Numeracy Guide K 2

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NSW Department of Education

Numeracy guide
Kindergarten to Year 2

A guide to support conversations about

evidence-based practice for leadership teams

Literacy and numeracy

2024 update

Purpose of the resource 3

Introduction 4

Leading to improve numeracy 14

Number sense and place value 19

Patterns and algebra 23

Additive thinking 27

Multiplicative thinking 31

Proportional thinking 35

References 36

This document is designed for online use.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 2

Purpose of the resource
The purpose of this guide is to support directors, educational leadership,
principals, school leadership teams and teachers to have informed conversations
about evidence-based numeracy teaching across curriculum areas in primary
school contexts.

This guide can:

• assist with an analysis of current practices
• help to inform planning for school improvement with numeracy
• suggest ways to build teacher capacity and understanding of numeracy
with explicit classroom practices and professional learning resources.

Situational analysis
This guide can be used as part of the situational analysis in the following ways:

Looking inward includes analysis of data such as

evidence of staff knowledge and perceptions around
numeracy, and evidence of students’ current skills
in numeracy.
The guide should be used in conjunction with a thorough
analysis of internal and external measures such as:
• School-based data
• Interview for Student Reasoning (IfSR)
• Best Start Kindergarten Assessment
• National Numeracy Learning Progression
• NAPLAN data
• Check-in assessment.

Looking outward includes comparing the school’s

approach on the teaching of numeracy to the research
on effective teaching of numeracy.
This guide:
• explains the key aspects of numeracy
• describes evidence-based practices for
effective teaching of numeracy
• describes the roles and responsibilities of
all stakeholders.

Looking forward includes making decisions in response

to information gained in the Looking inward and Looking
outward phases.
This guide makes suggestions for ways to adapt
and improve the teaching of numeracy across K-2.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 3

This resource incorporates research on the connection between mathematics and
numeracy, and the centrality of the idea of working mathematically drawn from the
K-10 Mathematics syllabus. It also highlights evidence-based practices to inform
teaching and learning in number and place value, patterns and algebra, additive
thinking, multiplicative thinking and proportional thinking.

Numeracy and mathematics

Numeracy and mathematics are so intricately linked that it is difficult to
define one without reference to the other. Whilst they are interdependent, the
relationship between mathematics and numeracy changes as children progress
through schooling.

Numeracy is considered as the confident application of mathematical skills,

understanding and dispositions across areas of learning and within our daily lives.
It involves recognising where mathematics can be used and being able to select
the relevant mathematical tools and make sense of the solutions. As described by
the NSW Mathematics K-10 syllabus (2022), ‘By studying mathematics, students
develop essential numeracy skills and fluency, while nurturing the ability to
think logically, critically and creatively. They learn about patterns and reason
about relationships, creating opportunities to generalise their solutions and to
solve non‑routine problems’. Mathematics provides the building blocks for the
dispositions, understandings and skills needed for children to become numerate
before extending out into developing deeper and richer understanding and more
nuanced skills. The Every Student Podcast with Michelle Tregoning highlights the
power and relevance of mathematics. Mathematics is necessary for numeracy,
but numeracy is not all of mathematics. Both mathematics and numeracy are
foundational for success in everyday life.

The distinction between numeracy and mathematics supports teachers to

identify opportunities to assist students to become numerate as they develop the
knowledge and skills to use mathematics confidently across learning areas at
school and in their lives more broadly.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 4


Working mathematically


Working mathematically through communicating, reasoning, understanding and fluency, and problem solving

Number Representing Combining Forming

and algebra whole numbers and separating groups

Measurement Geometric 2D spatial 3D spatial Non-spatial

and space measure structure structure measure

Data Chance
and probability

Working mathematically in mathematics K-2

The working mathematically processes in the NSW Mathematics syllabus are:
• communicating
• understanding and fluency
• reasoning
• problem-solving.

Students learn to work mathematically by using these processes in an

interconnected way. The coordinated development of these processes results in
students becoming mathematically proficient.

When students are working mathematically it is important to help them to reflect

on how they have used their thinking to solve problems. This assists students to
develop mathematical habits of mind.1

Students need many experiences that require them to relate their knowledge to the
vocabulary and conceptual frameworks of mathematics.

Cuoco A, Goldenberg EP and Mark J (2010) ‘Contemporary Curriculum Issues: Organizing a Curriculum around
Mathematical Habits of Mind’, The Mathematics Teacher MT, 103(9):682-688, doi:10.5951/MT.103.9.0682.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 5


Overarching working mathematically outcome

To highlight how these processes are interrelated, in Mathematics K-2 there is one
overarching working mathematically outcome:
• Develops understanding and fluency in mathematics through exploring and
connecting mathematical concepts, choosing and applying mathematical
techniques to solve problems, and communicating their thinking and reasoning
coherently and clearly.

The working mathematically outcome describes the thinking and doing of

mathematics. In doing so, the outcome indicates the breadth of mathematical actions
teachers need to emphasise.

In alignment with these Working Mathematically components, Kilpatrick, Swafford

and Findell (2001) discuss the notion of ‘mathematical proficiency’ as a way to
capture the necessary skills, knowledge and understandings a learner requires to
learn mathematics successfully. They highlight 5 strands or components that are
interwoven and interdependent in the development of proficiency in mathematics:
• conceptual understanding – comprehension of mathematical concepts, operations,
and relations
• procedural fluency – skill in carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately,
efficiently, and appropriately
• strategic competence – ability to formulate, represent, and solve
mathematical problems
• adaptive reasoning – capacity for logical thought, reflection, explanation,
and justification
• productive disposition – habitual inclination to see mathematics as sensible,
useful, and worthwhile, coupled with a belief in diligence and one’s own efficacy.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 6


The Working Mathematically components and the five strands of mathematical

proficiency are foregrounded in language use as students explore and develop
their numeracy skills. Teachers need to be aware that students with differing
English language proficiency may display different ways of working and
thinking mathematically, and plan for explicit teaching for the language demands
of numeracy.

For further information on the strands of mathematical proficiency see: Kilpatrick,

Swafford and Findell (2001) Adding It Up: Helping Children learn mathematics,
(Chapter 4: The strands of mathematical proficiency, p.116) National Research
Council. 2001. Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics. Washington, DC:
The National Academies Press.

Learning across the curriculum (new K-2 Mathematics)

Numeracy involves understanding and applying mathematical knowledge and skills
in a wide range of contexts. The application of mathematics across the curriculum
enriches the study of other learning areas and helps to develop a broader and
deeper understanding of numeracy.

A ‘numerate person’ (Hogan, 2000) uses a blend of:

• mathematical knowledge: concepts and skills within mathematics
• contextual knowledge: to recognise and link mathematics to broader situations
• strategic knowledge: to apply mathematics in situations and evaluate if the
solution is reasonable.

