Numeracy Guide K 2
Numeracy Guide K 2
Numeracy Guide K 2
Numeracy guide
Kindergarten to Year 2
Introduction 4
Additive thinking 27
Multiplicative thinking 31
Proportional thinking 35
References 36
Situational analysis
This guide can be used as part of the situational analysis in the following ways:
Working mathematically
Working mathematically through communicating, reasoning, understanding and fluency, and problem solving
Data Chance
and probability
Students need many experiences that require them to relate their knowledge to the
vocabulary and conceptual frameworks of mathematics.
Cuoco A, Goldenberg EP and Mark J (2010) ‘Contemporary Curriculum Issues: Organizing a Curriculum around
Mathematical Habits of Mind’, The Mathematics Teacher MT, 103(9):682-688, doi:10.5951/MT.103.9.0682.
Defining numeracy
Numeracy is complex and multifaceted. While the evidence base for understanding
and teaching numeracy is largely shared with mathematics, some researchers have
attempted to define numeracy and describe its components.
Tasks are at the centre of teaching and learning. Tasks need to focus on
developing students’ active sense making, providing opportunities to construct
knowledge inside of the learning whilst making connections to real life experiences.
Mike Askew (2016) suggests this requires teachers to shift the structure of their
lessons from demonstrations at the beginning of the lesson to allowing students
to work on open-ended tasks with a certain amount of uncertainty so they
‘engage mindfully and bring their sense making to the activity’ (p.127).
Teachers need to consider the needs of EAL/D students when planning for talk and
the types of scaffolds that will support students to talk mathematically, which may
include think, pair, share, word banks, sentence starters and anchor charts.
Central to Mike Askew’s (2016) tripod of tasks, tools and talk is a fourth ‘T’ – trust.
He explains:
They describe the learning pathway(s) along which students typically progress
in particular aspects of the curriculum regardless of age or year level, and are
designed to help teachers ascertain the stage of learning reached, identify any gaps
in skills and knowledge, and plan for the next step to progress learning (National
Numeracy Learning Progression, Version 3 2020, p.5).
• Understanding chance
• Interpreting and representing data
To drive improvement in numeracy, a principal:
• ensures staff have a consistent understanding of evidence-based instruction and
assessment of the numeracy demands within all key learning areas to embed
effective teaching of numeracy
• builds numeracy leadership across the whole school, including the critical
relationships across the curriculum
• promotes improvement as the shared responsibility of all staff in all key
learning areas
• fosters an environment where a shared culture of improvement is valued and
supported across the school creating positive mindsets and dispositions for all
stakeholders, including the school community
• leads a coherent and shared school understanding of numeracy
development using the relevant NSW syllabus outcomes in conjunction
with the National Numeracy Learning Progression
• uses the themes of the updated ‘What works best: 2020 update’ as a starting
point to establish a consistent approach to teaching and learning
• facilitates leadership, collaboration and collegial approaches to whole school
improvement by clearly identified structures and processes embedded in the
school’s strategic improvement plan that allow opportunities for leaders and
teachers to:
• collaborate with teams
• engage in professional learning
• explore and respond to research and evidence
• co-plan, co-teach and co-evaluate including peer observations and
lesson studies
• engage in classroom ‘learning walks and talks’
• ensures a powerful and collaborative whole school approach to data analysis and
student progress monitoring in order to measure impact to target future teaching
and learning
• budgets for professional learning, the purchase of resources and intervention
programs for students who need further support
• creates positive, challenging learning environments for all learners
• recognises the cultural diversity of school communities, facilitates staff to
understand and acknowledge the numeracy demands of students from Aboriginal
and EAL/D backgrounds
Leadership team
To drive improvement in numeracy, a leadership team:
• engages with current research and evidence regarding the development of
numeracy and mathematics to support teacher knowledge and understandings
• supports teachers to recognise the cultural diversity of their students and builds
their capacity to understand and acknowledge the numeracy learning needs of
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students and EAL/D learners ensuring
quality teaching and assessment practices and resources are culturally inclusive.
