VoicemeeterPotato UserManual
VoicemeeterPotato UserManual
VoicemeeterPotato UserManual
The Ultimate Virtual Audio Device Mixer for Windows
Run setup program and follow instructions.
Reboot after installation or de-installation
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not reboot after de-installation, virtual audio drivers might not be
completely de-installed and prevent you to install new version correctly. If it happens, you will be
obliged to de-install Voicemeeter’s Virtual audio devices manually.
(by the system / device manager windows system procedure).
For any professional use, you may pay the recommended license price on the webshop. For
volume licensing / commercial distribution, you may contact us to get quotation / agreement.
Windows XP, VISTA, WIN7, WIN8, WIN8.1, WIN10 32/64 bits (MME, DX, WDM/WASAPI, KS, ASIO).
www.voicemeeter.com / www.vb-cable.com
As Mixing Console, Voicemeeter offers large amount of use case combinations: To mix in real
time your voice with your music, your movie, your video game or web radio and share it on
internet through VOIP or Streaming applications. Voicemeeter is also able to let you manage 5
Headsets and create new VOIP experiences …
Voicemeeter Potato integrates the same recorder than Voicemeeter Banana and a new internal
FX section offering a Reverb and a Multitap Delay through a regular Send / Return function.
Potato also offers two true aux to manage external FX with an ASIO device (ASIO channel must
be assigned to SEND / RETURN functions in system settings dialog box).
Voicemeeter Potato also offers a 6 cells full parametric EQ on every BUS, with the possibility to
make independent equalization on each channel (1-to 8). This is made to correct your P.A.
System from mono to 7.1 setup. In conjunction with Stereo Repeat Mode, it ‘s also possible to
use this Equalizer as stereo Cross Over to drive 2, 3, or 4 ways active speakers system.
Finally Voicemeeter Potato displays applications connected on its virtual input and gives you the
same volume and mute control than the Windows volume mixer.
Voicemeeter Potato implements a full 8x8 matrix to let you mix your 8 possible inputs strip into 8
possible BUS outputs. BUS Assignation per strip work like on Banana but the SEL button per
BUS allows setting input level for a particular BUS only. Then it is possible to define a MIX per
BUS independently.
Audio interfaces type supported by Voicemeeter Virtual audio I/O (Voicemeeter VAIO).
Interface Type Description
MME The MME API or the Windows Multimedia API (also known as WinMM) was
the first universal and standardized Windows audio API. This audio interface
type is expected to work with whatever audio device but with latency time
possibly around 100ms.
WDM That we call WDM (Windows Driver Model) audio interface in Voicemeeter is
handled by WASAPI : the Latest Microsoft Audio Functions to get best audio
performances and small latency (< 30ms) – available since Windows VISTA
KS Kernel Streaming or Direct Kernel streaming API allows low latency audio
streaming, since Windows XP, but unfortunately not all audio devices
provides this interface.
WaveRT The WaveRT miniport driver is supported in Windows Vista and later
Windows operating systems and can offers good audio performances and
small latency (comparable to KS).
Direct-X Direct-X Audio Interface is used by Video Game and some audio software.
Latency is usually comparable to MME,
ASIO Audio Stream Input/Output (ASIO) is a computer sound card driver protocol
for digital audio specified by Steinberg, providing a low-latency and high
fidelity interface between a software application and a computer's sound card.
Voicemeeter is installed with Macro Buttons Application offering programmable buttons to act on
Voicemeeter by simple request script
Windows System Audio Configuration is mainly located in Windows Control Panel / Sound
Dialog Box. This is where you have to go to check or set what is your default playback device
and what is your default recording device (and the Communications option has to be set to "Do
Nothing" if you use Voicemeeter with VOIP applications).
In all cases, all is a question of audio configuration and it does not need to remove Voicemeeter
in case of problem. Voicemeeter is a simple Application endowed with an audio device driver, if
you don’t use it, there is no way to get trouble. But if you do, you need to avoid possible audio
device conflict and connect everything to Voicemeeter (to prevent other application to use audio
playback device already used by Voicemeeter).
The main audio output device A1 can work in 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz,
176.4 kHz or 192 kHz. This sample rate will be used for all mixing processing and Virtual ASIO
points (Voicemeeter will support any sample rate on other inputs or outputs points).
REM: If selecting an ASIO device for output A1, Voicemeeter’s inputs strips (if not already set)
will be automatically connected to related ASIO inputs (2 by 2) - until you select another audio
device on hardware inputs – Then it’s possible to use a single ASIO board to manage 5x stereo
input and 5x output BUS (output BUS supports up to 8 channels – see ASIO channel
assignation in system settings dialog box).
As you can see on this picture, Input 3 is using default ASIO device input (since it has
previously been selected as main audio device for output A1). But it does not prevent to select
another audio device input (from another audio device).
