Motive of Murder I) Datuk Anthony Kevin Morais

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The motive of this caseis the reason why themurders of the Datuk Anthony Kevin
Morais.Official motive of assassination is believe to be the result of revenge Kevin Morais
is presiding over a corruption case involving a 52 yearold doctor,the main suspect.The
police however denied the cause of the killing of the deceased has ben linked to the
investigation of the 1MDB company Kevin brother,Charles Suresh Morais claimed tthat
his brother might have been killed becausehe knew a lotabout those in power.Charles made
the indictment through his sworm plea(SD) signedin the middle of the dead body of the
deceased.,believing there was a conspiracy by those in power “high” to oppose his
brother.Charles filed an application for a court order for second post mortem although
today he believes Kevin’s body may have been burned.

The motive of Altantuya Shaaribu’s murder has not been reached until now.This
case covers many aspect.This is bacause until today the motive of Altantuya’s merder still
neat and still hazy.Until the Newsin a comment of though,who actually benefied most of
Altantuya’sdeath?.Recently,Datuk Seri Najib Razak gave a fairy controversial answer in
which his capacity as Prime Minister of Malaysia is seen as comtemplating the action
figure Sirul Azhar at the moment in Autralia for the ongoing News itself.Datuk Seri Najib
Rzak’s will continue to provide poor perception of himself in giving answer to the media.

However,for the current News itself be honest to say here that Prime Minister Dtuk
Sri Najip was not involved directly or indirectly in Altantuya Shaaribuu’s murder.Datuk
Seri Najip was not prime minister of Malaysia at that time Najip Razak is just deputy Prime
Minister and Minister of defense.For the current News,if you really want toplay with
speculation,we need to go back to Altantuya’s killings in2006.


Among the suspect involved in the case were 6 suspect,Dinishwaran,26,Thinesh

Kumar,25,Vishwanesh,28,Nimalan,25,Ravi Chandaran,47 and Army Colonel Dr R
Kunaseegaran,55,pleaded not guilty to the charge of killing Kevin Morais on the road from
Jalan Dalaman 1,Sentul to no 1 Jalan USI 1/6D,Subang Jaya,between 7 AM and 8
PM ,September 4,2015.

They are charged under section 302 of the Penal Code and read together with section
34 of the same sentence which carries the mandatory death sentence,upon conviction,
Gunasekaran,49,previously charged with the same charge, however,offered analternatif
charge of hiding the body and disposing of Kevin Morais’s car under section 201 of the
penal code.On Dicember 20,2016,Gujarat pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced
to two years jail starting from the date of arrest on September 15,2015.The body of Kevin
Morais,55,wasfound in a concrete drum barrel at Subang Jaya,nearhere on Sept 16,2015
after being reporter missing on September 4,2015.

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