2007 Eegm 07
2007 Eegm 07
2007 Eegm 07
This underwater adventure is one of the most
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Best grass? Best sweat?
Best boobs? We award
the best of next-gen
$5.99 U.S. / $7.99 Canada
Sam Fisher’s next assign- Why are videogames
ment is unlike anything avoiding real-life war
you’ve ever played before zones? We investigate
© 2006-2007 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft, Ubi.com, the Ubisoft logo, and the Soldier icon are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Rainbow Six, Red Storm, and the Red Storm logo are trademarks of Red Storm
Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Red Storm Entertainment, Inc. is a Ubisoft Entertainment company. “PlayStation”, “PLAYSTATION”, “PS” Family logo, and “PSP” are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Memory Stick Duo™ may
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O W N T H E B I R T H O F A G E N E R AT I O N .
© 1987, 1988, 2007 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. ILLUSTRATION: © 2007 YOSHITAKA AMANO. FINAL FANTASY, SQUARE ENIX, and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered
trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Co., Ltd. “PlayStation”, “PS” Family logo, and “PSP” are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Memory Stick Duo™ may be
required (sold separately). The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association.
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language
Mild Violence
No War in
16 Iraq? Why?
12 You should see our paper cuts.... 86 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
46 Preview: Alone in the Dark
The grandpappy of the survival-horror genre 88 Spider-Man 3
returns from the dead
16 Lost in Battle 89 WarTech: Senko no Ronde
Why are we still fighting in World War II?
48 Preview: No More Heroes 90 Tomb Raider: Anniversary
The twisted mind behind Killer 7 explains
22 Foreign Object 92 GrimGrimoire
what not to expect from his new Wii effort
92 Odin Sphere
24 Preview: Splinter Cell: Conviction
52 Rumor Mill
Stealth, reinvented 93 SimCity DS
Q-Mann breaks the silence on Silent Hill 5
94 Pokémon Diamond/Pearl
34 Take This Job
54 Coming Soon
Animation directors make faces for a living 95 Final Fantasy
The summer gaming drought approaches
96 PQ2: Practical Intelligence Quotient
36 The Big Ones
Halo 3, Resident Evil 5, and then some 97 Innocent Life: A Futuristic
80 Reviews Intro Harvest Moon
38 Preview: Need for Speed: Pro Street
82 Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition 98 Reviews Wrap-Up
Making street racing legit
83 Escape From Bug Island
Full Disclosure
102 Retro: Retro Resources EGM.1UP.COM but we often pick up the tab too, to keep
it fair. For example, during a recent Grand
Tips on how to own the classics Theft Auto IV demo, we paid for dinner
104 Grudge Match between Rockstar and us, since Rockstar
Video footage, user-submitted Q&A, and more!
paid for dinner the last time we met up.
106 Next-Gen Awards
Need for Speed: Pro Street All of this must seem pretty obvious to
108 Final Word Check out exclusive footage of EA’s new racer. you, huh? After all, how can a magazine
109 Next Month Spider-Man 3 and Pokémon SuperGuides or website editor be totally objective if
a company just flew him out to see their
110 Hsu & Chan Summer games got you down? Check out these two
game? But you’d be surprised.
guides to get a leg-up on the competition.
Help keep the industry honest. Read
VGM Watch (we told them to keep an eye
And check out our podcast on us, too...because we have to be as
on EGMLive.1UP.com and accountable as everyone else), or better
our message boards at yet, ask your favorite magazine or website
EGMboards.1UP.com. what their policies are. The more you
know, the more you know whom to trust.
—Dan “Shoe” Hsu, Editor-in-Chief
for a while, it will tend to move into damaged discs? You might be
a similar demo mode. Designers able to salvage them. Maybe. A
still include this function to avoid company called Digital Innovations
screen burn-in. So you press Start (www.digitalinnovations.com)
to interrupt the demo and get into makes a product called GameDR
the real game. Now someone cue that actually does repair scratches
the “The More You Know” music. to discs. We’ve had success in
the past, but if your scratches are
Sit! Roll over! Decapitate! particularly deep, you may be out of
Why do some of the best games luck; you’ve got a couple of lovely,
made have to be rated Mature? I have shiny, $60 coasters on your hands.
been looking forward to Lair since
the second it was announced, under We demand convenience!
the hope that when it was released, it In EGM #215, someone in the Letters
would be rated Teen. All of a sudden, section griped about the loss of back-
my hopes were snuffed out in the form ward compatibility in the PS3. Look at
■ The Xbox 360 Elite—not so mythical after all. of a decapitated rhino in the latest the facts: Everyone and their brother/
trailer. I know the ESRB will give Lair sister/mother/toaster/walrus has a
a Mature rating now, but why? How PS2! If you just keep your PS2, you
ports would be. It doesn’t look real at is a teenager going to gain access to can play all the games without fuss!
all, and people are believing it to be enough genetic technology to create Oh, boo-hoo, you may have to change
true. I’m sorry, my poor 360 brethren, a dragon, let alone teach it to rip off a wires and AV inputs every once in a
but please don’t believe everything rhino’s head? —John Keaney while. If people weren’t so lazy, they’d
you hear. —Khris Dickover realize that taking out backward com-
You may be surprised to learn that patibility will lower the price. If you’re
Man, do we love printing letters like training a dragon really isn’t as dif- too lethargic to care, then you need to
this. Where to begin the mocking? ficult as it sounds. All it requires is grow a brain and get off the couch.
Should we just reply with a picture patience, some very large snack —Chris Woodiel
of the 360 Elite page at xbox.com? treats, a rolled-up newspaper, and
Go the sarcastic route by saying asbestos underwear. And since But getting up is hard.
something like, “Apparently, there dragons are natural-born decapita-
are folks out there with such mad tors, the whole rhino thing ends up Feel the burn
Photoshop skills that they’ve man- being just the work of an afternoon. How much do you have to play to
aged to make us believe we actu- Now, teaching them to use the litter get carpal tunnel? I play about 20 to
ally have a 360 Elite in our office box? That’s a challenge. 30 hours a week. I’ve been playing
right now”? Or take the lowbrow games since I was 10, and I’m going
approach and just make fun of this Scratching post to keep playing till I’m 80. Are my
guy’s name? So many options! I recently received an Xbox 360 as hands gonna become useless?
a Christmas gift. After two weeks of —Ricardo Cuellar
Don’t let’s start owning Oblivion, the 360 managed to
Why do we always “press Start” at the give it a deep scratch that ringed the This is kinda like “How many licks
title screen of games? Pretty much entire disc, making it impossible to does it take to get to the center
every game you play has you press play. I had to keep playing Oblivion, of a Tootsie Pop?” The world may
Start or “press any button” to start the so I bought another one. One day, never know. But we assume there’s
game. I’ve asked around, and nobody the 360 told me there was an error a reason for all that info in the front
knows why this is. Is it a technical rea- reading the disc. To my horror, I found of any game manual about taking
> OOPS! son, so the game doesn’t have to load another ringed scratch. Please, for the frequent breaks and so on. Tell you
Since it might not
more info than it has to before you love of 100-plus-hour gameplay, tell what, why don’t you keep playing
have been obvious in
last month’s preview start actually playing? Is it so gamers me what the heck I am doing wrong, and write back to us when you’re
of God of War: Chains don’t screw things up by accidentally and advise me on what to do with my 80? If you can still type, that is. P
of Olympus, we want- hitting random buttons when they’re scratched discs. —Rob
ed to clarify that Cory
doing who knows what? It’s such a
Barlog (below) is now
the creative director standard thing in gaming I just have to You’re going to want to have that
of the God of War know! —“Swinger 913” looked at, Rob. Microsoft hasn’t > CONTACT EGM
franchise as a whole. confirmed any specific defects
Ru Weerasuriya is E-mail: EGM@ziffdavis.com
Deep thoughts, Swinger. Deep with the device, but widespread
the game director of Snail mail:
Chains of Olympus. thoughts indeed. But we actually anecdotal evidence indicates that
EGM Letters
have an answer for you: The tradi- some 360s produced in December 101 2nd Street, 8th Floor
tion of pressing Start dates back of 2006 were missing a part that San Francisco, CA 94105
to the dawn of arcade machines, prevents the disc from coming Subscription help:
which have what’s called an “attract into contact with the lens. Check Web: www.zdmcirc.com
mode.” This mode cycles segments out www.xbox.com/support or call Phone: (800) 779-1174
of gameplay, the title screen, and 1-800-4-MY-XBOX to see if your
Get noticed.
> features, previews, flamboyant personal trainers, and other stuff
Lost in BATTLE
With shooters deploying players everywhere except Iraq
and Afghanistan, we investigate why gamemakers
are so afraid of real-world war By Robert Ashley
Marching orders: MEXICO? BEEN THERE. VEGAS? Vegas. “Our guns are the real guns. “Politics,” in the gaming industry, is
When you’re done SAVED THAT. But with all the We have their real sounds in 5.1 a naughty word. Consider this: Last
with this story,
deploy to page 100
elements of realism—real firearms [surround sound]. They even reload year’s Splinter Cell: Double Agent
for Seanbaby’s take used by real soldiers, Humvees and properly.” Why, then, do the game’s broke with the series’ usual affinity for
on the one soldierin’ tanks straight off the battlefield, official counterterrorism squads fight not in implausible international intrigue and
series worse than military seals of approval—trumpeted Fallujah or Kabul, but in Las Vegas? exotic locales by dropping famous
real war.
on the back of game boxes, why do sneak Sam Fisher into a live war zone
most war games retreat from modern P-whipped in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic
theaters of U.S. military involvement? One reason, it seems, is that game of the Congo, a region engulfed in a
While much of the world is developers and publishers fear the real-life civil war. You might assume
embroiled in conflict, games have prickly and divisive politics of war. this was an attempt to bring relevance
largely avoided depicting this reality,
setting their battles in the unlikeliest
of locations. Take the Sin City setting > People are dying out there, and it’s
of the latest in the Tom Clancy series
Rainbow Six. “I think Rainbow is not fun. I don’t want to make a game
one of the most realistic games out
there,” says Maxime Béland, creative
that reminds people of [that].
director of last year’s Rainbow Six: —Rainbow Six: Vegas Creative Director Maxime Béland
24 38 46
Preview: Preview: Preview:
Sneaking Requirement Another
around for velocity lonely night
and realism to the series. But Double in Mexico City. “We try to avoid it as a sign of respect for our military.
