saucer)

Beezwax - Boogie - Houston 3 - Loki - Moio- Sid Burn -

70 Stag Pickup 76 Leprechaun 76 Palomino 73 Glenn 4x4 f.
‘66 School Bus ‘69 Manta

Convoy - John Torque Sheila - Slick Clyde -

‘67 Rattler 72 Moth Truck ‘69 Jefferson 74 Strider 70 Clydesdale

1 1


The basic goal of V8 is to destroy everything that moves. To do this, you’ll need to outgun and outmaneuver the CPU oppo- X
l nents. Thn easiest
nantc The moane of
oncioct means nf victory
wiftcmi is tn utilize
ic to nnuiorful Minannnn/
ntili7P powerful ran be
that can
weaponry that hp found
fminri and picked nn The
nirkpH up. wpannns you'll
Thp weapons stnmhip
vnn'll stumble 1

upon range from heat-seeking missiles to auto-lock turrets. Vigilante’s controls are easy to handle, however, our review crew thought
the play in the PS-X version was a tad jerky and rather uneventful. Then again, the N64’s might be tweaked and improved. A great
addition that has sparked our interest is the new 3 and 4-player modes. Like GoldenEye or Star Fox, Vigilante 8’s multiplayer could
very well be an addictive experience.

. All 11 arenas are completely destructible and loaded with many jumps and perils. Blow away a complete orange tree orchard,
launch off the wings of a bomber, heck destroy all of Las Vegas if you desire. (Not pictured: Secret Base, Oil Fields, Super Dreamland 64)
» Size: 128 Megabit
* Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure
» Special Features: 2 Playable Characters;
Inventory Menu; 2 Main Weapons Plus
Multiple Secondary Weapons for Each
Character; ControllerPak/Rumble Pak
Compatible; Time Affects Most Situations
* Created by: Konami Computer
Entertainment Kobe for KCEA
Available: March for Nintendo 64

70% Complete


I Hi hi (; ilic- I k(> 4 ( Oi.<c

Gamers have been hooked on Castlevania since the NES rocked the game world in the late 80s. Since
then, Castlevania hasbecome one of the best-known franchises in the gaming world. The tales of the battle
between Dracula and the Belmont clan have continued to keep gamers enthralled. The latest installment,

Castlevania 64, takes us on a nightmarish ride into Dracula’s castle, to vanquish his evil once again.
Two characters are playable in Castlevania 64: Schneider, a descendant of the Belmont clan, and Maria,
a young girl who uses magic. Armed with a series of weapons, these two characters take on levels in very
different ways. Schneider gets in there and attacks head on, simply beating the enemy to death. Maria is a
little more agile, employing a magic attack that zeroes in on the closest enemy. Both characters can acquire
power-ups for their main weapon, making them more powerful. Both also have a close-range weapon for

hand-to-hand battles: Schneider wields a short sword, Maria a small knife. Along with this, there is the
classic special weapon, ranging from hurled daggers to holy water.
The game manages to keep the feel of the prior Castlevanias while moving the series to 3D. There are
switches to pull, secret areas, and even roast beef. Enemies chase the characters all over the place, and the
bosses are huge. From bone-throwing and kamikaze skeletons to winged beasts (as well as a host of other
Castlevania favorites), a large assortment of monsters are ready for dismemberment.
One thing that has strayed from the Castlevania norm is the lack of extra lives. The player receives only
one. Considering that some of the jumps on the first level are enough to spell certain doom, this is an
interesting way to add challenge to an otherwise simple area. Many
other areas in the game will likely follow suit. Also, gamers have to
play with the concept of time. Depending on the time of day in the
game, the player’s environment will change. Some switches and
doors will only be visible at night. Monsters are far more common
and slightly more deadly in the evening as well. Using the time of
day to the player’s advantage is the key to survival.
So will this Castlevania be something that Nintendo 64 owners
have been waiting for? Possibly. The game is on the brink of
greatness, but it is still too early to know for certain. Prepare,
children of the night, for the full moon rising across the mountain...
Size: 128 Megabit
Style: 1 to 4-Player Action
Special Features: 4 Playable Characters
(Plus More Hidden): 6 Worlds With 6
Levels Each: Tough Puzzles & Secret
Moves: Full Storyline Expanded From the
Arcade Version: 3D Map for Easy
Reference; Deathmatch Mode Added
Created by: Midway
Available: June for Nintendo 64

10% Complete

Images shown are of

the arcade version

z IT f-MKBicm

auntlet Legends is one great But the Nintendo 64 version plans to offer with your friends.
-^^^arcade title. Recently even more. Gauntlet Legends is coming to Interestingly, the N64 version of Gauntlet
bestowed a Gl Honorable the N64 later this Spring with all the excellent Legends actually has some graphic
Mention in the Arcade category (see Gl details of the arcade game along with a advantages over its arcade predecessor.
Awards), Gauntlet Legends offers gameplay sizeable number of new features. Instead of The characters are somewhat more fluid,
that stays true to the earlier classic, yet five worlds with two to four levels apiece, the and don't blend background. This
into the
introduces new levels, weapons, power-ups, N64 incarnation will feature six worlds with was a hindrance on the arcade version,
puzzles, and enemies to make the 3D rebirth six sections each. And all the levels are new which used the 3Dfx chip that is notorious for
noteworthy indeed. One of the things that (the arcade levels will be left in the arcade), giving everything onscreen a mysterious
makes Gauntlet Legends so appealing to giving even the most dedicated of Gauntlet glossy look. Truly, there are some shortcom-
play is all of the secret areas. Finding the players lots of new places to explore. Players ings, like a few transparencies, but overall
Rune Stones and unlocking the final boss, as will still be seeking the Rune Stones, but a the N64 version will be much easier to play
well as keeping the same character over larger and more expansive back story will fill thanks to the graphical alterations (which we
successive game sessions, give this game in the holes of the tales told so far. A 3D map won't necessarily call "improvements”).
something that was lacking in most other has been added for players to find their way So who's ready for some Gauntlet on the
arcade titles. In fact, the arcade replay value around the many enormous levels. Also, a Nintendo 64? You can bet that there's
is considered to be one of the highest Deathmatch mode has been introduced, in going to be a line for this one when it hits.
around, as players plunk down more and which players battle for as much treasure as Why? Well, it's not a racer! That makes it
more money to see all the riches the game possible. Although the regular game stress- something to look forward to after you've
has to offer. es cooperation, this mode is an all-out war finished Zelda for the fifth or sixth time.

fijS W. ' -"7 TT

Nintendo 64
• Size: 96 Megabit • Size: 96 Megabit
• Style:

1-Player Action/Platform
Special Features: 3D Environments;
preview •

Style: 1 to 4-Player
Special Features:
Full NHL License;

European Humor; Special Attacks; Controller& Rumble Pak Compatible;

Power-Ups & Collectibles; Controller Pak Custom Rules; 3 Modes; Drop Passes
Required; Killer Vegetables; Cutscenes & One-Timers; Fighting; 16 Offensive &
• Created by: Ubi Soft Defensive Formations; Puck Streak;
• Available: February for Nintendo 64 Commentary by Randy Hahn
• Created by: Konami Computer
Entertainment Osaka for Konami Sports
• Available: February 15 for Nintendo 64

90% Complete 70% Complete

Batk an
tha Boards
carrots chilled.

As you know, most aliens are cold-hearted Hockey season is well underway, but that
entities that long either to destroy our planet doesn’t mean there isn't room for another
with some sort of distant death ray, or to hockey game. Blades of Steel has been in
process the entire population into an alien hiding, but Konami is reviving it on both the
version of a Swanson TV dinner. But to PlayStation and Nintendo 64. At this stage in
categorize all aliens like this is simply the game's development, it does not look like
unfair. Some are cute, clumsy, and ultimately it will revolutionize video game hockey, but
kind-hearted. From Ubi Soft comes a every standard is present and accounted for.

janitor named Ed, a cosmic klutz from parts NHL Updated rosters? Of
license? Yup.
unknown. While cruising in the starship course. One-timers? You got it. Create
Albatross near the planet earth, Ed player? Oh baby! Blades also has the usual
accidentally drops a flask containing a three modes - Exhibition, Season, and Play-
strange tonic out of the ship and onto the Offs. Within the Season mode are some
earth's surface. Unfortunately, the tonic does management features. Lines can be managed
bizarre things, such as giving razor sharp and edited; and players can be created,
teeth and serious attitudes to normally signed as free agents, and traded. Plus
harmless things like carrots and sheep. you can manage a number of strategies
If Ed were an oil company, he would on offense and defense. There is Slot
let members of Greenpeace clean up the Penetration, Triangle, Box Plus One,
mess; but Ed's a nice alien, and so he sets Diamond, Zone, Man to Man, and others. One
out to repair the damage and retrieve that unique feature in Blades of Steel is the addi-
troublesome tonic from Grogh the Hellish. tion of through passing, which unfortunately
Tonic Trouble, comprised of around 21 works much better in Konami’s International
levels, begins when Ed lands on earth. To Superstar Soccer. However, this pass does
start, our hero must sled down a narrow and allow you to lead the intended target, offering
treacherous canyon littered with obstacles, some variation from the standard drop and
power-ups, and multiple pathways. But flip passes. We are disappointed that there is

most of the game consists of typical 3D no turbo feature or icon passing.

platforming along with collecting objects and Blades of Steel ‘99 also offers five
solving puzzles. Ed also has special abilities we thought all were easy.
difficulty levels, but

like transforming into his alter ego, Super Ed. No matter what the setting, breaking through
For a short while, Ed balloons into a throbbing the “defense" is very simple at this stage of
hulk who can bend iron bars, open certain the game’s development. Currently, the
paths, and generally pound some skulls. expert (most difficult) level merely increases
Tonic Trouble, along with titles like the number of penalties called after checks.
Rayman 2 and Starshot, is part of the To combat this injustice, we use the steal
upcoming European-N64-3D platforming button to cause turnovers, but that's not as
invasion that might prove to be an assault someone onto his back.
fun as decking
worth watching. Then again, maybe not. To compete with big boys such as NHL 99,
Konami will have to fix these problems
and let's hope they can before the game
is finalized.
liHuME[l b i t

Iji M|l


Through Cali
Overall: 4.75 5.75

It’s Your Lucky Day Ahh, another month, another batch of rac-
Ahem. Penny Racers is about as ing games appears for the Nintendo 64. When
interesting as a hunk of wood. That is, from will the madness cease? Are N64 owners that
a distance it’s quite ordinary and dull. But fanatical about cars? And if so, why don’t
if you take a closer look and examine the they buy a PlayStation and Gran Turismo?
fine details, you’ll see that it’s quite unique Anyhow, Midway taps into the racing genre
and special. ..You still there? Drat! We and brings us California Speed. Hot on
thought we’d lose ya with that wood thing. sels of Rush 2, California Speed is head-

All right, enough hogwash, here’s the real the N64 with all the features found in

deal. Penny Racers may not be the most game as well as a host of improve-
exciting license in the world (since it is ments. Utilizing the Rush 2 engine, Midway
rated as one of the 10 worst), and the has created a game that looks fast and plays
graphics may look childish and lacking tough. Choose from over 15 cars, ranging
in detail, but the gameplay is genuine, from a golf cart to a group of exotic autos,
strenuous, and loaded with options. tweaked out for high speed. Race on 14 dif-
The general gameplay (racing mechan- ferent tracks with interesting themes like a
ics) is comparable to the likes of Mario roller coaster or the interior of a spaceship.
TStlUMiniiMal K^ISESSSSfll;
Kart or Diddy Kong Racing. Penny Racers As for modes, while not all of them have
differs in granting the ability to customize been finalized, Midway plans to have a
AAdy, The Game Hombre and improve vehicles. By placing first Tournament mode, a “Do the State” mode,
“Penny Racers is a wacky Mario Kart through third (for any season race), you’ll and a two-player mode. The Tournament mode
derivative that lacks a little gameplay have the chance to freely cannibalize one puts players through all the tracks - forward,
punch, but makes up for it with of the vehicles that placed fourth through backward, mirrored, and mirrored backward
part-swapping fun. The quest to sixth. In such a case, you can steal one for added replay. There are short cuts on all
conquer all the tracks and get all the
the tracks as well, giving the experienced
valuable part and add it to your stash. In
parts is what makes this game great.
total there are over 100 parts that can player an advantage. The “Do the State”
The multiplayer ain’t bad either."
be accumulated and used. These parts mode offers multiple endings while heading
Paul, The Game Professor
range from engines, brakes, and weapons through the different tracks in succession
"Stealing the power-ups from your
opponents can be fun for a day, but to accessories like taxi lights and hood of like the Cruis’n series). The two-play-
you have to be extremely desperate to ornaments. mode is simply that, with more tracks
grab this racer. This is a weekend Penny Racers may look like it’s made for opening as the players complete the other
rental at best.” kids, but the play advanced
is strictly for modes.
Reiner, The Raging Gamer gamers. The CPU is always weapon-heavy One advantage of using the Rush 2
"I was always a Stomper man so I

and knows the fastest routes to take, engine that the drone cars will have solid
never really got into Penny Racers. But
making it extremely tough to place unless Al. This equates into the drones' ability to cut
I gotta tell ya, no matter how much fun
you are an expert. Penny Racers is also off a passing player as well as their handy
they might have been, this toy line

does not make a good game license. packaged with a great multiplayer feature knowledge of all the shortcuts. The challenge
The gameplay is tight, challenging, that allows you to create your own tracks is steep, indeed. So, if you don’t already have

and much like Mario Kart, but and load your customized cars. Boo-yah! enough racing games for your N64 (isn’t that
the overall concept, car designs, and really a moot question?), California Speed is
tracks are absolutely hideous and a possible title for purchase come March.
without any kind of flash or spunk.
Buyer beware."

