Lab Tests Report

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FROM JUNE 6th TO AUGUST 4th 2019

1. Training Supervisor

2. University Supervisor

This Industrial training report contains only tasks I got involved in during the training period. The
major importance of this training was to gain experience in the civil engineering field, this was
very possible through practical involvement in the implementation of ongoing works both in the
field and engineering laboratory. Field works involved in were; Surveying, Culvert construction,
Roadbed, Sub grade and Sub base construction works. While training with the engineering
laboratory I looked at soil, aggregate and concrete tests. Some brief information about asphalt and
bitumen tests was also availed to me; hence the content in this report is basically centered on the
above works.

The report also points out all the challenges met during the practical works on ground and how
these challenges were solved.

I BITEKATEKO ABEL declare that the information presented in this report is in no way a
duplication of any other document. It is based on the knowledge and skills I attained during
Industrial Training and research on related areas.
This Industrial Training was carried out during the recess term, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering at Ndejje University.

----------------------------------- ------------------------

I hereby confirm that BITEKATEKO ABEL has trained with China Communication and
Construction Company (CCCC) and AECO on the design & build of Masindi - park junction&
Tangi junction -Paraa – Buliisa roads upgrading project from June 6th to August 4th 2019.

3. Training Supervisor

Signature: ……………………….

Date: …………………………….

4. University Supervisor

Signature: ………………………

Date: ……………………..........


With great pleasure, I dedicate my report to my beloved parents Mr. Musiime Yosam and Mrs.
Bainomugasho Hariet who always supported me financially and encouragement. I dedicate this
report to my uncle Mr. Mugume James for his encouragement during the training and to my fellow
trainees, my instructors and those who have given me a hand in making this internship successful.


First and foremost, my special thanks go to the Almighty God who has seen me through this
training period and who has kept me alive to date.

I wish to express my utmost gratitude to the management of China Communication and

Construction Company and AECO for providing me with an opportunity of pursuing industrial
training as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering.
Furthermore, I also express my heart warming to my field Supervisors, Engineer Ronald
Ssebirumbi and Engineer Moses Kisembo Muyonjo and the entire staff for the tireless hard work
that they have expressed to see that the project attains its quality standards desired for its
sustainability. Special thanks to Ndejje University for an opportunity it offered to us as students
to learn what takes place in the field of engineering in the implementation stage and designing.

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................. i
DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................ ii
APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................... iii
DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................................... v
TABLE OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................. viii
LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... ix
LIST OF ABBREVEATIONSS .................................................................................................. x
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1
1.1.0 BRIEF BACKGROUND ABOUT INDUSTRIAL TRAINING ....................................... 1
1.1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND .............................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER 2: SURVEYING ..................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 – Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 – Operation of surveying instruments used ........................................................................ 7
2.1.3 – Global positioning system (GPS) .................................................................................... 7
2.1.4 Parts of the GPS system ..................................................................................................... 7
2.1.5 Setting out and using the GPS system ................................................................................ 7
2.1.6 Works implemented by the GPS ........................................................................................ 8
2.1.7 Dumpy level ....................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.8 Setting out the dumpy level. ............................................................................................... 9
2.1.9 Setting out of the pipe culverts at chainage Km34+564 .................................................... 9
2.1.10 Digital level .................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.11 Checking the levels of G30 layer a long lot 7A Km44+000 to 44+190 ........................ 10
2.1.12 Verifying the extents of clearing and grubbing a long lot 8B from Km1+140 to Km
2+120......................................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.13 Checking the levels of the formwork of the box culvert at chainage 27+060 along lot
7A. ............................................................................................................................................. 11
2.1.14 Establishment of bench mark ......................................................................................... 11
2.1.15 Setting out of culverts by differential leveling ............................................................ 11
2.1.16 Differential leveling for bridges (Steel bridge monitoring) ......................................... 12
2.1.17 Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER 3: STRUCTURES (CULVERTS AND BRIDGES) .............................................. 13
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Choice of culverts................................................................................................................ 13

3.3 Box culverts are further sub divided into two; .................................................................... 13
3.4 Bridges ................................................................................................................................ 14
3.5 Phases involved in bored cast in-situ pile construction work ............................................. 15
3.6 Pile installation process ....................................................................................................... 15
3.7 Reason why casing should be done ..................................................................................... 16
3.8 Reinforcement and cage lowering ....................................................................................... 17
3.9 Flushing / washing of the bored pile. .................................................................................. 18
3.10 Pile concreting/ casting concrete in the bored pile ............................................................ 18
3.11 Type of machinery used in drilling bored piles................................................................. 19
3.12 Tests carried out on the pile foundation ............................................................................ 19
3.13.2 Checking the percentage of sand in the slurry; .............................................................. 20
3.14 Tests after casting concrete ............................................................................................... 21
3.14.1 Nuclear test /low stress test ............................................................................................ 21
3.15 Reinforcement of the pile cage.......................................................................................... 21
3.16 Batching of concrete.......................................................................................................... 21
3.17 Control tests after batching ............................................................................................... 22

........................ 23
3.18 Lowering of the pile cage and Casting concrete into the bored pile ................................. 23
3.19 Installing form work on box culverts and bridges............................................................. 24

3.20 Dewatering well and installing perforated pipes. .............................................................. 24
3.21 Determining the pile cutoff level ...................................................................................... 25
3.22 Setting out and casting of the concrete blinding layer ...................................................... 26
3.23 Challenges faced in this module and how they were handled........................................... 26
3.24 Conclusion......................................................................................................................... 26
CHAPTER 4: LABOLATORY TESTS.................................................................................... 28
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 28
4.2 Borrow pit sampling ............................................................................................................ 28
Sampling process mostly involved a few steps as listed below; ............................................... 28
4.3 Sample preparation .............................................................................................................. 29
4.4 Sample preparation process ................................................................................................. 29
4.5 Moisture content determination .......................................................................................... 30
4.6 Procedure of testing ............................................................................................................. 30
4.7 Atterberg limits ................................................................................................................... 31
4.8 Linear Shrinkage ................................................................................................................. 31
4.9 Procedure of testing ............................................................................................................. 32
4.10 Calculation and expression of results ................................................................................ 32
4.11 Grading test / particle size distribution. ............................................................................ 35
4.12 Procedures of testing ......................................................................................................... 35
4.13 Calculation ........................................................................................................................ 36
4.14 Maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture content ........................................ 38
4.15 Procedures of testing ......................................................................................................... 38
4.16 California bearing ratio test ............................................................................................... 41
4.17 Procedures of testing ......................................................................................................... 41
4.18 Conclusion and tests results .............................................................................................. 42
4.18 Aggregate tests .................................................................................................................. 42
4.19 Moisture content determination ........................................................................................ 42
4.20 Sample preparation ............................................................................................................ 43
4.21 Test procedures ................................................................................................................. 43
Reporting of results ................................................................................................................... 43
4.22 Specific gravity and water absorption test ........................................................................ 44
4.23 Procedure of testing ........................................................................................................... 44
4.24 Sieve analysis test / Grading ............................................................................................. 45
4.25 Sample preparation. ........................................................................................................... 45

4.26 Flakiness index .................................................................................................................. 46
4.27 Testing procedures ............................................................................................................ 47
4.28 Calculations ....................................................................................................................... 48
4.29 Aggregate crushing value (ACV) ...................................................................................... 48
4.30 Sample preparation ............................................................................................................ 48
4.31 Testing procedures ............................................................................................................ 49
4.32 Calculations of Aggregate crushing value was computed from the expression below; .... 49
Reporting results ....................................................................................................................... 49
4.33 Loose density test of aggregates........................................................................................ 49
4.34 Compact bulk density test of aggregates. .......................................................................... 50
................................................................................................................................................... 51
4.36 MARSHALL DENSITY TEST ........................................................................................ 52
4.37 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................. 56
CHAPTER 5: EARTHS WORKS............................................................................................. 57
5.1 Scope of the module. ........................................................................................................... 57
5.2 Description of the work performed. .................................................................................... 57
Orientation. ................................................................................................................................ 57
5.3 Bush clearing ....................................................................................................................... 58
5.4 Top soil removal.................................................................................................................. 58
5.5 Common excavations .......................................................................................................... 59
5.6 Road bed preparation .......................................................................................................... 60
5.7 Common fills ....................................................................................................................... 61
5.8 Improved subgrade .............................................................................................................. 62
5.9 Sub base............................................................................................................................... 63
....................................................................................................................................................... 63
5.10 QUALITY CONTROL ..................................................................................................... 65
5.11 Field density using the sand cone replacement method .................................................... 65
4.12 Dynamic cone Penetrometer (DCP) test ........................................................................... 66
................................................................................................................................................... 66
5.13 CHALLENGES FACED................................................................................................... 66
5.14 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION. ............................................................. 67
5.15 Conclusion......................................................................................................................... 67
5.16 Recommendations. ............................................................................................................ 67
CHAPTER 6: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ............................................................................. 68

6.1 ENVIRONMENT, SOCIAL, HEALTHY AND SAFETY ................................................ 69
6.2 Environment ........................................................................................................................ 69
6.3 Social and Health ................................................................................................................ 70
6.4 Safety................................................................................................................................... 70
CHAPTER 7: HIGHWAY DESIGN AND MEASUREMENTS ............................................. 71
HIGHWAY DESIGN ................................................................................................................ 71
7.1 Geometric Design ................................................................................................................ 71
7.2 Pavement Design ................................................................................................................. 71
7.3 Drainage Design .................................................................................................................. 72
7.4 Autodesk AutoCAD and Civil 3D ...................................................................................... 72
MEASUREMENTS AND PROCUREMENT .......................................................................... 73
7.5 Procurement ........................................................................................................................ 73
7.6 Measurements...................................................................................................................... 73
8.0 Lessons ................................................................................................................................ 75
8.1 Challenges ........................................................................................................................... 75
8.2 Recommendation ................................................................................................................. 75
8.3 APPENDEX ........................................................................................................................ 76

FIGURE 1 GENERAL LOCATION PLAN OF OIL ROADS PACKAGE 1 ............................... 5
FIGURE 3 CASTING PUT AT 2M ............................................................................................. 17
FIGURE 4 THE SLURRY SAMPLE ON A MUD BALANCE .................................................. 20
FIGURE 5 CEMENT CONCRETE BEING LOADED ON TRUCKS ....................................... 22
FIGURE 6 CARRYING OUT THE SLUMP TEST AFTER BATCHING ................................. 23
21+120 ................................................................................................................................... 24
BLINDING LAYER.............................................................................................................. 25
DURING CAGE .................................................................................................................... 27
FIGURE 10 SHOWING BUSH CLEARING AT KM 11+420- KM 11+560 ............................. 58
............................................................................................................................................... 59
FIGURE 12 SHOWING DRILLING FOR BLASTING AT KM 10+640RHS ........................... 60
FIGURE 14 TRAPEZIUM METHOD ......................................................................................... 63
44+520 RHS A LONG LOT 7A ........................................................................................... 65
FIGURE 16 CARRYING OUT DCP TEST ................................................................................. 66
FIGURE 17 CHECKING LEVELS OF G7 TOP LAYER ........................................................... 76
FIGURE 18 PICKING SAMPLE MATERIAL FROM G30 MATERIAL.................................. 77
FIGURE 19 CONSTRUCTION OF WAIGA BRIDGE .............................................................. 78

TABLE 1 PROJECT DETAILS ..................................................................................................... 3
TABLE 2 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE ................................................................................. 6
............................................................................................................................................... 14
TABLE 5 RESULTS OF PLASTIC LIMIT AND LIQUID LIMIT ............................................ 34
TABLE 6 SIEVE ANALYSIS OF SOIL...................................................................................... 37
TABLE 7 MDD AND OMC........................................................................................................ 40
TABLE 8 MINIMUM MASS OF TEST PORTIONS ................................................................ 43
TABLE 10 MINIMUM MASS OF TEST PORTION .................................................................. 47
TABLE 11 COMPACT AND LOOSE DENSITY OF AGGREGATES ..................................... 51
TABLE 12 0.04 BITUMEN CONTENT ...................................................................................... 53
TABLE 13 0.045 BITUMEN CONTENT .................................................................................... 53
TABLE 14 0.05 BITUMEN CONTENT ...................................................................................... 55
TABLE 15 PROGRAM OF WORKS FOR THE PROJECT IN MS 2016 ................................. 68
TABLE 16 TRAFFIC CLASSES ................................................................................................ 72
TABLE 17 SUBGRADE CLASSIFICATION ............................................................................. 72

ACV – Aggregate Crushing Value
AECO – Abuljebain Engineering Consulting Office
AIV – Aggregate Impact Value
BS - British Standards
CCCC – China Communications Construction Company
CBR – California Bearing Ratio
FI – Flakiness Index
G7 – Natural gravel with CBR value min 7
G15 – Natural gravel with CBR value min 15
G30 – Natural gravel with CBR value min 30
L.H.S – Left Hand Side
LL – Liquid Limit
MDD – Maximum Dry Density
MoWT – Ministry of Works and Transport
MTP – Masindi (Kisanja) – Park Junction and Tangi Junction – Paraa – Buliisa Roads Upgrading
NEMA - National Environmental Management Authority
OMC – Optimum Moisture Content
PI – Plasticity Index
PL – Plastic Limit
RFI – Request For Inspection
R.H.S – Right Hand Side
TFV – Ten percent Fines Value
UNRA – Uganda National Roads Authority
MFNP: Murchison Falls National Park


Industrial training can be defined as the technical knowledge, guidance and instruction that are
more practical in nature that students obtain in relation to the theoretical knowledge acquired
during the course of studies.

