Effects of Colonial Policies in Terms of System of Education of Philippine Life

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When Spaniards came in the Philippines in 1521, they were surprise that the
natives’ in the Philippines had high literacy, they know how to read and write using the 17
symbol alphabet called the Baybayin script. Though, the education was not formal, and it
mainly focused on basic practical knowledge as well as worshipping the Bathala.
The first formal education that the Spanish colonizers implemented was mainly
religion-based and was controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. Parish friar put forth
great effort to teach the indigenous people to read believing that literacy was the key to
better lifestyles the friars establish parochial schools linked with churches to teach
catechism to the natives. Aside from catechism, the friars taught Latin and Spanish
grammar (to be used in religious ceremonies). Education was manage, supervised, and
controlled by the friars and this system continued until the introduction of the modern
public education system in 1863.
Queen Isabella in Spain ordered the Education Decree, which provided free
access to primary education for boys and girls in each town. It provides a complete and
structured educational system, with primary education leading to secondary and tertiary
education. The curriculum required the study of Christian doctrine, values and history as
well as reading and writing in Spanish, Mathematics, Agriculture, etiquette, singing, world
geography, and Spanish history. Girls were also taught sewing. Although secondary and
higher education were made available to the local inhabitants by virtue of the 1863
Education Decree, only the Ilustrados (wealthy locals) who could afford to send their
children to study. Some of them even ventured to Europe to complete their studies. This
access to the higher education and exposure to the liberal trends in Europe crystallized
the idea of fighting for independence in the minds of the Ilustrados. The education of the
Ilustrados indirectly fueled the nationalist spirit of the locals toward a reform movement,
and consequently a revolution against Spain.


• Indigenous history and customs once practiced and observed slowly slip away.
• Create desires to disassociate with native heritage but effects the individual and the
sense of self-confidence.
•Many colonized children enter a condition of hybridity in which they have encountered a
lot of cultural forms, beliefs, practices and power dynamics.
Group 5 Members:
 Actub, Gael
 Enanod, Jean Laiza
 Estrano, Kristine
 Indedano, Cyrene
 Lumanta, Luvismin
 Nericua, Christian Faith
 Otero, Zussane
 Tarpin, Ma. Andrea

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