Agent coproducer Julian Gerighty situations where Americans have What they do is different. We try to
says Kinshasa was just an interesting boots on the ground,” says Christian present an authentic experience, but
playground for hide-and-seek. “We’re Allen, creative director for both games we also present the fun parts.”
creating entertainment, not a political and himself a former Marine and But in presenting only the heroic
statement,” he says. “It’s not meant to National Guardsman. “I’ve got [friends action (with infinite continues to boot),
raise awareness of conflict in Africa. and] relatives in the military. There’s do games glamorize their subject to
It’s hard to have a political message always a concern that if you make an audience of ripe potential recruits?
within your game experience that a game portraying those situations, “That’s an old issue that goes back
people will not flat-out reject.” you might be making light of them. to way before videogames,” says
Nevertheless, it’s also hard to You don’t want a kid whose dad is Ed Halter. “People were worried
make a game about war—whether deployed somewhere to see this game about this with toy soldiers and boys’
all-out battlefield combat or behind- portraying what their dad is doing and literature. There’s this old fear that,
the-scenes espionage like in Splinter have a really negative experience.” because children—especially boys—
Cell—without at least accidentally Rainbow Six’s Béland agrees: “We tend to think of war as a fun scenario
commenting on the subject matter. don’t want to be where there are to make games or play out of, that
“War is a political act by definition,” actual issues right now because we it’s trivializing war. That assumption
says Ed Halter, professor in the don’t want to have that bad-taste-in- is kind of difficult with videogames,
department of Film and Electronic your-mouth feeling. People are dying because anyone who plays games
Arts at Bard College in New York and out there, and it’s not fun. I don’t want is obviously tapped into all sorts of
author of the book From Sun Tzu to to make a game that reminds people other media. They’re getting other
Xbox: War and Video Games. “So to of a friend or a brother who died. It information about war all the time. It
say, ‘We’re making an apolitical view would be a lot easier to just pick from assumes this dumb subject who plays
of war’ is itself a political statement. the headlines and make a game out of games and does nothing else in life, so
It expresses the desire that you can it. But I think it would be tasteless.” I don’t really buy that.”
take the politics out of war and just Indeed, the few games that have
leave this fun experience.” But that’s tried to depict relevant conflicts have An emotional deficit
exactly what many developers strive left a bad taste in the mouths of some. Maybe games aren’t yet equipped
for. Games, more than movies or The Ghost Recon series, not always to deal with a subject as complex as
television, are dedicated to the virtues so removed from current events, once war. It’s telling that World War II is
of pure, unadulterated fluff. We’re here tackled a real hot spot. “In Ghost a hugely popular subject matter for
to have fun, right? “With Splinter Cell,” Recon 2, we set the game in North both games and film, yet games have
says Gerighty, “what we’ve always Korea,” says Allen. “We had a lot thus far managed only to capture the
wanted to do was create a parallel to of issues.... We pissed off the North bombastic action of the genre (Saving
big-budget Hollywood entertainment Korean government and ended up Private Ryan) and none of the quiet
movies—movies that are thrilling, getting banned in South Korea, which nuance (The Thin Red Line).
movies that are believable, but not wasn’t our intent.” The experience Thomas Coles, creative director
necessarily out to change the world.” helped push GRAW in its current, less- for the in-development stealth-action
And like Hollywood, the gaming realistic direction. “It’s partly playing it game Cipher Complex, doesn’t think
industry doesn’t take unnecessary safe,” he says. “But I’ve always seen it’s a fair comparison. “In a movie, >
risks with its hard-earned money.
Anything that might cause a fuss
gets left on the cutting-room floor. “It
takes so much money and manpower
to create games now that they don’t
want to invest in something that might
offend,” says Halter. “They want that
paradoxical goal that Hollywood
wants: the totally original, [yet]
completely predictable hit. It gravitates
toward conformity because there’s so
much money at stake.”
Bad taste
But the almighty dollar isn’t the only
arbiter here. Consider last year’s
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
and its recent sequel, which cast
■ Conflict: Desert Storm II (top left) took players to the first Gulf War, and the hokey Fugitive Hunter (top right) had
an authentic war experience over a
them bagging bin Laden. But most games stick with safer settings like World War II or even phony countries.
far-flung scenario: a military coup
©2007 Disney. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of
the Microsoft group of companies. ™, ®, Nintendo DS, and the Wii logo are trademarks of
Nintendo. © 2006 “Playstation”, "PlayStation", "PLAYSTATION", "PS" Family logo and "PSP"
are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. PSP® system - Memory Stick
Duo™ may be required sold separately. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the
Entertainment Software Association. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties
of their respective owners.
Forget titles costing $15 million
and requiring teams of 100+ people.
Games designed for electronic distri-
bution can be built for under $150,000
by six guys sitting in a garage. This
means: A) Developers/publishers can
finally afford to take more risks; B)
Originality does not have to bow to Can’t see your toes? Get this
marketability; and C) Amusements
needn’t be all-consuming.
Soon, you could see the following: a Platform: My Dance Dance Revolution diet voice coaching you on in Japanese.
shift to innovative concepts. The rise Nintendo DS didn’t work! Then Duke Saraie is Everything’s divided into gradual
of more indie development houses. Likelihood your answer. A sort of Japanese steps, and the game keeps full
Games sold in bite-sized compo- it’ll come Richard Simmons minus the crotch- track of your weight progress and
nents. Digital diversions targeted at here:
high track shorts, the fiftysome- problem areas, so even if you’re
others besides 18-to-34-year-old thing ex-model is the man behind a pudgy little dork who hasn’t left
could use
males. Not to mention a market-wide more exercise, the “Dukeswalk,” a mix of aerobics the TV room in five weeks, you can
renaissance, where manufacturers yes, but it’s and walking exercises that has soon become a light and nimble
are forced to acknowledge the truth: doubtful we’ll
listen to a guy
taken his country by storm over the nerd with just a little physical effort.
It’s not about technology; gamers just last couple years. It’s big in Japan, “I’ve made several DVDs in the
with freaky
want fun products at prices that aren’t facial hair in other words—and these days past,” Duke said at an April press
on par with black-market kidneys. you can’t be big in Japan unless conference to announce the game,
Until then, do us all a favor and you have a Nintendo DS game with “but you can only watch DVDs
keep oiling up those Doc Martens. your face plastered all over it. inside. With a DS, you can carry
it anywhere.” The real question,
Scott Steinberg is manag- Help me, Duke! Healthy Walking though: Would you want to have
ing director of game industry Navi contains 30 different exercises a leery guy in a beret in your palm
consulting firm Embassy to follow, all with video explana- while power walking around the
Multimedia Consultants
tions and all with Duke’s wacky neighborhood?
(www.embassymulti.com) and the author
of Videogame Marketing and PR
Splinter Cell:
Reinventing Sam Fisher (no, for real this time) By Shoe
Platform: THE FAMILIAR SLEEK BLACK Cell: Double Agent didn’t deliver on So Double Agent, despite still being
CATSUIT and all-purpose vision that unspoken promise. Sure, Fisher a great game, ended up being more
Publisher: headgear (with the famous, iconic spent some time in jail in that fourth of the same: more hiding in the dark,
three glowing green circles) were chapter of the stealthy series, but it more climbing up pipes, and more
Developer: nowhere to be seen, replaced by was only for one half-baked level (as sneaking up on no-do-gooders from
Ubisoft Montreal
a Creamsicle-orange prison jump- a “prisoner,” he still had some of his behind and putting them down for an
Release date: suit and 5 o’clock (plus overtime) high-tech gadgets, for chrissakes). extended naptime.
December 2007
shadow—Sam Fisher seemed to be
in for a franchise reinvention. After
all, you don’t show our favorite gov- For the first time since the original,
ernment secret agent in a mug shot
unless you’re planning on flipping we’re changing the core mechanics.
the script inside out. But Splinter —Conviction Senior Producer Mathieu Ferland
■ A day of shopping for deli meats goes horribly wrong. Notice: The crowd has dispersed, and individual objects in the environment are strewn about or broken.
■ Messy tables apparently make for good cover...but watch out—enemies are smart enough to use furniture to their advantage, too.
© 2007 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. and GH One LLC. All Rights Reserved.
For additional rating information, Ghost Rider Character TM & © 2007 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
FOR HORROR VIOLENCE AND DISTURBING IMAGES go to www.filmratings.com www.sonypictures.com © 2007 Layout and Design Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
to the handrail, slams his hand down to surroundings. It’s a very different formula
make him let go of his gun, then pushes from past Splinter Cells—it’s no longer
him down the stairs, knocking him out. about hiding in the dark and sneaking past
Fisher charges through another door to (or up to and knocking out) guards. Now,
tackle yet another officer to the floor, then you’re in real-life civilian situations—and
gives him a lights-out with a right hook. wits, not gadgets and guns, will get you
Before more policemen can join the fray, out of trouble.
Fisher pushes a heavy serving station in
front of a doorway to block entry. We say:
Fisher then exits the restaurant and Let’s face it: Most Tom Clancy games
is in the middle of a busy street market. aren’t known for their brainy A.I., so this
Civilians and merchant tents keep him leaves us a little skeptical about how well
obscured from the half-dozen armed cops Conviction will come together. After all, the
looking for him. He’s surrounded, but he game’s all about improvising in realistic
finds a quiet area where he pulls out the situations, and that realism will only be
pistol he swiped earlier and fires a couple there if all non-player characters (NPCs)
How to play: d
of harmless shots into some boxes, just to are behaving...well, realistically. But if that ecially marke
Look inside sp
spook the shoppers—and more specifi- A.I. performs like the developers promise, ll Park Franks
cally, to get a hot dog vendor to run away and the NPCs are more human than robot- packages of Ba
from his stand. Fisher then shoots at the ic, then damn, this could be one incredible for entry code entry
n code allows
hot dog cart’s propane tanks, causing an game. The paranoia of being a fugitive with Each promotio otion periods
ur prom
explosion that disperses the crowd. As no one to back you up, having to think into two one-ho o DS™
latest Nintend
people scream and run away, Fisher pulls on your feet the whole time, a world that Check out the de at
es and enter co
his hoodie up over his head and blends in reacts to what you’re doing—on paper, systems & gam
with the chaos, escaping capture.... Conviction sounds amazing. Unless every-
Even though everything we just thing we’ve seen so far is only a small,
described came from a prerendered, insignificant part of the game as a whole
scripted video, it’s supposed to represent (see again: the prison stuff from Double BALL PARK INSTANT WIN PROMOTION CONDENSED RULES
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Promotion code, and Internet access as of
© 2007 Ball Park® & © 2007 Nintendo DS™
Conviction’s gameplay, which is to be Agent ), this really is a radically different 5/4/07, required to enter. Open to legal residents of the 50 United
completely unscripted. The fights, the style for the series. That’s fine by us—we States/D.C., ages 13 and older. If you are considered a minor in your state
of residence, you must have your parent or legal guardian’s permission to
cops looking for clues (and checking out were kinda itching to get out of Fisher’s enter. Void where prohibited. Begins 12:00:00 a.m. CT on 5/23/07; ends
the opened doorway), the civilian reac- supertight black suit and try something 11:59:59 p.m. CT on 9/7/07. To obtain promotion code without purchase,
go to www.ballparkprizes.com (Internet requests must be received by
tions, blending in with the crowd...every- new anyway.... P 11:59:59 p.m. CT on 6/23/07), or hand-print your name, birth date, email
thing will happen on the fly, according to address and complete postal mailing address on a 3" x 5" card and mail in
an envelope, along with a self addressed stamped return envelope (VT
what the player’s doing at the moment and For more gameplay info and video residents omit return postage), to: Ball Park Franks Promotion Code
how the artificial intelligence (both enemy footage of Splinter Cell: Conviction, Request, P.O. Box 224, 1235A N. Clybourn, Chicago, IL 60610. Mail-in
requests must be postmarked by 8/24/07
and neutral) is evaluating the situation and set your browser to EGM.1UP.com. and received by 8/31/07. Subject to Official
Rules which include additional restrictions
at www.ballparkprizes.com. Sponsor: Sara
Lee Corporation, 3500 Lacey Road,
Downers Grove, IL.
Visit http://avaxhome.ru/blogs/vietmagz for more..
Boss battle:
God of War 2
When it comes to bosses, God of War
II is tough to beat. And since this epic
sequel is packed with ’em, we asked
GOW2 director Cory Barlog and an
EGM reader we solicited on our mes-
sage boards to tell us which fantasy
freak is the most fun to fight.
Our monthly look at the jobs you want
Cory Barlog:
“God, this is a By Evan Shamoon
tough question.
I want to go
with the stan-
This month: What’s an animation would-be animators need to know
dard Colossus Geoff
director? how to draw, he believes that the
answer, ’cause Crookes,
animation He or she oversees all the animation best training is that which involves
that boss fight
director created for a game and makes sure life drawing. “Once you have a good
was such a pain in the ass to put
at Digital it fits the overall vision. That means understanding of human anatomy,
together...but that is the expected Extremes
Digital Extremes’ Geoff Crookes you can apply that knowledge to
answer. With that in mind, I would
Experience: spends much of his time animating almost everything you animate.”
have to say Euryale, the sister of
Crookes heroes, enemies, and other lively Salary range: Around $40 grand for
Medusa, because she is one seriously
has spent in-game objects, of course, but he junior animators and up to $90K for
scary chick. A very tense and exciting six years
also works as a liaison between the senior positions.
fight that has a great payoff.” at Digital
Extremes, animation department and the rest of Current level of demand: High.