Students are provided with opportunities to:

• develop knowledge and skills to use mathematics confidently at the school level
and beyond
• develop the mathematical proficiencies of understanding, fluency, reasoning
and problem-solving
• apply their knowledge of mathematics in a variety of contexts and circumstances,
choosing the appropriate mathematical concepts, and critically evaluating its use.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 7


Defining numeracy
Numeracy is complex and multifaceted. While the evidence base for understanding
and teaching numeracy is largely shared with mathematics, some researchers have
attempted to define numeracy and describe its components.

To support teacher reflection and planning to inform effective numeracy instruction,

Goos, Geiger and Dole (2012) created a model for 21st century numeracy that
outlines five main elements:

Element of model Description of element

Mathematical knowledge Mathematical concepts and skills; problem solving strategies;

estimation capacities.

Contexts Capacity to use mathematical knowledge in a range of contexts,

both within schools and beyond school settings.

Dispositions Confidence and willingness to use mathematical approaches to

engage with life-related tasks; preparedness to make flexible and
adaptive use of mathematical knowledge.

Tools Use of material (models, measuring instruments), representational

(symbol systems, graphs, maps, diagrams, drawings, tables, ready
reckoners) and digital (computers, software, calculators, internet)
tools to mediate and shape thinking.

Critical orientation Use of mathematical information to make decisions and

judgments; reason and support arguments.

The model supports teacher understanding of the complex interplay of components

that contribute to student numeracy development, as well as the need to provide
learning experiences that specifically target each element.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 8


Building numeracy through effective mathematics

teaching practices
It is generally accepted that becoming a confident, creative user and communicator
of mathematics, particularly in the primary years of schooling, is foundational for
numeracy. To support teachers to develop these foundations and nurture student
development of 21st century numeracy, teachers and leaders need to enact effective
teaching practices. The teacher plays a pivotal role, incorporating a mix of pedagogies
‘including play based and structured activities’ which provide students with high
cognitive challenge and achievement’ (Queensland Government, 2020, p13). An
understanding of the continuity of learning as students begin school acknowledges
prior mathematical skills and supports informed planning to build upon existing
knowledge. In Principle to Actions, the National Council for the Teaching of
Mathematics (NCTM, 2014), sets forth a set of research-informed teaching actions.
These eight practices ‘provide a framework for strengthening the teaching and
learning of mathematics... [and] represent a core set of high-leverage practices
and essential teaching skills necessary to promote deep learning of mathematics’
(NCTM, 2014, p.9).

Mathematics teaching practices

Establish mathematics goals to focus learning

Effective teaching of mathematics establishes clear goals for the mathematics that students
are learning, situates goals within learning progressions, and uses the goals to guide
instructional decisions.

Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving

Effective teaching of mathematics engages students in solving and discussing tasks that
promote mathematical reasoning and problem solving and allow multiple entry points and
varied solution strategies.

Use and connect mathematical representations

Effective teaching of mathematics engages students in making connections among
mathematical representations to deepen understanding of mathematics of mathematics
concepts and procedures and as tools for problem solving.

Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse

Effective teaching of mathematics facilitates discourse among students to build shared
understanding of mathematical ideas by analysing and comparing student approaches
and arguments.

Pose purposeful questions

Effective teaching of mathematics uses purposeful questions to assess and advance students’
reasoning and sense making about important mathematical ideas and relationships.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 9


Mathematics teaching practices

Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding

Effective teaching of mathematics builds fluency with procedures on a foundation of conceptual
understanding so students, over time, become skilful in using procedures flexibly as they solve
contextual and mathematical problems.

Support productive struggle in learning mathematics

Effective teaching of mathematics consistently provides students, individually and collectively,
with opportunities and supports to engage in productive struggle as they grapple with
mathematical ideas and relationships.

Elicit and use evidence of student thinking

Effective teaching of mathematics uses evidence of student thinking to assess progress
toward mathematical understanding and to adjust instruction continually in ways that support
and extend learning.

National Council for the Teaching of Mathematics (2014, p.10)

The teaching tripod

In his book Transforming Primary Mathematics, Mike Askew (2016) discusses
that teachers should plan for communities of learners using the teaching tripod
and its practical considerations. The teaching tripod focuses on three areas: tasks,
tools and talk. He suggests that by attending to each of the three areas, lessons can
be designed to be open enabling students to bring their mathematical knowledge
to the forefront whilst still allowing teachers to guide the mathematical content
that emerges.

Tasks are at the centre of teaching and learning. Tasks need to focus on
developing students’ active sense making, providing opportunities to construct
knowledge inside of the learning whilst making connections to real life experiences.
Mike Askew (2016) suggests this requires teachers to shift the structure of their
lessons from demonstrations at the beginning of the lesson to allowing students
to work on open-ended tasks with a certain amount of uncertainty so they
‘engage mindfully and bring their sense making to the activity’ (p.127).

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 10


The use of tools supports students’ mathematical development. Tools can be

physical manipulatives and can also include models that teachers introduce, such
as open number lines or arrays, to scaffold the abstract nature of mathematics.
Through the use of manipulatives and models, and in the presence of reasoning and
discussion, the underlying mathematics can be made visible to students and they
are able to ‘see’ and make sense of what is actually happening. Mike Askew (2016)
suggests base ten blocks, interlocking cubes, 2D shapes and 3D objects, paper and
the intentional use of colour as highly effective tools. Once students have a sound
foundation in using tools for thinking about a particular concept, they can deal with
the concept in more formal and abstract ways.

Talk is central to mathematics lessons. Students need to be encouraged to talk

mathematics, not simply talk about mathematics which means that mathematical
vocabulary becomes part of the classroom discourse. Mike Askew (2016) discusses
three aspects of talk that aim to support mathematical thinking and these include:
• the importance of listening (as well as speaking) – teachers and students need
to practice close and deep listening of each other’s ideas. Students should be
encouraged to listen attentively and build on each other’s ideas as they contribute
to discussions.
• recognising the difference between discussion and dialogue – where discussions
are about establishing and defending an idea or view, dialogue is about the
exchange of ideas and views. In mathematics, both are needed.
• focusing on mathematical reasoning – Mike Askew (2016) asserts that
reasoning should not only happen after an answer has been obtained, and a
student is explaining and justifying their solution, but happens as the solution
is being found.

Teachers need to consider the needs of EAL/D students when planning for talk and
the types of scaffolds that will support students to talk mathematically, which may
include think, pair, share, word banks, sentence starters and anchor charts.

Central to Mike Askew’s (2016) tripod of tasks, tools and talk is a fourth ‘T’ – trust.
He explains:

If we want children to engage with mindful, meaningful mathematical tasks then

we, teachers, have to trust that they will come up with improvised solutions that
can be collectively crafted into the canonical mathematics. They, the children,
have to trust that we are genuinely interested in their thinking. And we have to
trust ourselves to be able to make sense of what the children produce. (p.157)

By developing trusting classroom communities, teachers are working towards

creating positive attitudes where students are able to take risks, think, reason,
communicate, reflect and critique the mathematics they come across.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 11


National Numeracy Learning Progression

National learning progressions describe the skills, understandings and capabilities
that students typically acquire as their proficiency increases in a particular aspect
of the curriculum over time.