At the end of every second and third academic years in civil engineering, each student is required
to go for industrial training with a construction company as part of the assessment. During
industrial training students get to practically apply some of the knowledge acquired from lecture
rooms to solve engineering problems. This report gives an account of what I participated in during
my industrial training with China Communication and Construction Company and Abuljebain
Engineering Consulting Office (AECO) on design & build of Masindi - park junction& Tangi
junction -Paraa – Buliisa roads upgrading project.

Objectives of industrial training

 The training helps students to fully understand and appreciate the principles taught in class
as they as get a chance to see them being applied practically.

 To enable students, get hands on experience of the field environment they expected to work
in upon graduating which develops the practical and professional skills relevant in the engineering

 To give students an opportunity to learn how to handle work pressure and how to respond
positively to criticism when dealing with different people on site such as stakeholders and potential

 To build the students confidence as a career course is being pursued and improved on
his/her design and technical skills which increases the problem-solving capacity using the limited
available technology.

 Helps the students to have a clear knowledge of the non-engineering professionals that
usually interact with engineers in the field and how different specialists work hand in hand to
successfully execute the project

 Enables students to access and use different machines and tools that may not be available
at the university to know their performance capabilities
 Students appreciate the importance of good communication skills and interpersonal skills
then later develop those skills which are vital in the engineering field.

 To learn about the different types of bridges and box culverts and reasons why they were
opted for.
 To acquire knowledge and skills on how different construction works are done.
 To relate the construction works of the bridges and box culverts in compliance with
drawings approved.
 To identify the different challenges faced in the field and how they can be solved.
 To learn how to work and relate with different kinds of people in the field.
 To explore our creativity skills in the construction part of engineering.

To the university:

 Industrial training keeps a university relevant to society maintaining its name in the public eye.
 The industrial training placement are viewed as partners with the university in educating students
to obtain skills that could not have been passed to them during lecture time due to various reasons.
 Training aids the university to modify the syllabus to suit the standards by using the new ideas
students get from training and present in their reports.


In order to achieve first oil production by 2020 enabling road networks have to be in place to
support the oil and gas infrastructure developments.
Therefore, the Government of the Republic of Uganda (GoU), represented by the Uganda National
Roads Authority (UNRA), has on 05 March 2018 signed contract with China Communications
Construction Company (CCCC) and with COWI as design consultant for the:
Design & Build of Masindi (Kisanja) – Park Junction and Tangi Junction –Paraa – Buliisa Roads
Upgrading Project.

The project is divided into the following 4 lots, totaling approx. 154 km:

 Lot 7A (Kisanja – Park Junction): 70.5 km

 Lot 7B (Sambiya – Murchison Falls): 11.6 km
 Lot 8A (Tangi Junction – Paraa – Buliisa): 50.9 km
 Lot 8B (Wanseko – Bugungu Junction): 21.2 km

Each lot has its own start and end point with the chainage systems defined as follows and as
indicated on the general location plan in Figure 1-1:
 Lot 7A: Chainage 0+000 at Kisanja (near Masindi) and end chainage at the junction with Lot 8A.
 Lot 7B: Chainage 0+000 at the junction with Lot 7A near Sambiya River and end chainage at the
parking area at Murchison Falls.
 Lot 8A: Chainage 0+000 at the junction with the existing Gulu Arua Road at Tangi and end
chainage at Buliisa.
 Lot 8B: Chainage 0+000 at Wanseko and end chainage at the junction with Lot 8A.
About ⅔ of the total length of the project roads (101.5 km) are located inside the Murchison Falls
National Park (MFNP).

Project name Masindi - park junction& Tangi junction -Paraa –
Buliisa roads upgrading project.

Implementing agency Uganda National Roads Authority

Employer Government of the republic of Uganda represented by

the Uganda national roads authority

Funding agency Government of the republic of Uganda

Consulting engineers Uganda National Roads Authority (to be represented

by AECO)

Contractor China Communication and Construction Company


Commencement date 23 April 2018

Project duration 36 months

Completion date 23 April 2021



2.1.1 – Introduction
Surveying was basically performed to aid part of the design process be done and also aid
implementation of the project as per the designed levels. Among the surveying instruments used
included Total station, Digital level and Global positioning satellite system (GPS). Topographic
surveys were fast done before the commencement of the project to aid redesigning of the project
in terms of horizontal realignment of the road and determine sections to be filled and cut.

2.1.2 – Operation of surveying instruments used

The project had four types of surveying instruments used in implementation of works. During the
training session I was able to master operation of three of the four used instruments as described
below: -

2.1.3 – Global positioning system (GPS)

The GPS uses global satellites in implementation of works and it automatically uses Nothings,
Eastings and Elevations, data obtained from the field was downloaded to the computer for analysis.
The GPS being one the latest surveying technology had a base station which was always set out at
the bench mark to serve the rover used to locate points and levels of desired sections on the road.
2.1.4 Parts of the GPS system
The GPS was composed of the following components listed below: -
 At the base station there was; Tripod stand, Tribrach, Base receiver and the antenna.
 The Rover which was moved with to locate points and levels of desired sections had; Data
collector, Rover receiver, 2m metallic rod and the antenna.
2.1.5 Setting out and using the GPS system
 The tripod stand was spread over the bench mark steel bar point; the tribrach was safely placed on
the tripod stand and tightened.
 The third leg was on till it was firm enough into the ground, then the two legs were slowly moved
in the horizontal plane along the x, y direction to locate the steel bar point on the bench mark.
 After location of the steel bar point on the bench mark, the two legs were firmly pined into the

 Care was taken to make sure that all the three legs were firmly planted into the ground.
 Centering of the bubble was done by adjusting the three screws on the tribrach.

Final settings
 Re - centering the bubble was always done to make sure the center of the steel bar point is focused
through the tribrach.
 Then the antenna was connected to the base receiver and finally connected to the tribrach, hence
making completing the settings of the base station.
 The data collector was connected to the 2m metallic rod, and then the rover receiver with its
antenna attached was also connected to the same rod.
 The cable was connected from the data collector to the base receiver and the data collector was
switched on, Toppo survey selected.
 Base receiver was switched on with the cable still connected to the data collector, and then height
of instrument was manual measured and entered in the data collector.
 1st map was clicked and 2m until the bench mark being used was clearly seen by zooming.
 The bench mark was started by tapping on the soft touch data collector screen hence the base was
started successfully.
 Then cable removed from base receiver and plugged into the rover receiver and a distance of 5m
moved and the job to be performed clicked which was setting out lines and staking out points most
of the days.
 The GPS must show in green 100% fixed network before using it.

2.1.6 Works implemented by the GPS

The GPS is diverse Surveying instrument which can be used to implement almost all types of
surveying works but for purpose of division of work in the course of implementing this project it
was used in the following works.
 Controlling of ongoing excavation works in swamps so as not to over excavate or under excavate,
still after excavation the GPS took Toppo readings of completed excavation works to aid costing
and paying be done.

 Used in staking out Sub grade points that is centre line, right and left-hand side pegs, for example
1st mapping being centre line and the 2nd mapping being right hand side when we’re going to
work on one side of the road.
 The GPS was also used to stake out lines and points on other layers like sub base and were to be
used on base, dense bitumen macadam and hot asphalt course layers.
 It was also used to perform Toppo surveys which were used in the design process of the road.
(Horizontal re-alignment of the road, widening of road and indicating sections to be cut and filled)
and indicating bush clearing boundaries.
2.1.7 Dumpy level
The dumpy level is one of the earlier surveying instruments in the surveying field and it was
basically used in controlling inlet and outlet levels at Culvert sections. Once in a while it was used
in checking reduced levels of finished sub grade and sub base layers if they conformed to the
designed levels.
2.1.8 Setting out the dumpy level.
Setting the dumpy level involved the following simple steps;
 The tripod stand was spread over affirm ground surface of the surveyor’s choice depending the
location of the works he intends to perform.
 Then the three tripod legs were stepped on to gain stability on ground.
 The tribrach was placed over the tripod stand and tightened, centring of the bubble was done by
use of the three screws on the tribrach.
 After centering the bubble, the staff was vertically placed over a bench mark of known reduced
 The height of instrument was calculated from;

Height of instrument =bench mark reduced level + back sight reading on staff.

Hence after this step the dumpy level was used to perform any intended surveying task.

2.1.9 Setting out of the pipe culverts at chainage Km34+564

The dumpy level was used in setting out inlet and outlet levels of concrete and metallic pipe
culvert. The dipping method was used in attaining given inlet and outlet levels as per the Culvert
drawings provided.

This would ensure that the gradient needed for the flow of water would be maintained from the
level of excavation and compaction, culvert bed formwork, cast culvert bed and laid culverts.
 Given inlet and outlet levels of which inlet levels were always greater then outlet levels.
 The difference between inlet and outlet levels was calculated then the slope of the culvert obtained
using the span of the culvert.
 Height of instrument was calculated
 Three pegs were hammered into firm ground on both inlet side and outlet side, then staff reading
on top of all the three pegs was uniform at the inlet side and outlet side was taken.
Hence the inlet and outlet dipping heights calculated above were used to set out the culvert section
successfully and the designed slope was attained.

Proof The inlet dipping height has to be less than the outlet dipping height.

2.1.10 Digital level

The digital level was used in location and checking of reduced levels on pegs already positioned
by the GPS. The mode of setting was almost the same as the dumpy level; the only difference with
the dumpy level is that the digital level took readings automatically while the dumpy level was
manual. Obtained data is downloaded to the computer for analysis.
The digital level was used in the following works;
2.1.11 Checking the levels of G30 layer a long lot 7A Km44+000 to 44+190
The digital level was set and staff readings were taken at Centre (0), 3m, 5m and 5.5m to the left-
hand side respectively. The height of instrument was calculated using the formula;
Height of instrument = back sight + bench mark value
The reduced levels of the layer were computed from;
Reduced level = Height of instrument – intermediate sight
The levels were compared with the design levels and they were in the acceptable limits as shown
in the attached sheet.

2.1.12 Verifying the extents of clearing and grubbing a long lot 8B from Km1+140 to Km
Clearing consisted of the removal of all trees, bush, shrubs and other vegetation, rubbish, fences
and all other objectionable material, including the disposal of all material resulting from the
clearing and grubbing.

The GPS was set and localized at bench mark 1006 Wanseko. The points left and the right-hand
sides of the road were staked out. The points were compared with the design points and they were
in the acceptable range as shown in the attachment.

2.1.13 Checking the levels of the formwork of the box culvert at chainage 27+060 along lot
The digital level was set and the Differential leveling was done for the double stream culvert at
chainage 27+060. This was done to verify the levels of the top slab formwork for bay 1 as per the
design levels. The design levels for the formwork were determined by adding the soffit of 2m to
the invert levels at distances of 0.3m, 2.5m and 5m. The designed levels were compared with the
measured levels calculated using the height of collimation and the differences computed which
had minimal deviation as shown in the attachment.