EGM Reader Cory Grad: where he the team. “In a way,” Crookes says Location of most jobs: West Coast.
“The series worked of the animation process, “you’re
on Unreal
of fights bringing things to life. You make Crookes’ typical day
between 2003/2004, them move; you make them live. It’s “Good days for me are days when
the two Unreal about giving character to something. I actually get to animate,” says
Sisters of Champion- In a lot of ways, it’s like acting.” Crookes. “Sometimes I can be stuck
ship, and now
Fate. The in meetings all day.” Crookes works
Dark Sector
pace was (PS3/XB360). Job data very closely with his game director,
incredible, Recommended education: Crookes going through all the characters and
as you is a classically trained 2D animator nailing down the kinds of animations
swung back and forth like a barbaric who learned 3D animation on the they should have, what the player
George of the Jungle— to only then job—although he says most job can- should feel when they interact with
go backward in time to make sure you didates today have an education in them...stuff like that. Then he’ll go to
don’t lose the last boss fight of the 3D modeling. While he doesn’t think his animators and relay these ideas,
first game. That’s like a new scale of
5 Lives:
David Jaffe
Chaining down God of War creator
David Jaffe for a chat is a cinch this
month; the loudmouthed industry
vet recently put the finishing touches on his first PS3
downloadable title, Calling All Cars. So since the former
Twisted Metal director is pimping his new ride, we took
the time to grill him with our five random questions.
Halo 3
XB360 • Microsoft Game Studios • Fall 2007
Sidewinder (H1)
■ Solid Snake sneaks up behind 21%
Link...and gooses the poor elf. Hang ’Em
High/ 11%
Tombstone Ivory
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (H1/H2) Tower (H2)
Wii • Nintendo • Fall 2007
Lockout (H2)
The MGS4 dev team may have their heads down cranking
Resident Evil 5 away on this game, but David Hayter—who provides the
voice of Snake—already has a few ideas for the plot of No.
PS3/XB360 • Capcom • 2008
5. “You’d see the son, Solid Snake, dealing with things in
Looking at Resident Evil 4 on the Wii (peep our review on pg. 82) reminds the future,” he explained on the Kojima Productions pod-
us how far the series’ graphics have come. Better days are ahead, though, cast, “while Naked Snake is dealing with things in the past.
as our insiders tell us that the visual leap from RE4 to RE5 will just as big as [The game would then] parallel the two.” Hmm, doesn’t
what we saw from RE0 to RE4. Now that’s hot. sound half bad, Snake.... P
Sexual Themes
© 2007 Techland. All Rights Reserved. Published and distributed by Ubisoft Entertainment under license from Techland. Ubisoft, Ubi.com, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks
of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Call of Juarez is a trademark of Techland and is used under license. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the
Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. Software platform logo (TM and ©) EMA 2006.
Platforms: THE NEED FOR SPEED SERIES ant, Senior Producer Mike Mann and the end of this year, and EGM was
PS3/XB360 is one of the most successful in EA’s Producer John Doyle have set about lucky enough to get the first look
Publisher: stable, behind unstoppable forces redefining the game and sending it at it in action. It’s truly a next-gen
EA Games like Madden and The Sims. With four off in a new direction. The result? racer, and the images you see here
Developer: games released in four years, no “It’s all about authentic street rac- are “visual target” screens using the
EA Black Box one is more aware of the potential ing,” Mann declares. “The Fast and game’s engine and are indicative of
Release Date: for franchise fatigue than the devel- the Furious vibe is dated, and the what the team is striving for on the
Late 2007 opment team at EA Black Box in culture has matured. Pro Street is a PS3 and Xbox 360. A Wii version is
Vancouver. Rather than unleash yet reflection of that.” also coming, but it’ll obviously look
another pink-lit street racing vari- The game is headed for release at and play quite differently.
Customization counts
Like Need for Speed: Carbon, Pro
Street offers a lot of customization
options, including the remarkably
full-featured Autosculpt widget
that lets you mold body panels
pretty much any way you’d like.
Whereas in Carbon this was purely
a cosmetic function, in Pro Street
every tweak you make affects the
physics model (and consequently
the performance) of the car, and
an in-game wind-tunnel mechanic
highlights this for you. Unlike in
recent Need for Speeds, you don’t
have to make your car ugly just to
score points; what’s more important
is tweaking its performance. >
A change of venues
Street racing is no longer the illicit
Burning rubber
Senior Producer Mike Mann is keen to
stress that the dirt and grime of racing
is an important part of the vibe that
hasn’t been adequately conveyed in
any games before. “Something you
don’t realize from just playing games
is how much smoke there is,” he tells
us. Pro Street will go a long way to
rectify this by rendering (via some
clever tricks hardly anyone outside of
game development understands) life-
like clouds of noxious tire and exhaust
fumes. The result is something that
looks remarkably realistic, and not like
the painted-on effects we’ve seen in
games like Project Gotham Racing or
Gran Turismo. This stuff dissipates just
like the real thing.
■ At first, we thought the backward decals were a mistake. But EA says that’s the style
these days. Cut us some slack—we still got dice hangin’ from our rearview mirror.
What a wreck
We’re starting to see damage han-
dled in more and more realistic ways
in today’s racing games, but Pro
Street is the most convincing we’ve
seen yet. Rather than make graph-
ics simply change when you crunch
into something, the Black Box team
has built a physics-based procedural
damage system, which means that
cars scrape and crumple based
on what they were hit by and with
what force. Clip another car on a
corner and see a body panel dent or
become detached. Whack something
really hard and the body will deform
just like it should. P
ZOMG: Left 4 Dead on The
the classics
1UP Show Free play is now, well, free
First hands-on with Left 4 Dead, the
28 Days Later–esque zombie game
By Michael Donahoe
that’s about to top your most-antici-
pated list.
NEW GAMES ARE NICE...if you’ve the first icon to get the makeover
got the dough to throw down on treatment—the cave-raiding cutie
’em. But if you’re broke (and don’t is set to debut in her first episode
mind oldies), a better deal is current- July 3. Along with the new cartoon,
ly playing on a PC near you—online GameTap TV is also running a docu-
Lara is all
game service GameTap (www.gam- mentary on the Tomb Raider series
about the etap.com) now offers a selection of that will feature all the former Lara
remakes— titles for the low, low price of nada Croft models (pictured above).
here is a pic (expect around 30 games ranging GameTap hopes that offering this
of Croft’s new
PWN: Bungie/1UP Halo 2 animated look.
from Metal Slug to Joust). Hold up! free content will entice gamers into
Grudge Match 3 Not everything’s free, but at least getting a subscription. Doing so
Epic Oddball battle decides Bungie it’s opening up some of its massive ain’t that bad of a deal—you’ll not
vs. 1UP/EGM Halo Humpday library to penny-pinchers who don’t only get access to over 850 games,
Challenge rematch. Bungie claims it want to go the monthly subscrip- but you’ll also get some exclusive
was “practice.” Wrong. tion route. But it’s not just games content from Cartoon Network/Adult
shedding the green—GameTap TV Swim. OK, this programming isn’t
original programming will also be that exciting, but $83.40 for a year
available for free. (which comes out to a meager $6.95
This is especially nice considering a month) or $9.95 month-to-month
the cool new content the service is isn’t that bad when you factor in all
cooking up. Along with typical ho- the games and content you’re get-
hum interviews with popular celebri- ting. Plus, now that the Sega Saturn
ties, GameTap is also spearheading has been added to the already stag-
a sweet new series entitled gering pile of systems, nearly every
LTTP: Late To The Party Re\Visioned that takes classic modern console is represented. And
Episode 1 characters and has comic book hey, it’s a better deal than blowing
First installment of 1UP’s new show artists/writers “reenvision” them $5 on a simple port of Soccer (NES)
revisits gems you may have missed into animated shorts. Lara Croft is on the Virtual Console. P
like Final Fantasy XII, Kororinpa, and
The Lord of the Rings: BFME2.
Platforms: DUSTY OLD MANSIONS, fog-filled happened previously or what you’re and sound, but also smell,” says
towns, insane asylums—been there, supposed to do next? That won’t be a Polloni. This unique characteristic (at
Publisher: not so scared of that anymore. The problem here. “A ‘coming next’ trailer least for game A.I.) does give AITD’s
repetitive nature of survival-horror set- plays when you leave the game at the fuglies a leg up when hunting you
Developer: tings is killing the fright factor in vid- end of the episode to tease you into down, but you’ll find instances where
Eden Games
eogames, which is why we’re looking wanting more,” says Producer Nour you can actually turn it against them.
Release Date: forward to Alone in the Dark’s unex- Polloni of developer Eden Games. “This lets you actually bait enemies,”
Winter 2007
pected backdrop: New York City’s “Then, the previous trailer plays when says Polloni, “with blood trails or a
Central Park. Even the Big Apple’s you come back to help you get back cadaver, which can prove to be
craziest kooks are afraid of the spooks into the story.” Also, Eden isn’t ruling very useful.”
that lie within its 843 acres, especially out offering additional episodes (via
when night falls. And after recently download) after the game ships. It’s got air-conditioning: Even though
learning more about the game (which most of your time will be spent on
is a series reboot), we can say the It’s hot: As you guide Edward Carnby foot, you can also hop into vehicles
locale isn’t the only surprise in store. (yes, the same paranormal investiga- to get around NYC’s sprawling rec-
tor from the 1992 original) through reation area. These aren’t the typical
It’s episodic: While so many games Central Park, it’ll be important to bring videogame rides, though—AITD’s
look to the silver screen for inspira- out his inner pyromaniac. And whether cars come fully loaded with working
tion (and pale in comparison), AITD’s you’re torching stacked-up furniture, radios, heat, and AC. More impor-
structure takes a page from hit TV wooden roofs, or the game’s evil tantly, these features will factor into
series like Lost and 24. Each level will forces, “fire will behave as it does in gameplay. “You won’t be turning on
essentially act as an episode (the disc real life,” says Polloni. “It’ll propagate the radio for hits of yesteryear,” says
will contain around 11, each consist- in real time across flammable sur- Polloni. “You’ll be picking up distress
ing of 45 minutes to 1 hour and 15 faces and objects, moving at different calls, for example, which can give you
minutes of gameplay), complete with speeds depending on the material.” useful information like meeting points
plot twists and cliff-hangers. Oh, and for survivors. And if it’s a cool night in
you know those times where you It’s got an olfactory bulb: “Enemies New York City, the heater could come
put a game down for a while, only to can detect you with a full range of in handy getting that frost off the
come back and totally blank on what senses—including, of course, sight vehicle’s windshield.” P
Post-it Pro:
Sure, anyone can piece together some
pixel art, but in order for it to stick out,
you gotta have some talent. Well, UC
Santa Cruz game-design major Ian
Rickard and a group of fellow students
definitely made an inviting portrait—
the talented team recreated the first Heroically defying expectations
level of the NES classic Donkey Kong
on the windows of a campus building By Shane Bettenhausen
using only Post-it notes. We recently
had a chance to speak with Rickard to
see what’s next on his pixel plate. Platform: GRASSHOPPER MANUFACTURE’S humor in distinctive visual trappings
Wii upcoming adventure No More that bear a strong resemblance to
EGM: So why’d you go ape for
Donkey Kong? Publisher Heroes clearly stands apart from the Grasshopper’s divisive cult classic,
TBA rest of its third-party Wii brethren, Killer 7 (PS2/GC).