• Size: 1 CD-ROM
• Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting
• Special Features: 64 WCW & NWO
Wrestlers (32 Are Hidden); Steel Cage
Matches; Numerous Weapons; Run-In
Characters; Analog & Dual Shock
• Replay Value: High
• Created by: Inland Productions for THQ
• Available: Now for PlayStation

Bottom Line;
“On the surface, WCW Thunder has a
rofessional wrestling is quickly becoming America’s favorite
number of entertaining options. The
pastime. (Well that, and the future of politics.) Yes, in the ring wrestler rants, the FMV sequences, the

P almost anything can happen. In

unbeaten streak could be snapped by Sting’s Scorpion Death

Lock, Scott Hall could sober up and praise Raven as the Lord, and
a heartbeat, Goldberg’s

number of wrestlers and
right ingredients for a great wrestling
game. But that's where the magic ends
moves are all the

5 and the horror begins. The graphics in

Randy Moss and Jesse “The Mind” Ventura could win the Tag Team Thunder absolutely suck. The animation is
Belt. These endless possibilities (better know as “Pay-Per-View awful (all the wrestlers look like they have
6 metal poles shoved up their butts), and the
Events” in wrestling terminology) are what make wrestling, and
Playability announcer just screams out the moves as
most notably, the WCW such a wonderful experience. Viva them But who cares what
4 you pull off.
WCW! Viva wrestling! (sob) move you pull off, because the computer
If that introduction doesn’t get you in the mood for some Al is pathetic and weak. Multiplayer is
2 alright, but the 1-player game is awful. The
“no-holds-barred,” “I’m gonna rip off your face,” “snap into a
only reason you'll want to rent this game is
Slim Jim excitement,” then we don’t know what will! Actually, we to see the rants."
do know something even more exciting. Yes wrestling
aficionados, THQ and Inland Productions have just released
another WCW title. Last year, they won us over with WCW Nitro,
now comes WCW/NWO Thunder. All of your favorite wrestlers PAUL “Don’t be fooled by the name. This game
(excluding Warrior and Ric Flair) are part of the package. There the gam?professor is purely WCW Nitro with some more FMV
x and other fluff. It does have more
are over 60 wrestlers in the game! Wow! And get this! Most of P P
- wrestlers and the individual entrances are
the wrestlers come packaged with an exclusive move or two. excellent. But the game stinks as far as
DDP has the Diamond Cutter. Luger has the Torture Rack. And Graphics options. The cage match is worthless and
Kidman can even perform the 6 does not even follow the common rules,
o j The Battle Royale just chugs and it also
death defying 7 Year Itch. u
has a horrendous playing perspective. The
Plus, all of the rings are ° ,!3
control is almost identical to Nitro, but the
intact with authentic detail and Playability addition of the Test of Strength makes
animated crowds. The crowds 5 things worse. Serious WCW fans will want
to rent this £ ame unlock the secret
will even boo and throw garbage FntPrtainmpnt
niiiei idiiimei i

characters, and then return it the next day.

into the ring when the NWO or 0
There are only cheap thrills from this
Raven’s Flock tries to pin an opponent. lame wrestling game."
All of the characters can also be assigned to different
organizations like the Wolfpack, Raven’s Flock, and the Four
Horsemen. And when you summon help (a run-in) a member
of thesame team will always enter the ring. “What a disappointment. thought for sure I

The gameplay is identical to Nitro, which relies heavily on REINER Thunder would turn out better than Nitro
(since it couldn't get much worse), but
smack-the-button arcade action. However, Thunder does

stand corrected. It tries feverishly to be

come packed new additions like a steel cage that
with a few entertaining and realistic, but it fails... it
can be scaled, and weapons (signs, TVs, belts, guitars) that fails in a bad way. Why? Here are a few

can be brought into the ring examples. You can defeat the computer
every single freakin' time in under twenty
and used to mercilessly beat
seconds (see Secret Access). You cannot
down the opposition. engage in cooperative tag team, only
Parents be warned. 2-player versus. Warrior is not in the game,

Thunder does contain nor is Ric Flair. The characters move

about like they just got out of jail with
tons of violence.. .but
Entertainment that strange nothing-happened-while-l-
then again, who can tell if
2.5 was-in-there walk. And last, but certainly
it’s real or not? Ha! Ha! not least, slowdown occurs when the ring

Ha! Ha!... is crowded or the background design is too

complex. If you disliked THQ’s Nitro (like I

so cheerfully do), then stay away."

An E pi
\ TLmei
A r i T ri£j

• Size: 1 CD-ROM
• Style: 1-Player Role-Playing Game
• Special Features: Virtual Pet-Like
Companion; Character Morphing; Over 50
Combat Toys; Magic & Item Use; Over 100
Enemies; 15 Minutes of FMV; Analog &
Dual Shock Compatible
• Created by: Tamsoft for Activision
• Available: March for PlayStation

80 % Complete
Baby = Yirtual Pci Companion

its homeland of Japan, Guardian's Crusade went under the guise

m^felationship between the knight and his
of Knight& Baby and was developed by Tamsoft, the mastermind newborn pink sidekick is defined and constructed
I behind the Toshinden games. Knight & Baby found immediate
entirely through virtual pet concepts and
success amidst a sea of RPGs and delivered an innovative PlayStation techniques. Your interaction with the pet
adventure. It combined traditional RPG values with virtual pet and collecting will actually determine its overall
themes, similar to Nintendo’s Pokemon release. However, Knight & Baby’s
personality, growth, and abilities.
primary focus was more in-tune with the quest than the critters. This March,
At the start of the game, the baby flees
Activision will port it Stateside, and if Pikachu makes you smile, or Final
from combat and doesn’t do much but
Fantasy makes you shake, then stay tuned, because this RPG may make walk behind you. But from your feedings

you do a little of both.

\ and valuable teachings, the baby will

eventually learn how to transform itself

into 14 different creatures, and will even

Ovcrujorld Exploration worm thingy.
have the capacity to go on solo .a

missions for you. If you nurture it

The overworld exploration is correctly, the baby will make your quest
constructed magnificently. The a whole lot easier.

player can control the camera

angle, eliminating the chance of

awkward placement. The main Combo! Toy/

character is equipped with a run
button, making exploration a
If the virtual pet side of Guardian’s Crusade doesn’t spark your
breeze. Conversations with village
imagination and keep you completely engrossed, then maybe
folk are quick and painless, and
the collecting will. Yep, just as with Pokemon, the player will need to hunt down over fifty different
best of all, Guardian’s Crusade
combat toys that are hidden within bookshelves and barrels, sold by merchants, and protected
doesn’t feature random enemy-
by bosses. These valuable toys are actually extra party members that are exclusive to combat.
placement. Thank the pixies! Of
During battle the toys can be
course, the enemies that enter
called upon to lend a hand.
battle are still random choices. But
hey! At least the gamer has a hand Some will attack, others will

defend or heal, but only three

in how often the battles take place,
can participate at once. The
and won't be bothered by
combat toys feature different
"phantom” attacks.
abilities and require a certain
amount of Power Points
Combo! (magic points) to be
The combat scenarios are comparable to the battles in Final Fantasy
VII. The main character (knight) is the enforcer during combat. He’s
limited in what he can do (only basic

sword attacks), but he commands the

The baby’s origin is a mystery; in fact, this mystery forms
baby and decides which toys should And as any such
the back story in Guardian’s Crusade. in
be summoned. All the complexity of
game, the quest is for answers. Over fifteen minutes of
war is packed within the combat toys pre-rendered FMV and of real-time character dialog
a ton
and baby transformations. Your role is
RPG. Come March, you can check
is packed into this it

simply to direct it all so that it works

out for yourself.
like a well-oiled killin’ machine.

Size: 1 CD-ROM
Style: 1-Player Action
Special Features: Intuitive Controls;
Danger Meter; Radar; Auto Targeting; Tons
of Weapons Including a Taser & Sniper
Rifle (With Infrared View); Mission Based
Levels; Stealth; Analog & Dual Shock
hat happened to the action genre? Just a few Created by: Eidetic for 989 Studios
years ago, we were jumping over slothful bullets, Available: February for PlayStation
out-running heat-seeking missiles, and leaping

H over pits and perils. Now, we’re ducking into

shadowy corners, contacting headquarters on a
wrist communicator, and sniping world leaders right
75% Complete
between the eyes with high-powered weaponry
complete with silencers and heat-sensitive laser scopes.
Ever since GoldenEye rocked the Nintendo 64, the
action genre has exploded in an entirely new direction Sniping enemies from a distance is great fun for all.
and has keyed in on delivering the most realistic Syphon Filter grants this privilege with three easy to
espionage-filled gameplay possible. Metal Gear Solid, use techniques. One, simply disengage auto-lock and
Turok 2, Tenchu, and Mission: Impossible are all freelymove the target cursor to the distant opponent.
innovators within this newborn class, and now, another Two, utilize the sniper rifle with its zoom. Three, use
is nearing completion and will soon join their ranks. the heat-sensitive sniper scope to pick enemies off
Read on to, see how 989 Studios and its first spy from a distance, even in the dark.
thriller, Syphon Filter, will attempt to catapult this genre
even further into the future of gaming.

Players assume the role of arms and tactical expert Gabriel

Logan. Outfitted with the latest technologies and equipped
with an army’s arsenal, Gabriel is the perfect man for any
you name it, “Gabe" -can' do it. His weapon of choice is the
Silenced 9mm. It’s efficient for any'scenario. But Gabe also likes to get down and
dirty with the M-16, Sniper Rifle, Taser, Shotgun, and nearly a dozen different
death-dealing devices;
1 Using a mission structure similar to N64 blockbusters
GoldenEye and Mission: Impossible, Syphon Filter
throws a series of directives and parameters in your
. face. To complete a level you don’t necessarily need to
run from beginning to finish. Before you can leave, or
Syphon Filter is equipped with a sophisticated gameplay consider yourself a victor, you must first complete a
engine, featuring realistic enemy intelligence and series of objectives on each stage; like locating an ally,
dynamic gameplay. As in Metal Gear Solid, stealth is an destroying an enemy’s communication array, entering
important gameplay attribute in Syphon Filter. Sneaking an enemy stronghold undetected, then assassinating a
past enemies is crucial, but extremely difficult. In foreign ambassador. Fail one objective, or break a
Syphon Filter, the enemies are smart and equipped with parameter {firing on friendlies, damaging equipment,
great peripheral vision. If you’re moving in front of them, etc ], and the mission will end.
they’ll notice. When you’re spotted, they’ll open fire, and
180 ° of shooting. making i£Tjr^em el\r

difficult for you to retaliate. To be stealth-like, Gabe is
/ '/ retrofitted with a ton of different movements. He can
* •
run and shoot from shoulder to shoulder (180°). He can
shimmy across poles, hang by one hand, and open fire.
And he can even duck behind objects and peek around
v _ corners, sniping the opposition with ease.