2.1.14 Establishment of bench mark

Establishment of control points known as Bench mark was made right from the Masindi-Kigumba
road at an interval of 100m and these Bench marks were used as reference points in the
implementation of all surveying work. The GPS was used in locating these bench marks.

2.1.15 Setting out of culverts by differential leveling

The different types of culverts are pipe culverts, single stream and double stream culverts.
Differential leveling was done at every stage of construction of the culverts so as to verify the
elevations and gradients achieved by the contractor as per the culvert drawings in a stepwise
manner. This would ensure that the gradient needed for the flow of water would be maintained
from the level of excavation and compaction, culvert bed formwork, cast culvert bed and laid

For the pipe culverts, staff readings were taken at the inlet, center and outlet. The elevations and
the gradients were calculated and compared. The equipment used were digital level, change plate,
staff, field book and tape measure. I participated in the taking of staff readings, as a chain person,
the booking of readings, measuring the length of the culverts as laid and calculating the elevations
and the gradients.

2.1.16 Differential leveling for bridges (Steel bridge monitoring)
Differential leveling was done for the temporary steel bridge at Paraa. This was to determine if
there was settlement of the piles. A closed loop was made so as to determine the misclosure. The
staff was placed on top of every point on the bridge that had a pile underneath for intermediate
sight readings. The reduced levels calculated by height of collimation method were then compared
with the previous elevations to determine if there was any settlement occurring. However, there
was zero tolerance for settlement.

The equipment used were digital level, staff and field book. I participated by booking the readings.
I learnt that in the event of settlement, it would be most expected at the middle where there is also
maximum bending moment of the piles. Individual pile settlement is more dangerous than group
pile settlement as one pile would therefore bear more load than the other piles.

Differential leveling for the determination of the pile depth excavated was done. As the depths of
the piles were already designed for, it was imperative that the excavation was not exceeded or not
reached. This is so that the loads could be transferred to the firm strata as designed. A calibrated
string was lowered into the excavated ground to determine the depth. Levels were then taken at
the bottom and top casing and the made-up ground level calculated. The expected depth was got
as the difference between the made ground level and the pile tip level. The results are attached.

2.1.17 Conclusion
Surveying was the key to producing finished work which conformed to the designed drawings in
terms of reduced levels, accuracy when setting different surveying instruments was the only way
of reducing on accumulation of errors while working.

3.1 Introduction
The activities carried out in structures include; determination of an area suitable for either culverts
or bridges, pile boring processes ( pile boring, pile cage Reinforcement & lowering, Flushing /
washing of the bored pile, Pile concreting/ casting concrete), slurry density test and determination
of the percentage of sand in the slurry, nuclear test/low stress test, batching of concrete and control
tests such as slump test and casting concrete cubes, installing form work on bridges and box
culverts, making of a dewatering well and perforated pipes for drainage during working, pile cutoff
level , Setting out and casting of the concrete blinding layer.

3.2 Choice of culverts

This project consists of a variety of culverts and the choice of a particular type of culvert is as

A culvert is a transverse and fully enclosed drainage structure that runs under a road or portion of
land. The project contains culverts of basically two forms; the box culverts and cross culverts. box
culverts are reinforced concrete culverts that are usually made on site while cross culverts are
usually precasted and then brought to site for installation. Box culverts are usually used in cases
where cross culverts are deemed insufficient and this can be in the following ways;

 When a particular section receives much water flowing (high discharge)

 Terrain; for example, when the trough is bigger

3.3 Box culverts are further sub divided into two;

The single celled box culverts and double celled box culverts and it is noted that the double celled
box culvert is designed to contain a large volume of water flowing as compared to single celled. It
is also paramount for an engineer to study the direction of flow of water and the angle at which
the water crosses a particular section of the road so as to be able to design a suitable culvert and
on this note a skewed double cell box culvert is constructed at km 51 at an angle and this arose
after finding out that the flow of water is not perpendicular to the road while crossing.

3.4 Bridges
A bridge is a structure built to span a physical obstacle, such as a body of water, valley, or road,
without closing the way underneath. It is constructed for the purpose of providing passage over
the obstacle.

This project contains 7 bridges and these bridges are basically differentiated by the type of the
foundation used; these include pile foundation bridges and a shallow foundation bridge

Bridge Type of foundation Location
Waiga bridge Pile foundation (Deep foundation) Km 40+950.6
Wairingo bridge Shallow foundation Km 45+281.6
Zoliya bridge Friction resisting piles Km 51+528.6
Sambiya bridge Friction resistance piles (20 piles) Km 55+071.6
Nile bridge (main bridge) Precast piers Km21+300 LOT 8A
Emmi bridge Friction resistance piles LOT 8A, Km. 21+120
Tangi bridge Friction resistance piles LOT 8A, Km. 0+300

We notice that pile foundation is used in areas where the ground is not firm enough to support the
loading and thus one needs to excavate a long depth to find a hard surface for example in water
logged areas. Shallow foundation is used in areas where it’s at short depth that you find a hard
surface that can withstand the loading and on this note at Wairingo, a firm ground was found as
near as 1m below the river bed compared to Sambiya pile foundation bridge which was found at
along depth. The type of pile foundation used on this project is basically bored cast in situ pile
foundation and this is the type of a pile where concrete is casted into a bored pile (installed in a
predrilled hole). This pile supports the structure by friction.

3.5 Phases involved in bored cast in-situ pile construction work
The construction of bore cast in situ concrete pile consists of 4 primary phases

 Pile boring/drilling
 pile cage Reinforcement & lowering/driving
 Flushing / washing of the bored pile.
 Pile concreting/ casting concrete.

3.6 Pile installation process

1. pile boring
The first step under this process is setting out the pile where by the surveyor uses a GPS to locate
the coordinates (eastings and northings) of a pile according to design.
Four reference points (making two lines perpendicular to each other) should be marked for
checking Centre of pile bore during boring of pile.
Initial boring of about 2.0 meters is to be done using cutting tool of desired diameter of pile and
then boring can be carried out according to the sub-soil investigation report of that location. It can
be done using liner, bentonite or both.
The temporary guide casing, approximately 2.0-meter length with outside diameter equivalent to
nominal diameter of the pile, may then be lowered in the bore hole. In such a case diameter of
cutting tool will be little less, maximum 75 mm less than outside diameter of casing for free
movement in the casing pipe during operation.
Position / centerline of the guide casing pipe with reference to pile reference points already fixed
around the pile location shall be checked to shift/adjust the casing pipe to ensure proceeding of
drilling at exact pile location without any deviation.
Boring has to be done up to the founding strata as per drawings/ pre decided depth using
intermittently bentonite slurry as per requirement. In case of requirement the bore hole is then
supplied with bentonite slurry, from bentonite installation. Bentonite circulation channel will be
made from bore hole to bentonite tank and fresh bentonite slurry will be pumped to bore hole
through hose pipes. 24 hours prior to start of pile boring, ensure that bentonite is completely
dispersed. The water attains required density to stabilize the sides of bore hole during drilling.
Bentonite slurry of specified quality should be circulated continuously during boring process and
Bentonite used to stabilize the sides of bore hole should be conforming to requirements as listed

in inspection and test plan. Density of bentonite solution should be checked during boring
operation to ensure that the density is about 1.05 g/cc to 1.10 g/cc, marsh cone viscosity 30 to 40
and pH value 9.5 to 12.
Bentonite slurry is pumped by high pressure reciprocating pumps/ vertical pump into the bore hole
and the same is allowed to overflow the bore hole. The overflow slurry with bored mud/soil etc
that comes out along with bentonite slurry is passed through channels and is collected in sediment
tanks where sediments settle and bentonite can be re used. If necessary, the bentonite may be
passed through the de sander tank/filter machine to remove sand particles before it is re used.
Depth of pile shall be checked with sounding chain and exact depth shall be recorded in the pile
report and after boring up to required depth under reaming will be done using under reamer of
desirable diameter.



3.7 Reason why casing should be done

Basic reason of providing the casing pipe is to prevent the soft soil from falling into the pile bore.
If the casing pipe is not provided, the clay or the soft soil shall keep on falling in

the excavated bore of the pile and while casting the concrete, this shall get inadvertently mixed in
the cement concrete.


3.8 Reinforcement and cage lowering

Prefabricated reinforcement cage prepared as per the drawings and approved depths, is brought
and kept near pile location while boring is in progress.
After getting the permission from the engineer, the reinforcement cage will be gently lifted and
lowered by crane/manually into the bored hole. Necessary concrete cover is obtained by using the
circular cover blocks already made of the same strength as of pile.
If the reinforcement cage is very long i.e. not possible to handle in one lift, the cage is lifted one
by one and spot welded at the joints and then lowered inside the bored hole.

It is to be checked whether the reinforcement cage has reached up to bottom of the pile by
measuring from the top of the cage to the ground level.

3.9 Flushing / washing of the bored pile.

After cage lowering, 200 mm diameter tremie pipes in suitable lengths are to be lowered in the
hole. The operation is done by lowering one tremie pipe after another and connecting them
threading to maintain water tightness throughout its length till the gap between the pile base and
Tremie is between75 – 100 mm. the tremie pipe is locked/supported from top to maintain the level
and funnel is attached on top.
The tremie head to be provided to the tremie pipe for the flushing activity. The bore is flushed by
fresh bentonite slurry through the tremie head. The pumping for flushing is done by use of mud
circulation pump. Flushing will be done to remove all the loose sediments which might have
accumulated on the founding strata. Further, the flushing operation shall be continued till the
consistency of inflowing and out flowing slurry is similar.

3.10 Pile concreting/ casting concrete in the bored pile

The concrete placing shall not proceed if density of fluid near about the bottom of borehole exceeds
1250 kg/m3.
Determination of the density of the drilling mud from the base of the borehole is carried out by
taking samples of fluid by suitable slurry sample approved by the engineer in charge, in first few
piles and at suitable interval of piles thereafter and the results recorded. After flushing is
completed, tremie head should be removed and funnel should be attached to the tremie pipe. The
slump of the concrete is maintained at 150 mm to 200 mm. Concreting operation is carried out
using the 200 mm diameter tremie pipes.
Initial charge of concrete should be given in the funnel using a plug. Total concrete quantity in the
funnel should be more than the volume of the entire pipe plus free space below the tremie. This
will ensure a water tight concrete pouring through tremie.
Lifting and lowering is repeated keeping sufficient concrete in funnel all the time. As the
concreting proceeds the tremie pipe are to be removed one by one, taking care that the tremie pipe
has sufficient embedment in the concrete until the whole pipe is concreted. Sufficient head of green
concrete shall be maintained to prevent inflow of soil or water in to concrete. Placing of concrete
is a continuous process from the toe level to top of pile.

The concrete is poured in the funnel. As the concrete reaches the top of the funnel, the plug is lifted
up to allow the concrete to flow corresponding to the placing of each batch of concrete.
The concreting of pile is to be done up to minimum of 300 mm above the cut off level to get good
and sound concrete at cut off level.
After completion of concreting tremie, funnel and other accessories are to be washed properly and
kept greased in proper stacking condition near next pile location.
While doing under water concreting 10% extra cement over and above the design mix requirement
should be added in each batch.

3.11 Type of machinery used in drilling bored piles

Basically, two kinds of machines are used during the process of drilling the pile and they are;
Rotary drill machine which is used for cutting soil of soft ground and an impact drill is used for
hitting rocks that may be found during drilling.

3.12 Tests carried out on the pile foundation

3.13 Tests before casting concrete.

3.13.1 Slurry density test;

i. This test is carried out during the process of washing the bored pile and a mad balance is used
where by the density of the slurry is checked against the density. This test is to ensure that the
slurry has a density equal to almost the one of water (i.e. 1g/cm3) so that it can be displaced by a
self-compacting concrete used unless flushing is continued.


3.13.2 Checking the percentage of sand in the slurry;

This test ensures that the percentage of the sand in the slurry is at most 1%
(according to Ugandan standards) and less than 2% according to Chinese standards and this test
is achieved by washing the slurry through a 200micro meter sieve i.e. 0.075 mm sieve to eliminate
the dust and fines.
The main importance of carrying out this test is;

 To avoid cases where the sand reduces the volume of the bored pile and concrete fails to compact
 To avoid the cases of the sand affecting the design mix of concrete since it contains a calculated
and measured amount of sand.

