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= Release Notes for ION 3.6.

1 =

January 31, 2018


The ION (interplanetary overlay network) software is a suite of communication

protocol implementations designed to support mission operation communications
across an end-to-end interplanetary network, which might include on-board
(flight) subnets, in-situ planetary or lunar networks, proximity links, deep
space links, and terrestrial internets. Included in the ION software
distribution are the following packages:

- ici (interplanetary communication infrastructure), a set of libraries

that provide flight-software-compatible support for functions on which
the other packages rely, such as dynamic memory management, non-volatile
storage management, and inter-task communication via shared memory.
The ici libraries are designed to make the porting of IPN software to
multiple operating systems - Linux, VxWorks, Solaris, etc. - as easy as
possible. Ici now includes zco (zero-copy object), a library that
minimizes the copying of application data as it is encapsulated in
multiple layers of protocol structure while traversing the protocol

- bp (bundle protocol), an implementation of the Delay-Tolerant

Networking (DTN) architecture's Bundle Protocol.

- ltp (licklider transmission protocol), a DTN convergence layer protocol

for reliable transmission over links characterized by long or highly
variable delay.

- dgr (datagram retransmission), an alternative implementation of ltp

that is designed for use over the Internet protocol stack. dgr
implements congestion control and is designed for relatively high

- bssp (bundle streaming service protocol), a DTN convergence layer protocol

for reliable transmission of streaming data.

- ams - an implementation of the CCSDS Asynchronous Message Service.

- cfdp - a class-1 (Unacknowledged) implementation of the CCSDS File

Delivery Protocol.

- bss - a Bundle Streaming Service (BSS) for disruption-tolerant reliable

data streaming. BSS supports real-time streaming applications by
passing the bundle payloads to the associated application for immediate
display of the most recent data while storing all bundle payloads
received into a database for user-directed playback.

- dtpc (delay-tolerant payload conditioning), an application framework

providing TCP-like support for end-to-end retransmission and data delivery
in transmission order without duplication or omission.

Features included:

- cgr - Contract graph routing: a method of dynamic routing designed for

space based applications of ION, but still usable for terrestrial
applications. It computes routes using scheduled communication and deals
with time-varying network topology.

- brs - Bundle relay service: provides interconnectivity between networks

that do not allow servers (those behind NAT for example). For more
information, check man brsscla and man brsccla.


ION version 3.6.1 includes the following changes:

- A new Android development kit for ION-based applications is now available.

It's large, so it's provided in a separate file.
- A new installer for the Windows port of ION is also now available, likewise
in a separate file.
- A "deadly embrace" in tcpcli was causing nodes to lock up during heavy
continuous bidirectional file transfer. That is now fixed.
- The erasure-coded link service adapter from University of Bologna has been
updated, now including proactive fragmentation for improved performance.
- The "bpsec" bundle security system has been renamed "sbsp" (Streamlined
Bundle Security Protocol) to align with specifications that are being
standardized by the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS).
- Asynchronous Message Service and Bundle Streaming Service have been added to
the RTEMs port.
- Contact Graph Routing in the Bundle Protocol has been updated to align with
the new Schedule-Aware Bundle Routing (SABR) specification that is being
standardized by CCSDS.
- The delay-tolerant key administration system in the "contrib" directory has
been updated with a model for optimizing the configuration of an aggregate
key authority, plus scripts for testing various key authority
- The ION Design Guide has finally been updated.
- Loopback transmission has been restored to the TCPCL convergence-layer

No changes to operational interfaces or APIs this time.


Version 3.6.0b is an interim release aimed at improving the ability of ION to

tolerate continuous heavy relay traffic at the DTN gateway for the
International Space Station. The changes made to accomplish this are mostly
invisible, but they include the deployment of a new "ltpdeliv" daemon (for
data acquisition rate control) and resolution of a particularly subtle race

In addition, this version includes the following upgrades:

- A new "ionunlock" utility has been added, for unfreezing an ION node that
has gotten locked up due to some thread having been destroyed while
still the owner of the ION system mutex.

- In the "contrib" directory, the build for DTKA has been modified to fit into
the ION 3.6 environment.
- Also in the "contrib" directory, dtnperf has been tweaked to build properly
in the ION 3.6 environment and ECLSA has been updated in a number of ways.

- The ION implementation of Asynchronous Management Protocol has been

upgraded in many ways, including optional support for data storage
in MySQL.

- Most regression test failures for ION running in recent versions of Mac
OS X have been addressed. ION now once again runs in this environment,
though there still may be a few rough edges.

- The build and test environment for Windows has been greatly improved.

Version 3.6.1 will focus on some more visible enhancements to ION but will
of course retain all of these upgrades as well.

--- A note on Windows operating environments ---

Building ION on Windows requires at a minimum the MinGW-w64

[] compiler package, and most likely a utilities
package to provide a shell. For this release, testing was done with the
following configurations:
- 32-bit Windows ION is built with i686-4.9.3-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v4-rev1.7z
- 64-bit Windows ION is built with x86_64-7.1.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev1.7z
Both system variants use the MinGW-MSYS utiltites bundle MSYS-20111123.

During testing of 3.6.0b the current set of instructions for installation

and operation of ION on Windows was found to be partially outdated and in
need of revision. In particular, running the built-in validation tests
requires additional setup steps beyond the basic ION deployment. Revised
documentation will be provided in release 3.6.1.


- SourceForge Bug #103: Made pthread_t variable access abstract for POSIX task
signal management.

- SourceForge Bug #104: Fixed segmentation fault in the ipnd neighbor discovery
task that caused a crash when a beaconing node that it has been listening
to abruptly terminates.

- SourceForge Bug #106: Fix a bug using lseek on Windows machines when trying
to transfer large files (over 2GB in size).

- SourceForge Bug #107: Updated to a new convergence layer management system.

(See ION interface changes in version 3.6.0 note below for more

- SourceForge Bug #110: Fix flow control to reserve ZCO before allocating SDR

- SourceForge Bug #112: Added include directories needed to successfully build

acsadmin on Windows.

- SourceForge Bug #115: Fix a bug in bpadmin that caused a segmentation fault
and subsequent lock up if "s outduct" was entered without any parameters.
- SourceForge Feature Request #56: Added a TTL option to bpsendfile so the user
can specify a TTL longer than 300 seconds if needed.

- SourceForge Feature Request #58: LTP performance enhancements.

- SourceForge Feature Request #59: Added ECLSA an implementation of erasure

coding under LTP.

- SourceForge Feature Request #60: Enabled custodial retransmission when using

the UDP convergence-layer adapter by adding an optional retransmission
timeout interval (RTT) that defaults to 0.

- SourceForge Feature Request #63: Added an option to allow automatic discard

of status messages for a CFDP transfer in a recipient does not want to
process them.

- Added a new system to disable tests that you do not want to run when using
the runtests script.

--- ION interface changes in version 3.6.0 ---

In ION version 3.6.0 we introduce a new degree of indirection between routing

(next-hop bundle-layer endpoint selection) and forwarding (next-hop
convergence-layer endpoint selection). This new capability, named "convergence
layer management" (CLM), provides a number of important benefits.
Unfortunately, in order to realize those benefits we had to revise some ION
interfaces more drastically than we usually do in moving to a new version.
Please be aware of the following significant changes as you adjust your test
and deployment environments to utilize ION 3.6.0.

-- API changes

None of the "public" application programming interfaces in ION are affected

by the introduction of CLM, but the Bundle Protocol private internal API has
changed in some significant ways; these changes particularly affect the
implementation of convergence-layer adapters. Most important of these is a
change to the function prototype for bpDequeue; see the comments in the bpP.h
header file.

-- Behavioral changes

BP flow control is now exerted at node granularity, in a new daemon process

named "bpclm", rather than at outduct granularity. One effect of this change
is that the data rates declared in the contact plan now are enforced for all
convergence-layer protocols, not just LTP. Another is that the plan for
bundle egress to a given neighboring node may now comprise multiple
convergence-layer outducts, not just one; the ipnadmin and dtn2admin utilities
don't support this option, but new commands implemented in the bpadmin utility

-- Configuration changes

Several changes in ION 3.6.0 may affect your configuration files.

There are no longer any "promiscuous" outducts. The "*" command-line argument
to udpclo is no longer valid: you need a separate udpclo task, allocated to an
explicit socket expression (<ip_address> [:<port_number>]), for each neighbor
to which you will transmit bundle by UDP. This change affects "outduct"
commands passed to bpadmin and also "plan" commands passed to ipnadmin and
dtn2admin. There is a similar impact on the DGR convergence-layer adapter:
the dgrcla daemon no longer exists, having been replaced by dgrcli and dgrclo
daemons; see the man pages for these new daemon programs.