Ian Rickard: Two years ago, some Developer: and not just because it’s neither a We’re still a bit foggy on precisely
other students organized a Mario- Grasshopper spazzy minigame collection nor a how all these disparate elements
themed portrait. One of the big ele- Manufacture
last-gen port with tacked-on motion will come together in the final
ments of the selection of Mario was Release control. Rather, No More Heroes product, so we’re going straight to
[Mario creator] Shigeru Miyamoto and Date:
Fall 2007
differentiates itself by being phe- the source—enigmatic No More
his influence on games and his inspi-
nomenally weird...let’s just hope it’s Heroes Director Goichi Suda—for
ration to many of today’s engineering
a good weird. This surreal offering assistance. While he doesn’t exactly
blends open-ended, Grand Theft reveal the true nature of the game-
EGM: OK, so now that Donkey Auto–style missions, frantic Wii-mote play, Suda adamantly explains pre-
Kong’s done, what’s next? swordplay, and bizarre, postmodern cisely what his new game isn’t.
IR: We’re probably going to be doing
Duck Hunt (NES) in the fall. And Zelda
(NES) next spring.
EGM: What? Nothing ambitious like WII MINIGAME COLLECTION
Master Chief saving the world from
an onslaught of Covenant? No More Heroes stands out among Wii releases by being...well, a real game. In a
sea of insubstantial minigame collections, a meaty single-player adventure seems
IR: No, no. We pretty much have to positively ambitious. It’s no accident, and Suda has no shortage of opinions on
stay with games from the ’80s. A sin- the state of Wii software. “Let me tell you one thing,” he insists. “I’m not looking
gle sprite from anything newer would to other developers’ Wii titles as reference points during the creation of No More
fill up all four floors. Heroes...I think a lot of developers are preparing original software on Wii presently,
but at least in Japan, you can’t deny the fact that developers are planting the soil
EGM: Guess we gotta wait for the on this new platform with unoriginal and entirely boring game concepts.”
next-gen Post-its, eh?
IR: Something like that, yeah! The 16-
bit Post-its.
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Driver® Parallel Lines © 2007 Ubisoft Entertainment. Driver, Ubisoft, Ubi.com, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. TM and the Wii logo are
trademarks of Nintendo. © 2006 Nintendo. “PlayStation”, “PS” Family logo, and “PSP” are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Memory Stick Duo™ may be required (sold separately).
The PS3 is pretty USUALLY AROUND THIS TIME titles like PaRappa the Rapper got coming to the PS3 and 360 next
similar to the Xbox
OF YEAR, I’m digging through gamers groovin’ in a more simplis- year. OK, that’s not too frighten-
360 except for one
thing: Achievements. mountains of dirt thanks to all the tic fashion: pushing buttons to the ing...but this is: The Japanese team
Not for long, tantalizing tidbits I uncover at the beat of the music. Simple? Yeah. responsible for the series is hand-
though—the PS3 annual Electronic Entertainment Addictive. Oh yeah. Sony lets their ing the reins over to a new Yankee
will soon incorporate
Expo (E3). Not this year, though! No, rapping pup out again this July when development team.
in-game trophies with
its Home service. no. Because the formerly massive they release the original PaRappa
And if you remember, gaming convention is a little later this for the PSP, but it looks like the PS3 Rockin’ sequels
I teased these back summer, I’m sadly forced to delay my is getting thrown a bone, too. My Right now, Grand Theft Auto 4 is
when they were
anticipated rumor feast. So my stom- Sony spies tell me I gotta believe (rightfully) stealing all of publisher
called “entitlements.”
ach may be starved for scuttlebutt PaRappa the Rapper 3 for the Rockstar’s attention, but I caught
right now, but don’t worry ’bout ol’ PS3 is real. wind of other sequels coming from
Q-Mann—next month, I’ll digest all the controversial gaming superstars.
the juicy details for you. Until then, Haunted hill How many games? Three—expect
let these rumors fill ya up. Publisher Konami wants to keep the to hear official announcements about
sequel talk for their spooky survival a new Midnight Club (duh!), Bully
360 minute abs horror series, Silent Hill, quiet, but (yay!), and Red Dead Revolver
It doesn’t take an egghead to realize The Q is hearing all sorts of scary (huh?) sometime very soon...maybe
epic Spartan flick 300 is the perfect details. Like, get this: Silent Hill 5 is even sooner than you think. P
thing to crack on consoles. Hell,
movie critics said the film looks like
a videogame. So, uh, how come
nothing ever came out (besides the > Q-TIPS
shoddy PSP game)? Stupidity, likely, • Monster publisher EA sure is greedy—I hear it’s looking to snatch up the
but at least someone out there isn’t MLB and NBA licenses to complement its current NFL exclusivity.
completely brain-dead—I hear a
new publisher is preppin’ a 300 • Nintendo’s looking to level-up its role-playing fare—the company recently
game for the PS3 and Xbox 360. acquired developer Monolith Soft (Xenosaga) to make a Final Fantasy killer.
Xbox Live Arcade • Chair Entertainment
If Battlefield’s “pick different units, capture command points” setup held hands
with Geometry War’s 2D, 360-degree arcade shooting and jumped into the
ocean together, you’d have Undertow. Although this underwater shooter clearly
rips off ideas from other games, it’s quite ambitious for a Live Arcade title, with
16-player online support, cut-scenes, and pretty amazing graphics.
NCAA Football 08
PS3/XB360/PS2/XB • EA Sports
Hot Shots Tennis You’ve once again led your Michigan Wolverines to
PS2 • Sony Computer
a victory over Ohio State, but your buddy (who’s a
Entertainment America
Bucknut) isn’t around to witness the massacre. Don’t
A cute cast. Extremely accessible play. worry: Thanks to NCAA Football 08’s new replay sys-
Fun challenges. Sounds like another tem, you can now create a vault of highlight clips and
Mario Tennis, right? Yes, but this time send them to your online pals. Nothing like rubbing a li’l
it’s the Hot Shots crew who’ll be trad- extra salt in the wounds of your college rivals....
ing their golf clubs for a racket. It’s a
nice changeup, but it’s even nicer to
see a company continuing to support
its aging console with new software
More July Releases
(hear that, Nintendo and Microsoft?). AniMates Panzer Tactics DS
DS • DreamCatcher DS • CDV Software
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registered trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
Welcome back to
With a camera in hand, we take a trip to
New York to compare one Big Apple to
another: Grand Theft Auto IV’s Liberty City
By Greg Ford
Photography by Seth Kushner
GRAND THEFT AUTO IV IS STILL A MYS- What we know the most about is the setting.
TERY to many. Sure, everyone’s seen the trailer, As in previous GTAs, LC is Rockstar’s version
and a few of us have seen a demo of the game of the Big Apple. And while those earlier games
running. But hard info? Not so much. You still made you feel like you were in a city, none of
jack cars, pilot choppers, swim, and pack heat, them made you feel like you were in the city.
but is that a surprise to anyone? All we know One of Rockstar’s biggest goals is to change
about multiplayer is that GTA4 (coming to the that and really nail the NYC feel.
PS3 and Xbox 360 this October) won’t be a Fact is, we’ve been impressed by what we’ve
massively multiplayer online game, nor a death- seen. Graphically, it’s a beaut. And since this
match showdown, but “will match single player,” is Rockstar’s most ambitious re-creation of the
according to a Rockstar rep. OK...good. We metropolis yet, we wanted to see how far the
know a little about the story: Protagonist Niko developers have come to mimicking NYC. So
Bellic heads to Liberty City from Eastern Europe we sent a photographer to try to match screens
to turn his life around, only to find that the won- shot for shot. Let’s see how close he came...and
ders his cousin promised were unfounded. in turn how close Rockstar did.
Make no mistake; GTA4 has
impressed many doubters with its
graphical splendor, delivering the
series’ first bona fide gawker. But a
pretty world can only serve to draw
you in. It’s the people who fill that
world that make you want to stay,
and that’s where GTA4 has us most
intrigued. More specifically, we focus
our attention on Times Square, the
most recognizable intersection on the
planet and a bustling slice of human
idiocy, both in the real and virtual
world. In the NYC pic, the corner and
crosswalk teem with activity, with
some people walking at a determined
gait, others casually crossing the
street. Most of all, their minds are on
their own immediate destination. And
you know what? While LC’s square
ain’t as dense (we really didn’t expect
it to mimic Manhattan’s nearly 1.6
million inhabitants), those peds give
off the same “I couldn’t give a s***”
vibe. They’re going about their own
thing and, amazingly, aren’t all copies
of each other. And don’t forget the
signage and stock-market ticker: The
GTA-style satire makes its mark again.
This NYC/LC showdown features the
biggest aesthetic differences simply
because of the game’s more stream-
lined city. The real city is much more
developed (especially apparent to the
right of the Empire State Building). But
take note of all of LC’s skyscrapers (as
well as that beautiful sky). Rockstar
is stressing vertical density, meaning
when you’re touring the financial dis-
trict, the buildings towering above you
will block out the sun and really give
you a sense of being encapsulated in
this city, just like in the real thing.
■ The Brooklyn Bridge, one of the oldest suspension bridges in the world, serves as the connection between Manhattan and Brooklyn (Algonquin
and Broker in LC). Now, how many of you will have Niko (shown here) plungin’ off it the minute you get the game? Thought so...sickos.
■ Whether in the real world or in the game, Times Square is inundated with ads. But rather than trying to sell you on something (like in the real world), GTA4 just looks to
entertain—hey, we’d gladly clog our arteries with a Heart Stopper Burger from Burger Shot. Better yet, we can wash it down with the one crossover: ice-cold beer.
We’ve put a lot of focus on the hearts
of the cities so far, and rightly so, but
it’s worth pointing out that GTA4 isn’t
all high-rises and wild cabbies. Places
like Broker and Alderney (GTA4’s ver-
sions of Brooklyn and New Jersey,
respectively) offer some diversity
in the environment (though noth-
ing like San Andreas’ boonies). The
Coney Island riff here has the same
run-down, dilapidated look of the
real thing. And again, you’ll notice a
misplaced elevated-track pillar in LC,
which in the real city is a block away.
■ Admit it, these two shots look amazing. No, it’s not a landmark or anything iconic, but still.... The way the hill crests. The crisscrossing fire
escape. Even the streetlamps. The fact that the developers modeled a seemingly random street so well has us itching to explore Liberty City.
Happy Ending
302 Broome St., Manhattan
City Sub
450 Bergen St., Brooklyn
The building and its name are both nondescript. But if you can
fatten up the main character in GTA4, this is the place to do it.
Inarguably, Brooklyn’s City Sub serves up the most delicious
sandwiches on the planet. Each one is painstakingly prepared,
so the lines are murder. But when the cops aren’t on your tail,
this would be a great place to cool down.
Hotel Chelsea
222 W. 23rd St., Manhattan
The body count from past visits to Liberty City has piled up,
but all those deaths don’t equal the amount of ghosts that
spook the hallways of this legendary hotel. This creativity-
seeping locale has hosted quite an eclectic mix of hyper-
talents, from Jimi Hendrix to William S. Burroughs to Edith
Piaf. Shazam!
French Roast
78 W. 11th St., Manhattan
Visit www.esrb.org
for updated rating
© 2006, 2007 ATLUS Persona is a trademark of Atlus USA. SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI, and SMT are registered trademarks of Atlus USA. © 2007 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"PlayStation" and the "PS" Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The rating icons are trademarks of the Entertainment Software Association.