They describe the learning pathway(s) along which students typically progress
in particular aspects of the curriculum regardless of age or year level, and are
designed to help teachers ascertain the stage of learning reached, identify any gaps
in skills and knowledge, and plan for the next step to progress learning (National
Numeracy Learning Progression, Version 3 2020, p.5).

(ACARA, 2020, p.5)

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 12


Number sense and algebra

• Number and place value

• Counting processes
• Additive strategies
• Multiplicative strategies
• Interpreting fractions
• Proportional thinking
• Number patterns and algebraic thinking
• Understanding money

Measurement and geometry

• Understanding units of measurement

• Understanding geometric properties
• Positioning and locating
• Measuring time

Statistics and probability

• Understanding chance
• Interpreting and representing data

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 13

Leading to improve numeracy
Principals and leadership teams have a pivotal role in driving numeracy
improvement in schools. This guide is designed to support conversations about
numeracy improvement in the context of school strategic planning.

To drive improvement in numeracy, a principal:
• ensures staff have a consistent understanding of evidence-based instruction and
assessment of the numeracy demands within all key learning areas to embed
effective teaching of numeracy
• builds numeracy leadership across the whole school, including the critical
relationships across the curriculum
• promotes improvement as the shared responsibility of all staff in all key
learning areas
• fosters an environment where a shared culture of improvement is valued and
supported across the school creating positive mindsets and dispositions for all
stakeholders, including the school community
• leads a coherent and shared school understanding of numeracy
development using the relevant NSW syllabus outcomes in conjunction
with the National Numeracy Learning Progression
• uses the themes of the updated ‘What works best: 2020 update’ as a starting
point to establish a consistent approach to teaching and learning
• facilitates leadership, collaboration and collegial approaches to whole school
improvement by clearly identified structures and processes embedded in the
school’s strategic improvement plan that allow opportunities for leaders and
teachers to:
• collaborate with teams
• engage in professional learning
• explore and respond to research and evidence
• co-plan, co-teach and co-evaluate including peer observations and
lesson studies
• engage in classroom ‘learning walks and talks’
• ensures a powerful and collaborative whole school approach to data analysis and
student progress monitoring in order to measure impact to target future teaching
and learning
• budgets for professional learning, the purchase of resources and intervention
programs for students who need further support
• creates positive, challenging learning environments for all learners
• recognises the cultural diversity of school communities, facilitates staff to
understand and acknowledge the numeracy demands of students from Aboriginal
and EAL/D backgrounds

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 14

Leading to improve numeracy

• ensures literacy and language learning is properly supported and emphasised,

recognising these are fundamental to the development of student numeracy
• incorporates strategies within the school plan that comply with the
Aboriginal Education policy and supports staff to participate in learning
pathways to build competencies in Aboriginal cultures
• ensures school policies and practices are consistent with the Multicultural
Education policy and for including multicultural education strategies in their
school plans which provide teaching and learning programs that develop
intercultural understanding, promote positive relationships and enable all
students to participate as active Australian and global citizens
• drives a culture of inclusion and inclusive learning that benefits all students,
including students with disability. Ensures reasonable adjustments are provided
as required under the disability standards, so every student improves every
year. For more information about adjustments visit the Disability, learning and
support webpage
• leads the optimal talent development of high potential and gifted students
across all domains of potential within supportive learning environments that
develop the whole student. For more information visit the High potential and
gifted education webpage.

Leadership team
To drive improvement in numeracy, a leadership team:
• engages with current research and evidence regarding the development of
numeracy and mathematics to support teacher knowledge and understandings
• supports teachers to recognise the cultural diversity of their students and builds
their capacity to understand and acknowledge the numeracy learning needs of
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students and EAL/D learners ensuring
quality teaching and assessment practices and resources are culturally inclusive.
For more information visit the Aboriginal education and communities webpage for
Aboriginal education in NSW schools and the Multicultural education webpage
for EAL/D education
• supports teachers to build a culture of inclusive education for all students to
achieve learning outcomes, supported by reasonable adjustments and teaching
strategies tailored to meet their individual needs. For more information about
adjustments visit the Disability, learning and support webpage
• supports teachers in the assessment and identification of the specific numeracy
learning needs of high potential and gifted students across all domains of
potential and effective differentiation for those students. For more information
visit the High potential and gifted education webpage
• ensures school teams and teachers have given consideration to transition to
kindergarten and the early identification of student numeracy needs

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 15

Leading to improve numeracy

• reviews current teaching practices, teacher understanding and beliefs about

numeracy and mathematics which can include:
• systematic analysis of teaching using various models of observation
and reflection
• systematic analysis and refinement of teaching and learning programs
and resources
• clearly defined roles and responsibilities of staff to meet the needs of students
• identifying, creating and implementing differentiated professional learning
opportunities to build the capacity, knowledge, confidence and dispositions
of teachers
• ensuring current resources are supported by rigorous research evidence and
enhance student learning and engagement
• an understanding of the role of age-appropriate pedagogies in early
years classrooms
• identifies opportunities for numeracy to be enhanced in all key learning areas,
ensuring dispositions, understanding and skills are transferred across a variety of
contexts through:
• establishing a shared understanding of evidence-based practices for the
targeted teaching of numeracy (see Goos et al’s model on p.8)
• collaboratively identifying and embedding numeracy into teaching and
learning programs
• developing a shared whole-school responsibility and consistent use
of language
• develops a deep understanding of current NSW K-10 Syllabuses and the links
to the National Numeracy Learning Progression (currently mapped to the
Mathematics K-10 Syllabus) to:
• identify students’ prior knowledge, current understanding, skills, and interests
• plan for targeted teaching
• monitor individual student progress
• support students to successfully engage with the numeracy demands of
the syllabuses
• establishes systems and structures to:
• ensure assessment of numeracy across curriculum areas is balanced and
ongoing, including mathematics
• build leadership of colleagues by working shoulder to shoulder with teachers
to investigate, plan programs, with embedded effective teaching strategies and
the development of quality assessment
• use data to make informed decisions about targeted teaching and
differentiate learning
• lead, plan and support high quality teaching and learning programs that
engages students through inquiry-based, challenging tasks

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 16

Leading to improve numeracy

• engage in regular in-class support including classroom coaching, observation

and feedback, learning walks and talks, co-teaching and the analysis of work
samples to identify the impact of practice and programs on student outcomes
and engagement
• participate in professional conversations to evaluate and modify teaching
strategies and programs.