3.14 Tests after casting concrete
3.14.1 Nuclear test /low stress test
This test is carried on the pile to determine the continuity of the pile for example one is able to
know whether the casted pile has cracks, it also helps, to know the strength of the pile.

3.15 Reinforcement of the pile cage

Joint overlap; this is the distance between which the two iron bars are joined together and overlaps
each other during reinforcement. The distance varies with the type of materials used in joinery and
the minimum distance required is calculated and tabulated

Material used Minimum Overlap distance
Binding wire 40 d
One sided welded joint 10d
Two-sided welded joint 5d
Where; d is the diameter of the iron bar.

3.16 Batching of concrete

The batching of concrete is done by measuring and combining required concrete ingredients either
by weight or by volume as per the mix design. Concrete ingredients include cement, aggregates,
sand and water. At the batching plant the mix is automatic and the whole process is commanded
in the control room.

Proper batching improves the workability of concrete by reducing the segregation or bleeding in
concrete. It helps to get a smooth surface of the concrete. It also increases the speed of construction
and minimizes the wastage of concrete ingredients


To form the durable, sustainable and economical concrete, one should have carried out the concrete
mix design (CMD). The scientific and systematic process of choosing economical relative
proportion of various ingredients from the available material which gives cohesive concrete of the
desired workability at the fresh stage and desired strength and durability in the hardened stage is
known as Concrete mix design (CMD)

3.17 Control tests after batching

These are tests that are carried out on fresh concrete immediately after batching of concrete ready
to be casted so as to know the strength of concrete used. Some of these tests carried out include
the slump test, and casting of concrete cubes.


3.18 Lowering of the pile cage and Casting concrete into the bored pile
At the process of casting concrete cutes are used to cast concrete (for a depth above 1 m) so as to
avoid segregation and one should ensure that the concrete is still self-compacting unless add some

LOT 8A KM 21+120

3.19 Installing form work on box culverts and bridges

Form work is a temporary structure usually made of steel or timber that is installed around the
reinforcement before casting so as to hold concrete during casting until it sets. While putting form
work, an engineer ensures that it is aligned well around the reinforcement so as to ensure straight
walls of the bridge/ culvert walls.

3.20 Dewatering well and installing perforated pipes.

Dewatering well is a man-made well that is put on site with water logged areas so as to be able to
drain water and suck it to provide surface for construction works. Perforated pipes are pipes where
holes are put at the sides so as to be able to help in draining water from the site surface to the
dewatering well for further pumping.


3.21 Determining the pile cutoff level

Pile Cut-off level is the actual level at which the piles below pier are made to be of the same level.
The concrete of pile is cut-off at the specified level (given in the specifications or drawings usually
around 75 mm) while the steel is kept projected into the pile cap to make an effective bond
between pile cap and piles.

3.22 Setting out and casting of the concrete blinding layer
Blinding concrete layer is a layer of (usually) lower grade, possibly unreinforced concrete placed
on the ground. It serves to seal in underlying material and prevent dirt and mud from interfering
with the structure. And also, to provide a stable, potentially flat surface/ platform for making the
mat slab. it is noticed that in watery areas, a concrete of lower slump was used, class 15; reason
due to too much water there is no need of a higher workability concrete of a higher slump. This
layer is usually of 100mm thickness in pile foundation bridges.

3.23 Challenges faced in this module and how they were handled
Language barrier; this was a challenge in a way that some Chinese experts were not able to
explain well some concepts in English.

This was solved by getting into discussion with our field supervisor Mr. Arthur who tirelessly
responded and bore to all our consultations. More so more explanation was gotten from reading
online books and you tube videos.

Un favorable weather and this includes scorching sunshine and at times heavy rains which would
lead to a standstill at work and this would be a problem in a way that whenever it rains the workers
would stop working which would limit our chances of learning other things.

3.24 Conclusion.
As we look to the future, the scale and complexity of bridge design continues to become ever
grander. The aesthetics of a finished bridge is also increasing in importance in the modern era; as
bridges are viewed not only as functional constructs to traverse natural obstacles, but as works of
art. However, one must always remember that a structure is only as strong as its foundation.


4.1 Introduction

 Sampled existing material with sample excavated in the Centre, left and right-hand side of the
existing ground material, left and right-hand side distances from the center were selected basing
on the width of the new proposed road design.
 Sampled borrow pit material to be used as fill material (G7) and subgrade material (G15).

4.2 Borrow pit sampling

 Borrow pit sampling was basically done so as to obtain a representative soil material of a proposed
borrow pit area.
 Then performing laboratory tests on the sampled material hence comparing the results obtained
with the Project Specifications to find out if they qualify for the intended use (G7 or G15).

Sampling process mostly involved a few steps as listed below;

 Determining the size of the intended borrow pit area to be sampled, this helped in determining the
number of trial pits to be dug.
 We used three trial pits to sample the borrow area and hand excavation was used to excavate the
sited trial pits which were spread over the proposed borrow area in a triangular form.
 Most excavations were made to a depth of 1.8m; at this depth soil profile had changed to soils
which were not of interest, soil material obtained from each trail pit was separately labeled to avoid
confusing the samples obtained.
 The type of soil obtained was described on the trial pit log, the soil profile was drawn on the trail
pit log, and Chainage of the proposed borrow area, offset distance from the main road included on
the log form.
 Date sampled, Nature of sample obtained which was disturbed sample, Proposed volume of
material in m3, method of excavation which was hand excavation and Monogram of the borrow
area was indicated on the Borrow pit log form.
 Sampled material was forwarded to the Laboratory for classification and strength tests to be

 Brown gravelly soil material being sampled at one of the borrow pits. Excavated soil material
being placed in sample bags for transportation to the laboratory.

4.3 Sample preparation

 Sample preparation was performed as per BS 1377 Part 1and basically involved obtaining enough
and equal particle sized soil samples to be used in conducting different required soil tests as per
the Project Specification.
 Tests to be performed included Classification tests (Plasticity index, Grading) and Strength tests
(California Bearing Ratio, Proctor test).

Apparatus used

 Riffle box
 Sieves of 20mm and 5mm depending on sample for which test to be carried out.

4.4 Sample preparation process

 After obtaining enough sample from trial pits in proposed borrow pits or existing ground material
then sample preparation was done.
 When required sample was obtained from the sampled material to determine natural moisture
content of the sample.
 Sun drying of sampled material was done by spreading outside into the sun until the sampled
material moisture content was reduced to desired percentage, with use of spades to turn the spread
 Then quartering was done, so as to obtain a truly representative half of the original mass, the
process was repeated until a sample of the required size was obtained.
 Breaking down any soil particles held together by use of a mallet hammer was performed in
carefully way to avoid forced crushing of gravelly material in the sample.
 Classification test samples required were treated in two ways, Fine-grained soils. (Soils containing
not more than 10 % retained on a 2 mm test sieve) 5mm sieve was used in the sieving exercise and
any material retained was discarded off and Coarse-grained soils.

 Soils containing more than 10 % retained on a 20 mm test sieve but not more than 10 % retained
on a 37.5 mm test sieve.
 Riffling of the already quartered material was done; the process was repeated until a sample of the
required size was obtained.
 Then weighing of the riffled material so us to obtain the required quantity of material for a
particular test to be performed;
 For modified Proctor test 6Kg, three-point CBR 18Kg, grading 3Kg, Plasticity Index 3Kg.
 Sun drying of the sampled soil samples from proposed borrow pits.
 Quartering of sun-dried soil samples and later scoping diagonal quarters of the samples Sieving of
diagonal samples to obtain enough modified proctor, CBR samples.
 Riffling of the sieved material being performed so us to obtain CBR and Proctor sample.

4.5 Moisture content determination

 Moisture content was required as a control criterion in compaction of fill and subgrade material
obtained from borrow areas.
 This test was effective after the determination of the optimum moisture content of a soil material
for control purposes against excess moisture of material being damped and processed as fill and
subgrade layers in the field.

1) Apparatus used
 Electric oven, Electronic balance readable to 0.01g, a scoop of smaller size, Moisture content tins
and speedy moisture tester.

4.6 Procedure of testing

 Moisture content tins were cleaned and weighed (M1).
 Wet soil was crumbled and loosely placed in the container and weight taken (M2).

 The sample was placed in the oven and dried at temperatures of 105 degree Celsius and weight of
dry sample taken after 24 hours (M3).
 Then finally moisture content of a soil sample was determined;
 Moisture content= (M2-M3) x 100. where
M3 – Weight of oven dried sample after 24 hours

4.7 Atterberg limits
 This was performed as per BS 1377 Part 2 and it includes determining Liquid limit (LL), Plastic
limit (PL), Plasticity Index (PI) and Shrinkage limit (SL) of soil samples.
 The Cone penetrometer method was used in the determination of liquid limit of the soil sample
being tested. Liquid limit is that moisture content at which soil passes from a liquid state to a
plastic state.
 Atterberg limits determines the range of water content at which the soil changes from solid to
plastic state or from plastic to liquid state.
 Wet soils retain water and some expands or swells and when it loses water, it shrinks and the
amount of swelling and shrinkage is determined by the ability to take in water and lose it.
 These limits tests are important in any structural design to ensure the soil will have at which the
behavior of clay soil changes from plastic to liquid state.

1) Objective
 Liquid limit establishes moisture contents at which a soil passes state. It provides means of
identifying and classifying fine-grained cohesive soils especially when the plastic limit is known.
 Variations in the moisture contents in a soil may have shear strength especially on fine-grained

4.8 Linear Shrinkage

 It is water content where further loss of moisture will not result into any more volume reduction.
 Shrinkage is due to drying significant in clay soils, but less so in silts and sands.
 If the drying process is prolonged after the plastic limit has been reached, the soil will continue to
decrease in volume which is important to the converse conditions of expansion due to wetting.

 It helps to quantify the amount of shrinkage likely to be experienced by clayey material.
 A flat glass plate of 10 mm thickness and about 500 mm square, 0.425mm sieve, two palette
knives, Penetration tins, moisture content tins and Electric Cone penetrometer.

4.9 Procedure of testing
 A sample of about 400 g was obtained by sieving properly sampled soils through 0.425 mm sieve
which was enough for determination of Liquid limit, Plastic limit and linear shrinkage, then mixed
and left for 24hours for water to permeate through the soil particles.
 After 24 hours of soaking soil paste was placed on the glass plate to be remixed for the second
time so us to obtain a homogenous paste.
 Apportion of the mixed soil paste was placed in the penetration cup without entrapped air in it and
the surface leveled off by use of appellate knife or a spatula.
 Then the properly filled tin was placed on the Electric cone penetrometer for penetration of about
5 seconds with the fast point being 15mm.
 Water was added carefully in the paste and remixed such that the lowest penetration was 15mm
and highest being 25mm, for all the four points.
 The penetration was done in a way that two points are on the dry side and two points on the wet
side and the equilibrium point being 20mm.
 Then moisture content of each attained point was determined at temperature of 105 – 110 degrees
Celsius in the electric oven.
 At equilibrium point (20mm), sample for linear shrinkage was picked off and filled in the linear
shrinkage mould which is 140mm in length.
 After initial drying outside the linear shrinkage sample was placed in the oven for final drying at
temperature of 105 – 110 degrees Celsius.
 After 24 hours of oven drying, the final length was subtracted from the initial length to obtain
linear shrinkage.
 Then Liquid limit was determined by plotting a graph of penetration against moisture content, then
reading off moisture content at 20mm equilibrium point as the Liquid limit.
 Then a small paste was left to lose moisture until when it could be freely rolled under palms to
form thread like samples of 3 mm diameter, moisture content of these threadlike samples was
determined and this was taken as the plastic limit.

4.10 Calculation and expression of results

A graph of penetration against moisture content was plotted and a line of best fit drawn
Liquid limit was read off at 20mm penetration.

Plasticity of index = Liquid limit (LL) – Plastic limit (PL)
Linear shrinkage was determined by the formula as per BS 1377 Part 2;
Linear shrinkage (LS) = OL – DL *100
OL –Original length of the shrinkage mould containing sample
DL –Oven dried length of the shrinkage mould sample.

