Rules & Regulations Governing Participation in Kaun Banega Crorepati I. Contest Description
Rules & Regulations Governing Participation in Kaun Banega Crorepati I. Contest Description
Rules & Regulations Governing Participation in Kaun Banega Crorepati I. Contest Description
"Kaun Banega Crorepati” is a quiz based game show primarily in Hindi language which is being produced
by BIG Synergy Media Limited (“Producer”) for initial exhibition on Sony Entertainment Television
channel (“Channel”) which channel is owned by Multi Screen Media Private Limited and/or its affiliates.
1. “Auditions”: means the ground Auditions held at various cities on certain dates as informed
to the selected Contestant(s).
2. “Auditionee(s)”: The Registrant(s) who is selected for participation in the Auditions.
3. “Back-up Participant(s)”: The Auditionee(s) selected to participate in the Fastest Finger
First round of the Competition, only in case any selected Participant(s) does not appear for
the shoot at the Studio, for any reason.
4. “Company/MSM”: Multi Screen Media Private Limited and/or its affiliates, the organizers
of the Competition.
5. “Competition”: General knowledge quiz titled “Kaun Banega Crorepati”.
6. “Contestant(s): The Registrant(s), Auditionee(s), Participant(s), Back–up Participant(s), Hot
Seat Contestant(s)all collectively referred to as “Contestant(s)”.
7. “Celebrity special/s”: Any episode/s of the Show specially recorded with Celebrity Hot Seat
8. “Contributor”: Any person other than the Contestant(s), who participates, attends, and/or is
present at any of the Auditions, Competition, the Studio, the Program, and/or the Show.
9. “Episode” An episode of the Program.
10. “Fastest-Finger First/FFF” means that part of the Program where a question is asked to the
selected Participant(s), who in turn shall answer the same. The first Participant to correctly
answer the question shall be entitled to proceed to the Hot Seat as the Hot Seat Contestant.
11. “Hot Seat Contestant(s)” means the winning Contestant(s) of the Fastest Finger First round
and who occupies the Hot Seat before the host of the Program to participate further in the
12. “Participant(s)” The Auditionee(s) who is selected to participate in the Fastest Finger First
round of the Competition.
13. “Phone A Friend Candidate(s)”: A friend of the Participant who is selected by the
Participant as phone a friend candidate. Phone A Friend Candidate(s) shall be above 18 years
of age and an Indian national residing in India.
14. “Producer”: means the producer of the Program which is Big Synergy Media Ltd.
15. "Program": The recordings of the Competition in the Studio (including any seasonal
special/s / Celebrity Special recording).
16. “Registrant(s)": Any person(s) who participates in the Competition and who (i) is above
eighteen (18) years of age as on date of registration; (ii) is a citizen of India residing in India
(iii) has not been in the Hot Seat in the previous series of “Kaun Banega Crorepati,” and (iv)
enters the Competition in accordance with the rules stated below.
17. “Rules and Regulations”: These Rules and Regulations governing the Competition, stated
herein in entirety.
Level 1
1. One Competition question having four multiple choice answer options will be aired each day
during the promotions of the Show beginning from August 2, 2010 to August 8, 2010 for all BSNL and
MTNL landline telephone and mobile telephone subscribers, excluding any calls made from a public call
office (PCO) (“First round Period”) and for the period commencing from August 13 to August 18, 2010
for all Idea subscribers (“First Idea round Period”) i.e. a total of seven unique questions will be asked
during the First round Period and a total of 5 unique questions will be asked during the First Idea round
Period. The promotions will be aired inviting all viewers to register for the Competition. The telephone
lines and the mobile phone lines and SMS acceptance, for each question of the First round Period and First
Idea round Period, shall be open for twenty four (24) hours i.e. beginning from 9:00:00 pm (IST) to next
day 8:59:59 pm (IST) only. Detailed timelines are as below:
Question timelines for First round Period (where all viewers with BSNL and MTNL landline telephone and
mobile telephone subscribers excluding any calls made from PCO, can participate):
Question timelines for First Idea round Period (where only Idea subscribers can participate):
2. The calls and/or SMS (“Entry”) for participating should have been completed on or before closing
of the phone line in order to be considered as valid entry (“Valid Entry/ies”). Premium rates for SMS
and calls shall be applicable.
3. The cellular/landline number from which the registration is received will be used as unique
identification number received to identify the Registrant. Each Registrant may submit multiple entries.