Red tide
“Look, this is an M-rated game,”
says Levine. “We wouldn’t be having
this conversation if we were making
a movie.” The conversation in ques-
tion follows our first encounter with
a Big Daddy about two hours later in
the game. These eyes-on-high-beam,
pressure-suited monstrosities have
become iconic of BioShock and are a ■ “The A.I.s have head-tracking technology,” says Levine. “You’ll see them looking at
linchpin of its labyrinthine plot—and points of interest and even commenting on what they see.”
not just because you’re supposed >
■ Red means go: Don’t be on the warpath of a Big Daddy when his eyes go crimson. His terrifying
bellows of rage blur the screen and stun you, leaving you open to one mega melee pounding.
to seek out and take down three in he says. “You have to show that You can’t shoot the little girls. You
each section of Rapture. Each Big exploitation or there’s no choice to can’t hurt them in any way, except in
Daddy protects one of the Little make here.” The team’s big chal- that moment when you’re given the
Sisters, gaunt 8-year-old girls who lenge, he explains, was to go only choice [to harvest them].”
pop out of hatches to scour areas for so far with the graphical presenta- Don’t assume that choosing to
corpses. The girls aren’t what they tion of harvesting. There’s a reason harvest the Little Sisters rather than
seem. They’ve been genetically engi- you don’t see it actually happening save them sends you down some
neered by one of Rapture’s residents onscreen. “We did it basically so you irreversible path in BioShock. Much
to drink the blood of the dead and crossed the threshold of informa- of the game’s rich story (which
convert it to Adam, stem-cell goo tion so the player understood what we’ve left vague to avoid spoiling)
that fuels all superpowers in Rapture. was happening, but no more,” says has you torn between two charac-
You want Adam; acquiring it is at Levine. “You don’t need to show ters, Atlas and Tenenbaum, who
the heart of your character-custom- anything else and you shouldn’t harass you regularly on your radio.
ization options. But here’s the tricky show anything else, because we’re Atlas’ family is trapped in Rapture,
part: Once you take down a Big not going for a prurient thrill here. and he wants you to harvest all the >
Daddy (no small feat, which we detail
on page 75), you can opt to either
“save” the Little Sister and get a wee
bit of Adam or “harvest” her and get
the maximum amount. What hap-
pens when you harvest her? Well,
you figure it out. Your hand pulls the
whimpering girl offscreen, you hear
some squishy noises, and when your
fist reappears it’s holding organic
material and the Little Sister is gone.
Seeing this, it’s easy to imagine
backlash from the mainstream
media, maybe a Fox News story
about a new game that lets you kill
little girls—never mind that the Little
Sisters aren’t exactly human. Levine
says it’s a risk he’s willing to take
to create a compelling experience.
■ Kodak moments: You eventually get a camera you can use to research enemy weaknesses.
“We’re making a game where the
Snapping action shots earns you points—earn enough and you get bonuses against different Splicers.
theme is the exploitation of people,”
“Let’s pretend we didn’t just do that,” says Irrational’s Ken Levine after a particularly ungraceful attempt at tackling three enemies. And that’s the
beauty of BioShock: Do-overs are often even more fun than exploring new territory. Because enemies always spawn in new locations and, as Levine
frequently reminds us, “everything in the environment is a weapon,” we found ourselves restarting areas just to come up with more elegant solutions to
dealing with bad-guy Splicers and Big Daddies. Here to back up our words are three ways to play in just one room....
Start here
START Welcome to Port Neptune, a Rapture fishery that provides food for the
city. We haven’t been to this area yet, but we can assume it’s crawling
with Splicers, monitored by security cameras and turrets, and might even
be home to a wandering Big Daddy and Little Sister. But this game ain’t
gonna play itself. Pick your plan of attack and let’s clear this room....
■ Stop, drop, and ROFL: Splicers understand their environment, so they’ll hunt for health stations
when hurt and take a dip on hot days like the one above. Teach them a lesson in conductivity!
82 Resident Evil 4
83 Escape From Bug Island
84 Ninja Gaiden Sigma
86 Pirates of the Caribbean:
At World’s End
88 Spider-Man 3
89 WarTech: Senko no Ronde
90 Tomb Raider: Anniversary
92 GrimGrimoire
Odin Sphere
SimCity DS
PS2 has the answer
94 Pokémon Diamond/Pearl
95 Final Fantasy
96 PQ2: Practical Intelligence WHOA...MAJOR CASE OF DÉJÀ
Quotient VU THIS MONTH. Just look at that
Innocent Life: A Futuristic
97 lineup. Are we going backward or
Harvest Moon something? It’s a remake special! And
98 Reviews Wrap-Up besides the recast Resident Evils, 10 to 9 Excellent
Ninja Gaidens, and Tomb Raiders,
even Innocent Life is a Harvest Moon 8.5 to 7 Good
reimagining, just with a robo-boy
looking for love (and the proper 6.5 to 5 Average
harvesting schedule) instead of a real
one. Hmm...really? While it’s fun to
4.5 to 3 Bad
relive some of our favorite gaming 2.5 to 0 Terrible
95 moments, even more fun would be
experiencing new ones...like with out-
FINAL FANTASY of-nowhere Game of the Month winner
Odin Sphere. This 2D side-scroller Reviews: You can also find the lead (OUT OF 10)
RPG brawler (whew) impressively stole EGM review on 1UP.com. The second MERCHANT
83 88 90
Bug Island: Spider-Man: Raider: Too
Stomp this Third time’s young for a
stinker no charm face-lift?
Greg Sewart
Michael Donahoe Brooks Huber Staff Reviewer
News/Features Editor Editorial Intern
After seeing Spider-Man strut Hoping to compete with this Nick Suttner
his sexy stuff on the silver summer’s epic lineup of block- Staff Reviewer
screen, Michael decided to buster films, EGM decided to
Todd Zuniga
follow his lead out in the real beef up its advertising. Brooks
Staff Reviewer
world. The result? Uh, not so drew the shortest straw, hence
good. Our advice: Just stick to his predicament. But what he
the game, kid. doesn’t know is that they were
Now Playing: Odin Sphere, all short straws. Sucker.
Gears of War, Halo 3 Now Playing: Punch-Out!! (Wii)
Blog: egmhoe.1UP.com Blog: egmbrooks.1UP.com
■ Publisher: Capcom ■ Developer: Capcom ■ Players: 1 ■ ESRB: Mature
all—so I won’t waste your time by
extolling its many virtues here. And
even if you’re a vet of the GC and
point. But it’s amazing how a game
that once looked so good can look so
dated after a couple years of seeing
intense experience.
■ Publisher: Eidos ■ Developer: Spike
■ Players: 1 ■ ESRB: Mature
ences—Grindhouse in theaters, Earth
Defense Force 2017 on XB360—
Escape From Bug Island squashes the
It’s called Escape From Bug Island,
Greg—“Escape,” not “Fight.” The
game never gives you a reason to
as anything more than a kitsch party
game in between Wii Sports and
WarioWare sessions (take a swig of
MARK good will with steel-heeled authority. attack monsters (save a handful of your beverage of choice every time
This survival-horror adventure game bosses), so I think you’re supposed Road House reject Mike disturbingly
follows the path of one Ray, who’s to just run from everything instead. points his shotgun at your in-game
A. FITCH trying to figure out what the deal is on Fun! And the crappy cut-scenes love interest).
an island of overgrown insects. Sound
premise for some kitschy B-movie-
and laughable dialogue? That’s the
developers telling you to skip the hor-
Still, the game’s not quite as unplay-
able as these other two suggest. Yes,
style fun, sure, but what EDF does rible story as well. Yippee! No, what the controls are “old school” (to be
so right (simple, responsive controls Bug Island does well is the balancing kind), but they’re not much worse than
The Good: Fun,
schlocky concept that make killing hundreds of mindless minigame that appears whenever you most pre-RE4 survival-horror games.
The Bad: Ugly enemies fun), Bug Island mutilates. cross a log bridge...come in expect- My main problem’s with the lack of
graphics, frustrating Antiquated tank controls (you turn ing anything more (like a half-decent variety: Ray’s got an astounding total
controls, and more!
your body before moving forward survival-horror game for the Wii), and of four offensive attacks: high, medi-
The Ugly: The
canine men...get ’em rather than pressing a direction to run) you will be sorely disappointed. um, and low—plus the long-range
a mask! often make the simple act of moving “hurl rocks at a bug’s face” option.
a chore, and sluggish attack motions wA. FITCH: I’m the kind of guy who’s Bug Island’s not exactly horrible...it’s
(hold a button then swing the Remote, endlessly amused by the Japanization just horribly repetitive.
or hold two buttons then swing for
thrown weapons) mean deadly crit-
ters will be all over you as you flail the
wrong way.
And the game’s twist will excite only
fans of backtracking, who, as far as I
know, don’t actually exist. Bug Island
has plenty more wrong with it, as you
can see by the screens on this page,
but that just leaves these other two
reviewers something to chew on.
■ Want to see the visual difference between the Xbox and PS3
versions? Go to GameVideos.com to see a comparison video.
PlayStation 3
#178), I honestly gushed, “I’ve never
played a prettier game.” Well, times
change...and modern games such as
new toys (eviscerating enemies with
dual katanas feels particularly brutal),
and busty Rachel’s all-new levels
the pointless tilt controls (shaking the
joypad to boost magic attacks) make
me wonder why they bothered.
BRYAN Gears of War and Lair clearly push the deliver an obscenely violent change of
graphical envelope far beyond Team pace. Genuinely new content doesn’t wG. FORD: This being my first tour
Ninja’s stunning last-gen achieve- abound, but Sigma remains such through this order, I had high expec-
G. FORD ment. It’s impressive, though, that the an expansive, challenging, and well- tations...and came away mostly
visuals in this remake can still hang
tough on PlayStation 3—thanks to
paced thrill ride that you won’t care. impressed. Like these guys say, the
fighting engine is divine. The graceful
some expert nip/tuck artistry, Ryu wBRYAN: Ditto on the graphics. Even combat (minus some occasional iffy
Hayabusa’s adventure looks sexier with those strange visual miscues, targeting) makes you appreciate the
The Good: Most pol-
ished, value-added than ever. It’s a shame, then, that Sigma looks significantly better than art of the counterattack. What you
version to date weird glitches (sync problems that both Xbox installments. But it’s the won’t appreciate, though, is the god-
The Bad: Feels a tad make the screen “tear” when the brilliant gameplay that keeps Ryu at awful camera, which bogs down every
antiquated and glitchy
camera moves, odd bouts of loading, the top of the action crowd. The com- big battle with bouts of babysitting.
Ridiculously Sexy:
Rachel’s idle anima- even in combat) make it feel a bit like bat is extremely fast and fluid, and the Given the game’s age, though, the
tion a slapdash port. formidable enemies force you to fight rest holds up remarkably well. P
plank for our liking, though it has
its good points. The attention to
detail—such as the rowdy pirates in
concentrated form of combat, but
again, the long pauses between
attacks and dodges kill the flow.
details dead-on...didn’t they think that
maybe the gameplay should be at
least marginally decent too?
JOE Port Royal or Jack Sparrow’s inebri- Exploration-based puzzles break up
ated mannerisms—is spot-on with the sword-swinging, but they’re more wGREG S: Outside of my esteemed
the films. It’s painful, then, that the of a burden than pleasure, forcing you colleagues’ complaints—which I agree
GREG S. swashbuckling combat (if you can call to scrounge far and wide for a few with wholeheartedly—the thing that
it that) consists of only a few simple
sword swipes that don’t always feel
hidden rum bottles. keeps sticking with me in At World’s
End is how incredibly quiet Capt. Jack
responsive when you try to pull them wJOE: At World’s End poses so many has become. While nothing’s going to
off. And why does every enemy sol- burning questions. Why, for example, make this dreadfully straightforward,
The Good: Detailed
environments, a spot- dier/barman/sea crony turn his back am I allowed to use my sword in some mediocre action game great, more
on Jack Sparrow after only two sword clinks? Such parts of town but not others? Why quips from our hero and his compan-
The Bad: Pirates antics cause some serious déjà vu: does the game insist on telling me in ions would have at least given the
can’t swim
attack, attack [enemy turns his back], the most ridiculously explicit detail game more personality and thus made
Dirtiest Power-up
Name in a Disney attack, and he drops. Simple? Yes. where to go next? And why, in the it a wee more compelling. But as it is,
Game: Jackanism Fun? Well, if repetition is your thing. name of all the gods of the deep, is all it’s got going for it are the graphics.