REM: it’s better to select WDM driver (present since Windows VISTA) to get best latency and
audio performances. If using MME driver you might have a bigger delay between input and
output. Use MME driver only if WDM are not present or does not work correctly with your audio
hardware configuration.
KS can be better than WDM in some cases but not all audio devices are presenting such audio
interface. In the example above, Jabra BIZ 2300 USB Microphone and onboard Audio Device
are not present as KS device, but only in WDM and MME.
For Recording Applications, take care about the loop back! You might have MUTED
outputs or disable monitoring otherwise output signal will come back on input infinitely.
VB-AUDIO Voicemeeter Non Contractual document page 14
Document designed by V.Burel2014-2019 all rights reserved. All information provided in this document may be subject to change
without notice. (www.vb-audio.com / www.voicemeeter.com )
OCT 2019 VB-Audio Software V.Burel
Audio Controls.
While you are talking you can tweak your voice in real time with different controls; 2D Panel,
Audibility knobs or simple 3 bands Equalizer…
Compressor / Gate.
On each input strip there are two knobs to set compression and gate effect.
3 Bands Equalizer to boost or remove bass, medium
and high frequency (treble).
Strip Limiter.
With Voicemeeter Banana comes a Brick Limiter on each physical or
virtual strip to define a threshold for each audio source. Click directly in
the meter bar to set the limit by the mouse or right click to enter the value
directly (-40 to +12 dB).
If you move the cursor on the Windows Volume Mixer, it will be shown on the Voicemeeter
virtual strip and vice versa. The Mute control is represented by the “M” button and is also related
to the Mute control on the Windows Volume Mixer.
Generally speaking, the virtual inputs strip should reflect the related Windows Volume Mixer
state (without the System Sounds Control) up to 4 applications. If an application is
disconnected, Voicemeeter could not be notified correctly and still continue to show it in its list.
In this case a “Restart Audio Engine” should correctly refresh the list of connected applications.
It provides 6 EQ Cells for the 8 possible channels of the BUS. The Channel Selector allows
working on all channels in the same time or on a given channel only.
FLAT button will reset the Equalizer (according the channel selector)
A / B provides two different memories to define 2 different equalization settings and compare
them just by switching to A or B. EQ settings are always done in current selected preset (A or
CH COPY: copy EQ settings of the current channel (to copy current channel equalization to
another channel for example).
COPY ALL: copy EQ settings of all channels (to copy entire equalization to another BUS for
RIGHT CLICK on Gain / Q / Frequency Control to open a small Edit Box to enter value manually
/ precisely.
This button is made to make a stereo mix-
down with 5.1 or 7.1 sound coming from
DVD player on virtual input (strip #3). Left
and right channels, Center, Sub and rear are
combined to output on stereo speakers.
Rear & side Speaker are mixed out of phase
to simulate surround effect in stereo
Rear & side Speaker are mixed in phase
This button is made to use possible 8
outputs channels with a stereo signal. This
stereo signal is repeated to channel 3,4 / 5;6
and 7,8.
This last mode is made for audio post production. The 8 channels of the BUS can be composed
by any pre-fader or post fader inputs (or default BUS channel): In the System Settings Dialog
Box, user can define the Composite Patch.
With composite signal, it’s possible to record up to 8 channels composed by any Voicemeeter
Inputs or with a DAW connected to Voicemeeter virtual ASIO, or with the integrated recorder. for
example. It allows recording VOIP interview or conference and making post production process
after, with up to 8 different tracks.
For example
- To extract LFE channel and send it to sub devices (sub woofer, Buttkicker, Subpac…).
- To send 5.1 Rear channel to wireless speaker (Bluetooth).
- To send Center channel on specific speaker device.
- To use 2.1, 4.1, 5.1 or 7.1 PA system with stereo audio sources.
Additional application:
Normal Mode:
All channels are sent AS IS
LEFT = FL + (70% FC) + SW + RL - SL
RIGHT = RL + (70% FC) + SW - RR + SR
LEFT = FL + (70% FC) + SW + RL + SL
RIGHT = RL + (70% FC) + SW + RR + SR
ch1 = FL, ch3 = FL, ch5 = FL, ch7 = FL
ch2 = FR, ch4 = FR, ch6 = FR, ch8 = FR
Contains pre fader inputs given by the COMPOSITE PATCH
UP MIX 2.1
FL = L, FR = R, SW=50%(L+R).
UP MIX 4.1
FL = L, FR = R, SW=50%(L+R).
RL = L, RR = R
UP MIX 6.1
FL = L, FR = R, SW=50%(L+R).
RL = L, RR = R SL = L, SR = R
All Physical inputs provide a rotary knob to send the related audio source in the Reverb and in
the MultiTap Delay. The POST button allows switching between PRE or POST fader mode (in
POST mode the SEND level is also pending on the gain slider).