On some missions you’ll

Hang and shoot. have help.

As with any good game, Syphon Filter is equipped with a massive story that stretches from start
to finish. The plot? Stop an unknown terrorist organization from using a new man-made
biological virus to take over the world. Who is this criminal organization? And what are they
after? You’ll have to wait 'til February to find out.

Size: 1 CD-ROM
Style: 1 or 2-Player Sports
Special Features: Tournament, Practice, &
Training Modes; Load Saved Boxers for
Fighting; Female Boxers Included; Arcade-
Style Gameplay; 40 Different Fighters (20
Playable); Secret Moves; 3 Styles of
Boxing; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible
Replay Value: Moderate CALA-L
Created by: Victor/JVC for SCEA
Available: Now (January 12) for Sony
PlayStation —^ __
Bottom Line:

“At first, this game is hard to get into as

the control is like trying to box in water -
sluggish and unresponsive. But with time,
Concept you start to understand the intricacies of
this title. Without a boxing license this
Graphics game's attraction is the Main event,
where you get to take a young boxer and
fight your way through the ranks. This is
Sound definitely fun, but there are times when I

felt like I wasted two hours of my life

just sitting there doing the same
Snake gives you advice. The secret characters are very silly. combinations over and over. The ability to
Listen to his wisdom.
— :

take your created boxer and match
with your friends in the Exhibition mode
it up

Pummeling Makes the Day 7 a definite bonus to this

aren’t enough fighters to
title, but there
make this mode
The TKO is the fastest route to victory.
The realization by the U.S. gaming industry that there were no boxing 1 IwKM really interesting. I prefer the tight control

games for the PlayStation or the Nintendo 64 finally hit earlier this year. and speed of a Punchout, over the slow

? — i . -L
Since the dawn of the 32-bit era, there have been only three boxing games
released: Foes of Ali for 3D0, Center Ring Boxing for Sega Saturn, and
Knockout Kings
enjoyed success due to
boxing game on
for Sony
PlayStation. Knockout Kings has already
character license as well as
a still-active platform. But its

solo status
being the only
is about to
OVERALL pace of Contender.”

“I could have been a Contender, but

bored. The concept of climbing the ranks
and learning new moves is nothing new
I got

change, thanks to JVC and Sony. and Contender’s engine is pretty

Contender offers fast-paced boxing action that is very open-ended. predictable. The different boxing styles

Choose a fighter (male or female) with one of three different styles: Detroit, add a little variety, as do the two-player
battles, but all of the excitement is short
Peek-A-Boo, or Open. In the ring, mobility is stressed, since the speed of
lived because of the poor animation and
the boxer is just as important as the ability to block. Players can use such
basic looks. I kept waiting for the
Up close and personal. tactics as rope-a-dope, duck-and-cover, and more. There are multiple
characters to bust out with a kick or shoot
combinations to master along with an arsenal of “power punches” that can a fireball. Boxing fans have already been
send an opponent reeling. treated to a decent game in Knockout
The game has three modes of play: Main Event, Tournament, and Kings and Contender doesn't come close
Exhibition. The most extensive mode is the Main Event, where you take to offering as much as EA’s game does.
one character from a roster of eight and try to take him or her to the top. Take a look at this game only if you are
tired of Knockout Kings."
As fighting experience is racked up, the character’s attributes will

increase, giving the boxer a better chance of taking on higher levels of

opponents. To improve, characters must train with the best of the best,

Snake (whom you may remember from Center Ring Boxing). A one-eyed
boxing kingpin, Snake offers advice and teaches your character new
“Contender leaves much to be desired.
moves from time to time. Along the way, your character will be challenged
The gameplay doesn't really deliver much
to a match. Taking up the challenge, instead of simply choosing all of your
more than timely button pressing. never I

Replays showcase each knockdown. own fights, gives you the opportunity both to build up attributes faster and had to block or retreat to my corner, just I

to place some more wins under your belt. punched until the bell rang or the opponent
The Tournament mode allows up to 32 competitors to duke it out in a hit the mat. Contender's career mode was
free-style tournament. All of the characters in the Main Event mode are a great idea, but it lacks options and can
Rocket Blast jfe>J included in the tournament. The number of players who can compete is be completely conquered within one
unknown at this time. sitting. The characters are also designed

M gjgfeyj The last mode available is the Exhibition mode, where there are eight
playable characters to battle it out with friends. Some of them are pretty
and animated very poorly. Most of the
boxers in this game look like they belong

~ '.*• wacky, like Captain Crush (who looks exactly like Captain America, but
in the Street Fighter universe rather than
. r,-. r in a professional boxing league. In a whole,
don’t say we said so) and Goober. Players can also load saved characters
.. / 1 from the Main Event mode into the Exhibition mode for use. A nice option,
especially considering the amount of time it takes to build up a boxer.
game is
is moderately entertaining. The
just too limited.”
fun, but the 1-player

Can Contender, which stacks up much better than Knockout Kings in

terms of playability but falls short of it in “realism,” do well? Only time will

tell, but know this: Contender is no flash in the pan.

Size: 1 CD-ROM
Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing
Special Features: 4 Modes of Play
(League, Time Attack, Practice,
Deathmatch); 4 Worlds With 15 Courses
Total;6 Characters (Plus More Hidden);
Many Power-Ups; Drum & Bass/Jungle
Soundtrack by Well-Known DJs; Interactive
Courses; Analog & Dual Shock Compatible
Created by: Attention To Detail for
Available: March for PlayStation

85% Complete

P &
sygnosis is well fst
. }

known for its ability .

to publish racers with

and excitement. Rollcage, by ATD,

is no exception. Play as your

choice of six danger-loving speed

H W.
256 :

junkies and race through futuristic ~ J

landscapes, trying to capture the

Dodge the attacks.
first-place prize. While racing, you will

find power-ups scattered through the course for use in the race ahead. There are
lots of interesting weapons, like one that homes in on the enemy directly in front of you and warps their rollcage behind
you. There are also “defensive” weapons, like the speed booster and the shield. Using them well is essential to winning.
And the situations change rapidly, due to the interesting makeup of the rollcages, weapons, and tracks. The vehicles
are created with a reversible top and bottom so that when
you can just keep on going. And there’s
the rollcage flips over
lots of flipping going on with uneven surfaces, walls that the vehicles can ride on, and huge, slanting jumps. No one is able
to stay in front for too long, so the battle for first place is constant and challenging.
Because coming in first every time is such an ordeal, the game rewards players that do with goodies. Deathmatches,
Mirror mode, and more are handed out to those who persevere in the race for domination of the league. To prepare for these
tests of will, there are Time Attack and Practice modes to allow players to gear up for the real deal.
As usual, the graphic intensity of this Psygnosis game is top notch. Lens flares, huge explosions, and an exceptionally
smooth and ultra-fast frame rate turn even the most jaded gamer’s head. When in a first-person view, you will experience
the high speed, as well as the sickening feeling of turning upside-down when riding on the ceiling of a tunnel or when

flipping and spinning out of control.

Psygnosis has also returned to its WipeOut roots by compiling a soundtrack worthy of its racers. Junglists will

savor the cuts by Fat Boy Slim and EZ Rollers, while the rest of the public will get a taste of the music that has taken
the U.K. by storm. Once a player gets into the music, the game flows. As with WipeOut, the music tracks can be
randomized or run in succession. Aficionados of digital music will be seeking some of these cuts at their local

record store. If, of course, these fans don’t already own the vinyls.
So after a long absence from the niche of futuristic racing, Psygnosis returns to the area that
And Game Informer is more than happy to welcome it back. If you crave speed, mad beats, and a
it helped define.
great challenge,
Rollcage should be at the top of your wish list.


Size: 1 CD-ROM
Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure
Special Features: Magic Spells; Puzzles;
30 Types of Enemies; 14 Levels Including
Boss Levels; Retractable Claws; Sniper
Mode; Power-Ups & Collectibles; Voodoo
Created by: Crystal Dynamics for Eidos
Available: January 20 for PlayStation

Vndvb 4H
90% Complete
main character, Akuji, comes from a very
his title’s
mean-spirited family. How mean you ask? Well
consider this: On Akuji’s wedding night, his own
brother rips out Akuji’s heart and imprisons his
sibling’s wife. But then, Akuji is no saint either, and
so he is banished to hell where he meets a mysterious force
known as the Baron who offers Akuji a deal. If Akuji can rid the
underworld of his evil ancestors, the Baron will return Akuji to
his beautiful bride.
According to the story, there are several vestibules of hell
and Akuji must clean them out. Each vestibule contains several
levels and a variety of twisted enemies like mummies, grim
reapers, and large colorful rhinos. For combat, Akuji has
retractable steel claws. Like Wolverine, he can slice and dice with
incredible skill; still, these claws are not his most powerful
weapon. Akuji can also use magic spells. Of course, there is the
basic fireball spell, but other spells also allow Akuji to teleport
into the bodies of his enemies or to summon demons.
In addition, the levels are filled with different collectibles and
power-ups. For instance, if Akuji collects 00 voodoo dolls he gets

an extra life. For power-ups, Akuji can collect beating hearts to

restore health, and colored skulls give Akuji his magic spells.
Then there are the souls of his ancestors.There aren’t many on
each level and some can be tricky to find. Akuji doesn’t need to
"i 0 find them all, but a certain amount are required to face a boss
and move on to the next vestibule.
" Akuji is also filled with puzzles and some decent platforming.
p®* ~
The puzzles give you access to bonus power-ups as well as the
rest of a level. Sometimes you’ll just have to strike a statue, and
other times you might have to search a large room for a series

n& —
that’s not all. Akuji can monkey l— -1
bar swing and, at the end of the line, players can swing
fag # .

" ’
Akuji’s body like a pendulum and then launch on top of a
platform. Some parts of platforms are invisible, and the only
way Akuji will know where to land is by looking into a large

mirror and using the reflection.

This game won’t be for everyone as the voodoo
overtones won’t sit right with some folks. But strictly as an
action/adventure title, Akuji brings a lot to the table.
- f<£
However, we’re still bummed the camera hasn’t been
/ -

Cast a magic spell.

