For Numbers 1-15, Write The Letter of The Correct Answer On The Space Below Each Picture
For Numbers 1-15, Write The Letter of The Correct Answer On The Space Below Each Picture
For Numbers 1-15, Write The Letter of The Correct Answer On The Space Below Each Picture
36. The following are the steps on preparation of metals implements for sterilization except one: write the
letter that is not belong to the group.
a. Soak the tools/ implements in hot, soapy water solution to remove any debris and oil residue.
Rinse them thoroughly.
b. Place the tools/ implements in a 70% to 90% alcohol solution for 20 minutes.
c. Remove the tools/ implements from solution, wipe them dry, and place them into a dry
d. Then, place them into the jar filled with 70% to 90% alcohol solution.
37. What to do with the implements/ tools/ equipment before using them to your costumer?
a. sterilize or sanitize them first
b. put them in a dust proof container
c. wipe them dry and arrange in a trolley
d. do not remove them in its places
38. Nail care, once considered as luxury for the few or as a mark of distinction between the rich and the
poor, is now within the reach of the general public, why is it said so?
a. Because everyone may learn on how to do the nail care
b. Because nail care in salon is cheaper and affordable
c. Because everyone is required to do the nail care on their home
d. Because you could be a manicurist or pedicurist if you are willing
39. Why we need to keep metal tools/ implements inside the dust proof cabinet after being sanitized?
a. To keep it clean and avoid contamination for the next costumer.
b. To keep it free from rust and dust.
c. To maintain its durability and free from rust.
d. To preserve its beauty and durability
40. What do you think is the best reason why we need to dispose our wastes in a trash bin with cover?
a. For sanitation and safety purposes, also clean surroundings
b. To make the parlor pleasant to the eyes of the costumers
c. To attract more patron and passersby.
d. For the benefits of the costumers and workers.
41. Why is it important to observe safety rules in the salon?
a. Because it is the best thing for all
b. To keep the personnel and the costumers away from dangers or accidents
c. To lessen the tasks and responsibilities of the workers
d. To let the customers, feel comfortable
42. All beauticians should maintain a high standard of personal hygiene. Wherever possible, use disposable
products. From this statement, why it is said that as much as possible use disposable products?
a. Disposable products could be reused after cleaning it well.
b. Disposable products are used once and thrown after, so it may not be a carrier of
c. Disposable products are comfortable to use because these are light weighted.
d. Disposable products are made of colorful a material that is why it is nice to look at.
43. It is a planned system of working to prevent illness and injury where you work by recognizing and
identifying hazards and risks.
a. Occupational hazard and safety
b. Organizational hazard and safety
c. Occupational health and safety
d. Occupational health and danger
44. It is the chance or probability that a person will be harmed or will experience an adverse health effect
if exposed to a hazard.
a. harm b. risk c. ergonomics d. danger
45. It is an adverse health effect on something or someone under certain conditions at work.
a. harm b. risk c. ergonomics d. danger
46. It involves identifying the hazards present and then evaluating the risk, taking into account the
existing precautions.
a. risk assessment b. training c. experience d. disaster
47. It is important to give the health and safety experience to new or inexperienced workers, including
those that have been away from the workforce for some time
a. training b. exposure c. hygiene d. work
48. Chemicals used in the beauty salon like nail polish, nail polish removers, callus removers, and acrylic
powders for artificial nails are common products found in many nail salons. It causes skin irritations
and respiratory problems.
a. Chemical Hazard
b. Electrical Hazard
c. Fire
d. Slips
49. Unsafe or unhygienic practices in the beauty salon may affect the health of customers and workers
that may lead to exposure to biological hazards that cause infectious diseases such as blood borne
pathogens (Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV), fungal infections (Ringworm).
a. Chemical Hazard
b. Electrical Hazard
c. Infection hazards
d. Slips
50. It is a practice in some beauty salons that may affect the health of customers and workers that may
lead to exposure to biological hazards that cause infectious diseases.
a. unsafe practices b. fungi c. activities d. work