All Busses also provide a rotary knob to get the return of the reverb and the return of the Delay
FX. Then you can control the amount of special FX you get in each bus.
With 10 x 3 Preset, JustVerb III gives the most regular reverb sound you need. Then you may
adjust them with the different control and the equalizer.
DRY : amount of original signal (usually minimum when used with a SEND / RETURN path).
WET : amount of reverb effect (usually 0.0 dB when used with a SEND / RETURN path).
DECAY knob allow to change the reverb time from 50% to 200% (1 = 100% = original preset).
BYP: the bypass button allows bypassing the entire reverb (soft bypass) or the Equalizer only.
The big LCD display the time line where each tap are located with a musical scale 4/4 beat on
top and 3/4 beat on bottom. The Gain Timeline allows defining gain and delay of each tap. The
Pan Time Line allows defining the panoramic for each tap.
The musical scale is function of the current Tempo (bpm = beat per minute). The Time Ratio
knob allow to scale current rhythm to another tempo.
Like on the reverb effect, we retrieve the regular control DRY, WET, and Pre-delay:
DRY: amount of original signal (usually minimum when used with a SEND / RETURN path).
WET: amount of reverb effect (usually 0.0 dB when used with a SEND / RETURN path).
BYPASS: the bypass button allows bypassing the entire delay fx (soft bypass).
The Feedback knob allows to loop the output and re-inject it into the FX input.
“Set Note” button opens a dialog box to let you define a delay time by a musical note duration
(pending on current Tempo).
The TAP button allows defining a new tempo by typing on it, in rhythm with what you hear. The
new tempo is displayed in blinking red (after 4 taps) then you can decide to keep it by pushing
the small button “Scale Fit”. Then you can adjust your TAP rhythm with the Time Ratio knob to
adjust your current rhythm to the new tempo. Then you can push the button FIX DELAY to set
all delay with the right value (Time Ratio is reset to 0).
If AUTO FIT button is ON, the new tempo is automatically kept and the delay of all activated
taps, are adjusted to keep the same rhythm on new tempo.
External FX:
External FX management provides two true AUX paths through regular SEND / RETURN
knobs. These AUX work only if the External FX I/O are assigned to ASIO channel (from the
ASIO device selected as output A1 – having enough channel to be assigned to External FX
path points).
This is possible by selecting no device for physical input / physical bus. Then the system
settings dialog box proposes to select input channels / or output channels for bus A2, A3, A4
and A5:
In this example:
- Physical Input #1, #2, #3, #4 gets audio from ASIO input channels 1 to 8
- Physical input #5 gets audio microphone Sennheiser USB Device.
- BUS A1 automatically uses 8 first output channels of the ASIO board
- BUS A2 will send audio to ASIO output channels 10+11
- BUS A3 will send audio to ASIO output channel 17 to 22 (6 channels).
- BUS A4 will send audio to ASIO output channel 63 to 64 (Stereo Monitoring).
- BUS A5 is connected to a WDM device (Speaker Sennheiser USB Device).
WARNING: BUS outputs are copied in the ASIO output channels in logical order A1, A2, A3, A4
and A5. It means that A1 channels (1 to 8) could be replaced by A2 channels (in case of
channel overlap), and A2 could be replaced by A3 etc….
Click on cassette top to select audio file to playback. Click on progress bar to position playback
cursor in audio file. You can click on RECORD at any moment. It will generate an audio file in
your document / Voicemeeter folder with an automatic name with a prefix, the current date, start
time and current file extension:
Recording Options
Right Click on Tape Desk to get this recording option dialog box below:
Per default recording options allows to record all pre-fader inputs to simply record everything
coming in Voicemeeter But you can decide to record as well the output of a BUS.
The target directory and prefix of the filename can be defined by clicking on the related field and
select new directory or enter new prefix (prefix is Record if nothing is defined).
File type can de defined as WAV, BWF, AIFF or MP3 (32 to 320 kbps). MP3 can record stereo
only while other format can support up to 8 channels (when recording a BUS).
File format, including sample rate, is defined independently than the format used by
Voicemeeter. For example, the recording file format can be set in 48 kHz while Voicemeeter is
running in 44100 Hz.
If set to YES, the recording will also generate one file per track / channel. The file name will be
suffixed by “_Track1”, “_Track2”, “_Track3”… according the number of channel defined for the
file format.
This option will playback the file automatically just after selecting it.
This option will playback the file in loop, continuously.
This slider control the gain of the audio file being played back.
- The About Box will show you some link to get more information and donate on our
- System Settings Dialog Box allows to configure parameters related to audio device
- Tape Recorder Option Dialog Box is made to configure the audio file recording process.
- VBAN Dialog Box will help you to configure the VB-Audio Network functions, to
send/receive audio stream to/from any computer of your local network.
VB-Audio Network
Click on VBAN icon to open the configuration dialog box below and configure your incoming
stream (the audio stream from other computer you want to hear) and your outgoing stream (the
audio stream you want to send to other computers).
