Optimization of SCP Production Ofaspergillus Niger Using Different Fruit Peels
Optimization of SCP Production Ofaspergillus Niger Using Different Fruit Peels
Optimization of SCP Production Ofaspergillus Niger Using Different Fruit Peels
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1 author:
Akhilesh Bind
Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences
All content following this page was uploaded by Akhilesh Bind on 04 July 2014.
An attempt was made to apply solid state fermentation for the production of single
cell protein using fruit peels of Banana, orange and papaya peels respectively and
their different combinations were used for optimization of single cell protein
production of Aspergillus nige at different pH and incubation period. Substrate of
fruit peel was used in different combination to maximize protein content in A.niger.
4th combination gave the best result of maximum production of 1.352 mg/ml of
protein on 8 days of incubation and at pH 7 which is directly related to maximum
fungal growth.
Keywords: Single cell protein (SCP), Aspergillus niger
SCP is a term coined to embrace microbial biomass products which were produced
by fermentation. SCP production by technology arose as a promising way to solve
the problem of the worldwide shortage of protein. They evolved as bioconversion
process which turned waste into products which added nutritional and market value.
Intensive research into fermentation science and technology for biomass production
as well as feeding has resulted in a profound body of knowledge, the benefits of
which now span far beyond the field of SCP production. These agricultural products
out marketed SCP on the grounds of lower price. The combination of sophisticated
products with food processing technology yielded a new generation of SCP products
which may be used as meat substitutes, texture providing agents and flavor enhancers.
Future application of heterologous protein expression may further develop the
potential of this food line resulting in precisely tailored products which meet specific
dietary requirements or stimulate high added value specialty products(Ugalde and
In year (Anupama,2001) studied the bioconversion of agricultural and industrial
waste to protein rich food and fodder stock. SCP production has the potential for
feeding the ever increasing world population at cheaper rates(Najafpour,2007)
Bind et al.
Suggested the potential of SCP to overcome shortage of food in the world. The
present investigation was carried out to utilize various combinations of fruit wastes
in the production of SCP by using standard food fungi Aspergillus niger.
Collection of culture
Pure culture of Aspergillus niger (MCCB-0201) was collected from research
laboratory, Department of Microbiology and Fermentation Technology, JSBB,
SHIATS, Allahabad. The culture was maintained on PDA media. The slants were
grown at 28±2°C for 7 days.
Pretreatment of substrate
Banana, orange and papaya peels were collected from the local market. It was
pretreated to expose cellulose fibers to cellulolytic attack by the organism. The
pretreatment process was carried out by adding 1% sodium hydroxide to 10g of
fruit waste and autoclaving at 121°C and at 15 psi for 30 min. Pretreated material
was allowed to cool, subsequently filtered and washed to neutral pH.. Then it was
dried at 60°C in an oven for 12 h. Later on it was used for solid state
Inoculation: After cooling, the production media was inoculated with the 106 spores/
ml of inoculums and incubated under constant condition at 30°C for 4 days.
Buffer extraction: 50 ml of carbonate bicarbonate buffer (0.1 M at pH 10.6) was
added to the flask and then culture was homogenized for 30 minute using rotator
shaker at 250 rpm then the content was squeezed through the distilled water wet
muslin cloth. The filtrate was centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 10 minutes then supernatant
was filtered through a whatman no.1 filter paper(Anupama,2001)
2 International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biological Science: v.1 n.1 p.1-8. March, 2013
Optimization of SCP production of Aspergillus niger using different fruit peels
Out of all, 4th combination showed greater protein content thus, the results shown
by these combinations can be of greater interest in producing SCP and will show
potential results on its application as feed or food. The maximum SCP production
of various combinations (Table 3) for 0.1ml and 0.2ml volume of sample were
given as followed:
Table 4: SCP (mg/ml) content in combinations of fruit peels after fermentation
(Table 4) It determined that maximum SCP production occurred in the 4th combination
i.e. 1.352 mg/ml in 0.2 concentrations of sample aliquots. All the combinations
International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biological Science: v.1 n.1 p.1-8. March, 2013 3
Bind et al.
showed more SCP production than pure substrates during the investigation. This
finding can be applied on large scale up and low cost technology alternatives should
be explored intensively. Furthermore, the biomass produced from fruit waste can
be evaluated for its suitability to be used either as a biofertilizer or as animal feed.