Game Informer • February '99


Size: 1 CD-ROM 1 Following a Tom
Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure
Special Features: CG Cutscenes; Horrifying
Enemies; Weapons & Items To Collect;
Puzzles; Dual Shock Compatible; Save
Created by: KCET for Konami
Available: March for PlayStation
Silent Hill-, developed in Konami's Tokyo
studio-. is hoping to get the attention of the
millions of Resident Evil fans out there- We're
not taking an outrageous risk by betting Silent
75% Complete Hill will steal some RE fans-. if only
temporarily. Of course-. a big factor working in
Konami's favor is that Silent Hill will release
well before RE 3-
Without question-. Silent Hill has been strongly
influenced by the king of survival horror- We could
condemn Konami for lacking originality-, but since
there have been no decent rip-offs of RE to date-,
we're actually curious and excited to see what Silent
Hill can deliver- Certainly-, similarities can be
found just about everywhere between the two titles-,
including the environments-, weapon and item
interface-, overall style-, and control-
As in RE Silent Hill's environments (indoors and

out) are dark and shadowy. The weapon and item

interface is also very similar- In most cases-, items
need to be selected on a separate screen and then
equipped- Also on this screen-, health is gauged using
a color code- First-aid kits as well as ammo can be
found and stored for later use- don't remember
As the story progresses-, more and more is revealed this being here before..

about the characters and the mystery surrounding the

small lake resort town of Silent Hill- The main
character-. Harry Mason-, and his daughter-. Cheryl-,
plan a vacation to Silent Hill- Strangely-, after a
late-night road accident-. Harry awakes within the
town- But that's not all- Cheryl is missing and the
town is seemingly deserted and shrouded in a
thick fog-
When Harry revives and gets out of his smashed
Jeep-, he must search the town for Cheryl- As Harry-,
you'll soon discover winged demons-, large monkey-
like enemies-, and even a killer dog or two- In
addition to defending himself-. Harry must find and
decipher various clues- One time you might simply
have to read a note-, and another time you must solve
a riddle on a bloody piano-
Silent Hill uses a third-person view and a control
similar to RE- Most of the action comes from
exploring the town and shooting the bad guys- To
shoot-i you have to equip a weapon-, hold the shoulder
button down to aim-, and hit another button to shoot-,
just like in RE- At this point-, however-, the aiming
feature is not as friendly and sometimes the camera
gets stuck facing you so that you can't see what’s
coming- But there is a look button that helps
alleviate this problem-
In case you haven't noticed-. Silent Hill is a game
that RE fans should find interesting. While it might
not be a classic at the level of RE-. Silent Hill is
definitely taking lessons from the expert-

Style: 1-Player Action

Special Features: Chi Meter; Fighting
Combos; 20 Levels; Various Kung-Fu
Styles; Power-Ups & Collectibles; Bosses;
Dual Shock & Analog Compatible; Real-
Time Cutscenes; 2 Difficulties
Created by: DreamWorks Interactive
for Activision
Available: February 23 for PlayStation

70% Complete

No relation to the far eastern cuisine, T’ai Fu incorporates

third-person fighting using different styles of kung-fu. The main
character, T’ai Fu, is a tiger and a member of China’s dwindling
Tiger Clan. As T’ai, your abilities increase as you learn additional
moves and defeat other clans.
Often, you can conquer an enemy by rapidly hitting the attack
button and performing simple combinations. But there are a number
of learned moves like the pounce attack, crane hover, and monkey
roll. You can also grab onto an enemy, pick him up, and toss him -
hopefully over a ledge or onto some deadly spikes. One of T’ai’s
most visually stunning special attacks uses Chi power. When
unleashed, a blue flash of light inflicts damage on everything
onscreen. Of course, its use is limited and gauged with the Chi
meter. Simply wait for it to fill back up, and you can unleash the Chi
again. T’ai can also defend against attacks by blocking and ducking.
T’aiFu requires basic
As mentioned before, T’ai must face a number of different clans. jumping skills.
Like T’ai, these members bear resemblance to their names. The
Snake Clan, for instance, is made up of cobras and giant pythons
fitted with boxing gloves. You’ll also encounter the evil primates of
the Monkey Clan and the agile felines of the Leopard Clan. Plus,
clans throw boss characters in your way. The snake boss awaits in

an arena, cutting off your escape. Using a long staff, he swings and
jabs to inflict damage and to effectively block your attacks. If you

don’t move around quickly enough, the snake whips out his tail,
grabs you by the foot, and pulls you close for a minor beating. In all,

you’ll find 27 enemy types to square off against.

In addition to fighting, T’ai Fu has a couple of platform elements
included. For the most jumping from platform to
part, this entails

platform or ledge to ledge. There are also power-ups and

collectibles. Health power-ups fully replenish the health meter, and
jade colored icons can be collected to earn an extra life. T’ai can also
acquire invisibility, attacking his enemies unseen and unresisted.

The action rolls along quickly in T’ai Fu and is not overly difficult.
The camera is little goofy at times, but overall, the control responds
nicely. If you’re a fan of action and basic fighting, keep an eye on
T’ai Fu.

Game Informer • February '99

PlayStatjon Playstation
DVA1I|A|||| • Size: 1 CD-ROM PVAVVIAIIII • Size: 1 CD-ROM
* Sty,e: lpla Ver Strategy Iwlllwllll * Style: 1 to 4-Player Sports
• Special Features: Based on Popular PC (8-Player Via Multi-Taps)
Title; PlayStation Enhancements in • Special Features: 305 NCAA 1-A Teams
Interface; New Beginner Mode; 21 & Arenas; Commentary by Quinn
Historical Civilizations Buckner; Motion-Capture by Paul Pierce;
• Created by: Microprose/Human for Animated Crowds, Refs, & Coaches;
Activision New Shot Meter; Icon Passing &
• Available: February for PlayStation Switching
• Created by: 989 Sports
• Available: January 15 for PlayStation

89% Complete 90% Complete

Prom the Wheel to At Least These

the Space Age! Guys Care

T7 k nr

To set the record straight, Civilization II is We already like Final Four better than the
a PlayStation adaptation of the PC (and Mac) p slew of NBA games heading for retail shelves.

hit. A strategy game if there ever was one, It has nothing to do with the quality of the
the console history of Civilization dates back games, but rather the sick feeling we get
to a Super Nintendo version of the first Civ knowing that we’re lining the pockets of
game - also a PC port. As the name owners and players when we buy their games.
suggests, the goal of this game is to start Final Four ‘99 is Sony's answer to college
with a small tribe of stick-wielding cavemen basketball and it’s packed with an impressive
and make them into a thriving civilization 305 Division 1-A teams. For the personal
capable of conquering the world or colonizing touch, Sony has enlisted the help of
other planets. former Boston Celtic, Quinn Buckner, for the
In essence, Civilization is a brief history of commentary and former Kansas Jayhawk star,

the human world where the player determines Paul Pierce, for the motion-capture.
the economic, social, scientific, diplomatic, Some new features of Final Four ‘99
and military decisions associated with a include animated crowds that react to the
tribe. The cool thing about Civilization II is game by standing and waving their hands.
that it follows approximately 6000 years of Referees are also animated and you’ll be able
world history, and the tribes are loosely based to see all of these hyper-tense coaches
mmsms on well-known civilizations throughout time. The players, naturally,
stalking the sidelines.
The partying Greeks, the conquering Romans, have animations as well and in addition to an
and the pillaging Vikings are a few of the array of dunks, you’ll see them dive for loose

21 “tribes." balls and collide with each other. Another new

Like almost any strategy game (and the feature is the shot meter that allows players
development of any civilization), this title to shoot with more precision and develop a
offers tons of variables and paths to follow. rhythm to their shots.
You could build a small ring of cities fortified Final Four ‘99 also has season ending
with a strong defense. Conversely, you could awards like All-American and All-Conference
spread out across the land, exploring the teams, a conference player of the year, and
unknown. Your trusty advisors will give advice the National Player of the Year. The game
on how to develop your world, but the path on also comes with four modes, icon passing
which you take your tribe of from 10,000 to and switching, a variety of offensive and
over 8 million people is up to you. defensive strategies, and four difficulty
Be sure to keep an eye out for this levels. Of course, this game also has one of

strategy game in the near future. the greatest single sporting events the world
has ever known - the 64-team national
tournament. Stay tuned; in March we should
have a review of Final Four ‘99.
PlayStation PlayStation
II • Size: 1 CD-ROM 1 • Size: 1 CD-ROM
p review || • Style: 1 or 2-Player Sports
Special Features: Two-Man
preview 1 • Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing
Special Features: Upgradeable
Commentary by Vin Scully & Dave Skateboards, Bikes, & Skates; 12
Campbell; New Total Control Pitching; Characters; 22 Tracks; Over 30 Tricks;
Enhanced Spring Training; GM Motion-Capture by Andy MacDonald &
"Dynasty” Mode; TV-Style Camera Work; Dave Mirras; Dual Shock & Analog
Analog & Dual Shock Compatible Compatible
Created by: 989 Studios Created by: 989 Studios
Available: March for PlayStation Available: March for PlayStation

uu/o luiimicic Check out the skater in blue.

50% Complete

The Future Is Now


If the prophecies hold true, then there will 989 Studios has been knee deep in the
be no baseball played in the year 2000. But development of this title for quite some time.
don’t lock yourself into the bomb shelter just Both ESPN Extreme Games now known as
yet. We still have the ‘99 season to look for- lXtreme and 2Xtreme, sold remarkably well.
ward to. All sorts of wonderful things could But the phat engine that propelled these
happen this season: The Twins could give up games to the top of the charts quickly
and forfeit the entire season. ..The Ultimate became outdated and could no longer cut
Fighting Championship's main event could pit the mustard. So a change was needed. And
McGwire vs. Sosa. ..Wally the Beer Man as we know oh so well, 989 loves to create
The battle for the plate.
might actually win the beer man of the year new engines.
award.. .And the hard-core fans might actual- Cool Boarders, Twisted Metal, and Rally
ly wise up and unanimously agree that base- Cross have all felt the wrath of 989’s
ball is one boring sport. development urge. Some of you love the new
Ahhhh...The list of potential memories direction that 989 has taken these games,
could go on and on. But for video game enthu- while some of you despise it and puke into
siasts, a whole different set of unforgettable the hole that 989 has dug. With 3Xtreme
moments can be found in 989 Studios' though, it doesn’t appear that too many
upcomingMLB 2000 game. Yes, 989 is one changes are on the way.. .yeah right!
year ahead, but all the players and teams 3Xtreme sounds huge, larger than life, one
from the ‘99 season will be incorporated into As it stands now,
gigantic piece of software.
game. As expected,
this millennium-rocking 3Xtreme will feature 22 tenacious courses

MLB 2000 And it

utilizes last year’s engine. constructed subways, parks, and canyons

doesn’t take a rocket scientist or hamster and on coastlines, islands, and mountains.
' herder to figure out that MLB 2000 features Jump on a bike, strap on some skates, or
'« tons of enhancements as well. simply hop on your board and ride for the goal.
The big addition is the inclusion of Total Punch all who oppress you while pulling
Control Pitching. Now, players will have more off over 30 different tricks that can be linked

control over painting the corners and overall with tons of grabs to create countless
pitch placement. The innovative Spring combos. Can-cans, tabletops, tail whips,
Training mode has also been reworked to be methods, rail slides, and peg slides are all
more intuitive and complete. As you dance part of the package. To ensure that these
and sing to impress the GM and coaches, moves look as realistic as possible, 989 has

you'll now receive accurate scouting and enlisted BMX phenomenon Dave Mirras and
player potential reports as you work your way Summer X Games Gold Medallist Andy
from high school hero to Major League jock. MacDonald as motion-capture talent. If you
MLB 2000 also includes a complex dynasty race well, you'll have the chance to purchase
mode that allows you to create and raise your new equipment and upgrade your gear.
very own big league team. Put players on 3Xtreme is highly anticipated, and hopefully
waivers, sign free agents, and see who’s hot highly addictive. Can 989 deliver? We’ll have
3X;reme features to wait until March to see.
and who's not by tracking every stat known
to man. 989 Studios has also incorporated a
new camera system that really brings the
slow and often boring game of baseball to life.
• ji 1 1 by Bergren, The Game Burrito
*1 A lot of first-person shooters have wandered into the office and this month 's issue barely scratches
5k|* the surface. Of course, Half-Life is living up to all the hype, but Thief is one excellent game as well.
H V| Other good titles have popped up too. For strategy, you must try Railroad Tycoon II. Expect more of
the same next month.
ishw®:' a is-- n» a eiui n i —
. L_ I n -E — UJH€R€ o s lu i nna uj s cd i i i -e —

Shago - Monolith

Running on the soft- 3":?c s z~-r. Become your favorite

ware alone, Thief as an an;Te styled WS Railroad Tycoon

looks great. Yes, it’s game, but that may be kI (mine's Dagney
game, but Thief is also
first-person stretching


a quality first-person
Still, this

^ |
tracks from city to city
and lay

shooter co or)..

stealth techniques. explosions and passengers. Of :.R „ ill

. ,

You are Garrett, a bur- weapon effects that course, you'll need to
glar of the highest cal- are pleasing to the build stations, buy
iber who robs from the rich and gives to himself. Garrett's eye. Plus, Shogo has some nice-looking environments - trains, coordinate schedules, propose mergers, sell stock,

actually kind of a wuss, so keep to the shadows and avoid outside and in. Sometimes, you’ll be running through a base and keep the board of directors content by maintaining a
confrontation. Plunk a guard unconscious with your billy club by yourself; other times, some soldiers will be with you, juicy bottom line. But that’s just the beginning. Surprisingly, I

and dump his body in a dark corner. Killing’s an option, but if sporting mecha suits and sprinting through large canyons or don't have an extensive background in railroad manage-
you’re playing the expert difficulty, it often results in mission huge indoor rooms where you can squash some tiny ment; but to my inexperienced eye, every detail seems to
failure. There are weapons and items to collect and even to humans with your massive armored boots. There’s quite a bit have been included in Railroad Tycoon II. In addition to your
purchase before each level starts. Mission objectives like of dialogue in this game too. Not only do you have a love railroad, you can buy businesses along your line or those of
“steal the scepter" and “nab $350 in gold while you’re at it,” interest, but you can engage in conversation with just about your competitors. You can also buy stock in your competitor
also kept me interested. Lastly, there’s a decent story involv- everyone you meet; and more often than not, you’ll have and sell it short. There are a number of scenarios taking

ing Garrett's beginnings as an orphan, his fence Cutter, a something sarcastic to say. place in parts of North America & Europe. There are so many
religious sect called the Hammers, and a mysterious band angles to this game it will blow your mind. With this much to
called the Keepers. Although not totally revolutionary, Thief learn and master, die-hard strategy buffs should enjoy this

has all the bases covered. game like few others.