With several movie-based videogames falling short for yet another summer (see Spider-Man 3, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End ),
here are four flicks coming out over the next few months that we think would’ve had a better chance for virtual success...
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■ Publisher: Activision ■ Developer: Treyarch ■ Players: 1 ■ ESRB: Teen
platforms now, Spidey, and you sure
as hell don’t look it.” You know that
“PS2 game with shiny characters”
wBROOKS: Sharkey seems to have
woken up on the wrong side of the
web. PS2 graphics? Really? Despite
tell you about the unbalanced boss
fights. Even with the improved com-
bat system, you’ll actually dish out
BROOKS look that plagues PS3 and 360 ports? some objects popping in, this PS3/ little damage, which drags out these
It’s dripping all over this webslinging- XB360 version of Manhattan looks encounters (those infuriating but-
filled action game. That, and vicious great. The story may be more comic ton-press sequences don’t help here,
BRYAN slowdown when you break objects. book than movie (think rampant liz- either...sorry, Brooks). And while I
The rest of the game is a pretty
straight-up combination of the bet-
ards, mad bombers, and a gang of
Gothic Lolitas), but the action is all
enjoy the mission diversity, I was hop-
ing for a livelier metropolis. I know if I
ter bits of Spider-Man 2 and Ultimate here, and mission variety abounds. saw my friendly neighborhood Spider-
Spider-Man (which isn’t a bad thing, Webslingin’ remains the selling point, Man swingin’ by, battlin’ some foes, I
The Good: Looks all
right for a PS2 game, but we expect more), except with but the combat—although built from wouldn’t just stand there nonchalantly.
webslinging still fun absolutely punishing quick-time but- the ground up for this game—still I’d point, scream...do something! P
The Bad: It’s not a ton-pressing events. A, B...ugh! A, consists of random button mashing.
goddamn PS2 game,
B, Up...damn! A, B, Up, X...f***! And Also, those quick-time events aren’t Even wannabe heroes need a hand.
the voice acting
Whipped: Slinging with each failure we get an unskip- that horrible, but they certainly falter If you need help keeping MJ happy,
MJ across town pable cut-scene during which Tobey next to those of God of War. hit up our SuperGuide at EGM.1UP.com.
Xbox 360
■ Publisher: Ubisoft ■ Developer: G-Rev
■ Players: 1-2 ■ ESRB: Teen
player throwing up as
many bullet walls as pos-
sible until one player hap-
art style, either—sure, the paint-by-numbers
(big-eyed/busty/Hot Topic outfits) anime char-
acters are one thing, but a robot with bunny
pens to absorb enough ears and a purse? Not on my futuristic inter- shoutfactory.com ®
damage to lose. stellar battleground! © 1993 and 1994 DIC Entertainment, L.P. & © SEGA
The Good: Little else like this out there
Available At:
The Bad: It moves slower than you’d expect
Online: We didn’t get to try it yet, but we’ll let you know next month if it has any problems
EGM’s Top 5:
Unorthodox health
PlayStation 2
A worthy celebration
wJOE: Wow. Crystal Dynamics isn’t messing sets the standard for remaking classic games.
around with this whole Tomb Raider thing. Reliving the signature moments here delivers
The neck needle: The Anniversary is an excellent reimagining of the the same thrills as a decade ago, not because
Chronicles of Riddick (XB) original game, with some gorgeous settings, the developers exactingly re-created the origi-
OK, seriously, would you stick clever level design, and even a fair share of nal, but because they used the new engine to
your neck there? Anyone? reasonably challenging puzzles. Like Legend create a vision that lives up to my fond memo-
before it, it feels almost as much like an ries. The PS2 manages the requisite natural
2 homage to Prince of Persia as to the original lighting and lush details—if only the broader
Tomb Raider, but that’s a good thing; Lara vistas didn’t cause the game to sputter. I’ll
was always meant to be as acrobatic as we accept the technological limitations and han-
see her here. In fact, Anniversary feels like dle the camera, though, to get to the game’s
the game Tomb Raider was supposed to be feeling of isolation, exploration, and wonder.
all along. An occasionally squirrelly camera
and infrequent control issues mar the overall wCRISPIN: Checking out Lara Croft in the
package...but the problem is, by the end of original Tomb Raider today is like looking at
Doing nothing: Halo 2 (XB) the game, when things start getting really the yearbook photo of your acid-washed,
They say the best offense is a ridiculously difficult, the camera and unreli- feathered-haired high school sweetheart and
good defense, so sit back, enjoy able controls become thinking, “I thought she was hot?” But playing
the view, and charge that suit. fairly significant. Overall, the bargain-priced Anniversary is like finding
THE VERDICTS though, Anniversary’s a out that ex-girlfriend is now a runway model.
1 (OUT OF 10)
fine showing, an excellent This game is beautiful—and it respects your
JOE service to fans, and proof nostalgia with clever reimaginings of famous
that the series is back on
the right track for real.
encounters (like the T-Rex) and puzzles (such
as the Sword of Damocles). Control feels
loose—off-kilter leaps killed me more than
wGARNETT: I’ll go Joe anything—but I’ll take it over the original’s
one further: Anniversary rigid grid-based system any day.
Gettin’ busy: Grand Theft GOOD
Auto III (PS2/XB)
When the cars started rockin’, the
politicians came a-knockin’.
The Good: Gorgeous levels, interesting puzzles
The Bad: Squirrelly camera and controls
You’ll Die Often: Good thing load times are fairly minimal
'03536&$3*.&/:$5&95,&:803% '03$"--0'%65:¥5&95,&:803%
536&50 8"350
PlayStation 2
these resource-managing games) is a
real departure for publisher NIS, which
is better known for so-deep-you’ll-
GrimGrimoire is fun at first, but
not in the same league as developer
Vanillaware’s Odin Sphere (see below).
like Ar tonelico and Atelier Iris? I’ll
gladly take Grim over those, thanks.
No, the game doesn’t totally solve
RAY drown Japanese RPGs. And it’s also the problem of how to do RTS on a
a tad disappointing. Not because it’s wRAY: I’m not a huge RTS con- console, but with its 2D, teleport-any-
pretty shallow, but because it lacks noisseur, but I have a good idea of where-on-the-map gameplay, it ends
A. FITCH any multiplayer options (a no-no in what works. And I know that viewing up surprisingly playable.
this genre) and is superrepetitive. Even
as you progress and unlock new skills,
GrimGrimoire’s action from the side
(rather than overhead) isn’t very help-
Greg’s spot-on in pegging this as
a Harry Potter clone, though (well,
the game is never really compelling. ful. To the developers’ credit, the con- aside from Grim’s weirdly sapphic
Unless, of course, you’re a Harry trol scheme cleverly handles selecting undertones). Sure, most games are
The Good: Beautiful
visuals Potter fan. Lillet Blan’s adventures crowds of units, but it still ends up hardly original, but Grim borders on
The Bad: at magic school and the characters cumbersome and never as fast as a criminal—literally! A Snape-like pro-
Superrepetitive she meets parallel the story of the traditional RTS. Sure, it’s gorgeous, fessor who, we’re assured, isn’t evil?
“boy who lived” so completely that but this game deserves a high-def “Gammel Dore” as bearded headmas-
J.K. Rowling
Called: She wants it’s almost creepy—right down to presentation, or at least a system that ter instead of Dumbledore? Uh, get
her story back an object called the “Philosopher’s can handle all of those 2D sprites. your legal team ready, NIS.
PlayStation 2
■ Publisher: Atlus ■ Developer: Vanillaware
■ Players: 1 ■ ESRB: Teen
Valkyrie in profile
(OUT OF 10) wA. FITCH: Gorgeous hand-drawn art make up for this tepid start, though, bite-sized bits is a brilliant idea, too—
straight out of a medieval storybook. and all of the characters control dif- just when you get bored, you’re given
A soaring musical score by the famed ferently enough that the game never a new character to chow down on.
composer of Final Fantasy Tactics.
Charming storytelling elements clearly
devolves into tedium. Take the time to
savor Odin Sphere—they don’t make
too many like it anymore.
wJEREMY: If Odin Sphere had to get
by on its good looks, it would still be
inspired by Norse mythology and the
MICHAEL Brothers Grimm’s classic fairy tales. one of the most compelling games of
Yes, it’s safe to say that Odin Sphere, wMICHAEL: Whoever said 2D is dead the year—its hand-drawn artwork is
a 2D side-scrolling action-RPG that neglected to kill off this beauty. What so beautiful that you have to wonder
JEREMY feels like a “lost” Super NES title, Odin Sphere gives up in geometry it why people ever made such a fuss
might cause a fair bit of excitement for
the more Japanophilic among us.
makes up for with its insane amount
of detail—the characters, enemies,
about polygons.
And happily, the game has far more
True to its fairy-tale inspiration, the and backgrounds are crafted with to recommend it than simple visual
game unfolds as five separate “books” such intricate care that it’s a miracle panache; Odin Sphere’s an inven-
The Good: Old-
school Super NES– read by a little girl, the first of which it even runs on the PS2 (some bosses tive fusion of RPG and brawler. Once
style action centers on a Valkyrie princess—I’d absolutely slaughter the game with you get the hang of brewing potions
The Bad: Old-school actually have preferred a choice of slowdown). Apart from this nagging and growing sheep trees in the thick
the five protagonists, as her tale is issue (what do you expect—it is a 2D of battle, you’ll find a surprisingly
Good Lord: Odin’s
a demon here, not the least interesting by far. The four game), the experience is consistently deep adventure and a gripping story.
a god brilliant subsequent stories more than exciting. Cutting up the story into five Simply amazing.
DS "$&450
■ Publisher: Electronic Arts ■ Developer: EA Japan
■ Players: 1 ■ ESRB: Everyone
aspect of raising a bustling metropolis from however—so never mind that for this particular
the bare ground. After tracing out roadways SimCity. But for an on-the-go city-manage-
and zoning a few parcels, I watched with ment simulator, this version is really robust:
anticipation as the buildings sprung up. And It’s got budget sheets, graphs, too-talkative
then the reality of actually playing SimCity on advisers with different personalities, and lots
a DS set in. Because neither of the two zoom of special buildings to research and discover
levels work well, construction planning really (including some sci-fi-themed ones). SimCity
built up my frustration. I was ready to throw up DS is deeper than I would’ve expected, but
my hands trying to play anywhere other than those annoying citizens that are constantly
sitting still; even the slightest bump made it asking me to build random things (that aren’t
impossible to be accurate with the stylus. really helping the city) have got to go away.
Still, that unique SimCity urban-planning
pride kicked in when my burg started grow- wNICK: It’s indeed impressive that EA has
ing, but the high faded awfully fast. Never shrunk down such a complex game without
have the DS screens felt so small; even the dumbing it down, but having to regularly hit
largest buildings lack the “Undo” button due to imprecise touches
the details key to their and a janky camera sucks out some of the fun.
THE VERDICTS charming appeal. Take I didn’t have as much of a problem with the '03%6$,4)055&95,&:803%
(OUT OF 10)
this as a reminder that visuals as my compadres, but I can definitely
GARNETT just because you can relate to the headache of having to sit through
put SimCity on the DS
doesn’t mean you should.
the whiny requests of my tiny denizens just in
case they offer something important. SimCity’s
still a uniquely addictive experience when
wSHOE: I completely everything’s clicking, but the DS just isn’t the
agree. Part of the series’ best medium for burgeoning city planners.
The Good: Big-city sim in a pint-sized package
The Bad: Never has the DS felt so small
Overloaded: Only enough room for one saved city at a time
■ Publisher: Nintendo ■ Developer: Game Freak ■ Players: 1-2 ■ ESRB: Everyone
for compulsive level grinding. But
Diamond/Pearl has me hooked—
which is strange, because it’s not
to make it the best Pokémon yet.