For more information visit the Aboriginal education and communities webpage for
Aboriginal education in NSW schools and the Multicultural education webpage
for EAL/D education
• supports teachers to build a culture of inclusive education for all students to
achieve learning outcomes, supported by reasonable adjustments and teaching
strategies tailored to meet their individual needs. For more information about
adjustments visit the Disability, learning and support webpage
• supports teachers in the assessment and identification of the specific numeracy
learning needs of high potential and gifted students across all domains of
potential and effective differentiation for those students. For more information
visit the High potential and gifted education webpage
• ensures school teams and teachers have given consideration to transition to
kindergarten and the early identification of student numeracy needs
To drive improvement in numeracy, a teacher:
• engages students in purposeful tasks and learning experiences that require deep
thinking about important concepts and relationships
• creates an environment that encourages collaboration, educative risk-taking,
meaningful talk, and uses students’ misconceptions and errors as building blocks
for learning
• provides play-based learning experiences that enable students to consolidate,
practice, apply and transfer their numeracy skills
• designs opportunities for students to regularly experience productive struggle,
exploring ideas and concepts to develop and use an increasingly sophisticated
range of skills
• designs opportunities for students to practise what they are learning whether it be
to improve fluency, problem-solving skills, or enrich conceptual understanding
• intentionally chooses and uses tasks because they meet a specific mathematical
purpose, offering appropriate levels of challenge and opportunities for feedback
for all students
• facilitates and plans productive classroom dialogue that encourages and supports
students to justify their thinking and actions, drawing on a range of pedagogical
practices and representational competencies
• supports students in connecting different strategies, approaches, representations,
and concepts
• uses everyday experiences to design teaching and learning activities
• explores and uses multiple, meaningful representations to develop communicating
skills, and understanding
• models how to work flexibly with numbers, operations and other critical ideas
• provides opportunities to use an ever-increasing range of representations
• builds on students’ existing thinking through questioning and modifying tasks to
provide alternative pathways to understanding
• plans learning experiences that enable students to build on their existing
proficiencies, interests, confidence and experiences
• selects concrete materials/manipulatives that engages students in mathematical
thinking to support them to represent mathematical ideas explicitly and concretely
Number sense develops over a long period of time and requires meaningful,
challenging experiences focussed on a broad range of critical ideas including:
• seeing mathematics as something we make sense of and use to share ideas
• noticing patterns and relationships
• making sense of numbers 0-9
• making sense of 10 and beyond (including place value)
• making sense of fractions (including decimals and percentages)
• using and making connections between different representations
• making sense of operations
• thinking multiplicatively.
All teachers have a responsibility to support Early Stage 1: NPV1 –NPV4, CPr1 –CPr5 and
students to develop the general and discipline- NPA1 –NPA2
specific numeracy requirements of students in Stage 1: NPV2 –NPV6 and CPr5 –CPr7
their curriculum area. Numeracy is embedded
throughout K-10 syllabus documents as a
capability. The capabilities can be found in
syllabus documents, including Mathematics,
Science and technology K-6, Science 7-10,
History, Geography and PDHPE. Numeracy is
also embedded within Creative arts.
Early Stage 1: 0, MAE-RWN-01, MAE‑RWN-02
Stage 1: MAO-WM-01, MA1-RWN-01,
For more information on syllabus connections,
see the Making connections in Mathematics
document series on the NESA website.
Further support
Professional learning Assessment tools and resources
• use place value to partition and rename three-digit numbers in different ways
(Reasons about relations)
• estimate and round whole numbers to the nearest ten or nearest hundred
• instantly recognise (subitise) the number of items in small groups of up to 4 items
without counting
• identify standard number configurations such as on a standard dice or dominos or in
other arrangements
• determine how many by perceptually subitising
• conceptually subitises by identifying patterns in standard representations,
for example, identifies quantities represented in spatial patterns such as dice,
dominoes, and so on (see Patterns and algebra section for further information)
• determine how many using conceptual subitising. For example, sees 2 collections
of dots – four dots and two dots. Knows 2 more than 4 is 6 so can explain there are
6 dots in total.
In the early stages of school, students explore number and pre-algebra concepts by
pattern making, and by discussing, generalising and recording their observations.
As students become increasingly able to connect patterns with the structure of
numbers, they create a foundation for algebraic thinking (that is, thinking about
generalised quantities). ‘Generalising patterns is seen as a key to developing
mathematical thinking and algebraic understanding’ (Siemon et al, 2015 p.270).