To drive improvement in numeracy, a teacher:
• engages students in purposeful tasks and learning experiences that require deep
thinking about important concepts and relationships
• creates an environment that encourages collaboration, educative risk-taking,
meaningful talk, and uses students’ misconceptions and errors as building blocks
for learning
• provides play-based learning experiences that enable students to consolidate,
practice, apply and transfer their numeracy skills
• designs opportunities for students to regularly experience productive struggle,
exploring ideas and concepts to develop and use an increasingly sophisticated
range of skills
• designs opportunities for students to practise what they are learning whether it be
to improve fluency, problem-solving skills, or enrich conceptual understanding
• intentionally chooses and uses tasks because they meet a specific mathematical
purpose, offering appropriate levels of challenge and opportunities for feedback
for all students
• facilitates and plans productive classroom dialogue that encourages and supports
students to justify their thinking and actions, drawing on a range of pedagogical
practices and representational competencies
• supports students in connecting different strategies, approaches, representations,
and concepts
• uses everyday experiences to design teaching and learning activities
• explores and uses multiple, meaningful representations to develop communicating
skills, and understanding
• models how to work flexibly with numbers, operations and other critical ideas
• provides opportunities to use an ever-increasing range of representations
• builds on students’ existing thinking through questioning and modifying tasks to
provide alternative pathways to understanding
• plans learning experiences that enable students to build on their existing
proficiencies, interests, confidence and experiences
• selects concrete materials/manipulatives that engages students in mathematical
thinking to support them to represent mathematical ideas explicitly and concretely

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 17

Leading to improve numeracy

• provides students with opportunities to work as a whole class, in small groups,

in focus groups and on their own to make sense of and use ideas
• exemplifies the importance and real-world application of numeracy and
mathematical competencies
• draws clear and consistent links between abstract and concrete
mathematical concepts
• supports and scaffolds the background knowledge, cultural assumptions and
language demands of numeracy to meet the needs of students from Aboriginal
and/or Torres Strait Islander backgrounds. For more information visit the Aboriginal
education and communities webpage for Aboriginal education in NSW schools
• designs targeted teaching and learning numeracy tasks that address the specific
learning and wellbeing needs of students from culturally diverse backgrounds,
including newly arrived and refugee students. For more information visit the
Multicultural education webpage for EAL/D education
• makes reasonable adjustments according to a student’s personalised learning and
support needs to access assessment, syllabus outcomes and content on the same
basis as their peers to meet the numeracy demands of the curriculum. For more
information about adjustments visit the Disability, learning and support webpage
• applies numeracy evidence-based approaches that extend and challenge
high potential and gifted students beyond their current level of mastery
across all domains of potential. Develops, designs and teaches differentiated
learning programs and provides experiences that meet the advanced learning
needs of students. For more information visit the High potential and gifted
education webpage.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 18

Number sense and place value
Number sense is considered a way of thinking about mathematical situations in
order to make judgements, interpret data and communicate effectively (Booker,
2014). Number sense can be described as:

a person's general understanding of numbers and operations along with the

ability and inclination to use this knowledge in flexible ways. Number sense is
crucial for making mathematical judgements and developing useful strategies
for handling numbers and operations (McIntosh et al. 1997, p.3).

As such, number sense ‘requires a deep knowledge of numbers and operations

that can be used confidently and flexibly in multiple contexts, the capacity to
explain and justify one’s thinking and generalise, and an appreciation of pattern and
mathematical structure.’ (Siemon, Warren, Beswick, Faragher, Miller, Horne, Jazby,
Breed, Clark and Brady, 2020, p.265).

Place value is foundational to developing a deep sense of number as students

learn to appreciate the base 10 numeration system and that the value represented
by a digit in a number is based on its position in the number. It is also about
understanding the significance that ‘10 of these is one of those’ and ‘1000 of these
is 1 of those’ (Siemon et al., 2019).

Number sense develops over a long period of time and requires meaningful,
challenging experiences focussed on a broad range of critical ideas including:
• seeing mathematics as something we make sense of and use to share ideas
• noticing patterns and relationships
• making sense of numbers 0-9
• making sense of 10 and beyond (including place value)
• making sense of fractions (including decimals and percentages)
• using and making connections between different representations
• making sense of operations
• thinking multiplicatively.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 19

Number sense and place value

Syllabus and progression links

Number sense underpins all aspects of the NSW Mathematics K-10 syllabus. Achievement of
outcomes in number and algebra is dependent upon students having strong number sense.

NSW Syllabus National Numeracy Learning Progression

All teachers have a responsibility to support Early Stage 1: NPV1 –NPV4, CPr1 –CPr5 and
students to develop the general and discipline- NPA1 –NPA2
specific numeracy requirements of students in Stage 1: NPV2 –NPV6 and CPr5 –CPr7
their curriculum area. Numeracy is embedded
throughout K-10 syllabus documents as a
capability. The capabilities can be found in
syllabus documents, including Mathematics,
Science and technology K-6, Science 7-10,
History, Geography and PDHPE. Numeracy is
also embedded within Creative arts.
Early Stage 1: 0, MAE-RWN-01, MAE‑RWN-02
Stage 1: MAO-WM-01, MA1-RWN-01,
For more information on syllabus connections,
see the Making connections in Mathematics
document series on the NESA website.

Further support
Professional learning Assessment tools and resources

• Becoming mathematicians: How numbers • IfSR-Number and place value (IfSR-NP)

and fractions work (Professional learning resources
video with accompanying resource) • IfSR-NP diagnostic online assessment –
• Becoming mathematicians: Quantifying ALAN
collections (Professional learning video • Number knowledge resources
with accompanying resource) • Numeracy resources on the Universal
• Improving reading and numeracy suite: Resources Hub
• Number and place value (primary) • National Numeracy Learning Progression
• Quality curriculum implementation K-6 • How to – technical guide to using PLAN2
(microlearning modules focused on
evidence-based practices that underpin
the curriculum planning and programming,
assessment and reporting process K-6)
• Mathematics K-2 microlearning
(microlearning modules designed to
support you with implementation of the
Mathematics K-10 Syllabus (2022))

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 20

Number sense and place value

What does number and place value look like in a

K-2 classroom?
These are some examples for the development of number and place value which
are non-hierarchical. These components are developed together but are listed like
this for ease of reading. The examples below are adapted using information from
the National Numeracy Learning Progression (2018, 2020), NSW Mathematics
K-10 syllabus (2022), and key research. For further information refer to the NSW
Mathematics K-10 syllabus and the National Numeracy Learning Progression.