It should be noted that the 4th combination where banana peel greater ratio in
comparison to orange and papaya peels (2:1) showed more favorable results than
rest of the combinations(Yousufi,2012) showed more SCP production when banana
peel was in combination with other substrates.
4 International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biological Science: v.1 n.1 p.1-8. March, 2013
Optimization of SCP production of Aspergillus niger using different fruit peels
growth in biomass on the 3rd day. And at the 4th day it shows the declining phase
where the biomass produced decreases due to low concentration of substrates
(Yalemtesfa et al ,2010) . It (Table 6) consists of SCP production on the mentioned
combinations (as given in Table 3) for different incubation period i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8 and
10 days. The following results are obtained below:
Table 6: Effect of incubation period on SCP (mg/ml) production using different
combinations of substrates
It determined that the exponential fungal growth was observed from the 6th day
which showed maximum protein enrichment was found on 8th day and after that on
10th day the declining phase started due to low substrate concentration. The optimum
time for maximum protein production was determined to be on 8th day.
Effect of pH
On fermentation of the substrates and its combinations at different pH of 4, 6, 7 and
8, it was found that at 7 pH protein production was at its maximum(Yalemesfa et al
,2010) also reported the maximum production at pH 7. However, the best growth
for Aspergillus niger lies within the range of 5-7.
Table 7: Effect of pH on SCP (mg/ml) production using fruit peels
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Bind et al.
During the experiment pH 4, 6, and 8 was taken into consideration with reference
to the neutral pH 7. Thus, maximum protein content was seen at pH 7 then at pH 8.
Thus, it clearly showed that Aspergillus niger strain best grows at basic pH and
mostly at neutral pH i.e. 7.
On fermentation of various combinations (Table 3) it again reveals that Aspergillus
niger grows best within the pH range of 5-7(Yalemtesfa et al ,2010) showed
maximum growth with the same strain at pH 7 and so in the present investigation
which also clearly depict the same showing maximum growth at pH 7 and then at
pH 8 and so on. Knowing that, supplementation of the substrate with nitrogen source
can easily be done for potential result in producing SCP.
Comparison of SCP (mg/ml) production between best incubation time and pH:
The 4th combination gives the maximum production of SCP due to its cellulose and
carbohydrate content which makes it acts as a good carbon source. Usually all the
combinations produced more SCP in comparison between incubation time and pH,
from the table below (Table 9) showed that combinations when used may prove to
be favorable for the fungal biomass production or SCP production as a whole.
6 International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biological Science: v.1 n.1 p.1-8. March, 2013
Optimization of SCP production of Aspergillus niger using different fruit peels
Table 9: Comparison of SCP (mg/ml) production between best incubation time and pH
Aspergillus niger on 4th combination gave the best result of maximum production
of 1.352 mg/ml of protein on 8 days of incubation and at pH 7and maximum
fungal growth was observed which directly relates to protein content of A.niger .
Fruit peels which are considered as waste product that causes environment pollution.
So fruit peels can be used in different combinations to produce SCP in enhanced
nutritive value i.e. protein in different ratio as compared to individual fruit peels.
Combination show enhanced protein content in biomass due to available substrates
from different fruit peels. Fungal biomass utilizes different pathways to utilize
different substrate to the fullest which is established by different combinations.
The degree of mycelia biomass growth depends on the substrate utilized.
Combinations provide greater protein content as compared to pure substrates. Out
of the four combinations the best result was shown by the 4th combination which
contained orange, banana and papaya peels in 1:2:1 ratio and the amount of total
protein content in SCP of the 4th combination was 1.352mg/ml of the sample.
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Thus present investigation might be of great help in making use of the fruit waste
for sustainable management of fruit peels for economical and replenishment of
food (nutrition scarcity) for poor and populous country like India.
From the present finding we conclude that the biomass production using different
parameters (incubation time, and pH ) and fruit peels combinations showed better
results in comparison to fruit peels individually . Hence attempt for optimizing
different combinations of fruit peels for SCP production seems to be successful and
has a potential to be used for SCP for various applications and sustainable
We are thankful to Honorable Vice-chancellor of Sam Higginbottom Institute of
Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad, for providing all necessary facilities
to conduct the experiment.
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