Uses the structure of equal groups to solve Count in multiples using rhythmic and
multiplication problems, and shares or skip counting.
groups to solve division problems.
Recognises, describes and represents Recognise and classify shapes using obvious
shapes including quadrilaterals and features – identify and describe the orientation of
other common polygons. shapes using quarter turns.
Uses number bonds and the relationship Recognise and recall number bonds up to
between addition and subtraction to solve ten – represent equality.
problems involving partitioning.
Further support
Professional learning Assessment tools and resources
• explain that a pattern is a mathematical regularity that has a ‘core’ (repeating unit)
that repeats over and over and over
• represent patterns in a variety of ways
• identify, describe and represent a range of patterns such as repeating patterns,
growing and shrinking patterns (such as those found in counting), spatial patterns
(such as those found in familiar structures such as dominoes and fingers),
combinatorial (arithmetical) patterns (such as those found in number bonds to 10),
and so on
• create, identify, describe, continue, find missing elements and translate simple and
complex repeating patterns
• identify standard and non-standard spatial patterns and structures using finger
patterns, dice, ten-frames, dominoes, rekenreks, playing cards and so on
• create, record, describe and continue number patterns that increase or decrease by
the same number each time. For example, the pattern of subtracting 1 each time you
say the next number word in the backward number word sequence
• determine a missing element in a growing or shrinking pattern, for example,
3, 7, 11, __, 19, 23, 27 and describe how it was determined
• make connections between repeating patterns and counting, for example,
a ‘3’ pattern and skip counting by threes
• explain that the symbol = represents a relationship of equivalence
• describe = as ‘is equivalent to’, ‘is equivalent in value to’, ‘is the same as’
• use reasoning and relational thinking to determine a missing value in an equation
(number sentence) 7 + ? = 6 + 3
• solve additive problems with a missing number by applying the inverse relationship,
for example, 5 + __ = 16 or 16 – __ = 5
• use derived facts and relationships to solve problems. For example, rethinks
135 + 19 as 134 + 20, or, 135 + 20 – 1
• investigate and generalise the commutative and associative properties to model
additive situations. For example, uses a number balance or interlocking cubes to
model 4 + 5 = 5 + 4
• investigate, generate, describe and represent patterns on number lines and
number charts.
The transition from counting by one to more flexible strategies requires students
to work on problems in different ways, decomposing, composing, partitioning and/or
combining number patterns. Students who can recall number bonds may still rely on
strategies like counting on to solve problems. This is why it is important to model the
use of number bonds in addition and subtraction problems.
Mathematics K-2 Syllabus © 2021 NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for
and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales.
All teachers have a responsibility to support Early Stage 1: NPV1 –NPV4, CPr1 –CPr5,
students to develop the general and discipline- AdS1 –AdS3 and NPA1 –NPA2
specific numeracy requirements of students in
Stage 1: NPV2-NPV6, CPr5-CPr7, AdS1 –AdS7
their curriculum area. Numeracy is embedded
and NPA3 –NPA4
throughout K-10 syllabus documents as a
capability. The capabilities can be found in
syllabus documents, including Mathematics,
Science and technology K-6, Science 7-10,
History, Geography and PDHPE. Numeracy is
also embedded within Creative arts.
Early Stage 1: MAO-WM-01, MAE‑RWN-01,
Stage 1: MAO-WM-01, MA1-RWN-01,
MA1‑RWN-02, MA1-CSQ-01
For more information on syllabus connections,
see the Making connections in Mathematics
document series on the NESA website.