Voicemeeter Banana & Potato offer to listen 8x streams (on any input) and to send 8x streams
to 8x different computers or mobile devices (audio source is given by selected BUS output).
A VBAN Stream in Voicemeeter can be set in any standard samplerate from 11025 Hz to 96
kHz in 16 or 24 bits resolution with 1 to 8 channels (mono sound to 7.1). It allows transporting
high quality audio in native PCM format on your local network.
It is possible to broadcast an audio stream by using the 255 IP Address (on wire network only!
WIFI AP are usually not broadcast capable). For example giving as destination
address will send stream to all computers of the network 192.168.1.xxx
VBAN can also transport serial and text to remote Voicemeeter with MIDI message or specific
request script. That’s why Voicemeeter also offers a Serial and an ASCII incoming stream.
NETWORK QUALITY: This parameter, more useful on incoming stream, allows tweaking the
audio stream stability in case of bad or busy network. FAST means the network is able to
transport audio without delay or error, SLOW is made for busy network, where audio packet can
be delayed or lost more often than usual.
ERROR LED: shown on the right are blinking red in case of reception errors:
1- Overload: we received too much packets (audio stream comes too fast)
2- Corrupt: we received corrupted packets
3- Disorder: we received older packets
4- Missing: we missed packets (lost)
5- Underrun: we received not enough packets (audio stream comes too slow)
VBAN MIDI messages and TEXT commands can be sent by MacroButton (see next pages).
VBAN MIDI messages can also be sent by VBAN2MIDI application (installed with Voicemeeter).
VBAN2MIDI application.
This simple standalone application allow converting a physical MIDI input into a VBAN outgoing
stream (LEFT Side) and the opposite: from a VBAN MIDI Stream, send incoming data to a
physical MIDI output (Right Side).
Voicemeeter Remote API
MACRO BUTTON application has been designed for Voicemeeter users, to make custom
action, or group of actions on the different Voicemeeter controls and parameters:
It is also possible to combine different requests to create a complex action on Voicemeeter. For
example a PUSH TO TALK or AUTO DUCKING function could set the MUSIC Gain to -10db
and mute other talker in the same time.
Button type can be PUSH or 2 POSITIONS. Keyboard shortcut dropdown list proposes different
Key and Mouse buttons combinations. Button color proposes 9 different buttons backgrounds.
M.I.D.I. Implementation allows assigning one M.I.D.I. Event to the button as well. The M.I.D.I.
codes are coming from the M.I.D.I. device selected in the Voicemeter M.I.D.I. Mapping Dialog
Box and possibly incoming VBAN MIDI stream. Check LEARN box to get message from M.I.D.I.
Device. Click on RESET to remove the M.I.D.I. Code.
TRIGGER will allow handling the button according 2 thresholds on a selected input strip level.
IN threshold (green cursor) will push the button when level goes over… OUT threshold (red
cursor) will release the button when the level goes under. HOLD time define a minimal time to
let gate opened.
XINPUT section will let you use up to 4 game pad to control a button.
HID Device Button allows connecting directly to a specific HID device (to be implemented).
Strip functions/parameters
Parameter Name Value Range Remark Ver.
Strip[i].Mono 0 (off) or 1 (on) Mono Button 1
Strip[i].Mute 0 (off) or 1 (on) Mute Button 1
Strip[i].Solo 0 (off) or 1 (on) Solo Button 1
Strip[i].MC 0 (off) or 1 (on) Mute Center Button 1
Strip[i].Gain -60 to +12 db Gain slider 1
Strip[i].GainLayer[j] -60 to +12 db Gain slider for a bus 3
Strip[i].Pan_x -0.5 to +0.5 1
Strip[i].Pan_y 0 to 1.0 1
Strip[i].Color_x -0.5 to +0.5 Physical Strip Only 1
Strip[i].Color_y 0 to 1.0 Physical Strip Only 1
Strip[i].fx_x -0.5 to +0.5 Physical Strip Only 2
Strip[i].fx_y 0 to 1.0 Physical Strip Only 2
Strip[i].Audibility 0 to 10 Voicemeeter 1 only 1
Strip[i].Comp 0 to 10 2
Strip[i].Gate 0 to 10 2
Strip[i].Limit -40 to +12 dB 2
Strip[i].EQGain1 -12 to +12 db Virtual Strip Only 1
Strip[i].EQGain2 -12 to +12 db Virtual Strip Only 1
Strip[i].EQGain3 -12 to +12 db Virtual Strip Only 1
Strip[i].Label String Strip Label 1
Strip[i].A1 0 (off) or 1 (on) Out BUS Assignation 1
Strip[i].A2 0 (off) or 1 (on) Out BUS Assignation 2
Strip[i].A3 0 (off) or 1 (on) Out BUS Assignation 2
Strip[i].A4 0 (off) or 1 (on) Out BUS Assignation 3
Strip[i].A5 0 (off) or 1 (on) Out BUS Assignation 3
Strip[i].B1 0 (off) or 1 (on) Out BUS Assignation 1
Strip[i].B2 0 (off) or 1 (on) Out BUS Assignation 2
Strip[i].B3 0 (off) or 1 (on) Out BUS Assignation 3
Strip[i].FadeTo String (dBTarget, msTime); 1
Strip[i].Reverb 0 to 10 Send Level To Reverb 3
Strip[i].Delay 0 to 10 Send Level To Delay 3
Strip[i].Fx1 0 to 10 Send Level To External Fx1 3
Strip[i].Fx2 0 to 10 Send Level To External Fx2 3
Strip[i].PostReverb 0 (off) or 1 (on) Post Reverb button 3
Strip[i].PostDelay 0 (off) or 1 (on) Post Delay button 3
Strip[i].PostFx1 0 (off) or 1 (on) Post Fx1 button 3
Strip[i].PostFx2 0 (off) or 1 (on) Post Fx2 button 3
BUS Parameters:
Bus index is a zero based index related to Voicemeeter version (2 busses on Voicemeeter, 5 on
Voicemeeter Banana)
Bus functions/parameters
Parameter Name Value Range Remark Ver.