Sample Date 7/15/2019 Lab Ref No MTP-CUT-181001 Sample Description Reddish brown gravel

Location Km 29+840 RHS Type of Material Source Borrow pit

Method Used BS1377 Part 2 Maximal Size 0.425mm Date test 7/18/2019
Container number 007 012 005 004 008 B8 B9
Number of blows 43 37 32 24 14
Wt.of Container +Wet soil(g) 49.10 51.10 36.9 37.1 53.20 22.50 22.70
Wt.of Container +Dry soil(g) 41.50 42.60 29.8 29.9 43.7 21.70 21.80
Wt.of water (g) 7.60 8.50 7.00 7.20 9.50 0.80 0.90
Wt.of Container weight (g) 22.60 22.60 13.10 13.10 23.8 18.2 18.4
Wt.of Dry soil (g) 18.90 20.00 16.70 16.80 19.90 3.50 3.40
Moisture content % 40.20 42.50 41.90 29.90 47.70 22.90 26.70
Average % 24.8

40.2 40.90
72.4 24.8


Uganda Standard 3600

G15 PI≤25

G7 PI≤30


Summary of test

Mixing of the paste to attain a homogenous mix

Penetration of the properly filled tin with homogenous mix

Sample of penetrated mix placed in tins for moisture content determination

Shrinkage moulds being used to determine linear shrinkage.

4.11 Grading test / particle size distribution.

 This test was conducted as per BS 1377 Part 2, with a purpose of determining the particle size
distribution of soil material which was being used for fill and subgrade layers.
 Soil samples which never had significant quantity retained on 2mm test sieve were tested by
hydrometer analysis method.
 Sieve analysis is used to determine materials because particle size distribution can affect a wide
range of properties like strength, solubility of mixture and surface area properties.
 Grading helps to determine proportion of particle sizes in a granular material.

1) Objective
 It is necessary in classifying test for soils especially coarse soils, in that it presents the relative
portions of different sizes of particles.
 It helps to determine whether the soil consists of predominantly gravel, sand, silt or clay sizes and
to a limited extent which of these size ranges is likely to control the engineering properties of the
2) Apparatus used
 Test sieves having the following apertures: 50,37.5,20,5.0,2.36,1.18,0.425 and 0.075mm
 Balance readable to 1.0 g and 0.1 g, Sample divider, drying oven, scoop, metal trays, and Sieve

4.12 Procedures of testing

 Properly prepared sample as per BS 1377 Part 1 was weighed to get the initial mass of sample.
 Then 0.075 mm was used in washing the sample until purely clean water was obtained from the
 Oven drying was done on the washed sample for 24 hours and then cooled and weight taken.

 The sieves were arranged from the smallest to the biggest size on top for sieving through the oven
dried sample.
 Mass retained on each individual sieve was taken and recorded.

4.13 Calculation
 Percentage of retained mass on each individual sieve was calculated for and recorded.
 From percentage retained, percentage passing through each individual sieve was calculated,
grading modulus was also obtained.
 Then a graph percentage passing against particle sieve size was plotted.
 The obtained grading curve was within the specified grading envelope as per the Project
Specifications for fill and subgrade; any curve which never occupied the grading envelope was not
used for its purpose.
Sieve analysis test results for a borrow pit Sieve analysis test of Sub grade soil material Sieve size
(mm) GM 50.0 37.5 20.0 5.00 2.36 1.18 0.425 0.075


U g a nd a N a t i o na l R o a d A ut ho ri t y A b ul je b a i n E ng i ne e ri ng C o ns ul t i ng O f f i c e C hi na C o mmuni c a t i o ns C o ns t ruc t i o n C o . Lt d .


Record of Sieve Analysis Test of Soil

Sample Date 15.07.2019 Lab Ref No 0
Sample Description Material Source
Method Used BS 1377 Part 2 Depth G7 TOP LAYER
Location K31+860-32+300 Date Test Borrow pit K29+840RHS
Total Weight of soil before wash (g) 5530 Total Weight of soil after wash (g) 3418
Weight of soil (>20mm) (g) 212 Wt of soil before wash(<20mm) (g) 5318.0
Wt of soil after wash (<20mm and >0.075mm) (g) 3194 Wt of soil (<0.075mm) (g) 2124.0
Rough Sieving Analysis(>2mm) Fine Sieving Analysis(<2mm)
Weight Weight
Sieve accumulative of Weight Percentag Sieve accumulative of Weight Percentage
Retained Retained
size Weight Retained Passing e passing size Weight Retained Passing passing
on sieve on sieve
(mm) (g) (g) (g) (%) (mm) (g) (g) (g) (%)
50 2.0 461 2463 3067 55.5
37.5 0 0 5530 100.0 1.18 324 2787 2743 49.6
28 61 61 5469 98.9 0.600 118 2905 2625 47.5
20 151 212 5318 96.2 0.425 66 2971 2559 46.3
14 260 472 5058 91.5 0.300 74 3045 2485 44.9
10.0 287 759 4771 86.3 0.212 84 3129 2401 43.4
6.3 552 1311 4219 76.3 0.150 93 3222 2308 41.7
5.0 265 1576 3954 71.5 0.075 184 3406 2124 38.4
3.35 426 2002 3528 63.8 Pan 12 3418
Conclusion Medium-grained GM 1.60
Natural Moisture Content (% )



percentage passing(%)





0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Sieve Size(mm)

Checked by: Lab Technician: Supervisor:

Material Engineer(Contractor) Consultant Material Engineer(Consultant)

4.14 Maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture content
 The purpose of this test was to provide a guide on field compaction.
 Two magnitudes of manual compacting effort were used that is 2.5Kg (BS Light) for fine grained
soils which are the standard proctor tests and 4.5Kg (BS heavy) for course grained soils which are
the modified proctor tests.
 It is sometimes called proctor test where compaction methods are used in the laboratory to show
the relationship between moisture content and density of a material.
1) Objective
 It helps in determination of dry density when the stabilized material is compacted in specified
manner over a range of moisture content.
 The range include optimum moisture content for which maximum dry density of this degree of
compaction is obtained.
2) Apparatus used
 Modified Proctor mould, Straight edge, mixing tray, Trowel, Moisture content tins, Electric oven,
Electric balance (30 Kg), Heavy rammer 4.5 Kg,

4.15 Procedures of testing

 This test was performed as per BS 1377 Part 4.
 After obtaining a properly sampled portion of soil material weights were taken and 6Kg for 5
samples were prepared for heavy compaction test, Soil material which was courser than 37.5mm
were removed weighed and replaced by the same quantity of material of the fraction 20 – 37.5
 Whereas samples for light compaction, 3Kg were weighed of soil material passing through the
5mm test sieve and particles retained on the 5mm sieve was less than 5%.
 Samples prepared for heavy compaction were given, 65 blows for 5 layers while varying moisture
content for all the 5 samples. Blows were given in a way that they had free fall with a heavy
rammer of 4.5Kg.
 Samples prepared for light compaction were given 25 blows for 5 layers each test sample; this was
performed for all the 5 test samples prepared while varying moisture content gradually such that
at least 2 values lay either side of the optimum moisture content.

 With known weights of mould and base plate (M1), the collar was attached and the whole mould
set placed on affirm compaction platform.
 Compaction was then performed on properly mixed soil samples for both fine and course grained
 After successful compaction exercise trimming of the compacted sample was done for both heavy
and light compaction moulds containing sample by use of a straight edge.
 Then weight of compacted sample and mould was taken (M2).
 After weighing, the sample was extruded from the mould and a sample taken off for moisture
content determination.
 After 24 hours moisture content was determined using equation 1 and bulk density, dry density of
compacted soil sample was calculated.
 Bulk density = Mass of compacted soil in mould/Volume of the mould (V)
 Dry density = Bulk density/MC+100*100
 Then a graph of Dry density against moisture was plotted and Maximum dry density was read off
at the peak of the graph with Optimum moisture content.



U g a nd a N a t i o na l R o a d A ut ho ri t y A b ul je b a i n E ng i ne e ri ng C o ns ul t i ng O f f i c e C hi na C o mmuni c a t i o ns C o ns t ruc t i o n C o . Lt d .
Moisture Density Relations Of The Soil
Sample Date 15.07.2019 Lab Ref.No 0 Sample Description Reddish brown gravel
Max-sized 20 Depth 0-1.5M Source Borrow pit

Method used BS 1377 part 4 Blows/layer 62 No.of layers 5

Location K4+360-4+480RHS Rammer Wt 4.5Kg Date Test 17.07.2019

Water added (g) 430 550 670 790 910

1)Weight of mold+sample (g) 10357 10709 10946 10887 10682

2)Weight of mold (g) 5835 5835 5835 5835 5835

3)Weight of sample (g) 4522 4874 5111 5052 4847

4)Volume (cm)3 2305 2305 2305 2305 2305

5)Wet density (g/cm3 ) 1.96 2.11 2.22 2.19 2.10

tare No H5 B16 ME DRE CC2 UBC 85 B13 ID B5

6)Weight of tare (g) 75.0 74.0 97.0 97.0 99.0 97.0 74.0 75.0 98.0 74.0
7)Weight tare+sample (g) 295.0 306.0 663.0 663.0 443.0 454.0 333.0 325.0 435.0 342.0

8)Weight tare+dry sample (g) 279.0 288.0 611.0 611.0 405.0 415.0 303.0 293.0 387.0 303.0

9)Weight of water (g) 16.00 18.00 52.00 52.00 38.00 39.00 30.00 32.00 48.00 39.00

10)Weight of dry sample (g) 204.00 214.00 514.00 514.00 306.00 318.00 229.00 218.00 289.00 229.00

11)Moisture content (%) 7.8 8.4 10.1 10.1 12.4 12.3 13.1 14.7 16.6 17.0
12)Average water content (%) 8.13 10.12 12.34 13.89 16.82

13)Dry density (g/cm3 ) 1.814 1.920 1.974 1.924 1.800

Optimal moisture content
Moisture-Density Relation Graph
OMC(%) 2.000
Max.dry density (g/cm3)
Dry Density (g/cm3)

8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0
MoistureE Content( %)

Checked by: Lab Technician: Supervisor:

Material Engineer(Contractor) Consultant Material Engineer(Consultant)

4.16 California bearing ratio test
 The strength of the subgrade, subbase and base course are expressed in their CBR.
 It is also the main factor in determination of strength of the flexible pavement and airfield.

1) Objective
 It helps to determine the penetrative strength of the subgrade soil layers. Therefore, CBR measures
the strength of the soils and compaction.
 The test was performed as per BS 1377 Part 4, which basically was 3 point soaked CBR (10, 30
and 65 blows).
 California bearing ratio test was performed on sampled soil material which was to be used as fill
and subgrade (G7 and G15).
 This test is also very applicable in the determination of sub base and base layer material strength.
2) Apparatus used
 These included; CBR moulds, Straight edge,4.5Kg rammer, mixing trays, weighing balance,
Electric oven, CBR tester, filter papers, moisture content tins, perforated base plates, Soaking

4.17 Procedures of testing

 After careful preparation of sample as per BS 1377 Part 4 was done, that’s to say obtaining 18 Kg
of equal particle size distribution soil sample.
 Three moulds which were well labeled and having filter papers at the bottom were prepared then
mixing of the sample with optimum moisture content was carefully done so us to attain uniform
 Compaction using the BS heavy rammer (4.5Kg) was performed on affirm ground for 10, 30 and
65 blows moulds with blows distributed over the layers.
 Care was taken not to confuse the moulds in the course of performing the compaction exercise.
 After compaction, trimming of the compacted moulds was done by use of a straight edge.
 Weighing of the moulds containing the samples for 10, 30 and 65 blows was done, surcharge
weights of 2Kg in each mould were placed into each mould.

 Soaking of all the three moulds for four days was done, and then on the fourth day penetration
exercise was done using the CBR tester machine after taking weights.
 Dry densities were determined for each of the three points using equation 4, then after penetration,
sample for moisture content determination of each of the three moulds was obtained.
 A graph of force against penetration was done, and then expected CBR at 2.5 and 5.0mm
penetration was determined for 10, 30 and 65 blows. The highest CBR value was considered to be
the CBR value.
 Finally, a graph of Expected CBR (%) against Dry density (Mg/m3) was plotted, and then used to
determine CBR at 95%, 97% and even 100%.
 Dry densities for determining CBR values at different percentages were calculated from;
 Dry density at 95% = MDD/100 *95 %

4.18 Conclusion and tests results

 All borrow areas were initially tested and results compared with the project specifications if they
qualified for use before using them for fill and sub grade layers.
 The results obtained after sampling and testing a proposed borrow pit are included below.