Valid Entries sent each day shall only be considered for the random selection process for that day (a day is
defined as a 24 hour period commencing from 9:00:00 pm to 8:59:59 pm the next day).
4. To participate in the Competition the Registrant has to give the correct answer by choosing the
correct option and sending the Entry in the manner prescribed in the grid below and as stated in the
promotions of the Show:
The IVR option is available to Idea Cellular, MTNL landline and BSNL landline subscribers (excluding
any calls made from PCO) only.
Dial- in Number to be used for Registration by viewers with BSNL, MTNL landline telephone and mobile
telephone subscribers during the First round Period
Mode of Idea subscribers MTNL/BSNL landline All others
participation subscribers
IVR 55456 01-04 5052525 01-04 N/A
SMS 52525 & 55456 52525 52525
a. Call on 50525250-1/2/3/4 in case of BSNL/MTNL (select circles) landline subscribers (i.e. call
50525250 and 1 for option A, 2 for option B, 3 for option C and 4 for option D) and call on
554560-1/2/3/4 in case of IDEA subscribers (i.e. call 554560 and 1 for option A, 2 for option B, 3
for option C and 4 for option D).
BSNL landline subscribers in Rajasthan and Punjab can call on 12555-1/2/3/4 (i.e. call 12555 and
1 for option A, 2 for option B, 3 for option C and 4 for option D).
b. The caller will be taken through the IVR menu and if any of the information requested during the
IVR is not provided by the Registrant(s) as per the instructions of IVR within four (4) seconds
then the instruction will be repeated once again, after which also if the answer is not received for
further four (4) seconds then a termination message will be played and the call will end. If answer
A total of approximately 14400 valid correct entries will be selected by the randomizer software from all
entries received during the First round Period and First Idea Round Period, out of which approximately
2400 valid correct entries will be selected from the First Idea round Period.
While multiple entries from the same number will be considered by the randomizer software, once a
number is chosen, it would not be chosen the second time during the First round Period and the First Idea
round Period.
The Valid Entries will be shortlisted by the randomizer on a daily basis from the Valid Entries received for
each day (defined as the period from 9:00:00 pm to 8:59:59 pm the next day).
The shortlisting of Valid Entries by the randomizer will use the pre-defined reservation criteria on
reasonable endeavors basis which is as follows:
Male Female
Age 18-25 26-38 38+ 18-25 26-38 38+
Zone 1 6% 8% 5% 6% 8% 5%
Zone 2 8% 10% 8% 8% 10% 8%
Zone 3 1% 3% 1% 1% 3% 1%
In the event one or more cells of the grid are not capable of being completed by the randomizer software
due to inadequate Valid Entries, the balance may be filled at the discretion of the Company.
A total of approximately 12,000 valid correct entries of the Registrants received from the First round Period
will be called-back by telephone on the number used for registration as per the details available with the
Company, during the period commencing from August 4, 2010 through August 13, 2010 and
approximately 2400 valid correct entries of the Registrants from the First Idea round Period will be called
back by telephone during the period commencing from August 13, 2010 through August 20, 2010.
Timelines are subject to change based on on-ground conditions, degree of participation, technical issues,
force majeure reasons, etc.
Channel and Company are not responsible if the call-back is not successful due to including but not limited
to the following reasons:
The Company shall not be liable in the event the Registrant is not able to participate in the following
rounds of selection due to any delay or non receipt of such call back to the Registrant.
The selected Registrants will receive calls from the call centre executives (“CCE”) and the selected
Registrants must confirm the details required by the call centre executives (“CCE”) immediately. The CCE
will ask the Registrant to confirm if he/she has sent the entry for participation in the Competition. If the
required details are not provided immediately or if they are not able to procure confirmation of the
Registrant, then the CCE will call once again from the initial telephone contact, asking for the same details,
failure to provide such details shall lead to disqualification of such Registrant from the selection process.
NOTE: The first person who answers the registered phone number and claims/confirms that he/she is the
Registrant, will be considered as the Registrant as per the rules of the Competition. Company will not be
responsible to determine the correct Registrant in the event more than one person has participated from a
particular number.
Company and/or its authorized agents, affiliates and representatives will use their reasonable efforts to
contact the selected Registrants, but will not be responsible or liable in any way whatsoever if the
Registrants cannot be reached by telephone within the next thirty minutes after initial contact is made.