Bus[i].Mono 0 (off), 1 (mono) 2 Mono Button 1
(stereo reverse)
Bus[i].Mute 0 (off) or 1 (on) Mute Button 1
Bus[i].EQ.on 0 (off) or 1 (on) EQ Button 2
Bus[i].Gain -60 to +12 db Gain slider 1
Bus[i].mode.normal 0 (off) or 1 (on) BUS Mode 1
Bus[i].mode.Amix 0 (off) or 1 (on) BUS Mode 1
Bus[i].mode.Bmix 0 (off) or 1 (on) BUS Mode 2
Bus[i].mode.Repeat 0 (off) or 1 (on) BUS Mode 1
Bus[i].mode.Composite 0 (off) or 1 (on) BUS Mode 1
Bus[i].mode.TVMix 0 (off) or 1 (on) BUS Mode 2
Bus[i].mode.UpMix21 0 (off) or 1 (on) BUS Mode 2
Bus[i].mode.UpMix41 0 (off) or 1 (on) BUS Mode 2
Bus[i].mode.UpMix61 0 (off) or 1 (on) BUS Mode 2
Bus[i].mode.CenterOnly 0 (off) or 1 (on) BUS Mode 2
Bus[i].mode.LFEOnly 0 (off) or 1 (on) BUS Mode 2
Bus[i].mode.RearOnly 0 (off) or 1 (on) BUS Mode 2
Bus[i].EQ.channel[j].cell[k].on 0 (off) or 1 (on) EQ cell On/Off 2
Bus[i].EQ.channel[j].cell[k].type 0 to 6 EQ type of the Cell 2
Bus[i].EQ.channel[j].cell[k].f 20 to 20.000 Hz Cell Frequency 2
Bus[i].EQ.channel[j].cell[k].gain -12 to +12 db Cell Gain 2
Bus[i].EQ.channel[j].cell[k].q 1 to 100 Cell Quality 2
Bus[i].FadeTo String (dBTarget, msTime); 1
Bus[i].Sel 0 (off) or 1 (on) BUS SEL Button 3
Bus[i].ReturnReverb 0 to 10 Reverb return 3
Bus[i].ReturnDelay 0 to 10 Delay return 3
Bus[i].ReturnFx1 0 to 10 FX1 return 3
Bus[i].ReturnFx2 0 to 10 FX2 return 3
i= bus zero based index, j=channel zero based index (0 to 7), k=cell zero based index (0 to 5).
Strip().FadeTo or Bus().FadeTo function allow to set the gain slider with a progressive fade by
settings a dB value and a time to reach it (time in ms between 0 and 120000). The parameter is
a string since it needs 2 parameters, example:
Patch Options
Parameter Name Value Range Remark Ver.
patch.asio[i] 0 to ASIO input ASIO Patch 1
Patch.composite[j] 0 to 22 (1 = first channel) 0 = default BUS 2
Patch insert[k] 0 (off) or 1 (on) Virtual ASIO insert 2
Patch.PostFaderComposite 0 (PRE) or 1 (POST) COMPOSITE Mode 2
Patch.PostFxInsert 0 (PRE) or 1 (POST) Virtual INSERT Point 2
i= input channel zero based index (for physical strips only – 2 channels per strip).
j= composite channel zero based index (0 to 7) COMPOSITE mode is maed of 8 channels.
k= input channel zero based index (0 to 21).
System Settings
Parameter Name Value Range Remark Ver.