4.18 Aggregate tests

 Aggregate tests Aggregates were widely used in some layers of the pavement structure and these
layers are wearing course in asphalt and base course (CRR) was basically constructed of uniformly
graded aggregates; the dense bitumen macadam course also had aggregates as constituent in its
proposed mix design.

 Hot asphalt wearing course also used aggregates as one of its constituents and concrete works at
culverts and bridges sections also used aggregates in there mix hence the need to come up a suitable
aggregate sample by conducting a number of tests fully described below.

4.19 Moisture content determination

 The importance of this test was to determine the amount of moisture content in sampled
aggregates from stock piles in quarry sites so us to control field compactions of base and sub base
courses that is after determining Optimum moisture content and Maximum dry density in the
 This test was performed as per BS 812 Part 109.

1) Apparatus used
 Drying oven capable of maintaining temperature of 105 – 110 degree Celsius, balance readable to
0.5g, moisture content containers, and scoop and riffle box.

4.20 Sample preparation

 Sample obtained from quarry stock piles were quartered and riffled to reduce them to acceptable
portions for this test to be performed, the table below includes acceptable quantity of samples in
Kg as per BS 812 Part 109.


Nominal size of aggregates (mm) Minimum size of portion after rejection of over size and
under size particle (Kg)
50 35
40 15
28 5
20 2
14 1
10 0.5

4.21 Test procedures

 Weight of container was fast determined (M1), sample poured in container and weight of container
plus test sample taken (M2).
 Then the test sample was placed in the oven for oven drying to take place at temperature of 105-
110 degrees Celsius and weight of oven dried aggregate sample was taken as (M3).
 Moisture content was calculated using; Weight of water/weight of dry sample*100 or M3-

Reporting of results
 The test report included the following.
 The dates of testing and sampling, location of quarry and final moisture content reported to 0.1g.

4.22 Specific gravity and water absorption test
 Specific gravity is the ratio of the mass of a unit volume of material to the mass of the same volume
of water at stated temperature.

 Water absorption is the increase in weight of aggregates due to water in the pores of the aggregates
but excluding water adhering to the outside surface of the particle expressed as a percentage of the
dry weight.; this test was conducted as per BS 812 Part 2

1) Objectives of the test

 The results of the test were used in calculating the volume occupied by aggregates in concrete and
Asphalt mixes.
 These same results were used in the computation of void ratio of aggregates intended to be used
as sub base and base courses.
 The test was also used to determine the difference in weight of aggregates due to water absorbed
in the pore spaces compared to the dry condition of the aggregate. This difference was very useful
in calculations of concrete mix designs and Asphalt mix design.
2) Apparatus used
 An electric balance readable and accurate, with suitable apparatus for suspending the sample in
the container placed in water from the center of the weighing platform.
 Sample container, which was a wire basket.
 Water tank into which the sample container was placed while suspended below the balance, Sieves
4.75mm sieve, electric oven, and two dry soft absorbent cloths.

4.23 Procedure of testing

 Sampled aggregates were properly mixed and reduced to required quantity which was 1Kg by
quartering riffling method.
 Washing of the sample was done carefully.
 The approximate sample was then dried at temperature of 115 degrees for 24 hours.
 Aggregates were immersed in water at room temperature for 24 hours, the vessel was agitated to
remove entrapped air and this was achieved by rapid clockwise and anticlockwise rotation of the
vessel in the technician’s hand.

 Overfilling of the vessel by adding water and sliding the plane ground glass disc over the mouth
to ensure entrapped air is completely removed was done. Weight of vessel and aggregates sample
was taken (M1).
 Then aggregates were removed from water and poured on a large absorbent cloth until all visible
films of water were removed.
 Then weight of dump aggregates was taken as (M2).
 Aggregates were spread on a tray and oven dried for 24 hours at 105 – 110 degree Celsius and
their weight was taken (M3).
 Then the vessel was filled with water and sliding the plane ground glass disc over the vessel was
done to ensure that no air is entrapped, and weight was taken (M4).

3) Calculations
 Apparent relative density was calculated from the formula;
 Apparent relative density =M3/M3-(M1-M4)
 Water absorption = 100(M2-M3)/M3

4.24 Sieve analysis test / Grading

 This test was performed as per BS 812 Part 103.1, washing and sieving method was specially
employed in the practical performance of this test.

1) Apparatus used.
 Test sieves of 37.5,28.0,20.0,10,5,2.36,1.18,0.425 and 0.075 mm
 Lids and receivers, Electric balance readable to 0.5g, Riffle box, Drying oven, Sieve brushes and

4.25 Sample preparation.

 Test samples were reduced to quantity complying with the table below.
 After reducing the sample to desired standard quantity and weight taken (M1) then washing and
oven drying of aggregates at temperature of 105 – 110 degrees Celsius was done.
 Then aggregates were allowed to cool after oven drying and their oven dry weight taken (M2).
 Test sieves were arranged from the smallest down to the biggest on top, sieving process was done
by hand sieving.
 Weight of aggregate sample retained on each individual sieve was taken.

 Cumulative mass retained was calculated, Cumulative percentage retained was calculated then
finally percentage passing was calculated;
 Percentage passing each sieve = Percentage passing previous sieve –Percentage retained on each


Maximum particle size (mm) Minimum mass of test portion

37.5 10
28 5
20 2
14 1
10 0.5
5 0.2
3 0.2
<3 0.1

Reporting results
This test report included the following;

 Date of sampling and testing, reference used, type of material, sample identification and the
particle size distribution curve.

4.26 Flakiness index

1) Objective
 Flakiness Index was basically performed to avoid using flaky aggregates as sub base and base
 Flaky aggregates are dangerous if used in pavement structures because they may break down under
heavy loads.
 Aggregates are considered flaky when they have a thickness less than 60% of their mean sieve
size. The test was performed as per BS 812 section 105.1

2) Apparatus used
 Riffle box, electric oven capable of maintaining 105 degree Celsius, Balance readable to 1.0g,
Metal tray and a metal thickness gauge.
3) Sample preparation
 Sample was reduced to suit the quantity indicated in the table below by quartering and riffling.


Nominal aggregate size (mm) Minimum mass of test portion after rejection of
over and under sized (kg)
50 35
40 15
28 5
20 2
14 1
10 0.5

 After attaining a satisfactory quantity as per the table above, washing and oven drying was done
for 24 hours at temperature of 105 – 110 degrees Celsius.
 The aggregate sample was left to cool after oven drying and weight taken to the nearest 1g.

4.27 Testing procedures

 Sieve analysis was performed using the following sieves;37.5,28,20,14,10,6.3,2.36,1.18,0.045 and
 All aggregates retained on 63mm and 6.3mm sieve were discarded.
 Weights were taken for each individual size fraction retained on the sieve and stored on trays with
their labels.
 Using the sum of masses of the fraction of the trays (M1), Percentage retained on each sieve was
calculated for each of the various sieves.
 Any mass which was 5% or less of mass M1 was discarded and new weight taken of the remaining
total sample of aggregates as M2.
 Gauging each fraction using the thickness gauge was done, this was done by hand.
 Then later combining all the gauged samples and taking their weight as (M3).

4.28 Calculations
The value of flakiness index was calculated from the expression below;

 Flakiness index = M3/M2 x 100

Reporting of results
The following information was required on the form which was used to report results;
 Type of material and sample identification.
 Date sampled and tested.
 Flakiness index of the sample tested expressed as a whole number of Sieve analysis obtained.
 Condition of testing, weather tested naturally or after washing.

4.29 Aggregate crushing value (ACV)

 Some aggregates resists crushing on passing a roller while others crush.
 It helps to determine the resistance of the aggregate to crushing due to wheel loading.
 To measure the resistance of aggregate to crushing, this test is carried out on 14mm and 10mm
sieve sizes by applying 400KN force gradually over a period of 10 minutes.
1) Objective
 The aggregates used on a road should be strong enough to resist crushing under loading by wheel
 If the aggregates used are weak, the integrity of the pavement structure will be negatively affected.
 The aggregate crushing value ACV gives the relative measure of an aggregate to crushing under
the condition of applied wheel loading.
 The test was performed by measuring the material passing 2.36mm sieve after a crushing load of
400 KN being applied. The test was conducted as per BS 812 Part 11
2) Apparatus required for this test.
 Steel cylinder of diameter 150mm, Test sieves of 10mm, 14mm and 2.36mm, Electric oven,
Tamping rod, Brush with stiff bristles.

4.30 Sample preparation

 Sample was reduced to produce three test specimens of sufficient quantity.
 Entire surface dry sample was sieved through 14mm and, samples retained on the 10mm sieve was
prepared in three portions in a way that each sample could fill a standard cylinder to 100mm after

 The test sample was oven dried for 4hours before performing the test, cooled the initial weight
taken as M1.

4.31 Testing procedures

 The test specimen was placed in a standard cylinder in three layers and each layer was tamped 25
blows evenly distributed over the layers using the standard tamping rod being dropped at about
50mm height above the surface of the aggregates provided.
 The surface was carefully leveled and the plunger made to rest horizontally for crushing, then the
apparatus containing the specimen and the plunger in apposition between the platens of the
compression testing machine for crushing.
 A 400KN force was applied gradually for 10mininutes, after crushing the crushed specimen was
poured on a clean try and weight of try plus crushed specimen is taken as M2, then sieving through
a 2.36mm sieve was done and weight of crushed specimen passing through 2.36mm sieve was
taken as M3.

4.32 Calculations of Aggregate crushing value was computed from the expression below;
 Aggregate crushing value (ACV) =M3/M2*100

M3 - Mass of aggregate sample passing the 2.36mm sieve in grams

M2 - Total mass of crushed aggregates in grams.

Reporting results
The following information was reported; Aggregate crushing value obtained, date sampled and
tested, type of sample, sample identification and reference used.

4.33 Loose density test of aggregates

This is the density of the aggregates obtained without any compaction. The purpose of the test
was to find out the bulk density of aggregates (i.e. unit weight and voids in aggregates) during the
concrete mix design when the aggregates are batched by volume. The loose bulk density was
determined by filling the container with dried aggregates until it started overflowing from the
container. The top surface of the container was levelled by rolling the rod on it. The weight of the
aggregates inside the container was measured and divided by the volume of the container and this
gave the bulk density of the loose aggregates.

4.34 Compact bulk density test of aggregates.
This test is done to define the optimum level of aggregate that can be compacted into a unit volume
with a level of compactive energy that is similar to that obtained by the standard construction
equipment. It was determined by filling the container in three layers and tamped each layer with
a 16mm diameter rounded nosed rod. After filling the three layers, the top surface was levelled
and the weight of the aggregates in the container measured. The weight of the aggregates is divided
by the volume of the container which gave the compact bulk density.


The test was carried out to measure the physical properties of asphalt specimens that relates to the
plastic deformation properties of asphalt mixes. The Marshall test was used for asphalt mixes
containing bitumen having maximum size of aggregates 25.4mm or less. The resistance against
plastic flow was measured. Three samples were prepared of different percentage of bitumen i.e.
4.0%, 4.5%, 5.0% as shown in the table results below.