The following process will be followed by the CCE once connected with the selected Registrants:
If the receiver of the call confirms immediately to the CCE that he/she is the Registrant, then the Registrant
will have to choose between Hindi & English language by pressing 1 for English and 2 for Hindi, after
which the CCE’s will ask the Registrant to provide his/her Name and Address. The CCE’s will confirm the
details provided by the Registrant and his/her availability on the Audition dates and the shoot dates. In the
event the Registrant is not available on those dates, the Registrant will not be permitted to continue with the
registration process and shall be considered as disqualified from further participation.
The CCE will thereafter inform the Registrant about the transfer to the automated IVR* mode. The IVR
will then ask the Registrant to (i) enter his/her date of birth; and (ii) enter his/her gender; and (iii) provide
information on their education and occupation by choosing the options provided by the IVR . Next the IVR
will ask the Registrant to give answer to two ‘skill based’ questions asked one after another, and give one
answer to ‘nearest to answer’ question** (i.e. the answer provided by the Registrant must be closest to the
correct answer).
Upon the Registrant answering the above mentioned questions by selection of the options given by IVR to
the respective questions and as per the correct format, the Registrant if selected will receive a call within
the next few days for further participation.
*For all questions where the Registrant is asked to provide an input by the IVR, if the input is not received
within a few seconds, the IVR repeats the question once. If no answer is received for second time, the IVR
plays the next question. If an invalid option is provided, the IVR gives one more attempt and then moves
to the next question. Further, each time the Registrant enters an answer option, he/she is played out his/her
choice, and asked to confirm the same.
**The ‘nearest to answer’ question is an open-ended question (e.g. what is the distance in km between
Mumbai and Agra) for which the Registrant is required to enter the answer number, then press the star /
hash key.
On successful completion of Level 1 and Level 2 all selected Registrants will be evaluated and shortlisted
by the randomizer on pre-defined reservation criterias, and approximately 1200 Registrants will be selected
to attend he Audition venue as Auditionees, of which around 200 will be First Idea round Period
Registrants. In the event there is less than the required number of Registrants, the Registrants with less
than the required number of correct answers may be selected by the randomizer. In the event of a tie, the
answer to the ‘nearest to’ questions will be used to select the correct entry.
In the event there is less than the required number of Registrants for a particular cell in the reservation grid,
then the same will be filled-up from the remaining Registrants selected by the randomizer.
The CCE will notify such selected Registrants for Auditions by telephone and will confirm their details
(age & address) before proceeding further. If the details provided by the selected Registrants on this call do
not match the existing details provided by them, then only one further opportunity will be provided to such
selected Registrants, after which the call will be terminated.
If the details provided by the Registrant match with the existing details then, the selected Registrants will
have to carry with them the following documents:
a. Proof of age, address, name, photo identity and nationality i.e. attested photocopies of either valid
passport or voter ID alongwith birth certificate/driving license or ration card alongwith birth
certificate/driving license. These documents have to be in English or Hindi language; and
b. four passport sized color recent photographs of the Auditionee, and two passport sized color recent
photographs each of four Phone A Friend Candidate(s).
(Submission of the aforesaid documents /photos of Phone A Friend Candidates) do not imply that the
Auditionee has been selected for further participation.)
Note: Travel, accommodation and all other expenses in relation to the participation of the Auditionee,
will be at the Auditionees’ own costs and only the Auditionee will be permitted to enter the
Audition venue upon submission of the above mentioned documents and photographs.
The CCE will thereafter ask the Registrant to confirm their availability on the designated Audition date and
venue. Only upon such confirmation the Registrant’s participation in the Audition will be considered.
Level 4
The first round of Auditions will be conducted from the period commencing from September 1, 2010
through September 9, 2010 (“First Audition Period”) and timings for registration of Auditionees will be
intimated, and cannot be changed or modified to suit Auditionee’s requirements.
The Auditionees will have to be present at the allotted Audition venue on the date and time allotted to such
respective Auditionees alongwith the documents and photographs required (attested photocopy).
Late entrants may stand disqualified from the Audition process at the discretion of Company. Each
Auditionee will be provided a unique registration number, which he/she must carry with him/her at all
times while at the Audition. The Auditionees will have to sign the registration form alongwith release form,
NDA and the terms & conditions in order to participate in the Auditions. Company’s authorized
representatives will have the final right to refuse registration/eligibility at their sole discretion.