Option.sr 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 or Preferred samplerate 1
192 kHz
Option.ASIOsr 0: default ASIO Samplerate For ASIO driver 1
1: preferred samplerate. connected on output A1
Option.delay[i] 0 to 500ms max BUS output delay 1
Option.buffer.mme 128 to 2048 MME buffer size 1
Option.buffer.wdm 128 to 2048 WDM buffer size 1
Option.buffer.ks 128 to 2048 KS buffer size 1
Option.buffer.asio 128 to 2048 ASIO Buffer Size 1
Option.mode.exclusif 0 (off) or 1 (on) WDM input exclusive 1
Option.mode.swift 0 (off) or 1 (on) WDM swift mode 1
i= output zero based index (for physical bus only)
Recorder Options
Parameter Name Value Range Remark Ver.
recorder.stop 0 (off) or 1 (on) STOP 2
recorder.play 0 (off) or 1 (on) PLAY 2
recorder.A1 0 (off) or 1 (on) Out BUS Assignation 1
Special Commands:
Special Commands are not made to change parameter but to make an action. Here some
command presented in the menu (write only of course).
Typical use:.
Command.Restart = 1;// request to restart audio engine
NOTE: command requests are prioritary to other requests. It means other type of request could
not be processed if in the same request packet than a command request. For example
Shutdown Request, simply closes the program without processing next request. LOAD request
reset all possible previous or next request present in the same packet.
EJECT cassette function (also present in the menu) is made to release audio file and let other
applications access on it.
VBAN Options:
Voicemeeter remote API allows controlling VBAN features and all parameters presented on the
VBAN dialog Box. Then it is possible to remote VBAN functions to route/send/receive audio
to/from different computers.
VBAN Options
Parameter Name Value Range Remark Ver.
vban.Enable 0 (off) or 1 (on) VBAN functions 1
vban.instream[i].on 0 (off) or 1 (on) Stream On/Off 1
vban.instream[i].name String Stream Name 1
vban.instream[i].ip String IP Address from 1
vban.instream[i].port 16 bit range PORT (Ethernet) 1
vban.instream[i].sr 11025 to 96 kHz Read only 1
vban.instream[i].channel 1 to 8 Read only 1
vban.instream[i].bit VBAN data type Read only 1
vban.instream[i].quality 0 to 4 0 = Optimal 1
vban.instream[i].route 0 to 8 Strip Selector 1
vban.outstream[i].on 0 (off) or 1 (on) Stream On/Off 1
vban.outstream[i].name String Stream Name 1
vban.outstream[i].ip String IP Address To 1
vban.outstream[i].port 16 bit range PORT (Ethernet) 1
vban.outstream[i].sr 11025 to 96 kHz 1
vban.outstream[i].channel 1 to 8 1
vban.outstream[i].bit VBAN data type 1 = 16 bits PCM 1
vban.outstream[i].quality 0 to 4 0 = Optimal 1
vban.outstream[i].route 0 to 8 BUS selector 1
i= zero based index (0 to 7).
VB-AUDIO Voicemeeter Non Contractual document page 41
Document designed by V.Burel2014-2019 all rights reserved. All information provided in this document may be subject to change
without notice. (www.vb-audio.com / www.voicemeeter.com )
OCT 2019 VB-Audio Software V.Burel
Like in the VBAN Dialog Box the following parameters change are producing an Audio Engine
- vban.Enable
- vban.instream[i].port
- vban.instream[i].quality
- vban.outstream[i].quality
VBAN SampleRate:
11025, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, 64000, 88200, 96000 Hz
VBAN Quality:
0 (Optimal), 1 (Fast), 2 (Medium), 3 (Slow), 4 (very slow). Quality parameter is conditioning the
size of internal stack (also the latency) to cope to possible network instability and then increase
the stream stability if required. Optimal quality considers the network is able to transmit packet
in real time (with a good regularity), while very slow quality considers the network can have
timing problem and unexpected waiting cycles. This parameter is more useful on receiver side
while the transmitter is supposed to work always in OPTIMAL mode.
In this example, the hardware input in#1 is the Microphone and the Strip(3) is the virtual input of
Voicemeeter Banana (used to get music). This virtual input will be faded to -15 dB and medium
EQ by -12 dB when the user will talk in the microphone, more precisely, when the microphone
level will go over -13 dB (to be adjusted according microphone level).
“Level Option” allows user to mute his microphone on Voicemeeter to disable the trigger.
Otherwise trigger is working even if the microphone is muted on Voicemeeter.
Green cursor shows the “IN” threshold (level to go over to generate a trigger in). Red cursor
shows the “OUT” threshold (level to go below to generate trigger out).
System Command
function Name Value Type Remark Ver.
System.KeyDown(szKey) String 1
System.KeyUp(szKey) String 1
System.KeyPress(szKey) String Send Key Down + 1
Key Up
System.Execute(exe, dir, arg) Strings 1
These commands are not sent to Voicemeeter but directly to operating system.