Further support
Professional learning Assessment tools and resources
• describe the action of combining, separating and comparing using everyday
language, for example, makes, joins, combines with, take away, how many more,
altogether, is the same as
• use concrete materials, number lines, visual representations (such as ten-frames)
to model and solve simple addition and subtraction problems
• record addition and subtraction in a variety of ways, initially informally
using drawings, words and numerals and extending into the use of
mathematical symbols
• represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of
strategies, including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts
• recognise, recall and record number bonds to 10, and extend this knowledge to
assist with combinations for numbers up to 20
• model the commutative property for addition using concrete materials
• recognise that adding or subtracting zero leaves the number
(and quantity) unchanged
• relate addition and subtraction facts for numbers to at least 20, using concrete
materials to model how addition and subtraction are inverse operations
• use the symbols for plus (+), minus (–) and equals (=)
• recognise that the equals symbol means ‘is the same as’, rather than an indication
to perform an operation and can be used to record equivalent number sentences
including recording patterns for individual numbers up to ten by making all
possible whole-number combinations
• choose and apply efficient mental strategies for addition and subtraction
involving 1- and 2-digit numbers, including counting on or back for small
differences, doubles (and near doubles), bridging to 10 and other landmark and
benchmark numbers and using place value to partition numbers
• use concrete materials to assist and support conclusions in explanations of how
solutions were obtained
• invent ways of recording their actions and engage in discussions about the merits
of various strategies in terms of their efficiency communicate and reason to
explain how an answer was obtained using terms such as plus, add, minus, the
difference between, constant difference, increase, decrease, more than, less than,
bridge, number bond, double, equals, strategy, number sentence
• compare their own method of solution with the methods of other students
• explore additive number patterns that increase or decrease
• form multiples of 10 when adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers, and record
strategies on an empty number line including bridging ‘to’ and ‘through’
multiples of 10
• apply associative and commutative properties and inverse relationship when
solving a range of 2-digit addition and subtraction problems to simplify
mental computation
• represent a wide range of additive problem situations involving 2-digit numbers
using appropriate addition and subtraction number sentences.
In order to think multiplicatively and work with multiplication and division formally,
students need to be able to count large collections efficiently and also recognise
the numbers 2-10 as composite units. Teachers can assist students to notice
different counting strategies and patterns through regular subitising activities and
opportunities to count large collections of items. Furthermore, students need to
develop efficient, flexible mental strategies and be able to work with; part-part-
whole knowledge to 10 (that is, recognise numbers to 10 in terms of their parts);
mental strategies for addition and subtraction with numbers to at least 20 (for
example, doubles, near doubles); place value ideas flexibly (including renaming
numbers) and sharing concrete materials equally.
Multiplicative structures and situations include equal groups ideas for both
multiplication and division context, partition, ‘times as many’ (multiplicative
comparison), arrays (extending into area and region ideas) and the ‘for each’
idea (or Cartesian product idea).
Mathematics K-2 Syllabus © 2021 NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for
and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales.
All teachers have a responsibility to support Early Stage 1: MuS1 –MuS2, InF1-InF2
students to develop the general and discipline- and NPA1-NPA2
specific numeracy requirements of students in
Stage 1: CPr6, MuS2 –MuS6, InF1-InF3
their curriculum area. Numeracy is embedded
and NPA3-NPA4
throughout K-10 syllabus documents as a
capability. The capabilities can be found in
syllabus documents, including Mathematics,
Science and technology K-6, Science 7-10,
History, Geography and PDHPE. Numeracy is
also embedded within Creative arts.
Early Stage 1: MAO-WM-01, MAE-FG-01,
MAE‑FG-02, MAE-GM-03
Stage 1: MAO-WM-01, MA1-FG-01, MA1‑GM-03
For more information on syllabus connections,
see the Making connections in Mathematics
document series on the NESA website.
Further support
Professional learning Assessment tools and resources
• investigate, model (using concrete materials), record and describe equal groups
and sharing in response to authentic situations
• record grouping and sharing informally using pictures, words and numerals
• link multiplication and division by dividing a quantity into equal groups and then
reversing the process by combining the groups to form one collection again, thus
linking multiplication and division
• communicate about and distinguish between the ‘how many’ (number of groups)
and the ‘how much’ (number in each group) when describing collections of objects
• trust the count and sees equal groups as a composite unit
• skip count to determine how many in a collection (by twos, threes, fives and tens)
For further information, see Multiplicative thinking K-2 (pp. 31-34) and
Proportional thinking in the Numeracy guide Years 3 to 8 (pp. 37-39).
McIntosh, A., Reys, B., Reys, R., Bana, J., Farrell, B. Siemon, D., Breed, M., Beswick, K., Brady, K., Clark, J.,
(1997). Number sense in school mathematics: Faragher, R., Horne, M., Jazby, D., Miller, J.,
student performance in four countries. Perth, and Warren, E. (2020). Teaching mathematics:
Australia: Mathematics, Science and Technology Foundation to middle years (3rd edition).
Education Centre, Edith Cowan University. Victoria: Oxford.