Subject to completion of formalities as prescribed by Company, the Auditionees will have to go through
entrance test which comprises of two rounds viz. Written Test and Video Audition. If the Auditionees fail
to complete both the Written Test and Video Audition then he/she shall be disqualified from further
All Auditionees shall maintain the decorum of the Audition venue and shall abide by the Rules &
Regulations thereof. Further the instructions of the Company / Producers shall be adhered to strictly. Any
Auditionee who acts in contravention to the instructions of the Company or the Producers or creates
nuisance either to the Company or to any other person, shall immediately be disqualified from participating
in the Audition and the Competition and shall be asked to leave the Audition venue.
The decision of the Company/Producers in connection with the Audition including but not limited to short
listing the Auditionees will be final & binding and is non-contestable. In case of any dispute or difference
in respect of this Audition, the decision of the Company shall be final and binding on all concerned.
The Company reserves the right to use some of the first (1st) round Auditionees as they deem fit for the
second (2nd) or any subsequent rounds of Auditions. The dates for the second round (or any subsequent
rounds) of Auditions will be subsequently informed to the relevant shortlisted Auditionees.
Three member jury i.e. one representative each from Synergy, MSM and an independent member
(“Judges”) will select the Participants on the basis of the answer sheets and the recorded footages of the
Video Audition of the Auditionees. Two list of Participants will be selected for the Fastest Finger First
round, out of which one list of Participants will be used for replacement purposes.
1. The representatives of the Producer (“Representatives”) will notify the selected Auditionees of
their selection for the Fastest Finger First round and ask for confirmation of their details (name,
gender, date of birth and address), after which the Representatives will inform the selected
Auditionees of the shoot date and documentation requirements, based on finalized shooting
schedules. The Participant is requested to carry a valid English/Hindi Identity proof and 3 passport
size color photographs of the Participant(s) to the Studio for the shoot. In case of non-availability
of Participant or of his/her supporting documentation, further participation will not be permitted.
2. Upon confirmation by the selected Auditionee of his/her availability for the Fastest Finger First
round, he/she shall qualify for the said round.
3. The Participant will be permitted to bring along one companion for the shoot of the Episode. The
Participant(s) and his/her respective companion will travel at their own risk.
4. The Producer shall be responsible for the travel (shortest route possible) and hotel stay
arrangements of the Participant(s) and one companion who have confirmed attendance with the
Producers. The travel and stay arrangements will be made as per the Producer’s discretion and any
request in this regard by the Participants shall not be entertained. However, in case of
1. Participation in the Competition by sending entries in any of the aforesaid manner shall be considered
to be acceptance of these Rules and Regulations.
2. Competition is open to adult citizens of India i.e. only those who have completed 18 years of age on
the date of registration and the citizen should be of sound health and mind.
3. Persons must enter the Competition on their own behalf and entry/ies by proxy will not be accepted,
even for their family members.
4. An entry/ies is not transferrable.
5. Employees of the Company, Producer, advertising agency, auditors, company’s contractors which
have been appointed from time to time, and also employees of the sponsors; and their respective
families; persons other than Indian nationals, or Indian nationals living out of India, or those who do
not qualify under the definition of resident of India as per the Income Tax Act, 1961 or those not
conversant in spoken Hindi, are ineligible to enter the Competition. Failure to provide proof or
affidavit of eligibility, including the proof of name, address and correct date of birth within a
reasonable time upon request by the Producer/Company may result in disqualification. The Company
also reserves the right to disqualify a Contestant incase a discrepancy is found to exist in the
information furnished/provided/stated by the Contestant during the conversation with the
Producer/Company or any of the Company’s sub-contractors and vendors in the Competition, and/or in
the information stated in the documents furnished by the Contestant.
6. The Contestant(s) hereby represents that he/she is not under any exclusive contracts with any other
third party/ agency or is not under any kind of disqualification under law to enter into an agreement
with the Company or its affiliates, as the case may be.
7. The Contestant(s) shall undertake, warrant and guarantee to the Company that the Contestant has the
full legal capacity to participate in the Competition in accordance with these Rules & Regulations.
8. By registering for the Competition, the Contestant(s) represents that he/she is medically fit and do not
have present or past psychological problems. If in the past he/she has had any psychological problems
or have been under medication for any psychological, anxiety, hypertension, depression or any other
medical problems, the same shall be disclosed to the Company/Producer in writing along with a copy
of the certificate from a qualified medical practitioner declaring him/her to be fit for participation in
the Competition.