PROJECT (159km)
Chainage/Location: LAB TRIAL MIX AT 3.5% BITUMEN

Source: Grade of Bitumen: 60/70

Type of Mix: No. of Blows: 75x2

Mix Temp.: Date of sampling 15.07.2019

Proving Ring Factor: 0.0114 Date of testing 16.07.2019

Sample Ref.: Technician Mr.Simon

Description Test Numbers
Sl. No.
1 2 3 Average
Bulk Specific gravity of Total
1 aggregate Gsb 2.643
Effective Specific gravity of Total
2 Aggregate Gse 2.703

3 Specific Gravity of Bitumen Gb 1.03

4 Bitumen % by wt. Of Total Mix Pb 4.50

Aggregate % by wt. Of Total mix.
5 Ps 100-Pb 95.5
6 Maximum Specific Gravity of Mix Gmm 2.519
Absorbed Bitumen % by wt. Of 100x{(Gse-Gsb)*Gb
7 Total Aggregate Pba (Gse*Gsb)} 0.87
Effective Bitumen % by wt. Of Total
8 Mix Pbe Pb-(Pba*Ps/100) 3.63

9 Height of specimen mm 62.38 63.87 63.80 63.35

10 Wt. Of specimen in air Wa 1185.30 1187.40 1189.90 1187.53

11 Wt. Of specimen in water Ww 691.00 692.30 698.50 693.93

12 Wt. Of specimen in air(SSD) Wssd 1185.80 1189.10 1193.70 1189.53

13 Volume of specimen V Wssd-Ww 494.80 496.80 495.20 495.60

Bulk Specific gravity of Compacted
14 Specimen Gmb Wa/V 2.396 2.390 2.403 2.396

15 Effective Volume of Bitumen Vb Gmb*Pbe/Gb 8.450 8.430 8.475 8.45

16 Effective Volume of Aggregate Vagg Ps*Gmb/Gsb 86.558 86.362 86.823 86.58

17 % of air voids from Gmm. Vv {(Gmm-Gmb)/Gmm}*100 4.90 5.12 4.61 4.88

18 %voids in Mineral Aggregate VMA 100-Vagg 13.4 13.6 13.2 13.42

19 %voids filled with Bitumen VFB 100*(Vma-Vv)/Vma 62.9 61.8 64.3 63.00

20 Marshall Stability(PR Reading) 1138 1042 1127 1102.33

21 Marshall Stability(KN) 17.13 16.57 16.35 16.68

22 Correction Factor 1.09 1.04 1.09 1.0733

23 Corrected Marshall Stability(KN) 18.67 17.23 17.82 17.91

24 Flow(mm) 3.82 2.27 1.95 2.68


For contractor For Consultant

Laboratory Technician Materials Engineer Laboratory Technician Materials Engineer

Date: Date: Date: Date:


PROJECT (159km)
Chainage/Location: LAB TRIAL MIX AT 3.5% BITUMEN

Source: Grade of Bitumen: 60/70

Type of Mix: No. of Blows: 75x2

Mix Temp.: Date of sampling 15.07.2019

Proving Ring Factor: 0.0114 Date of testing 16.07.2019

Sample Ref.: Technician Mr.Simon

Description Test Numbers
Sl. No.
1 2 3 Average
Bulk Specific gravity of Total
1 aggregate Gsb 2.686
Effective Specific gravity of Total
2 Aggregate Gse 2.703

3 Specific Gravity of Bitumen Gb 1.03

4 Bitumen % by wt. Of Total Mix Pb 4.50

Aggregate % by wt. Of Total mix.
5 Ps 100-Pb 95.5
6 Maximum Specific Gravity of Mix Gmm 2.519
Absorbed Bitumen % by wt. Of 100x{(Gse-Gsb)*Gb
7 Total Aggregate Pba (Gse*Gsb)} 0.24
Effective Bitumen % by wt. Of Total
8 Mix Pbe Pb-(Pba*Ps/100) 4.26

9 Height of specimen mm 63.45 61.60 62.25 62.43

10 Wt. Of specimen in air Wa 1192.80 1183.90 1190.40 1189.03

11 Wt. Of specimen in water Ww 699.50 683.70 690.00 691.07

12 Wt. Of specimen in air(SSD) Wssd 1193.60 1184.20 1197.20 1191.67

13 Volume of specimen V Wssd-Ww 494.10 500.50 507.20 500.60

Bulk Specific gravity of Compacted
14 Specimen Gmb Wa/V 2.414 2.365 2.347 2.376

15 Effective Volume of Bitumen Vb Gmb*Pbe/Gb 9.977 9.776 9.700 9.82

16 Effective Volume of Aggregate Vagg Ps*Gmb/Gsb 85.832 84.102 83.447 84.46

17 % of air voids from Gmm. Vv {(Gmm-Gmb)/Gmm}*100 4.16 6.10 6.83 5.70

18 %voids in Mineral Aggregate VMA 100-Vagg 14.2 15.9 16.6 15.54

19 %voids filled with Bitumen VFB 100*(Vma-Vv)/Vma 70.4 61.5 58.6 63.51

20 Marshall Stability(PR Reading) 1138 1042 1127 1102.33

21 Marshall Stability(KN) 18.96 14.18 15.00 16.05

22 Correction Factor 1.09 1.04 1.04 1.0567

23 Corrected Marshall Stability(KN) 20.67 14.75 15.60 17.00

24 Flow(mm) 2.75 2.66 1.62 2.34


For contractor For Consultant

Laboratory Technician Materials Engineer Laboratory Technician Materials Engineer

Date: Date: Date: Date:



PROJECT (159km)
Chainage/Location: LAB TRIAL MIX AT 3.5% BITUMEN

Source: Grade of Bitumen: 60/70

Type of Mix: No. of Blows: 75x2

Mix Temp.: Date of sampling 15.07.2019

Proving Ring Factor: 0.0114 Date of testing 16.07.2019

Sample Ref.: Technician Mr.Simon

Description Test Numbers
Sl. No.
1 2 3 Average
Bulk Specific gravity of Total
1 aggregate Gsb 2.686
Effective Specific gravity of Total
2 Aggregate Gse 2.726

3 Specific Gravity of Bitumen Gb 1.03

4 Bitumen % by wt. Of Total Mix Pb 5.00

Aggregate % by wt. Of Total mix.
5 Ps 100-Pb 95.0
6 Maximum Specific Gravity of Mix Gmm 2.519
Absorbed Bitumen % by wt. Of 100x{(Gse-Gsb)*Gb
7 Total Aggregate Pba (Gse*Gsb)} 0.57
Effective Bitumen % by wt. Of Total
8 Mix Pbe Pb-(Pba*Ps/100) 4.43

9 Height of specimen mm 61.59 61.19 61.22 61.33

10 Wt. Of specimen in air Wa 1191.00 1187.50 1191.60 1190.03

11 Wt. Of specimen in water Ww 707.40 702.70 702.80 704.30

12 Wt. Of specimen in air(SSD) Wssd 1190.90 1187.80 1191.90 1190.20

13 Volume of specimen V Wssd-Ww 483.50 485.10 489.10 485.90

Bulk Specific gravity of Compacted
14 Specimen Gmb Wa/V 2.463 2.448 2.436 2.449

15 Effective Volume of Bitumen Vb Gmb*Pbe/Gb 10.597 10.531 10.481 10.54

16 Effective Volume of Aggregate Vagg Ps*Gmb/Gsb 87.123 86.580 86.169 86.62

17 % of air voids from Gmm. Vv {(Gmm-Gmb)/Gmm}*100 2.21 2.82 3.28 2.77

18 %voids in Mineral Aggregate VMA 100-Vagg 12.9 13.4 13.8 13.38

19 %voids filled with Bitumen VFB 100*(Vma-Vv)/Vma 82.3 78.5 75.8 78.85

20 Marshall Stability(PR Reading) 1138 1042 1127 1102.33

21 Marshall Stability(KN) 13.37 12.69 14.15 13.40

22 Correction Factor 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.0900

23 Corrected Marshall Stability(KN) 14.57 13.83 15.42 14.61

24 Flow(mm) 3.61 3.48 2.42 3.17


For contractor For Consultant

Laboratory Technician Materials Engineer Laboratory Technician Materials Engineer

Date: Date: Date: Date:

 The laboratory tests which were performed and results obtained were compared with the Project
 When the proposed aggregate sample passed the limit as per the Project specifications it was used
for the intended works, aggregate samples which never meet the specification requirements were
abandoned and not used for the intended works.

 Other tests performed on aggregates intended for Wearing courses and base was Plasticity index,
CBR and Proctor and the same for soils and bitumen tests.

The MTP project has different sections that is surveying, structures, laboratory, highway design,
earthworks and construction of pavement layers, health and safety and the environment and social

5.1 Scope of the module.

 Orientation about the different procedure on how to make the road and layers that makeup the
 Bush clearing and top soil removal
 Common excavations
 Road bed preparation
 Common fills
 Construction improved sub grade G15
 Construction of the sub base
 Visual inspection on finished layers and tests on compaction.

5.2 Description of the work performed.

The orientation about the different layers of the road and the main causes of road failure. The
construction of the underlying layers of road to the formation level was done according to state
and nature of the soils. the construction pavement layers were to be done according to the
specifications and the design. Since we are doing our training with consultants who do inspection
of the works going on, it also aimed at teaching us about things considered while inspecting and
these included;

Checking visual inspection of the layers which looks at the state of the layer like whether there are
cracks, localized depressions, laminations, rutting sand corrugations, material used is approved to
mention a few. Testing on the degree of compaction and Checking whether it meets with the
required one and if layer is to required thickness.

Equipment used

Dump trucks, grader, water bowser, steel drum roller, An excavator, Wheel loader, jack hammer.

5.3 Bush clearing
Bush clearing was done to remove all vegetations, trees and their roots using the excavator at
kilometer 11 +420 to 11+560. the excavator would collect the cleared material and put it on the
dump truck. This was assisted by wheel loader on collecting the material and loading it to the
dump truck. The dump truck takes the excavated material to the dumping site.

Figure 10 Showing bush clearing at Km 11+420- Km 11+560

5.4 Top soil removal

Top soil was removed up to the depth of 250 mm on the either sides of the existing road. This was
done using an excavator where it would dig out the soils to the required depth, collect and load it
on the dump truck. Dump truck transports to dumping site as disposed material. This was done at
kilometer 11+300 to 11+420. This is done to remove the soaked soils on the drains and the loam
soils that would disturb during construction of layers or lead to road failure.

5.5 Common excavations
These were done where there would be cut sections to reduce the grades to the required level as
per the designed vertical alignment of the road, soils are unstable and where soaked material is to
a depth on existing sides of the road. On a cut section, the common excavations were done to depth
specified in the drawings of the particular section using the excavator and dump trucks for
disposing the cut material.

At kilometer 11+ 300 to 11+400 RHS, common excavations were done to existing drains. And
using an excavator, soil was dug to depth of above the required but we could not reach the stable
soils to use as starting platform for construction of layers.



The rock excavation was done by means of a jack hammer and blasting to remove the part of the
rock that was protruding in the road section. The jack hammer was used in the rock excavation
and it was powered by the generator.

5.6 Road bed preparation

After the bush clearing, top soil removal and common excavation, the next step is road bed
preparation. Firstly, loose material was removed, then sprinkled water on surface using the water
bowser. The steel drum roller first rolled and compacted to the required degree. The visual
inspection was done using check list. The different aspects on the check list are surface conditions,
laminations, cracks, rutting or wheel ruts, general surface state, potholes, materials used approved,
corrugations, localized depressions or settlements, windrows, side drains done according to the

design, offshoots well done, excavated material well spread, edges well compacted, traffic signs
in place. Then test on compaction degree was done. This all at kilometer 10+960 to 11+020

5.7 Common fills

Common fills were done on valleys to attain the required levels and for proper alignment. At
kilometer 11+300 to 11+420, the first layer of the common fills was done using the following

Cleared out the loosened material from the surface.

Sprinkled water on the surfaces.

Dumped the suitable imported material from the borrow pits using the dump trucks. It was done
in a such way that after shaping the required thickness is attained where the minimum and the
maximum thickness to be compacted using the steel drum roller is 100mm and 250mm
respectively according to the general specification.

The grader spread the material to the required area.

Watering and mixing of the material with the grader to obtain a homogeneous layer

The rolling and compacting were then done using the steel drum roller.

The grader shaped to attain the levels and the good shape.

The steel drum roller compacted to attain the 93 percent of compaction.

After the layer has been fully compacted, the contractor writes an RFI and submits to the consultant
for inspecting. The inspector uses the check list for checking, the lab people tests to check for the
degree of compaction. The consultants either allows the contractor to continue with other layers
or disapproves it


The common fills were done layer by layer with maximum thickness of 250mm and minimum of
100mm up to the top of G7where the levels were controlled. The levels were maintained using the
dipping method where the surveyors gave the levels and fixed two pegs at the extreme sides of the
road at distance of 10m along the length of the layer. on the pegs, two marks were done and the
difference between the two is the elevation from the Centre and the dipping distance. The grader
shaping with foreman in front ran along the layer while dipping the dipping distance with the string
on the lower mark and on the upper mark the other side. Foreman instructs the grader operator
either to raise or lower the blade.

5.8 Improved subgrade

It functions as primarily structural support and minimizes the intrusion of fines from the subgrade
to the pavement structure and improve drainage.