There are no longer any "plan rules" that override default egress plan
directives. User-written outduct selection functions may be inserted at
compile time to achieve the objectives of plan rules (and much more), but
at this time no such functions are delivered with ION 3.6.0.

The operation of the dtn2admin utility has been expanded, conceptually

enabling the declaration of egress plans for sets of nodes whose EIDs conform
to any wild-carded EID string regardless of URL scheme, without any sensitivity
to trailing "/" characters or "demux" strings. Enabling this expansion,
though, it is now necessary to include scheme name and ":" (in addition to
the scheme-specific part of the EID) when declaring, editing, or deleting a

Finally, the TCP convergence-layer protocol implementation has been

significantly revised: it now enables bundle to be transmitted to a
neighboring node over a TCP connection that was established by that node,
i.e., not declared a priori in local outduct commands. That is, it is
no longer necessary to declare outducts for all neighboring nodes to which
you want to be able to send bundles by tcpcl. However, these revisions
are fairly complex and were time-consuming to debug; tcpcl loopback
introduces a whole additional layer of complexity, particularly in fault
handling, so at least for now tcpcl loopback is not supported in ION 3.6.0.
Everything one might want to demonstrate or test using tcpcl loopback can be
more cleanly and convincingly accomplished using two nodes exercising tcpcl
on the same machine, so we don't see removal of this limitation as urgent.

- NOTE for MacOS X users: At this time, ION 3.6.0 will NOT run on any recent
version of MacOS. Our tests on MacOS 10.11 show failures in the semaphore
locking system that we have not yet fully diagnosed. No work-around is


- SourceForge Bug #94: Warnings printed at compile time on 64-bit Windows

were fixed.

- SourceForge Bug #98: Fixed bug in the dtn2 directive lookup function
that ignored egress plans and rules citing CL protocols of classes that
don't match the protocol class indicated by the bundle's required quality
of service for plans that cite the "forwarding" directive.

- SourceForge Feature Request #48: Improved the portability of Alarms and

enabled them to be used in flight code as they no longer spawn new threads
but instead are implemented as events in the RFX timeline that are clocked
out by rfxclock at 1-second granularity.

- The BP security and Asynchronous Management Protocol (bpsec) replaced the

previous BP security mechanism bsp.

- Added opportunistic contact graph routing (ocgr) based on predicted contacts.

This system is still experimental but is ready for others to experiment
- Fixes for bugs in AMS uncovered in IPAS demonstration environment development.

- Added tcpcl-ack-resilience-test.

- Fixed issue-265-bpdriver-ttl-option test by adding support for BSD netcat.

- NOTE for MacOS X users: At this time, ON 3.5.0 will NOT run on any recent
version of MacOS. Our tests on MacOS 10.11 show failures in the semaphore
locking system that we have not yet fully diagnosed. No work-around is


- SourceForge Bug #60: The ION killm script no longer fails to clean up shared
memory allocations from the current user when their username is longer
than 10 characters.

- SourceForge Bug #89: The ION TCPCL has been updated to implement bundle
acknowledgments, which are listed as an optional feature in the TCPCL
specification (RFC 7242).
Bundle acknowledgments can help improve reliability of TCPCL transmissions
by alleviating issues that can occur during a window after a disconnection
but before a timeout.
During this time the CLO may finish its send() call without error and
trigger BP to delete the bundle before the timeout fires and it is
discovered the transmission did not succeed and can no longer be

- SourceForge Bug #91: The ION autoconf configuration has been streamlined by
merging the libipnfw and libdtn2fw libraries directly into libbp.
This should improve portability and alleviate any build issues that some
users reported having in ION v3.4.0.

- SourceForge Feature Request #50: ION now supports an abstract "bulk" storage
type for zero-copy objects.
This allows FPGAs to receive inbound data into bulk storage and invoke
ION data acquisition logic that will encapsulate the bulk storage objects
in ZCOs for LTP and BP processing.


- SourceForge Bug #61: Fixed bug in using FreeBSD semaphores that could cause
unexpected behavior and lockoups under FreeBSD.

- SourceForge Bug #74: Fixed bug where semaphore IDs were only properly
reclaimed on certain RTEMS operating systems (VxWorks, POSIX).
This could cause ION to exhaust the pool of semaphore IDs and create
outduct lockups. ION now properly reuses obsolete semaphore IDs under
Windows and SVRr4.

- SourceForge Bug #79: Fixed bug where removing and re-adding an outduct could
cause a bundle transmission failure.

- SourceForge Bug #81: Fixed bug where ION child processes could become
zombie processes.
The sm_TaskSpawn() function in ION now properly forces child processes to
be re-parented by the "init" process which periodically reaps the
zombie processes.

- SourceForge Bug #83: Fixed bug where ION would presume bi-directional BAB were
enabled when BAB was only specified as unidirectional in a configuration.
This would cause the non-BAB bundles to be declared inauthentic despite no
BAB rule being specified in that direction.

- SourceForge Bug #84: Fixed bug where continuously sending BCB-enabled bundles
could cause erroneous generation of truncated bundles in the source node.
This was due to the Linux file system was having trouble keeping up with
the rate of temporary file creation when BCB's ARC4 ciphersuite used a
temporary file for ciphertext.
ION now does the crypto in place, overwriting the contents of the
payload ZCO.

- SourceForge Bug #85: Fixed bug where the number of rules that were entered
into ionsecrc would not match the number of messages when cleared in

- SourceForge Bug #86: Fixed bug that caused LTP block reassembly to be very
CPU-intensive when the block was transmitted in small segments.
This could cause delays in processing the block that would incur the
expiration of the senders ack timer and ultimately result in session
ION now receives the block directly into the correct location in a
temporary acquisition file and wraps the delivery ZCO around that file.

- SourceForge Bug #87: Fixed bug where BSSP block acknowledgments were sent via
TCP rather than UDP, which could result in the volume of TCP BSSP
acknowledgment traffic becoming so heavy that the sending BSSP UDP
congestion loss would increase to the point of degrading visual quality.

- SourceForge Bug #88: Fixed a bug where the CFDP UTO ZCO request could become
interrupted by moving the "attendant" structure into the BP volatile
database to keep it stable.

- SourceForge Feature Request #29: The ION testing subsystem has been updated
to begin tests immediately after subsystem initialization. Previously ION
used hard timeouts to wait for subsystem initialization which could be
overly-aggressive timings on slower systems or overly-conservative on fast

- SourceForge Feature Request #33: The ION CGR implementation now supports
probabilistic contacts. These are opportunistic contacts with
probabilities less than 1.0.
ION now accepts contacts with probabilities less than 1.0 and will forward
multiple copies of a bundle through different discovered contacts until
the bundle's computed net delivery probability exceeds a hard-coded
threshold value.

- SourceForge Feature Request #34: ION now supports proactive bundle

bundle fragmentation in LTPCLO.

- SourceForge Feature Request #35: ION now properly blocks and unblocks non-LTP
links in a contact plan.
Previously, ION only explicitly blocked and unblocked links operating LTP.
- SourceForge Feature Request #37: The ION CFDP implementation has been updated
per new CCSDS CFDP specification revisions.
CFDP now uses a managed configuration parameter obtained via a Management
Information Base (MIB) as its checksum type.
Previously, this value was hard coded into the EOF PDU layout.

- Fixed several miscellaneous bugs with IP Neighbor Discovery.

- ION now only attempts to rebuild the ION.pdf design document if all required
tools are detected.

- New and updated tools are now available in the ION contrib subdirectory:
- Updates have been applied to DTNPerf, and tool for testing DTN
performance testing.
- Added BPTAP, a tool that enables BP to act like Ethernet underlying IP.
- Added Delay Tolerant Key Administration (DTKA), a tool enabling
trustworthy delay-tolerant distribution of public keys.
NOTE: DTKA is not built by default.
See /contrib/dtka/README.txt for special instructions on building
the DTKA tool.

Public API changes:

- bp.h: the new function bp_memo is added. It was previously exposed only
in the BP private API.

- zco.h: the new functions zco_revise, zco_create_obj_ref, and

zco_destroy_obj_ref are added.

Operational interface changes:

- cfdpadmin (cfdprc):
- Added support for explicitly adding remote entities and
specifying their UT-layer endpoints.

- ipnadmin (ipnrc):
- "groups" have been renamed "exits" to avoid a terminology clash
with multicast "groups". However, the older "group" terminology
is still accepted by ipnadmin for backward compatibility.