9. Contestant(s) will not be confirmed as Contestants for the Show if they are suffering from any kind of
ill health, medical problems (viz.: heart problem, blood pressure problem, final stages of pregnancy,
etc.). It is the responsibility of the Contestant(s) to be medically fit for participation. Nevertheless the
final decision regarding their participation in the Studio Part of the Competition rests entirely with the
10. The Contestant(s) represent that he/she has not been accused or convicted or is otherwise involved in
any criminal offence and/or is not under inquiry or trial by the police or judiciary which has not been
disclosed to the Company in writing. That the Contestant(s) is /are not required to be present before
any authority including police or any court of law for a term of twelve (12) months from the date of
registration and has no other disability which would prevent his/her participation in the Audition or the
Competition (if selected).
11. The Contestant(s) acknowledges that he/she has voluntarily chosen to participate in the Competition at
his / her free-will and is willing to bear all risk, costs & consequences arising from such participation
in the Competition.
12. It is a condition of entry and participation in the Competition that the Contestant(s) has not entered into
any contractual, commercial, sponsorship agreement (including but not limited to recording,
performing and/or merchandising contracts) or other arrangement for example with a management
company or an individual to act as the Contestant’s manager in respect of his/her musical or
performing abilities or the products thereof or in respect of his/her name, likeness, image or biography
which might be in breach of the Contestant Release Form or the Rules & Regulations or otherwise
14. Contestant is required to furnish necessary supporting documentation as proof of age, address, name,
photo identity and nationality i.e. one original and attested photocopies of either valid passport or voter
ID alongwith birth certificate/driving license or ration card alongwith birth certificate/driving license.
These documents have to be in English or Hindi language; and four passport sized color recent
photographs of the Auditionee, and two passport sized color recent photographs each of four Phone A
Friend Candidate(s).
15. Company/Producer may, at its discretion contact the Registrant(s) and/or Contestant(s), if required, for
any clarifications needed for the information provided in the registration.
16. The Company has the right at any time to require proof of identity and/or eligibility. Failure to provide
such proof within a reasonable time could result in disqualification from the Competition.
17. In case there is any mismatch of Contestant(s) details in any round of the Competition, the
Contestant(s) may be disqualified from further participation in the Competition, if Contestant is unable
to resolve discrepancies.
18. All personal details and information requested by and supplied to the Company by each Contestant
must be truthful, accurate and in no way misleading. The Company reserves the right to disqualify any
Contestant(s) from the Competition or Audition in its sole discretion, should the Contestant(s) at any
stage supply untruthful, inaccurate or misleading personal details and/or information.
19. If at any time, including after disbursement of prize, any information submitted by the Contestant(s) is
found to be incorrect, false, or otherwise misrepresented or misleading, the Contestant(s) shall be liable
to refund all amounts received from the Company.
22. In the event the Contestant(s) uses a public phone or phone not registered in his name for registration,
the Company will not be responsible to track the registered Contestant(s).
23. In case the Company is unable to reach the registered Contestant(s), the registration entry will be
deemed as invalid.
24. In the event is it not possible to determine with certainty the person who registered from a particular
telephone number/mobile number, that entry would be disqualified. Registrant(s) are requested to use
phone numbers which are unique to them and where they do not foresee such difficulties.
25. Company/Producer shall not be liable for any failure of the IVR or SMS server or system, any call
drop during participation or incomplete registrations submitted by Registrant(s).
26. Post submission of the entry via SMS or IVR, the Registrant(s) will not be permitted to modify / alter /
change any details / answer submitted.
27. Only the entries received after the registration questions are broadcast on the Channel will be
considered valid.
31. The number of Auditionees to be selected shall be at the sole discretion of the Company / Producer.
32. The Company / Producer shall shortlist Participant(s) after the Auditions at all venues as required, out
of which only a limited number of Participant(s) shall be selected for further selection processes in the
33. Contestant(s) can make it only once to the Audition round of the Competition across all the Schedules
of the Competition. Any Contestant who has made it once to the FFF round of the Competition, he/she
will not be eligible to participate in the Competition.
34. Auditions will be subject to such timing stipulations and requirements as may be determined by the
Company and the Company makes no representations, warranties nor provides any undertaking to any
of the Contestant(s) that any or all of the Contestants will be able to take part in Audition.