■ Publisher: Square Enix ■ Developer: Square Enix
■ Players: 1 ■ ESRB: Everyone 10+
1/3 VERT
How to regift an anniversary present TRIM=2.625X10.5
wSHANE: Fresh-faced Final Fantasy devotees worth...the same can’t be said of the immi-
will surely enjoy this umpteenth remake of nently avoidable FFII PSP rehash due in July.
the game that launched a million cosplay and
fan-fiction atrocities, yet for oldsters like me wJEREMY: Shane must be an easy date.
who foggily recall questing through the original I’ve been with Final Fantasy since the start,
NES version, this latest rerelease feels a tad and there’s no way I’m putting up with this
inessential. Distressingly little effort went into lame excuse for an anniversary gift. The too-
crafting this anniversary package: Square Enix easy GBA Dawn of Souls game gets clum-
merely cobbled together aspects from the PS1 sily animated new graphics and a borrowed
and GBA remakes, touched up the graphics soundtrack? That’s not a celebration; it’s an
with high-resolution art, and added one new, amateur RPG Maker project. Sure, the under-
ultra-difficult dungeon at game’s end. lying game is still pretty decent, but seeing
But it’s hard to stay mad at this RPG rerun— this junky face-lift on PSP screams “waste of
at least it’s an enjoyable romp that remains potential.” I’d rather pretend the upcoming
surprisingly engaging 20 years later. Although Tactics remake is the real 20-year tribute.
purists will decry the seriously rebalanced dif-
ficulty (like the GBA version, this is a cakewalk wMICHAEL: Jeez, Jeremy...way to ruin our
compared to the original), nice anniversary party. Yeah, this is obviously
the modernization makes an easy cash-in for Square Enix, but the not-
THE VERDICTS for a far smoother, low- so-epic adventure is one of the best role-play-
(OUT OF 10)
impact turn-based RPG ing games currently out for the PSP (which is
SHANE experience that actually pretty sad considering how crusty this game Geeks transform into Alpha-Geeks
invites replay thanks to its
party customization. The
$30 asking price feels a
is). And since I finally got around to playing
this for the first time, I didn’t mind the minor
gripes these guys are yapping about. But the LEARN:
by becoming fluent in:
tad steep, but most FF ridiculous number of random battles did annoy DIGITAL ANIMATION GAME PROGRAMMING
fans will get their money’s me—this really needed an autoattack button. DIGITAL ART AND DESIGN NETWORK ENGINEERING
The Good: Best-looking version of FFI ever
The Bad: Not a particularly value-added package
Mysteriously Massive Font: Is this Final Fantasy: Large Print Edition?
the faint of heart; while scrambling to
complete 100 puzzles in the five-hour
time limit, you may end up feeling like
hate this one with a passion.
)0--:800% 03-"/%0
/&8:03, 4"/'3"/$*4$0
■ Publisher: Natsume ■ Developer: ArtePiazza
■ Players: 1 ■ ESRB: Everyone
future. As a neo-Pinocchio robo-boy,
you are tasked with renovating ancient
ruins into a giant farm.
wanted. I’m glad I kept at it, because
Innocent Life gradually blossoms into
a deep, contemplative experience.
or hours into the game—after most
people will have lost interest.
JENNIFER As you cultivate your farm and wMICHAEL: Jenn isn’t the only one
make friends with the townsfolk, your wJENNIFER: Harvest Moon isn’t for who can’t water crops correctly—my
“human” abilities (like cooking and everyone, with its inscrutable game- idiot bot must not have installed his
MICHAEL loving!) slowly improve. But farming play and glacial pacing; a farming eyes, because he couldn’t aim in a
can be tedious, and in some ways,
this is a game of order and protocol.
game only works if it doesn’t feel like,
y’know, farming. I hoped by now this
straight line, either. I also agree with
these gals on the pacing—the game
Worse, I could never seem to “aim” franchise would have figured out a starts off way too slow (though I’ll
my actions (hammering, watering, way to make watering and harvesting admit it does get better), with tons of
The Good: High
production values, hoeing!) where I wanted. crops more fun and less labor-inten- monotonous tasks that don’t make
peaceful gameplay The game itself is lovely, very pen- sive. And while I appreciate that the farming seem fun in any way. But the
The Bad: Slow, sive and philosophical—and really manual actually offers great tips and “future” theme annoys me the most.
ponderous, can be
slow. At the outset I was just bored, strategy, I have to wonder why they Seriously, making the main character
Smart TV: Watching but as I unlocked more areas and didn’t put that useful info into the a robot doesn’t change the fact that
increases your skills possibilities, I appreciated being able game itself. Too much of the good we’ve harvested this moon before.
■ Publisher: 2K Games ■ ESRB: Mature
XB360 XB360 DS
While FASA Studio might not have delivered The series that helped jump-start the stealth- The DS version of the hopping dynamic
a true RPG sequel to the Shadowrun games action genre but then did nothing to advance duo’s adventures has been watered down
of yore, it’s crafted a uniquely compelling it over the ensuing 10ish years is now on the for a more single-user-friendly experience.
team-based first-person shooter, laden with 360, and...yeeeah. Pretty much the usual Translation: less brain strain here. The
life-giving trees, teleporting, and all sorts of Tenchu. Slinking around as a ninja, one- splitscreen is now horizontal, thus removing
other genre firsts. The learning curve is more button stealth kills, guards that forget about the PS2 version’s notorious simultaneous
of a learning sheer wall due to the complex- you moments after you’re out of sight—oh, play mechanic. Instead, you trigger Cream
ity of choices and the rock-paper-scissors but now if you jump in a cesspool, the rank, only during key moments of a stage—which
relationship between them, but if you put in green cloud around you will tip off the sniff- prompts WarioWare-style minigames.
the time and find the right group of people to sensitive sentries. Progress!
play with, you’ll have some fun. wBOTTOM LINE: Some puzzles demand
wBOTTOM LINE: This series needs a simultaneous use of the touch screen and
wBOTTOM LINE: If you can learn its intrica- ground-up remake, and if you think the 360 shoulder buttons, but it’s not as complex as
cies (easier said than done), you’ll love it. debut would be a good time for it, you prob- the PS2 game’s split-screen stuff. Wireless
We’ll let you know if we do next month. ably don’t call the shots over at Tenchu HQ. co-op and battle modes are fun for a bit.
Amazon.com’s Top 20 for April
13 Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! DS 8.5 9.0 9.5
WHILE THE UNITED STATES its heinous war crimes. would go unreported. If you made a
FINDS ITSELF STUCK in year one First, though, let’s examine how suit out of Army Men boxes, no con-
zillion of Operation: Pointless, we this invasion happened right under sumer could detect you. So there is
often overlook another inept military our noses. It’s simple— after two or no way that you could possibly know
operation that’s been going on inside three of these crap bombs, gamer that over 400 of these games have
our own borders since the late ’90s: brains adapted to ignore the signals made it to shelves. It’s time to wake
the Army Men occupation of our sent by any eyeballs looking at the up, America. Six out of every seven
Seanbaby is sick of consoles. It seems that no matter words “Army Men.” If they named anythings in this country are Army
Sarge telling him how
how much we hate them, or how the next one Army Men: I Planted a Men titles, and your children may be
to be soldier. One: He
is not made of plas- much we refuse to buy them, they Bomb In This Videogame Store, it next to enlist in the war of monotony.
tic. And two: Plastic send surge after surge of troops and
is not made of men. refuse to withdraw. This month, I’m
going to take a look at the numer-
It’s time to wake up, America.
ous attacks they’ve waged on each
of our consoles and hold the worst
Six out of every seven anythings in
Army Men offender accountable for this country are Army Men titles.
Real War Story: In 2002, a Theta Chi fraternity pledge class was given Real War Story: For weeks, the lead designer of Sarge’s Heroes 2 was
a task during initiation week to each bring home the ugliest girl he actually a stack of cartoon dogs in a trenchcoat disguised as a human.
could find. This activity is commonly known as “hogging” and is, by all The staff first became suspicious when their project manager broke
means, what ugly people have had coming. While each pledge scoured into several parts and scattered whenever someone whistled.
the campus for barnyard monsters, the clever initiate who had sex with
Army Men: Operation Green received a posthumous commendation
from the national fraternity’s Hogging Council.
Tours of Duty: 2 (Army Men: Major
Malfunction, Army Men: Sarge’s War)
Nintendo 64 Featured War Criminal: Army Men:
Tours of Duty: 3 (Army Men: Air Major Malfunction
Combat, Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes,
After over 30 games on PC and across
Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes 2)
every console, we come to Army Men:
Featured War Criminal: Army Men: Air
Major Malfunction. This game is so amateurish and awful that it looks
like it was only meant to be used as background action for a game-
Army Men: Air Combat tarnishes the design commercial. I kept expecting Sarge to turn to the camera and
series’ spotless reputation by actually being kind of good. If there’s say, “Are you tired of playing videogames like this when you could be
such a thing as an Army Men fan, this game’s fun pace and enjoyable MAKING them?” Then I’d either say “GOSH, YEAH!” or “OBEY THE
gameplay must have been a sad disappointment. TENETS OF REALITY, TV MONSTER!”—but most likely “GOSH, YEAH!”
Real War Story: The 87th game in the series, Army Men: Teen Real War Story: During a black-ops mission in an Ewok Village play-
Abduction Van Molester Chronicles, was cancelled during preproduc- set, Sarge had to open fire on eight hostile Ewoks. There were 120
tion because child predators felt that being associated with the Army survivors. That’s right—he missed so badly, he actually created 112
Men franchise would hurt their image. enemy combatants. P
10 Years Ago...
On the cover:
Gex 2: Enter the Gecko
Before the snarky Geico Insurance
gecko graced the boob tube, Gex
(the first smart-ass lizard) mucked it
up in a bunch of parody platformers
on the PS1. The first Gex sequel tried
to tackle the popularity of Mario 64
by riffing on popular TV shows and
movies. And apparently, he’s trying to
goof on Star Wars on our cover—but,
seriously now, everyone knows storm-
troopers don’t use lightsabers. Duh!
Yeah, yeah, you know about eBay—and so does everyone
else. That’s good in that it makes finding rarities far more
likely, but it’s also kind of bad because it means the days
of accidental bargains are pretty much over. Still, if you
don’t mind fighting off the snipers and paying a potentially
inflated price, eBay should still be your first stop for classic
game hunting....
Digital Press
...That is, unless you prefer to barter with fellow gamers
rather than pawn-shop pros. In that case, stop by Digital
Press, the online companion to America’s longest-running
classic-gaming fanzine, where an entire forum has been
established specifically for the purpose of game swaps.
But what if you prefer your classics in a Japanese flavor?
We recommend the English-proficient online shop at
JapanGameStock; its selection of 8- and 16-bit import soft-
ware is truly awesome. Best of all, JGS is based in Osaka,
so you’re paying Japanese market value rather than inflated
U.S.-oriented prices. Overseas shipping can cost a pretty
penny, though, so buy in bulk to make it worth your while.
to be crammed with junk—Genesis the rut of thinking eBay is the only them all over the Internet, where
sports games, broken Duck Hunt source for retro collectibles, though. countless trading forums have been
carts...that sort of thing—but it’s that It’s just the tip of the iceberg, as established to uphold the cause of
50th stop that makes it all pay off. countless independently run game fair trade. The long-running Digital
Some legendary bargains have been stores peddle all manner of clas- Press is probably the biggest, but it’s
unearthed in people’s backyards, sics—all you have to do is find them. certainly not unique. Hey, we hear
including some amazing unreleased And even major online retailers like there’s a pretty great trading post at
prototype games. And when you’re Amazon.com make room for retro boards.1UP.com, too! And you tech-
done browsing garages, don’t turn games these days. nophobes needn’t go online to find
your nose up at pawn shops. They’re a good deal. Local gaming clubs,
kind of horrible, it’s true, and owners Peer-to-peer shopping small shops, and even the classified
have become savvier to the actual Still, nothing beats human contact ads are great resources for tracking
value of rare games. But it never and the comfort of knowing that your down goodies. And if you can swing
hurts to look. new acquisition is coming from a the cash, major gatherings like the
loving home, where it’s been stored Classic Gaming Expo are unbeatable
The global market with care by a dedicated gamer. for finding true obscurities—and you
Still, sometimes you gotta suck it For that, you’ll want to deal directly get to complete your transactions
up and accept the fact that your with other gamers. The great thing face to face. So if you end up getting
local market is full of people with no about the P2P approach is that gam- cheated, you’ll at least you’ll know
appreciation for the classics. When ers are everywhere. You can find who to hunt down.... P
all else fails, the Internet usually suc-
ceeds. Surfing the Net is a fantastic
source for hard-to-find games. In
fact, it’s so convenient to be able Some legendary bargains have
to find rarities on eBay in a couple
of mouse clicks that the thrill of the
been unearthed in people’s
chase has all but died. Don’t fall into backyards....