Substantial changes have been made in this version as to how ION is built. As
a result, some platforms (particularly older Linux platforms) may encounter
linker warnings when building ION 3.4.0. These issues will be resolved in the
next release, but in the meantime an alternate Makefile has been provided that
may resolve this issue on affected platforms. If you encounter any linker
warnings, try the following procedure to build from this alternate Makefile:
1.) cd <top of ION directory>
2.) cp
3.) autoreconf -fi (requires libtool and autoconf to be installed)
4.) ./configure
5.) make


- SourceForge Bug #37: The ION tutorial has been updated.

- SourceForge Bug #73: Fixed two bugs introduced by the dynamic generation of
LTP reports. See the SourceForge Bug #47 entry and the ltprc(5) man
page for details on dynamic LTP report generation.

1.) The computation of the segment loss rate (errors per segment) was
incorrect and now uses the following corrected formula:

segmentLossRate = 1.0 - ((1.0 - maxber) ** (maxSegmentSize * 8))

2.) The retransmission limit on the number of times any single report or
checkpoint may be retransmitted is now computed dynamically as a
function of segment loss rate rather than a static number.

- SourceForge Bug #74: Obsolete IPCs are now properly reclaimed when running
under Windows and SVr4.
- ION now tracks the release of semaphores in winion's array of IPC handles
as well as the semaphore tables themselves.
- Previously, the release of obsolete semaphores was not tracked by the winion
daemon, which could be easily saturated given low semaphore limits and
recently-expanded semaphore usage in ION (CGR, ionStartAttendant).

- SourceForge Feature Request #40: The bping ION application has been ported to
Windows. A dtnperf port for Windows is slated for a later release.

- SourceForge Feature Request #42: ION now resolves host names when socket
connections are made rather than resolving them all on ION startup.

- Fixed a memory leak in CFDP that could occur when TargetFFS is defined.

- Several fixes have been applied in response to the successful completion of

CCSDS BP interoperability testing.

- Delay Tolerant Payload Conditioning (DTPC) has been updated for conformance
the specification.

- The CGR algorithm has been updated to omit downstream contacts that end
before initial contact on route.

- ION no longer requires pdfjam to build man pages into the ION documentation.


- SourceForge Bug #47: ION's LTP implementation now computes limits on

"report" segment generation dynamically, based on block size, segment
size, and anticipated bit error rate. This enables LTP to "try
harder" to complete block transmission when rates of data loss are
high. See the notes below on configuration interface changes.

- SourceForge Bug #54: Fixed bug that could cause multithreaded applications
under VxWorks to refuse bundles with the error message:
"Can't receive: not owner of endpoint."

For this purpose, a thread that will only send (never receive) bundles
can use a BpSAP created by calling bp_open_source rather than bp_open;
in this circumstance, sending and receiving threads may use different
bpSAPs tagged with the same endpoint ID.

IMPORTANT: see the notes below on application interface changes!

- SourceForge Bug #62: Fixed several miscellaneous implementation bugs in the
Contact Graph Routing (CGR) engine dealing with Earliest Transmission
Opportunities (ETO) and Overbooking management (OB).

- SourceForge Bug #63: Removed restrictions on possible CBHE node and

service numbers.
MAX_CBHE_NODE_NBR may now be any unsigned long number (2^64-1).
MAX_CBHE_SERVICE_NBR may now be any unsigned int number (2^32-1).

- SourceForge Bug #65: Removed duct-level support for LTP "green" transmission.
"Green" transmission is now selected on a bundle-by-bundle basis via the
bundle's extended class of service options.

- SourceForge Bug #67: Updated the Previous Hop Node extension block (PHN)
implementation to be compliant with the specification in RFC 6259.
The sending node's EID is now represented by two distinct NULL-terminated
strings (Scheme Name and SSP) rather than one NULL-terminated EID.

- SourceForge Bug #68: Fixed bug where the sockets of links utilizing STCP
could prematurely close if the other side did not respond for several
hours. ION now respects the EHOSTUNREACH errno value and periodically
attempts to reconnect rather than closes the socket.

- SourceForge Bug #70: Fixed bug with ION's uClibC macros that caused ION
compilation to fail in environments that use uClibC.

- SourceForge Feature Request #13: Optimizations have been made to improve

ION's reactive forwarding implementation:
- When a bundle is reforwarded due to expiration of its xmitOverdue timer
ION now considers the possibility that forwarding the bundle back to the
node it received the bundle from may now actually be the optimal route.
- ION now sends Custody Refused signals back to the sending nodes when
forwarding the bundle is not possible, even when custody transfer was
not requested. This enables a mechanism for backtracking the bundle
through the network when forward progress through a route is blocked.

- SourceForge Feature Request #19: ION now supports Bundle-in-Bundle

Encapsulation (bibe) per the draft-irtf-burleigh-bibe Internet Draft.
Bundle-in-Bundle Encapsulation enables the Streamlined Bundle Security
Protocol (SBSP), which omits security destinations from the security
extension blocks, to function in cross-domain solutions by encapsulating
bundles whose destination is the selected security destination.

- SourceForge Feature Request #29: Optimizations have been applied to the ION
test suite to reduce the amount of time needed to initialize each test.

- SourceForge Feature Request #31: ION's public API is now more "const-correct"
which enables better interopability with C++ interfaces.

- SourceForge Feature Request #32: zero-copy-object space allocation has been

enhanced to enable bidirectional flow control on convergence-layer
protocols that back-propagate blocking on buffer space requests.

- SourceForge Feature Request #33: ION now supports probabilistic contacts.

These are contacts with probabilities less than 1.0 that could potentially
be handled by the CGR algorithms to enable the possibility for more
efficient routing decisions to be made by the CGR engine.
- ION now supports the Streamlined Bundle Security Protocol (SBSP) in place
of the Bundle Security Protocol defined in RFC 6257. For details,

- Fixes have been applied to the ION.pdf construction procedure to enable

proper formatting of the appended man pages.

- Man page creation can now be disabled.

Man pages are still built by default.
To disable man page creation, use "./configure --disable-manpages".

**Configuration interface changes**

Because buffer space for "zero-copy objects" in ION has been split into
separate pools for inbound and outbound data, the ionrc command for
managing "occupancy" has been split into two commands, "inbound"
and "outbound". See the ionrc(5) man page for details.

Migrating ION from standard Bundle Security Protocol to the new Streamlined
Bundle Security Protocol has entailed changing some of the ionsecrc
commands: "bsppibrule" is replaced by "bspbibrule", and "bsppcbrule"
is replaced by "bspbcbrule". See the ionsecrc(5) man page for details.

Limits on retransmission in LTP are now computed dynamically to account

for differences in bundle size, segment size, and bit error rate.
For this purpose, the default value for maximum bit error rate at a
given LTP engine is hard-coded to be 10^-6 (one uncorrected flipped
bit per million). This value can be overridden by the new ltprc
command for managing "maxber"; see the ltprc(5) man page for details.

**Application programming interface changes**

Again because of the splitting of ZCO buffer space into two pools, many
of the zco library function prototypes have been changed: in most
cases, an additional ZcoAcct parameter (ZcoInbound or ZcoOutbound)
has been added. Also:

- A new zco_status function has been added, to print a brief report

of the buffer status.

- New zco_extent_too_large and zco_get_aggregate_length functions

have been added to aid in resource management.

- Other new functions include zco_acct, zco_header_text, and


- Passing a negative value of extent length to zco_create or

zco_append_extent indicates that (a) the actual extent length
is the additive inverse of the value provided and (b) it is
asserted that this length does not violate the configured limits
on ZCO buffer space occupancy.

See the zco(3) man page for details of these changes.

Leveraging these upgrades to enable more flexible resource management,

the ionCreateZco and ionAppendZcoExtent function prototypes have
been modified and the ion function library now includes several
new functions that provide better control of "blocking" behavior
in ZCO buffer space allocation: ionStartAttendant,
ionPauseAttendant, ionResumeAttendant, ionStopAttendant,
ionRequestZcoSpace, ionShred. See the ion(3) man page for details
of these changes.

NOTE: The changes made to address SourceForge Bug #54 (described above)
have the potential to BREAK APPLICATIONS!

If your application code currently makes any use of the bundle

address that is returned when bp_send() is called, then YOU MUST

1.) Use bp_open_source() with the "detain" flag set to 1 INSTEAD OF

bp_open() to obtain the BpSAP handle that you pass to

2.) Call bp_release() as soon as possible (for example, immediately

after passing the new bundles address to bp_track()) to
end the detention of any bundle created by passing that
detaining BpSAP handle to any invocation of bp_send().