35. The Company shall not be liable or responsible for any damages, losses, costs, expenses or otherwise
suffered by any of the Contestant(s) in the event that the Company is not able to permit the
Contestant(s) to take part in the Audition or Competition in accordance with any of the foregoing
36. All cost incurred for participating in Auditions is to be solely borne by Auditionees.
37. If an Auditionee is unable to appear for the Audition at the stipulated venue and time, he/she shall be
disqualified from further participation.
38. Company shall not entertain any request by the Auditionees for change in the dates and venues of
39. The Audition process may take more than one day, and the Auditionee would be required to be present
for the entire period of the Audition as informed by the Company/Representatives.
40. Notwithstanding any other provisions in this Agreement, the Company may, at its sole and absolute
discretion, cancel or reschedule the Auditions, or hold additional Auditions on such other dates and at
such places as it may determine and the Contestant(s) shall adhere to and abide by any and all
instructions, requirements and timing stipulations as determined by the Company and shall attend at
any and all such additional Auditions.
41. Persons from the first set of Auditions may be considered in the second shoot schedule, if the need
arises, at the sole discretion of the Company.
42. For purposes of Auditions, the Auditionees can either come alone, or at best be accompanied by ONE
other person, who cannot be a member of the media.
43. Cameras and photography by the Auditionee will not be permitted at the Audition or the Shoot venues.
44. The Contestant(s) understands that getting shortlisted in the Audition is only a preliminary step
towards further participation in the Competition and it shall be the absolute and sole discretion of the
Company/Producer to allow participation based on creative requirements
Lamba Creations,
Kamptee Highway Road,
Asian Academy of Film & Television (Marwah studios)
FC - 14/15, Sec - 16a, Film City,
Noida - 201305
Rajpath Club,
S.G Highway, Ahmedabad,
Gujarat - 380051
H.K. Institute of Management studies & Research
HK Bldg, Pratiksha Nagar, Adj. Mhada Complex,
Oshiwara, Jogeshwari (West),
Mumbai - 400102
CII - Suresh Neotia Centre of Excellence for Leadership
DC - 36, Sector 1, Salt Lake City,
Behind City Centre, Kolkata - 700 064
Note: The above dates and venues are subject to changes at the sole discretion of the Company without
prior intimation.
45. Apart from the Registrant(s), the Company may at its sole discretion provide a chance for entry to the
Audition/Competition for unregistered individuals also, based on programming needs, should they
arise, or in the event of participation selection process or system failure.
46. Company also has the right to conduct “celebrity special episodes” or “seasonal special episodes”
where certain persons of prominence may be invited to participate in the Show without being required
to go through the participation selection process.
47. Even after final selection for the Show, the Company/Producer shall have the right to replace any of
the Participant(s) as per their discretion and creative requirement, for the betterment of the
Competition or Show.
48. The Company also reserves the right to increase or decrease the ratio of the Contestants in each Show
i.e. increase or decrease the number of Contestant(s) who can participate in the Program, without any
prior intimation to the Contestant(s) and/or the public.
49. The Contestant(s) understand that their selection will be based on a randomizer and selection software.
50. The Company will not entertain and permit the Contestant(s) or any of their representatives to check /
audit / challenge the logic of the randomizer or selection software.
51. The Company reserves the right to classify the Contestant(s) in a socio-economic categorization
(‘SEC’) that it deems appropriate.
52. The Company may in its sole discretion exclude a Contestant from participating in the Audition/Studio
Part of the Competition which may include without limitation (i) circumstances which, in the
Company's view, renders the Contestant unfit to participate therein; (ii) inability to produce
70. The maximum prize which can be won in the Competition is Rs.1 crore only.
71. It is not necessary that the each Participant wins the maximum prize money.
72. Any and all taxes and/or levies applicable on the prize money won by the Participant(s), under the laws
of India shall be borne by the Participant(s) in relation to the prize. Payment of prize money to the
Winner(s) shall be after deduction of all applicable taxes and levies and subject to providing the
relevant documents as intimated by the Company and will be paid within the time stipulated by the
73. The Company may refuse to pay winnings or reclaim all sums paid to Participant(s) in the event of
his/her fraud, dishonesty or non-entitlement to participate in the Competition under these Rules &
Other terms
74. The procedures for registration and participation in the Competition are subject to the Rules and
Regulations stated herein. Non-conformance by any Contestant(s) to the rules of the Competition will
disqualify him/her from participation or winnings, immediately, as the case may be.