System Execute
This function works like a “CreateProcess” or SheelExecute under windows and allow to start
any application with a command line argument.
Special chars like double quotes can be inserted by this sequence %’ (percent + simple quote):
then %’ will be replaced by “. To insert a percent char, simply enter it double: then “%%” will be
replaced by a single ‘%’.
VB-AUDIO Voicemeeter Non Contractual document page 44
Document designed by V.Burel2014-2019 all rights reserved. All information provided in this document may be subject to change
without notice. (www.vb-audio.com / www.voicemeeter.com )
OCT 2019 VB-Audio Software V.Burel
It is also possible to use system environment variable by using %envname% syntax.
System.Execute("%windir%\system32\cmd.exe","%windir%\system32","/K ipconfig");
There is also a RAW DATA function to send any M.I.D.I. Message (including sys-ex).
To send message through VBAN protocol, you have first to activate and configure your VBAN
output streams. This is located in MacroButton system menu: VBAN Configuration Dialog Box
will allow to setup 2x VBAN MIDI streams and 2x VBAN TXT Streams:
There is also a RAW DATA function to send any M.I.D.I. Message (including sys-ex).
Strip(0).mute=1; Strip(1).mute=1;
Bus(0).gain= 0.0;
All Voicemeeter script written inside the section will be sent to VBAN1 TEXT Stream defined in
the VBAN configuration Dialog Box. While the section below will send the script through VBAN2
TEXT stream:
Strip(0).mute=1; Strip(1).mute=1;
Bus(0).gain= 0.0;
Regular function style sysntax is also possible (to fit the syntax used in VBAN-Button app for
Or written on several lines as well: last parenthesis will close the entire request.
Bus(0).gain= 0.0;);
The simple function to set a DMX value according device address and channel:
System.DMXSetValue(addr, channel, value);
or can be used with several values which will automatically fill the next channels:
System.DMXSetValue(addr, channel, value1, value2 , value3, value4...);
To send the newly modified DMX frame:
Example of tested DMX serial interface: Enttec Open DMX USB Interface.
Since Voicemeeter /, Voicemeeter Remote API provides an AUDIO API to
process audio inside Voicemeeter in 3 Different point. Download SDK and get more information
on our forum: https://forum.vb‐audio.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=346
Voicemeeter Latency
M.I.D.I. Mapping
Known issues
This modal dialog box will show you the status of the different audio devices currently used by
Voicemeeter Banana.
- SR: is giving the current samplerate of the device (which can be different for each
device, Voicemeeter is based on multi points and multi formats audio engine able to
manage most of audio system configurations).
- buf gives the current buffer size used by the audio device (Voicemeeter Audio engine
support different buffering on all audio points).
- Ch: gives the number of channel managed by the devices (Voicemeeter can manage 1
to 2 channels on inputs and up to 8 channels on outputs).
- r : gives the bit resolution of the device (Potato uses 24bits resolution per default).
- S: means “share mode” (applicable for WDM device only. KS is usually in exclusive
mode and MME in share mode. For WDM it depends on devices and audio engine
In this dialog box, you can change the latency used by MME, WDM and/or KS audio drivers.
Basically MME driver support buffering between 512 and 2048 samples , while WDM and KS
can go down to 256 samples (that makes audio processing very closed to the real time –
practically usable to sing on a song in real time – karaoke – or to play digital piano on music in
real time).
Some PC configurations (or some audio devices) will work very well with minimal buffering
values while other will not (the sound stream could be not stable and generates too much
sound’s cut). That’s why per default MME device uses 1024 samples buffering while WDM
device is using 512 samples (these default settings should work for 100% PC configuration
Under Windows XP, WDM driver are not available. (That we call WDM driver is audio device
driver that can be handled by Microsoft WASAPI, for better audio performances and quality).
But some audio device can support KS interface and then provide low latency support.
Preferred Main Sample Rate can be used as a wish to make Voicemeeter run output device A1
in the wanted sample rate (44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 or 192 kHz). But it also depends on the
audio device current configuration.
Engine mode provides a SWIFT mode to possibly improve real time (experimental option).WDM
Input devices are driven in SHARED mode per default to avoid possible WASAPI Exclusive
mode bug (see known issues).
External FX patch allows routing external FX send / return path, only if an ASIO device is
selected as output A1.
If ASIO device is selected as output A1, Voicemeeter will send audio to the 8 first output
channels. Other BUS could be routed to other ASIO output channels. It is also possible to get
the first input channels of the ASIO device routed to Hardware Inputs of Voicemeeter. This is
done by the ASIO PATCH allowing to select which ASIO channel will be used for IN#1 left &
right, IN#2 left and right…
It is also possible to open the ASIO Control panel of the main output device by clicking on its
To improve latency, you can also decrease the latency buffer size (for example down to 256)
especially with WDM or KS devices. If using WDM devices, you can again reduce global latency
(the time between microphone and speaker) by using SWIFT mode (but not recommended
because might be unstable).