If you need to receive bundles as well as send them, then the BpSAP
handle that you pass to bp_receive() must be a different handle that
is obtained by calling bp_open() in the usual way.

**Operational changes**

An additional daemon task named "bptransit" has been added to standard

ION operations. bptransit is responsible for presenting to the
forwarding daemon(s) bundles that were received from other nodes
(i.e., that reside in Inbound ZCO space) and are destined for yet
other nodes; in doing so, it migrates these bundles from Inbound
buffer space to Outbound buffer space on the same prioritized
basis as the insertion of locally sourced outbound bundles.
Management of the bptransit daemon is automatic. See the
bptransit(1) man page for details.


- SourceForge Bug #32: Improved Windows support

- MinGW makefiles now build a wider array of ION applications.
- ION-based applications can now be developed in Visual Studio via the new
"winimplib.bat" batch script which creates import libraries suitable for
linking ION DLLs.
- See "BuildingIONonWindowsForUseWithVisualStudio.pdf" for documentation
on how to build ION-based applications in Visual Studio.

- SourceForge Bug #49: ION now sends a "Depleted Storage" custody refusal
signal back to the current custodian when an ION node lacks sufficient
ZCO space to contain a bundle.

- SourceForge Bug #50: ION now behaves more consistently across platforms
when ionadmin is unable to open its designated configuration file.
- The ionadmin application now considers being unable to open its
configuration file to be a serious error and will stop the ION
initialization routines at this point. This gives clearer and more
immediate feedback to the user that an error was encountered that they
must resolve to resume normal ION operation.
- Previously, ionadmin would load a default configuration if it was unable
to open its configuration file EXCEPT under vxWorks 6.3 PowerPC where
ionadmin would cease with a "can't open SDR config file" message.

- SourceForge Bug #51: The "ionconfig" man page has been updated.
Some examples of entries that were obsolete are as follows:
- The pathName parameter should not be encased in quotes. Previously, the
example showed a pathName that was encased in quotes.
- The default config flag is 13, which corresponds to
Previously, the documentation gave an incorrect default config flag of 1.
- The default wmKey is 65281. Previously, this was reported to be 65537.

- SourceForge Bug #52: The "bping" application has been updated for better
compatibility under VxWorks. This was made possible by adding an option
to run bping as a lightweight task with positional runtime arguments.

- SourceForge Bug #53: Fixed bug in command argument parsing in the

"bprecvfile" application under VxWorks. Previously the "a1" argument was
reused for both the "EID" and "maxFiles" fields.

- SourceForge Bug #55: Fixed bugs in the "bpcancel" application.

- The bpcancel application now prints a message when it is unable to
cancel the transmission of a bundle.
- The man page for the bpcancel application has been updated to clarify
that the application attempts to cancel the transmission of a specified
bundle rather than destroy the specified bundle.
- Note that it is not always possible to cancel the transmission of a
bundle for which multiple internal copies exist due to being transmitted
at different times or to different nodes.

- SourceForge Bug #56: ION now builds properly under OSX 10.9.5.

- SourceForge Bug #57: ION now has PARTIAL support for FreeBSD.
- ION now builds properly under FreeBSD 10.

- IMPORTANT NOTE: Several key ION applications have not yet been updated
to run properly in a FreeBSD environment. These
applications will be updated in a later ION release.
These updates may also become available in the short
term in the form of an official ION patch.

- SourceForge Bug #59: Fixed bug in the "dtpcadmin" application where it failed
to accept a valid parameter of zero in the "maxRtx", "aggrSizeLimit", and
"aggrTimeLimit" fields.

- SourceForge Feature Request #18: The "cgrfetch" application now has an option
to list all valid outducts. This should simplify usage by making it
easier to identify an outduct to run the application against.

- SourceForge Feature Request #20: ION has been updated to better support the
CFS environment. CFS can now leverage many standalone ION executables via
an alternative API where the application's "main()" is replaced with a
callable function.

- SourceForge Feature Request #21: ION now allows users to adjust the maximum
block size that LTP will receive directly into the SDR heap rather than a
temporary file. This allows users to ensure that a bundle's receive-
generate-forward chain can be handled entirely in memory. This often
improves efficiency by alleviating the need to write to a disk medium.

- SourceForge Feature Request #22: ION now has an option to support handling
database reversibility mechanisms in memory rather than files.

- SourceForge Feature Request #23: As a performance optimization, ION now has

better documented support for using pointer de-references rather than
memcpy() when executing read-only database operations.

- SourceForge Feature Request #24: ION's mechanisms to prevent resource leaks

when ION is killed and restarted rather than shut down cleanly have been
modified to support the CFS environment. Note that this problem occurs
most commonly when transaction reversibility is disabled because task
termination locks the datastore until all tasks are killed. If utilizing
a file on disk for transaction reversibility would be too slow, consider
utilizing the new functionality to support database reversibility
mechanisms in memory (SourceForge Feature Request #22) rather than
disabling transaction reversibility entirely.

- SourceForge Feature Request #26: The CFDP implementation has been updated to
conform to the proposed CFDP V1 specification. Further updates will be
required when the specification revisions are completed and approved by

- The interface changes are as follows:

The function prototypes for the CFDP functions cfdp_put() and

cfdp_preview() have changed to accommodate proposed updates to the CFDP

File offsets and lengths in all CFDP function calls are

now of type uvast (rather than unsigned int), because CFDP can now be
used to send files larger than 4 GB.

See the cfdp(3) man page for details.

- The cfdptest test program has been updated to enable specification of

closure latency and segment metadata.

See the cfdptest(1) man page for details.

- SourceForge Feature Request #27: ION now provides support for the DTN
Metadata Extension Block as specified in RFC 6258.

- SourceForge Feature Request #29: The ION test suite has been revamped to
dynamically detect when ION applications are initialized rather than wait
preset amounts of time for them to initialize. This provides faster
execution of the test suite when applications initialize faster than these
preset times and more reliable execution of the test suite when
applications initialize slower than the preset times.

- The "DTNperf" application now builds properly under sparc architectures.

DTNperf is an external utility that is included with ION in "/contrib".

- Several compilation issues with the "icinm.h" header file implementation have
been resolved.

- Improvements have been made to the TCPCLO.

- The receiveBundles() thread no longer terminates prematurely under
some circumstances when a connection is broken.
- The sending rate is no longer artifically capped at 1 bundle/sec.

- The "ionscript" application has been updated to support dtpcadmin

configuration files.

- ION's collection of man pages was previously included in "ION.pdf" but is now
available as a separate document, "ION-manpages.pdf".


- Feature Request #8: Improvements have been made in how ION infers the node
number of the sending node.
ION now implements the Previous Hop Insertion Block (here called
Previous Hop Node, phn) extension block, which contains the identifying
singleton endpoint of the sending node. Previously, ION utilized
mechanisms for inferring the node number from convergence-layer EIDs,
which could generate false information, especially when multiple nodes
were resident on the same machine.

- Feature Request #14: The stream of "watch" characters that ION generates when
significant bundle events occur can now be redirected in a manner
similar to the way log messages may be redirected.

- Feature Request #15: Per specification, ION's LTP implementation now supports
LTP Authentication as described in RFC 5327.

- Feature Request #16: In preparation for the deployment of delay-tolerant

security key administration (DTKA), ION now includes several new features
dealing with public/private key management in the ION security database.
DTKA itself has been prototyped but is still pending approval for open
source release.

- Feature Request #17: A significant overhaul of the Bundle Streaming Service

(BSS) has been implemented to resolve a fundamental incompatibility with
implementing BSS with multicast. The new BSS forwarding implementation
(BSSP) resides at the convergence layer directly under BP so BSS channel
acknowledgments can be disambiguated. Previously, the BSS forwarder
design relied on BP custody transfer to control BSS data forwarding over
reliable and unreliable channels, which was incompatible with multicast
because custody transfer can't distinguish among the multiple identical
copies of a bundle that are forwarded at a multicast branch point.

- Bug #21: The interface for the internal smlist "deletion" callback has been
modified to be more consistent with the interfaces for the "lyst" and
"sdrlist" modules. The API now accepts the address of the element to
delete rather than its content.

- Bug #24: Fixed an error in the implementation of previously-released bugfix

where source or destination CFDP entity IDs could become malformed when
their entityNbrLengths differ.

- Bug #30: Applied various updates to LTP notices to be more compliant with the
RFC 5326 specification.
- LtpExportSessionStart notice is now delivered properly.
- Reception claims in on-the-wire segments now have offsets that are
relative to the report segment lower bound rather than relative to the
start of the block.