Monaco Grand Prix a

Ove'a 1
ve cc-ceo: c‘ IS Ubi Soft
Trespasser is very

This is one of the refreshing compared

Monaco Grand Prix 2 ~
coolest first-person jR to the usual first-per-
v ...
Racing Simulation is
shooters to come son shooter. All of the
the sequel to FI y’S§s
along in a while. The j
environments are out-
1 Racing Simulation. No U T'- f

HsSr 'Vll

story is decent, por- u door, taking place ill
doubt, racing sim fans -


traying you as
tist working
a scien-
an Bf?-..
* '

mous “Site
B” -

will love this game, but B ^ __

I just can't handle the

experiment hundreds w&aam&mMKm rsmmmE&r island off the coast of Costa Rica housing InGen
challenge and com-
of feet below the Corporation's re-created dinosaurs. You are a tourist whose
mitment that this
ground. Something goes wrong and you encounter a slew of plane crashes, leaving you washed up on the sandy shore of
genre presents. I prefer racing on the open road with its

strange enemies while trying to escape to the surface. Site B. To find a way off the site, you’ll have to explore the
potential for monumental crashes. Basically, Monaco 2 is the
Enemy Al is solid and presents a general sense of realism. island filled with lush vegetation, interactive objects, and of
same game as before with the exception of new additions
For instance, came across three enemies in a room, and course dinosaurs. Sometimes you can get a triceratops to
like the 107 Percent rule; tire options; blue, yellow, and black
once they became aware of me, they worked together to take out a velociraptor, but otherwise you’ll have to use a gun
flags; and an extra track. Therefore, if you have the first

attack me from two sides. You can also get help from others to slay the meat eaters. Some downsides to this game are
installment, I can't recommend this game even if you are a
in Half-Life. Meet a security guard and he'll help kill the the graphics and the limitations of exploration. The island is
sim zealot. However, this series does offer almost every
enemy. Encounter scientists that can boost your health with large, but you can’t climb many of the hills so you are often
option under the sun including driver and track editors. On
a syringe. Ammo is usually found on the deceased, and addi- forced to follow a predetermined path. Plus, there really isn’t
the PC, no sim game comes close, but I just can't get into it.

tional health can be obtained by locating wall-mounted first- much of a story, other than getting off the island with all your
I don’t know how, but think the I solid control in FI has
aid kits. Enemy designs are decent, but throughout the degenerated somewhat. Oh well, Monaco 2 is definitely a
beginning of the game, Half-Life relies on the good ol’ corri-
quality title, but it's just not my bag, baby.
dor environment too often. Still, it rocks.



Street, the
Featuring an endorse-

tion of Skiing actually


* -




For those of you
mood for

point style adventure,

Grim Fandango could

be just
a click-and-


the I


comes well equipped B However, this game BBH ^

with all four major B jp
0 doesn't
use the

J 1.
alpine events: pBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBB^ black hole. Outcast relying

Downhill, Slalom, offers six giant worlds, 30 types of characters, and 24 instead on your key-

Giant Slalom, and Super G. Plus, you can race an entire weapons. Except for the main character, the graphics and board or controller. You take on the role of Manny Calavera
season in some of the world's most famous ski destinations environments of Outcast look incredible. Also showing some a travel agent for dead people trying to get to the afterlife

like Whistler, Vail, Aspen, Mt. Bachelor, Val d’lsere, and promise is the Al, called GAIA (Game’s Artificial Intelligence The graphics are excellent, the story enthralling, the atmos-

Garmisch. You can also select boots, skis, and a matching with Agents). I have no clue exactly what that means or why phere slightly whacked, and the dialogue is often humorous.

outfit. But after that, the game fails to deliver. I wasn’t expect- I Motion feels the need to give its Al a special name, but it This game comes from the designer of Day of the Tentacle,

ing Alpine Racer, but the graphics are just too dull. And even does seem cool. NPCs react and also remember past occur- and if familiar with that game then you probably have
you are
though you get to ski the aforementioned great locations, the rences. If Slade is hostile, characters remember it later on an idea how difficult, frustrating, and often ludicrous the

run designs are boring and lack detail. I was also disap- and act accordingly. As I Motion says, “Developers were able puzzles of thisgame can be. For that reason alone, cannot I

pointed in the control, mostly with the tricks and jumps in the to simulate human reactions to potential stimulants and cre- recommend this game for everyone. Everything else about
Hot Dog mode. Hit the real slopes. Your body and spirit will ate a pattern of behavior for each of the game’s human or the game reeks of quality though; and you fancy yourself a if

master solver of puzzles, no matter how abstract, than high-


thank you. animal participants,' That about sums it up. I

ly encourage you to check it out.

Game Informer • February '99

War Final Assault

25” Standard Cabinet

Style: 1-Player Shooter

(Up to 4 Cabinets Can Be Linked Together)
Special Features: 6 Different Multiplayer Arenas; 2
Modes (Deathmatch & Cooperative); 4 Different

Characters; Over 10 Different Weapons; Super-Fast

Gameplay; Secret Areas

Created by: Atari Games for Midway

Available: Now in Arcades Everywhere
Bottom Line: 9

War Final Assault attempts to bring the thrill of I

GoldenEye together with the feeling of being the king |

of the arcades. In War, up to four players can play in

one of two different modes. In Cooperative play, the players rush through a level
together, beating up the drones that appear. In Deathmatch mode, the four players can
take on each other, racking upkills and using huge guns. Obviously, for those of you that

have had the chance to play a shooter with other humans - be it GoldenEye, Quake, or
anything in-between - this game is a blast. Lots of trash-talking is the norm in a game so
fast-paced that it can change leaders with the acquisition of a powerful weapon. The
control setup is very PC-like, with five buttons for movement (forward, back, strafe
left/right, and jump), and a joystick to aim and turn. Although it takes getting used to for
those not accustomed to FPSs, it's definitely worth a look.

Nintendo 64

Preview is a
• Size: 64 Megabit
• Style: 1 or 2-Player racing game. And guess what? More are on the
Racing way. This March, Infogrames will bring its
• Special Features: 40 successful rally racer to the Nintendo 64. That’s
Tracks; 11 Official
right! The wait is over. V-Rally is finally ready to
World Rally
Championship Cars; rock & roll in 64-bit. Over 40 courses set in 8
Car Modification; Varied different environments will challenge and
Weather Patterns; 4 entertain either 1 or 2-players. And if this isn’t
Views; Rumble Pak
enough to toot your horn, V-Rally features 11
• Created by: Eden official World Rally Championship Cars. That’s
Studios for Infogrames right, Toyota, Ford, Mitsubishi (yes!!!), Subaru,
• Available: March 8 for
Nissan, Peugeot, Renault, Seat, Skoda (yes!!!),
Nintendo 64
and exclusive to the N64 version, Citreon and
Hyundai are available as well. Wow.... we can’t

wait... yeah.

85% Complete

Nintendo 64

Preview All Star

All Star Tennis
Tennis 99
99 features some of the biggest
• Size: 128 Megabit
• Style: 1 to 4-Player professional tennis stars in the game (e.g.,

Sports Michael Chang, Jana Novotna). Unfortunately, it

• Special Features: 8 also features some strictly B-list “stars” (Jonas

Licensed Pro Players;
Bjorkman? Gustavo Kuerten?). The roster of 8
4-Player Doubles; 3
Gameplay Modes; licensed players is rounded out by 4 fictional

Action Replays; Player players. Each player has his or her own special
Stats shot, in addition to slice, smash, lob, volley, back
• Created by: Ubi Soft
spin, and top spin. AST 99 features singles and
• Available: March for
Nintendo 64 4-player doubles action. Also, up to 8 players can
participate in tournaments. Players can chose
from 8 courts, including Wimbledon, California,
Paris, Italy, and Saudi Arabia. To make AST 99
even more tantalizing, Ubi Soft promises that the

game will contain some hidden surprises.

65% Complete

Boss Rally
Yes, it’s yet another racing game for the Nintendo
64. And yes, it’s by Midway. However, there are
some interesting ideas included. Boss Rally
features cars that are tweaked out in terms of

capabilities - no street legal rides here. Two

players can race to gain the rally championship
in hot rides that closely resemble cars already in

existence. Along with the cars already created,

players can design their own logos for cars and
create their own teams. Exactly how much
control the player can exercise over the looks is

still unknown, but there's definitely some. Plus,

the game features Expansion Pak compatibility

for sharper graphics. Seek out a future issue of

Gl for more information if you’re interested.

25% Complete

Game Informer • February '99



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Nintendo 64

NHL Breakaway 99
Although Breakaway has a host of exciting
• Size: 128 Megabit
• Style: 1 to 4-Player features, including full team management (all the
Sports way to hiring and firing coaches), the game falls
• Special Features: Full
short due to thepoor gameplay. The checking is
Management Options;
inconsistent and the passing scheme is only
Create Player; Instant dependable when using the icon passing ability.
Replay; Full NHL & Even passes are poor and usually go
then, to no
NHLPA Licenses;
Expansion Teams one. Then, on top of that, money plays are all
Included; Controller & over the place, allowing a player who lacks skill
Rumble Pak'Compatible
to score at will. This destroys all the realism that
• Replay Value: Moderate
• Created by: Iguana for the rest of the game tries to offer, making one
Acclaim realize that NHL Breakaway 99 is nothing more
• Available: Now for than a half-baked title. Rent it, but buy NHL 99
Nintendo 64
Bottom Line:

Nintendo 64

[Review BattleTanx
This is a triumphant release for Nintendo 64
I • Size: 32 Megabit
I • Style: 1 to 4-Player owners. After all these years, and amidst a sea
I Action of racing games, a tank sim has finally landed on
( • Special Features:
the N64. What a glorious day! But it is a sad day
I Several Modes of Play
I Including 4-Player
as well. You see, this rare tank sim doesn’t
I Deathmatch, Campaign, exactly deliver the excitement we crave. Instead
I & Battlelord; Weapon of featuring realistic war attributes and tank
I Power-Ups; Different
controls, BattleTanx more a party-like arcade
I Vehicles; Password
I Save; Controller & shooter. Yes, this does sound crazy, but it's true.
I Rumble Pak Compatible The capture-the-flag 4-player Deathmatch is
• Replay Value: Moderate where the game scores most of its points. The 1 -
• Created by: 3DO
• Available: Now for
player Campaign mode is a miserable and
I Nintendo 64 exhausting experience that will bore you to death.
If you have friends, and enjoy the multiplayer in
Bottom Line:
GoldenEye, Star Fox, or Mario Kart, then you
might want to rent BattleTanx.

Nintendo 64

Preview NBA in the Zone 99

NBA In the Zone 99 is a drastically improved ball
• Size: 96 Megabit
game. Granted, the players may not appear as
• Style: 1 to 4-Player
Sports greedy as they really are, and the gameplay may
• Special Features: 3 still be a few steps behind NBA Courtside. But

Point Shoot Out & compared to last year’s pathetic In the Zone
Season Mode; Stat
offering, this game is mint. The list of
Tracking; Create Player;
NBA Teams & Rosters
improvements could stretch for miles. You can
Based on 97-98 now create players. During a season individual
Season; Icon Passing; stats are accurately tracked. The players actually
Controller Pak look and move like humans, and the play actually
• Created by: Konami
resembles authentic basketball. Woo doggy! In

Computer Entertainment the Zone also features new “expect” controls like

Osaka for Konami icon passing and slick analog control that allows
• Available: February 15 you to advance from walking to jogging and then
for Nintendo 64 The NBA may be history (thanks
to running. to

Ron Harper and Tim Duncan), but Konami is

bringin’ it back to the N64 in February!