Number knowledge (including place value)

• use numbers to help them make sense of and describe the world around them
• connect number words, symbols and quantities (those physically present
and imagined)
• make correspondences between collections and express equality or groups
• talk about numbers in terms of their parts (number bonds, part-whole, partitioning
numbers into smaller parts)
• explain that all numbers are composed of smaller numbers
• read, represent and record numbers in a variety of ways up to 1000 using objects,
pictures, words and numerals to:
• identify whole quantities as the result of recognising smaller quantities in the
range of 1-1000 (for example, uses part-part-whole knowledge of numbers to
solve problems)
• identify zero as both a number (quantity) and a placeholder for reading and
writing numbers
• recognise and respond to number words and symbols in all language modes; that is
listening, speaking, reading and writing
• read, write, model and describe teen numbers as 1 ten and some more, flexibly
renaming numbers. For example, explains ‘fourteen can be renamed as 1 ten and
4 more’
• represent the structure of groups of ten in whole numbers, recognising that ten ones
is the same as one ten
• compare, model, represent, order and rename 2-digit numbers as counts of tens and
ones, renaming numbers flexibly. For example, explains ‘thirty-four can be renamed
as 3 tens and 4 ones. You can also name it 2 tens and 14 ones, 1 ten and 24 ones or
34 ones’
• apply an understanding of zero when reading numerals that include internal zeros.
For example, can read numbers such as 101, 904, 203, and so on
• use knowledge of place value to order numerals up to three-digit numbers state
the quantity value of digits in numbers of up to 3-digits (Reasons about quantity)

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 21

Number sense and place value

• use place value to partition and rename three-digit numbers in different ways
(Reasons about relations)
• estimate and round whole numbers to the nearest ten or nearest hundred
• instantly recognise (subitise) the number of items in small groups of up to 4 items
without counting
• identify standard number configurations such as on a standard dice or dominos or in
other arrangements
• determine how many by perceptually subitising
• conceptually subitises by identifying patterns in standard representations,
for example, identifies quantities represented in spatial patterns such as dice,
dominoes, and so on (see Patterns and algebra section for further information)
• determine how many using conceptual subitising. For example, sees 2 collections
of dots – four dots and two dots. Knows 2 more than 4 is 6 so can explain there are
6 dots in total.

Counting with understanding

• know the number naming sequences, forwards and backwards from any
given number
• understand the stable-order principle that is, to be able to count also means
knowing the number names in a repeatable order
• match number words to objects in a one-to-one correspondence
• understand cardinality that is, that the last number counted says, ‘how many?’
• recognise conservation and that a count of twelve is still a count of 12 no matter
what it looks like
• connect names, symbols and quantities
• count items to determine how many
• make correspondences between collections (Reasons about quantity)
• organise items to keep track of what has been counted and what is yet to
be counted
• use the term ‘is the same as’ to express equality of groups (Reasons about quantity)
• use familiar spatial patterns and structures to support counting. For example,
collects items in fives and then counts by fives
• model and describe ‘odd’ and ‘even’ numbers using items paired in 2 rows
• count in sequence forwards and backwards by fives and tens on and off the
decade up to 100
• estimate the number of items in a group
• identify the number before or after a given number from a range of numerals up
to 1000.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 22

Patterns and algebra
Patterning is fundamental in all mathematics learning. Amongst other skills,
patterning involves the ability to identify and describe attributes of objects and
similarities and differences between them (Papic, 2007). Noticing similarities and
differences is a powerful way to teach mathematics and it assists in unveiling
its structure (Siemon et al, 2019). Developing an intuitive awareness of patterns
and structure is fundamental for all students and supports with learning across
all mathematical areas and other learning areas. Patterning is integral, for
example, to the development of determining ‘how many?’ by subitising and by
counting. Patterning also helps us make sense of arithmetic structure, base ten
and multiplicative concepts, units of measure, proportional reasoning, data and
statistical reasoning.

A mathematical pattern may be described as any replicable regularity, involving

number, space or logical relationships. Observing natural patterns in the world
around us, creating and describing patterns supports the development of early
number concepts inclusive of repeating patterns (for example, ABABAB …), spatial
structural patterns (for example, geometrical shapes), growing patterns (increasing
and decreasing), units of measure or transformations (Mulligan 2010, Mulligan and
Mitchelmore, 2009).

In the early stages of school, students explore number and pre-algebra concepts by
pattern making, and by discussing, generalising and recording their observations.
As students become increasingly able to connect patterns with the structure of
numbers, they create a foundation for algebraic thinking (that is, thinking about
generalised quantities). ‘Generalising patterns is seen as a key to developing
mathematical thinking and algebraic understanding’ (Siemon et al, 2015 p.270).

Algebraic thinking is inextricably linked to patterning, and as such, it too is

foundational to mathematical thinking. Algebraic thinking provides the language
and structure to represent ideas, solve problems, model situations, generalise and
prove. Like patterns, algebra is linked with the other strands in the mathematics
syllabus and is applicable across a broad range of other learning areas. Algebraic
thinking begins in the earliest years of schooling when students describe a
repeating pattern as an AB pattern. It can also be found when extend and copy
patterns and when they sort and classify objects. We also see algebra in use when
we record a situation when I combined 3 donuts with 7 donuts as ‘3 + 7 = 10’.

Algebraic understanding supports students with mathematical computation and

developing a strong foundational understanding of our numerical system.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 23

Patterns and algebra

Examples of embedded patterning in new Mathematics K-2 syllabus

Recognises, describes and Copy, continue and create patterns.

continues repeating.

Uses the structure of equal groups to solve Count in multiples using rhythmic and
multiplication problems, and shares or skip counting.
groups to solve division problems.

Applies an understanding of place value Continue and create number patterns.

and the role of zero to read, write and order
two- and three-digit numbers.

Recognises, describes and represents Recognise and classify shapes using obvious
shapes including quadrilaterals and features – identify and describe the orientation of
other common polygons. shapes using quarter turns.

Uses number bonds and the relationship Recognise and recall number bonds up to
between addition and subtraction to solve ten – represent equality.
problems involving partitioning.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 24

Patterns and algebra

Syllabus and progression links

Patterning is central to mathematics teaching and learning. Awareness of patterns
and knowledge of structure helps learning across all mathematical areas and has
a positive influence on mathematical achievement overall to enable a stronger
foundation for algebraic thinking.

NSW Syllabus National Numeracy Learning Progression

All teachers have a responsibility to support Early Stage 1: NPA1 –NPA2

students to develop the general and discipline-
Stage 1: NPA2 –NPA4
specific numeracy requirements of students in
their curriculum area. Numeracy is embedded
throughout K-10 syllabus documents as a
capability. The capabilities can be found in
syllabus documents, including Mathematics,
Science and technology K-6, Science 7-10,
History, Geography and PDHPE. Numeracy is
also embedded within Creative arts.
Early Stage 1: MAO-WM-01, MAE-FG-01
Stage 1: MAO-WM-01, MA1-RWN-01,
MA1‑CSQ-01, MA1-FG-01, MA1-2DS-01
For more information on syllabus connections,
see the Making connections in Mathematics
document series on the NESA website.

Further support
Professional learning Assessment tools and resources

• Becoming mathematicians: Exploring • IfSR-Number and place value (IfSR-NP)

patterns (Professional learning video with resources
accompanying resource) • IfSR-NP diagnostic online assessment –
• Quality curriculum implementation K-6 ALAN
(microlearning modules focused on • Exploring patterns
evidence-based practices that underpin • Talking about patterns and algebra
the curriculum planning and programming, • Numeracy resources on the Universal
assessment and reporting process K-6) Resources Hub
• Mathematics K-2 microlearning • National Numeracy Learning Progression
(microlearning modules designed to
• How to – technical guide to using PLAN2
support you with implementation of the
Mathematics K-10 Syllabus (2022))

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 25

Patterns and algebra

What do patterns and algebra look like in a K-2 classroom?