- Bug #33: LTP Green segment traffic is no longer terminated prematurely when a
partly-red partly-green block is sent.
- As a Receiver:
Previously, closure of an import session (on reception of report-ACK)
could incorrectly suppress the processing of subsequently received
Green segments for the same session.
- As a Sender:
Previously, processing of an "all-received" Report segment could
incorrectly closes the export session, which should not occur until
the EOB has also been sent.

- Bug #34: The Service Data Aggregation (SDA) in LTP has been updated to be
compliant with the latest specifications. The SDA now properly passes
the client ID to the client data unit length determination callback.

- Bug #36: Fixed specific compilation problems with dtnperf under the
Scientific Linux 5.5 (gcc 4.1.2) operating system.

- Bug #39: Per specification, ION's LTP implementation now rejects LTP
segments that do not contain the proper version number identifier (0b0000).
Previously, ION would process segments regardless of version number.

- Bug #40: Per specification, ION's LTP implementation now rejects LTP blocks
with a session number of 0, as the specifications requires session numbers
chosen by LTP senders to be in the range [1, 2^32-1].
Previously, ION would process such blocks with a cancel segment code 3.

- Bug #41: Added checks in the AMS TCP connection pool implementation to help
detect and guard against data corruption.

- Bug #42: Improvements have been made to the rate control implementation of BP
to better handle cases where the available residual capacity on the
channel to a neighboring node is overstated.

- Bug #43: Per specification, ION's LTP implementation now marks bundles as
"malformed" when there are gaps in the sequence of green data segments.
Previously, ION inserted fill data to saturate the gaps, which could
result in the delivery of a damaged bundle.

- Bug #44: Various man pages have been updated to be more compliant with the
man page specification.

- Bug #45: Added/updated man pages for various parts of the AMS subsystem.

- Bug #46: Fixed bug in ionscript where a bss/ipn mutual exclusion error was
presented when creating a monolithic configuration file and not specifying
existing bss and ipn configuration files as input.
Ionscript now properly outputs a monolithic configuration file that
contains neither a BSS nor an IPN subsection.

- Bug #48: Fixed a contact graph routing bug when recomputing routes wherein
ION could exclude the potentially-optimal route from consideration if it
is the initial contact on any remaining route.
Due to the recent inclusion of CGR Payload Classes, it is no longer
correct to exclude such routes from consideration.

- Patch #5: The Delay Tolerant Network Management Protocol (DTNMP) reference
implementation has been updated to the version that was used for testing
and demonstration earlier in the year.

- ION no longer requires libexpat by default in order to build.

Expat is still required in order to use XML configuration files for AMS.
To build against libexpat, use "./configure --with-expat".


- Issue #364: Added support for Delay Tolerant Payload Conditioning (DTPC).
- DTPC adds (optional) end-to-end functionality similar to terrestrial
transport-layer protocols on top of the Bundle Protocol.
- DTPC offers the following additional enhancements:
- Application data record aggregation into large ADUs.
This reduces the BP overhead by preventing the proliferation of large
numbers of small bundles.
- Elision of redundant application data records.
This optimizes the utilization of low-capacity communication links.

- Feature Request #5: Several bugfixes and performance enhancements have been
applied to the DCCP convergence layer.
- Proper handling for the SIGPIPE signal.
- Usage of keepalives (rather than terminating idle connections) and
improved retry capability with an exponential backoff.
- CCID and Transmission Queue Length are now configurable within ION.
- Support added for the (any) IP address.
- Various other refinements to standardize the DCCP CL with the other
ION convergence layers.

- Feature Request #9: Added support for the DTN Network Monitoring reference
implementation (DTNMP). DTNMP is an API added to ION that is used to produce
and monitor BP, LTP, and ICI instrumentation data.

- Feature Request #11: ION now provides the TTL of each received bundle in order
to accomodate a CCSDS Blue Book service requirement.

- Feature Request #12: Added support for DTNperf.

DTNperf is a utility provided in ION's "contrib" directory that can be used
to invoke performance testing between BP nodes.

- Bug #22: Improved support for the Extended Class Of Service block (ECOS).
ION now uses the "best effort" / "streaming" flag in ECOS to decide between
UDP and TCP transmission.

- Bug #24: Fixed a bug in CFDP where the destination entity ID could become
malformed when the length of the compressed destination entity ID was smaller
than the length of the compressed source entity ID.

- Bug #25: Updated ION to be conformant with several new build warnings
introduced in GCC 4.8.

- Bug #26: Increased the default stack size for the tcpcli and tcpclo processes
to prevent crashes under RTEMS and VxWorks.

- Bug #27: Fixed a memory leak that could arise when sending anonymous bundles
(bundles with a source EID of "dtn:none") while BSP was enabled.
- Bug #28: Fixed bug where reforwarded bundles were sometimes not being
properly purged from the forwarding queue.

- Bug #29: Fixed bug where the ltp_get_notice() operation could return a bad
value in its "data" value if the operation was interrupted.
ltp_get_notice() now properly sets the "data" to zero if interrupted.

- Bug #29: Errors in production of notices in LTP have been corrected.

- An option to limit the length of checkpoint and report serial numbers in LTP
has been added. The default limit is 2 bytes.

- Added generalized service data aggregation to LTP.

- Added controls to help understand and debug CGR routing decisions.

- The CGR routing engine can now dynamically log diagnostic trace messages
by enabling its "trace" flag.
- A new "cgrfetch" utility can used to invoke the creation of JSON
input files that describe the CGR routes that were considered.
These JSON input files can be used in conjunction with the CGR Viewer
web application to produced PDF files that provides illustrated graphs
for all considered routes.

See /contrib/cgr-viewer/ for more information.

- Added man pages for the Asynchronous Message Service (AMS) subsystem.


- Feature Request #6: LTP screening is now disabled (rather than enabled)
by default. This should eliminate one often mystifying source of apparent
connectivity loss.

- Bug #23: Updated build configuration to fix build problems due to problems
linking various pthread libraries when using bleeding-edge automake tools.

- Bug #20: Child process of fork() was unable to write to log file if
exec() failed.

- Bug #19: Lifetime expiration of fragmentary bundles could cause a crash.

- Bug #18: A cosmetic fix -- an informative log message has been added to
explain an alarming message issued by the ACS system.

- Bug #17: Various "admin" utility program function were broken when the
new restart capability was added.

- Bug #16: Errors in the generation of LTP checkpoint serial numbers have
been fixed. In particular, no more duplicate checkpoint serial numbers.


- Bug #13: Migrated admission control facilities into the ZCO subsystem so that
they can be used outside of the BP subsystem.
- Bug #14: Fixed bug where CFDP headers could be stripped by the ZCO subsystem.

- Bug #15: Fixed various bugs that could affect ION's stability.
- Fixed possible deadlock if the bpcp/bpcpd were terminated via a signal
while in the middle of an SDR transaction.
- Fixed bug in the outducts of several convergence layers and forwarder
daemons that could cause them to not shut down properly due to an
unintended interaction between the erasure of a taskVar semaphore with
their internal looping constructs.

- Feature Request #1: Implemented "payload classes" to enable more

sophisticated contact graph routing functionality.
Extended CGR to compute routes on a per-payload-class basis that respects
the maximum bundle size that can be sent along each route.
The current payload classes are as follows:
- Payloads up to 1024 bytes (1 KB)
- Payloads between 1024 bytes (1 KB) and 1048576 bytes (1 MB)
- Payloads between 1048576 bytes (1 MB) and 1073741824 bytes (1 GB)
- Payloads larger than 1073741824 bytes (1 GB)

- Feature Request #4: Updated SDNV decoder and corresponding APIs to support
up to 64-bit SDNV's on 32-bit systems, allowing for a wider space of possible
IPN values.

- Added uClibc support for ION.


- Bug #9: Fixed several bugs in the TCP convergence layer.

- TCPCLO would not reconnect to its neighbor if the neighbor was unreachable
on startup.
Fixed by instituting a default keepalive (currently 15 seconds).
- Fixed a TCPCL interoperability bug when an external implementation uses
full-duplex TCP connections where the tcpclo would fail to receive bundles
from this implementation if the TCP connection had ever been previously
- Capped the maximum TCP reconnection timeout to 1 hour down from 24 hours.

- Bug #11: Fixed bug with transaction reversibility enabled where unpredictable
behavior could occur when a transaction reversal was forced and the state of
the SDR and working memory were out of sync.
ION now reinitializes working memory from the SDR to ensure data consistency.

- Bug #12: Fixed a bug in the red-black tree data structure used in LTP by which
sm_rbt_destroy() didn't release the tree's mutex to the OS which could
ultimately lead to consumption of all semaphores on the system and crash the


- Began transitioning to the SourceForge issue tracker for code management.