5.9 Sub base
The material used for sub base was G30. To achieve the required strength for sub base, chemical
stabilization was used. This was at kilometer 44+300 to 44+520. The following procedure was

Cleared out the loosened material from the surface.

Water was sprinkled on the surface.

Dumped the imported material from the borrow pits using the dump trucks. It was done in a such
way that after shaping the required thickness of 175mm was attained.

The grader spread the material to the required area.

The rolling and compacting were then done using the steel drum roller.

Pour water on the layer above the optimum moisture content before adding cement.

Cement was added to 4 percent of the imported material. The process used in adding cement was:
first marked 10m on the edges of the layer. Then marked out 5 rows of equal length, marked out 3
equal columns on top of the compacted layer. Put 1 bag of cement on each of the 13boxes and 2
bags on other 2 boxes.


O00002222 0.175m


Using the volume of the trapezium

V= (½(a+b) h) L

= (1/2(5.5+5.8)0.175)1


from mass = volume *density, density= 2.17 g/m3

m = 2.17*0.98875

= 2.146

4% of m = 0.086

in 10m length cement content = 0.86, 860kg 17 bags of cement in 10m

spread cement using the spades

mix cement and marram using the pulverizer while the depth was checked to see whether the
machine has reached the bottom of the layer.

The grader mixes again and add water using the water bowser.

The rolling and compacting were then done using the steel drum roller.

The grader shaped to attain the levels and the good shape using the dipping method.

The steel drum roller compacted to attain the 97 percent of compaction. The time from point of
adding water to full compaction should be 4 hours.

After the layer has been fully compacted, the contractor writes an RFI and submits to the consultant
for inspecting. The inspector uses the check list for checking, the lab people tests to check for the
degree of compaction. The consultants either allows the contractor to continue with other layers
or disapproves it

44+520 RHS A LONG LOT 7A


Quality control was ensured by carrying out inspection of every work and tests on sections.
Inspection was done with a guide of checklist. Tests carried out include;

5.11 Field density using the sand cone replacement method

Before this was done, the soil sample of the material to be compacted was taken to the laboratory
for all tests therefore the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content are known. From
the specifications, the compaction degree is also known hence test checks whether the specified
degree has been met. the test was carried out using the sand cone method and the apparatus like
the sand cylinder was calibrated from the laboratory.

The test was carried out at the end of each layer to check the compaction degree and comparison
with the specified one.

4.12 Dynamic cone Penetrometer (DCP) test
The DCP test was used to evaluate the thickness and bearing capacity of the subgrade and layers
under lying the subgrade and in testing existing road bed. This was carried out using a Dynamic
Cone Penetrometer complete with replacement tips



 Since 90% of the project is located in the national park, there was a challenge of wild animals
which is risky for the workers during their time of work therefore for every point where there are
construction works, a game ranger is provided to protect the people as they work

 Most of the construction works done were done by machinery hence limiting chances for the
trainees to get involved hands on therefore we had to learn and know which machines are used and
how do they perform the required construction works.
 There was a challenge of rain that disrupts workers and increases moisture in soils to be worked
upon during working time which lead to delays.
 There was a challenge of unstable silty clay soils which are difficult to work with because of their
ability to be compressed causing the wastage of time cutting, disposing off the unstable material
and replacing it with imported good material.
 The was a challenge of workers refusing to use safety gear which is risky to their lives and therefore
no worker was allowed to work without safety gear so as to encourage the workers to protect their
lives from construction accidents
 Next was the problem of tsetse flies biting the workers and the supervisors which causes their
weakness and slows down their productivity.


5.15 Conclusion.
The training was so fruitful because it helped me to learn a lot in construction and measurement
of earthworks and pavement layers and I learnt to take into consideration matters which are taken
to be less important for example health and safely yet they make hinder the progress of the project.

5.16 Recommendations.
From the experience I had in the Earth works and pavement layers section, I would like to
recommend that trainees should be granted more time in order to get involved in the constructions
of all pavement layers.

Project management involves monitoring and controlling of the project from the start to its end.
This involves time management, scope management, quality management, risk management,
human resource management, cost management, integration management, Communication
management, procurement management and stakeholder management. This is all done to ensure
that the project is finished in time, with the desired quality and within the budget.

Project management is done using different tools for instance Project Management Information
Systems. On the project, Microsoft Project was used as the tool for scheduling of activities. This
would help in tracking progress for the overall project.

During the course of the training, an assignment was given to model the program of works for the
project from a portable document format to a Microsoft Project file format indicating the start,
finish and the floats of an activities.


The activities that are carried out during the construction of the road, give rise to environmental,
safety, health and safety impacts. The Department of Environment, Health and Safety of the
Project was responsible for the minimization and mitigation of these impacts.

6.2 Environment
The project having a biggest percentage into the Murchison Falls National Park, its impacts to the
environment required a smart matrix to help in the mitigation of the negative impacts. A certificate
from NEMA permitting the project to pass through the National park was received. This also
detailed how works should be done to minimize the negative impacts.

The plans were developed to be followed in ensuring so. These were formed to handle areas of
borrow pit management, campsite management, Noise management, dust management, quarry site
management among others.

Borrow pit management

The utilization of the borrow pits within the park required to attainment of a permit form NEMA.
Depth of excavation was limited to 4m deep, height of the stockpiles in the borrow pits was limited
to 4m high, humps were installed closer to the access roads to the borrow pit to reduce on accidents
and the borrow pit had to be restored after usage.

Quarry site Management

A quarry is the source of aggregates in terms of rock to be used for the construction project. This
involves blasting and noise from the machinery used that affects the environment. Warnings were
carried out to the community in case of blasting and people within the 500m radius of the quarry
would be advised to vacate the area temporarily. With this, Quarry 2 had a primary school within
the radius and they decided to build a new school and students were transferred to a noise free

Dust Management
Dust causes much impact to the environment and with this, sprinkling of water at least twice a day
was done to minimize the dust.

6.3 Social and Health
Any development comes with an impact on the people living in the society where the development
is taking place. With this, the social impacts have to be put into consideration during the execution
of works.

The project had a Grievance Management Committees at every Local council to ensure that the
complaints of the local people are addressed accordingly. This committee could organize meetings
to meet the community and consult it. During the course of the training, a meeting was held with
the Katodio community in Wanseko to sensitize the people about the benefits and opportunities of
the project in their area.

The health of workers was crucial that the Project had a Nominated Service Provider to be in
charge of health in terms of controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS through sensitization and
provision of Condoms. On addition to that, all the active working sections had mobile toilets, dust
bins, drinking water and first aid kits. It was the role of the Engineer to ensure that all of this is
provided and ensured through the supervision of works.

6.4 Safety
Mr. Ramadan was the Safety Officer of the Project. Toolbox talks especially at Bridge works used
to happen every evening to ensure that all workers have full Personal Protective Equipment and
are using it well. The Paraa Bridge being part of the project, safety measures were put in place to
ensure safety of workers during the bridge works. These included falling nets, Safety rings, life
jackets, rescue team boat and ensuring use of full protective equipment during works

The Highway design and measurements department handled works that included Geometric
design, Pavement Design, Drainage design and carrying out measurements to certify the
contractors Interim Payment Certificates. The training under this department involved having
orientation of how the activities are being done and the use of Civil 3D Software in road design.

7.1 Geometric Design

Geometric design deals with the horizontal and vertical alignment of the road hence giving the
location of the road in the terrain. The major inputs of geometric deign are the traffic studies and
the topography of the area.

The traffic studies involve the collection and analysis of traffic data through manual and automated
traffic counts. The manual traffic counts involve using individuals to carry out manual traffic
counts for different categories of vehicles that are using the existing road. OD Surveys are also
carried out to analyze the traffic movement. The traffic studies help to generate traffic class that is
one of the parameters in the determination of the pavement design layers thicknesses and materials
to be used.

7.2 Pavement Design

The pavement design deals with the design of the different layers of the pavement that included
improved subgrade, subbase, base and wearing course. The major inputs of the pavement design
are traffic studies and subgrade strength. The Volume III - Pavement Design Manual -Flexible
Pavement Design Catalogue provides pavement designs for different traffic class, subgrade
strength, weather conditions.

The traffic classes range from Class 1 for instance T1, to Class 8 for instance T8, Ranging from
traffic volume of 0.3 to 30 million


Subgrade strength is determined according to the CBR Value of the original ground soil.


7.3 Drainage Design

The Drainage design deals with the design of different drainage structures of the road that include
pipe culverts, Box culverts and Bridges. It covers the hydrologic and hydraulic planning and
design, design flood considerations, Estimation of design flow for un-gauged catchments,
Frequency analysis of gauged data, Hydraulics of culverts, hydraulic design of bridges, channel
hydraulics and scour protection. Drainage structures take on different sizes and shapes depending
on the volume of water. During the design of Drainage structures, Volume 2 – Drainage Design
Manual by the MoWT is followed.

7.4 Autodesk AutoCAD and Civil 3D

Autodesk AutoCAD is a commercial computer aided design and drafting software developed and
marketed by Autodesk. It is used to draft 2D drawings for any engineering domain and also
rendering 3D Models. At the project, it was used to review the detailed drawings submitted by the
contractor to be approved by the Engineer.

Civil 3D is a Civil Engineering design software that supports Building Information Modelling with
integrated features to improve drafting, design and construction documentation of infrastructure
projects including rail, roads, airports, highways, land development, airports, drainage and civil
structures. For this particular project the software was used by the Engineer to review the
geometric design drawing for the road submitted by the contractor.

The training for the Civil 3D Software was given for the period of 3 days and it covered the

1. Importing of surveying data into the software

2. Creating of surfaces
3. Creating and editing of alignments
4. Creating of corridors
5. Creating and editing profiles
6. Creation of assemblies and cross sections
7. Generation of Volumetric reports


7.5 Procurement
Procurement involves acquiring a contractor and consultant for the Project. On this particular
project, UNRA was the procuring entity. The bidding process can take on different types that
include, open, selective and negotiate. Open tendering involving inviting all the firms to bid for
the contract. Selective tendering involves selecting a few firms and let them bid for the contract.
negotiates involves choosing one particular firm and negotiate with them until you reach an
agreement. The firm bidding prepares two documents for instance Technical and Financial
proposal. The technical proposal involves the capacity of machines you the firm especially
contractor has. The financial proposal shows the liquidity of the firm. Those two documents are
marked and awarded differently. The bidding process takes place and the lowest bidder wins the

7.6 Measurements
Measurements involve calculation of the amount of work that has been executed by the contractor
in order to prepare their payments. Measurements are done by The Engineer of the project on
behalf of the client but the client.

The contractor prepares an Interim Payment Statement detailing the works done and it must have
been approved by. The Engineer reviews the prepared document and approves the works done.
The Engineer later on Prepares an Interim Payment Certificate that is to be reviewed by the client
and approved. The payments are then done according to the contract terms and conditions. 10 %
of the amount is retained as a retention. The 50% of the total retention is given back to the
contractor as he is receiving the Substantial Completion Certificate. The remaining amount is
given back after the Completion of the project and s the Contractor is receiving the Certificate of


8.0 Lessons

 I have learnt a quite a number of things among which there has been material testing which is the
guiding light towards achieving a defect free built up road.
 I have had an opportunity to learn how to handle work pressure and how to respond positively to
criticism when dealing with different people on site such as stakeholders and potential employers.

 I have had access and used different machines and tools that may not be available at the university.
 Furthermore, I appreciated that in the field engineers don’t only solve engineering problems but
also social problems.
8.1 Challenges

 The main challenge experienced was transportation to the site. There were few means of
transportation to the site of operation
 Another challenge greatly experienced was the limited water supply within the entire region
 Works could always be slowed down when it could rain. Such works include all field tests,
Subgrade preparation and surveying.
 Safety controls were always violated by uninformed road users such as over speeding motor
bicycles and cars that were risking lives of the workforce.
 Another unforgettable challenge was the theft from within the community, this led to the loss of
both students and company’s property.
8.2 Recommendation

 Sociologists in association with the community leaders should further sensitization of

citizens on danger or theft of road construction materials to reduce on the delay of works.
 There should be more sensitization of drivers and cyclists on the dangers of over speeding
on a road under construction.

 More transport facilities should be put in place to cater for the workers as many would be stranded
before going to the site and also when it would get time top leaving, they would find it hard to






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