These are some examples for the development of patterns and algebra which are
non-hierarchical. These components are developed together but are listed like this
for ease of reading. The examples below are adapted using information from the
National Numeracy Learning Progression (2018, 2020), NSW Mathematics K-10
syllabus (2022) and key research. For further information see the NSW Mathematics
K-10 syllabus and the National Numeracy Learning Progression.

• explain that a pattern is a mathematical regularity that has a ‘core’ (repeating unit)
that repeats over and over and over
• represent patterns in a variety of ways
• identify, describe and represent a range of patterns such as repeating patterns,
growing and shrinking patterns (such as those found in counting), spatial patterns
(such as those found in familiar structures such as dominoes and fingers),
combinatorial (arithmetical) patterns (such as those found in number bonds to 10),
and so on
• create, identify, describe, continue, find missing elements and translate simple and
complex repeating patterns
• identify standard and non-standard spatial patterns and structures using finger
patterns, dice, ten-frames, dominoes, rekenreks, playing cards and so on
• create, record, describe and continue number patterns that increase or decrease by
the same number each time. For example, the pattern of subtracting 1 each time you
say the next number word in the backward number word sequence
• determine a missing element in a growing or shrinking pattern, for example,
3, 7, 11, __, 19, 23, 27 and describe how it was determined
• make connections between repeating patterns and counting, for example,
a ‘3’ pattern and skip counting by threes
• explain that the symbol = represents a relationship of equivalence
• describe = as ‘is equivalent to’, ‘is equivalent in value to’, ‘is the same as’
• use reasoning and relational thinking to determine a missing value in an equation
(number sentence) 7 + ? = 6 + 3
• solve additive problems with a missing number by applying the inverse relationship,
for example, 5 + __ = 16 or 16 – __ = 5
• use derived facts and relationships to solve problems. For example, rethinks
135 + 19 as 134 + 20, or, 135 + 20 – 1
• investigate and generalise the commutative and associative properties to model
additive situations. For example, uses a number balance or interlocking cubes to
model 4 + 5 = 5 + 4
• investigate, generate, describe and represent patterns on number lines and
number charts.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 26

Additive thinking
Additive thinking specifically relates to the construction and representation of
number, in particular part-part-whole knowledge which is underpinned by two big
ideas: ‘trusting the count’ and ‘place value’.

Part-part-whole knowledge of numbers to 10 is essential to reconfigure numbers in

different ways for additive purposes, and this knowledge should be extended upon
when decomposing larger numbers. This knowledge allows students to understand
numbers as compositions of other numbers, the commutative property of addition
and the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction.

Place value knowledge supports the development of mental computation strategies

and there should be a focus on the value of working with place value units rather
than counts of one. Students should also gain the critical understanding of the place
value notion that ‘10 of these is 1 of those’ and extend this understanding and apply
it to working with decimals (Siemon et al, 2015, p.270).

The transition from counting by one to more flexible strategies requires students
to work on problems in different ways, decomposing, composing, partitioning and/or
combining number patterns. Students who can recall number bonds may still rely on
strategies like counting on to solve problems. This is why it is important to model the
use of number bonds in addition and subtraction problems.

Mathematics K-2 Syllabus © 2021 NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for
and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales.

Choosing a strategy appropriate to the task requires a deep understanding of the

operations and a well-developed sense of number. Students should develop a
repertoire of meaningful, efficient strategies to support problem solving involving
whole numbers, decimals and fractions that they can use confidently to justify
their strategy relative to context. Students should be encouraged to engage
in discussions that focus on mathematical reasoning to explain and justify the
merits of various strategies. When students talk about their solution paths and
others’ solution paths, they have opportunities to make sense of ideas and become
increasingly able to choose and use additive strategies for different purposes.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 27

Additive thinking

Syllabus and progression links

NSW Syllabus National Numeracy Learning Progression

All teachers have a responsibility to support Early Stage 1: NPV1 –NPV4, CPr1 –CPr5,
students to develop the general and discipline- AdS1 –AdS3 and NPA1 –NPA2
specific numeracy requirements of students in
Stage 1: NPV2-NPV6, CPr5-CPr7, AdS1 –AdS7
their curriculum area. Numeracy is embedded
and NPA3 –NPA4
throughout K-10 syllabus documents as a
capability. The capabilities can be found in
syllabus documents, including Mathematics,
Science and technology K-6, Science 7-10,
History, Geography and PDHPE. Numeracy is
also embedded within Creative arts.
Early Stage 1: MAO-WM-01, MAE‑RWN-01,
Stage 1: MAO-WM-01, MA1-RWN-01,
MA1‑RWN-02, MA1-CSQ-01
For more information on syllabus connections,
see the Making connections in Mathematics
document series on the NESA website.

Further support
Professional learning Assessment tools and resources

• Additive strategies – blended professional • IfSR-Additive thinking (IfSR-AT) resources

learning focuses on deepening • IfSR-AT diagnostic online assessment –
understanding of the development of ALAN
additive thinking through integrating • Flexible additive strategies – Combinations
practical ideas for classroom application to 10
• Becoming mathematicians: flexible additive • Flexible additive strategies – 2-digit numbers
thinking (Professional learning video with • Flexible additive strategies – 3-digit numbers
accompanying resource)
• Flexible additive strategies – Decimals
• Improving reading and numeracy suite: • Numeracy resources on the Universal
• Additive thinking (K-8) Resources Hub
• Quality curriculum implementation K-6 • National Numeracy Learning Progression
(microlearning modules focused on
• How to – technical guide to using PLAN2
evidence-based practices that underpin
the curriculum planning and programming,
assessment and reporting process K-6)
• Mathematics K-2 microlearning
(microlearning modules designed to
support you with implementation of the
Mathematics K-10 Syllabus (2022))

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 28

Additive thinking

What does additive thinking look like in a K-2 classroom?

These are some examples for the development of additive thinking which are
non-hierarchical. These components are developed together but are listed like
this for ease of reading. The examples below are adapted using information from
the National Numeracy Learning Progression (2018, 2020), NSW Mathematics
K-10 syllabus (2022) and key research. For further information see the
NSW Mathematics K-10 syllabus and the National Numeracy Learning Progression.