SourceForge-originated issues are designated as "Bugs" or "Feature Requests".

- Bug #1: Fixed bug where the contact graph routing engine would prefer a
multi-hop route to the source over the "no-hop" loopback connection.
- Bug #2: Fixed bug in contact graph routing engine where erroneous routes
could be selected if route caching was enabled and any "downstream" contact on
a route had an end time earlier than the end time of the first contact on the

- Bug #3: Updated code and configurations to always use the dotted-string
representation of the sender's IP address rather than hostname. This was done
to mitigate problems that can arise due to aliasing and multihoming.

- Bug #7: Fixed bug where ionadmin would duplicate all currently-added contacts
and ranges that were added in the ION configuration files before starting
ION with the 's' command.

- Bug #8: Fixed bug where bundles that expired while in the limbo queue were not
properly deallocated.

- Bug #10: Updated the ionstart/ionscript/killm scripts with support for the
following ION administrative modules:
- Bundle streaming service (BSS)
- Interplanetary multicast (IMC)
- Aggregate custody signals (ACS)

- Feature Request #2: Added support for bundle age extension blocks to help
accomodate platforms that may not be able to provide a stable clock.
For more information on the bundle age extension, refer to internet draft

- Feature Request #3: Added support for bundle multicast.

- Issue #195: Finished replacement of pthreads-based semaphore "unwedge"

function with simpler platform-specific equivalents, begun in ION 2.4.0.

- Issue #306: Implemented several improvements to congestion forecasting.

- Improved the accuracy of the forecast of maximum storage occupancy
by incorporating estimations based on the rate of data being
transmitted in and out of the internal data heaps.

- ION now raises an alarm if expected peak volume of data is larger than
ION's allocated file storage size.

- Added new utility called "ionwarn" that is used for computing congestion
forecast at an ION node based on contact plan.

- Issue #311: Added a Bundle Streaming Service (BSS) regression test that
does not require the use of "xterm".

- Issue #339: Fixed bug in aggregate custody signals implementation that

prevented successful completion of regression tests on some platforms.

- Issue #349: Optimized the LTP engine to achieve faster data rates by by
substituting red-black trees and hash tables for linked lists where


- Issue #280: Fixed a deadlock scenario when using "ionstart" to start two nodes
nodes in parallel.

- Issue #349: Applied some optimizations to the LTP engine to help it operate
at data rates that can exceed 80Mbps.

- Issue #357: Fixed compilation issues that prevented ION from building properly
on some kfreebsd systems.

- Issue #358: Fixed a bug in computing the CFDP inactivity deadline.

Updated the "cfdprc" man page to expose the parameters for configuring the
CFDP inactivity timeout interval.

- Issue #360: Updated the MinGW port of ION to supply definitions for various
required macros that are no longer supplied by newer versions of MinGW.

- Issue #361: Fixed compilation issues that prevented ION from building properly
on some debian-unstable systems.

- Issue #362: Fixed a bug where transplantation of man pages into ION.pdf could
fail if an obsolete version of man was used, causing compilation to fail. ION
now detects if the required "-l" option for man is supported, and does not
attempt to transplant the man pages if the option is not found.

- Issue #363: Fixed several memory leaks where SDR heap space was allocated but
not freed.


- *Issue #347: Included a test exercizing the fix for the TCPCL reconnection
bug that was made available in ion-open-source v3.0.0.

- Issue #348: Refreshed the MinGW and RTEMS ports of ION to build properly.

- Issue #352: BPCP, an rcp-like remote copy utility that transfers files via
CFDP, is a new utility now included with ION. It is built and installed by
default and has an interface similar to rcp, with support for local to
remote, remote to local, and remote to remote transfers in recursive and
non-recursive modes.

- Issue #353: Scrubbed various test configurations in the test suite that
produced superfluous messages regarding the bundle security database not
being initialized properly.

- Issue #354: Slightly changed the behavior of "make retest", a directive that
reruns tests that failed on the previous test run.
Previously "make retest" would re-run the entire test suite if issued
immediately following a completely sucessful test run.
"make retest" now returns SUCCESS immediately if issued following a
completely successful test run, a behavior more amenable to automated

- Issue #355: Updated the ION build process to be compatible with the latest
versions of autotools, particularly automake v1.12.

- Issue #356: Enhanced the bptrace application with file-sending capabilities.

- ION has now been ported to the "bionic" libc implementation, the first
step toward porting ION to the Android operating system.

- Starting from this release the ION manual "ION.pdf" will be distributed with
an appendix containing up-to-date man pages for all ION applications.


- Issue #242: Removed unnecessary recursion from the CGR implementation to help
protect against overflows from incorrect configurations.

- Issue #262: ION is now wired with a rudimentary instrumentation framework for
insight into run-time status, including bundle processing statistics and node
state metrics. This is in preparation for standardized network management.

- Issue #302: Implemented red-black trees as an alternative data structure to

linked lists for some performance-sensitive applications. Migrated the BP
timeline to use red-black trees.

- Issue #304: Optimized CGR route computation by developing a new algorithm that
employs Dijkstra's Algorithm.

- Issue #308: Several updates to ION's Payload Integrity Blocks (PIB) and
Payload Confidentiality Blocks (PCB):
- Bundle Security Protocol (BSP) utilities now support PIB and PCB.
- PIB and PCB extension block code has been added.
- Roughly 40 new test cases for PIB, PCB, and BAB combinations have been

- Issue #311: Bundle Streaming Service (BSS) support has been added to ION.
BSS passes "real-time" bundle payloads to an application callback while also
storing the bundle payloads to a database for user-directed playback.

- Issue #314: Standardized spelling of the word "semaphore" throughout the ION

- Issue #322: Improved reliability for custodial retransmissions when the next
custodian is a neighbor by making the following tweaks in libbpP.c:
- Changed the bpDequeue "stewardship accepted" flag to a custodial timeout
interval value (in seconds) that is computed by the CL output daemon,
based on CL-specific knowledge, in the event that the CL protocol is not
reliable and therefore can't accept stewardship of the bundle.
- Added the same custodial timeout interval value to bpHandleXmitSuccess, to
trigger reforwarding of the bundle even when stewardship has been taken
and CL transmission has been nominally successful and reliable, in the
event that the CL transmission ultimately (unexpectedly) does not succeed.

- Issue #325: Fixed a bug that could cause ION to crash when sending bundles for
which the destination endpoint is not a singleton.

- Issue #329: ION now supports sending (rather than just receiving) fragmented
bundles. (NOTE: this entailed several changes to the ZCO API.)

- Issue #339: Aggregate Custody Signals (ACS) have been added to ION.
- ACS is a technology that combines information from various separate
custody signals into a single bundle, which has the potential to save
"ack channel" bandwidth.
- For more information on ACS, see the following document:

- Issue #342: Changed several invocations of lyst_create() to

lyst_create_using(), to ensure that ION's private memory management is always

- Issue #343: Fixed bugs in LTP that could cause crashes at high data loss rates
- Fixed mechanisms for preventing resurrection of closed Import sessions.
- Fixed issue where the same report number could become assigned to two
different reports, resulting in link service daemons crashing.

- Issue #344: Added a "-t <ttl>" command line parameter to set the time-to-live
for bundles sent from the bpsource application. Previously bundles were
hard-coded with lifetimes of 300 seconds, which is now the default if the TTL
is not explicitly specified.

- Issue #345: The ION Deployment Guide is now bundled with ION. It provides
FAQ-style documentation for helping new users familiarize themselves with ION.

- Issue #347: Fixed bug in re-establishing connectivity via TCPCL when a node
shuts down and then restarts.


- Issue #271: Various autotools changes to update how CFDP is built.

- Issue #288: Fixed bug in CFDP implementation where performing a proxy "puts"
operation without supplying a flow label would trigger an assertion failure.

- Issue #290: Fixed bug in CFDP implementation where an internal SDR list was
improperly referenced.

- Issue #316: Fixed several unresolved symbolic links in the "limbo" subsection
of the test suite.

- Issue #318: Fixed bug in CFDP implementation where an assertion was triggered
when a remote directory listing was performed for a directory that did not

- Issue #323: Fixed bug in BP implementation where an integer overflow in the

congestion forecasting code would cause BP to refuse bundles from local user
applications on 32-bit machines with long, busy contacts.

- Issue #328: Fixed bug in CFDP implementation where internal calculations for
its CFDP Directory Listing Response user messages were one character shorter
than they should be.

- Issue #330: Fixed bug in CFDP implementation where cfdpclock would remove
unsent FDUs that did not contain any actual file data.