Activating WDM Input Exclusive mode (and Swift mode) will force audio engine to use smallest
buffer with WDM input devices. But this exclusive mode could not be stable and produce
various potential problems in the time (from audio crash to system freeze/crash – pending on
audio driver and O/S – see known issues section at the end of this document).
Virtual I/O latency can also be optimized by decreasing the Internal Latency of the Voicemeeter
VAIO driver by using specific VBCABLE Control Panel program. However decreasing internal
latency can produce discontinued or non-working stream in some cases, pending on different
buffering constraints (see VB-CABLE technical documentation).
Virtual ASIO driver are adding a single buffer to the global latency (the size of this buffer is given
by the buffering of the output A1)
Patch Composite
Patch composite allows selecting inputs used in the 8 channels of the composite mode. It’s
possible to switch PRE-FADER input to POST-FADER inputs by click on “Select Pre-Fader
Patch Insert
The Patch Insert allows activating insert for each input channel. This is applicable only if an
application is connected to the Voicemeeter Potato Insert ASIO Virtual Device Driver. This
driver supports a single client to work as a pre-fader insert on possible 34 channels composing
the 8 strips of Voicemeeter Potato. Then it’s possible to use a VST Plug-in Host for example to
insert plug-ins on any Voicemeeter inputs.
Here below you can see the detail of the internal voicemeeter potato routing for the different
audio input interfaces, COMPOSITE and Virtual INSERT point.
You just need to select the right MIDI device and enter in Learn process to configure the M.I.D.I.
Mapping. This is expected to work with whatever M.I.D.I. Remote. You can even give a title to
your mapping and store it on disk or recall it from XML files.
Click on Learn (use TAB or up/down arrow key to learn next/previous control) and move your
M.I.D.I. Control. Click on M.I.D.I. Code area (black) to reset the M.I.D.I. Implementation (as it
was before learning process).
PTT option means “Push To Talk” and un-mute the related strip when pushing the button, mute
it when release it.
LOAD / SAVE allow to recall and save M.I.D.I. Map from or to file (xml file).
M.I.D.I. Map name is a name defined by user to identify precisely the remote surface (stored in
M.I.D.I. Map XML file).
BUS / Layer: 8x BUS (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5 and B1, B2, B2) / Multi Layer
Audio Engine Capabilities: 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 or 192 kHz DSP Processing
(defined by Output A1 configuration)
Output A1 (Main): WDM, KS, MME, ASIO (32 kHz to 192 kHz) - 1 to 8
Output A2, A3, A4, A5: WDM, KS, MME (8 kHz to 192 kHz) - 1 to 8 channels
5x Physical Inputs: WDM, KS, MME (8 kHz to 192 kHz) - mono or stereo.
3x Virtual I/O: WDM, KS, MME, DirectX, WaveRT (8 kHz to 192 kHz) 1
to 8 channels
8 channels on virtual input, 2 on virtual outputs.
3x Virtual ASIO I/O: ASIO (32 kHz to 192 kHz) 8 Channels (in and out) / 4x Client
Virtual ASIO configuration is given by Main Output A1 (SR
and Buffering)
1x Virtual Insert ASIO I/O: ASIO (32 kHz to 192 kHz) 8 Channels (in and out) single
Virtual ASIO configuration is given by Main Output A1 (SR
and Buffering)
M.I.D.I. Implementation Gain faders, Mute, Solo, M.C, Audiobility, 3 Bands EQ,
(remoting): Transport. (Configuration by Learn process).
Note that Virtual I/O provide Windows Interface (MME, KS, WASAPI, DirectX…) and ASIO
Interface (defined by Steinberg gmbh). It allows connecting regular windows audio application
as well as audio pro DAW using ASIO devices only.
External FX I/O are assignable only if using an ASIO device as output A1 (with enough channel
to be assigned to External FX path).
Voicemeeter Audio Stream can be stopped (no more sound, no meter display).
It can happen when changing audio system configuration (in Windows Control Panel / Sound
properties) or when plug or unplug USB device or when launching other program that could use
same audio device … In this case, simply restart audio engine or re-select an audio device out
A1 or input 1 or any other in Voicemeeter. It will restart audio stream automatically (otherwise it
could mean that audio device are used by other process and cannot be used anymore by
–h : to hide GUI
–i : to install
–u : to uninstall
It can be useful to restart audio engine from a shortcut, for example to re-activate a known USB
headset already connected to one Voicemeeter hardware input, but not physically plugged to
the computer. When re-plugged to the computer, Voicemeeter Audio Engine has to be restarted
to make it work again.
To run Voicemeeter with a specific configuration file, use these following command lines
(Voicemeeter must have been shut down before – if Voicemeeter is already running, it will do
–l”filename.xml” or -L”filename.xml”