What? I like rings, OK?
By Sonic the Hedgehog
I don’t see the problem here. So
Trilogy Tussle
I have a few dozen rings when
I get up in the morning—who
Sparrow and Spidey duke it out
doesn’t? But now Amy thinks Two blockbuster movies (and their game counterparts)
I ought to go on a 12-step
program to get off ’em. Quit
are competing for your scratch this summer, but who’s
the rings? Uh, I’m Sonic The got the dough to see (and play) both? Well, let’s see....
F***in’ Hedgehog, bitch. Sorry, but
I kind of need rings to live. What
if I misjudge a trampoline over in
Green Hill Zone and end up in a pit of
Pirates of the
spikes? Is that whatcha want? ’Cause I’ll make
it happen for you, toots. You can be little Ms. Perfect
Spider-Man Caribbean
Widow while your ring-junkie boyfriend gets skewered.
Dress Code
Tights mandatory Sparrow still sporting fragments
of the Technicolor Dreamcoat
Advantage: Pirates
The latest video game news, reviews and previews PART OF THE
from people who love games as much as you do.
A new episode every Friday on iTunes, Yahoo! Podcasts
or log on to http://the1upshow.1up.com
Future ’Fects
That’s street slang for games that look good By Jon Gibson
A new generation of consoles brings many upgrades: higher prices, bulkier
designs, but most importantly, ridiculous amounts of detail. We’re talking
effects, people—hair follicles, beads of sweat, and physics that would give
Newton an aneurysm. Here’s our breakdown of beautiful minutiae.
That Ph.D. in water physics came in handy for whomever pro- No one at EGM has ever murdered someone (as of press
grammed the windshield splatter here. The more you punch time), so a game like Gears of War is appreciated escapism.
the gas, the more dynamic the droplets of H20 look, creating There’s nothing like playing a deathmatch and taking a chain-
an effect scientists have labeled “really damn cool.” The rain saw bayonet to your best friend, especially after he tried to
streaks, it evaporates, but mostly, it mesmerizes you just long make it with your girlfriend at your birthday party. Die, James,
enough for you to collide your car against a wall. Oops. die! Uh, in the game, that is. Ha-ha!
Runner up: Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 (XB360) Runner up: Dead Rising (XB360)
A few of our readers find the term “boobs” immature, so we Even better than a David Copperfield show in Vegas is the
apologize in advance for this: Boobs! Boobs! Boobs! Boobs! girlish giggling induced by tossing a smoke grenade into
Boobies! Boobs! Boobs! Boobs! Boobs! Boobs! Boobs! enemy territory in Call of Duty. Sure, Copperfield can make
Boobs! Boobs! Boobs! Boobies! Boobies! Ba-ba-boobs! the Statue of Liberty disappear, but could he go head-to-
Boobs! Bo + obs = Boobs! Boobs! Ready! Set! Boobs! Go, head with a T-34 tank and live to tell about it, all thanks to a
Boobs, Go! Saludos, DOA, saludos! trusty bit of smoke? Yeah, probably—he is David Copperfield.
Runner up: Rumble Roses XX (XB360) Runner up: Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 (XB360)
Capturing intricate facial details requires developers to really
dig into a console: We want to see the subtle expressions, Much like the first time you saw your sister naked, awesome
bloody gashes, and the all-too-real pores on the face of the explosions are hard to get out of your head. Try as you might,
fighter we’re beating to a pulp. Fight Night does that right. the combination of flame and gas is completely satisfying.
Hell, it’s probably the closest thing you’ll get to real fist fight- Wait, sorry—it’s the explosions in Ghost Recon: Advanced
ing without having to deal with that stupid thing called “pain.” Warfighter 2 that are thrilling, not your sister naked....
Runner up: Gears of War (XB360) Runner up: Crackdown (XB360)
Even if you’re a no-nonsense, work-time-funless adult, it’s With the snazzy graphical sophistication of the Xbox 360 and
hard not to resist the urge to pounce into a massive puddle PS3, games are finally showcasing what really stinks about
of mud. Going piggy really takes you back to the days of sports: sweat. Every punch in Fight Night: Round 3 is met
carefree fun...and MotorStorm excels at recapturing this feel- with a cloud of perspiration...just like in real life. Well, sort
ing in digital form. The gooey brown filth even affects game- of—mashin’ mugs may cause the funk to fly, yes, but is every
play—plowing through mud alters the track as you go. fight in a sauna? Seriously, cool down, guys! P
Runner up: None Runner up: NBA 2K7 (PS3/XB360)
Fresh Meat
■ Alice Liang, 1UP.com Previews Intern ■ Brooks Huber, EGM Editorial Intern
What’s your favorite old- Super NES: Is that “old-school” enough? NES: Sure, the Super NES had prettier
The Super NES is my favorite console of sprite-based graphics and more than two
school system? (If you say all time simply because it plays host to so face buttons, but the NES supplied the foun-
PlayStation we’re going to many magically awesome games—why play dation you speak of, Alice. Blowing on car-
throw our canes at you.) crappy 8-bit NES duds when you could ven- tridges to get them to work, staying up late
ture though sophisticated fare like Chrono to beat-down Soda Popinksi in Punch-Out!!,
Trigger and Zelda: A Link to the Past? Super or even shooting quacking ducks two inches
NES had the balance between visual tech away from the television screen made for an
and gameplay creativity down to perfection. unforgettable experience. Oh, and Mario 3....
What classic franchise would Chrono Trigger: I know Chrono Cross Out of This World: Intriguing puzzles, a
(PS1) came out only seven years ago, but hulking ally, and a redheaded science geek
you like to see revived? seriously—whatever happened to rumored wielding a gat all came together to produce
sequel Chrono Break? After all these years, one of the finest action games ever. But
I wouldn’t mind seeing another entry into then it seemingly disappeared, as if into the
the pages of Chrono—preferably one with Disney vault, only to be idolized but never
Magus (or Gil, if you played Japan-only resuscitated. The creator said he wanted the
pseudosequel Radical Dreamers). The fans ending to be open to interpretation...how
know what I’m talking about. about re-interpreting it on the PS3/XB360?
Historically speaking, which Pong: All right, I’m a cheater. But even after Pong: You violated explicit instructions,
reading Spacewar!’s Wikipedia entry, I still therefore your answer shouldn’t count. I
game was more significant? have to go with Pong. Spacewar! may have must admit that I can’t pick Spacewar! out
Spacewar! or Pong? (No been 10 years earlier in the making—and of a lineup either, but I’m choosing Pong
looking on Wikipedia, you way more expensive—but Pong was pretty because it still has a soft spot in today’s
dang popular. Besides, I’d never even heard high-tech gaming culture. It’s been spoofed
of Spacewar!. History has a way of forget- on YouTube, brought back to life with the
ting losers, and when it comes to pop-culture PainStation device (Google it), and it spurred
credibility, Spacewar! is the definite loser. Breakout, another ball-whacking classic.
What’s the first game tape Super Mario Bros.: Tape? I’ll go ahead Insert game here: My brain must have
and assume you’re referring to cartridges. wiped this precious memory from its data
you ever remember solving? I guess I’m not cool enough to remember banks, because I can’t recall the first tape I
back when videogames were on tapes, and ever solved. My childhood ADD is to blame.
I certainly won’t call them tapes in the here My attention span always dwindled before
and present. The first tape I solved, however, I reached the end of anything. Or maybe it
was Super Mario Bros. (in the Duck Hunt was all those Pixy Stix I snorted. Let that
combo cart). There, I added “tape” to my be a lesson for today’s kids who want to
vernacular. Can I join the cool kids’ club? remember solving Hannah Montana. P
August Issue (#218) • On sale July 3
If you’re hankering for a virtual fistfight, top-qual-
ity options abound—the Virtua Fighter, Tekken, and
Dead or Alive franchises all offer satisfying punch-up
action. But if you’re truly looking to give your opponent
something to cry about, it’s all about wielding sharp-
ened steel, and nothing beats Namco Bandai’s Soul
Calibur series for weapon-based fighting thrills. In
our world-exclusive preview, we’ll reveal the future
direction of this beloved
■ Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
series...and you might
■ Army of Two (PS3/XB360)
be surprised by what
■ Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
these new games
(that’s right, plural) have
■ Rock Band (PS3/XB360)
to offer.
We’ll also get the chance
to assault the reclusive develop- > REVIEWS
ers behind Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XIII project
with tough questions. Will they really be able
to pull off this ambitious 10-year, multigame
endeavor? Should you start working on your
cosplay outfit now?
Finally, next month brings a review of the
highly anticipated PlayStation 3 dragon-riding
adventure, Lair. And for all you jocks out there, NCAA
Football 08 will land in the expert hands of EGM’s
Review Crew. Will these summertime games be good
■ NCAA Football 08 (Multi)
enough to lure you away from that Slip ’n Slide? You’ll
■ Pokémon Battle Revolution (Wii)
just have to come trotting back in 30....
■ The Bigs (Multi)
■ Lair (PS3)
(All planned editorial content is subject to change.) ■ The Darkness (PS3/XB360)
2K Games Colgate Max Fresh Nissan Motor Corporation USA U.S. Marine Corps - Recruiting
www.2kgames.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-43 www.colgatemaxfresh.com. . . . . . . . . . .13 www.NissanUSA.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 www.marines.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
2K Sports Collins College Procter & Gamble Ubisoft Entertainment
www.2ksports.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112 www.collinscollege.edu . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 www.oldspice.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 www.ubisoft.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3, 37, 49
Activision Disney Interactive Games Sanyo eneloop University of Advancing ComputerTech
www.activision.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33 www.disney.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 20-21 www.eneloopusa.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 www.uat.edu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
American Legacy Foundation Full Sail Real World Education Shout! Factory US Army Accessions Command
www.thetruth.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 www.fullsail.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 www.ShoutFactory.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 www.goarmy.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
American Power Conversion Hands-On Mobile Sony Pictures Entertainment - Columbia US Navy Recruiting Command
www.apc.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 www.handson.com. . . . . . . . . . . .71, 91, 93 www.sonypictures.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 www.navy.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Atlus Software Hudson Entertainment Southpeak Interactive Vivendi Universal Games
www.atlus.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 www.HudsonEntertainment.com . . . . . .53 www.southpeak.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 www.vugames.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11, 39
Ball Park Franks iBuyPower Square Enix U.S.A., Inc
www.saralee.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30, 31 http://www.ibuypower.com . . . . . . . . 78-79 www.square-enix-usa.com . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
CA Milk Processors Board Microsoft Targer Stores
www.gottmilk.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 www.microsoft.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41, 55 www.target.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Codemasters, Inc. Namco Bandai Games America The Gillette Company
www.codemastersusa.com. . . . . . . . . . 6-7 www.namco.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 www.gillette.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47, 63
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