- Issue #331: Fixed bug in CFDP implementation where user messages were not
restricted to a maximum of 255 characters in length, as per the CFDP

- Issue #333: Fixed bug in CFDP implementation where originating transaction ID

messages were not wrapped as CFDP user messages as per the CFDP specification,
resulting in messages that contained the wrong type codes.

- Issue #334: Fixed bug in CFDP implementation where the cfdp_put() and
cfdp_get() operations returned "0" as transactionId rather than the actual
CFDP transaction number.

- Issue #338: Modified test suite to use relative times instead of absolute
times wherever possible. This fixes several tests with configurations that
became obsolete after the start of 2012 and ensures better resilience of the
test suite to any kind of absolute time boundaries.

- Issue #340: Several minor updates have been applied to the DCCP implementation
to detect and build DCCP for linux kernels that meet or exceed version 3.2.0,
which puts several key DCCP fixes into the kernel baseline.

- Status reporting support has been added to cfdptest.


- Issue #297: The ION design guide "ION.pdf" now dynamically incorporates the
ION manpages.
This feature requires ghostscript, psutils, groff, and groff-base.
If not all are present, ION will build but ION.pdf will not have the latest
manpages appended.
ION.pdf is built automatically via the "make" command.
To explicitly build the ION design guide document, use the following command:
make ION.pdf

- Issue #298+: Fixed build incompatibility between gcc v4.6.1 and later with
valgrind v3.6.1 and earlier. If needed to compile with Valgrind support,
ION will add -Wno-unused-but-set-variable to AM_CFLAGS.
Valgrind inclusion can also be explicitly controlled via the following flags:
./configure --enable-valgrind: Build with Valgrind support
./configure --disable-valgrind: Build without Valgrind support

- Issue #299: ION now prints a warning when given any BAB rule that is not for a
wild-carded EID signifying "all endpoints at the indicated node".

- Issue #300: Fixed several bugs in ipnfw:

- lookupRule() function of libipnfw.c incorrectly used srcServiceNbr
instead of srcNodeNbr.
- Several IPN function calls in ipnadmin.c have been wrapped in
sdr_begin_xn/sdr_exit_xn blocks to protect against assertion failures.
- Before putting a bundle into the Limbo list, ipnfw now searches for
blocked outducts and discards the bundle if none are found.

- Issue #301: Fixed issue where Ctl+C no longer terminated the bpsink and
bprecvfile utilities.

- Issue #303: Fixed issue where new all-green transmission sessions could be
inhibited by the LTP limit on the total number of export sessions.
Since LTP green is unreliable, LTP green sessions don't need to occupy
resources at the sender for retransmissions, so the sessions need not be

- Issue #307: Fixed overflow bugs in the increaseScalar() and reduceScalar()

Added Scalar to SDNV conversion functions.

- Issue #313: Fixed issue with overlapping bundle source/destination memory

addresses that could cause bundle corruption on 64-bit systems.

- Issue #319: Fixed issue with AMS where the parseSocketSpec() function could
return INADDR_ANY, which isn't an acceptable IP address within AMS.
Now possible to enable AMS debug output via the following configure flag:
./configure --enable-ams-debug: Build with AMS debugging output

- Issue #324: Fixed issue where LTP could accumulate block acquisision files
after the block acquisition had already been completed. This was generally
due to unnecessary retransmitted segments that arrived late. Since the
blocks had already been delivered, the ensuing files were never destroyed.


- Issue #185: ION now supports binding to INADDR_ANY in UDP/TCP ports and link
service adapters.

- Issue #298: Code scrub to remove unused variable warnings that prevent
compilation of ION under the default settings of gcc 4.6.1.

- Issue #310: Fixed broken Windows support. Fixed several minor issues.


- Issue #189/#250/#252: ION shutdown utility added.

- Issue #196: The congestion checking subroutines have been implemented more

- Issue #265: The "bpdriver" application now allows users to set the TTL value
dynamically via a the "t<ttl>" command line parameter.

- Issue #276: Loopback range can now be set to a non-zero value.

- Issue #279: Fixed issue where calling bpMemo twice created timeline events
that could not be removed.

- Issue #286: Fixed issue where erroneous input to several administrative

applications could cause them to crash.

- Issue #292: Fixed issue where pid-checking routines can give false-negatives
for vxworks processes.

- Issue #296: Corrected usage of internal _xxxConstants() functions to ensure

they are only used with invariant values.


- Issue #264: Removed checks for maximum block size in LTP, simplifying LTP
configuration and fixing a bug.
Related to the fix for issue #293, upgrading the LTP configuration worksheet.

- Issue #269: Clean up platform (portability) files, making it easier to add

new ports.
Removed support for some obsolete platforms (e.g., HP-UX).

- Issue #270: Fixed issue in cfdptest that prevented the "Custody Requested"
switch from being set.

- Issue #275: ION now has support for code coverage analysis via lcov/gcov.
To enable this feature, use "./configure --with-gcov".
Building with code coverage support enables the following new directives:
make cov: creates a "coverage" subfolder from the top of the ION
directory where HTML coverage results are stored
make cov clean: removes the trace files and the "coverage" subdirectory

- Issue #281: Fixed issue that terminated bputa when it was directed
to write to a file without sufficient write permissions.

- Issue #282: Fixed issue where LTP segments received outside of a contact
were mishandled.

- Issue #283: Fixed issue where the CFDP FDU didn't load the database before
using it, resulting in erroneous data being fed into the CFDP event queue.

- Issue #284: Fixed issue where CFDP mishandled extent merges, resulting
in checksum failures.

- Issue #285: Fixed issue in cfdpadmin where malformed commands could cause the
application to crash.

- Issue #287: Fixed issue that prevented the reporting of user messages and
filestore responses in cfdptest.

- Issue #293: Fixed issue in the ION LTP Worksheet where the spreadsheet
doesn't account for a small aggregation size limit when calculating
export blocks

- Issue #295: ION's internal contact graph routing routines have been
parameterized to enable better support for deployment-specific variations
of the algorithm.

- ION now has native Windows support via MingW.

Support for Cygwin and Interix has been removed.

- Added support for inactivity timer in CFDP.

- Fixed race conditions in support for multithreaded AMS.

- Fixed memory leaks in AMS shutdown.

- Added ability to update AMS modules' management information bases while the
modules are running, by using the new amsmib utility. Modified amsstop to
use a similar mechanism.

- Added AMS Programmer's Guide to distribution.

- Various minor bug fixes.


- *Issue #240: Added DCCP link service adapters to ION for the purpose of
providing congestion control without reliability guarantees, which is
beneficial for LTP deployments over IP networks, particularly when traversing
the Internet. The sender program is called "dccplso" and the receiver program
is called "dccplsi".

- *Issue #241: Added DCCP convergence layer for BP. The sender program is called
"dccpclo" and the receiver program is called "dccpcli".

- Issue #245: Added support for using the character "*" as a wildcard to remove
multiple contacts and ranges at once.

- Issue #257: Fixed issue where bundles would remain in the limbo queue after
an outduct was blocked rather than be reforwarded.

- Issue #263: Fixed issue with pthread_t. pthread_t is now treated as an

opaque type for the purpose of improving code correctness and portability.

- Issue #273: Added a ".hgignore" file that can be populated with regular
expressions of files to suppress when the "hg status" command is run.

- Issue #277: Fixed 3-node-stcp-ltp configuration to remove an unintentional

connection between nodes 1 and 3.

- Issue #278: Updated various test configuration files to have more recent
contact times.

- Tests have been scrubbed to adopt the new security syntax enhancements
introduced in Issue #247.

* Note: Due to an immature DCCP implementation in most native OS kernels at the

time of release, formal DCCP testing on 64-bit systems has yet to be
conducted. Currently an experimental kernel containing several DCCP
fixes must be built to achieve acceptable performance. These fixes are
expected to become standard in the native linux 3.1 kernel.


- Issue 105: Add correlation blocks to the bundle protocol block extension

- Issue 106: Extract bundle block-related functionality into separate source .c

and .h files to allow for future modular development of block extensions.

- Issue 161: Corrected some redundant and/or circular library linking when
using autotools.

- Issue 176: Upgrade ltp-cla to better conform to current ltpcla draft in the
DTNRG. Particularly the new "green" service handling.

- Issue 195: sm_SemUnwedge() in platform_sm.c uses a pthread to ensure a

semaphore is not already taken. Some platforms do not include pthreads and
the function can be implemented using semaphore trywait semantics().

- Issue 233: Some additional LTP debugging hooks added.

- Issue 238: Fixed possible leak of custodianEid in sendCtSignal.