Game Informer • February

Nintendo 69

Monaco Grand Prix is set to release for both the

Preview 1
Size: 128 Megabit
PlayStation and N64, but the N64 should arrive a Style: 1 or 2-Player
couple months earlier, around the end of March. Racing
Monaco Grand Prix is your typical racing sim Special Features: 5

complete with Championship and Career modes.

Modes; 11 Teams & 22 I
Drivers; 16 Tracks; 3 I
Drivers’ names can be edited to satisfy a player's Difficulties; Auto Brake; I
ego, and in all there are 11 teams and 22 drivers. Car Damage; Adjustable I
Drivers are rated in four different categories: Race Length; Custom I
Car Configuration
speed, aggressiveness, defensiveness, and
Created by: Ubi Soft I
experience. There are 16 tracks including, of
Available: February 28 I
course, Monaco. Car damage can be applied, for Nintendo 64
and the length of the races can also be adjusted.
Before you enter a race, you can tinker with your
car’s wings, suspension, tires, steering, brakes,
body height, gear box, and fuel tank.

65% Complete:

i lie n- y(Jc oei iee iuiue u le uieui iuiui

i i ui uen ly
Size: 1 CD-ROM
one of the greatest shooters ever made. Now, Style: 1 or 2-Player
players can reenter the world of R-Types, in Action/Shooter
arcade-perfect condition. All the challenge. All Special Features:

the mayhem. All the friggin aliens. And now, Contains R-Type & R-
Type II; Infinite Credits;
there’s a compilation game for old schoolers to
Arcade-Perfect Action;
show the young’uns how to do it. Although old Contains Full Back Story

ports aren’t always good, the R-Type series is a Including Models of all
R-Models, R-Type
perfect candidate. Much time has passed since
Museum, & More
the release of these groundbreaking shooters,
Created by: Irem Corp.
and new gamers should be introduced to the pre- for ASCIIEntertainment
Doom shooter genre. In addition, R-Types Available: February for
features many extras for the R-Type fanatic
including a timeline, detailing the important
events in the R-Type universe; and a gallery,
showcasing all the enemies and different ships

used against the alien menace.

90% Complete:

uprising a aenvers an intriguing piot ana a

• Size: 1 CD-ROM
unique ally deployment system, but fails to
• Style: 1 or 2-Player
present engrossing gameplay. The amount of Action

detail that went into the story and mission • Special Features:
Several Multiplayer,
briefings is admirable, but on the flip side, the
Training, & Mission-
gameplay doesn’t share the same enthusiasm or Based Levels; Ally
creative flare. The overall look of the game is Management; 2
also uninspiring. The effects are certainly pretty Vehicles (Hovercraft &
Turret); Dual Shock &
and the vehicle designs are ingenious, but the Analog Compatible
environment designs are repetitive and • Replay Value: Low
unimpressive. Uprising X probably should have • Created by: Cyclone

been a novel rather than a game. Stay away

Studios for 3D0
• Available: Now for
from it, unless of course you end up seeing it in
print, bound on the shelves of Barnes & Noble or
Bottom Line:
B. Dalton.

Game Informer • February '99


Rampage 2: Universal Tour

After a long hibernation, the Rampage series
Size: 1 CD-ROM
returned with Rampage: World Tour. Featuring
Style: 1 or 2-Player
Action (Up to 3-Players improved graphics and many levels, Rampage:
Via Multi-Tap) World Tour was enthusiastically embraced by
Special Features: 125 fans of the original. Now, Midway hopes to cash
Levels; 7 Playable
in again by releasing Rampage 2: Universal Tour.
Characters; Unique
Special Moves for Each The game now features seven different
Character; Classic characters, including a rabbit gone loco, a
Rampage Action; Bonus
rhinoceros, and a one-eyed alien. As with
Created by: Midway
Rampage: World Tour, this installment features

Available: Spring 1999 1 25 levels, including bonus levels for extra points.
for PlayStation Each character has special moves that are
and more enemies will appear onscreen
than before. Since Rampage 2: Universal Tour is

very similar to World Tour, it should appease fans.

60% Complete

PlayStation I

• Size: 1 CD-ROM me suuyyie vviimn
• Style: 1-Player Clock Tower 2 is very slow paced. Thirteen
Adventure possible endings exist for the patient player who
• Special Features:
can sit through the horrific voice-overs. However,
Multiple Personality
Disorder; Analog & Dual the story itself is a bit intriguing, and the puzzles
Shock Compatible; 13 are decent. Basically, you play as Alyssa, who’s
Possible Endings; Hints off to see her family. When she arrives, she
Saved To Help Solve
encounters all kinds of bone-chilling things, like
• Created by: Human for
yellow blood and a “Chucky” rip-off. As you play,

ASCII Entertainment you also meet Alyssa’s other personality, Bates.

• Available: Now for Sony Although the multiple personality storyline isn’t
PlayStation quite as good as the one found in Xenogears, it

is fun to mess around with, since you have some

control in switching personalities. Those who
Bottom Line:
would like a decent point-and-clicker with a little

Dragon’s Lair thrown in should check out Clock

Tower 2.

Pro 18 World Tour Golf

I This poor excuse for a golf game might have
scored in the negative numbers if it were not for

Jesper Parnevik and some other professionals.

Pro 18 is also the only console golf game to

include two stars from the LPGA (Dottie Pepper

and Laura Davies), but even that can’t save it. The
archaic playcontrol is hampered by a swing
mechanism that is far too touchy.The difference
between a good and poor shot is too small.
Playcontrol is also affected by the game’s
laughable graphics. The golfers look like they’re

just slapped on the screen, and these pros actually

pump their fists after making a 40-foot putt for a
triple bogey. Distance and elevation perspectives
are muddied by a horriblecamera system. Golf
fans should stay far away from this nightmare.

Game Informer • February '99

Psybadek -
I Dead
Dead in
in the water
the Water has a Racing mode and a
Review PlayStation
• Size: 1 CD-ROM
Bottom Line: 3.75
Battle mode, and both can be played in a • Style: 1 or 2-Player Should we play
tournament or single competition format. The Action Psybadek again, or
Racing mode delivers classic combat racing • Special Features: 13 repeatedly poke
Unique Characters & 1

where you must battle your way to the finish line ourselves in the eye with a Bic pen? That's
Boats; 9 Courses Plus
amidst a sea of weapons. Power-ups and cash right, Psybadek is an extremely painful
More Hidden; Interactive 1

are scattered along the way to help you out. The experience. The gameplay is pure evil.
Backgrounds; Battle &
Battle mode has the same format, but instead of Racing Modes; 2
Difficulties; 2-Player
racing it’s Twisted Metal on water. You'll face four Street Fighter
Collection 2 -
competitors at a time from a base of 13 • Replay Value: Moderate
characters, each with a unique boat. Collecting • Created by: Player 1 for
ASC Games Bottom Line: 7
cash is a big part of this game as well, allowing
• Available: February for Street Fighter II will
you to upgrade weapons, acceleration, engines,
PlayStation never die! In this
armor, and to purchase additional power-ups
Bottom Line: collection you’ll find three versions of SFII and
before the next competition. Good, but not great.
a few extra goodies like character profiles and

7.25 an art gallery.

experienced the
If you’re a huge fan or never
game when it first hit arcades
(86 years ago) then bite off a bit of history
and check this title out. It’s a classic.

PlayStation Oddworld
Adventures -
Jeff Gordon Racing Game Boy
There are a lot of racing games out there, but
Bottom Line: 7
Size: 1 CD-ROM Like PlayStation
only one bears the name of Winston Cup Style: 1 or 2-Player

parents, this Oddworld

Champion Jeff Gordon. Jeff's kind of a scrawny Racing
features complicated puzzles and tons of
geek, but we actually like him because of how he Special Features: 10
Tracks; 6 Body Types; hard-to-reach secrets. The gameplay is a little
rubs so many diehard NASCAR fans the wrong
Jeff Gordon as Ally & too loose, and the limited GameSpeak is kind
way. In a surprising twist, Jeff Gordon Racing Adversary; Stock Car of disappointing. However, if you want to be
does not even hold the NASCAR license. Racing Physics; challenged, this game delivers the goods.
Another bonus. But seriously, it's nice to see a 2-Player Link or
Split-Screen; Memory
game go in a different direction. In the case of
The Rugrats Movie -
Card, Dual Shock, &
Jeff Gordon Racing, it’s the future. Tracks are Analog Compatible Game Boy
more extreme and speeds go well over the 300 Created by: Real Bottom Line: IS
mph mark. In all, this game contains ten tracks. Sports for ASC Games Are your children too
Available: Late March
Stock cars are one of six body types and the field rambunctious to put
for PlayStation
of competition consists of 1 2. It’s looking good. down for a nap? Well

then, we have a solution for you! That’s right

parents, simply have your sons and daughters

80% Complete: play Rugrats for a few minutes and they’ll be
out cold before you know it! Should we play
Rugrats again, or stick a Bic pen in our eye?

College Hoops '99 -

Nintendo 64
Fox Sports - 5
Review This title has good
y Hero is an action/adventure gar
graphics and a great
• Size: 1 CD-ROM
I RPG elements. There are tons of items to collect • Style: 1-Player camera angle, but is
and manage in Monkey's inventory. We also like Action/Adventure plagued by rancid control. Passing the ball to
thatMonkey must learn new abilities from Master • Special Features: Learn
the intended player can sometimes be
New Moves Which Open
Sage to progress through the game. impossible and moves off the dribble are
Different Areas; Charge-
Unfortunately, Monkey Hero lacks polish and is Up & Projectile Attacks;
horrific. Plus, the ball floats off the iron like a

too easy for seasoned gamers. Fighting most Power-Ups & balloon.

Collectibles; Inventory;
enemies is a walk in the park. The graphics are
Story Based on Chinese
lackluster and the enemies are poorly designed Folk Tale
NBA Jam 99 -
too. One enemy is a square green thing that • Replay Value: Low Nintendo 64
lacks any imagination. We wondered what it was • Created by: Blam! for Acclaim Sports -7
Take 2 Another average
supposed to be, and while conversing to a NPC, • Available: January 26 which
basketball title, in
he informed us that it was one of those “green for PlayStation
the Jam mode is a far
things.” How creative. Experienced gamers
Bottom Line: cry from the original Jam feel. NBA Jam 99 is
beware, but younger gamers looking for a decent
very similar in quality to NBA Live for the
adventure might want to check it out.
N64, but Kobe Bryant's NBA Courtside is Still
the champ.

Game Informer • February '99

Sci- FI Mode - NEUTRON Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
- Nintendo 64
Spiral Mode - SPIRAL
Juggle Mode - JUGGLE Enter these codes at the

Bike- 2064 Password screen.

Infinite Weapons & Shields
Charge -X CHARGE Pilot Falcon -
Infinite Weapons - MISTAKE More A-Wing Use -ACE

Infinite Nitros - NITROID Enhanced Radar - RADAR

Credits -CREDITS
Deformed Graphics - PIXIE
- Nintendo 64 - Cinemas - DIRECTOR
Xtreme-G 2 New Camera View - SPYEYE NFL Quarterback Club 99
Soundtrack - MAESTRO
Nintendo 64
Enter these codes at the Name “Unknown" \

Entry screen within the Extreme Enter all of these codes at the Enter all of the codes below at the

mode. Password screen. Cheat Menu.

All Tracks - 8KLSZKW76ZM7 Opponent only scores 0 - Space Station Silicon Valley

Wireframe Mode - LINEAR Venom Bike - 68QCMH3H9HT RLSTN Nintendo 64

Magnify Mode - FLICK Wasp Bike - 55HZ1 MH3H9H1 Start with 12 Points - SHUTOUT Enter this code at the Level

Fast Running - SPRTRBMD Selection screen.