• describe the action of combining, separating and comparing using everyday
language, for example, makes, joins, combines with, take away, how many more,
altogether, is the same as
• use concrete materials, number lines, visual representations (such as ten-frames)
to model and solve simple addition and subtraction problems
• record addition and subtraction in a variety of ways, initially informally
using drawings, words and numerals and extending into the use of
mathematical symbols
• represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of
strategies, including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts
• recognise, recall and record number bonds to 10, and extend this knowledge to
assist with combinations for numbers up to 20
• model the commutative property for addition using concrete materials
• recognise that adding or subtracting zero leaves the number
(and quantity) unchanged
• relate addition and subtraction facts for numbers to at least 20, using concrete
materials to model how addition and subtraction are inverse operations
• use the symbols for plus (+), minus (–) and equals (=)
• recognise that the equals symbol means ‘is the same as’, rather than an indication
to perform an operation and can be used to record equivalent number sentences
including recording patterns for individual numbers up to ten by making all
possible whole-number combinations
• choose and apply efficient mental strategies for addition and subtraction
involving 1- and 2-digit numbers, including counting on or back for small
differences, doubles (and near doubles), bridging to 10 and other landmark and
benchmark numbers and using place value to partition numbers
• use concrete materials to assist and support conclusions in explanations of how
solutions were obtained
• invent ways of recording their actions and engage in discussions about the merits
of various strategies in terms of their efficiency communicate and reason to
explain how an answer was obtained using terms such as plus, add, minus, the
difference between, constant difference, increase, decrease, more than, less than,
bridge, number bond, double, equals, strategy, number sentence

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 29

Additive thinking

• compare their own method of solution with the methods of other students
• explore additive number patterns that increase or decrease
• form multiples of 10 when adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers, and record
strategies on an empty number line including bridging ‘to’ and ‘through’
multiples of 10
• apply associative and commutative properties and inverse relationship when
solving a range of 2-digit addition and subtraction problems to simplify
mental computation
• represent a wide range of additive problem situations involving 2-digit numbers
using appropriate addition and subtraction number sentences.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 30

Multiplicative thinking
According to Siemon et al. (2019) multiplicative thinking is characterised by:
• a capacity to work flexibly and efficiently with an extended range of
numbers (for example, larger whole numbers, decimals, common fractions,
ratio, and percentages)
• an ability to recognise and solve a range of problems involving multiplication or
division including direct and indirect proportion
• the means to communicate this effectively in a variety of ways (for example,
words, diagrams, symbolic expressions, and written algorithms).

In short, multiplicative thinking is indicated by a capacity to work flexibly with the

concepts, strategies and representations of multiplication (and division) as they
occur in a wide range of contexts (Siemon and Breed, 2005).

In order to think multiplicatively and work with multiplication and division formally,
students need to be able to count large collections efficiently and also recognise
the numbers 2-10 as composite units. Teachers can assist students to notice
different counting strategies and patterns through regular subitising activities and
opportunities to count large collections of items. Furthermore, students need to
develop efficient, flexible mental strategies and be able to work with; part-part-
whole knowledge to 10 (that is, recognise numbers to 10 in terms of their parts);
mental strategies for addition and subtraction with numbers to at least 20 (for
example, doubles, near doubles); place value ideas flexibly (including renaming
numbers) and sharing concrete materials equally.

The transition from additive to multiplicative thinking and strategies requires a

significant shift in thinking, from counting and additive processes (counting equal
groups and repeated addition) to utilising the ‘for each’ and ‘times as many’ ideas
for multiplication. The ability to mentally coordinate 2 composite units supports the
critical shift in student thinking from counting groups to recognising and operating
with factors.

Array-based strategies support the shift from an additive groups of model to a

factor-factor-product model (multiplicative) which is needed to support fraction
representation, the multiplication and division of larger whole numbers, fractions
and decimals, and algebra. Arrays can be used for building multiplication facts in
a meaningful way. Before developing multiplicative automaticity, children must
understand how these facts are derived. Siemon et al. (2019) explain that ‘Array
and region representations provide a basis for a more generalised understanding
of multiplication and division that can be used to support the multiplication of
multi‑digits, fractions and, ultimately, algebraic expressions’ (p.387).

Multiplicative structures and situations include equal groups ideas for both
multiplication and division context, partition, ‘times as many’ (multiplicative
comparison), arrays (extending into area and region ideas) and the ‘for each’
idea (or Cartesian product idea).

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 31

Multiplicative thinking

The capacity to think multiplicatively underpins proportional thinking and provides

the basis for working with the relationships between quantities for concepts such as
fractions, decimals, percentages, rates and ratios.

Fractions are introduced through equal-sharing problems. As Empson and Levi

(2011) stated, ‘If models do not draw on children’s formative experiences of sharing
and partitioning, then they are likely to prevent teachers from cultivating the natural
insights about quantities that young children have’. Students can later connect the
words and symbols for fractions to the parts created in the process of solving the
problems. The concept of a fraction is then based on the process of division, rather
than counting parts. This lays the foundations for fractions as indicating division and
fractions as numbers.

Mathematics K-2 Syllabus © 2021 NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for
and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales.

Syllabus and progression links

NSW Syllabus National Literacy Learning Progression

All teachers have a responsibility to support Early Stage 1: MuS1 –MuS2, InF1-InF2
students to develop the general and discipline- and NPA1-NPA2
specific numeracy requirements of students in
Stage 1: CPr6, MuS2 –MuS6, InF1-InF3
their curriculum area. Numeracy is embedded
and NPA3-NPA4
throughout K-10 syllabus documents as a
capability. The capabilities can be found in
syllabus documents, including Mathematics,
Science and technology K-6, Science 7-10,
History, Geography and PDHPE. Numeracy is
also embedded within Creative arts.
Early Stage 1: MAO-WM-01, MAE-FG-01,
MAE‑FG-02, MAE-GM-03
Stage 1: MAO-WM-01, MA1-FG-01, MA1‑GM-03
For more information on syllabus connections,
see the Making connections in Mathematics
document series on the NESA website.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 32

Multiplicative thinking

Further support
Professional learning Assessment tools and resources

• Multiplicative strategies: blended learning • IfSR-Multiplicative thinking (IfSR-MT)

(a combination of self-paced modules resources
and facilitator-led, live sessions via • IfSR-MT diagnostic online assessment –
Microsoft Teams) ALAN
• Becoming mathematicians: Flexible • Strategies for sharing and forming groups
multiplicative thinking • Multiplicative thinking with single
• Improving reading and numeracy suite: digit numbers
• Multiplicative thinking (K-8) • Multiplicative thinking with multi
• Quality curriculum implementation K-6 digit numbers
(microlearning modules focused on • Flexible strategies with rational numbers
evidence-based practices that underpin • Multiplicative strategies webpage
the curriculum planning and programming, • Numeracy resources on the Universal
assessment and reporting process K-6) Resources Hub
• Mathematics K-2 microlearning • National Numeracy Learning Progression
(microlearning modules designed to
• How to – technical guide to using PLAN2
support you with implementation of the
Mathematics K-10 Syllabus (2022))

What does multiplicative thinking look like in a

K-2 classroom?
These are some examples for the development of multiplicative thinking which
are non-hierarchical. These components are developed together but are listed like
this for ease of reading. The examples below are adapted using information from
the National Numeracy Learning Progression (2018, 2020), NSW Mathematics
K-10 syllabus (2022) and key research. For further information see the
NSW Mathematics K-10 syllabus and the National Numeracy Learning Progression.

