Clinical Concept Map
Clinical Concept Map
Clinical Concept Map
Ackley, B.J., & Ladwig, G.B. (2011). Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care (9th ed). St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier.
Roberts, James A. (1999) Management of Pyelonephritis and Upper Urinary Tract Infections. Urologic Clinics of North America, 26 (4), 753-763.
Article Summary
The number of hospitalizations due to UTI's is 1,000,000 cases per year with 1/4 of the those including pyelonephritis (Roberts, 1999). The most common infective
agent causing these UTI's is Escherichia Coli (Roberts, 1999). While getting rid of the infection is a priority, the goal of urologists should be to prevent infections which can
lead to scarring and chronic pyelonephrits, or "reflux nephropathy", which can eventually lead to Renal Failure (Roberts, 1999). The scarring of the tissue is caused by the
inflammatory response from the pyelonephritis. Once the tissue is scarred, it loses its function in the kidney which is how it can lead to renal failure.
The symptoms of pyelonephritis may vary depending on age and gender, however many times presents as fever, chills, flank pain and often abdominal pain. In the
elderly, E. Coli is not the most common cause for pyelonephritis. Due to increased catheterization, the infectious agents causing the infection in the elderly include
Pseudamonas, Serratia, and Proteus (Roberts, 1999). Furthermore, pyelonephritis presents differently in the elderly. Their symptoms include GI issues and respiratory
issues (Roberts, 1999).
Sometimes, the pyelonephritis can become a complicated infection with the presence of Diabetes and Kidney Stones. The patient I cared for on Friday had both of
these. The obstruction in this case must be removed and the infection must be treated immediately. The ideal treatment for pyelonephritis is a bactericidal such as a
penicillin or similar antibiotic since the leading cause of the infection is E. Coli which is a bacteria. However, in the patient I took care of had an infection caused by
Candidiasis which would need to be treated with an antifungal medication. Candidiasis, historically uncommon, has shown up more frequently in recent years due to
compromised immune systems of the AIDS virus and the continuous use of antibacterial agents (Roberts, 1999).
In summary, E. Coli is the number one cause of acute pyelonephritis and rapid and thorough treatment to prevent chronic pyelonephritis and kidney failure.
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