Misplace Mode - MISPLACE Reik Metasu j

Skinny Players -TTHPCK Asteroid Bonus Game - Down,

Turbo Mode -XXX Washington, DC Up, Z, Left Button, Down, Left, Z, ;

Dr. Hideous Sideous
| Lisa “Naughty Cat” Gaston
St. Carl, IN
NHL Breakaway 99 - Rolling Rocks, IN
The Legend of zelda: Ocarina !|

of Time -Nintendo 64 Nintendo 64

Buck Bumble - Hinton Assault: Retribution -
Mario & Friends - Head to where Cheat Menu - This code must be
: Link meets Zelda for the first time :
entered before attempting any of Enter both of these codes at PlayStation
and look into the window on the : the codes below. At the Main Menu Title Screen. Enter these codes (very quickly) at

left as you enter. If you look really press Left C, Right C, Left C, Level Select - Hold Z then press the Press Start screen.
close, you’ll see tiny pictures of Right C, Right Button, Right Right, Down, Down, Right.

and Button.
Nakomi Mode - Up, Up, Down,
Yoshi, Bowser, Mario, Luigi, Release Z then press Right, Up, |

Princess Toadstool. If you toss , Down, Left, Left, Up, Right,

Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, •
something window holding
into the Right. Head Mode - • •

Bonus Teams - Enter Exhibition


,• ,

the Mario image you’ll receive 20

Up, •
mode and go to the
Rupee. If you chuck something j
Selection screen. From here, All Weapons - Press Left, Right,
1 Alien Mode - , #, •, ,
into the other window a lit Bomb
quickly tap Up C, Left Button, Left Up, Down. Then hold Z and press
Up, ,
•, •, X ,

h will be thrown back. C. If you entered it fast enough Right, Right, Left, Left.
Turbo Mode - X, •, X,
The Rhino" .

you’ll hear the sound of a slapshot Dante Sedulous

I, A, • L2, R2
Toledo, OH signifying the availability of the Washington, DC Grayscale Mode - X, X, A, A,
new teams. I, . •, • Up, Down
Sepia Mode - Left (xl 0)

Body Harvest - Nintendo 64 Full Player Attributes - At the Goodies - A, •, Left, , A,

For all of the codes below enter :
Player Creation screen enter Jim I, •, Left, (Head to the Options

ICHEAT as a name, then enter the Jung as a case-sensitive name to to access the new features.)
button commands during i unlock a player with maxed Stage Select - First enter the
p |

gameplay. i
attributes. Goodies code. Then, press Left,

Mutant Alien - Down C, Up, Z, Z, Right, X, A, Left, Up at the Press


Right C, Right Secret Players - At the Player Start screen.

Fat Aliens - Left, A, Right, Down i

Creation screen enter these case- Slick ‘The Master Gamer" Handso I

sensitive names to unlock some Stroke City, TX I

powerful players: grEEn jeLLo,

New Difficulties - At the Difficulty Nightmare Creatures -
1 1 Perfect C, Perfect RW, Perfect LW,
screen repeatedly press Left or Nintendo 6a I Cool Boarders 3 - PlayStation
Perfect D, Perfect G.
Right to access the Very Easy and

Hilton Augusta Enter this code as a Password. I Enter this code as a name in the |
Very Hard settings.

St. Louis, MO Cheat mode - Down C, Up, Up C, I Tournament mode.
“Virtual Gap Boy 2000" Down C
Left C, Up C, Left, C, Left
1 Director's Cut Mode - SHOWPOS I
Phoenix, AZ I

Joeseph Hatana I
Sammy Sosa ;
Williamsburg, KY I
Houston, TX
God Mode - Hold LI, R1 and R2,
then press Up, Down, Left, Right

Invincibility - Hold LI and R1,

then press Up, Down, Left, Right

Infinite Weapons - Hold LI and

R1, then press Up, Down, Up, R2
Powered-Up Weapons - Hold LI
R1, R2 and X, then press Down

Hornet Nest Stingers - Highlight

Stingers, then hold LI, L2, R1,
and Left Twisted Metal 3 - PlayStation
Play as Big Daddy- Enter ,, riayjiaiiuH

must be R2, x, , R2 at the Password

Enter all

Password screen.
of these codes at the |
I Cheat Mode - First, make sure I

I entered before any of the codes screen. Then, select Challenge I that the PlayStation is off, then with I
Play as Minion - Right, Right,
will work. During gameplay simply mode and choose Nuke York as 1 controller 2 hold LI, L2, R2 and I
Right, Left, Left
hold LI, R2, and R2, then press the level. Now, scroll through the I R2. Now, power up the PlayStation. I

Select. you do this correctly the Character Selection screen and Play as Sweet Tooth - Left, Left,
If I With the buttons still held, enter the I

Big Daddy be selectable. Left, Right, Right

words “Cheats Enabled” will will
I Options screen and access the I

appear at the top of the screen.

Matt “The Massacre" Mitchell \
House Stage - Left, Left, Left, , I Load Game option. If you followed I

Viledung, CA I the directions correctly all of the I

Warehouse Stage - ,,, Left, I levels and FMV sequences should

Left be open.

Demo Stage - Up, Up, Up, Left, Spanky the Spastic Squirrel I
C: The Contra Adventure -
Left Miami, FL I
Tiger Woods 99 - PlayStation
PlayStation Enable Saves - Start, Start, Start,
Enter these codes as names at the | Start, Start
Enter all of these codes at the
Edit Player screen. Spyro the Dragon
Title Screen. Infinite Specials - LI LI R1 R1, , ,

400% Elevation Increase - Machine Gun - Right, Right, , R1
MAXIMUMZ , Right, Left, Down, Down Unlimited Turbos - Down, Up, I Enter this code at the Title Screen.

200% Elevation Increase - View FMV - , , Down, . Down, Up, Down | 99 Lives - (x6), •, Up, #, Left,

PUMPZ Up, Up, Left, Unlimited Lives - Up, Down, Left,

Flat Terrain - OLD SCHOOL Clarence “

I Still Know What Right, Left Marc Brown

Game You Played Last Summer Enhanced Weapons - R1, R1, k AOL. Com
Samantha “Whack a Wookie”M
Pinwisk I Dio LI, LI, LI

Santa Monica, CA I Detroit, Ml Homing Rain Missiles - Up,

Down, Up, Down, Up
Super Napalm - R1, R1, LI, LI,

Massive Force - . #, Down,


Freeze Missile- A, Up, #, Right, I Easy Capture - Are you sick and
Start I
tired of those pesky Pokemon
Giant Ricochet Bomb - Left, escaping your Pokeballs? Well,
Right, Left, Right, Up stick it to 'em by using this

All Napalm - Start, Start, LI LI

strategy. When you throw out c

Pokeball press Down and B to
increase the capture rate. This
All Homing Missiles - Start, R1,
will even work against a Snorlax.
LI ,
Start, Start
Squirtles rule the earth!!!
All Power Missiles - Start, LI
Start, LI Start
The VidMan”

Uptown, MN I

All Remote Bombs - LI, R1,

oneai screen. Start, Start, LI

Big Head Mode - UBERNOODLE CPU Ignores Health Pick-Ups -

Turok 2:Seeds Of Evil
Big Hands & Feet Mode - Down, LI, Down, Start,
Game Boy
STOMPEM No Health Pick-Ups - Select, LI
Stick Mode - HOLASTICKBOY Select, Start, • All Weapons - DLVTRKBWPS
New Shading Mode - No Full Health Pick-Ups - LI, Unlimited Lives - DLVTRKBLVS

WHATSATEXTUREMAP Start, Start, Start, R1

Unlimited Energy

Pen & Ink Mode - IGOTABFA No Pick-Ups - Select, Select, R2, DLVTRKBNRG
Small Enemy Heads - PIPSQUEAK
L2, Start BirdMode - DLVTRKBBRD
- Up, Up, X, X, Up |

Blackout mode - LIGHTSOUT Icy Surfaces

Level Select - DLVTRKBLVL
Increase Difficulty - LI, R1, LI, “The Rhino”
The Cult of Chu
R1,R1 Toledo, OH
Little Hole, OR
ZackZarphos I

Utah, N V I
Dragonseeds - PlayStation Rampage: DESTROYER
Here are some of the cooler cheats Tokyo Highway Battle: BANANA
Hey Gt readers, how would you like
for Dragonseeds. Crash Bandicoot 2: AUSSIE Enter all of these codes at the |
to become our ally? Send in your
Final Fantasy SAVIOUR Easter Egg menu.
ii codes for the games listed below and j
Revive Dragon: Immediately go to VII:

help out a fellow reader in a scrape, the Clone Lab and you can revive Ten Pin Alley: STRIKE Win All Simulations - S. C.

Or, if you're stuck on a game, send us the recently departed dragon from Monster Rancher: CHAMP - BEAT DOWN
j All Attributes 99
a letter requesting codes and we will the abyss. The tube that the dragon
Alundra: TWITCH Easier Passing - PASS ATTACK
help you access the secrets right here was in must be empty, and the
in Secret Access. dragon must have died of unnatural
Cool Boarders 2: DAFFY Easier Running - RUN ATTACK
causes. Hot Shots Golf: BOGIE Stronger Offense - BOOST
Nintendo 64
Magical Tetris Challenge
Wipeout XL: PRODIGY Create GameBreakers


Free Weapons: If you don’t have

enough money for weapons, head

Star Wars: Rdgue Squadron

to the Junk Shop and Ishuka will Bloody Roar: BLOOD Enable Hidden Teams - GIMME
I I Top Gear Overdrive
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil equip your dragon. Croc: GATOR Switch Teams In Season -
Incredible Hulk: SMASH JUMPER
Clone Dragon: To clone a dragon,
PlayStation William Shatner I
A Bug's Life you must have a Senior dragon. Gran Turismo: GTX
Then head to the Clone Lab. Kelso, MA I
Animaniacs Ten Pin Alley Persona: REVEAL
Special Wild Dragons Final Fantasy Tactics: STAMINA
Bust a Grove Small Soldiers - PlayStation
Contender Some of the dragons that are pulled Speed Racer: SPEED
Knockout Kings from the Memory Card Forest are Dead Or Alive: SHOCK Enter all of these level codes at the |
No One Can Stop Mr. Domino!
rare. To get them, just go to the Password screen.
Tekken 3: IRON FIST
Memory Card Forest with the correct
Peak Performance: PIKE
Gorgon -X, X, A, , X. •, x |

Tiny Tank Up Your Arsenal game save, a Senior dragon, a

Punky Skunk: PUNKY
Dimensional Temple - . X,
WCW/NWO Thunder memory card in Slot 2, and an
Brahma Force: BRAHMA
,, • X
empty Bio Bank tube. Here’s the list!
Floating Fortress - #, X, A,
Game Boy The game save needed comes first,
Critter Names • •, X
the name to give comes second.