- Issue 247: Updating the syntax of ionsecadmin for flexibility and readability.

- Issue 248: Fixed a timeline ordering bug in LTP.

- Issue 249: Added support to ION's LTP for section 6.21 of RFC 5326, the LTP
specification. Specifically detecting "red" and "green" segments that
overlap: an error-state.

- Issue 253: Fixed a tcpcl bug: When connection is lost to a node, a keepalive
needs to be at the end of the backoff period. TCPCL waits backoff period +
keepalive period to send the keepalive.

- Issue 254: Fixed LTP report serial number bug.

- Issue 255: Fixed bug where pseudoshell can cause duplicate parent processes.

- Issue 256: Fixed uninitialized memory read in reverseEnqueue().

- Issue 258: ZCO referenced file progress.

- Issue 260: Teach memcheck about MTAKE/MRELEASE for improved testing using

- Various bugfixes and features for AMS package.

- Various bugfixes and features for CFDP package.


- Modified administrative startup commands to block until startup is complete,

rather than return immediately even if the node hasn't been fully initialized.

- Fixed a bug which truncated dtn-scheme bundle source EIDs.

- Modified some tests (1000.loopback) to run compiled objects instead of shell

scripts. This eliminates the need for shell scripting and allows automated
tests to function on platforms without shell access.

- Combined similar test configurations to use the shared /configs directory.

This will provide a standard set of updated configurations.

- Test suite has been modified to support multiple test sets. Creating a
text file in the tests directory containing a list of tests is all that
is needed to create a test set.
Examples: make test-all ; make test-branch ; make test-<anything>

- Added "limbo" queue to support suspension and resumption. This allows the
node to handle unexpected convergence layer failure as opposed to scheduled
or static contact termination.

- Code scrub of DGR.

- Added bping, bpchat, and bpstats2 utilities.

- Custody transfer is now optional in both bptrace and bpsend.

- Added feature for "convergence-layer stewardship"; CL's can initiate

reforwarding of bundles on transmission failure without explicit
bundle-layer custodianship.

- Enhanced LTP's udplso with a transmission rate limiter.

- Added new AOS CLA for LTP.

- Bug fixes to: LTP, CGR, SDR mutex, bpcounter, ionscript, tcpcl, stcp,
PSM mutex, SDR, bpsink, and others.


- Corrected bug in LTP's data acquisition into file-system storage. Didn't

handle data loss and retransmission properly.

- Fixed bugs in LTP session cancellation that caused slow storage leaks.

- Upgraded the LTP configuration spreadsheet and its documentation, to

provide better guidance when most data are sent from or acquired into
file system storage.

- Updated the Design and Operations Guide to document new features and
API changes.

- Various other bug fixes and tweaks.


- Store bundles in ZCO.

- Added feature to store bundles directly to file-system memory, allowing

much larger bundles to be handled by the node.

- Added feature to allow all stdout output to be redirected to log files.

Feature is enabled by #defining FSWLOGGER.

- Code scrub BP, CFDP, ICI, LTP.

- Add support for asymmetric link-delay (range) in contacts.

- Add option to configure LTP spans for "purge" behavior on contact termination.

- Fixed handling of dtn:none eids.

- Optimize contact graph routing.

- Various bug fixes and tweaks.


- Port to FreeBSD and RTEMS (via manual makefiles).

- Various fixes and tweaks.

- Added comprehensive automated testing suite.

- Fixed various compiler bugs

- Modified custodian EID generated from dtn://hostname to dtn://hostname.dtn

- Modified the loopback and ion-dtn2 configuration files for the new command

- Added BSP implementation using "stub" versions of hmac and sha1 for public

- Added CFDP implementation.

- Bug fixes in LTP, BRS, and some BP applications.

- Tweaks related to running on VxWorks.

- Added assertions.

- Bug fixes in the TCP convergence layer, particularly in the interest of

interoperability with dtn2.


- Based on JPL revision 255:6443ed8258e1

- Converted underlying version control system to Mercurial from Subversion.

- Add ionsecadmin for managing the security policy database.

- Added better support for cross-scheme routing.

- Add support for the previous-hop-node extension.

- Update route computation to current CBHE draft standard.

- Addresses memory leak problem identified by U. of Colorado in long-duration


- LTP heavily modified to become more flexible and powerful.

- dtnadmin and associated utilities renamed to dtn2admin.

- Configuration file syntax changes slightly in ionadmin, bpadmin, ipnadmin,

dtn2admin; heavily changes syntax of ltpadmin. Included ION-LTP-Configuration
document and spreadsheet to explain new syntax and calculate values.

- Bug fixes.
- Documentation updates.

- Various testing applications in earlier releases are split from the ion


- Based on JPL revision 226.

- Experimental new tcp convergence layer compatible with the standard defined
by draft-irtf-dtnrg-tcp-clayer-02. This convergence layer is titled tcp,
with other programs tcpcli tcpclo, and is suitable for connectivity with the
DTN2 reference implementation. Currently only unidirectional, unacknowledged
communication is supported. Some bugs still present.

- ION-specific tcp-based convergence layer is renamed stcp (stcpcli stcpclo)

and still functions as expected.

- Adds user-contributed applications bping bping bpmon bpalive.

- some LTP related bugs are not yet squashed.

- Updates to various user-contrib programs; added a bpmon_query program to work

with SNMP.

- Revise LTP to use randomly selected session numbers rather than recycling
small session numbers - prevent data loss and corruption due to application of
late-arriving segments to sessions that are re-using the session numbers of
earlier sessions.

- added the bplive program.

- Updated for sbp_api.h and abp_api.c

- brought over basic working draft-tcpcl standards-compliant code with help of

patch submitted by

- manually applied patches from, adding sanity-checks and more

consistent comment-line detection to the admin programs

- Add fixes to eliminate compiler warnings, per Ohio U. Remove all ppc-vxworks
makefile directories, replacing them with arch-vxworks5 directories because
the VxWorks build varies with VxWorks version number and not with the hardware
platform that you build for. Add "expat", which is needed by AMS and is not
provided with VxWorks. Fix segfault bug in dtnfw reported by U. of Colorado.
Fix bug in support for trackingElts list.

- applied the patch from about dtnfw's rule/plan but

- added new ION.pdf to the in-development release

- overhauled ionstart, ionscript, ionstart.awk to account for the dtnadmin need

for a node name as well as the bpadmin/dtnadmin/ipnadmin startup order bug
found by

- Revise routing to match applicable backlog (based on bundle's priority; not

necessarily total backlog) against aggregate capacity when determining route
viability. (Per JIRA item DINET-107) Add implementation of extension block
for extended class of service, which includes an additional 256 "ordinal"
priority sub-levels within priority 2.

- Upgrade AMS implementation to Red Book 2.

- Add interface for inserting BP extensions.

= NOTES ON RELEASE 1.0_r203 =

- Based on jpl r203.

- Adds LTP package.

- Supports contact graph routing.

- Compilation changed to autoconf and automake; compilation tested on:

Ubuntu 7.04, 7.10, 8.04, Gentoo, Fedora 3, Fedora 7, OSX 10.5, and Solaris 10.

- Killm updated to work on OSX 10.4, due to an ipcs incompatibility; also

updated to make sure all processes are killed.

- Removed multiple compiler warnings.

- Includes bundle relay programs brsscla and brsccla; brsscla acts as the
server, brsccla acts as the client.

- Zco package rolled into ici.

- Ionscript added for configuration file management; ionstart and ionstop


- Various bug fixes.

- 2008-11-11 Added the ION Design and Operation manual v1.6.


- Based on jpl r105.

- Simplified and cleaned up SDR implementation in the ici package.

- ion package and utilities renamed to "bp" for "bundle protocol."

- Restructured congestion control to be based on rate control.

- Implements BP version 6.

- Revised the zco package.

- Added capability for dynamic routing based on network topology that changes
with the passage of time.

- Fixed various bugs.

- All administrative and application errors are reported to ion.log

- Added ionstart and ionstop scripts.


- The ion package, which implements the DTN Bundle Protocol (BP), has been
upgraded to conform to BP version 5, submitted to IETF in December 2006.
The changes are almost exclusively internal to the software and protocol:
the format of bundles exchanged through the delay-tolerant network is altered,
but the API for ION is mostly unchanged. Note that this release of ION is
not interoperable with implementations of BP version 4.

- The Remote AMS functionality of AMS has been upgraded to conform to the
specification most recently posted to the public documents list of the CCSDS
CWE site for AMS. The API for AMS is unchanged.

- A variety of miscellaneous bugs have been fixed.


- Initial code released for review.

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