• investigate, model (using concrete materials), record and describe equal groups
and sharing in response to authentic situations
• record grouping and sharing informally using pictures, words and numerals
• link multiplication and division by dividing a quantity into equal groups and then
reversing the process by combining the groups to form one collection again, thus
linking multiplication and division
• communicate about and distinguish between the ‘how many’ (number of groups)
and the ‘how much’ (number in each group) when describing collections of objects
• trust the count and sees equal groups as a composite unit
• skip count to determine how many in a collection (by twos, threes, fives and tens)

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 33

Multiplicative thinking

• model multiplication as repeated addition (and subtraction) and use an empty

number line to record their thinking
• explore the application of repeated addition and repeated subtraction in
practical situations
• model and use arrays (of equal columns and rows) to work with numbers as
composite units and to compose and decompose numbers flexibly
• describe the part left over when a collection cannot be distributed equally using
the given group/row/column size, including reasoning using array models
• model the commutative property of multiplication, including by rotating arrays
90 degrees
• apply doubling (and halving strategies) when working with whole numbers
and fractions – for example, when sharing a collection of objects into 2 groups,
students may describe the number of objects in each group as being one-half of
the whole collection
• use concrete materials to model a half of a linear arrangement of a collection,
then a quarter and an eighth and show the relation between the part and
the whole
• subdivide lengths (continuous model) to find halves, quarters and eighths,
identifying the relationship of the parts to the whole length
• establish an understanding of the ‘for each’ idea when solving simple,
multiplicative problems (for example, for each party bag there are six lollies) and
extending this to the multiplicative structure of the base ten place value system
(for example, for each hundred, there are 10 tens) communicate and reason to
explain how an answer was obtained and compare their own method of solution
with the methods of other students.

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 34

Proportional thinking
Proportional thinking is a complex form of reasoning that builds upon a number of
interconnected ideas over a long period of time (Siemon et al. 2019). This means
that teachers of Kindergarten students can support the foundations for proportional
thinking. Proportional thinking requires skills in thinking multiplicatively and
involves measures, rates and/or ratios expressed in terms of natural numbers,
rational numbers, and/or integers. For example, 3 × $24 as two‑thirds of $24,
or 3.5 × 68 as three and a half times 68, (Siemon et al., 2019). Students need to
understand and work with percentages, fractions, rates, ratio and represent the
proportional relationship between quantities.

Students apply their number skills to a variety of situations, including financial

situations and practical problems, developing a range of life skills important for
numeracy. Ratios and rates underpin proportional reasoning needed for problem
solving and the development of concepts and skills in other aspects of mathematics,
such as trigonometry, similarity and gradient.

Proportional reasoning also includes tasks involving a comparison of different

rates, for example, if one dog grows from 5 kilograms to 8 kilograms and another
dog grows from 3 kilograms to 6 kilograms, which dog grew more compared to
its original weight? Learning to reason using proportion is a complex process that
develops over an extended period (ACARA, 2020).

What does proportional thinking look like in a

K-2 classroom?
In the early years, place value, multiplication, division and fractions introduce ideas
of proportionality (Van de Walle, 2015). Students begin reasoning proportionally as
they divide quantities using the ideas of ‘fair’ and ‘the same’ in developing a sense of
equality and compare the relationship between quantities for example ‘twice as big’
and ‘half as much’ (Department of Education and Training Victoria).

Students need to be able to work meaningfully with a wide range of numbers

and have access to multiplicative thinking, for example in terms of coordinating
composite units and using the ‘for each’ idea.

For further information, see Multiplicative thinking K-2 (pp. 31-34) and
Proportional thinking in the Numeracy guide Years 3 to 8 (pp. 37-39).

Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 35

Askew, M. (2016). Transforming primary mathematics: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2014).
Understanding classroom tasks, tools and talk. Principles to actions: Ensuring mathematics
New York: Routledge. success for all. Teaching children mathematics.
21 (2).
Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting
Authority. (2018). National Numeracy Learning NSW Mathematics K-10 Syllabus. (2022). NESA.
Progression. Adapted by NSW Education
Papic, M. (2007). Promoting repeating patterns with
Standards Authority for NSW syllabuses.
young children: More than just alternating colours.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting Australian primary mathematics classroom.
Authority. (2020). National Numeracy Learning 12 (3), 8-13.
Progression, version 3.0.
Queensland Government Department of Education.
Booker, G., Bond, D., Sparrow, L., and Swan, P. (2014). (2020). Age appropriate pedagogies: Play-based
Teaching primary mathematics (5th edition). learning. Retrieved from: https://earlychildhood.
Australia: Pearson Education.
Goos, Geiger and Dole. (2012). Changing classroom PDF
practice through a rich model of numeracy across
the curriculum. 12th International Congress on Siemon, D., and Breed, M. (2005). Assessing
Mathematical Education. Seoul, Korea: COEX. Multiplicative Thinking Using Rich Tasks.
RMIT University.
Kilpatrick, Swafford and Findell. (2001). Adding It Up:
Helping Children learn mathematics (Chapter 4: Siemon, D., Beswick, K., Brady, K., Clark, J., Faragher,
The strands of mathematical proficiency, page 116) R., and Warren, E. (2019). Teaching mathematics:
National Research Council. Washington, DC: Foundation to middle years (2nd edition).
The National Academies Press. Victoria: Oxford.

McIntosh, A., Reys, B., Reys, R., Bana, J., Farrell, B. Siemon, D., Breed, M., Beswick, K., Brady, K., Clark, J.,
(1997). Number sense in school mathematics: Faragher, R., Horne, M., Jazby, D., Miller, J.,
student performance in four countries. Perth, and Warren, E. (2020). Teaching mathematics:
Australia: Mathematics, Science and Technology Foundation to middle years (3rd edition).
Education Centre, Edith Cowan University. Victoria: Oxford.

Mulligan, J. T., and Mitchelmore, M. C. (2009). Sullivan, P. (2016). Mathematics proficiencies |

Awareness of pattern and structure in early The Australian Curriculum.
mathematical development. Mathematics
Warren, E. (2005). Young children’s ability to
Education Research Journal, 21(2), 33-49.
generalise the pattern rule for growing patterns.
Mulligan, J. (2010). Reconceptualising early In H. Chick and J. Vincent (Eds.), Proceedings of
mathematics learning. Teaching mathematics? the 29th conference of the International Group for
Make it count: What research tells us about the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 4,
effective teaching and learning of mathematics pp. 305- 312). Melbourne: Program Committee.
(Proceedings of the Australian Council for
Educational Research Conference) (pp. 47-52).
Camberwell, Vic: ACER.


Numeracy guide – Kindergarten to Year 2 36

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