Oddworld Adventures Some names give you attribute Spirit Bog - A, X, A, I

Smurfs' Nightmare Frogger: RIBBIT bonuses. Try different comic book
Super -Black Bass
Resident Evil 2: ZOMBIE character’s names,
or use your
Canyon Village -X, I I, A, 5. ,
Send Secret Access Requests To:
Dynasty Warriors: WARRIOR
favorite fighting
X, A, X
Access & • Game Informer Magazine Also, the famous people
10120 W. 76th St

• Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Gex: GORDON (think presidents) and game

Creepy Caverns - ,
A, ,
Tetris Plus: publisher names also add to a
I, A, X
Parappa The Rapper: RODNEY certain attribute. Beware, however, Space - • , A, ,,• A *
Secret Access Notice: Tobal #1: FIGHTER words." Any of them will
of the “dirty Hall Of Patriots - A, A,
Send Game Informer Your
Street Fighter EX: DRAGON make your dragon 10% weaker in A, A, X
Passwords and Codes and Win! every category! Graveyard Of War Machines - X, I

Diablo: DEMON
Send in your codes and passwords, •, A, ,
X, X, U
and if we print them you’ll be entered Nuclear Mine - , #,
in the Game Informer/ASCIIWARE I, X, u
Apocalypse - PlayStation
Secret Access Contest. The Grand Launch Center-*. •,
Prize is an ASCIIWARE product of I To enter these codes, pause the I ®, x.m
your choice. - game, hold LI then input the trick
Hidden Characters Enter I I ,
| Jarvis Singingsaclove I
I Mayhem mode and highlight Select I I you desire. AOL, Com I
ASCII Saturn Stick
I Teams. Now, tap # + , Select, Invincibility - Down, Up, Left,


Select, Select, Select. Start, I Left, Up, Right, Down

| |
Start, Start, , ,•,• + I All Weapons - • Up, Down,

Hidden - Enter I Easy Win - This technique will

I Battlefields Level Select - A, Up, X, Down
work in any mode and under any
I Mayhem mode and highlight Accept - Down, Down, A
[ Debug Info
I Team. Now, press • + , Select, Fan Club “Wing C”
Approach your opponent

I The Bruce
Select, Select, Select, Start, Start,
Willis I
and simply tap Up and #. Once

Justice, GA
Start, , ,•.# + I the wrestlers enter the test of
strength (with their hands locked
together), jam on all of the buttons.
The runner-up will receive a Game I Extra Strategy Maps - Enter I Test Drive Off-Road 2 - This will make the CPU’s hit meter
Informer Secret Access T-Shirt to I Strategy mode and highlight Set PlayStation deplete at great speeds. Once the
complement his/her wardrobe,
I War. Now, press • + , Select, |

I Enter these codes at the I

test is done, enter it again and
Select, Select, Select, Start, repeat the process until the CPU’s
Send To:
j , ,•,• + Transmission Select screen within

| ;
Start, Start, health completely drained. Now,
Secret Access | is
' I Single Race or World Tour modes.
Game Informer Magazine The Dung Brothers I [ simply perform any move and pin
School Bus - Hold Select and hit
| your opponent. Even Goldberg
10120 W. 76th Street Indianapolis, IN I
Eden jPrairie, MN 55344 I LI, Up, L2, Down, Down, L2, L2,
is defenseless against this

W 14 J
Ice Cream Truck - R2, L2, L2,
devastating maneuver.

William Clinton I
Down, Down, L2, L2, R1 Beaver County, PA \
Codes found in this i:

The codes below nfly work

with hitgftct's GrjmeShin-k Assault: Retribution
pnhancer attachment. Body Harvest
Buck Bumble
Bust A Groove
C: The Contra Adventure


Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus - ODT - PlayStation Fox Sports College Hoops
Enter these codes at the | Playstation Infinite Ammo PI - Heart of Darkness
Password screen. 300aa04a0064
Extra Escapees - Legend of Zelda:
300aa0520064 Ocarina of Time, The
Nolby Hills Track - TURBOMOS 800b2d38 0005

All Cars and Tracks - No Casualties - 300aa0620064
LASTCODE 800b4784 0000
NBA Jam 99
Infinite Health PI -
NCAA GameBreaker ‘99
Faster View - SOFTHEAD Star wars: Rogue Squadron 800a9ec00064
NFL Quarterback Club 99
Overhead View - SUPERCAR Nintendo 64 NBA Jam 99 - Nintendo 64 NHL Breakaway 99
Alternate Demo - INSANITY Infinite Lives -
Home Team Scores 150 - Nightmare Creatures
Disable All Cheats - 801 30b1 0 0008
81160ffa0096 Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus
NOCHEATS Secondary Weapons
Infinite - ODT
Home Team Scores 0 -
8010ca32 0008 Pokemon
Alternate Credits - At the credits 811 60ffa0000
Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012
screen hold LI, L2, R1, R2, 99 Kills
Away Team Scores 150 -
Small Soldiers
and •. 801 30b85 0063
811 60ffe0096
Space Station Silicon Valley
Bonus Credits - Enter SH4 as a 99 Saves -
Home Team Scores 0 - Spyro the Dragon
name on the High Score screen. 801 30b86 0063
| 81 1 60ffe0000 Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Shawn Drakenstone I
All Levels & Ships - Test Drive Off-Road 2
Infinite Time Outs Home -
Chicago, IL 801 30b4d 007e
800d5c750007 Tiger Woods 99
Extra Shields - Top Gear Overdrive
No Time Outs Home -
81 1 37e7c 4316 Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil
Twisted Metal 3
Bust A Groove - PlayStation Time Outs Away
Infinite -
Unholy War, The
Max Dance Points P2 - 800d5c9b0007 WCW/NWO Thunder
No Time Outs Away - Xtreme-G 2
No Dance Points PI - 800d5c9b0000
80068740 0000 -
Top Gear Overdrive
No Dance Points P2 - Nintendo 64
80068744 0000 -
Infinite Nitros
Infinite Attacks PI - 810f50ce0009
80068766 0002 SEGA
Extra Cars -
Sega Game Play Assistance
Infinite Attacks P2 - 801 022fb000e
900-200-7342 (SEGA)
8006877a0002 801 022f1 OOOe
$.95 per minute for automated
Enter of these codes at the
No Attacks PI - Extra Tracks -
| assistance and
I Secrets screen in the Options R $1 .50 per minute for
80068766 0000 811022e80501 live help.

menu. 811022ea0101 Canada 900-451-5252

No Attacks P2 - $1 .25 per minute automated
81 1 022ec01 01
No Crowd - NOFANS 811 022ee01 01 NINTENDO
Max Enthusiasm PI - 801 022f00001 Game Counseling
Ghost Mode - GHOST
80068738ffff 900-288-0707
Big Head Mode - NOGGIN Max Handling -
$.95 per minute
Max Enthusiasm P2 - 801 022ff0005
Ball Trails -TRAILS Canada 900-451-4400
$1 .25 per minute
???? - Rl 1777 Max Acceleration
No Enthusiasm PI 801023000005 Nintendo's Automated Power Line!
???? - Z-WOOD 1-425-885-7529
80068738 0000
????- THIRTY Max Top Speed -
No Enthusiasm P2 801023010005 SONY
I ???? - TEAM-Z 8006873C0000 900-933-SONY(7669)
???? - HOME -
$.95 per minute
Extra Characters jNote: these l|nes may not have Information for
???? - MONKEY you're under'l8 be sure to get your
30051 acOOOOl |
all titles.lf

parent's permission.
Tihe VidMan” 30051 acl 0001
Uptown, MN H 30051 ac20001
30051 ac30001

Game Informer • February '99!

Super Metroid - SNES Crash Bandicoot - PlayStation it will also allow you to turn

Super Jump - To execute a Here's the ultimate password on 16 drones in Practice

Super Jump you'll need the for Crash Bandicoot. Not even Mode.
Space Boots. Rrst dash until the most complex codes or
Samus starts to flash, then tricks could top this dog. Shining Force 2 - Genesis Availability: Rare

access the configuration Replay Value: NA

tap Down. You should then Enjoy the ending! To

hear a high-pitched noise and Everything Unlocked - A A A command wait until the Sega Similar Games: Sega Genesis,
Samus will glow yellow. You’ll AXIAAAAIXAIA logo first makes contact with Turbo Grafx 16

have about 5 seconds to AAIIAXXXX the screen, then hit Up, Created by: Pioneer Electronics

position yourself, then just Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, with Sega & NEC
push Up and the Jump button. Jumping Flash - PlayStation Left, Right, Up, Right, Down, Access Tip: This is a rare piece

Stage Select - At the Title Left, Up and B. If this com- of video game history. If you

Assault Rigs screen press Up, Up, Down, mand is done correctly, a find one in working order, get it.

•XAAAA Down, X, X, Left, Right, Left, chime will sound. Now, hold Overall: 9
linn Right, X, A, X, A. Start a down the Start button Breaking open the vault atGame Informer always uncovers gems and forgotten relics
AAA9AI game and use the directional through the opening loading from the video game we dust off a piece of software, but in this case
world. Usually

IlnA pad to select your stage. sequences. When the witch we unearthed our Pioneer LaserActive game system. This is one of the most unique
appears and asks you to pick video game systems ever produced. The main unit plays CDs and LDs, but with

XIXAAR Virtua Racing - Saturn a game, pick one while still optional Sega or NEC hardware modules you can play (get this) Sega Genesis, Sega

Super Car - Take first place in holding down the Start but- CD, TurboGrafx ROM Cards, and Turbo CDs. And just when you thought there couldn’t

all of the Grand ton. The witch should be more, this unit even has karaoke. Each module can also run 12-inch LD games
•XXXXA Prix Races. give you a list of specifically designed for the LaserActive. To say the least, these Mega-LD (with Sega

AHIAAA Then, select the configuration module) and LD-ROM2 games were extremely weak. Although there were a handful of

AIAAII Practice Mode, modes. these games launched, the development community didn't exactly embrace the system
••xex press Z at the Car Another trick can also
- nor did consumers. This beast of a machine retailed for more than $1000 when it

XtlAAl Selection screen be done with this was released in 1993. Are you lucky enough to have one in your collection?

and the F-160 will be replaced code. Once you’ve completed

ANXH with the F-20 Super Car. the transaction above, pick
6X0XA Reverse Driving - Get the high- the Complete Game option
•IXA0A est point total in all five cir- and reset. Begin a new game,
ABX0HX cuits and then an option will and once you’ve entered the
XXAXX1 appear in the Custom Game player's name go to the End
menu to activate the Reverse at the far right, hold the Start

•AXAXA Mode. button and hit A. Now you'll

XAAXXI Full Game Options - At the be able to name all of the

XAAXAI Grand Prix initial entry screen, characters in the game!

AIAIX enter your name as Y, X, Z.

This will enable you to s'

Arcade Mode, and

Supep Metpoid
Availability: Uncommon Availability: Common
Replay Value: Moderate Replay Value: Moderate

Similar Games: CyberSled (PS-X), Marble M Games: Castlevania

Similar IV (SNES),

Madness (SG, NES), Twisted Metal (PS-X) SOTN (PS-X),


Created by: The Wheelhaus for Psygnosis Mega Man X (SNES)

Access Tip: You can find level passwords in Created by: Nintendo

the Classic Codes above. Access Tip: You can refill your life meter

Overall: 8 at any time by pressing and holding the X

During the PlayStation's infancy, Psygnosis button to drop a Super Bomb while also

was on the forefront of PS-X game develop- holding the L Button, R Button, and Down.

ment. Wipeout and Destruction Derby Overall: 9.75

garnered most of the attention, so now we If you haven’t heard of (or played) Super

present another Psygnosis gem that should Metroid, you need to go back to video game
not be forgotten. Released in 1995, Assault school. After the inaugural Metroid on the

Rigs is part tank combat and part beat-the- NES, Nintendo took its time before launching

clock action. Your goal on each level is to a version for the Super Nintendo. The year

collect all the gems and get to the exit. In was 1994 and Nintendo loyalists were
addition to picking up gems, you can also primed for Super Metroid's release. At the

pick up a multitude of weapon power-ups time, the Super Nintendo library was crowded
including, but not limited to a mini-gun, laser, with Mortal Kombat wannabes and an
bouncy bullets, guided missiles, shields, and endless stream of entertaining RPGs. In true

an auto-turret. On the earlier levels the Nintendo fashion, Super Metroid rose above

arenas will be pretty straightforward. But as the ordinary. A mix of exploration, puzzle

things go on, each arena becomes an intri- intense action, the concepts

cate puzzle loaded with traps and tricks which Super Metroid fuses to video games are still

perfectly or you run present in today’s Tomb Raiders, Turoks, and

must be conquered will

Castlevanias. Looking back at Super Metroid

out of time or be blown to smithereens. You
can also play against a human opponent with is painful. It makes us hanker for a helping of

the PlayStation’s link cable. Look for the Metroid on the Nintendo 64. Nintendo, hear

entertaining and addicting Assault Rigs our pleas. It has been long enough, we want
you’re combing the PS-X bargain bins. more Metroid.

Game Informer • February '99

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© 1997 Player's Edge. Player’s Edge is a trademark of InterAct Accessories, Inc. InterAct is a trademark of STD Manufacturing LTD.
Wipeout, Wipeout XL and Psygnosis are trademarks of Psygnosis. © 1996 Psygnosis Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, Nintendo and Game Boy

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to Mari

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you’ll all be crying out for a second helping. Mario Party,
only on Nintendo® 64. This party's just getting going.




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People interested in helping out in any capacity,

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