75. In the event of any fault, misunderstanding or dispute concerning any part of the Competition, and/or
the operation of the telephone system, Auditions, Call-backs, the selection of Contestant(s) at any
stage, or the validity of any question or answer options, the decision of the Company shall be final and
binding on all Contestant(s).
76. The Company reserves the right to amend (add, delete or modify) the Rules & Regulations governing
the Competition and/or the participant selection process prospectively or retrospectively, at its
discretion and without prior notice, in order to improve the Competition or remedy any issues that
77. The Company has the right at any time to terminate the Competition without any prior intimation or
notice to the public and also the Company is not obligated in any manner whatsoever to compensate
any person or persons who have participated in the Competition and/or accommodate any person or
persons who have been selected in the Competition for the Program.
97. The Company and/or the Channel is in no manner whatsoever responsible and/or shall not be held
liable in any manner whatsoever, for any physical injury, death, mental trauma caused to any
Contestant(s) and/or the Winner (s) in any manner whatsoever, in relation to the Competition and/or
98. The Company, Producers, Judges, the host, the advertising agencies, the sub-contractors used by
Company for the Competition, and any person or entity connected with the production (including the
format owners and the broadcasters of the Program), administration or judging of the auditions, the
Competition or the Program (the “Relevant Parties”) shall be under no liability whatsoever to the
Contestant(s) or the Contributors, in respect of any loss, damage suffered by the Contestant(s) or
Contributors arising from or pursuant to the Competition or for any and all loss, damage, cost, expense
or injury to life or property sustained by the Contestant(s) or Contributors at any stage of the
Competition and during production thereof whether or not caused by (1) the administration (including
scheduling) of the Competition including any failure of transportation or inability for any reason to
appear for the Audition/before the Judges; (2) the Contestant’s or any third party’s participation in the
Audition, or being selected or disqualified; (3) as a result of the decisions of the Judges or Company;
(4) as a result of any comment, remark, judgment, view, criticism, critique, opinion and/or observation
made and/or passed by the Host and/or Company; and/or (5) any printing, typographical or
technological errors in any materials associated with the Competition. Notwithstanding the generality
of the foregoing, the Relevant Parties expressly exclude liability for all direct, indirect and
consequential loss or damage, including but not limited to loss or damage to property or for loss of
profit, business, revenue, goodwill or anticipated savings pursuant to the Competition. In no event will
the measure of damages include, nor will the Relevant Parties be liable for, any amounts for indirect,
incidental, consequential, or punitive damages of any party, including third parties; or for damages
attributable to the Contestant(s); or circumstances beyond the Relevant Parties including the
Producer’s reasonable control.
99. The Winner(s) and/or the Contestant(s) of the Competition agrees that he/she shall hold harmless the
Channel, Company, its employees, officers, sub-contractors or any other person in connection with the
prize won by him/her and/or in relation to the Competition/Program including but not limited to the
procedure in the Competition and shall also not file in person/ through any family member and/or third
party any applications, criminal and/or civil proceedings in any courts or forum in India against
sponsor and/or the Channel/Company/Producer to claim any damages or reliefs.
100. The Company / Producer will not be responsible for any loss / theft of belongings of the Contestant(s)
on the sets of the Competition/Studio, before/during/after the shoot of the Episodes/Show, or at the
time of the Audition.
101. The Company / Producer or any of its affiliates will not be liable for any loss of earnings, employment
or otherwise caused to the Contestant(s) and arising as a result of his/her participation in the Audition
or the Show Part, if selected
102. Company / Producers and its sub-contractors cannot and shall not be held accountable/liable for any
disruptions / stoppages / interruptions or cancellation of the Audition or Competition on account of any
factors beyond their control.
103. Company / Producer and its sub - contractors shall not be held responsible or accountable to any of the
Contestant(s)/Contributor(s), for any loss, injury or any other liability which may arise, enroute while
coming to the venue of Audition or while attending the Studio Part / Program/Shoot or while
participating in the Competition and for which the Contestant(s)/Contributor(s) may be required to sign
an indemnity in favor of the Company. The Contestant(s)/Contributor(s) agree to release, discharge,
and covenant, not to sue the Company/Producer or any of its associate agencies and each of their
respective officers, directors, agents, representatives and employees, and/or any other agencies or
individuals connected with the Competition in any manner, from any and all claims, actions, damages,
liabilities, losses, costs and expenses, in any way arising out of or resulting from the Contestant(s)
involvement in the selection process